Levolution refers to "level evolution". This encompasses anything, from raising car-barricades to destroying buildings. Levolution does not mean "the tower from Siege of Shanghai", nor does it mean "huge destruction event" in any way. Battlefield 2042 has a tornado that rips up the map. Players can blow up an entire rocket on Orbital. They can rip down huge pieces of a ship on Discarded or send the tower/signs tumbling down in Kaleidoscope. This is all happening on 128 player maps, bigger than anything we've seen in recent games. This is the same as Battlefield 4, even if it's not the one-single-event from the one-single-map, it is the same concept and execution. Please stop leaving comments about this "disappointment". We've heard enough here, thanks.
Or just let people comment? Whether they are dissapointed, or not, their opinions remain valid and thats what YT comments are for. A hate train is different, I just see people expressing opinons on the game both positive and negative.
@@normalpizza1567 highly doubt that's a concern, they use methods to lower the quality during levolution and then up the quality afterwards. It's more what could you even do to effect a map that size? A sandstorm? Please God no
I wonder if the reason they are not doing it is because of the server already getting stressed from 124 players. A falling tower would make everything buggy. I still hope they make the skyscrapers falls.
Ehh, I dunno about that. A lot of those massive destruction events are actually less performance heavy than you'd think. They're just glorified animations performing no physics calculations or complex math, it's 100% scripted to happen the same way every time. Plus being so large you can make a lot of the moving parts have less detail since they'll be moving quickly and not being thoroughly scrutinized.
It could have been the budget or EA deciding it’s not worth it. They are currently developing the next battlefield and it is expected to be released sometime in 2024. Hopefully there will be actual destruction compared to this.
@@jacaredosvudu1638 all small buildings can be smashed. Big ones can't. I dont care if that what you've seen.. its a fact. Plenty of vids on it.. And I didnt say it had the same detail as V.
Bf4 - *ENTIRE skyscraper collapses* EA - "Yea but have you seen the glorified explosive windows in 2042?!" Bf4- "but does the building fall after?" EA - "........ HEY! Have you seen the sign fall off the building yet?! Preeeetty cool huh???!!"
@@clutchthecinnamonsergal8493 that's an opinion I loved fighting in the rubble and it completely changes the flow of the map which is what levolution is meant to do. It goes from the most important objective to very difficult to defend peninsula
ambition? shanghai also had just ONE skyscraper that fell down. but that was still new for 2013. But 2022? And they went backwards? fuck them. But its probably got nothing to do with ambition they just didnt have the time.
Its our standards yo , as gamers , pre buys , ect , we made the gaming industrie how it is today we have the power to change it , wait til a games out then buy
Imagine how cool it would be on Kaleidoscope if you could take down like all 3 skyscrapers and the city was filled up with more stuff. Would be one of the coolest bf maps ever :\
The one on Hourglass looks terrible. First off the scripted explosions on the side of the building are the exact same, lazy copy and paste. Secondly there's no way a display would explode like that if it was shot at. Maybe at most a fire would break out.
Lmao u should see the helicopter copy and paste on the map background 💀 im sure they spammed copy and paste since the helis go clipping thru eachother but its whatever since its just something on the background
They should make the skyscraper by B1 (on last gen) and E1 (on next gen) collapse but I guess they can't because the server already has a tornado and 128 players
@@ranimdude remember how game developers are supposed to adapt and overcome errors from previous games? Just because it broke the previous game, doesn't mean the devs can't work harder to ensure it doesn't break their next game. What we're witnessing is just laziness - there's no two ways about it.
Spent an entire match launching a rockets from the little bird at it, a friendly AA shooting at it and an enemy tank joining in and shooting it for an entire match, nothing happened, even when shooting the couplings on the pillars
A good “excuse” for the skyscrapers not falling like in bf4 is because those were probably made in mind of the mega storms of 2042 and needed to be able to with stand them making them immune to the effects of war some what I’m the process. Or, they were lazy.
The problem with all these events is that they have to happen under some very specific circumstances they really needed to be placed on objectives then some random places players don’t really fight in.
