What was your greatest takeaway from this talk? ...Comment your thoughts on this video below 👇 And don’t forget to check out the Quest All Access Pass. Give it a try for 10 days to see how you like unlimited access to ANY of our personal growth courses 🤗👉 go.mindvalley.com/ziqwa0B2
My takeaway is. Fantasy is good. Variety can be good for others. Laughing it oneself is great. And having good sex with a good partner is super great. Ummmmm I love your talk.
Mindvalley Talks My take on this talk is that, I think she really needs to do more research on Colesterol.As you don't need all of those suppliments if you're on a meat diet. 🤡
@Ruby Badilla I hear you. Maybe it works for you. FYI - You don't speak for all men. I have had some terrible waiters, people who have overcharged me twice, put someone elses drink on my bill, etc. But I still go out to eat. I suggest not to let a few bad waiters ruin your ability to do what you want in life.
Yes, obviously. That is basic to be in any quality relationship. Some of us are at level 2 or higher. Having a special person that enhances your life in multidimensions is priceless. Agreed you cannot skip basic self-love, and it can be more complex to achieve depending on your age, effort, results.
I may never meet you, but your comment is completely true. If there is toxicity in life from a persons relationship with their spouse or significant other..... THEY NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT as soon as possibly. that relationship is negatively impacting their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. And when I say religious, I'm not talking about anything religious oriented.
I’m doing regular exercises, changed to plant based diet, my cholesterol triglycerides ALT blood pressure glucose all plumbed down my testosterone is 35nmol/liter wich is like in a 17-20 years old male and I’m 42. My kidney efficiencies went up. People eat healthy, don’t smoke or drink too much alcohol, do exercise, avoid processed food, sugar or fast food, lower your salt intake make sure you take vitamine B12, D and K,K2 (vitamin K are reach in green leafy vegetables) while K2 is synthesized by gut bacteria from K. Green leafy and beets are reach in NO which is responsible for vasodilation which will improve your blood pressure and eat flax seeds nuts beans all natural whole food and you’ll see the benefits! Stay healthy to everyone!!!
I am a 2 yr widow of a 60 yr incredible marriage, my husband had a several stokes and I was his caregiver for the last 10 yrs, we still remainied as intimate as possible, until his death. but now I am in a incredible sexual relationship with an 85 yr old man, we both had some sexual disfunctions and we are working thru them with fun and compassion. I know that sexual life is the one force that keeps us young and alive!! The word Libido means life force. I intend to life to be 125!!!! and die having sex and it will be such an out of body experience we decide not to come back!!!!
gingerstarr07 you are an inspiration. I have been living in sexless marriage for years. I am 41 and put my foot down and asked him to get testosterone shots. He is feeling better. But I am depressed at the moment. I am looking into bio identical hormone therapy. I am praying we can connect again with my husband, in God I trust. We were really connected when we were boyfriend and girlfriend.
@@VanessaSimon26 If there is No health relatet Problem with your husband perhaps a mental Problem Like Depression, Look for a psychological couple therapist or Checkout His girlfriend
Men's t levels are dropping for 2 reasons. 1. Their diet is jacked- pizza, sugars, etc 2. Men shy away from physical work. This includes yard work, shovelling, or even weight lifting. I lift daily, 57, no problems in any of these areas and eat 70 percent veggies 30 percent lean mean. NO sugar
This is tremendous information. Now explain this to my wife who went thru menopause and just packed it in. Then I got prostate cancer before all these wonderful new treatments came out. Then I packed it in. Now I have high blood pressure, diabetics, and am on four different medicines. I guess I will not be one of the ones that lives 5 years longer. Oh well I still had a nice life.
Of all the great content at the start I was sad to hear the solutions offered to be completely unnatural, bordering on the pharma complex... In order to increase all the aspects like telomere lengthening, increased Nitric Oxide, etc these can all be done fully naturally through either foods, supplements, or breathing and meditation techniques. For example, for telomere expression alone: the best supplements are: 1. Astragalus root. Combats stress - key is the Cycloastragenols & Astragalosides. 2. Vitamin B6, B12, Folic acid. 3. Vitamin D - sunshine. Or: Reishi mushroom. Produces vitamin D in body for if no sun. 4. Turmeric - this is a powerful anti-inflammatory. The tincture is the most powerful, and it helps with Alzheimers. 5. Activity: exercise. Meditation has a strong correlation for the lengthening of telomeres.
@@daniel4647 Thank you for replying. I was just upset on the original comment. I get it that all natural solutions are good. The video was a presentation of real solutions for people with real issues like post operation or other stuff. And it's kind of naive offering vitamins as a solutions for them. It's like recommending a small band-aid for a deep knife wound. And thank you for reminding, next time I do squats will think of you and kegel thing.
Colleen that is bullshit I am the stay home dad do all house work my wife works she still doesn't won't sex doing work around the house and looking after my two kids is the easiest job I have ever done the whole women are tied it rubbish, women turn off sex because it gives them control over there man, allows them to get things without all the work. Generally women won't sex just not with there husbands
Depends on the quality of sex between a couple. You may not be satisfying your women and making her feel special. And if a guy cheats, it may be because the lady is not making her man feel like a king in bed. Just a thought.
There’s nothing that doesn’t have an end. I'm so glad I'm over herpes and its stigma! all thanks to Dr Aloha He has the cure to all kinds of diseases and STD. ua-cam.com/channels/_YFEEZEr1BxGkNg1d4vqww.html 💕
There's a correlation between nitric oxide and the production of carbon dioxide nitric oxide reduces the production of carbon dioxide which is necessary for hair growth and your thyroid. Nitric oxide is counterproductive when it comes to the thyroid
The problem is, many people do not have a partner. I am divorced, 50 y o, and I had a “serious” boyfriend. He cheated on me with multiple women. I am going to get tested for STDs. There are very few options for dating in my age group, and quite honestly it can be dangerous. To have sex is to become vulnerable with a male in private. I am 5’ 1”. It is no joke to be alone with a guy and get intimate. Then after all THOSE risks (emotional and physical) they can give you an STI.
