They definitely are a huge part of the loss. Playing a hero that can do consistent damage is way more useful to your team than getting a pick once in every 5 team fights.
@@chrism6880 they are a huge reason for stressing their teamout in fights that could have been way easier.... and they didnt carry. But that team should have never lost that final fight and the widow got the lucio pick to start it.
@@chrism6880everybody on that team was so bad it doesn’t matter. Supports falling off the map. Odds are this person would have been feeding a lot more if they weren’t sitting way far back with widow.
@@juveintheusa6261 the point isn't about them sitting back, though, it's their apm that is so low that it contributes to the loss. Saying I carried but got blamed where apm is this low, standing and waiting for someone to walk out from behind a wall when they are 1v1ning an ana behind like 5 walls instead of grappling to help and 2v1ning is peak ego "I do my stuff, I get picks while I'm not dived, why can't my teammates deal with dives and get picks as well? Where is my team??" Stuff right there.
I like Flats' take on Widows, even if you are not hitting as many shots, Widow has a certain presence whenever she is on a team that makes the enemy team HAVE to keep on their toes and adjust to a certain playstyle, so whilst his Widow was inconsistent, he did contribute quite a bit to the team, I just wish he'd use the Mine and his Ult a lot more often also not to be scared to reposition when there is a flanker coming in on his ass lmao
I don't think these s4 players really adjusted their pla style that guy decided it would be good to go phrah against two sniping dps hitscans mercy holding space while calling and junkrat jumping around
Eh, yes and no. If a Widow is good enough to hit their shots then yes people will play around sightlines but if they prove they can't hit anything but a still target then I don't really pay that much attention to them beyond not positioning like a bronze. Conversely it's a dps far removed from the fight and not applying much pressure. It doesn't matter if you finally hit that shot after the teamfight is lost or your team is unable to take advantage of your kills. IE: you pick a support and a dps but their Rein just shattered the rest of your team, etc etc.
Definitely false. lol a Widow's presence means nothing if I can literally stand directly in front of her and vaguely crouch and a/d strafe and she never hits a shot. As a Mercy, you better hit your shots or Im gunning you down and ignoring you. What you said is true in low metal where players dont know better. Get a little higher and people will notice you arent hitting shots and focus you for free ult charge.
Walls is such a valuable ult for your team that can change fights completely. We know reaper should have is ult soon but where is he. Let me just pop walls and now everyone can see him. It completely shuts off flanks and highlights players alone and out of position. Always try and have walls up as much as possible. It's not just so you can get picks on people walking around the corner
I only hold onto my ult if there’s a reset (I’m walking back and I get it, we teamkilled so I’ll wait a bit for them to respawn, etc). Otherwise, send it because you’ll get it back super quick and it’s not really a playmaker ult
judging by how the first clip of how ana fell they were just walking in a straight line I guess that their internet just decided to give up. I have the same issues and that's how it looks in replays, the last action that you did before your internet dies just keeps getting repeated.
It’s like watching widow gameplay in slow motion. This is actually mind blowing to me. An actual evaluation of it though from a lot of time playing Widow in high elo is learning to force out reapers wraith. Shooting him in the head and killing him is obviously good, but so is shooting him in the body and forcing him to either wraith away or (more likely in your elo) wraith toward you. If he goes toward you just grapple away and finish him. If he goes away just resume shooting him or his teammates, whichever doesn’t put you in danger. For the final attack, realizing that mercy/Lucio could never keep an Orisa alive was key. Every chance you could put a shot in her head should have been taken. Once she dies the rest of the fight just falls in place. Even if you don’t kill her yourself, Orisa can’t really play the game if she has low heals and a sniper keeps bursting chunks out of her health bar when she comes out to contest space. A swap could obviously have helped, yes, but personally I would rather see someone truly learn how to play into something unless you are truly being hard countered, which you just weren’t. They never played a widow counter here. You probably won’t read this and you certainly don’t know me so take my advice if you get it with a grain of salt, but it got me pretty far. PS: All of Emonggs advice was obviously good. I just wanted to focus on things he didn’t say.
I completely agree on the learning, but I think that in a situation where it goes into more than one more round they should swap just because they are not getting enough value to help the team itself. The other team applied more pressure than theirs and hence won due to the Widow's team playing deathmatch here and there where it wasn't necessary, for example Widow could've helped Ana many times, including and especially the one time where Reaper dived Ana but Widow just watched the two fight. If they would value numbers over "I go in I die, it's their problem" they could easily win that.