People confuse levoloution with interactions. BF4 had many interactions that are not necessarily levolution, like opening the gate on Hanger 21 or Caspian boarder, or the detonating the explosives on Golmud railway. Levolution is level evolution, meaning the map is permanently or temporarily changed. Like the tower on siege of shanghai or the storm on paracel storm or even the gate on sunken dragon which is not a permanent levolution.
battefield 4: destruction of a building, which adds a new location to move and changes the map battefield 2042: a crane or building sign breaks down on a map where there are 100+ of the same skyscrapers
@@AluneTheShaman dude, i get it your angry about the game but some people are having fun on the game, dont bash them buddy, imagine if i bashed you for liking an 9 year old game (bf4), how would that feel? no 128 players in bf4, no huge maps in bf4, no rocket launches in bf4, instead of bashing him why dont you be more civil and polite in society and let others have fun?
Remember when dice said they won’t be adding battle royal because too many games have copied it, so they are gonna beef up the battle royal and set an example for every other company, and all we got was hard point or whatever it is that no one plays? And speaking of copying, that double tap sprint? The specialists? There more, but who’s that copying? The cliche “I’m a powerful woman” “it’s ok, maybe next time” cliche dialogue?
These are incredible. Considering the maps are so huge and the servers are 128 this is truly incredible. People are like "In BF4 the whole skyscraper will fall"... Yeah but what does that do? It gets repetitive after 10 times and also makes the map worse. Great video!
Honestly, even though its no where near battlefield 4's levelutions in terms of pure destruction and map changing effects, its still WAAAAAAY better than anything we got in the last two battlefields
@@ThisChannelIsAbandoned300 That's basically what happened in the last two battlefields compared to four and 2042 cause consider this We can blow up Rocket ships is 2042 and take down huge skyscrapers in 4 What can we do in five and one? Break down a wall. You can't even destroy a whole building unless its a one floor one just break down the walls. The closest we got to levelutions in one was the airships whenever they were destroyed which were cool but no where near what we had before and now
Dice/ea/RippleEffect Neglected this huge potential , battlefield could be the vest game for severals years if they had took enough time to make it perfect and as we want it to be
Thing's that kinda logically.. Battlefield 2042 Features Debris and small destruction details.. there's some destructible thing that will last forever on the map ( even for the smallest one ) On Battlefield 4.. the debris won't last forever to keep stabilize the server from being lagged bcuz of the massive amount of these small debris.. Lot of destruction on Battlefield 4.. the things that are totally observable is on Shanghai Siege map.. that featured the Collapsing Skyscraper.. but the thing is.. most of the small destruction details on the map are will be quickly gone after being destroyed.. So yea.. Levolution is still possible on the Next-Gen Battlefield.. but yea.. we've already know that it won't be featured in this battlefield It's just need more stronger specs to do it.. ( prolly the next gen console & PC can handle it )
The levolution looks awesome, BESIDES the explosion on that one map, and the rocket falling down on the other map, there really aren’t much levolution affecting gameplay. And on some of the levolutions, I think the sound is a bit exaggerated. But, I still think levolution is awesome, no matter how much it affects the gameplay. As long as it looks cool, it’s fine for me IMO.
I agree, I haven’t actually got to play yet so idk but I feel like any shift in gameplay through levolution is kind of negated by the wingsuit and all it rlly does is help build the atmosphere. But 128 players already does that and more
This game is EXTREMELY underrated. I personally enjoy the game and its experience. The destruction may NOT be bf4 or 1 but at least we got destruction as the devs easily could've gave us NO destruction.
We wouldn't mind the rooftop objectives if we can blow down the building but that's to much work for the programmers and what happen to. Blowing up the rocket in the map orbital?
The oil tanks in Breakaway is such a let down. Why blow up only one oil tank per explosion? If the devs made it where if you blow up one and the others simultaneously (with 1-3 sec delay) blow up as well, it wouldn't beat BF4 but it still would've been great.
Yes, it depends on which mode and which player count you play on. I believe 128p Breakthrough lets you do the radio tower levolution. The signs are always available, I think.
