How to Get to Heaven: What the Catholic Church Teaches

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024


  • @cabeto821005
    @cabeto821005 23 дні тому +1

    Bro, you described the way into purgatory not into heaven.

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Місяць тому +1

    *RCs could never answer .... If Roman Catholicism is truth or Church of the Bible, why was there not a single New Covenant believer saved in a Roman Catholic way in the whole Bible? Why is that so? Please explain coherently intelligently.*
    - submit to Roman pope to be saved
    - devote to Roman Mary to be saved
    - be in Roman Church to be saved
    - partake Roman sacraments to be saved
    - baptise in Roman baptism to be saved
    - do lots of works to be saved

  • @jediv3381
    @jediv3381 Місяць тому +1

    *If Roman religion is really the Church of the Bible or the "one true church". Then why are 95% of RC doctrines and 95% of RC clergies not in the Bible? Mind boggling ... Lol*
    *nt Church of the Bible did not have Roman pontiff neither Roman priests, neither did Apostles pray to dead saints or Mary, neither did Apostles and Jesus make statues for Mary and saint .. Neither bow down to statues .. Neither Roman unholy water, neither sinless Mary, neither veneration of skulls bones tongues ... So where are all these man made doctrines of Rome in the Bible? Neither all the below man made doctrines! Wonder where they come from?*
    *There was never a Catholic Church in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Catholic Church in the Bible.*
    *There was never a Catholic in the Bible.*
    *There was never a Roman Catholic in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Church pope in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Church priest in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Church cardinal in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Church sinless Mary in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Church unholy water in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Church penance in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Church purgatory in the Bible.*
    *There was never a R Church canonised saint in the Bible.*
    *There was never an Nt believer who made or bow down to statues in the Bible.*
    *There was never an Nt believer who prays or received prayers from passed saints or Mary in the Bible.*
    *There was never an ecumenical council with bishops of all churches that decided the canon in history*
    *If you can find one example in the New Testament I will give you a lollipop.*
    *nt church of the Apostles did not have such practices. Answer me: did apostles make and bow down to statues? Did Apostles ask passed on saints to pray for them? Or sprinkle "holy" water on believers? Or wore fishhead hat and costumes? Or cite hocus pocus when they serve the communion? They merely broke bread and passed around the table. Did they demand believers to kneel in front of them to serve them communion? Or did Peter ask believers to kiss his hands and feet? Or did Apostles venerate statues, bones or relics?*
    *You do see clearly it all came from practices of believers after the Apostles - which Rcs claimed its from early writings. They had already deviated from the Apostles and Jesus. What Rcc called doctrines were merely partly traditions of errant believers + partly its own self traditions. Totally not from Jesus and Apostles at all.*

  • @85rockhound
    @85rockhound 5 місяців тому +2

    Romans 10:9-10. That's it.

  • @annafranc8081
    @annafranc8081 2 роки тому +4

    I like when you said just by grace we can be justified. That’s so true. I disobeyed Lord God over and over again and I messed up my brain but then in His mercy He changed me so much I barely ever sin now. I’m in love with Him.

  • @soulosxpiotov7280
    @soulosxpiotov7280 3 місяці тому

    So, it's not faith ALONE that leads to justification, but faith PLUS water baptism, hence faith + WORKS to have a right standing with God?