Incredible video. I have MS and was looking for answers and I stumbled upon this video. It's amazing how "Traditional" medicine and education hardly ever mention anything about the 6 steps. Maybe the medical cartel DOESN'T make money from healthy people ?
I'm in my 50s and I do intermittent fasting and boy oh boy has that changed everything I have sexual ability of a twenty-year-old because of the fasting
Plant based diet, exercise including lifting/moving weights, jogging and meditation work fine for me! Minimal cost too! Sedentary lifestyle, SAD diet and 'quick fix 21st century sex' (porn) is the cause... I've offered the solutions.
You are totally correct - found the same myself. After going veggie for 6 months I probably turned back the clock more than 10 years - of course your partner should also be the same
@@klowther247 LOL ya - she was even shocked at how often and how quickly I recovered...it's a gift created by diet and exercise! Sadly that ended, but the lessons stayed with me, still eating veggies! If everyone ate even 2 more meals out of 10 purely veggie, it would result in better overall health, better sex, less depression, less impact on global warming from factory farming. I'm sure you already know that - it's shocking how most people are oblivious.
Going plant based only work because people accidentally stop eating all processed and unhealthy shit and think their health is result of going vegetarian. Which isn't really true. If you Stop eating Sugar(even in fruit juice). Stop using vegetable Oils. Stop eating any processed food. Only eat meat, beef, fish, all types of nuts, colorful vegetables that grow above the surface. e.g spinach, chard tomatoes olives etc .(No starches like potato and no carrots) only natural fats like butter, ghee, coconut or avacado oil. a lot of eggs as well. and colorful fruits(in moderation) and also stop eating grains, you would feel a lot better and healthier then just stopping to eat meat and only relying on grains.
Damn. So basically, youre saying I gotsta choose between eating like a cow or better sex? What a horrible dilemma lol. Tried the plant-based lifestyle for few weeks. It just isnt as tasty. Maybe it would be if it was more popular around here in the suburbs leading to more tasty meals. Not many tasty plantbased options around here. Sure, I could learn to cook plantbased and possibly figure out how to make it tasty but thats time consuming. Free time I dont have. Work and responsibilities get in the way.
Once again I found I would be hard pressed to find anything wrong with your talk. In fact have you ever thought of getting a screen test? You are very good in front of a camera!
How do You know that sex is a cause of beter health and longer life span and not otherwise? Maybe healthier people naturally live longer and good sex life is just an expression of their health? What she said is a correlation but not causation.
There was some research papers that I read recently that supported marriage, and regular sex. The studies showed that regular sex 3+ times per week was able to cut the risk of heart disease and other diseases by more than 50%. It makes sense to me that regular sex in a loving relationship floods the body with oxytocin, dopamine and other chemicals that help us feel good. When we feel good, life has more meaning.
I currently work second shift, I don't have much interest in the bar scene, my co-workers are most men (I'm straight), meeting a single attractive woman at church... in my experience is nigh impossible, and I'm no longer in my 20's. Sex life.... yeah riiiight. First I have to increase my odds of randomly running into a single attractive woman and then for us both have an interest in each other and ...preferably... get married. Then I could begin to enjoy applying sex advice to my sex life.
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Chat up the cutie at the grocery store. Ask for numbers. But don't get caught up on this or that. Just enjoy getting to know women and it will work out.
We need to to pay more attention to the sexual life ,instead of concentrating on the day to day life problems..Amazing speech .Thank you Amy 🙏 How we could get in touch with you?
I think today most Doctors or physicians dont pay close enough attention to our hormones. Testosterone and Estrogen is by far the most important in our sexual health. You can be fit and eat the best healthy foods in the world but if you have a low test or Est level...your sex life will suffer..have to take care of these as your first priority.
Excessive weight is also a big problem in society today, you see couples get complacent and get out of condition then wonder why their sex life takes a nose dive. Then they divorce, loose weight to start a new relationship....Its crazy!
I find it amazing that a woman would be talking about sex. The old saying is true " If you want to live a life of celibacy just get married". Sex is there until the woman is sure you are committed then they close up shop.
George Eads That’s because women get bored with the fat dude squashing them for 5 minutes, demanding a blow job then not really reciprocating. I don’t think women should be monogamous either. We both get bored with each other
George Eads You and your wife both probably absorbed a bunch of sex negative lies, she particularly was probably bombarded with slut shaming & sex hating talk since she could walk, which gave her the impression sex is just to make kids & is about slaking a physical urge. And you probably heard stuff about marrying nice girls & not the good time girls who’d “let” you do stuff. People that feared women’s sexuality or were ashamed of sex altogether have their grown kids - people like you - still paying for their sins. Sex is a state of mind, eroticism is a way of loving yourself as a living being. That doesn’t disappear with age, believe me.
she's got some good points, a good sex life is important to your overall well being, but vaginal laser surgery sounds pretty risky and why no mention of the problems related to genital cutting (circumcision) and STDs, that has a lot to do with sexual health and problems.
The reason sexual frequency is correlated to heath is bcs heathy people are more attractive and have more sex. So health is the causal factor in being healthy. Thanks.
I agree with much of what you said. However I don’t believe it is an arbitrary line of 3 sexual encounters. But I agree that too many partners can scar people spiritually and emotionally. Typically they were already scarred internally and then they manifested in real life. I also know it is possible to heal completely and have more love and resilience than others who married their first. Also did I mention not everyone is damaged from a few childish experiences figuring out about themselves. For some it is necessary. The big danger is because media has groomed people to be lusting for porn experiences instead of real relationships ala Madonna the singer. So you must be selective, to have fulfilling experiences.
1. take care of your body (low blood sugar, low body fat, work out etc.) 2. Increase Nitric Oxide 3. Hormone Optimization 4. Stem Cells 5. Shockwave therapy 6. Vaginal lasers
Tired of theses so called studies, I think you can prove just about anything you want to from studies. There are studies that show there is no difference in longevity between single people or people in a relationship etc and on and on and on.