@@CrafterOfSwords I’m getting the map on breakthrough but it still won’t let me to the area it’s still small is it breakthrough season or another game mode
Nothing compared to BF 3 and 4 where entire building and a skyscraper comes down changing the map itself lol…I really hope they can make that into the next game with this magnitude of players in 1 lobby…like map changing events which can be triggered by the warfare on the game map..like large building destruction or derailing a long train so part of the battlefield is just a train pileup lol…or that awesome BF5 building mechanics to create foxholes and sandbag cover and antitank roadblocks…imagine that it would be the perfect BF game with all those elements
This map is simply no longer in the rotation, it completely stopped appearing in season 5, if you manage to get into a map like that, you are very lucky
The levelution sucks in BF4 almost everything you were able to destroy buildings bridges towers even the landscape would get huge craters in it. This just has little things. You shot a building enough in BF4 the building would completely come down and that was like that with almost every building
a dice programmer explained that they COULD make buildings fall but the servers would go down to a crawl speed even with horrible resolution and it will destroy your PCs, and plus many bf4 servers in 2022 have a rule that you CANT destroy the tower because it makes the whole map unfun, thats why
theres something wrong with the way your hands/gun look in first person. everything about this game looks unpleasant it's just weird how much worse it looks than all previous battlefields
They did so good with bf 4 and 5 I was hoping it would be a mix of both in 2042 the large scale destruction of bf 4 and the small scale of bf5 like destroying houses and making creators to take cover in like I use to
@@lemonke1709 The worst levelution is Golmud Railway, which has eod's all over the place, and has the flag on the train move back and forth depending on who owns it. A hell of a lot better then these.
I can't believe dice showed off their new engine with destruction and ai system before 2042 came out and this is what they came up with a unfinished mess of a game
Jeez, I don't understand why can't we have collapasable buldings like the one in BF1, or a destroyed damn that floods the entire level or some cool shit like that.
@@ThisChannelIsAbandoned300 Well, maybe they should've thought of that before giving us what is basically a rib bone with no meat of a game. Fuck live service games.
@@CranSo yea it was pretty annoying like in shanghai you couldnt see shit afterward. But those levolutions affected the entire map. In 2042 the maps are way bigger, so they missed an opportunity for those sized levolutions on portions of the map. For example, taking the buildings down in Doha or destroying the highway bridge.
Levolution refers to "level evolution". This encompasses anything, from raising car-barricades to destroying buildings. Levolution does not mean "the tower from Siege of Shanghai", nor does it mean "huge destruction event" in any way.
Battlefield 2042 has a tornado that rips up the map. Players can blow up an entire rocket on Orbital. They can rip down huge pieces of a ship on Discarded or send the tower/signs tumbling down in Kaleidoscope. This is all happening on 128 player maps, bigger than anything we've seen in recent games.
This is the same as Battlefield 4, even if it's not the one-single-event from the one-single-map, it is the same concept and execution. Please stop leaving comments about this "disappointment". We've heard enough here, thanks.
Or just let people comment? Whether they are dissapointed, or not, their opinions remain valid and thats what YT comments are for. A hate train is different, I just see people expressing opinons on the game both positive and negative.
It can happen on all gen or only on new gen? Like the destruction or the tornado 🌪
Even if that is a “leveloution” why the downgrade?
Its clearly a huge downgrade….
It's fucking garbage man.
It's sad that the destruction in this game was so sub-par compared to BF4
I think the maps are kinda too big for one thing to change the whole thing like bf4 but I want more destruction
Bro for how it is now do people really think there pc's and consoles could handle it for the size it would have to be to make an effect on the map
DICE would be paying so much many for setting homes on fire
@@normalpizza1567 highly doubt that's a concern, they use methods to lower the quality during levolution and then up the quality afterwards. It's more what could you even do to effect a map that size? A sandstorm? Please God no
@@johnhenryeden5249 wasn't that the point of a levelution was to change the stride of a map I mean I thought that's what they were made for
I wonder if the reason they are not doing it is because of the server already getting stressed from 124 players. A falling tower would make everything buggy. I still hope they make the skyscrapers falls.
Ehh, I dunno about that. A lot of those massive destruction events are actually less performance heavy than you'd think. They're just glorified animations performing no physics calculations or complex math, it's 100% scripted to happen the same way every time. Plus being so large you can make a lot of the moving parts have less detail since they'll be moving quickly and not being thoroughly scrutinized.
@@JohnnyShagbot Wait until you see the parts of the rocket being flung around in Orbital
It could have been the budget or EA deciding it’s not worth it. They are currently developing the next battlefield and it is expected to be released sometime in 2024. Hopefully there will be actual destruction compared to this.
Playing BF1 where EVERY building could be destroyed, 2042 is just a shame
Most of the main buildings couldn't be destroyed
@@deathtrooper2048 just the big things and you could atleast damage them
@@jacaredosvudu1638 but rhats what you can do in 2042... you can smash all little buildings just not the big ones..
