God, Why Hast Thou Us Rejected - Psalm 74 DYFFRYN BACA - Treasury 227

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • 1. 1 God, why hast Thou us rejected
    God, why dost Thine anger smoke ’gainst
    Thy pasture’s sheep?
    2 Call to mind Thy congregation,
    From of old Thine acquisition,
    For the rod of Thy possession,
    By Thee redeemed,
    By Thee redeemed.
    2. 3 Turn Thy steps to this Mount Zion,
    Thy dwelling place;
    Now perpetual desolation,
    By foes defaced.
    All crimes in Thy sanctuary,
    4 Roaring, did the adversary;
    In the midst of Thine assembly
    Their signs are placed,
    Their signs are placed.
    3. 5 Once an axeman would be known for
    Felling thick trees.
    6 Now they strike with axe and hammer
    Work carved for Thee:
    7 Casting fire, Thy temple grinding,
    Thy name’s dwelling place defiling,
    8 In their hearts they are conspiring:
    “Total defeat.
    Total defeat.”
    4. They have burned up through the land all
    God’s synagogues.
    9 With no signs and with no prophet,
    None knows how long.
    10 How long shall oppressors taunt Thee?
    Shall Thy name our foes e’er blaspheme?
    11 Why Thy right hand hidden keeping?
    God, show it strong.
    God, show it strong.
    5. 12 God my king hath worked salvation
    Long on the earth.
    13 Thou the dragons in the waters,
    Their heads hast burst.
    Thou by strength split seas asunder,
    14 Thou Levi’than’s heads crushed under,
    Gave for food to us as plunder
    In lands of thirst,
    In lands of thirst.
    6. 15 Thou didst cleave the flood and fountains,
    Great rivers dried.
    16 Day and night are Thy creations,
    Both sun and light.
    17 Thou hast set all of earth’s borders,
    Summer, winter didst Thou order.
    18 LORD, to foes be stern rewarder,
    Who Thee deride,
    Who Thee deride.
    7. LORD, remember that Thy name’s been
    Blasphemed by fools.
    19 Do not give the hungry beast Thy
    Turtledove’s soul.
    Don’t forget Thy poor forever,
    20 But Thy covenant consider;
    Earth’s dark places fully harbor
    Haunts of the cruel,
    Haunts of the cruel.
    8. 21 Let no crushed, nor poor and needy,
    Return ashamed.
    22 Rise, O God, Thy cause asserting;
    They praise Thy name.
    Mind how fools reproach Thee daily,
    23 Don’t forget Thy foes’ voice railing,
    Hear the noise of rebels swelling,
    Louder each day,
    Louder each day.
    Music: David L. Richards (1835-1906)
    Text: The Psalter, 1871; alt. Arnold J. Robertstad, 2017 © Lakewood Presbyterian Church
    Tune name: DYFFRYN BACA 8 4. 8 4. 8 8 8 4. w/ repeat
    All vocals by Michael E. Owens
    I record tunes that anyone can sing.
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