@@satamiko sure, but at the end of the day it is silver. I just can’t recommend someone just swap constantly to rank up. If you are struggling in metal ranks you have bigger issues than which hero you are playing. If I’m being more harsh and honest, if you are swapping to deal with anything below plat you aren’t going to make it far.
@@razgrizfpsagree 100% just started playing dps ranked, already in gold, and people switch so much without ever using their ult just to counter you, buuut cant play Widow in Gold since if I hit one headshot their dps instantly go Sombra, and if your healer isnt really caring about you mostly because of thinking everyone sucks at this character or your tank is fully suicidal, if the Sombra just focus you first, then you just cant really get a value for your team, so in cases like that play with a decent support duo that can keep an eye or be at your side in the backline like Ana or switch.
And when people do use it others don’t pay attention a lot of the time😂 I’ll ping someone in the back many times as support and then they kill me and proceed to kill my team cos no one even acknowledged the ping or my death. I’m def guilty of it too, but I still usually notice before the rest of my team.
@@AbbyLynetteI was fighting the enemy tank as lifeweaver the whole time ALONE. it was a DvA. Demeched her, she ulted, and then baby DvA. No one turned around. not ONCE. The junk who i gripped and saved who gave away my position? Walked away i was spamming that ping when i watched the replay and i was so sad. Beginning my villain arc. I DID manage to kill her which shows why her team lost... but still.
@@ItsCoalSocks I feel that, me and our other support were being dived by a dva and also got shot at by other enemies so we died and no one came to help and then one of our teammates trash talked us in chat immediately after. 😭
I want to use it, but I play on console and the control is so unintuitive. And there’s not really a good button you can map it to that isn’t being used for something else. It’s kind of a shame
My biggest issue with their play honestly was their unwillingness to die on point to get OT…you probably still lose but you definitely lose if you don’t touch so might as well win your team a chance
Their aim is a little lazy. When they try tracking someone they always fire the shot behind the target. If they adjust their sense up by 0.5 to 1 It would help mitigate that a bit. Second is their reaction time every time the reaper tp'ed he'd become vulnerable and 1-2 seconds later they would finally shoot. Third is positioning to many times of just sitting on the ground in the middle of the open. Rialto is such an amazing map for widow with constant high ground for angles. Then when they do take high ground at places like 9:28 they just sit in the middle of the open while it's a decent angle your too easy to punish. Go to either of the ledges in front of you. To the left you have the corner you can use as cover with nearly the same angle and you can go down the stairs to get a quick shot on supps hiding around the corner. To the right you have plenty of cover with far better vision of supps back by the bridge or dps trying to play around the statue. They definitely didn't throw the game but they are far from carrying and could have given more value playing another character.
Yeah, that was my take of it. They are mostly too 'slow' - but it's both sensitivity and reaction time. Low aim sense is all about having your crosshair placement on point and being able to react quickly. I would say increase the sense a bit, learn a bit about cross hair placement and honestly just PRACTICE. By practicing in trainers to automate the response so that they don't need to *think* to click. I feel like that is their main problem. It would fix this delay in their response. (And very rightfully positioning, awareness etc - train yourself to think "what would I do if I was the enemy reaper?").
@Annemoontje aim trainers can be good but I find they only really help flick shots and building the muscle memory. Aim trainers don't really train you for the movement actual movement players have vs an ai system. I think theirs 3 different ways to Aim. You have tracking, prediction and flicks. Tracking is being able to stay with the target which is great for characters who move in more linear motions. Examples would be tanks soldier ana and so on. Then you have prediction. This will be when your holding angles and door ways. Reapers tp tracers recall sombras translocator genji deflect moira fade pharas rocket boost and mercys guardian angel. Along with letting people walk into your crosshair and grapple shots. The last is flicks and arguably the hardest these are shots you'll have to master for when you get pushed and are in close range fights or for characters with sudden and rapid movement abilities like tracer blink mercy in Valk echo Lucio etc. This takes alot of muscle memory and time to become reliable in. New players can also become very confused when they hear players talking about crosshair placement as no one really tells them what that means. The obvious answer is keep it around head level which is good advice for people who look at the ground. When you get deep into crosshair placement it changes slightly with each of the 3 types of shots I described above. When tracking don't aim for the head it can be harder to maintain proper tracking especially if the character is constantly changing in elevation. Place your crosshair at shoulder level and learn how to make small adjustments to the head hitbox as you pull the trigger. Aiming at shoulder level gives you a larger area to keep track of your crosshair and the target and will give you a sense of greater control especially if you are someone who is prone to panic when in a stressful game. For predictions you want to aim at head level here you know where the target will be moving too and the biggest part is timing. Overwatch is different than most games where each character isn't the same height or same shape. Last is flicks you want your crosshair to be placed about the middle of whatever area your target is and can move to then go for the shot when they get about a 45 degree angle from where you're cross hair is. Since 45 degrees is the most natural angle of movement in your wrist or elbow. I primarily use my wrist when I'm in a close range fight and then elbow when it's farther distance. Everything takes thousands of ours to truly master but if new players can understand the base fundamentals when learning this will help them not build bad habits and bad muscle memory. Positioning is something that can always be learned at anytime but aiming is something where if you practice wrong it'll will take hundreds of hours to fix.
