This is a lesson not to Germans and to Germany but to allies,who decided to create a wealth Germany and drive Greece to Civil war , dictatorships and poverty. A for Germany we saw ones more to try occupied Greece this time financially. We will meet again in the future.
basically.. Greece are obliged to pay their debt.. which is completely reasonable.. But germany being germany is allowed to weasel out of paying war reparations and taking the part of the "big guy always following the law and demanding only what's right", forgetting what they owe other nations... sums things nicely..
But don't forget the ones doing it or the ones in power, not the common people. The truth is the majority of the Germans don't even know of the war crimes against Greece. In fact in schools when kids learn about WWII they nvr hear about it or if they do it is very little. I am German and I had no idea about it, now after watching this show it makes me ashamed that they used tricks like that. And I wish we would pay back the money.
Tja dann kannst du froh sein, dass man an deiner Schule über die Verbrechen in Griechenland gesprochen hat... an meiner nicht. Nur so nebenbei ich hatte im Geschichtsunterricht eine 1, also so viel zum nicht aufgepasst... Viele meiner Bekannten kannten das mit Griechenland auch nicht.
+Vitonofrio del Rosso As +MrsAngelPower already said, please don't judge us by our leaders. Mrs Merkel is a person every politically interested german should loathe... and she is in office.
At the same time a German tourist in Greece didnt pay the taxi driver because as he said Greece have to pay in German the debt !!! So Greeks own to Germans... So i am not paying.... !!! What can we say in this situation ? Or what the driver have to do ?? Ok we are friendly we like to be warm with other people and making them to feel wellcoming in Greece, but we are proud nation too so please show some respect we exist in the world history many thousands years and we survive from biger tragedys than the debt....
Δεν θυμάμαι που έγινε. Το θέμα δεν είναι το περιστατικό ως ένα μεμονωμένο συμβάν αλλά η νοοτροπία που δημιουργείται για τους Έλληνες, αν και πάλι δεν είναι αυτό το παράδειγμα αρκετό αλλά έστω είναι ένα δείγμα.
What should the taxi driver do? Fucking go to the police and get the man to pay him. He has no right to say something like that because he didint lend money to the greeks. German politics did. So its not his money so he cant say something lkike that. But watch what you get told... I saw the Nazi-Posters with Merkel on it and shit. Every crysis brings false information because the people like to hear what they think about...
Anton Thedens i agree with your statement. But if you search about the debt of Greece you will see that those who giving money in Greece have bonus from the taxes of pay back. So how can we say that they helping Greece ??? Finaly why to help Greece ?? Its obvious that they have benefits. And get in real life the money didnt coming drom German gov.
As a Greek who has always loved Europe and thought we were on the right side of alliances, I am confused now. We may be on the wrong side after all. Our European friends have always underestimated us and always had us to do their jobs. So are the Americans. No one ever respected Greece. Reading comments on the internet from time to time, I see Egyptians, Serbs, Armenians, Bulgarians, Israelis, Indians and Iranians supporting us and expressing their love and admiration. I never saw a European being with Greece. Even in the problems we face with Turkey, our European friends are half neutral and half with Turkey. No one is with the Greeks. The Egyptians, Serbs, Indians. Iranians, Israelis, Αrmmenians, however, are with the Greeks and clearly support Greece. We were hurt more by the crusades of 1204 and our European friends than by the Turks and the rest. And I wonder are we on the right side of alliances? Does Russia love Greeks more? Did we Greeks misinterpret something? Lots of question marks....
Nice, what is clear from the many German comments is the old broken record that war is terrible but things happen, like saying it was a bad day at the office, and by the way the Wehrmacht committed hideous crimes so for those that like to believe that their grandparents where the good ones in the war, I would suggest to do some research.
It was enlightening. Though, while I do think Germany should apologize and pay for what they did I also think Greece should stop relying on the others to avoid having a real state, with laws, tax and such applied by the citizens.
