127: Inheriting the earth
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
- Ian recounts his impolite encounter with Justin Welby, before the team discuss the Observer strikes, the Telegraph sale and the latest developments in Murdochworld.
Plus, an AI-voiced Bio Waste-Spreader reports back from the farmers’ inheritance tax protests.
Thank God for IH. So long as we have this level of press freedom, I feel happy to live on this planet. Seriously.
Brilliant 👏. Informative and entertaining 🎉
Thank you, Private Eye, for the amazing investigative journalism you give us. 👌
As a farmer myself, can I just say that there was more sense spoken in that short discussion than I have heard from many sources over the last week or two.
Isn't it remarkably refreshing to listen to people who make the effort to be well informed, rather than those who just pick a side, or have a political agenda to push
Isn't his farm called Diddley Squat because that's the amount of tax he expected to pay?
Or maybe a flashback from his Savile-era public schooling that turned him into the monster he is? (These days known as a P Diddy Squat.)
Sorry, can I please retract that last comment... innocent until etc after all, don't wanna screw the trial, ok carry on... :P
What a brilliant team. Refreshingly BRILLIANT. Thank you.
the Emperor, Clarkson, Trump or others, never respond well to being told they're naked.
I, for one, welcome our new A.Eye Overlords.
Eye eye
As a former hack and regular contributor to the Eye, I was humbled and honoured to have Francis Wheen take my copy on a deadline story.. CHEERS! 🍺
Best news podcast out there. Even when they are talking about really depressing stuff, it’s always critical never negative. Well except maybe when they are reviewing politicians autobiographies 😅
“He who makes a priest of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.” Dr Johnson
I am a first time listener (thanks to the algorithm that finally suggested something sensible) and I am now going to listen to some of your older segments. As an American in California, I hear threats of mass deportations of farm labor and tariffs on Mexican produce as toothless disruptions hiding a much shadier agenda which relies heavily on climate denial. It is interesting to compare with the pressures on British farmers, and the Brexit conservatives that somewhat mirror our own gallery of rogues..
Aye you aware that"private eye" is a magazine in Britain. It's editor is Ian Hislop who is in the podcast.
I wonder how to describe it? Investigative journalism leavened with left field humour, possibly.
I doubt there's anything like it in America.
I doubt there's anything like it anywhere else in the world. But that could just be my bias.
Ian Hislop is also a panelist on the tv show "have i got news for you"on the BBC.
Ooft! If you like this there's sooo much more if you can find it from where you are. 👍
(Cont. P 94!)
i was wondering what the brouhaha with the tractors in Westminister was about.
it was difficult to discern from my side of the pond.
it fits in with the continuing upward suction of wealth from the lower classes,
who were, it seems fleetingly now, allowed to be, sort of, fairly paid for their
sacrifice and work, for a few years, after the Second World War.
i suppose what i’m trying to say is, that the wealthy are trying to protect their ill-gotten gains from being used to pay for fripperies like public health and education for the peons.
Where have you been for the last 40 years?
@@unchattytwit i assume in the same place (metaphorically) as you.
watching the trickle-down economy play out among my fellow citizens.
should really be renamed to flood-up economy.
Thank you.
It would have been 'nice' if Ian had mentioned the articles that The Eye covered some five to six years ago concerning a dining club at Lambeth Palace called 'Nobody's Friends', a group which seemed to have played a significant role in concealing the activities of this hideous individual.
Glad to hear that note at the end, I was literally in the process of typing "Why use an environmentally damaging, theft-based AI voice rather than simply pay an actor? Oh."
And then lo & behold along comes “farmer” Andrew Lloyd-Webber telling us he “farms” 5000 acres somewhere or other, at least he’s knows what bullshit looks & sounds like!
Hislop S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in the Diocese: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the Anglican Dream., 'We were somewhere around Bloomsbury, on the edge of the Great Court, when the hugs began to take hold. And a voice was screaming: ``Holy Jesus! Isn't this lovely?''
Great listening to this illuminating conversation.
Fun fact: The Express pays a lot more attention to what comes out of Brussels than 95% of the Belgian population.
The Express, Torygraph and Daily Heil only pay avid attention to what comes out of Brussels so they can misinterpret and misquote it into clickbait, rage-inducing ammunition for their masters.
Not sure that Helen's comparison with MPs having the whip removed is an appropriate one in the circumstances
How about an assisted living bill?
Some comments never get the credit they deserve!
Welby probably thinks he only needs to step down if an online petition reaches 2 million bots...
Isn’t the King, Welby’s boss? Why hasn’t he told the Archbishop to f**k off!
Too low for Starmer.
People ought to be telling him every day that the Christ he claims to represent would vomit at the idea of his being associated with this spineless, smug little jobsworth creature.