  • @Syed_12
    @Syed_12 2 роки тому +1

    ( Do Christians And Jews and "OTHER" non-Muslims go to Heaven? )
    Quran 2:62
    '' Those who believe (in the Quran) and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures) and the Christians and the Sabians->ANYAllah< Is The Protector Of Monasteries, Churches, Synagogues And The Mosques )
    Quran 22:40
    [They are] those who have been evicted from their homes without right - only because they say, " Our Lord is God " And were it not that God checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of God is much mentioned. And God will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, God is Powerful and Exalted in Might.
    Note: Why did Allah protected Churches and Synagogues if they worship false Allah ?
    ( Why Are There So Many Different Religions In The World ? )
    Quran 5 48
    ''...... If God wanted He could have made all of you a single nation.( ie single religion ) But He willed otherwise in order to test you in what He has given you (ie Scriptures) therefore try to excel one another in good deeds. Ultimately you all shall return to God then He will show you the truth of those matters in which you '' >DISPUTE verb < not noun like other religions
    Islam mean "submission" to God
    ( The above verse saying is that God will not accept a religion from the >MUSLIM< and the Non-Muslims but total "submission" to God )
    Question: How Can Muslim And the Non-Muslim "submit" to the God?
    Answer: Be kind to other human beings and Do not lie, Do not steal, Do not cheat, Do not hurt others, Do not be prideful and Do the charity work.
    Note: If you obeyed all the ABOVE Allah-God's moral laws "YOU" submitted to God.( ie Islam mean "submission" to God )
    The only people who will enter Paradise those who '' Submitted to God '' ( ie by Good Deeds )
    God does NOT accept your religion of birth but only ''Your Total'' Submission to Him.
    ( God Allows Interfaith Marriages And Eat Food From the Christian And Jew And Vice Versa )
    Quran 5:5
    ''This day [all] good foods have been made lawful, and the food of those who were given the Scripture (ie Christian and Jew) is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them. And lawful in marriage are chaste women from among the believers (ie Muslim ) and chaste women from among those who were given the Scripture (ie Christian and Jew) before you, when you have given them their due compensation, desiring chastity not unlawful sexual intercourse or taking [secret] lovers. And whoever denies the faith - his work has become worthless and he in the Hereafter will be among the losers.''
    Note: > Only < Islam allows interfaith marriages (>14 hundredsSame God< but They are >ALL Corrupt< more or less, some more than others from their original foundational teaching. The older religion are MORE corrupted than newer religion.
    Question to Muslim and Christian:
    Does God / Allah only answer your pray ?
    And God / Allah does not answer non Muslim / non Christian pray?
    Did Allah '' Canceled '' all other religions Judaism and Christianity?
    Quran 5:48
    '' And We have revealed to you [O Muhammad] the Book in truth, confirming that which preceded it of the Scripture ( ie New and old Testament ) and as a criterion over it. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed and do not follow their inclinations away from what has come to you of the truth. >>>TO EACH OF YOU WE PRESCRIBED A LAW AND A METHODone nation>differ qualified < for to enter Paradise )
    On the day of judgement God will ''NOT'' judge humanity bases on Sunni Muslim sect VS Shia Muslim sect ''NOR'' by Muslim VS non-Muslim >but< Doer of Goods VS Doer of Evils.
    '' YOUR " birth in the Muslim's family is NOT a > qualification < for to enter the Paradise.
    '' YOUR " religion / sect / foot long beard is NOT a > qualification < for to enter the Paradise.
    The > qualification < to enter Paradise is > Faith in God and Good Work

  • @MarianaFerreira-z2t
    @MarianaFerreira-z2t 8 місяців тому +1

    I was baptized by the Catholic Church when I was 7 I still believe in Jesus but I am only now returned to the catholic church can I consider myself saved?:) I committed mortal sin though and I need confession I f I don't have confession in time does that mean Im damned?:(

    • @RicardoEMoran
      @RicardoEMoran 4 місяці тому

      Well, you said it yourself, that you returned back to the Catholic Church. meaning that you repented of your actions. And for you to commit mortal sin is unlikely because committing mortal sin is you acknowledging your sins and not repenting from them. Because if we were to look up the definition of repentance, it means that you won't ever do that sin ever again. And sure, you need confession and practice your spiritual development, and you must believe that faith alone saves, which of course includes works.
      !.) Repentance and Forgiveness:
      Luke 15:3-7
      2.) Confession and Reconciliation:
      1 John 1:8-10
      Jame 5:16-18
      3.) Faith and Works:
      James 2:14-26
      4.) Salvation through Faith and Works:
      Ephesians 2:4-10
      Philippians 2:12-18
      5.) Spiritual Development:
      2 Peter 3: 14-18
      1 Peter 2: 1-10

  • @Kgoverstreet
    @Kgoverstreet 4 місяці тому

    So we must repent and be baptized to go to heaven? Is that not works? Thanks.