Julien If you knew modern Grece history, you would know that since 1820 we are struggeling with european powers and the USA to stop being their vassal state. You imposed us your german king Otto, then a Danish king, then Mussolini tried to invade us and failed, then Hitler came, then the brits imposed british king of Greece. When after a bloody war with the monarchist we where allowed to have our own general election, the USA refused the result and plotted a coup d'etat and a military dictatorship. And then we had the stupid idea to join the EU and the Eurozone. If we had the choice in 1820 we would have chosen a russian king from a Byzantine descent (Byzantine emperors used to marry their daughters to russians kings), not a German usurpator, or a Republic. Britain forced us into WW1 by threatening to bomb Athens from the port of Pireus if Greece remained neutral. The West never respected our liberty.
Thank your for your answer, but it seems that for most of the greek elites (even for Kapodistria), Greece needs to be "alligned" with the Western powers instead of being with Russia. Cheers from Spain.
@@adelinod.5568 monarchists continued the war after ww1...after they said they would stop it....They fell into kemals trap.....The so called Western allies stopped supporting Greece and started supporting the turks who they were fighting.....These are not alliances these are economical inrterest through warfare contracts
At the London Conference in 1953, Greece agreed to the amount of reparations and a discount. It also received very significant funding through the Truman Doctrine for that agreement. That is the end of any claim on Germany.
Ότι σας συμφέρει οπότε ας πούμε και μεις αυτά που σας χρωστάμε μας τα χρωστάτε και δεν σας πληρώνουμε ούτε ένα ευρώ και είμαστε μια χαρά το χρέος έχει σβήσει
die anstalt ist von der kabarettisitischen leistung her wirklich sehr schön anzuschauen aber bei dem ein oder anderen Thema wirken sie mir einen ticken zu suggestiv ...nur mein eindruck
Kann man auf viele weisen sehen, aber vielleicht weil du schlicht deutsches Fernsehen gewohnt bist. Guck dir einfach mal nen Aufwachen Podcast von Jungundnaiv an, da analysieren sie politische Berichterstattung. Meiner meinung nach hin und wieder ein wenig zu agressiv, aber auf jeden fall sehenswert.
Sie haben mal in einem Interview betont, dass sie keine neutrale Nachrichtensendung sein wollen, sondern ganz bewusst eine (zugegebenermaßen eher linke, was ich nicht für extrem schlimm halte) Sichtweise vermitteln wollen, die meist stark gegenläufig zur allgemeinen Meinung ist. Ich finde, damit regen sie eher zum Nachdenken an, und man schaut sich die Themen mal von allen Gesichtspunkten her an. Aber es kann natürlich ein wenig suggestiv wirken...
braucht nichts zu zahlen du brauner vollidiot. erstens gab es 300 v.c. keine UNO . zweitens das kriegsrecht meint das immer der verlierer bezahlt. soweit ich im geschichtsunterricht gelernt hab hat alexander gewonnen und die scheiss nazis mal wieder verloren
haha die Griechen und gewonnen wie lange hat der Feldzug trotz mehrer Baustellen und kurz nach dem Frankreich Feldzug gedauert?? Nicht lange und Tapfer gekämpft sieht anders aus da kannste dir mal ein beispiel an uns nehmen wie Lange wir durchgehalten haben trotz aussichtsloser Lage
antegeia Bitte nicht auf diesen Vollspasten hören. Ich bin selbst Deutscher und finde Griechenland einfach faszinierend, sowohl von der Geschichte als auch politisch. Kaum ein anderes europäisches Land stellt sich so vehement gegen die Troika, wie Griechenland und die Syriza-Regierung. Griechenland war schon zivilisiert und eine der fortschrittlichsten Kulturen, da haben die Germanen noch mit Fellen gekleidet in Holzhütten gelebt. Und dass Alexander der Große es geschafft hat, ein Reich bis zum Himalaya zu errichten, ist eine (wenn auch mit viel Blut und Tod) einzigartige Leistung. Ganz ehrlich: Ich finde die griechische Geschichte und Kultur um einiges interessanter als die deutsche. Wie gesagt: auf so einen Schwachsinn, wie er hier verbreitet wird nicht hören. Griechenland hat ein Anrecht darauf, dass ihm durch die Deutschen zugefügte Schäden und Kriegsopfer vergolten werden.