@@lackofdubs5975 thats not what ive seen in the gameplays
And ,yes,some can be damaged but its not near BFV or BF1 level
@@jacaredosvudu1638 all small buildings can be smashed. Big ones can't. I dont care if that what you've seen.. its a fact. Plenty of vids on it..
And I didnt say it had the same detail as V.
Bf4 - *ENTIRE skyscraper collapses*
EA - "Yea but have you seen the glorified explosive windows in 2042?!"
Bf4- "but does the building fall after?"
EA - "........ HEY! Have you seen the sign fall off the building yet?! Preeeetty cool huh???!!"
@@clutchthecinnamonsergal8493 that's an opinion I loved fighting in the rubble and it completely changes the flow of the map which is what levolution is meant to do. It goes from the most important objective to very difficult to defend peninsula
So you want huge frame drops?
hey have you seen how the whole map becomes unfun after the skyscraper falls? hey have you seen your fps go from 60 to 3? preeetyyy cool huh?
@@Itsshaunbewarned -Someone who didn't play the game
@@captainszasz5836 i played it alright, all it does it makes the map foggy and makes it INFANTRY HELL with vehicles farming everyone
Bf4 had the best levolutions to all battlefields change my mind
Changing your mind would require a new Battlefield game
This is honestly sad it’s like as if dice don’t have that ambition they had coming up with Bf4
Yeah because all of the good developers left to other studios. It’s all new people now and they don’t know what they’re doing sadly
@@blanchbacker the new people know what they are doing, it's the managers that need to fix their stuff
ambition? shanghai also had just ONE skyscraper that fell down. but that was still new for 2013. But 2022? And they went backwards? fuck them. But its probably got nothing to do with ambition they just didnt have the time.
Its our standards yo , as gamers , pre buys , ect , we made the gaming industrie how it is today we have the power to change it , wait til a games out then buy
They gotta wait for our money not have it while making game thats where the ambition drops
Imagine how cool it would be on Kaleidoscope if you could take down like all 3 skyscrapers and the city was filled up with more stuff. Would be one of the coolest bf maps ever :\
Kinda beats the point of securing the sites
In seige of Shanghai in BF4 you could collapse the huge sky scraper that was pretty dope
well, I would still play the game, but it's just not good enough.
Discarded is the only one that changes the level.
What about orbital?
@@ThisChannelIsAbandoned300 not really
@@Spin24 The entire runway is covered in the Rocket's debris, and those two towers next to it get knocked down
@@ThisChannelIsAbandoned300 the runway is already destroyed enough
@@ThisChannelIsAbandoned300 also never knew about the towers
The one on Hourglass looks terrible. First off the scripted explosions on the side of the building are the exact same, lazy copy and paste. Secondly there's no way a display would explode like that if it was shot at. Maybe at most a fire would break out.
Lmao u should see the helicopter copy and paste on the map background 💀 im sure they spammed copy and paste since the helis go clipping thru eachother but its whatever since its just something on the background
@@babaloons4887 yeah I saw the helicopters you were talking about hahah some of the went through a building
2042 enthuasist here: Yes hourglass fucking sucks, its kinda fine as long there is an sandstorm event in it but otherwise i would never play it.
They should make the skyscraper by B1 (on last gen) and E1 (on next gen) collapse but I guess they can't because the server already has a tornado and 128 players
@@bummbummist3607 they should make the WHOLE MAP SET IN THE CITY
Not the best destruction, but not the worst either imo. I mostly like the weather effects more than anything
I agree
thats it?...in BF4, the whole building comes down
And along with it, bad performance
@@ranimdude not really
Ya... Same scripted fall every time gets old fast, plus it kills the server every time
@@alfop6405 wrong
Ye and crashing and huge frame drops
Where is the real levolution such as massive buildings going down? It's 2021 and all we got are just explosion effects. So big fat F you DICE&EA.
Remember how the performance dropped when those buildings came down?
@@ranimdude no
@@ranimdude no (never even happened with me when i used to play bf4 on ps3 looll)
@@babaloons4887 he's just posting this on all levolution comments. He's just some kid fan boy of the new game and defends it's shortcomings
@@ranimdude remember how game developers are supposed to adapt and overcome errors from previous games?
Just because it broke the previous game, doesn't mean the devs can't work harder to ensure it doesn't break their next game. What we're witnessing is just laziness - there's no two ways about it.
The antenna on kaleidoscope doesn't even exist on last gen
LMAO I can’t 2:08 that guy is def mad
What about the rocket?