  • @annafranc8081
    @annafranc8081 2 роки тому +1

    Please read John 3:5-6:”Unless a man be born again of water and Holy Ghost he cannot enter into kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh, is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit if Spirit.
    This means we need to stop following our disobedient lusts

  • @Pickup_man_1973
    @Pickup_man_1973 2 роки тому +5

    Faith Alone? (Sola Fide)
    The doctrine of “faith alone” never existed before Martin Luther. 👈😳 In his first German Translated Bible, (Lut1545), Luther had the audacity to add the word “alone” to read you are saved by “faith alone” in Romans 3:28.
    This is straight from Martin Luther’s 1545 Bible where he added the word “alone”
    (LUT1545) Romans 3:28 - So halten wir es nun, daß der Mensch gerecht werde ohne des Gesetzes Werke, (allein ‘Alone’) durch den ( Glauben ‘Faith’. )
    Here is the quote from Martin Luther about Luther adding the word “alone”. It’s pretty shocking!
    “If your Papist annoys you with the word ‘alone’ - Rom. 3:28, tell him straightway, Dr. Martin Luther will have it so: Papist and asses are one and the same thing. Whoever will not have my translation, let him give it the go-by: the devil’s thanks to him who censures it without my will and knowledge. Luther will have it so, and he is a doctor above all the doctors in Popedom.” (ref. Amic. Discussion, 1, 127,’The Facts About Luther,’ O’Hare, TAN Books, 1987, p. 201. Cf. Also J. Dollinger, La Reforme et les resultants qu’elle a produits. (Trans. E. Perrot, Paris, Gaume, 1848-49), Vol III, pg. 138).
    James 2:24 - the phrase “faith alone” only occurs once in the Bible. “Man is justified by works and NOT faith alone.” Unlike what some churches teach, no where in Scripture does it say that man is justified or saved by “faith alone.” To the contrary, man is not justified by faith alone. A person is justified by faith and works acting together, which comes solely from God’s divine grace. Faith alone never obtains the grace of justification. Also, the word “justified” is the same word Paul uses for justification in Rom. 4:3 in regard to Abraham (so you cannot argue James is not referring to “justification” in James 2:24 unless they argue Paul wasn’t in Rom. 4:3 either).

    • @snzeribe16
      @snzeribe16 2 роки тому +3

      Ur so right but i also think Faith alone does in fact mean that if we have have true faith, good works will follow. But we are saved by Grace through faith. Theres nothing we can do to get to heaven without having faith since Jesus paid the price. However, we still must do the will of the Lord as Jesus said aswell. I just think the interpretation of faith alone is often misinterpreted or misunderstood. Many protestants take it too literal and then adopt the false doctrine of once saved always saved. But in reality we practically believe the same thing we know we need works as well but we are not saved by that. It is simply result of faith if that makes sense!

    • @romandaigle455
      @romandaigle455 4 місяці тому

      What a joke that you say , he had the “audacity “ to add a word, look at all the man made rules and rituals the RCC added to their false pagan religion, deceiving the masses.

