'Rent Is Too Damn High' Eviction

  • Опубліковано 19 жов 2024


  • @CopperIron
    @CopperIron 11 років тому +19

    So... he was evicted so the rent could be too damn high.

  • @AstralFrost
    @AstralFrost 10 років тому +22

    It's kind of irrelevant, though. He's advocating on behalf of poor New Yorkers, not so much himself.

  • @azukiz4043
    @azukiz4043 5 років тому +8

    There is no irony, he is being evicted because the landlord wants to charge a rent that is too high.

  • @UncertainAngel
    @UncertainAngel 11 років тому +9

    i can't belive he said the rent was too low... wtf society are we living in.

  • @Capng123
    @Capng123 13 років тому +1

    Kinda missing the point here aren't they? The fact they consider his $800+ rent too LOW is clear indicator that the rent is indeed too damned high everywhere ELSE in New York.

  • @bluesboy25000
    @bluesboy25000 12 років тому +4

    He was evicted why? The Rent is Too Damn High!

  • @brucenator
    @brucenator 13 років тому +3

    What's amazing and enormously ironic is when $872 per month for a crappy little rent-controlled apartment is considered "too low." That means the rent is too damn high, folks.

  • @TwilightFalls
    @TwilightFalls 12 років тому +1

    Prices will always be too damn low for the people who are making money. This is not even an argument.

  • @harshitmadan6449
    @harshitmadan6449 5 років тому +2

    Bernie should start 'Medical Bills are Too Damn High' party.

  • @JACKtheRIPP3R189
    @JACKtheRIPP3R189 13 років тому +1

    Lol i live in Manhattan, and the rent has always been too damn high. 800 a month is incredibly cheap. My first apartment was $1400 a month and it was still a shit hole.

  • @RobertVanHelsingX
    @RobertVanHelsingX 13 років тому +1

    Yeah I'm paying 400 a month for an apartment filled with mold. Rent is too damn high for good quality. Rent is not controled by any government agency, all apartments are raised when other angencies raise the rent. therefore they fight for higher prices...
    How is that fair for renters if no one can properly control rent. to set a true minimum.
    why do the poor have to live in shit?

  • @loveislife77
    @loveislife77 12 років тому +1

    I hate running into this damn channel when browsing UA-cam.

  • @harmon756
    @harmon756 13 років тому +2

    The rent is just too damn high!

  • @quisabest
    @quisabest 12 років тому +1

    way to low??? that is insanely high lol

  • @mikefan09
    @mikefan09 12 років тому +1

    i said it before and ill say it again, VOTE JIMMY, THE RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH!

  • @momijinohanako
    @momijinohanako 13 років тому +1

    I'm just amazed at the rents mentioned in the comments. I knew rent was high in the US, but 2200 for a two bedroom apartment? How can you even earn the salary to pay for that? My boyfriend and I live in a two bedroom as well, 20min from Stockholm City and it's only about $6-700 (more like 900 now that the $ is super low) and I consider that "normal", not even cheap. We would probably have a hard time paying more than $1000, and that's with combined incomes.

  • @jamesryan8738
    @jamesryan8738 8 років тому +2

    You guys [TYT] have seriously degenerated since these days

  • @imeklin
    @imeklin 13 років тому

    I didn't know who was Jimmy McMillan before I watch this video, so when I saw the screenshot for this video, I thought it was a image of Kenan Thompson in a SNL sketch lol

  • @flake452
    @flake452 13 років тому

    800 dollars in one of the most expensive cities in the world is insane, if the landlord can get more money then surely he should try.

  • @HoraceSteve
    @HoraceSteve 13 років тому

    I'm reading all of these comments about rent being $800 $1000 a month and I'm like HOLY SHIT! I'm paying $875 a month for my mortgage for a 5 bedroom house!
    We got jobs left and right here!

  • @bradharris4858
    @bradharris4858 11 років тому

    the sad thing is that apartment would have been too high for me.

