American Reacts to Why Denmark Is Insanely Well Designed

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @_-martin-_
    @_-martin-_ 8 місяців тому +119

    I'm an engineer from Denmark who works in the US and Europe. I can confirm that the higher taxes in Denmark are worth every penny because the return of investment is much higher as the Danish government actually serves it's people and provides the services and infrastructure needed for a modern society to thrive. Compared, the US is now a 3rd world country with crumbling infrastructure and a corrupt government that does not serve its people. The US politicians are in the pockets of the oligarchy and the military congress media industrial complex. Also, the cost of living in Denmark and the US is not that different when you consider the hidden taxes in the US such as healthcare insurance, cost of education, etc. You have to consider the total cost of living. If you only consider the tax percentage you are a dimwit.

    • @pliashmuldba
      @pliashmuldba 8 місяців тому

      I like to ask this fellow Dane something.
      So ? if our country is so nice, why can we not attract educated people to the place, i mean there are even housing rebates or temp tax deductions and still PPL do not come.
      Also, the Danish welfare system are under dismantling, right now Nurses and doctors most often feel between bad and shitty in their jobs, even if politicians just bribed these with higher pay,,,,, the same politicians that ruined these peoples job in the first place.
      In Denmark there are 0 laws in regard to Lobbying, i assume our Ubermench politicians are above approach from such things, even if we have seen them take various things from holidays to Swiss watches and what not.
      Personally i have 0 trust in ANY political party here, and so i am not able to participate in the democratic process here, CUZ i am way past done voting for the lesser of 15 evils.
      Denmark is dying too, just take longer as we are falling from higher up than others, but make no mistakes they are sending us to hell.
      Now living, and not least over time, like say getting kids and sending / setting them off on their educational and human path, well i think compared to other places like the US it is about the same, just you leave more to the nanny state to take care off.
      And i am firmly against nanny state, i al very much pro absolute minimum state.
      Me for instance i have of course never gotten any kids, mainly due to my poor judgments in life, but also should i have gotten one back when it was timely, well no way in hell would i send it to a public school there, i still remember my personal trauma in the 70ties

    • @Jens-Viper-Nobel
      @Jens-Viper-Nobel 8 місяців тому +10

      @@pliashmuldba Maybe you haven't noticed, but Denmark is actually having a fairly good influx of educated people in these years. Of noteworthy interest is Great Britain and in particular the US. I work as a trucker, and I have been doing it for almost 45 years. When I started, you might meet the occasional Brit or American who were over here, working on a temporary basis for their mother company back home. Today, I meet several people from both countries who actually have settled down here to live and work and retire. And they are not the only ones. We also have a lot more Italians and French and Poles and a few others on the educated scale coming here to settle down. We even get people from India up here who have actually worked high pay educated jobs back home, especially in IT.
      The welfare system has always had both ups and downs. Right now, the sick and invalided people are the ones being trampled. But since you live here, you must be aware that even though they removed the førtidspension, they have inserted 2 new ones to make up for it. Sure. One is intended to only be eligible to very few people at all, but the other one is actually there for every one of us. You know the one. The Arne pension.
      Public schools have always received way to little money. But if you dare to be honest, can you show me any country, even Finland included, where this is not the case? That's a given all over the world.
      Lobbyism exists just fine. Both here and in every other country. Just like too little money to public schools. No need to dwell on that as even countries with laws to alledgedly curb it are infested with it. And as for the politicians, Name me one single politician other than Waclaw Havel and Ghandi who were and are not in it for themselves above anything else across the world.
      That nanny state you are talking about is all pervasive in Scandinavia and Finland and even in the Faroes and Iceland. But funny enough, these are also the countries with the best living conditions and freedoms for their populations. It's not all rosary and shiny. Far from it. And it never will be. Plenty of shit to go around in every one of them. But may I suggest that you move to any country in Europe or further afield and live there for a few years and then come back and give us the gen on just how much better they are to live in.
      Nothing wrong with having no kids. Life is full of both choices and opportunities and coincidental situations that will either provide you with kids or keep you out of the parent group. And is that a poor judgement on your side because you wanted kids or because the choices you made just never left that possibility a viable one? Don't be too hard on yourself in that regard.
      And as for your bad experience with the school system in the 70's, I'm sorry it turned out that way for you, but you at least seem to have pulled through with some very fine language skills despite that. But I have to say that it is partly because your parents put you in the wrong school. I was lucky like all the other kids in my school. We had good teachers who worked their butt off to get us the best possible results. But you only had to look at the school just 500 meters away to see the very meaning of the term "Bad school" in every respect of that term. And most of those who attended that school had to either fight extremely hard in later life to overcome the problems they faced because of it, or end up with the most menial jobs and opportunities in life. Some from there managed to stay afloat and succeed despite the conditions of course. But they were not the norm. And again, we are into a problem that you will find in every country in the world. And even among the socalled finest schools, private or public, in the world. Both then and now and in the future.
      Again, to sum it all up. Yes. You will find a shitload of problems if you look for them. The perfect country simply doesn't exist. And no matter how good that country is, there will always be groups of people who fall between the chairs and the safety nets. I've been there myself when I was younger. But just remember to look at the other side as well. Denmark is NOT the best country in the world. But wethere you like it or not, we are one of the countries in the top of the list despite all our untrustworthy politicians.
      And most importantly, Not even the best possible government (now there's a contradiction in terms) can help you succeed in life if you are not prepared to make an effort yourself.

    • @sancte3982
      @sancte3982 8 місяців тому +5

      @@pliashmuldba uhm.. over the last 10 years our foreign workforce has doubled 2 times, i do not know where you get your information from.
      also, "the Danish welfare system are under dismantling", we've heard this story the last 60 years, without any significant change to worse or better. i assure you our healthcare system is fine, ofcourse its under more pressure than usual but mostly because we need people in the workforce.
      Lobbying both strengthens and threatens democracy and could use some regulation i agree on that point.
      Denmark is dying? haha .. take a look at our history books, and you will realise denmark has never been in a better position than it is right now.
      all in all, your comment was one big pile of rubbish, and you will not find another dane agreeing with you 😅
      Tak for kaffe