It’s trash
I really think they should add like a timer thing that you have to defend, make the rocket launch an objective to win.....
@@Larry-xf3qt it's still levolution
It exploded when a tornado went through other than that idk
Spent an entire match launching a rockets from the little bird at it, a friendly AA shooting at it and an enemy tank joining in and shooting it for an entire match, nothing happened, even when shooting the couplings on the pillars
A good “excuse” for the skyscrapers not falling like in bf4 is because those were probably made in mind of the mega storms of 2042 and needed to be able to with stand them making them immune to the effects of war some what I’m the process. Or, they were lazy.
The breakway oil tanks are actually very cool!
The best one in this Video. You can just see it fighting in that area and they just start to blow up, enemy start to swarm it becomes QCB.
The problem with all these events is that they have to happen under some very specific circumstances they really needed to be placed on objectives then some random places players don’t really fight in.
Bf 2042:they are in the building,go in there and bring them down.
BF4:they are in the building, *BRING IT DOWN* .
The explosions are on point
Man people in the conversation will do anything just to put 8 on this game just wait six or seven years it'll be praised
This guy trying to get clips of destruction
The whole lobby: not on my watch
People confuse levoloution with interactions.
BF4 had many interactions that are not necessarily levolution, like opening the gate on Hanger 21 or Caspian boarder, or the detonating the explosives on Golmud railway.
Levolution is level evolution, meaning the map is permanently or temporarily changed. Like the tower on siege of shanghai or the storm on paracel storm or even the gate on sunken dragon which is not a permanent levolution.
"weeoooooooowwwwww......leeeevoluuuuussssions... yeeeeeeeee..." -Martincitopants
It's weird that a South Korean building is a fortress compared to a building in Shanghai
battefield 4: destruction of a building, which adds a new location to move and changes the map
battefield 2042: a crane or building sign breaks down on a map where there are 100+ of the same skyscrapers
Problem with those storms is they show up way to little in multiplayer.
They're still adding to the game so we can hope to see more destructive events!
Man, your expectations are so low. I could mop it and it’ll still be on the floor
@@AluneTheShaman 💀💀💀
Dude we barely got a fucking scoreboard that looks horrendous as a "major update". This game needs a whole overhaul and a refund.
@@AluneTheShaman dude, i get it your angry about the game but some people are having fun on the game, dont bash them buddy, imagine if i bashed you for liking an 9 year old game (bf4), how would that feel? no 128 players in bf4, no huge maps in bf4, no rocket launches in bf4, instead of bashing him why dont you be more civil and polite in society and let others have fun?
@@Itsshaunbewarned amen
Orbital has one of the coolest with the rocket launch
Remember when dice said they won’t be adding battle royal because too many games have copied it, so they are gonna beef up the battle royal and set an example for every other company, and all we got was hard point or whatever it is that no one plays?
And speaking of copying, that double tap sprint? The specialists? There more, but who’s that copying? The cliche “I’m a powerful woman” “it’s ok, maybe next time” cliche dialogue?
These are incredible. Considering the maps are so huge and the servers are 128 this is truly incredible.
People are like "In BF4 the whole skyscraper will fall"... Yeah but what does that do? It gets repetitive after 10 times and also makes the map worse.
Great video!
These destruction events are already boring.
…. So a falling small antena ismt repetitive?
Honestly, even though its no where near battlefield 4's levelutions in terms of pure destruction and map changing effects, its still WAAAAAAY better than anything we got in the last two battlefields
Ya the devs just could've gave us NO destruction. I do think that taking down a rocket ship is pretty DOPE.
@@ThisChannelIsAbandoned300 That's basically what happened in the last two battlefields compared to four and 2042 cause consider this
We can blow up Rocket ships is 2042 and take down huge skyscrapers in 4
What can we do in five and one? Break down a wall. You can't even destroy a whole building unless its a one floor one just break down the walls. The closest we got to levelutions in one was the airships whenever they were destroyed which were cool but no where near what we had before and now
I kinda hoped you could make the big base in breakaway sink in the ice
That sounds epic
BF4: you can destroy a skyscraper
2042: you can destroy a antenna tower on the top of a skyscraper
2042 has just enough, nothing over the top but just right
I don't like that theres no massive destruction event but its still cool anyways. I like it
I agree its defiantly neat to see.
it's just... basic. Screen shaking make it feels wow, but nah.