Und mal was anderes: Es spricht ja schon Bände, dass ihr beiden euch auf deutsch streitet. Versucht es doch auf griechisch, oder verstehst du etwa kein griechisch Volker Lubasch? Ich glaube, wenn Ategeia666 kein Deutsch beherrschen würde, wäre es dir wahrscheinlich nicht einmal möglich, auf Englisch zu streiten/hetzen! Dann aber die Griechen als Versager darstellen. Das kommt davon, wenn man nur die BILD-Zeitung konsumiert.
A bit onesided. The thing with the reparations is over anyway, because: if only 1 country started to pay reparations, then other countries would also demand or be demanded some. For example, Germany could request reparations from the United States because the United States caused much more damage in Germany than vice versa. The same applies to the British. They avenged the bombing of London many times over. There were also civilian victims of acts of war in France, including from Allied shelling of all kinds. Like Germany, the USSR would have to pay reparations to half of Europe. No country in the world would open this bottomless pit.
This was created back in 2010s as far as I remember and it was meant to remind the German public some historic facts and to remind them to show solidarity because at that time the German public was filled with anti Southern EU feelings and there was so much racism due to the Financial crisis in Europe calling the southern EU lazy, thieves, referring to us as PIGS Portugal, Italy, Greece & Spain and so on. Also for the record... the USSR, the United States etc never united in a Union like Greece with Germany so the European countries advocating for reparations makes sense to me if we want the Union to be built on trust.. even a small symbolic amount of reparations to Poland & Greece as a sign of a good will would make sense. ;)
@@leftidetarg2615 nope. symbolic amounts quickly become much more. And the fact that both countries are within the EU doesn't change anything. I mean: why doesn't Germany ask for reparations from France for 1870/71? Or from Italy for 50 AC?
Hätten die Italiener damals mal was alleine auf die Kette bekommen, hätten wir nicht eingreifen müssen. Denn tatsächlich erfolgte der Deutsche Eingriff in Griechenland erst nach dem misslungenen Alleingang der Italiener Griechenland einnehmen zu wollen.
Well, guess what..almost all armies and militias have done that during wars and in foreign territories..Greece inclusive. What do you think have they done with the other ethnic groups in their territories after WW1? My grandparents have been forced to pack and leave their homes and property in northern Greece - like thousands of Bulgarians. Bulgarians have done it also during and after wars. It's a story as old as the world and Greeks are no worse than anybody else in it.
You forget that Bulgaria was Allie's with Germany and Bulgarian army did terrible things and mascerates in North Greece and militia like comitagides kills some many Greeks , after all was so difficult to accept the Greeks populations that was part of the enemy . The same thing happens with the German in East prosia now it's apart of Poland and Russia
@@ΒαγγεληςΝοτης All armies have done terrible things in foreign an newly conquered territories. It is what you learn at school and the part of the picture that you have been exposed to.
I am British, but even I can see that peace time and war time are somewhat different. Germany, like every other country, was devastated during WW2. I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but war tends to do this. I haven't noticed any other country paying reparations for the havoc they have caused in other countries. Are Britain and America paying reparations to Libya? To Iraq? To Afghanistan? It is time to end this guilt trip.
Perhaps, perhaps not. However, there is an important aspect to all this that hasn't been stressed much by the Greek side and is briefly mentioned in the video: the Nazis forced the Greek government to give them as a loan all their gold which currently amounts to dozens of billion of euros. This is something, if it goes to court, will be won by Greece but in the process will create havoc to Germany and the EU.
Because those countries are week economically doesn't mean that is right . Except that you think that the right have only the strongest countries and the super powers.
no, but they should pay for the damages caused by their grandparents. Because their grandparents got away with it. On the other hand, they demand from us to pay back the loans that our grantparents took from them and they have ripped off Greece financially for 10 years already. Just a fair deal, nobody's fault or personal guilt. Does it make more sense now? They ordered us to take resposibity but they refuse to do the same.
I m not German, but the money would be in vain. Greek got 220 billions from the netto payers in the EU and about the same money from IWF over the the last 8 years, and the money they would get anyway, because the are no netto payers. The country needs change before any money would change the situation. This 500 billions that are already paid is just enough that they are not in complete bankruptcy and they paying will go on a large amount comes from Germany, so why should they pay that now, when they know they have to pay it anyway over the next 10 years.