  • @ShaneZeal
    @ShaneZeal 13 років тому

    My rent is too damn high. I'm paying $525 for a one bedroom apartment. windows are warped to were they can't close fully. Every door to the out side has a lot of openings. I have to keep my thermostat at 60 deg. to keep the rooms at 80 deg. The washer That I rented through my apartment broke down in mid wash and I asked them to remove it...4 months ago. It is still here and mold is in it. To top it off my electrisity is around $260 because of the air conditioner. God fucking damn it.

  • @ZeusOwnsYou
    @ZeusOwnsYou 13 років тому

    i dont even pay rent i just hook up the weed

  • @cymonebreathe
    @cymonebreathe 13 років тому

    He can still care about others' rent being too damn high. Politicians don't only have a platform on things that directly affect them.

  • @antoniotitus
    @antoniotitus 13 років тому

    We have a four bedroom two story house with two and a halve bathrooms for only $250 a month. Here everything is cheap, Every once and a while they try to put some kind of government housing down here and then all the landlords will be forced by the state to triple our rent. I happened once and we got them the hell out of here. We circulate our money.

  • @argonaaut
    @argonaaut 13 років тому

    I'll always remember Jimmy fondly for his cameo as 'Lord Mayor of Pepperland' in the Yellow Submarine movie.

  • @NebuchisGhost
    @NebuchisGhost 12 років тому

    800 dollars divided by 8 dollars / hr = 100 hours of work at minimum wage... per month. This figure does not represent any taxes deducted from wages. The average worker works 40 hours per week or 160 hours per month. 63% of all work done each month going to rent means....

  • @zachmoldof935
    @zachmoldof935 12 років тому

    "rent control is not the right policy" this dude is borderline incompetent. and this reporting is entirely vapid. they set up the premise that he was kicked out because it isn't his primary residence, then just go off on some lame tangent of dribble drabble. get these fools outta here I want Jimmy.

  • @yossvix
    @yossvix 13 років тому

    $800 dollars is LOW? What the heck? $500 dollars here, which is really high...but TN does have a lower living cost, I think :/

  • @LuDimezofKush
    @LuDimezofKush 13 років тому

    800 Dollars is low!?!? I guess I'm the only person who is out of touch with reality

  • @wo0dy
    @wo0dy 12 років тому

    It didnt make his campaign ironic at all ! he was all about the rent being too damn high so people couldnt spend to increase the economy, as a result of low rent he got evicted, so the next person in could be charged MORE MONEY thus rent = too damn high.
    Some people need to learn irony.

  • @MetalAlvaro11
    @MetalAlvaro11 11 років тому

    I lived in Australia for a year... I was paying 180$ per week for a shared room, and I had a really cheap rent compared with my other school mates...

  • @SapphireMist888
    @SapphireMist888 13 років тому

    Wow my last 2 bedroom apt was less then that. Just says how crazy New York is

  • @ocon931665
    @ocon931665 12 років тому

    Couldn't agree more.

  • @Lobos222
    @Lobos222 13 років тому

    While rent control has issues.
    I would argue that a free marked in cities also has issues in regards to high prices. While the saying is that you would build more apartments to respond to demand. It dose not,profit wise, make sense to respond to the marked to much because that would only lower you companies profit margin pr unit by lowering demand.
    Its a double edged sword.
    Why make hundreds of apartments and gain a low price if I can make a few and force people to pay "beyond their means"?

  • @PlaguedAlmond
    @PlaguedAlmond 11 років тому

    your avatar pic scared the shit out of me LOL I thought that damn spider was really on my screen LOL

  • @SuperSaiyanJumpman
    @SuperSaiyanJumpman 12 років тому

    i hate when i click on something that seems interesting and its the young turks

  • @brucenator
    @brucenator 13 років тому

    @CmdrTobs I don't know whether you still think my responses sound priggish and trollish, but I just wanted to clarify who said what. I'm glad that you agree my reference to monetary 'inflation' is correct usage. I don't claim to have a Masters in Economics, as at least one other person on here has claimed. I just wish more people would exercise proper grammar and usage, construct clearer sentences, stop making excuses they 'mistyped' things and stop claiming they hold degrees they don't have.