    • @pliashmuldba
      @pliashmuldba 8 місяців тому +1

      @@sancte3982 Well for good reasons i do not socialize with very many Danes, even if i live here.
      I recon you do not have old parents needing care, i have and it is a mess, literally
      So every time i visit my mother, which is just 2 times a week, well diaper change and cleaning are often something i have to do while there.
      And i can see it nagging my mother CUZ she was herself a caretaker for several decades.
      And i remember her telling stories of all the nice elderly PPL she visited, and then going shopping together ASO, you can rest assures as long as my mother have relatives that show up nobody is doing any shopping for her.
      Actually as i am old myself and early retired i have just had to fight to get my mother some transport CUZ i simply are no longer able to get her in and out of my car.
      Now regarding school, i went there in the 70ties, and back then it was bad, i have no reason to think it is any better today, and i can assure you that IF i had fathered any children public school would not have been a option for them.
      My friends nephew which his lone mother put thru private school he do quite good, after ending his education it was a few months and he no longer live in Denmark.
      I admire the kids mother CUZ she did not get a dime or less at least from anyone as she did not tell who the kids father was.
      So you can latch on to me being on the take myself and so i should not whine, but yes i get pension, but i have also worked and educated myself since i was 16, actually i have even had 2 full time jobs at some times, and i have seen many, actually most of the people i knew when i was younger never working in their life and collect early retirement at the age of 30 CUZ some A-hole social worker couldent be bothered with them anymore.
      And i am pretty sure you will find at least a few 100.000 people like that in Denmark today, which is a lot when only 3 million of os are working.
      And BTW those people, well the social inheritance is working just fine so the 2-3-4 kids they had, well very few of them managed to break that bond, so they too never work.
      O and BTW care takers, some times when i visit my mother one of them is sitting in their car, it can be a hour before they do something.
      My friend also experienced it when his parents was alive and in need of care, he timed a care taker being on facebook for 45 minutes sitting outside their house in a car.
      Regarding improvements in general, well i cant really think of a single thing being instigated that made life better for us all, and i sure as hell can not remember a single thing in Denmark getting cheaper in the past 30 years.
      Everything get worse and more expensive.
      Okay maybe criminals got it better, as you probably know the more crime you do the less sentence you do when they finally get a career criminal to court, IMO i think in stead of a rebate they should get a additional sentence, but it is the other way around.
      I have been to hospital 2 times.
      1: around 1980 got a fingertip crushed by a few tons, i waited 3 hours on the hospital before they had time to look at my finger, after leaving the finger bleed thru the bandage and 1 hour later i had to return to get a few more stitches this time no sedative.
      10 years ago i had a doctor take a look at and remove a Cyst in my jaw, ( not uncommon happening where wisdom teeth have been )
      The problem was he cut over a nerve in my face, so since then a large part of the R side of my face have been numb, so on the rare occasions i smile, well it is just the L side of my face that do any expression to signal that but it mainly look grotesque.

    • @fredriknumse8991
      @fredriknumse8991 7 місяців тому +1

      @@pliashmuldba I think your experiences are a rare one. I for one have had very few problems with the things you're describing. I have an elderly dad, and elderly grandparents who all needs taken care of, and the system is doing very well for them. Coming regularly, helping them, etc. Sure every now and then you get someone who is a little useless, but that's the nature of people. And as for public vs private school then there are massive differences between just public schools. There have been horror stories of some really shitty public schools yes, but most public schools are either average or above average (though they can still be much better!). And private schools are not always good, I've had some friends and family that went/goes to private school and it doesn't seem so much better than your average public school.
      And yes, of course things get more expensive, that's called growing the economy. Workers get more pay > prices rise. About the quality of things, i have no say in. It's not something i have felt myself getting worse, and it's not really something measurable.
      If you go to most any other country then you will find that Denmark is doing very well compared to most other countries. That's not to say we can sit back and relax, but it's to say that you need to stop being so bitter.

  • @ane-louisestampe7939
    @ane-louisestampe7939 8 місяців тому +37

    The Danish Realm consist of Denmark, Greenland and the Faroes Island. We run independly, except international- and defence politics.
    Iceland gained independence in 1944.

  • @AnthondeVries
    @AnthondeVries 8 місяців тому +3

    4:20 that bridge is big at 6.7km (4.16m) but the afsluit dijk is 32km (19.88m) 11:45 you can and its free if you have a folding bike, otherwise you have to pay for it.

  • @GryLi
    @GryLi 8 місяців тому +5

    I pay my tax without complaint. We get alot for the money. just to name a few: Free healtcare, free education, well maintained infrastructure and subsidised childcare.

  • @AngryDane
    @AngryDane 5 місяців тому

    17:38 the Great Belt Bridge was build to last 100 years, a few years go that was extended to 200 years.

  • @TVWJ
    @TVWJ 3 місяці тому +1

    Afsluitdijk in the Netherlands is not a bridge, it is a dam.

  • @henrywooddk
    @henrywooddk Місяць тому

    Regarding Iceland: Iceland was part of the Kingdom of Denmark until 1944 (if I remember the year correctly). Until then it was its own country (like for instance Scotland in the UK) but foreign affairs etc. (of the Kingdom) was handled from Denmark

  • @Shifu56
    @Shifu56 8 місяців тому +1

    Once at the hospital and your account is empty. And less well off people can't even afford insurance.
    In Denmark, we pay so that everyone has access, and I mean everyone. I gladly pay my taxes so that everyone has an opportunity.
    The education system is also paid for through our taxes. You don't have to be rich because it's paid for. All in all, the system benefits everyone.
    So it is not only the hospital that is paid for. It is much more…

  • @LuciusFaith
    @LuciusFaith Місяць тому

    haha both bridges where out done by some chineese megaprojects that later collapsed and they only built them to make them larger!

  • @richardejgaardfrandsen7502
    @richardejgaardfrandsen7502 2 місяці тому

    you also pay your car insurence hoping never having to use it. my wife had breast cancer and had to have to types of cemo. price for the cemo alone 800000 kroner, not counting surgery and health care at the hospital. in the USA a working cancer treatment can be broken of it the patient runs out of money. the worlds best country - my but

    • @berrycarbs
      @berrycarbs Місяць тому

      28 years ago I got meningococcal meningitis and was hospitalised for a month with two weeks in induced coma on a ventilator - that month cost the taxpayers around 3 million Dkr. Had I been American I would have been bankrupt at the ripe age of 22! So I pay my taxes proudly and willingly. I’d gladly pay more if it benefited the broader population concerning healthcare, childcare and elderly care….

  • @LuciusFaith
    @LuciusFaith Місяць тому

    6.10 dude denmark is so small it takes you 5 hours on roads to get around the whole country! why would buissnesses suffer from lowering the traffic of workers in transport! if any it is going to increase profits because real estate projects can get less noise!