  • @Della-HH
    @Della-HH 8 місяців тому

    Hello! I know this video is a year old so this comment may not be seen by anyone, but it would feel wrong to not add my thoughts considering the incredibly importantly topic of salvation. (Also, apologies in advance for the mini essay.)
    You claim that the council of trent "explicitly condemns the idea that we can do good works to become justified ... or to be made right with God." It seems to me that the council explicitly states the opposite, namely that one must do works to "preserve" and "increase" their justification. Is there a difference between "doing good works to become justified" (which you state the catholic church is against) and doing good works to preserve your justification?
    The council states "If anyone saith, that the justice received is not preserved and also increased before God through good works; but that the said works are merely the fruits and signs of Justification obtained, but not a cause of the increase thereof; let him be anathema,” but then you claim, "we are justified in order to do good works." Is this not another way of saying that works are the fruit and signs of your justification? And if so is that not in direct opposition to the council's statement?
    Finally, why did you choose to not mention purgatory? You present, quite frankly, the protestant view of the gospel as the catholic view when there is so much in the catholic catechism that proves the catholic view of justification is not so simple as "repent, believe, and be baptized." Your presentation thus feels very disingenuous to me.
    There are so many catholic teachings/beliefs such as the treasury of merit, purgatory, mortal/venial sin, and indulgences which complicate the matter of justification and salvation far beyond what you present at the end of the video. This is a much different picture than just holding on to a winning lottery ticket and entering heaven.
    Overall your video is well presented, coherent, and seems to be well thought out, but unfortunately it distorts the true catholic teachings that you claim to support. If you are going to support and promote Catholicism, give people the full picture rather than a repackaged protestant version of salvation. Because at the end of the day, if you truly believe that it is as simple as getting the winning lottery ticket of God's grace and then repenting, believing, and being baptized, why are you catholic and not protestant given the catholic church's own claims that those three steps are not enough?

    • @randycarson9812
      @randycarson9812 3 місяці тому

      The Catholic Church teaches the following:
      1. Each of us has inherited original sin and its consequences, and through our actual sins or disobedience, we are separated from God.
      2. We are powerless to do anything about our situation. We cannot save ourselves.
      3. We can be saved by Jesus because He is the "one mediator between God and man". Through His death on the cross, Jesus Christ has paid the price for our sins.
      4. Jesus offers His help to us as a free gift which we can receive by sorrow for our disobedience, trusting in Him and by being baptized.
      5. We must turn away from our sins, express sorrow for them, and believe in Jesus Christ and the gospel.
      6. Repentance signifies our willingness to turn from what separates us from God, and baptism renews us, filling us with the grace needed to have faith and live it out.
      7. This belief goes beyond mere "head knowledge," which even demons possess (Jas 2:19).
      8. It is more than just believing in salvation, as the Pharisees did (Jn 5:39).
      9. True, saving faith is demonstrated through daily living and is characterized by "faith working through love" (Gal 5:6, cf. Jas 2:1-26).

  • @DavidNicholson101
    @DavidNicholson101 4 місяці тому

    You honestly do not sound like a catholic. What you say is more in line with protestant teaching.

    • @randycarson9812
      @randycarson9812 3 місяці тому

      Perhaps you have been misinformed about Catholic beliefs.
      The Catholic Church teaches that all people are sinners in need of a savior (Rom 5:12-21). We inherit original sin and its consequences, and through our actual sins, we distance ourselves from God. We cannot save ourselves, but we don't need to: Jesus Christ has paid the price for our sins. Salvation comes through Jesus alone (Acts 4:12) because He is the "one mediator between God and man" (1 Tm 2:5-6).
      The saving grace won by Jesus is offered to us as a free gift, accessible through repentance, faith, and baptism. We must turn away from our sins, express sorrow for them, and believe in Jesus Christ and the gospel. Repentance signifies our willingness to turn from what separates us from God, and baptism renews us, filling us with the grace needed to have faith and live it out. This belief goes beyond mere "head knowledge," which even demons possess (Jas 2:19). It is more than just believing in salvation, as the Pharisees did (Jn 5:39). True, saving faith is demonstrated through daily living and is characterized by "faith working through love" (Gal 5:6, cf. Jas 2:1-26).