Richard Mabe You’re correct. She misrepresented a lot of the studies. She doesn’t seem to understand the difference between correlation and causation. Could be that people who are blessed with good genes are healthy enough to keep having sex into their golden years, not the other way around.
I have heard that In france, when 50 year old women are nudged by their husbands for sex, they often ask their husbands why they haven't got a mistress like all the other men. Unfortunately for most people getting married kills off most desire for sex particularly in women.
someone is either doing something wrong or it wasn't really the best romantic pairing. A lot of people play it safe, good people who marry a compatiable spouse for raising a stable family but ya gotta know how to spike the passion dept too.
I had a nympho girlfriend, which I had no clue of what it was until after we went our seperate ways, trust me it is fun for a very short while then things just get out of hand, multiple partners behind your back, its not the fun most think it is.
iicei Women were never happy and never will be barring when being offered money, gifts, shoppings and new men ( that too for short while). Once they get completely independent of their above mentioned needs ( for which time is nearing) , they will kick the men in nuts. Look at a prostitute, she will do ten tricks a day but would be happy to do it ten times as money is paid ten time. But the whore at home gets more benefits than one on the street will be totally not interested to do even once a week.
How do you explain the fact that there are many 90 plus old timers that have had no sex in decades and live longer than many that have been sexually active until an unfortunately early death!?
Trade in the Smokes n Bacon Cheeseburgers/Pizza & Beer, for big helpings of Salads sprinkled with generous helping of Seeds & Nuts/Fruits, & Water & Regular Exercise.
You don't understand statistical probability, do you? A person doesn't die half as often, death occurs half as often in a representative sample of individuals. "They died half as often", refers to the number of people in the sample.
Enjoyed your talk and agree that sex is very important in a marriage for connection, marriage stability and your point health. Its the way God intended it. Promiscuous and careless sex outside of marriage is a disaster.
In Ortodox monastery people often live to over 90y old fully functional. Plant based diet lots of activity. No sex. No masturbation. No meat except fish on big holidays. Eating once or twice a day.
In India its opposite. They say the more you sex or ejaculate the more you run risk from loosing immunity and muscle as the sperm contains vital vitamins and proteins
Men life's span statistically is shorter then women's life span, is this because she loses interest after they have babies or after menopause ? If that so having a younger woman as partner should be better for men. Is very hard for a man to have open talks with his woman about sexual problems because of the fear of been judged or because fear of loosing her. Is good to see women wanting to improve the quality of life for others are real, is she an angel?
Dav Mac Our culture takes away the desire women have for an emotional relationship. Our culture tells men not to give women what they need. Our culture teaches men that they are weak if they give women what they need. Why do you think so many girls and women have a “gay” best friend? Women need an emotional connection. Our brains all have a feminine side and a masculine side. When we stop using our fully functioning brain, we stop living to our full potential, which includes sexuality.
@@ProphecyOfAlice Women are sexually attracted to dominant males, subconsciously the female know, strong men can provide protection and healthy babies, obviously alphas are not very good for an emotional relationship and a gay man better understands the emotional states of a woman.
The vaginal lasers don’t work. $3000.00 later. Major burning procedure for 40 minutes 3 different times. No guarantee. Does not work. Total waste of $ and time.
cholesterol is needed for building steroid hormones body is able to produce nitric oxide itself by exercising (intima of blood vessels produces it) prevention of inflammation is important, so it is advisable taking enzymes
6:58 All these important, even life-saving, benefits of sexual activity, even just counting masturbation, and I think of the damage to people that the purity movement did.
LOL purity movement, now you have young men that have zero interest in sex because they watch too much porn. Seems the pendulum has swung the other way yet the results are the same.
Respectfully St. Paul says, 1st Cor. 10:8" God killed 23,000 in one day for the sin of fornication." Having relations with another is reserved by God only for marriage. Anything outside that, including birth control in marriage is fornication. Drbo.org God killed Onan in marriage for birth control, Gen. 38:10.
in my 60s and get hard as rock and no problem in the bedroom or anywhere :) but I did lose 40 lbs, eat a lot of plant base diet, lift weights 5x a week...no drugs...
Absolutely right 50% of your happiness and how you feel in your mood has to do with sex even Freud would agree with me billions other people nice speech loved it
learning Actual Healthy Mental Healthy' Based In Whats Actually Nurturing Your Peaceful State of Well Being' Regardless of Any External Event' Is Where Strong Replenitive Energy Wisely Comes From' So To Invigirate This Particular Spirit Energy Connective Even More So' Be Your Own Solution Through Intentionaly Advancing Your Mentality' and Your Life Becomes Your Personally Purposed Spirit Connective Healthy Expression ' Not Just a Daily Random Reaction Repeat! _ I Wish All Peace On Purpose🌈
kind of surprised about the negative comments. a hot milf is basically telling you how you can keep having sex over the age of 40 to make you live a healthier, longer and happier life and you're like, she's too thin, or oh my god how can I die less often...
This claim that being sexually active will keep a person healthier, live longer is a load of crap. Huge case in point is Mother Teresa, also Nicola Tesla. The world is unhealthily obsessed with sex & youth.
I won't comment in support of this talk as I know nothing on the subject nor her credentials, but your comment is painful to read. Would you also comment under a video discussing smoking being bad with an anecdote on someone dying at 105 years old who was a chain smoker their entire life?
@@danb4876 You are using the fallacy of false equivalence to support your point. Smoking is not part of our human experiences as a living being as it is being born, grow, breed and die. In fact several people can replace sexual intercourse for other fan activities that let them feel alive. I can be the most sexual active person of the planet and for months i can become a monk with no hesitation. Sex is such an overrated activity however there always comes a guy who says you are missing out a lot of joy in your life if you don't get laid a decent amount of times a week or a month, THAT'S BULL CRAP! Snap out of it dude, don't delude yourself.