  • @JanBruunAndersen
    @JanBruunAndersen 8 місяців тому

    #14:08 - Not "audio fife". Quality of life 😉

  • @HelleKurstein
    @HelleKurstein 5 місяців тому

    Iceland is an independant country. Greenland and the Faroe Islands are now largely self-governing parts of Denmark. (Not always so nice in the past. But with increasing autonomy, support and respect). Trump's unbelievably clumsy attempt to "buy Greenland from Denmark" was the most stunning insult to Greenlanders for a long time. Followed up by a gross insult to all of Denmark - and anyone else believing in human rights and democracy.

  • @daphnelovesL
    @daphnelovesL 8 місяців тому +3

    It's Greenland not Iceland

  • @veronicajensen7690
    @veronicajensen7690 8 місяців тому +1

    Iceland is not part of Kingdom of Denmark anymore-Greenland and Faroe Island is

  • @SimonRaahauge1973
    @SimonRaahauge1973 8 місяців тому

    digital things are ungerman, so they lack behind.......

  • @akyhne
    @akyhne 8 місяців тому +43

    "We" don't learn bike culture, from the Dutch people. The Danish biking culture has always been there.
    Yeah, their infrastructure is bigger, and they have more km of bike paths around the country. It's also a population 3 times the size of Denmark's.

    • @matjocs4453
      @matjocs4453 7 місяців тому +1

      population 3 times the size of Denmark and 1.000 km2 smaller than denmark.

    • @Kooczsi
      @Kooczsi 4 місяці тому +1

      @@matjocs4453 what a dense country damn

  • @stinekarlsen
    @stinekarlsen 8 місяців тому +40

    The amazing thing is, that is it not just healthcare, We pay to. We get `free` Education ( being paid as a student), We have our roads to infertility programs (now up to two children). Daycare and nursing Homes are cheaper. We have a safety net, when you are unemploid. Goverment make agrements on the prices for medical Bills, train tickets, and a lot more, to keep the costs down. So We get a lot for Our tax `dollar` And yes. We are not perfect. But much more stress free. Thanks for reacting.

  • @Saphie688
    @Saphie688 8 місяців тому +22

    I saw a video of an American who moved to Denmark and apparently they had as much money after taxes here as in America when everything is payed

    • @timpeterjensen2364
      @timpeterjensen2364 7 місяців тому +8

      yes, taxes in denmark are just more front end, but then after that everything has been paid for, where a check in the US might seem bigger, the second all the added taxes and insurances and debts from things that are free in Denmark start popping in, we are not that far appart, but with a whole lot less worries in Denmark.

  • @jvos
    @jvos 8 місяців тому +30

    Im a railway signal engineer myself in the netherlands. Danmark is ahead with its signaling system. So after germany/netherlands caught up with ERTMS/ETCS the train connections can be better improved.
    Also the bikes compartment in denmark are not something seen in the Netherlands, in which during rush-hour bikes aren’t allowed. A plus for denmark in this case. I just had a bike on both my start and end station.
    Great video :)

    • @JacobBax
      @JacobBax 8 місяців тому +6

      Denmark is as big as the netherlands, and has a 1/3 of the population.

    • @dutchman7623
      @dutchman7623 8 місяців тому +3

      Bicycle compartments means longer trains. The occupation rate is high in the Netherlands and in rush hour you have to stand in trains. Platforms do not accommodate longer trains, that is why double deck trains were introduced. Only other solution is an even higher frequency of trains, which is only possible by the security and guarding systems you mentioned. Because a bicycle ticket will still be required, massive numbers of bicycles on trains will remain futuristic in the low lands.

    • @TainDK
      @TainDK 8 місяців тому +2

      @@dutchman7623 The trains compartment shown here requires no bike ticket - its the S-Train - With a bike, thats all you kinda need as you can bike to the train and from the train. When i feel like cheating (rainy mornings) i bike 3k to the train, and 1½km from the train instead of all 10km to work. The nearest station from my home is 1½km away but requires me to change and is a slower option to or from work. My cheat route is just a tiny bit faster than biking all the way.

    • @dutchman7623
      @dutchman7623 8 місяців тому

      @@TainDK It is a good solution, no doubt about that. But for Dutch circumstances of today, it would not be possible in my country.

  • @charlottefich3928
    @charlottefich3928 8 місяців тому +19

    Paying taxes in a society is a great way in which we can support each other.
    This is how you create a community. Community is far stronger than every man his own success.
    All people have the right to a good life.
    The strong, as well as the weak.
    You don't have to be rich to get an education. If you fall ill or have an accident, you will be treated. If you become unemployed, you will receive support.
    If you are smart enough you can become a millionaire. Ideas such as LEGO, electromagnetism, insulin production and development are good Danish examples that you can easily make it far in Denmark.
    If you're not that nimble, you can still live a decent life.
    Tax is good when it comes back in the form of a reasonable structure.

    • @pliashmuldba
      @pliashmuldba 8 місяців тому

      How about all of the people taking advantage of your / your societys generosity ?
      I can assure you just on attitude to general life questions / matters, there are at the very least 250.000 People in this country i have absolute ZERO sympathy for and absolutely do not want to support.
      And dont get me started opening up for other questionable persons, we will fast approach 1 million ( dont worry none of these PPL are working / have ever worked / will ever work )
      And then there is the 3 million working PPL here, a large chunk of them ( of the 820.000 government employees ) i like to get into more rewarding jobs than pushing papers around, or data in highly questionable computer systems.

    • @charlottefich3928
      @charlottefich3928 8 місяців тому +7

      @@pliashmuldba Although there are people who take advantage of the Danish social model, Denmark is still a much better country to live in than most other countries. As I read your text, you would rather sacrifice our basic social model to escape some more or less anti-social individuals. The result will just be a system where there will be much more inequality. Poor people who will not be able to get an education and thereby serve our country. Large increase in crime which will make the country more insecure. (Denmark is the second most peaceful country in the world, surpassed only by Iceland). You would rather live with all of this than tolerate some taking advantage of the Danish Model. That's what I call bad business! What are you missing in your life? You can easily become a multi-millionaire if you are brilliant enough. If you are just averagely gifted, like most of us, you can still have a decent life in our Denmark.