  • @ccricers
    @ccricers 13 років тому

    I don't even get why costs of living have to vary so much within a first world nation. A bowl of cup noodles cost three for a buck fifty no matter where you go... poor people living in SF and NYC shitholes, live off that, save for travel and move to a cheaper place (but still large town like Cleveland or Indy) pick up a temp job there. My friend moved to Kansas, worked at a Taco Bell to live cheap and save for a decent home when he came back to Chicago.

  • @startreking
    @startreking 13 років тому

    Next thing your going to tell me average rent in NYC is $2,000,000.00 that's the only way i can see 800 being too damn low.

  • @EckoStream
    @EckoStream 13 років тому

    I don't even get why rent should go up in the first place... I mean its not like the person who bought the building had to pay more every year, their mortgage isn't increasing every year... Sure their taxes might a bit, but that still doesn't justify it, everyone taxes always increases... Its just another way to make the rich richer...

  • @Eirexeyes
    @Eirexeyes 13 років тому +1

    yeh, its awesome cerk!.. he is homeless & yous are having great fun with it,...

  • @TheAldon81
    @TheAldon81 13 років тому

    What is funny is now they are going to raise it, so then the rent WILL be too damn high!

  • @billingtonmarc25
    @billingtonmarc25 13 років тому

    Without rent control we would've been spared Friends.

  • @brucenator
    @brucenator 13 років тому

    @CmdrTobs Commander, I know 'at' tags can be confusing, but I'm actually the one who brought up the broader concept of inflation and said "inflated housing prices in Europe are much worse." The person I was responding to in that post had said, "Do you not understand why rents in Manhattan are a lot higher then [sic] where you are in Slackjaw Georgia?" in response to my comment that when $872 per month is considered 'too low,' that means the rent is too damn high, folks.

  • @NiCoLaSai
    @NiCoLaSai 12 років тому


  • @strangelittleman
    @strangelittleman 12 років тому

    Ana Kasparian's sexiness is actually kinda overpowering.

  • @Diatonic5th
    @Diatonic5th 13 років тому

    My rent in Boston is $2,200 for a two bedroom apartment : /

  • @Mika20
    @Mika20 13 років тому

    An apartment that's $872/month in Manhattan? That's not bad (cause I heard they're extremely high for one person). Then again for me I should be lucky. My apartment is $490/month. (College, down south)..

  • @ChipArgyle
    @ChipArgyle 13 років тому

    Jimmy McMillan, don't ever mess with the God of Irony, the most powerful of all the deities.

  • @wanker89
    @wanker89 13 років тому

    This guy is my hero, screw these slum lords.

  • @LilTom895
    @LilTom895 13 років тому

    is rent high in cities like toronto, vancouver, london, manchester, perth?

  • @momijinohanako
    @momijinohanako 13 років тому

    @CmdrTobs Rent in Stockholm is pretty heavy regulated, and we actually have a lot of the problems that Cenk mentions, people holding on to their contracts and so on. But I just didn't think people in the US earned enough to pay that kind of rent,

  • @sx200ser
    @sx200ser 13 років тому

    move? wow I'm less then middle class at my peak, yes the rent is to damn high, and our pay is to damn low

  • @aoescool
    @aoescool 13 років тому

    I see alot of the comments saying how is it so high in nyc.. well you can not compare nyc to any other city. Especially comparing Manhattan (a section of nyc) to Staten island, or Brooklyn (another section). you can literally walk outside your apt at 4 am in the morning and find something or buy something you want.. the city literally never sleeps. Its not the same anywhere else. even in other cities in New York State and other states.. To people in NYSTATE living in Manhattan is pretty big time

  • @AdamKennnedy
    @AdamKennnedy 12 років тому

    they're automatically generated. you can turn them off.