@@joshua50101 I wasn't equating smoking to sex or reproduction, but I maybe could have been more clear and less harsh. In fact I was implying smoking as being negative not positive. If I wanted to equate it to sexuality and in defense of sex I wouldn't have chosen a destructive behavior. My point simply was that using anecdotes of people having good health or happy lives is not proof positive against the claims in this video. That being said, I am not trying to say that what they are claiming in the video is right either. It would seem like common sense to me that consensual intimacy enjoyed by all parties involved would be healthy, but I really don't know. Human beings being social creatures seem to thrive when involved in social groups and relationships and I view sex as a very intimate social interaction and one that has beautiful repercussions. However, someone in an abusive relationship would obviously be better off without said relationship. Also I totally agree that putting a number on how many times you should or shouldn't be doing it is stupid as everyone is different and we change throughout life as individuals as well. Also someone telling you, you should be having sex "x" amount of times sounds like they are either trying to manipulate, coerce or simply posture for some reason. Gotta say, I don't really have any issue against your opinion, neither do I Brenda's, I actually think I over reacted in my reply. It is anecdotes to support opinion or try to disprove someone else's point that kind of irks me. I did not intend to put down anyone else's life style nor shame anyone who doesn't enjoy sex or simply enjoys sex less.
My aunt was very sexual person, now she is old and hates her life because my uncle died. She knows that I know about what she was like, she hates being treated with the respect she is owed. She much rather have sex
What was your greatest takeaway from this talk? ...Comment your thoughts on this video below 👇 And don’t forget to check out the Quest All Access Pass. Give it a try for 10 days to see how you like unlimited access to ANY of our personal growth courses 🤗👉 go.mindvalley.com/ziqwa0B2
No idea.
My takeaway is. Fantasy is good.
Variety can be good for others. Laughing it oneself is great. And having good sex with a good partner is super great.
I love your talk.
Mindvalley has really gone downhill. I though Marissa Peers MK Ultra shit was bad.
1:24 " An active sex life is one of the main pillars of health, that leads to longevity. "
Be well
Mindvalley Talks
My take on this talk is that, I think she really needs to do more research on Colesterol.As you don't need all of those suppliments if you're on a meat diet.
being with the right person is important to health.
@Ruby Badilla I hear you. Maybe it works for you. FYI - You don't speak for all men. I have had some terrible waiters, people who have overcharged me twice, put someone elses drink on my bill, etc. But I still go out to eat. I suggest not to let a few bad waiters ruin your ability to do what you want in life.
Yes, obviously. That is basic to be in any quality relationship. Some of us are at level 2 or higher. Having a special person that enhances your life in multidimensions is priceless. Agreed you cannot skip basic self-love, and it can be more complex to achieve depending on your age, effort, results.
I may never meet you, but your comment is completely true. If there is toxicity in life from a persons relationship with their spouse or significant other..... THEY NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT as soon as possibly. that relationship is negatively impacting their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. And when I say religious, I'm not talking about anything religious oriented.
S P being with the wrong one is sometimes a death sentence.
So you agree, but framed the idea in a negative way?
I’m doing regular exercises, changed to plant based diet, my cholesterol triglycerides ALT blood pressure glucose all plumbed down my testosterone is 35nmol/liter wich is like in a 17-20 years old male and I’m 42. My kidney efficiencies went up. People eat healthy, don’t smoke or drink too much alcohol, do exercise, avoid processed food, sugar or fast food, lower your salt intake make sure you take vitamine B12, D and K,K2 (vitamin K are reach in green leafy vegetables) while K2 is synthesized by gut bacteria from K. Green leafy and beets are reach in NO which is responsible for vasodilation which will improve your blood pressure and eat flax seeds nuts beans all natural whole food and you’ll see the benefits! Stay healthy to everyone!!!
My main takeaway is that sexual health is not just about SEX... it's about our overall health...!!
“If a man has an erectile problem,
He has a circulation problem.
And if he has a circulation problem,
He has a nutrition problem.”
~Dr. E. Essylstyn
opps, mmmm, mit starts at early child development.......opps, not
putheflamesou yes but I think the best way to help it is nutrilite garlic supplements, omega 3 & double x
This was a great talk .... I really appreciate Mrs. Killen work and her understanding for the need to share this information.
Fasting seems to help keep my sexual health extremely potent. Just in case anyone wanted to give it a try.
Interesting, how long and how often?
Everyone else says the opposite
HoustonIsImmortal I turned into a werewolf :))
HoustonIsImmortal what fasting are you on?
I am a 2 yr widow of a 60 yr incredible marriage, my husband had a several stokes and I was his caregiver for the last 10 yrs, we still remainied as intimate as possible, until his death. but now I am in a incredible sexual relationship with an 85 yr old man, we both had some sexual disfunctions and we are working thru them with fun and compassion. I know that sexual life is the one force that keeps us young and alive!! The word Libido means life force. I intend to life to be 125!!!! and die having sex and it will be such an out of body experience we decide not to come back!!!!
Ginger, Absolutely loooove your sex positive attitude🙏💚💜💙...Spicy!😊
gingerstarr07 you are an inspiration. I have been living in sexless marriage for years. I am 41 and put my foot down and asked him to get testosterone shots. He is feeling better. But I am depressed at the moment. I am looking into bio identical hormone therapy. I am praying we can connect again with my husband, in God I trust. We were really connected when we were boyfriend and girlfriend.
u r cool....
@@VanessaSimon26 If there is No health relatet Problem with your husband perhaps a mental Problem Like Depression, Look for a psychological couple therapist or Checkout His girlfriend
Sex without marriage is sin
Men's t levels are dropping for 2 reasons. 1. Their diet is jacked- pizza, sugars, etc 2. Men shy away from physical work. This includes yard work, shovelling, or even weight lifting.
I lift daily, 57, no problems in any of these areas and eat 70 percent veggies 30 percent lean mean. NO sugar
Gotta stay active and eating those veggies for sure. Tough to do. Need a car for everything and good, non toxic veggies are hard to get.
Toxic veggies are still better than toxic fast food or sugar. But yes, if you can afford organic, go for it!
Fuck off not all men are lazy...
Your percentages have some problems.
Do your thing though...
@@arthurrosa9403 Wisely spoken
This is tremendous information. Now explain this to my wife who went thru menopause and just packed it in. Then I got prostate cancer before all these wonderful new treatments came out. Then I packed it in. Now I have high blood pressure, diabetics, and am on four different medicines. I guess I will not be one of the ones that lives 5 years longer. Oh well I still had a nice life.