    • @pliashmuldba
      @pliashmuldba 8 місяців тому

      @@charlottefich3928 O yes i have seen much worse places in my travels around the world, but i would only compare Denmark to relevant countries, and them for me at least Denmark loose a lot of its luster.
      Also i am not entirely against the Danish model but it need to be streamlined and made more economical viable.
      I know people that got a lot of kids, CUZ it was good money, also got a " pro forma " divorce CUZ living together was bad for the economy.
      Meanwhile on the side these people would make like 20 - 30 - 40.000 kr / mo on the side, dealing in just about any form of crime, but predominantly drug sale ( out of the apartment you pay for )
      And before you get started in saying that is a risk, well let me just say that in the decade or two i wasted with such people no one ever went to jail.
      And these people, well today many of them are 60 and maybe a little older, and in their entire life until they got early retirement by some lazy social worker, well they have worked maybe a couple of months, that is less than i have called in sick for work in my career, and i generally do not skip work for a little sore throat or runny nose.
      Anyways people like that i take as a personal insult to my moral and integrity, and i HATE all that allow for something like that to happen.

    • @charlottefich3928
      @charlottefich3928 8 місяців тому +3

      @@pliashmuldba So, you have known people who lived immoral lives. They are fewer than most and many of them are discovered and thus held accountable. They are peanuts compared to the Danish economy. So pay your taxes with pleasure. Think of all the people who actually get the opportunity to live a dignified life. Drop your thoughts about the antisocial individuals. Don't waste time on them. Enjoy the greatness of helping to take care of your community as a whole. Sharing is a good philosophy of life. Remember that you, or those you care about, may end up in a situation where the large joint system is needed. All paid!

    • @pliashmuldba
      @pliashmuldba 8 місяців тому

      @@charlottefich3928 That was pretty much ALL of the people i hung out with back then, now i was working / educating myself and trust me in that group i was very much the oddball.
      So it was not just a couple of the guys, lets say of the 30 or so people i saw regularly back then 3 or 3 of us was educated and provably working, then a couple other may be just working, but the rest pretty much just freeloading parasites.
      Now i dont want to see anyone go to bed hungry, but that can be done a lot cheaper than giving people pocket money and a all expenses paid apartment.
      Now of course i did break contact to those people as i grew up and lost my own after work hours parasite tendencies, so i can of course not say for sure what they all been doing since the late 80ties.
      I know a few have died from overdoses most often, and one already served 1 time for murder, well he just got 17 years in prison for mixing drugs up on a farm.
      Funny thing when he moved to our neighbourhood in the west of Århus, he was a nice "little" boy,,,, we soon ruined that.
      I am on " welfare " now, been on early retirement since i was 50, so 7 years.
      I still do not like it one bit, but there is very little i can do, and soon i will probably have to start on the very strong painkillers.
      Anyway at least i tried for many years, i have also at times worked 2 full time jobs, and i have worked outside Denmark for a few years too not paying a dime in tax then.
      I am 100 % ok helping unfortunate people, but it is not them i talk about.
      It is all the people not even or barely trying, and after all in this country just about anything are open for you if you just try, and of course have the intellect for what ever you set out after, i for one would never have been a academic, my 9.5 years in school even to this day i call my life long trauma, and i can recall many bad experiences from school, actually lying in bed every day for 7-8-9-10 hours trying to fall asleep, these are some of the things my brain will throw up again and again preventing me from sleeping more than 2-3-4 hours a day.

  • @danielbelllarsen9170
    @danielbelllarsen9170 8 місяців тому +10

    As a dave that no longer live in Denmark I can assure you that the tax is worth every penny. Just the security and peace of gives that everything works, always, is worth it all, and paying for health insurance, education, road taxes etc as upp to far more money in the end.

  • @DullyDust
    @DullyDust 8 місяців тому +16

    We don't own Iceland but Greenland and the Faroe Islands count on our government for various things like currency and military among other things
    Edit: I have no idea what he said there either
    Edit 2: I love that in the Netherlands we just use the bank app with NFC on our phones or our debit or credit cards to beep on a little dedicated machine in the public transport when you go in and when you leave, no extra plastic card required. I hope that Denmark will implement that as well

    • @dutchman7623
      @dutchman7623 8 місяців тому +7

      Note: Iceland is the green one, and the one covered with ice is Greenland.

    • @DullyDust
      @DullyDust 8 місяців тому +1

      @@dutchman7623 indeed ^^

    • @akyhne
      @akyhne 8 місяців тому +2

      There are benefits to the travel card, you wouldn't have with a bank payment.
      And yes, we have instant money transfer with an app, nfc payment etc.

    • @agffans5725
      @agffans5725 8 місяців тому +1

      @@dutchman7623 .. Yes but this is both due to Danish Viking humor, but also was meant as a "sales pitch" when trying to make other Danes move to the newly discovered Greenland, by naming it "green", trying to cover up and hide that moving there was probably not really a good an idea.

    • @mikeyb2932
      @mikeyb2932 6 місяців тому +1

      For your first 'edit' I'm pretty sure he said 'urban planning and quality of life...'.

  • @chrislambaa7586
    @chrislambaa7586 8 місяців тому +8

    One error. The storebælts bridge has been payed off for many years. The government just dont want to stop the payments, because it brings alot of money to the government.

    • @slaustsen2
      @slaustsen2 8 місяців тому +2

      And for maintenance of the bridge

    • @hrxify
      @hrxify 4 місяці тому

      Not to the government but to the state

  • @michael-gk3ib
    @michael-gk3ib 8 місяців тому +8

    in Denmark we don't have any medical bankruptcies and you can get a PhD without student debt. last year we got a tax cut and people were angry because we would rather have the money spent on more education and on more health, that's how Danes think, we don't mind paying taxes, especially not when we see how ordinary Americans have to struggle to get afford just health insurance.

    • @pingvingaming
      @pingvingaming 4 місяці тому

      More tax cuts Ukraine doesn't need our money

  • @jesperjuhl6494
    @jesperjuhl6494 7 місяців тому +16

    (Dane here) You may be paying for stuff you don't need all the time, but when you *do* need it it's just there and free, also, you are helping your fellow countrymen who may need it more than you - which is nice.

    • @Ikkeligeglad
      @Ikkeligeglad 6 місяців тому

      Let's put it another way, if you live in Denmark's rural areas you pay for something they only get in the big cities, we who live outside the big cities get nothing except high taxes on the cars we need to get around to be able to go to work

    • @Kooczsi
      @Kooczsi 4 місяці тому +2

      @@Ikkeligeglad har i ikke gratis hospitaler og skoler på landet?