1)those money didnt came from Germany 2)Greece paying his loan in time 3)Holland have 9 times bigger debt than greece,i never saw a negative cooment at internet 4)Greece have 12 times more money than its debt but nobody from the big countries allowed to Greece gain that money. so with a simple logic its a order from your ''God'' to vanish Greece
Germany: pay depts
Greece: *UNO reserve card*
Germany: *FUCK*
This is a lesson not to Germans and to Germany but to allies,who decided to create a wealth Germany and drive Greece to Civil war , dictatorships and poverty. A for Germany we saw ones more to try occupied Greece this time financially. We will meet again in the future.
Brilliant. Many thanks for the translation. Are there any other clips of this show which has English subtitles?
mattleslie74 Hey, the complete episode is available at .
Sprachprofi Many thanks
Thank you for adding English subtitles, more power to you
Thank you from Greece
Pure genius and some harsh truths
just a note. "Die Anstalt" translates to "the psychiatric hospital"
basically.. Greece are obliged to pay their debt.. which is completely reasonable..
But germany being germany is allowed to weasel out of paying war reparations and taking the part of the "big guy always following the law and demanding only what's right", forgetting what they owe other nations...
sums things nicely..
But don't forget the ones doing it or the ones in power, not the common people. The truth is the majority of the Germans don't even know of the war crimes against Greece. In fact in schools when kids learn about WWII they nvr hear about it or if they do it is very little. I am German and I had no idea about it, now after watching this show it makes me ashamed that they used tricks like that. And I wish we would pay back the money.
Dann hast du in der Schule nicht gut aufgepasst.
Kein Thema wird ausführlicher behandelt als die Verbrechen der Nationalsozialisten.
Tja dann kannst du froh sein, dass man an deiner Schule über die Verbrechen in Griechenland gesprochen hat... an meiner nicht. Nur so nebenbei ich hatte im Geschichtsunterricht eine 1, also so viel zum nicht aufgepasst... Viele meiner Bekannten kannten das mit Griechenland auch nicht.
+Pacodado Schuldunterricht kann niemals alle Details abhandeln, das ist aus zeitlichen Gründen niemals funktionieren.
+Vitonofrio del Rosso As +MrsAngelPower already said, please don't judge us by our leaders. Mrs Merkel is a person every politically interested german should loathe... and she is in office.
At the same time a German tourist in Greece didnt pay the taxi driver because as he said Greece have to pay in German the debt !!! So Greeks own to Germans... So i am not paying.... !!! What can we say in this situation ? Or what the driver have to do ?? Ok we are friendly we like to be warm with other people and making them to feel wellcoming in Greece, but we are proud nation too so please show some respect we exist in the world history many thousands years and we survive from biger tragedys than the debt....
les gia ton malaka sto iraklio.
kalos malakas alla otan tou eipan oti 8a paei aytoforo ,eklase patates.
klasikos germanos
Δεν θυμάμαι που έγινε. Το θέμα δεν είναι το περιστατικό ως ένα μεμονωμένο συμβάν αλλά η νοοτροπία που δημιουργείται για τους Έλληνες, αν και πάλι δεν είναι αυτό το παράδειγμα αρκετό αλλά έστω είναι ένα δείγμα.
What should the taxi driver do? Fucking go to the police and get the man to pay him. He has no right to say something like that because he didint lend money to the greeks. German politics did. So its not his money so he cant say something lkike that.
But watch what you get told... I saw the Nazi-Posters with Merkel on it and shit. Every crysis brings false information because the people like to hear what they think about...
Anton Thedens i agree with your statement. But if you search about the debt of Greece you will see that those who giving money in Greece have bonus from the taxes of pay back. So how can we say that they helping Greece ??? Finaly why to help Greece ?? Its obvious that they have benefits. And get in real life the money didnt coming drom German gov.
Pay debt.
As a Greek who has always loved Europe and thought we were on the right side of alliances, I am confused now. We may be on the wrong side after all. Our European friends have always underestimated us and always had us to do their jobs. So are the Americans. No one ever respected Greece.