on the flip side i think he is trying and failing to control a sens that is too high. usually you would see people overaim with that, but i think this is a rare case of being overly cautious of how far to move and having way too small mouse movements. lowering sens a bit could help them gain more control over their aim. can't argue with the other points though. i didn't know somebody could have such slow reaction time.
@mentarium the only reason I say increase is because they have the muscle memory built for the aim they have. They're actually very consistent at hitting just above the shoulders. So if they just slightly increased it they would maintain their muscle memory for the exact same arm movement but increased speed would just nudge the crosshair over just slightly to hit the head. I definitely see your point and I'm probably a little biased since I believe you should always play at higher sensitivity and learn to control it with small precision movements and knowing how to move your mouse with your thumb and pinky then wrist onto elbow instead of just wild large movements. That thinking probably stems more from coming from console and now on pc I have a small desk restricting me to a smaller mouse pad.
watched first point and emmong was kinda ridiculous. The widow did for all intents and purposes carry compared to what their team did. not wasting my time watching further.
@@WaterspoutsOfTheDeep You mean third point defence? They did basically nothing on first and second point defence. Any picks they got were irrelevant as the team fight was already lost at that point. Third point defence was much better though. Most of their picks were meaningful there.
@@fireboogaloo6871 I seriously can't fathom how you are confused about my comment lol. It's literally just talking about the first few moments of the video... first point in the game shown...
Like in some of my recent matches where we ALL had 2x the enemy team in elims (talking about 30 kills to 12), assists and staggers, the enemy team won because people on ours were playing their own thing away from the cart defensively and the enemy simply inched it in. Same can be said about trickling and control maps.
This game shows perfectly on why stats don't matter in a game specifically the very start of the game with the first point. The widow gets 3 kills but only 1 kill actually provided value. Immediately off the start both dps completely abandoned the team fight to focus the reaper and it took them over a minute to kill him by the time he died the tank 1 supp and the other dps were dead. They then get a Second pick while their team was in spawn which didn't slow up the enemies movement in the slightest. Then they kill the reaper again which is finally the first kill with actual value because their team is on the bridge coming back into the fight. Just because you're getting kills doesn't actually mean your providing value to your team
Playing on defence highground and allowing enemies to push up until certain points is completely fine as long as you know when to go in and stop them from doing so, but that requires a lot of awareness. This is why c9 can be seen even in top500 at times.
I'm half way through, I wish no one dove me on widow, they seem to be having a free game in that sense, you can easily stand there and take your time on shots
Few things more frustrating to me than a Widow who holds their ult. It can benefit everyone on the team any time there are any enemies nearby. Just... Press the button. Please.
In my opinion. They definitely shouldve switched. Especially when they realized his team was getting washed bastion or 76 would’ve pressured the enemy back and made sure more damge was being dealt
@@Mrfluffs83_2sure but, If you aren’t consistently headshotting, you should swap off widow to pressure the enemy more. Otherwise widow is just a throw pick
i’m a dva main and one time i changed my keybinds and forgot about it mid dive on rialto so i ended up flying over the short building by the payload spawn and directly into the water and my supports were laughing their asses off while i was screaming at the top of my lungs 👍
I just came across this channel; love the content! I'm curious how you would submit replays for review? I looked in the description section, but it doesn't clearly stand out to me. Thanks again for the fun content!
Snipers are just a magnet for tilt when a team is losing. Whether it’s deserved or not, the fact your team mate can die and see the sniper standing off looking as though they aren’t doing anything, it’s where people’s heads go. So if you are gonna play sniper you gotta either be so good people notice even if you’re losing, or be prepared to switch off/be the lightning rod for the tilt.