    • @Ikkeligeglad
      @Ikkeligeglad 4 місяці тому

      @@Kooczsi Selvfølgelig har vi det, vi skal bare køre langt for at komme dertil og det bliver jo ikke billigere at køre en km i bil og da offentlig transport bliver sparet væk er vi nødt til at have en bil .
      Alle dem der bor i de store byer mener at det skal være meget dyrere at køre i bil for man kan jo bare tage et offentligt transportmiddel, det er jo så nemt og billigt og det udleder jo ikke så meget co2.
      Get my point??
      Ikke nok med det så er det snart slut med at køre ind i de større byer hvis man har en fosil bil som vi har her ude på landet, vi er nødt til at køre i gamle biler da de prisstigninger på boliger ikke kommer os tilgode, eksempelvis så er mit hus blevet vuderet til at være steget 20% i værdi siden 1990, det giver ikke meget friværdi til at købe noget for reelt set så er vores boliger faldet i værdi da der ikke er råd til kultur, hospitaler, uddannelsesinstitutioner offentlig transport osv. det vil sige det der er med til at gøre det atraktivt at bosætte sig her, derfor falder værdien af vores boliger( altså hvis det er muligt at sælge)
      Er du privilegieblind eller hvad??

    • @Ikkeligeglad
      @Ikkeligeglad 4 місяці тому

      @@Kooczsi Så du mener at hvis der er 15 km til nærmeste skole og 50km til et hospital så er alt fint?

    • @annemarie7682
      @annemarie7682 4 місяці тому +1

      @@Ikkeligegladbut on the country there is so much for free , nature , blue sky , no neighbors, .people from the big cities have to pay to come and see it

  • @neptune5728
    @neptune5728 4 місяці тому +5

    One correction to the video: not the majority of Danes live in Copenhagen. The large majority live outside Copenhagen :)

  • @riconl2937
    @riconl2937 8 місяців тому +9

    Have been working for a Danish company, in NL. Each month I was a few weeks in DK for meeting with colleagues. Always liked it tgere. Also I learnt the Danish language a bit, so I could pick up a rental car at Billund airport without the need for speaking English.

    • @hrxify
      @hrxify 4 місяці тому +1

      WOW. Dutch is easy to read as it is a mix of Danish, German and English 🤭 But not easy to understand when spoken. Nice that you could hire a car using Dutch. I met a lot of nice Duth persons camping in France. Danes and Dutch people have a lot in common. The only word I remember is Düddelsack/dudelsack. Also used in Danish I realize now 30 years later!

    • @Traveltheworld1818.
      @Traveltheworld1818. 3 місяці тому

      Is Denmark more orderly than Netherlands? Is it better designed?? Less crowded??

    • @riconl2937
      @riconl2937 3 місяці тому

      @@Traveltheworld1818. it's not very different from NL. But, it is much more quiet. I like it a lot.

  • @pevaso-9392
    @pevaso-9392 8 місяців тому +12

    Two thumbs up for Denmark, hope more countries will follow soon to get more people cycling, which is fun and a healthy way to reduce CO2 emissions. Good for all of us :)

  • @JanBruunAndersen
    @JanBruunAndersen 8 місяців тому +5

    #16:20 - Just to clarify: It is 80 % of the physical tracks and signal systems that is state-owned. Locomotives and the rolling stock can be (and is) from different companies (and countries).

  • @mariafriflet9082
    @mariafriflet9082 8 місяців тому +7

    On the private/public upkeep and planning of the public transport and infrastructure. Since Denmark is small and filled with choke points like bridges, a private company would have monopoly of the rail roads in an area and less interest in upkeep and service as the customers would have no other options. You can’t just build a competing rail way. Bus companies wouldn’t prioritise low density areas as there’s fewer customers etc so there would be less or no busses (and it’s already pretty bad in some remote areas). There’s several cross country private busses, but they are just an add on to the system and use the existing infrastructure.

    • @ImRezaF
      @ImRezaF 8 місяців тому

      clearly you never been to japan 😂

  • @millerman7799
    @millerman7799 4 місяці тому +4

    Business in Jylland & Fyn (West Denmark) probably won't suffer at all because of this project, if anything, it should actually give the mainland peninsula some much needed air and far less congestion on the motorways. Most of the traffic passing through is just vehicles from places like Sweden and Greater Copenhagen, they usually don't make any stops to throw money at anything on their way back and forth, they don't benefit the local danes and are considered "unwanted traffic". However, a couple of border shops in Southern Schleswig on the german side of the border may want to re-organize, because of a new flow of customers when the Fehmarnbelt Tunnel is finnished :) Iceland was under danish rule before WW2, today Iceland & Denmark still have a very strong relationship and danish is their second language, both are also part of The Nordic Council, but judicially and politically Denmark has absolutely no power over Iceland, they are a 100% independant nation today.

  • @JanBruunAndersen
    @JanBruunAndersen 8 місяців тому +3

    # 7:49 - Not Iceland, Greenland.
    Up until WW2 Iceland was part of the Danish kingdom, but after WW2 (in 1946 I think) Iceland decided to become independent. Greenland however, continues to be part of Denmark but with extensive home rule (and it's own flag and language). The only thing that the local government in Greenland have outsourced to Denmark is foreign affairs, defense, and prisons. And unlike Denmark, Greenland is not part of the EU.
    I think the best way to think about it, is to distinguish between the Kingdom of Denmark and the Country of Denmark. The kingdom includes south Denmark, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands (and used to also include Iceland), while the Denmark (the country) is just the little rich thing squeezed in between Germany, Sweden, and Norway.

  • @sidecarroadshow
    @sidecarroadshow 8 місяців тому +2

    Hi Charlie (and family), if you plan to travel in 2024, come to Denmark, we will gladly house you, and show you around. Best regards

  • @EDDIEC3c
    @EDDIEC3c 8 місяців тому +6

    You can take bikes in the Dutch trains we have also a dedicated section for it
    Batavus is indeed a Dutch brand

    • @JacobBax
      @JacobBax 8 місяців тому +1

      Only outside rush hour if you use the NS

    • @akyhne
      @akyhne 8 місяців тому

      You can bring a bike in DK at any time, but you have to reserve a place for it.

  • @JacobBax
    @JacobBax 8 місяців тому +4

    Well, those stupid plastic cards don't need a battery.

  • @JanBruunAndersen
    @JanBruunAndersen 8 місяців тому +2

    #8:55 - That 'thing' is the new opera house. A donation by a fund setup by the founder of A. P. Møller, the company behind the world's 2nd largest shipping company, Mærsk-Sealand.