Reading comments on the internet from time to time, I see Egyptians, Serbs, Armenians, Bulgarians, Israelis, Indians and Iranians supporting us and expressing their love and admiration. I never saw a European being with Greece. Even in the problems we face with Turkey, our European friends are half neutral and half with Turkey. No one is with the Greeks. The Egyptians, Serbs, Indians. Iranians, Israelis, Αrmmenians, however, are with the Greeks and clearly support Greece. We were hurt more by the crusades of 1204 and our European friends than by the Turks and the rest. And I wonder are we on the right side of alliances? Does Russia love Greeks more? Did we Greeks misinterpret something? Lots of question marks....
Why do Greeks support the trade embargoes of Australia inflicted by Europe for generations? Sure was a thankless task helping to defend Greece eh?
That stuff at 6:50 , I thought it was humour but it turned so serious. I guess German humour is pretty damn seiours, it's no laughing matter.
Many respect from a Greek o7
Nice, what is clear from the many German comments is the old broken record that war is terrible but things happen, like saying it was a bad day at the office, and by the way the Wehrmacht committed hideous crimes so for those that like to believe that their grandparents where the good ones in the war, I would suggest to do some research.
Danke für übersetzung!(:
This show is fucking good!!!!
WOW !!! Finally some truth !!!!!!
Good translation! Very funny show
well, we attacked so many countries since 1941, it s easy to forget one..
2015... still nothing.
2023... still nothing.
Darf ich die Untertiteln Übersetzung?
Cupsof Tea Gerne.
It was enlightening.
Though, while I do think Germany should apologize and pay for what they did I also think Greece should stop relying on the others to avoid having a real state, with laws, tax and such applied by the citizens.
+Duron13 There cannot be forgiveness if nobody takes the first step, eh...? Absolutely agree.
Julien If you knew modern Grece history, you would know that since 1820 we are struggeling with european powers and the USA to stop being their vassal state. You imposed us your german king Otto, then a Danish king, then Mussolini tried to invade us and failed, then Hitler came, then the brits imposed british king of Greece. When after a bloody war with the monarchist we where allowed to have our own general election, the USA refused the result and plotted a coup d'etat and a military dictatorship. And then we had the stupid idea to join the EU and the Eurozone.
If we had the choice in 1820 we would have chosen a russian king from a Byzantine descent (Byzantine emperors used to marry their daughters to russians kings), not a German usurpator, or a Republic.
Britain forced us into WW1 by threatening to bomb Athens from the port of Pireus if Greece remained neutral. The West never respected our liberty.
Thank your for your answer, but it seems that for most of the greek elites (even for Kapodistria), Greece needs to be "alligned" with the Western powers instead of being with Russia. Cheers from Spain.
@@adelinod.5568 monarchists continued the war after ww1...after they said they would stop it....They fell into kemals trap.....The so called Western allies stopped supporting Greece and started supporting the turks who they were fighting.....These are not alliances these are economical inrterest through warfare contracts
Taxes are a scam.
wieso ist mein alter Kommentar weg?
At the London Conference in 1953, Greece agreed to the amount of reparations and a discount. It also received very significant funding through the Truman Doctrine for that agreement. That is the end of any claim on Germany.
Ότι σας συμφέρει οπότε ας πούμε και μεις αυτά που σας χρωστάμε μας τα χρωστάτε και δεν σας πληρώνουμε ούτε ένα ευρώ και είμαστε μια χαρά το χρέος έχει σβήσει
εμείς πληρώσαμε τους Γερμανούς, οι γερμανοι δεν μας πλήρωσαν... ποιος εχει περισσότερο πολιτισμό ;;;
die anstalt ist von der kabarettisitischen leistung her wirklich sehr schön anzuschauen aber bei dem ein oder anderen Thema wirken sie mir einen ticken zu suggestiv ...nur mein eindruck
Kann man auf viele weisen sehen, aber vielleicht weil du schlicht deutsches Fernsehen gewohnt bist. Guck dir einfach mal nen Aufwachen Podcast von Jungundnaiv an, da analysieren sie politische Berichterstattung. Meiner meinung nach hin und wieder ein wenig zu agressiv, aber auf jeden fall sehenswert.