  • @timphillips4357
    @timphillips4357 Місяць тому

    Nowhere in Scripture does it say we go to a place called "heaven". The word "heaven" can mean several different things such as "sky", "high", "government", "the Kingdom", "the dimension where God dwells", etc. And as far as our rewards that are stored "in heaven" Christ is going to BRING them upon His return. All He has to do is say a word and it becomes physical, like here's your mansion that I have prepared for you then bamb, it appears. But anyways, over and over Scripture says that "the meek will inherit the EARTH." Here are various verses which prove this(btw, there is no literal burning hell as "Lake of Fire is a terrible translation and is merely a metaphor about the Refiner's Crucible and the system of purification of all men back to Himself is likened to a Refiner's Crucible which uses fire to purify gold and it rids it of it's impurities(our sins). But I won't go into the hellfire doctrine here, just the heaven verses the coming Kingdom using Scripture and not man's traditions. Here's some verses proving that we souls sleep then will be resurrected(as Christ did and who was the FIRST FRUITS of the Resurrection): "And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the EARTH.' "The dead know nothing." "On that very day their thoughts perish." "For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?" "And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works." "But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have FALLEN ASLEEP(SOULS SLEEP FOLKS). For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. But each in his own turn: Christ the firstfruits; then AT HIS COMING, those who belong to Him." Hope this has at least gotten someone to rethink man's traditions verse the true word of God. And btw, white Christians are the true Israel people and the people today who say they are of Judah are actually the descendants of the small race of Edomites("The REDS" who CONVERTED to Phariseeism/Judaism about 120 years before Christ and other edomites who went north into the southern Russia area where according to ancient writings they mixed with Gog and Magog aka Ashkenaz and they too eventually CONVERTED to Phariseeism/Judaism under King Bulan of Khazaria in the 8th century AD(or 7th Century I forget which at the moment). But just as Christ stated they lie like their father who is the father of lies and who was a murder from the beginning=CAIN!!! And they also confirmed this as they admitted that their people aka "generation(RACE) of vipers" and "offspring of devils" were never in bondage to any man. White Christians today believe they are just "white gentiles"(gentiles actually means "TRIBES or NATIONS" and NOT non Jew which is a lie to trick the real white Israel people into staying ignorant of who they really are since they have tunrned away from God in these end times and the white race has come under an end times BLINDNESS by God Himself and He has BLINDED the white race to their true ancient identity as the actually physical descendants of Jacob Israel as a propheised punishment for the white Israel race turning away from their God in these latter days(which would happen sometime after founding end times Zion(USA). The Europeans and Pilgrims and Founding Fathers all knew whites are the Israel people. If you don't believe me you should go read their old writings and sermons. They knew America was the Zion of Bible prophecy and they called it "Joseph's Land" because they knew it belongs to Joseph and his son Manasseh who was to have one GREAT nation and his tribal symbols are= A FRUITFUL BRANCH AND 13 ARROWS!!!! That's right people, the US Great Seal is 100% Israelite symbolism mainly related to Joseph's vision where each family member(tribe) was represented by a star(13 Tribes of Israel(Joseph has 2)=13 stars. Around the 13 stars is a circular cloud which is the cloud the Israelites foloowed during the Exodus and the eagle represents God when He told Israel that He would carry them with outstretched eagles' wings. WHAT is the eagle carrying in it's talons? An olive branch with 13 olives=ISRAEL's SYMBOL!!!! The Eagle(GOD) is carry ISRAEL!!!! And it has been right under our noses on on one dollar bills for all to see this whole time!!!! And now you know why in the world that there's an ancient Egyptian pyramid on an American dollar bill!!! WAKE UP AMERICA ZION!!!!!!! REPENT and God will save us from the destruction that is overtaking our nations in the west!!!!!!

  • @marianaferreira5440
    @marianaferreira5440 Рік тому +1

    Hi Sean I was baptized in the catholic church when I was 7 years old how do I know if I truly repented and believed.Am I still saved? Thank you awesome video If I watch tarot videos will I go to hell?(i struggle with this:( ) I dont have means to go to a church and confess

    • @susan5199
      @susan5199 Місяць тому

      I would not do tarot stop and repent from it you will be fine to me no church going as such can save you only true repentance which can be at home hope this comforts you

  • @Catholic_D.O.G
    @Catholic_D.O.G 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you Sean. God Bless 🕊️

  • @IsaacNussbaum
    @IsaacNussbaum 2 роки тому

    Where in the Scriptures does it say that you...YOU... will go to heaven? Don't know a place? Don't feel bad. Your priest/pastor doesn't know one, either.