    • @petertuxen4930
      @petertuxen4930 5 місяців тому +1

      Damn. Maersk Sealand, was a long long time ago. After buying a few other companies, it's just Maersk Line.

  • @slaustsen2
    @slaustsen2 8 місяців тому +1

    in a little more than 20 years ago I thought in the same way as you do how often do I need the doctor how often do I need to be a trip to the hospital how often do I need medicine after I am out for my accident for 20 years ago road accident I have needed a doctor since then I have actually never gone to a doctor anymore I do now but it is nice you can go to a doctor book an appointment go to a doctor without it costing anything and you can also get a subsidy for medicine if it is required and you cannot afford to pay for medicine yourself if it is if it is an expensive medicine you have to have then you get a subsidy for it but now I have chronic pain so yes for my medicine delivered every fortnight at the pharmacy and there is some subsidy for that, so I hope it can help you a little to understand how it works and here in Denmark you can also sign up for a health insurance called Denmark, they give subsidies for 350 different forms of help him that is for one to have help with one's diet, dentist or glasses and many other things, I hope you have become a little wiser about it and otherwise you can try asking an American who has moved to Denmark how it all works, they will most likely know better to explain it so you understand it completely😊

  • @ane-louisestampe7939
    @ane-louisestampe7939 8 місяців тому +2

    You can take a ferry across Fehmern Belt until the tunnel is ready. There's 40+ departures a day.

  • @Ixefar88
    @Ixefar88 8 місяців тому +2

    I hate that you are always comparing Denmark to the netherlands. Netherland got inspired by denmarks bike lanes.

    • @berrycarbs
      @berrycarbs Місяць тому

      And that’s a fact! But the Netherlands are his first love and we must appreciate that… 😂

    • @Ixefar88
      @Ixefar88 Місяць тому

      @@berrycarbs and I do... I love KFC but i dont compare every food to it.

  • @AngryDane
    @AngryDane 5 місяців тому +1

    8:00 probably already answered in the comments, but Iceland got its independence in 1918 from Norway-Denmark, to become the Kingdom of Iceland, with ties to the Danish Royal family, and left the Danish kingdom doing WW2 in 1944 and became a republic

  • @buildthelanes
    @buildthelanes 8 місяців тому

    OBF is well known for ripping other channels off. I wont be surprised when he starts copying me 😂

  • @rasmusholgersen2416
    @rasmusholgersen2416 2 дні тому

    a dane here. I get payed like 2400 usd a month, and thats after the 39% tax. there so many ways it can help people. it deseve every danske kroner

  • @22-CC-NEWS
    @22-CC-NEWS 3 дні тому

    Not Iceland, but Greenland! Greenland is their own country, but a part of the danish kingdom

  • @JaapGinder
    @JaapGinder 8 місяців тому +1

    And VDL busses from The Netherlands....
    Yes, ERTMS is (being) implemented all over Europe. Not finished everywhere, but we're close.

  • @LuciusFaith
    @LuciusFaith Місяць тому

    8.03 bro as a mixed race imperial i dont mind you telling people it is iceland! but they became their own country when they voted for independance! and GREENLAND is the country in question here! greenland has their own legislative counsil but is represented in the danish parlement because denmark pays them 5 billions in reperations pr year! it was discovered in late spring and iceland was discovered in winter so the countries got their names mixed up since vikings saw things from ships! and we found cannada like 500 years before the rest of europe!

  • @TVWJ
    @TVWJ 3 місяці тому

    The "scenic route" from Copenhagen to Hamburg (500km ) is not a 4 hour detour, timewise it is maybe 1 hour longer. It is 160 km longer way, but in the "direct" route there is a ferry over Femernbælt. So it takes about 4 hrs. from Copenhagen to Hamburg, (incl 45 min on a ferry, and some time for boarding and disembarking) and about 5 hours over the bridge and Jutland (the "scenic" route). by the way, the Jutland route is not more "scenic" than the other route. Both are all motorway/expressway.

  • @bastian13forty3
    @bastian13forty3 28 днів тому

    That bike you said looked Dutch was actually an amazing guess. The brand of bikes, Batavus, is a Dutch brand, so not only did it look Dutch, but it literally was.

  • @SimonRaahauge1973
    @SimonRaahauge1973 8 місяців тому +1

    it does pay up. even for the highest earners...

  • @neptune5728
    @neptune5728 4 місяці тому

    Some American youtubers have made a video about this: "A Very Basic Look at Taxes - Between Denmark and USA".
    I think the reason why people are levelled "happy" in Scandinavia is that no matter what comes, there is a security net. We may get sick at some point and it doesn't influence your economy as such, when it happens. And your kids are not affected as their education is for free. In the US you go through life making debts when something comes up. Having debt is stressful.

  • @LuciusFaith
    @LuciusFaith Місяць тому

    8.50 that building is the operahouse! erchitechturally (engeneering architechts this is edit!) structured to keep sound reverberating inside the main room whilst nothing can be heard from outside! wonderfull concerts and operas can be heard in there only place (

  • @LuciusFaith
    @LuciusFaith Місяць тому

    16.40 you don't understand! because the government own so much it is a centralized system where rules are followed so you can use a universal paying system across the whole country that works in busses and metros too! everybody wins!

  • @TonnieStormly-fw6ww
    @TonnieStormly-fw6ww Місяць тому

    I think in regard to ghe taxes question. You have to remmeber you can’t equate it to is it worth it for me?
    Because in aversge no i dont think taxpayers get the value of their tax back in services. But in the whole with every citizen in the equation that everyone contributrs to we get 10fold back in value fornour tax money

  • @agffans5725
    @agffans5725 8 місяців тому +1

    "Isn't the government overwhelmed with other stuff ?" you asked. Unlike most of the rest of the World, and not least the USA that always seem to struggle with deficits and balancing a budget, Denmark have had an increasing government budget surplus the past years. It went from a small US$613 million budget deficit in 2020 (because of the covid-19 crisis) to a surprising $8.4 billion surplus in 2021 and a just as surprising $18.4 billion surplus in 2022, which was around $7.5 billion more than was estimated, and this makes the government and parliament able to be proactive at solving possible future problems, instead of reacting too slowly and too late to a problem at hand.
    In the first 2 quarters of 2023 there were a government budget surplus of just around $6.3 billion, but the final figures for the whole year has not yet been released. This is despite Denmark also using billions of $ on military aid on Ukraine and increasing the military budget dramatically.
    In fact, Denmark is in top-5 regarding military aid to Ukraine in % of the GDP along with Norway, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania, while it will probably be a surprise that neither the USA or the UK are even in top-25.
    If we look at the actual $$ figures in total, and not looking at GDP or consider the size of population, then Denmark is still the 5th biggest donor of military aid to Ukraine, right behind Norway and with the UK being 3rd, Germany 2nd, and the USA being the biggest donor
    Right behind Denmark we find Poland in 6th place, and then The Netherlands, Canada, Sweden and Finland in that order in top-10. If you want to see the list of what has actually been donated country by country, from all of the World, then go look up:
    List of military aid to Ukraine during the Russo-Ukrainian War

  • @Korfax124
    @Korfax124 8 місяців тому +1

    The local businesses along the current route won't suffer great financial losses since it's a short route. People on trains don't have to stop since everything they need to stop for is provided on the train (e.g toilets). And it will probably also be that way in the new place, although truck drivers might find some new local restaurants to stop at on the new route.