2 years left.. how ya doing buddy?
@@thailandretromods lmaooooooo countdown sheriff, frl tho u good @ed5308?
@@beefyroger2392 Mann I hope he's out there kicking goals and loving life. ❤️
Of all the great content at the start I was sad to hear the solutions offered to be completely unnatural, bordering on the pharma complex... In order to increase all the aspects like telomere lengthening, increased Nitric Oxide, etc these can all be done fully naturally through either foods, supplements, or breathing and meditation techniques.
For example, for telomere expression alone: the best supplements are: 1. Astragalus root. Combats stress - key is the Cycloastragenols & Astragalosides.
2. Vitamin B6, B12, Folic acid.
3. Vitamin D - sunshine. Or: Reishi mushroom. Produces vitamin D in body for if no sun.
4. Turmeric - this is a powerful anti-inflammatory. The tincture is the most powerful, and it helps with Alzheimers.
5. Activity: exercise. Meditation has a strong correlation for the lengthening of telomeres.
: Simon-Robert: Thomson. That’s because she is an MD.... they only treat symptoms with pharma, to them there is no cure.
Ur right on everything
Well why don´t you tell me what natural supplement makes me hard for hours? Or makes a pussy tighter and come faster? Smartass.
@@alexanderp.4035 Tantra, kegel control, mindfulness. Solved, easy.
@@daniel4647 Thank you for replying. I was just upset on the original comment. I get it that all natural solutions are good. The video was a presentation of real solutions for people with real issues like post operation or other stuff. And it's kind of naive offering vitamins as a solutions for them. It's like recommending a small band-aid for a deep knife wound. And thank you for reminding, next time I do squats will think of you and kegel thing.
Serious question: does masturbation yield the same results? (Asking for a friend.)
this comment is very underrated lol
I'm the friend
Your facial expression on your profile helps!
There are exceptions, but in most long term relationships, especially marriages, women are the ones who stop wanting sex.
That means they aren't getting what they want. Maybe in the bedroom or maybe more complicated. Happy Wife, Happy Life.
Then they wonder why some men cheat
Colleen that is bullshit I am the stay home dad do all house work my wife works she still doesn't won't sex doing work around the house and looking after my two kids is the easiest job I have ever done the whole women are tied it rubbish, women turn off sex because it gives them control over there man, allows them to get things without all the work. Generally women won't sex just not with there husbands
most women cheat with bad boys! sex only husband won't get!
Depends on the quality of sex between a couple. You may not be satisfying your women and making her feel special. And if a guy cheats, it may be because the lady is not making her man feel like a king in bed. Just a thought.
Thank you for this enlightened and informative talk. How do I get in touch for this treatment.
There’s nothing that doesn’t have an end. I'm so glad I'm over herpes and its stigma! all thanks to Dr Aloha He has the cure to all kinds of diseases and STD. ua-cam.com/channels/_YFEEZEr1BxGkNg1d4vqww.html 💕
Sex is also my favorite topic. But I’m single, no kids. Focus on self improvement and self development, chase dreams and success!
There's a correlation between nitric oxide and the production of carbon dioxide nitric oxide reduces the production of carbon dioxide which is necessary for hair growth and your thyroid. Nitric oxide is counterproductive when it comes to the thyroid
The problem is, many people do not have a partner. I am divorced, 50 y o, and I had a “serious” boyfriend. He cheated on me with multiple women. I am going to get tested for STDs. There are very few options for dating in my age group, and quite honestly it can be dangerous. To have sex is to become vulnerable with a male in private. I am 5’ 1”. It is no joke to be alone with a guy and get intimate. Then after all THOSE risks (emotional and physical) they can give you an STI.
Never give up. Thats the number one rule. He´s out there, get going.
Ladyblue don’t be paranoid. Just be safe and have fun.
Ladyblue Why don’t you make the guy wear a condom?
You can increase your nitrous oxide production by using the buteko breathing technique. And you can increase stemcell production with fasting.
Thx bro!
Or get the both benefits from soma breathwork 🙄
Semen retention is the key to life !
T- levels are dropping because of all the preservatives, and chemicals that are being put into our foods.
Exactly right ... the reason everyone needs Nutritional Rebalancing 💪 Clean the body from the inside and it will show on the outside
Incredible video. I have MS and was looking for answers and I stumbled upon this video. It's amazing how "Traditional" medicine and education hardly ever mention anything about the 6 steps. Maybe the medical cartel DOESN'T make money from healthy people ?
I'm in my 50s and I do intermittent fasting and boy oh boy has that changed everything I have sexual ability of a twenty-year-old because of the fasting
She is certainly a great spokeswoman for this topic
Video starts at 9:26
Thank you mem for your guidance 🙏🙏🙏
Plant based diet, exercise including lifting/moving weights, jogging and meditation work fine for me! Minimal cost too! Sedentary lifestyle, SAD diet and 'quick fix 21st century sex' (porn) is the cause... I've offered the solutions.
You are totally correct - found the same myself. After going veggie for 6 months I probably turned back the clock more than 10 years - of course your partner should also be the same
@@firstlast7719 we know!
@@klowther247 LOL ya - she was even shocked at how often and how quickly I recovered...it's a gift created by diet and exercise! Sadly that ended, but the lessons stayed with me, still eating veggies! If everyone ate even 2 more meals out of 10 purely veggie, it would result in better overall health, better sex, less depression, less impact on global warming from factory farming. I'm sure you already know that - it's shocking how most people are oblivious.
Going plant based only work because people accidentally stop eating all processed and unhealthy shit and think their health is result of going vegetarian.
Which isn't really true. If you Stop eating Sugar(even in fruit juice). Stop using vegetable Oils. Stop eating any processed food. Only eat meat, beef, fish, all types of nuts, colorful vegetables that grow above the surface. e.g spinach, chard tomatoes olives etc .(No starches like potato and no carrots) only natural fats like butter, ghee, coconut or avacado oil.
a lot of eggs as well. and colorful fruits(in moderation) and also stop eating grains, you would feel a lot better and healthier then just stopping to eat meat and only relying on grains.