  • @annafranc8081
    @annafranc8081 2 роки тому

    If you believe there is hell you will follow Lord God’s commandments. As in Revelations 21:8 it clearly says that liars, cowardly, abominable... (pls read it) will go to Hell. We must keep commandments with love towards Lord God and our neighbours.

  • @annafranc8081
    @annafranc8081 2 роки тому

    Repent = to apologise to Lord God to go to confession and to stop doing it!! ALL LIARS WILL GO TO HELL I wish people realised all liars go to hell as there is so many liars pls read Apocalypse 21:8

  • @annafranc8081
    @annafranc8081 2 роки тому

    Nowadays there are people who sin then go confession thinking they can keep sinning on purpose and just keep going to confession (without actually feeling bad) and all is well. They are exactly what Romans 8:20 talks about. People who are vain in their hope.

  • @michaelburgess5569
    @michaelburgess5569 Рік тому +1

    Did he teach you the other parts of the Catholic traditions and history of the Catholic church? My goal here, is that you tell ALL the TRUTH about the Catholic church and FAITH. Not just the parts that sounds good to get people to BELIEVE in something that is a little dishonest and harmful. As you live longer and study other FAITHS and experience LIFE. I hope you can and will see outside of your Catholic Box. You are young and have time to grow SPIRITUAL. I BELIEVE JESUS talked about the church NOT the Catholic church. That's something WE Humans do to make us feel separated from each other. This is the Only One, no this is the Only One, No this is the Only One. GOD IS THE ONLY ONE. NOT some RELIGION. Peace and Blessings always.

  • @AgustinDaulo-cs6jk
    @AgustinDaulo-cs6jk 5 місяців тому

    I don't want to study on how to get to Heaven because there's no problem in Heaven. What we should study is what are we going to do if this Earth becomes Hell.

  • @patkelly6349
    @patkelly6349 Рік тому

    Sean. What happens if you keep repeating the same mistakes. Does god forgive you. I can’t my head around this. I know I’m sinning but just do it then I feel awful afterward

    • @randycarson9812
      @randycarson9812 3 місяці тому

      Jesus said that WE are to forgive 7 times 70 times. God is capable of even more forgiveness.

  • @mauramoreno2882
    @mauramoreno2882 Рік тому

    Very helpful thank you

  • @snzeribe16
    @snzeribe16 2 роки тому

    This is awesome man love this. You explain things so well in a simple way. You also use the Bible alot to explain which is fantastic. My buddy and I started a catholic podcast on here “Ad Lucem” and we hope to incorporate scripture as much as we can! It would mean alot if you checked it out🙏🏾

    • @johnthomas5796
      @johnthomas5796 2 роки тому

      But !! Just in France only there were 214,000 reported child sex acts within the Catholic Churches in France from 1950 to 2020 they estimate 1 in 3 accually come forward. Now we are talking about millions of cases world wide it must be hundreds of million of children in the Catholic church. If you think you can support and stand behind the Catholic church and think your going to go to heaven for supporting a church that single handedly makes up of most pedophile cases then you must be the most ignorant person in the world. Stay Catholic and see what happens.

    • @johnthomas5796
      @johnthomas5796 2 роки тому

      To support the Catholic church you support the pedophile. Or our you doing something about ? Because everymonth the cases go up

  • @marcihf217
    @marcihf217 2 роки тому

    Thank you for this video.

  • @GymGuy817JasonEuless
    @GymGuy817JasonEuless Рік тому

    From what I’m hearing in this video you seem to be saying that salvation is by grace through faith alone, which then causes you to do good works. This is Lutheran teaching…that good works spring out of faith. On the contrary, Roman Catholicism has always taught that good works are part of obtaining salvation, not as a result of salvation. We are taught that faith and works are necessary for salvation.
    Along with baptism and the sacraments. However, if one comes to believe in the gospel and then dies before having the chance to be baptized or do good works, their desire for baptism would then be sufficient.