Sie haben mal in einem Interview betont, dass sie keine neutrale Nachrichtensendung sein wollen, sondern ganz bewusst eine (zugegebenermaßen eher linke, was ich nicht für extrem schlimm halte) Sichtweise vermitteln wollen, die meist stark gegenläufig zur allgemeinen Meinung ist. Ich finde, damit regen sie eher zum Nachdenken an, und man schaut sich die Themen mal von allen Gesichtspunkten her an. Aber es kann natürlich ein wenig suggestiv wirken...
der schläfer erwache ;D
I think Germans should move past this, we all should.
Sollte Griechenland für alle Feldzüge von Alexander des Großen zahlen??
braucht nichts zu zahlen du brauner vollidiot.
erstens gab es 300 v.c. keine UNO .
zweitens das kriegsrecht meint das immer der verlierer bezahlt.
soweit ich im geschichtsunterricht gelernt hab hat alexander gewonnen und die scheiss nazis mal wieder verloren
haha die Griechen und gewonnen wie lange hat der Feldzug trotz mehrer Baustellen und kurz nach dem Frankreich Feldzug gedauert?? Nicht lange und Tapfer gekämpft sieht anders aus da kannste dir mal ein beispiel an uns nehmen wie Lange wir durchgehalten haben trotz aussichtsloser Lage
alter child mal :)
Beide Länder haben viel grosses in der Geschichte volbracht und beide haben viel scheisse angerichtet
antegeia Bitte nicht auf diesen Vollspasten hören. Ich bin selbst Deutscher und finde Griechenland einfach faszinierend, sowohl von der Geschichte als auch politisch. Kaum ein anderes europäisches Land stellt sich so vehement gegen die Troika, wie Griechenland und die Syriza-Regierung.
Griechenland war schon zivilisiert und eine der fortschrittlichsten Kulturen, da haben die Germanen noch mit Fellen gekleidet in Holzhütten gelebt. Und dass Alexander der Große es geschafft hat, ein Reich bis zum Himalaya zu errichten, ist eine (wenn auch mit viel Blut und Tod) einzigartige Leistung.
Ganz ehrlich: Ich finde die griechische Geschichte und Kultur um einiges interessanter als die deutsche.
Wie gesagt: auf so einen Schwachsinn, wie er hier verbreitet wird nicht hören. Griechenland hat ein Anrecht darauf, dass ihm durch die Deutschen zugefügte Schäden und Kriegsopfer vergolten werden.
Und mal was anderes: Es spricht ja schon Bände, dass ihr beiden euch auf deutsch streitet.
Versucht es doch auf griechisch, oder verstehst du etwa kein griechisch Volker Lubasch? Ich glaube, wenn Ategeia666 kein Deutsch beherrschen würde, wäre es dir wahrscheinlich nicht einmal möglich, auf Englisch zu streiten/hetzen! Dann aber die Griechen als Versager darstellen. Das kommt davon, wenn man nur die BILD-Zeitung konsumiert.
A bit onesided. The thing with the reparations is over anyway, because: if only 1 country started to pay reparations, then other countries would also demand or be demanded some. For example, Germany could request reparations from the United States because the United States caused much more damage in Germany than vice versa. The same applies to the British. They avenged the bombing of London many times over. There were also civilian victims of acts of war in France, including from Allied shelling of all kinds. Like Germany, the USSR would have to pay reparations to half of Europe. No country in the world would open this bottomless pit.
This was created back in 2010s as far as I remember and it was meant to remind the German public some historic facts and to remind them to show solidarity because at that time the German public was filled with anti Southern EU feelings and there was so much racism due to the Financial crisis in Europe calling the southern EU lazy, thieves, referring to us as PIGS Portugal, Italy, Greece & Spain and so on.
Also for the record... the USSR, the United States etc never united in a Union like Greece with Germany so the European countries advocating for reparations makes sense to me if we want the Union to be built on trust.. even a small symbolic amount of reparations to Poland & Greece as a sign of a good will would make sense. ;)
@@leftidetarg2615 nope. symbolic amounts quickly become much more. And the fact that both countries are within the EU doesn't change anything. I mean: why doesn't Germany ask for reparations from France for 1870/71? Or from Italy for 50 AC?
@@santaclaus0815 Girlbye 😂😂
@@santaclaus0815 you are a nazi drunk, go home
Hätten die Italiener damals mal was alleine auf die Kette bekommen, hätten wir nicht eingreifen müssen.