Damn. So basically, youre saying I gotsta choose between eating like a cow or better sex? What a horrible dilemma lol. Tried the plant-based lifestyle for few weeks. It just isnt as tasty. Maybe it would be if it was more popular around here in the suburbs leading to more tasty meals. Not many tasty plantbased options around here. Sure, I could learn to cook plantbased and possibly figure out how to make it tasty but thats time consuming. Free time I dont have. Work and responsibilities get in the way.
"Risk of dying"? it's life, you can't get out alive.
Once again I found I would be hard pressed to find anything wrong with your talk. In fact have you ever thought of getting a screen test? You are very good in front of a camera!
How do You know that sex is a cause of beter health and longer life span and not otherwise? Maybe healthier people naturally live longer and good sex life is just an expression of their health? What she said is a correlation but not causation.
This is backed up by scientific research.
What proof do you have that she is wrong?
Yes, healthy people have healthy sex.
There was some research papers that I read recently that supported marriage, and regular sex. The studies showed that regular sex 3+ times per week was able to cut the risk of heart disease and other diseases by more than 50%. It makes sense to me that regular sex in a loving relationship floods the body with oxytocin, dopamine and other chemicals that help us feel good. When we feel good, life has more meaning.
@@joshuaroybosse Scientific research that shows causation? Clearly you don't understand the OP's point.
I currently work second shift, I don't have much interest in the bar scene, my co-workers are most men (I'm straight), meeting a single attractive woman at church... in my experience is nigh impossible, and I'm no longer in my 20's. Sex life.... yeah riiiight. First I have to increase my odds of randomly running into a single attractive woman and then for us both have an interest in each other and ...preferably... get married. Then I could begin to enjoy applying sex advice to my sex life.
STDs, like herpes has scared the sex right out of me.
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Chat up the cutie at the grocery store. Ask for numbers. But don't get caught up on this or that. Just enjoy getting to know women and it will work out.
We need to to pay more attention to the sexual life ,instead of concentrating on the day to day life problems..Amazing speech .Thank you Amy 🙏 How we could get in touch with you?
Thank you. www.dramykillen.com is my website.
@@Dr.AmyBKillen lol so links are allowed here?
I think today most Doctors or physicians dont pay close enough attention to our hormones. Testosterone and Estrogen is by far the most important in our sexual health. You can be fit and eat the best healthy foods in the world but if you have a low test or Est level...your sex life will suffer..have to take care of these as your first priority.
Testosterone pills and injections have side effects.
@@crand20033 Everything has a side effect! Not taking care of those hormones...has a side effect!
@@THESICKSILVERADO Possible side effects of testosterone therapy include:
fluid retention.
increased urination.
breast enlargement.
decreased testicular size.
decreased sperm count.
increased aggressive behaviors.
Kevin Cain She mentions hormones but most doctors refuse to give women hormones for more than a few years after menopause
Excessive weight is also a big problem in society today, you see couples get complacent and get out of condition then wonder why their sex life takes a nose dive. Then they divorce, loose weight to start a new relationship....Its crazy!
I find it amazing that a woman would be talking about sex. The old saying is true " If you want to live a life of celibacy just get married". Sex is there until the woman is sure you are committed then they close up shop.
With the same woman, it becomes old hat. Men are not supposed to be monogamous.
George Eads thanks for the wisdom
George Eads That’s because women get bored with the fat dude squashing them for 5 minutes, demanding a blow job then not really reciprocating. I don’t think women should be monogamous either. We both get bored with each other
George Eads You and your wife both probably absorbed a bunch of sex negative lies, she particularly was probably bombarded with slut shaming & sex hating talk since she could walk, which gave her the impression sex is just to make kids & is about slaking a physical urge. And you probably heard stuff about marrying nice girls & not the good time girls who’d “let” you do stuff. People that feared women’s sexuality or were ashamed of sex altogether have their grown kids - people like you - still paying for their sins.
Sex is a state of mind, eroticism is a way of loving yourself as a living being. That doesn’t disappear with age, believe me.
Suzane sommers was doing stem cells and prp yearsss ago.Way ahead of her time.
Oh how brave, but none of this expensive therapies have any value
This Does Dr. was very very good she is extraordinary a special doctor and I agree with everything that she had to say
"Die half as often"... you know, because not everybody does and some people die more than once? [@7:20]
Hahaha yeah.
I just died in your arms tonight.. must have been something you said..
Great video
This was absolutely amazing!!
Hi. We are glad you like Amy's speech. Thank you for your support and please keep watching our videos :)
A real good lecture !
Love you I have those little laughing outbursts also.
It's good for us
she's got some good points, a good sex life is important to your overall well being, but vaginal laser surgery sounds pretty risky and why no mention of the problems related to genital cutting (circumcision) and STDs, that has a lot to do with sexual health and problems.
Because it's a paid pitch
The reason sexual frequency is correlated to heath is bcs heathy people are more attractive and have more sex. So health is the causal factor in being healthy. Thanks.
How damaged is the pretty gal with 1,500 sexual encounters?
I agree with much of what you said. However I don’t believe it is an arbitrary line of 3 sexual encounters. But I agree that too many partners can scar people spiritually and emotionally. Typically they were already scarred internally and then they manifested in real life. I also know it is possible to heal completely and have more love and resilience than others who married their first. Also did I mention not everyone is damaged from a few childish experiences figuring out about themselves. For some it is necessary. The big danger is because media has groomed people to be lusting for porn experiences instead of real relationships ala Madonna the singer. So you must be selective, to have fulfilling experiences.
perfect presentation.
Top of the heap instructions
Thank You so much dearest 💐
You’re such an inspiration 🥰
Be Blissful Eternally 🙏😇
1. take care of your body (low blood sugar, low body fat, work out etc.)
2. Increase Nitric Oxide
3. Hormone Optimization
4. Stem Cells
5. Shockwave therapy
6. Vaginal lasers
I'm enchanted by this content. I recently read a similar book, and I was truly enchanted. "Unlocking the Brain's Full Potential" by Alexander Sterling
How could I get contacts for this Doctor ?