Excelllent recessional.
Rupert leaving this Earth... I'll believe that when I see it... he isn't going to heaven and the other bloke doesn't want the competition...
Subscribe Now!
To this podcast and the magazine!
I wonder if we’d have had as much fuss about Welby if the boys hadn’t been Wykehamists?
I can not wait to see how much Clarkson will have to pay up on Diddly Squat farm
You'll never know, assuming it ever happens...
Thanks for the breakdown! Just a quick off-topic question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). Could you explain how to move them to Binance?
SO many advantages in life when Cheesus is in your pocket!
Why has Helen been replaced by Merilla Frostrop
Quick fire round from Adam apparently means extended jokes about the most guardian strike protests possible xD
“Forgiveness,” does not include putting people back into positions of power, wherein they can do further harm. That is not forgiveness. That is a cover up, being excused under a flag of convenience.
It is institutional cowardice, callous indifference to suffering, culpability in the face of criminality and, judging from Welby’s subsequent brazenness in continuing to attend functions in his official role, evidence of an utter cognitive dissonance and lack of understanding of the gravity of their failings!
Is Private Eye "The Guardian" newspaper supplement? Just asking🤷.
Thought the forgiveness comes from the victim?
I understand the argument about fairness around inheritance tax but I do think farmers are a special case because of the vital role they play in society and the hardship they already endure. These are skills which are passed on from generation to generation and it seems to be hostage to fortune that "new entrants" can just come into the industry and then magically start producing the food that we need without any serious problems. I do think we take our society of easily available goods for granted and we forget just how much food we already import.
I really don't except that. I grew up on a farm, in East Sussex, my father was a tenant farmer from Lewisham. Farming is a trade like anything else and can be taught, there is nothing mystical about it.
@@knightsnight5929 *accept ; )
I was led to believe that farmers are deeply misinformed re inheritance Tax - 1£million per person Tax Free + Business Property Relief. Listening to politicians can be very dangerous. Especially the party whose credability failed after 14 years in office, they are only throwing mud. Check with the experts.
Astonishing that Clarkson should buy a farm just so that he can have a chute. He must have had a very sad childhood. Do we have to wait near his death bed to find out what he named it?
Freelance flogger😅
I like Helens new voice….i hope she can get a tax-break on it….
Tortoise is losing money.
Smyth was a barrister who represented Mary Whitehouse. Discuss.
Do tell!
Tory CofE hypocrites, perverts and bogus "guardians of morality" being protected by the establishment is not new.........random fact - Justin Welby, old Etonian
Should have followed through with the pun, Ei-Ai-Oh :p
Is it true Farrage owns agricultural land
I believe he owns £3M worth of farmland. I cannot remotely imagine he has done a second's farming himself. The cosplay Farmer outfit he wore to try and grab publicity at the protests looked very new.
Maybe grows grass in his garridge.
@@ArtyFactual_Intelligence Too much like work - He;d get an illegal to do it
EI? AI? … Oh!
As with all rousing displays and protests, the social focus is the loud minority or celebrities. So, any coherent message is lost.
very robotic
You are nothing if not an honest Tory publisher. Tory would be great. Next stop Trump.
Refreshingly dumb!
Cope harder
Jeremy Clarkson as a British Trump; blimey Charlie, there's a thought. Hell, better than Trump, or Farage at least.
Jeremy Clarkson threatened to fire Oisin Tymon and physically assaulted him because a hotel restaurant he had no control over had closed, so he couldn't have a hot meal.
I remember when Private Eye was a subversive, anti-establishment magazine.
So the last issue then?
@TheMrZ The last issue of 2015, maybe.
They are, it is the Establishment that got smaller.
The establishment has become far more shameless in the last decade. Not as much rocks their boats.
@@SuezWSuezWSmaller? The Establishment, a.k.a. The Blob, is massively larger than when Peter Cook founded the Eye in the 1960s. As it has grown, it has shifted greatly to the left, and taken Hislop with it.
euw helen lewis
What I still don't understand is how the head of organisation A (the CofE) is responsible for something that occurred in organisation B (Iwerne Camps) which is not a consituent or subsidary part of organisation A. Yes, there are people who are common to both organisations, but once it is known that the police have been informed, what further responsibilities does the head of organisation A have? What am I missing? Welby has done more than most to further safeguarding in the CofE, but he even that seems to be counted against him.
Israel, he actually went to Israel, and he even met up with Rev Munther Isaac of Christ in the Rubble fame, which I found odd, especially as the Reverend expressed gratitude for the Archbishop's "solidarity visit'.
The Guardian page is simply a reprint of the BBC page. I rely on you, the BBC and the grain for news. I am fucked.