  • @Anfmethodjor
    @Anfmethodjor 13 років тому

    He should win next time for the irony of it all.

  • @chocolate6123
    @chocolate6123 12 років тому

    one word to describe the situation: irony

  • @kefkapalazzo1
    @kefkapalazzo1 13 років тому

    rent is fucking horrible here. im 17 and i might move out of the city when im old enough. i REALLY love the city, but its expensive

  • @CPTDeez8806
    @CPTDeez8806 11 років тому

    $870 a month rent.......Can't Do it! (Mike Singletary Voice)

  • @brucenator
    @brucenator 13 років тому

    @hanksnow82 Yes, I comprehend why rent is extremely inflated in large metropolitan areas, not only in New York and specifically Manhattan but around the world, but that still doesn't mean the rent isn't too damn high. Even in rural areas, where there are mostly houses, not apartments, people are charging rent of $800 or more for a crappy little house because, well, that's how much the mortgage payment is. Have you ever been outside the USA? The inflated housing prices in Europe are much worse.

  • @biocapsule7311
    @biocapsule7311 13 років тому

    Actually... I don't it makes his campaign ironic at all. His rent is too low & he wish others to have low rent as well... it would be ironic if he is campaign to get higher rent.

  • @Dahgrostabphri
    @Dahgrostabphri 13 років тому

    I love how we are so suckered by the wealthy that people think it's not enough for someone to pay $800 a month to live, I don't know the apartment building he is in, but I'm guessing it's not a luxury apt, so if you want to live large you should have that option, but if you can't afford it (I'm not talking about Jimmy, I'm talking about the American working poor) then you should have that option too. Sorry Cenk, I think you are totally off base on this one!

  • @QmoneyMF
    @QmoneyMF 12 років тому

    The misspelling in CC IS TO DAMN HIGH!

  • @Vlm293
    @Vlm293 12 років тому

    shout outs to this man he aint sugar coat nothin tell it like it is!!!!

  • @Blue-Lady
    @Blue-Lady 11 років тому

    Our 4 bedroom is $870 :c

  • @MichaelKerr71
    @MichaelKerr71 13 років тому

    @Capng123 No, the point was his rent was to low (even though the place he was living at set it up that way) and the place he was living at is trying to kick him out because of that... You're the one who missed the point

  • @severe8403
    @severe8403 13 років тому

    If anything this justifies his argument because they want to charge a larger amount....dare I say an amount that is too damn high

  • @cannabudsguru
    @cannabudsguru 11 років тому

    I don't even earn that much money in a month. I earn just under 800$ and I can live of that. Than again I live in the Netherlands.

  • @AtanasovPetar
    @AtanasovPetar 13 років тому

    Land lord?WTF is that?You have very strange things in America.

  • @brandnutopian
    @brandnutopian 13 років тому

    I had a friend who lived in an efficiency on the lower East side above a Chinese deli in 2001 and he paid $850, but it was a shit hole. Nonetheless, it's probably going for over a grand a month now.

  • @jsgmkilla305
    @jsgmkilla305 13 років тому

    My rent is $1100 here in Miami this sucks he has lower rent in manhattan damn he's lucky

  • @JoeBChill
    @JoeBChill 13 років тому

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! That's hilarious.

  • @ho2cultcha
    @ho2cultcha 13 років тому

    the captions are even more annoying now than they used to be. plus they are completely useless since they have almost nothing to do w/ what is being said. why bother?

  • @bluesboy25000
    @bluesboy25000 12 років тому

    @KaleeCali Just for that insult, you win. Kudos.