    • @Jens-Viper-Nobel
      @Jens-Viper-Nobel 8 місяців тому

      Concerning the truckers, they damn well have to. The trip across Femern Belt was a chance to put in the rest and be able to go further south (or north) before having to stop for the night. When that ends and the tunnel takes over, they will be forced to find places to rest closer to Denmark.

  • @KHValby
    @KHValby 5 місяців тому

    OMG! Every thing with you is just about comparing any Country with "The Netherlands" ! Your such a "Dutchafobe" ! Get over it ! Holland "The Netherlands" is a Fantastic Country, but there are other great Countries out there 🤣 ! Come on..., move on !

  • @LuciusFaith
    @LuciusFaith Місяць тому

    15.30 no we are the forerunners other european countries adopt our standards! then we can expand! it just works that way! the trucking transport industry did it. most the normal train transport did it! why wouldn't they support their main provider!

  • @LuciusFaith
    @LuciusFaith Місяць тому

    21.27 before he reacts! this tax ensures healthcare. education. oldpeople care. handicapped people care. i think the only thing that isn't free is like dental care!

  • @Adellund
    @Adellund 5 місяців тому

    If you have government funded healthcare access without worrying about expensive ad-hoc medical bills, you can combat health issues well in advance with yearly doctor's appointments and checkups, dietary advice, health improvements at large. I am not advocating every state in the US to have single payer healthcare plans, but ther are certainly advantages of a government funded healthcare system, as well as there are downsides... its a matter of perspective and how you look at it. Also the money we danes pay into tuition, healthcare etc is a forward investment so future generations can take better care of us when we grow old and are dependant on our future generations. having a healthy and well-connected society benefits us both on the short and the long-term.

  • @mrforcesius
    @mrforcesius 3 місяці тому

    I´m a dane and proud pay the high tax. You never know when you need a doctor. You should look it that way. It´s like an insurance you have on your car. You hope you never need to use it but you have it just in case. That´s the same here.
    You should also chech out Copenhagen driverless metro :)

  • @AngryDane
    @AngryDane 5 місяців тому

    21:28 from watching expats living in Denmark explaining how taxes works in Denmark(Germany) vs. the US, it comes down to around the same cost with health insurance etc. but the system here tries to help everyone, which is also why most schools are free (some stuff you still have to pay for, books etc.), but it an investment in the next generation, you pay it back by getting that degree or education to become a better educated citizen, which helps to pay for all the other stuff and your school, that it is not free but is a shared cost for everyone, so no one or very few are left behind.

  • @agron7073
    @agron7073 5 місяців тому

    Around the 8 minutes mark i think you confused Greenland with Iceland, by saying that Denmark owns iceland. Denmark hasn't owned iceland for a while but we do still have control over greenland.

  • @Laname-Destupid
    @Laname-Destupid 8 місяців тому

    Denmark doesn't own Iceland. Iceland was once a part of our kingdom, but it has been an independant nation for decades. Greenland along with the Faroe Islands
    are still a part of the kingdom (for as long as they want), but we don't own them. Only Trump could suggest that we would sell Greenland to the US, due to his lack of situation feel.

  • @mariamysager2789
    @mariamysager2789 8 місяців тому

    Wondering why the highway cnnection from the northern part of Jutland isn't presented. This higway is used by Norwegians to Denmark and further travel to go to other european countries. And for the rest of people who want to go to the northern part of Denmark, which is quite a turism area. It's simple non existing on this map. I Wonder why. It's quite a stretch.

  • @MrChilidogdk
    @MrChilidogdk 8 місяців тому

    Iceland is not a part of Denmark or even The Kingdom of Denmark.
    But Iceland has been a part of Denmark many years ago. The Faroese Islands and Greenland are still a part of the Kingdom of Denmark. But both have their ovn governments and laws.

  • @evamayakornstad2576
    @evamayakornstad2576 8 місяців тому

    Denmark dosnt own Iceland, its a country of its own. I think you are thinking about Greenland or the Faroe Islands. They are a part of the Danish Kingdom. But they have there own gowerments and laws. They have members in the Danish parlament

  • @CCEDE73
    @CCEDE73 7 місяців тому

    Iceland has been part of Denmark, but is a separate, and completely independent, country. Iceland is also not part of the Kingdom of Denmark (like Greenland and the Faroe Islands are).

  • @bzdtemp
    @bzdtemp 7 місяців тому +1

    As a Dane I can confirm we get a lot for our taxes. While everyone here would of course prefer to pay less, in general people are really okay with those taxes because things are good - part of it we have a very high level of trust and very little corruption (the lowest perceived on the planet).
    There is also the fact, that not only does how well things work feel like a nice security blanket for you and your family it is nice to know everyone is cared for. Be it colleagues, neighbors or total strangers - you just know everyone gets to have a good life even if bad things happen.

  • @ironsworddk7013
    @ironsworddk7013 3 місяці тому

    i dont understand why nearly every amarican thinks us danes sound weird when we talk english (and just talk) when i feel like you and the guy who made the original video sound like you are from the same country

  • @taxcollectors1974
    @taxcollectors1974 8 місяців тому +1

    the tax are worth it i would NEVER move to another countrie meybe Norway cuz they are so close to Denmark but i have to say what i get in Denmark no other country can provide and that is a fact :)

  • @qualitytraders5333
    @qualitytraders5333 8 місяців тому +1

    Denmark and The Netherlands are almost copies of each other where geography and people's caracter are concerned. In 2021 Denmark ranked 27 in the Economic Complexity Index (ECI 1.02), and 37 in total exports ($120B). That same year, Netherlands ranked 22 in the Economic Complexity Index (ECI 1.09), and 6 in total exports ($642B). Many Danes emigrated to The Netherlands and many people have last names pointing to Danish roots. E.g. as a Dutchman my last name is Frederiks.