Tired of theses so called studies, I think you can prove just about anything you want to from studies. There are studies that show there is no difference in longevity between single people or people in a relationship etc and on and on and on.
Richard Mabe You’re correct. She misrepresented a lot of the studies. She doesn’t seem to understand the difference between correlation and causation. Could be that people who are blessed with good genes are healthy enough to keep having sex into their golden years, not the other way around.
I think married men live less long, because she keeps nagging til he wants to die.
I have heard that In france, when 50 year old women are nudged by their husbands for sex, they often ask their husbands why they haven't got a mistress like all the other men. Unfortunately for most people getting married kills off most desire for sex particularly in women.
someone is either doing something wrong or it wasn't really the best romantic pairing. A lot of people play it safe, good people who marry a compatiable spouse for raising a stable family but ya gotta know how to spike the passion dept too.
Could it be that men that have more testosterone simply live longer without it being related to sex.
9:25 is what you need
Yes the Egyptians apparently knew this, funny why it is not common knowledge. And tantra well.... But it is not just about the sex but more the orgasm
She is great 👏🏻, but she just need to take more care about her body (spine) posture.
Maybe her spine looks better in doggy position...
@@the_notorious_bas 😂
She's staring down at her audience.
HoustonIsImmortal That's no excuse for hanging shoulders.
@@the_notorious_bas ayooooo
So if you get with a nympho you will never die
Lets try to find one ..........!!!!
Nonsense. The promiscuous succubus will suck the life right out of you.
I had a nympho girlfriend, which I had no clue of what it was until after we went our seperate ways, trust me it is fun for a very short while then things just get out of hand, multiple partners behind your back, its not the fun most think it is.
iicei Women were never happy and never will be barring when being offered money, gifts, shoppings and new men ( that too for short while). Once they get completely independent of their above mentioned needs ( for which time is nearing) , they will kick the men in nuts. Look at a prostitute, she will do ten tricks a day but would be happy to do it ten times as money is paid ten time. But the whore at home gets more benefits than one on the street will be totally not interested to do even once a week.
There is always that crazy hilarious guy in the comments section 😂
Sexual Health has a direct relation with positive thinking too.
How do you explain the fact that there are many 90 plus old timers that have had no sex in decades and live longer than many that have been sexually active until an unfortunately early death!?
Monsanto wasn't so active in foods.
Statistics JJ.
Well said, m'lady.
Thanks for watching, Darin. All the best.
O my God.. I am gonna die soon! :(
Me too, I've not had sex in like 4 years, I should be dead already
I already died before listening to this, because I go more than 10 yrs without s-e-x. Now what to do...... 🤣🤣🤣
Oh gosh, My man and I are going to be mortal. 😯😇
Happy endings... love how she didn’t see that coming till after she said it 😂
Cool 😎
This is what u need:
1.Take care of your body.
2.Increase nitric oxide.
3.Hormone optimization.
4.Stem cells.
5.Shock wave therapy.
6.Vaginal lasers.
I’m 47 and my fiancée is 53. She also has MS. Is there any way to increase her sexual drive?
Spend some time on her🥰 lol
S P, I do as much as possible. I is really difficult between the pain, dryness, hot flashes and having absolutely no desire!
@@danielmagar4578 Then why is it a concern? However positive sexual activity often will reduce hot flashes, as may moderate exercise.
S P , I would love to do it every day. She has a problem with the issues stated.
@@danielmagar4578 same here I was in a relationship with lady she was 57 years old , sex was very rare, because of dryness and painful sex hot flashes
I'm not looking for sex anymore. It's been years since my last roll in the hay so I'm not worried about it.
@Jeffrey Bone hi
Was hoping for ideas that did not require expensive treatment
Trade in the Smokes n Bacon Cheeseburgers/Pizza & Beer, for big helpings of Salads sprinkled with generous helping of Seeds & Nuts/Fruits, & Water & Regular Exercise.
How does a person die half as often?
Become a blonde to get that.
You don't understand statistical probability, do you? A person doesn't die half as often, death occurs half as often in a representative sample of individuals. "They died half as often", refers to the number of people in the sample.
Okay. The way she said it didn’t make sense
Enjoyed your talk and agree that sex is very important in a marriage for connection, marriage stability and your point health. Its the way God intended it. Promiscuous and careless sex outside of marriage is a disaster.
Only once in every 100 days. Anything more than that is destructive.
i am going to give this video a 10 since i have not had sex in 100 yrs. seriously though, well done. *****10*****
Get your diet and health on point along with your mind set and the rest will follow. 😎
Your such an attractive woman. Glad you take great care of yourself.
In Ortodox monastery people often live to over 90y old fully functional. Plant based diet lots of activity. No sex. No masturbation. No meat except fish on big holidays. Eating once or twice a day.
Gunshots, 4am heart attack. Amazing😂
In India its opposite.
They say the more you sex or ejaculate the more you run risk from loosing immunity and muscle as the sperm contains vital vitamins and proteins
Good lecture
Men life's span statistically is shorter then women's life span, is this because she loses interest after they have babies or after menopause ? If that so having a younger woman as partner should be better for men. Is very hard for a man to have open talks with his woman about sexual problems because of the fear of been judged or because fear of loosing her. Is good to see women wanting to improve the quality of life for others are real, is she an angel?
Dav Mac Our culture takes away the desire women have for an emotional relationship. Our culture tells men not to give women what they need. Our culture teaches men that they are weak if they give women what they need. Why do you think so many girls and women have a “gay” best friend? Women need an emotional connection. Our brains all have a feminine side and a masculine side. When we stop using our fully functioning brain, we stop living to our full potential, which includes sexuality.
@@ProphecyOfAlice Women are sexually attracted to dominant males, subconsciously the female know, strong men can provide protection and healthy babies, obviously alphas are not very good for an emotional relationship and a gay man better understands the emotional states of a woman.