Denn tatsächlich erfolgte der Deutsche Eingriff in Griechenland erst nach dem misslungenen Alleingang der Italiener Griechenland einnehmen zu wollen.
So kann man natürlich auch Massenmord relativieren. Geh dich eingraben.
We should pay greece this money, but i think it would be burn away by buerocrazy in greece.
Seb Warum sollen wir (Die nichts im Krieg gemacht haben) für Leute bezahlen, die auch nicht gelitten haben.
Seb pay first, see later.
Being greek i agree that most of what you would pay us would probably get stolen by our politicians but that is not an excuse to not pay
@@srfrg9707 Don't worry Greeks are still considered turks
@@killer_of_americanshey pal are you a Turk ?
Because I smell Turkish dirt here 🤡
Germans should stop with the WWII guilt. All countries did shitty things, its part of all of our history.
Do me a favor.. Just go to hell and stay there forever
@@peutasteri7059 ?
@@peutasteri7059 Don't worry Greeks are still considered turks
it is in your blood
Well, guess what..almost all armies and militias have done that during wars and in foreign territories..Greece inclusive. What do you think have they done with the other ethnic groups in their territories after WW1? My grandparents have been forced to pack and leave their homes and property in northern Greece - like thousands of Bulgarians. Bulgarians have done it also during and after wars. It's a story as old as the world and Greeks are no worse than anybody else in it.
Greeks existed in those lands before Bulgarians were a people.
You forget that Bulgaria was Allie's with Germany and Bulgarian army did terrible things and mascerates in North Greece and militia like comitagides kills some many Greeks , after all was so difficult to accept the Greeks populations that was part of the enemy . The same thing happens with the German in East prosia now it's apart of Poland and Russia
@@ΒαγγεληςΝοτης All armies have done terrible things in foreign an newly conquered territories. It is what you learn at school and the part of the picture that you have been exposed to.
I am British, but even I can see that peace time and war time are somewhat different. Germany, like every other country, was devastated during WW2. I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but war tends to do this. I haven't noticed any other country paying reparations for the havoc they have caused in other countries. Are Britain and America paying reparations to Libya? To Iraq? To Afghanistan? It is time to end this guilt trip.
Perhaps, perhaps not. However, there is an important aspect to all this that hasn't been stressed much by the Greek side and is briefly mentioned in the video: the Nazis forced the Greek government to give them as a loan all their gold which currently amounts to dozens of billion of euros. This is something, if it goes to court, will be won by Greece but in the process will create havoc to Germany and the EU.
Actually they should pay reperations to Iraq and Libya. Iraq was invaded and destroyed under false pretenses . Just an Oups my bad won't do it.
yeah but uk take there reparations so sssssssssssssssssssssssss
Because those countries are week economically doesn't mean that is right . Except that you think that the right have only the strongest countries and the super powers.
Germany dont feel guilty about the things your grandfathers did!
no, but they should pay for the damages caused by their grandparents. Because their grandparents got away with it.
On the other hand, they demand from us to pay back the loans that our grantparents took from them and they have ripped off Greece financially for 10 years already.
Just a fair deal, nobody's fault or personal guilt.
Does it make more sense now?
They ordered us to take resposibity but they refuse to do the same.
@@pop-n-rock Don't worry Greeks are still considered turks
I m not German, but the money would be in vain. Greek got 220 billions from the netto payers in the EU and about the same money from IWF over the the last 8 years, and the money they would get anyway, because the are no netto payers. The country needs change before any money would change the situation. This 500 billions that are already paid is just enough that they are not in complete bankruptcy and they paying will go on a large amount comes from Germany, so why should they pay that now, when they know they have to pay it anyway over the next 10 years.
Martin Decamerone With all the respect due, you are a deep moron. Never put a foot in Greece.
1)those money didnt came from Germany
2)Greece paying his loan in time
3)Holland have 9 times bigger debt than greece,i never saw a negative cooment at internet
4)Greece have 12 times more money than its debt but nobody from the big countries allowed to Greece gain that money.
so with a simple logic its a order from your ''God'' to vanish Greece
well said dude.this is the only Greece from Denmark@@xdx2653