    • @eurotestudo
      @eurotestudo 8 місяців тому

      There is a Danish town called Frederiks. Some people that bears the name of a city comes from a long tradition of being called your city’s name while in military service as cavalry (Strategic decision for path finding) and then it stocked with them.

  • @torbenpetersen8983
    @torbenpetersen8983 3 місяці тому

    Øresundsbroen (from Copenhagen to Malmø) and Storebæltsbroen (from Fyn to Jutland) are two different bridges ..

  • @LuciusFaith
    @LuciusFaith Місяць тому

    that large motorway we built it just becaus some douche told us all roads leads to rome but it didn't so we built one!

  • @mickpalmer6213
    @mickpalmer6213 5 місяців тому

    Dutch bike? Who do you think copied the danes? 😂😂😂😂 we have biked since it was invented 😂😂😂😂

  • @mickpalmer6213
    @mickpalmer6213 5 місяців тому

    What? Iceland is not a part of Denmark. Faroe islands, Greenland and Denmark yes.

  • @madsmller4030
    @madsmller4030 2 місяці тому

    but if we comes in need we will be captured and if we want to educate or stumple we will be carried whitout charge in any way

  • @hjalmarolethorchristensen9761
    @hjalmarolethorchristensen9761 4 місяці тому

    Hay... greetings from Skandinavia Danmark 🇩🇰....👈

  • @citizenVader
    @citizenVader 8 місяців тому +3

    The femmeren belt is another crazy engendered project. I grew up with storebelt on one side and maersk shipyards on the other side as a kid.
    You built big in America, but this is just a little bit overkill for even a Dane.
    Iceland is a sovereign country. Greenland and Faroe islands have autonomy but are under a protectorate by the Danish government, and this means we uphold our territorial right to patrol and protect.
    If you want to see something really hard-core, then try and find something about the "sirius patrol." This is the hardest stretch of patrol in the world. It's called "sirius" because they named it after the dog star, and you will understand why when you find out what they do 😅

    • @citizenVader
      @citizenVader 8 місяців тому

      Dude. I use 5 minutes on my tax returns.. I only need to confirm that I am who I am, and the rest is prearranged by the tax office.

    • @akyhne
      @akyhne 8 місяців тому

      ​@@citizenVaderWrong thread.

    • @citizenVader
      @citizenVader 8 місяців тому

      @akyhne Yeah, well I began the thread, so I guess I'll be damned if I don't treat and mistreat it as I please or don't.
      I'm not that bothered or a comment section purist like some other people..
      Try having a little less serious experience in these areas.
      It's not a PHD..

    • @akyhne
      @akyhne 8 місяців тому

      @@citizenVader Sry, didn't notice. I thought you replied to someone else, but in the wrong thread. It does happen from time to time.

    • @citizenVader
      @citizenVader 8 місяців тому +1

      @akyhne doesn't bother me he he he. It's my first time and I appreciate your were gentle with me 🤣

  • @PeterGrzona
    @PeterGrzona Місяць тому

    he didten say iceland but greenland ;-)

  • @perjessen2748
    @perjessen2748 5 місяців тому

    They gowern Greenland. Not Iceland 🙂

  • @hwplugburz
    @hwplugburz 8 місяців тому

    14:10 *Quality of life.. not audiofiles.. 😉

  • @brulaapgaapmeester8052
    @brulaapgaapmeester8052 8 місяців тому +1

    He said 'quality of life', not 'audio files'. ;-)

  • @bobaer3885
    @bobaer3885 5 місяців тому

    The connection to Finland is a ferry

  • @bjørnjacobsengaming
    @bjørnjacobsengaming 5 місяців тому

    Not iceland but greenland !

  • @annebaker9408
    @annebaker9408 Місяць тому

    Greenland, not Iceland.

  • @srenfylking4128
    @srenfylking4128 4 місяці тому

    greenland not iceland---

  • @mcstealth0084
    @mcstealth0084 4 місяці тому

    He said quality of life

  • @anette7283
    @anette7283 5 місяців тому

    Dk does not own Iceland

  • @christiannielsen1962
    @christiannielsen1962 7 місяців тому

    no it is greenland

  • @madsmller4030
    @madsmller4030 2 місяці тому

    we are safe

  • @Dovndyr13
    @Dovndyr13 8 місяців тому

    Do you use the hospital every month? Hopefully not! But if you have health insurance its also paid each month by your employer or yourself. Still you need to pay hundreds of dollars if you go to the doctor. So nomatter what it will be a monthly expense in most cases in the USA as well
    Private companies do not invest automatically in to their property, they do it more for a profit. Just look at the railroad tracks in the USA, they are not the newest. Amtrack renting those tracks for a certain amount of money to gain a profit makes traintravel in most areas expensive. Amtracks trains often are delayed because the providers trains have priority.

  • @AngryDane
    @AngryDane 5 місяців тому

    4:55 the low box girder bridge has both a motorway and rail, but at Sprogø rail goes into a tunnel under the belt and cars to the suspension bridge.

  • @MsBlackdeath13
    @MsBlackdeath13 8 місяців тому

    14:12 he said “quality of life”. His accent kinda mumbles the words.

  • @daphnelovesL
    @daphnelovesL 8 місяців тому +1

    Funny they don't show The Netherland in the beginning.

    • @dutchman7623
      @dutchman7623 8 місяців тому +1

      For obvious reasons, national pride would sink to second level!

    • @XxXx-Evo
      @XxXx-Evo 8 місяців тому +1

      The Netherlands has, in comparison to Danmark, about half the road length per inhabitant, but about double the road length per km². It is hard to see the first one on a map...

    • @dutchman7623
      @dutchman7623 8 місяців тому +1

      @@XxXx-Evo It also matters how a population is spread over a country.

  • @jakobjorgensen7773
    @jakobjorgensen7773 8 місяців тому

    ... and we pay 25% sales tax.

  • @JacobBax
    @JacobBax 8 місяців тому

    At 5:39 did he say the trains are expected to run 1200 km/h?

    • @akyhne
      @akyhne 8 місяців тому


  • @gerbentvandeveen
    @gerbentvandeveen 8 місяців тому

    Really nothing against you. But you're NUMBER 1 RIGHT? Fortunately, there are people like you. Those who know better. @gerbentvandeveen