It's not Seige of Shanghai but these are pretty cool for what they are
Yeah no
Battlefield 4 was probably the best my fav levolutio events are.the boat crash falling hotel and the Shanghai whatever tower those are insane
I miss when we brought entire buildings/skyscrapers down
Jesus. Can’t believe there’s no levolutuon on the scale of siege of Shanghai
I’d say 2042 has just enough destruction.
Dice/ea/RippleEffect Neglected this huge potential , battlefield could be the vest game for severals years if they had took enough time to make it perfect and as we want it to be
im sure they could've done better in terms of levolution nowadays, the fact I can't even blow a chunk off a skyscraper is just so disappointing.
Thing's that kinda logically.. Battlefield 2042 Features Debris and small destruction details.. there's some destructible thing that will last forever on the map ( even for the smallest one )
On Battlefield 4.. the debris won't last forever to keep stabilize the server from being lagged bcuz of the massive amount of these small debris..
Lot of destruction on Battlefield 4.. the things that are totally observable is on Shanghai Siege map.. that featured the Collapsing Skyscraper.. but the thing is.. most of the small destruction details on the map are will be quickly gone after being destroyed..
So yea.. Levolution is still possible on the Next-Gen Battlefield.. but yea.. we've already know that it won't be featured in this battlefield
It's just need more stronger specs to do it.. ( prolly the next gen console & PC can handle it )
I was hoping they would make a small animation of houses falling down instead of unbreakable walls
I wish they would change it up for each map tho. Big levolution on some maps and debris on others. I though ea was into diversity.
The levolution looks awesome, BESIDES the explosion on that one map, and the rocket falling down on the other map, there really aren’t much levolution affecting gameplay. And on some of the levolutions, I think the sound is a bit exaggerated. But, I still think levolution is awesome, no matter how much it affects the gameplay. As long as it looks cool, it’s fine for me IMO.
I agree, I haven’t actually got to play yet so idk but I feel like any shift in gameplay through levolution is kind of negated by the wingsuit and all it rlly does is help build the atmosphere. But 128 players already does that and more
@@wompus42 Me too.
This game is EXTREMELY underrated. I personally enjoy the game and its experience. The destruction may NOT be bf4 or 1 but at least we got destruction as the devs easily could've gave us NO destruction.
How are you happy with less than what we had 8 years ago?
@@youdontseeanoldmanhavinatw4904 Bro I can be happy with whatever I want to.
We wouldn't mind the rooftop objectives if we can blow down the building but that's to much work for the programmers and what happen to. Blowing up the rocket in the map orbital?
Delevolution… this really is super disappointing
I’m still angry that they removed the point on top of the kolidescope buildings…
Blame to people that say the game is a walking simulator because they said map is too big
I just put 6 c5 on the signs on kaleidoscope and the signs didn’t break off 😒😒😒
This is the best part of 2042
though the oil tanks on breakaway do hit hard eh
The oil tanks in Breakaway is such a let down. Why blow up only one oil tank per explosion? If the devs made it where if you blow up one and the others simultaneously (with 1-3 sec delay) blow up as well, it wouldn't beat BF4 but it still would've been great.
Bro where do you put the c5 on the sign one pls tell me
I believe you can put it anywhere, but I tend to put it on the angled metal beams at the back of the sign.
@@CrafterOfSwords i tried putting them there but its not falling
I just feel they could be bigger
How do you activate the tower levolution on kaleidoscope it won’t allow me to the tower it’s a no zone do I have to play a game mode for that or what
Yes, it depends on which mode and which player count you play on. I believe 128p Breakthrough lets you do the radio tower levolution. The signs are always available, I think.
@@CrafterOfSwords breakthrough okay
@@CrafterOfSwords I’m getting the map on breakthrough but it still won’t let me to the area it’s still small is it breakthrough season or another game mode
Nothing compared to BF 3 and 4 where entire building and a skyscraper comes down changing the map itself lol…I really hope they can make that into the next game with this magnitude of players in 1 lobby…like map changing events which can be triggered by the warfare on the game map..like large building destruction or derailing a long train so part of the battlefield is just a train pileup lol…or that awesome BF5 building mechanics to create foxholes and sandbag cover and antitank roadblocks…imagine that it would be the perfect BF game with all those elements
Wait... you didn't mention the rocket in orbital.
This map is simply no longer in the rotation, it completely stopped appearing in season 5, if you manage to get into a map like that, you are very lucky
Such a disappointment, Battlefield destruction peaked in 2013.