As a longtime widow main, I’ll say back in the early seasons of OW1 I really thought I was the carry if I got 10 hs in a game. Like it’s just a widow thing to let random picks make you think you’re carrying
The Hanzo equivalent is contributing absolutely nothing but getting 20 seconds of headshots that earns you potg and somehow you successfully fool your team into thinking you were useful.
Widow sold. Its like if you have a dva and they have a zarya and u think u are doing good but u don’t understand the incredible amount of utility u are forcing your supports to put on you for dva to be not as bad in that matchup. Like this widow cant help consistently with the extremely obvious reaper flank as other dps would. So yes widow 100% sold the game.
They used venom mine like once, honestly as a widow player that hurts me, seriously just chuck it into the enemy frontline even if it only hits the tank your still getting damage, throw it at the reaper everytime they flank that kills their self heal, throw it at the cart! The game is built around building ult, usually whichever team builds their ults faster is the team that wins.
I think this is one of those if you’re happy being in silver or whatever tank then don’t swap but if you want to get higher in ranks a swap would have made the difference
I think it's important to realize that a widowmaker has to do much more in a match to be a good contributor to their team compared to other DPS heroes. Other DPS heroes can provide a distraction (just another 250hp meatshield in a fight can be great for your tank), consistent chip and spam damage, damage to shields, and cooldowns that aren't just centered around themselves. Widow needs to get one pick per fight at minimum to contribute.
From what I see, that's not what I would call a carry. At least they did contribute some value to the fight. First and foremost, this widow needs to keep working on that aim and reaction time. Positioning was fair. But got to keep moving around. It keeps the enemy guessing where you are. Secondly, widow has much more to her kit then the one-shot and grapple. Her spider mine is very useful for self-defense and can aid in a team fight. And her ult is invaluable to the entire team. Don't be afraid to use these more often. Lastly, try to ping more targets that you are focusing on. Widow usually has a better view of the battlefield than her teammates do. Now I can't really tell for sure, but it looks to me that the supports were in retaliation to this widow pick. There was no love there.
They did not carry but they did their job. With how often he would hit their shots and even though he would miss alot, he still made himself known to the point where if I was on the enemy team I would be scared to peak at times
It's always interesting to see how metal ranks play in other countries, because in AU, metal ranks are in such a different skill bracket comparitively. I want to put that largely on the fact that AU has much less people, so the skill range stacks up differently compared to countries where these ranks are much fuller. Playing Platinum lobbies in AU feels immensely different to playing Platinum lobbies in US or EU lobbies, most of the time.
I hate having so many distance heros ehen you need to push because none of them will ever be on the payload.. and the one person who does try to push it, is farmed because most of them don't hit shots.
I wouldn't say they're a carry but they played fairly well. I do think on the last round they should've switched just to push a more aggressive damage output.
last time i played a sniper (ASHE) my teammate wanted me to play widowmaker for the one taps but i told him its either i play ashe and do good or play widowmaker and we definitely lose the game i just cant hit my shots as widow
to be fair, if this widow managed to increase their consistency and speed - they'd easily climb to gold without improving anything else. You can see they learn as they play and their positioning isn't bad for a silver player
Honestly if your gameplay is at this level, there's no reason to throw shade. Nobody in this lobby can point to anyone else and say "you being bad, in particular, is why we lost." But it's really common for low-level fps gamers to pick a sniper character/weapon, corner peek and get some kills, and think they are carrying. What's more important than kills is your contribution to teamfights and capturing/defending objectives, and at no point did the widow approach the objective in this game. If your team is losing, and you're going to die, buy some time at least. The ability to either create or capitalize on the distraction of having shots coming from far away or weird angles is what widow is for, not just racking up headshot kills. Even at this level, making the other team account for the widow by just being in the right place at the right time, you'll have more influence on the outcome of the game. And if your ability to do that is hampered by someone on their team counter-picking you and pushing you off your spots (like the reaper), do consider switching so you can go back to contributing. Staying on a character that is being actively countered and then pointing to your damage/elim stats when your team is losing is not the way.
While I wouldn't say they carried, they had some really good shots that did contribute to several team fights. The only issue is sometimes they just don't hit the shot, which is normal. Not everyone is a God tier Widowmaker. I think if they keep at it and practice, they'll get pretty good.