    • @DavidNicholson101
      @DavidNicholson101 4 місяці тому +1

      I agree. It's not Catholic teaching, seeing as I'm protestant, I mostly agree with what he's saying.

    • @randycarson9812
      @randycarson9812 3 місяці тому

      Catholics believe that "salvation is by grace alone through faith (that works through love) alone."
      Based on this understanding joint declarations of agreement have been signed by the Catholic Church, the Lutherans (ECLA), and many other denominations.

    • @randycarson9812
      @randycarson9812 3 місяці тому

      @@DavidNicholson101 What a surprise.
      Catholics believe that "salvation is by grace alone through faith (that works through love) alone."
      Based on this understanding joint declarations of agreement have been signed by the Catholic Church, the Lutherans (ECLA), and many other denominations.

    • @GymGuy817JasonEuless
      @GymGuy817JasonEuless 3 місяці тому

      @@randycarson9812 “Catholics believe that salvation is by grace alone through faith (that works through love) alone.”
      Is this a quotation from an actual document or catechism (possibly within the Lutheran Church?) or are you doing the best to explain it your own words? I’ve never heard this on the Catholic side. This seems to be an oversimplification of what Catholics believe. I read the whole document and I can’t get much out of it except that when viewed from new and different angles that there is now an agreement that there is enough in common with each other’s beliefs that the differences no longer call for the historical condemnations of each other. It’s my understanding that neither church changed any of their own doctrine to arrive at this statement; and that the statement itself says that the document does not contain all the things that either church teaches about the subject, and that all of the condemnations the Roman Catholic Church made at the Council of Trent are still in effect. They just do not directly apply to the Lutheran Churches signing this statement.
      May I ask if you are Lutheran or Catholic? It’s my guess that in practice, not much has changed in either church. I would guess that the Lutheran church continues to emphasize faith alone and I know on the Roman Catholic side (which I am), that despite all the fancy language in this document, the way we’re presented things is basically the age old teaching - that faith + works = salvation. That’s not to say that you can earn your way to heaven. Just that faith and works are both necessary for salvation. Not that faith leads to good works. We are not taught that good works merely spring out of faith.

    • @randycarson9812
      @randycarson9812 3 місяці тому

      @@GymGuy817JasonEuless I'm Catholic. The best bet is to review the relevant paragraphs of the Catechism which is available online with a search function. The relevant paragraphs are 1987-2029. Here are some highlights:
      Paragraph 1996 states: "Our justification comes from the grace of God. Grace is favor, the free and undeserved help that God gives us to respond to his call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature and of eternal life."
      Paragraph 1989 explains: "The first work of the grace of the Holy Spirit is conversion, effecting justification in accordance with Jesus' proclamation at the beginning of the Gospel: 'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.'"
      Paragraph 1990 adds: "Justification detaches man from sin which contradicts the love of God, and purifies his heart of sin. Justification follows upon God's merciful initiative of offering forgiveness. It reconciles man with God. It frees from the enslavement to sin, and it heals."
      Paragraph 1991 states: "Justification is at the same time the acceptance of God's righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ. Righteousness (or 'justice') here means the rectitude of divine love. With justification, faith, hope, and charity are poured into our hearts, and obedience to the divine will is granted us."
      Paragraph 1992 emphasizes that justification is merited for us by Christ's Passion and is conferred through Baptism.
      Paragraph 2001 highlights the ongoing role of grace: "The preparation of man for the reception of grace is already a work of grace. This latter is needed to arouse and sustain our collaboration in justification through faith, and in sanctification through charity."
      These passages clearly show that in Catholic teaching, justification is entirely a work of God's grace, from its initiation to its completion, while also involving human cooperation enabled by that grace.