I guess battlefield 4 is still the game too go too for prominent combat altering environments.
Battlefield 4 *Hold my beer, Imma take down this building*
In witch mode can you destroy the broadcast tower and how? Pls
128p conquest should give you access to the tower, then you destroy the four wire supports to knock it down.
@@CrafterOfSwords thank you
aint no way they called a ship hull a levolution
The levelution sucks in BF4 almost everything you were able to destroy buildings bridges towers even the landscape would get huge craters in it. This just has little things. You shot a building enough in BF4 the building would completely come down and that was like that with almost every building
I expected more
You forgot the best one Orbital
Tbh it is not that bad, but it's definetely not game changing. I'm sure they'll work on it.
Holy shit everyone forgot orbital
it's horrid sad and a disgrace this games levolution
That’s it ? What a joke
You want your game to look like shit at the cost of a building falling down like how you've seen it a thousand times
@@ranimdude is this your first battlefield pal
@@jacob7649 is it yours ?
@@jacob7649 fr it got to be his
a dice programmer explained that they COULD make buildings fall but the servers would go down to a crawl speed even with horrible resolution and it will destroy your PCs, and plus many bf4 servers in 2022 have a rule that you CANT destroy the tower because it makes the whole map unfun, thats why
The only thing I wish they implied is the destruction from bfv on there that would be amazing
theres something wrong with the way your hands/gun look in first person. everything about this game looks unpleasant
it's just weird how much worse it looks than all previous battlefields
2:07 lol
What a downgrade from bf4
Atleast it doesn't break the servers
@@ranimdude it doesn't
@@ranimdude you must have played on a potato
@@godcuck7793 fr on console at least I've never had a problem. Never.
They did so good with bf 4 and 5 I was hoping it would be a mix of both in 2042 the large scale destruction of bf 4 and the small scale of bf5 like destroying houses and making creators to take cover in like I use to
This isn't levolution! All they had to do was build upon what had come previously with BF4, but they went for some other rubbish and failed hard.
I am sad from this...
BF4 worst levelution is better then all of these combined.
Ye no
@@lemonke1709 The worst levelution is Golmud Railway, which has eod's all over the place, and has the flag on the train move back and forth depending on who owns it.
A hell of a lot better then these.
That it? Just that?
It would be pretty bad since the performance would take a massive hit like how a building would fall
@@ranimdude nope wrong
Where they taking notes cod ghost when it comes the map events?
Are you sure that you upload 'Levolution" video?
battlefield 4 was the best bf made
That no more a battlefield
that's not even come closer to BF4 shingai tower fallen
I want to be able to access every floor of the skyscraper. I want to helicopter to be able to topple the skyscraper across the map.
I can't believe dice showed off their new engine with destruction and ai system before 2042 came out and this is what they came up with a unfinished mess of a game
Bf4 has better levolutions just how could the devs not get some big levolutions to at least not be worse than bf4 just like bf5 geez
Jeez, I don't understand why can't we have collapasable buldings like the one in BF1, or a destroyed damn that floods the entire level or some cool shit like that.
With 128 players, that would NUKE the servers
@@ThisChannelIsAbandoned300 Well, maybe they should've thought of that before giving us what is basically a rib bone with no meat of a game.
Fuck live service games.
@@soulstalker4624 I never asked, and personally I really enjoy this game.
@@ThisChannelIsAbandoned300 Of course you DO
@@soulstalker4624 wha?
Well...that's disappointing
Man, it's so underwhelming. Such a shame.
Wow so mapchanging! :l
This is just sad man
thats sad man
Ok, now im disappointed
so..even with that, this game is poor? :/
It ain't poor, its full of bugs and unoptimized
@@quicky1432 haha I wish only that problems 🤣
@@quicky1432 Portal seems to be more fun tho
@@ugsskiff2414 just no xp
@@AndreasRP. yea. Shows reached cap
That's it? Gay.
What? How is that gay?
people didnt like the bigger Levolution's, because of the way it affected the map
@@CranSo yea it was pretty annoying like in shanghai you couldnt see shit afterward. But those levolutions affected the entire map. In 2042 the maps are way bigger, so they missed an opportunity for those sized levolutions on portions of the map. For example, taking the buildings down in Doha or destroying the highway bridge.
@@willdill1538 Shanghai's was cool but the map felt really boring after