  • @bradharris4858
    @bradharris4858 11 років тому

    mine is $450 for a 3 bedroom, 2 bath in NC

  • @ruffhouse00x
    @ruffhouse00x 13 років тому

    Thank God I stay down South

  • @JamielPridgen68
    @JamielPridgen68 13 років тому

    This guy along with most are always out of touch with people...$800 is not too low thats still to fucking high..And the lower east side is not a glamerous part of Manhatten, it's about as nice as Harlem to be honest......:)

  • @Timoteo123ify
    @Timoteo123ify 12 років тому

    The dislike bar is too damn high

  • @TheeCoolOne
    @TheeCoolOne 13 років тому

    @LuDimezofKush in new york it's amazing. small apartments go for thousands (the ones not in the ghetto). even in my neighborhood apartments are around 1100 for the cheapest. Really depends on where you live, major cities go for higher

  • @KRUSTYskates
    @KRUSTYskates 13 років тому

    Austin TX near downtown $375 all bills paid YEEEUHHH!!

  • @111vnderbnder111
    @111vnderbnder111 12 років тому

    My rent is $600 :P

  • @gyice
    @gyice 13 років тому

    Not sure that you got this one right Cenk, if you have an apartment when at the time of the rental due to the economy or other pressures you were asked to buy into a program that created a rent controlled area which after that time is impacted by different pressures which makes it a more desirable area in which to live, how does that have anything to do with the original agreed to contract?? This would appear to be a bit of legal chicanery to try and break a Legally binding Agreement.

  • @brucenator
    @brucenator 13 років тому

    @hanksnow82 And yes, Hank Snow 82, I've been to Manhattan and other places around the world. I've never even heard of Slackjaw, Georgia, but in the schools I attended, they taught us the difference between 'than' and 'then.' They also taught us not to falsely assume a person's ability to understand things based on a perceived notion about where the person might be from. John Nash, the mathematical genius, and Homer Hickam, the NASA rocket scientist, were both from rural areas of West Virginia.

  • @CorrerPorVida
    @CorrerPorVida 13 років тому

    three bedroom two bath in texas is 450 a month :P....i guess the bad thing is living in texas but you win some you loose some

  • @happy583xox
    @happy583xox 13 років тому

    What is with those subtitles

  • @CupboardNinja
    @CupboardNinja 13 років тому

    @Capng123 It is pretty low. My parents used to rent out a house to people and that rent was $1000 per month.

  • @Jex134
    @Jex134 13 років тому

    @subatomicparticlephy "you don't know english" I'm not going to point out how hilariously ironic that line is.

  • @josephfunk7071
    @josephfunk7071 11 років тому

    these subtitles are terrible

  • @redryan20000
    @redryan20000 13 років тому

    perfect irony

  • @StanOfGB
    @StanOfGB 13 років тому

    @AtanasovPetar landlords are everywhere. they are in charge and often own the rented out flats/apartments.

  • @MilitantPeaceist
    @MilitantPeaceist 13 років тому

    @BVargas78 True. The beauty of social housing pays for itself now & is pretty much proof of the enormous profits that are being made in the rental market when all the maintenance on the house + the rates can be covered by my $200 alone. There are 2 people living in this house including me so basically, to gov gets a profit from this house & many others. I am on a pension so it is not like I can just go out & get a job but if I did, the rent does go up according to what I would earn pro rata.

  • @DaCatOnTop
    @DaCatOnTop 13 років тому

    what's ND?

  • @tvol131
    @tvol131 12 років тому


  • @khiloman
    @khiloman 5 років тому

    Ana...she looks different here

  • @thakiddA13
    @thakiddA13 12 років тому

    The V in Ana kasparians shirt is too damn high

  • @horuseyes
    @horuseyes 13 років тому

    800 what, year, month?

  • @Haradin32
    @Haradin32 13 років тому

    I'd like to twisty twist something...

  • @tavogp
    @tavogp 13 років тому

    800 wtf that is a shitload

  • @MilitantPeaceist
    @MilitantPeaceist 13 років тому

    HAHAHA you guys are so ripped off, I pay $200 pm.