I mean, I get people in my games flaming me for not doing damage even if I have 3x the elims as everyone else on sniper. Like they don't understand that one shotting people generally means you do less damage and, by extension, feed supp ults way less. But yeah, that junk with 30k dmg and 3 elims is doing so much more amirite?
why i dont like playing with widows: they are a liability, they often start good but eventually tunnel visioned and refuse to swap. also most of the time id just prefer another damage character, widow isnt useful until she gets a pick and until then is a liability not producing much pressure and then significant advantage only happens when they get another pick. just my thoughts, let me know yours.
If they suck, the problem isn't Widow, it's the player playing Widow. You're saying she doesn't produce much pressure but she can almost entirely deny an angle just by existing because you don't really want to peek an angle she's watching if you're a DPS or support. But yeah a lot of times said player would provide more value by playing some other DPS, but sometimes they're goated on widow. And some maps are especially good with Widow like Circuit Royale so it's fine. It is the classic "hit your shots" character. If you don't it's litteraly useless, otherwise it's pretty decent.
@@mekacrab yea alot of times they make or break a game. Majority of the time eventually they're gonna get countered. Any time a team cant counter her eventually is more than likely when they're upset trying to hard to kill her. Realistically if its a balanced game of skill and ego is set aside widow shouldn't be a threatening problem the whole game.
I mean compared to the widow I had on my team the other day this one could pass for diamond, the one on my team didn't even scope, just used the machine gun and no abilities either, went 2/1/21 like by the end I was convinced it was someone trolling and throwing games and not just bad
The worst supports are the first to complain. Happened to me in a ranked game on dorado aswell, had a LW and mercy duo I played winston, and a friend was playing genji come third point of our attack, we finish the attack (they had sym and i was unable to counter her), and the mercy complains that "why were you not on cart?" You know Dva, the tank, aka the payload carrier and genji the dps, aka also the payload carrier right? ugh anyways we rewatched their replay, and the LW barely knew how to press his buttons (they fell down the stairs near the mini healthpack on the right of spawn. Also, when i pinged the hanzo at the start of the match, they were clearly not looking, because the moment the doors opened, they walked out, and got slept. and for divine grace didn't die from the hanzo) the mercy too (dashing in the middle of the enemy to try and res the tank, always sticking close to MY ass instead of going for our DPS, and overall had very bad gamesense) they looked like bronzes/silvers, and they were the loudest to complain. it's always the low ranked players, man.
@@razgrizfpsI get where you're coming from but this Widow specifically could never hit him. Especially out of his teleport which should've always been an easy headshot. So yeah, I agree with the guy above that if they were a bit better the reaper could've bullied the back line the entire game. Overall though I'd agree that reaper isn't a good match up against a Widow that knows how to switch up their positioning and has decent reaction time.
Imagine being their tank. You have two snipers that applies little to no consistent pressure, which means the enemy can just walk on your while their supports are half free to do some dmg as well. So you have 5 enemies spamming dmg on you, meanwhile your supports are falling of the map. What a horrible experience.
They're inconsistent which is why they're in silver, but they made some great plays. I think their teammates peeled for the reaper a grand total of once, which is a huge team issue (welcome to silver ig). Overall if they worked on using pings, positioning and consistency they could probably push up to mid gold or low plat
@@bigfudge2031 that's just not true though. Positioning, engagement timing etc are heavily punished on widow if you mess them up, as you have a single movement tool on a long cooldown. Fuck that cooldown up and you'll immediately get dived on in any rank that isn't metal. I can have literal aimbot and I still won't beat a wrecking ball (or any tank for that matter) that's caught me with no cooldowns out of position Unlike other DPS you're often positioned behind your supports, making it very easy for them to just forget you exist (like in this video where reaper just existed at all times in the backline)
@@SampleChanPositiong on Widow is easy, there are about 3 sniping spots on each map that every Widow uses from bronze to GM. Kings row top window, Havana castle wall, Junkertown balcony, circuit royal spawn, Ilios ruins on top of temple, Rialto spawn. Every single widow uses those spots because they are so uncontested, so the only thing that matters is hitting shots and you only ever get punished if you keep missing.
@@bigfudge2031 going to just those spots makes you insanely predictable, making it even easier to counter you. Only at very low ranks can you keep going to the same spot over and over and remain uncontested
Completely normal silver game. He used his stuff at the start or end of a fight but forgot about it mid-fight. Also, he genuinely knows what to do it only takes longer for him to realize it. If he had those things down he wouldn't be silver in the first place.