  • @shoeonhead162
    @shoeonhead162 Рік тому


  • @shoeonhead162
    @shoeonhead162 Рік тому

    Best religion teacher

    • @thesonofmaniscoming1694
      @thesonofmaniscoming1694 Рік тому

      God is not a religion. He is a relationship.

    • @shoeonhead162
      @shoeonhead162 Рік тому

      @@thesonofmaniscoming1694 No, I’m referring to Sean Hussey being an excellent religion teacher.

  • @annafranc8081
    @annafranc8081 2 роки тому +1

    God’s Grace + works + faith + repentance + Sacraments = Heaven

    • @thesonofmaniscoming1694
      @thesonofmaniscoming1694 Рік тому +2

      Jesus said the work was finished on the cross. If you try to do anything to add to His finished work, it will not be honored by God. All God requires of you is to believe upon Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. Go to Jesus for any problem you are facing and pray to God the Father in the name of Jesus.

  • @colinjames9362
    @colinjames9362 2 роки тому

    Repent , Believe, Baptism, AND Eucharist. (unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his Blood - you have no life within you.) ;-)

  • @johncolage1651
    @johncolage1651 2 роки тому

    It was the Devil who told Eve: "You positively will not die." (Genesis 3: 4; Revelation 12:9) But she did die; no part of her lived on. That the soul lives on after death is a lie started by the Devil. And it is also a lie, which the Devil has had spread, that the souls of the wicked are tormented in a hell or a purgatory. Since the Bible clearly shows that the dead are unconscious, these teachings could not be true. Actually, neither the word "purgatory nor the idea of a purgatory is found in the Bible.

    • @marcihf217
      @marcihf217 2 роки тому +2

      The word Purgatory isn't found in the Bible but the concept of Purgatory is found all throughout the Bible.

    • @justfromcatholic
      @justfromcatholic 2 роки тому +1

      Scripture refers God as refiner's fire and fuller's soap (Malachi 3:2). There must be good reason why Scripture uses those terms, both have something to do with purifying and cleansing. Zech. 13:8-9 says that God will put some into fire as one purifies silver and refines gold. You stated that the soul does not live after death and that the dead are unconscious. But Jesus conversed with Moses and Elijah and so did John with one of the elders in heaven (Rev. 5:5, 7:13-14). In Mat. 10:28 Jesus said that (1) we should not fear who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul and (2) those in hell are both dead in body and soul. Read also what Jesus said in John 11:25-26.
      Why non-Catholics have problem with purgatory is because they follow double imputation concept of the Reformers. They taught that through faith alone you get Christ' righteousness imputed on or credited to you, while your sins, past AND future, are imputed on or credited to Christ who bore them on the cross. If all your sins are credited to Christ who bore them on the cross, then purgatory simply "adds" to what Christ already did on the cross.
      Imputed righteousness does not make you righteous but you are only legally declared righteous based on alien/external righteousness of Christ. The problem with double imputation is it contradicts Scripture in Ezek. 18:20 that says "the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself". Both righteousness and wickedness, according to Scripture, are not transferrable.
      In contrast the Catholic Church teaches that through Christ we are made righteous (Rom. 5:19). Why being righteous is essential? Scripture says the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23) and it is righteousness that delivers from death (Prov. 10:2). The righteous shall go to eternal life (Mat. 25:46). Our righteousness comes from faith, as faith is counted as righteousness (Rom. 4:3), and from doing what is right, according to 1 John 3:7. Both faith and doing what is right are possible by grace through Christ as apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5). We lose righteousness through sinning as Scripture says in Ezek.33:12: "the righteous shall not be able to live by his righteousness when he sins". Scripture also says there are deadly and non deadly sins (1 John 5:16-17). That is the reason why we must go through purgatory if we die still with non-deadly sins - they must be cleansed in order to return our righteousness back before we can enter heaven.

    • @marcihf217
      @marcihf217 2 роки тому

      @@justfromcatholic Thank you! Wonderful answers. Thank you for sharing the Bible verses.