Dav Mac forum.wordreference.com/threads/dominant-and-domineering.2302909/
You’re right depending on your definition.
1.Take care of your Body
2.Increase Nitric Oxide
3.Hormone Optimization
4.Stem Cells
5.Shockwave Therapy
6.Vaginal Lasers
7. Prostitutes ✔️
The vaginal lasers don’t work. $3000.00 later. Major burning procedure for 40 minutes 3 different times. No guarantee. Does not work. Total waste of $ and time.
7. BS, it's all BS.
cholesterol is needed for building steroid hormones
body is able to produce nitric oxide itself by exercising (intima of blood vessels produces it)
prevention of inflammation is important, so it is advisable taking enzymes
Sex over Spinach - THAT was priceless. Great talk.
Shows you what women are concerned about... take note...
There's more females than men sooooo this should be fun
You say whatever reinforces your bs narrative.
I believe her.
You increased my mojo just by appearing on my screen)))
Nice speech btw )
Amy, your arms are amazing.
6:58 All these important, even life-saving, benefits of sexual activity, even just counting masturbation, and I think of the damage to people that the purity movement did.
LOL purity movement, now you have young men that have zero interest in sex because they watch too much porn. Seems the pendulum has swung the other way yet the results are the same.
It's a BS data. All wrong.
Respectfully St. Paul says, 1st Cor. 10:8" God killed 23,000 in one day for the sin of fornication." Having relations with another is reserved by God only for marriage. Anything outside that, including birth control in marriage is fornication. Drbo.org
God killed Onan in marriage for birth control, Gen. 38:10.
in my 60s and get hard as rock and no problem in the bedroom or anywhere :) but I did lose 40 lbs, eat a lot of plant base diet, lift weights 5x a week...no drugs...
ok i'll give it a go
Alright James Bond hehe
3 minutes in and still don't get what your point is
A good sex life is important for longevity.
Buy my pseudoscience!
No worries.
It’s for white people.
The paddy is missing you...
Haruki Formosa 17 mins in , I still don’t get her point. Only to use her expensive doctor services
Is there also a laser against being single?
So what's up with all the 100 year old monks?
Who is to say what those monks at REALLY up to ?
they DONT lose vital semen/life energy and keep it stored...channel it during kundalini and they trip out and make beer
You think monks are celibate? Some are but many aren't. The old ones must be the sexually active ones : )
Absolutely right 50% of your happiness and how you feel in your mood has to do with sex even Freud would agree with me billions other people nice speech loved it
that is interesting.
Who knew how simple all this instruction was, not my wife ,for sure.
Woman in pink will be above all those methods :)
learning Actual Healthy Mental Healthy' Based In Whats Actually Nurturing Your Peaceful State of Well Being' Regardless of Any External Event' Is Where Strong Replenitive Energy Wisely Comes From' So To Invigirate This Particular Spirit Energy Connective Even More So' Be Your Own Solution Through Intentionaly Advancing Your Mentality' and Your Life Becomes Your Personally Purposed Spirit Connective Healthy Expression ' Not Just a Daily Random Reaction Repeat! _ I Wish All Peace On Purpose🌈
What about monks 🤔 and their mortality
They are immortal. This is all bs data gathered by bs pharma scientist so they can loot ppl of 💰
I don’t recall love being mentioned.
Good point ... me neither.... sup with that ?
kind of surprised about the negative comments. a hot milf is basically telling you how you can keep having sex over the age of 40 to make you live a healthier, longer and happier life and you're like, she's too thin, or oh my god how can I die less often...
Men and woman are complicated when we have to engage a sexual relationship.......too much of Me, Me and Me first!!! I guess!!!!
Do what you have to to get off daily
No1. CHANGE partner. Sorry, it is not SCIENTIFIC. But, it is the best. Cheers!
This claim that being sexually active will keep a person healthier, live longer is a load of crap. Huge case in point is Mother Teresa, also Nicola Tesla. The world is unhealthily obsessed with sex & youth.
Brenda B Exactly, what I was thinking.
I won't comment in support of this talk as I know nothing on the subject nor her credentials, but your comment is painful to read. Would you also comment under a video discussing smoking being bad with an anecdote on someone dying at 105 years old who was a chain smoker their entire life?
@@danb4876 You are using the fallacy of false equivalence to support your point. Smoking is not part of our human experiences as a living being as it is being born, grow, breed and die. In fact several people can replace sexual intercourse for other fan activities that let them feel alive. I can be the most sexual active person of the planet and for months i can become a monk with no hesitation. Sex is such an overrated activity however there always comes a guy who says you are missing out a lot of joy in your life if you don't get laid a decent amount of times a week or a month, THAT'S BULL CRAP! Snap out of it dude, don't delude yourself.
@@joshua50101 I wasn't equating smoking to sex or reproduction, but I maybe could have been more clear and less harsh. In fact I was implying smoking as being negative not positive. If I wanted to equate it to sexuality and in defense of sex I wouldn't have chosen a destructive behavior. My point simply was that using anecdotes of people having good health or happy lives is not proof positive against the claims in this video. That being said, I am not trying to say that what they are claiming in the video is right either. It would seem like common sense to me that consensual intimacy enjoyed by all parties involved would be healthy, but I really don't know. Human beings being social creatures seem to thrive when involved in social groups and relationships and I view sex as a very intimate social interaction and one that has beautiful repercussions. However, someone in an abusive relationship would obviously be better off without said relationship. Also I totally agree that putting a number on how many times you should or shouldn't be doing it is stupid as everyone is different and we change throughout life as individuals as well. Also someone telling you, you should be having sex "x" amount of times sounds like they are either trying to manipulate, coerce or simply posture for some reason. Gotta say, I don't really have any issue against your opinion, neither do I Brenda's, I actually think I over reacted in my reply. It is anecdotes to support opinion or try to disprove someone else's point that kind of irks me. I did not intend to put down anyone else's life style nor shame anyone who doesn't enjoy sex or simply enjoys sex less.
My aunt was very sexual person, now she is old and hates her life because my uncle died. She knows that I know about what she was like, she hates being treated with the respect she is owed. She much rather have sex