Just my luck, in nearly every game that I've played with a Widowmaker and Sombra, we end up losing every time. Just not doing enough DPS. And to see gameplay like this too? Urgh lol.
Says widow throws game... Meanwhile 2 supports fall off map on their own On def i would blame his team more than him. He is getting kills . Their other dps n tank not peeling reaper, while they are pressuring the others. Its silver widow, dont expect great aim. Actually aim is great for silver. They do need to use infra sight more for information. It helps the qhole team
I see you, too, have a cat that likes to clean the sides of their litter box. And has the stinkiest shits in the world. Also, widow had some moments, but could use some help. I don't play widow because I don't like the playstyle, but was definitely not like some of the widows I've had the displeasure of being against....
Neither a carry, nor the reason they lost.
They definitely are a huge part of the loss. Playing a hero that can do consistent damage is way more useful to your team than getting a pick once in every 5 team fights.
@@chrism6880 they are a huge reason for stressing their teamout in fights that could have been way easier.... and they didnt carry. But that team should have never lost that final fight and the widow got the lucio pick to start it.
@@chrism6880everybody on that team was so bad it doesn’t matter. Supports falling off the map. Odds are this person would have been feeding a lot more if they weren’t sitting way far back with widow.
@@juveintheusa6261 the point isn't about them sitting back, though, it's their apm that is so low that it contributes to the loss. Saying I carried but got blamed where apm is this low, standing and waiting for someone to walk out from behind a wall when they are 1v1ning an ana behind like 5 walls instead of grappling to help and 2v1ning is peak ego "I do my stuff, I get picks while I'm not dived, why can't my teammates deal with dives and get picks as well? Where is my team??" Stuff right there.
i mean. it really simple. mechanical skills of a silver = ur in silver. nothing more nothing less.
I like Flats' take on Widows, even if you are not hitting as many shots, Widow has a certain presence whenever she is on a team that makes the enemy team HAVE to keep on their toes and adjust to a certain playstyle, so whilst his Widow was inconsistent, he did contribute quite a bit to the team, I just wish he'd use the Mine and his Ult a lot more often also not to be scared to reposition when there is a flanker coming in on his ass lmao
I don't think these s4 players really adjusted their pla style that guy decided it would be good to go phrah against two sniping dps hitscans mercy holding space while calling and junkrat jumping around
When there is a flanker doing WHAT on his ass?
Eh, yes and no. If a Widow is good enough to hit their shots then yes people will play around sightlines but if they prove they can't hit anything but a still target then I don't really pay that much attention to them beyond not positioning like a bronze. Conversely it's a dps far removed from the fight and not applying much pressure. It doesn't matter if you finally hit that shot after the teamfight is lost or your team is unable to take advantage of your kills. IE: you pick a support and a dps but their Rein just shattered the rest of your team, etc etc.
Definitely false. lol a Widow's presence means nothing if I can literally stand directly in front of her and vaguely crouch and a/d strafe and she never hits a shot. As a Mercy, you better hit your shots or Im gunning you down and ignoring you. What you said is true in low metal where players dont know better. Get a little higher and people will notice you arent hitting shots and focus you for free ult charge.
This support lineup is really struggling with the Rialto canals. What a doublekill by the canal.
Nerf the water
It’s a clear 1 shot every time
Potg: Riqlto Canal
At 1:48, they got their ult. At 5:06, they finally used it.
I seriously don’t even understand the need to hold onto WALL HACKS when you get it back after like 5-6 kills
walls really isnt a huge playmaker ult, so it charges quickly, and you hold on to it for a MAXIMUM of 30 seconds
Walls is such a valuable ult for your team that can change fights completely. We know reaper should have is ult soon but where is he. Let me just pop walls and now everyone can see him. It completely shuts off flanks and highlights players alone and out of position. Always try and have walls up as much as possible. It's not just so you can get picks on people walking around the corner
I only hold onto my ult if there’s a reset (I’m walking back and I get it, we teamkilled so I’ll wait a bit for them to respawn, etc). Otherwise, send it because you’ll get it back super quick and it’s not really a playmaker ult
She's saving venom mine for the grav. Chuck one in there, everyone is coughing like it's March 2020.
Ah yes, the dreaded venom mine grav combo, a classic.
When my Zarya has grav, I'm gonna ask her to help me start the pandemic with no context.
It's not a spectating on Rialto if someone doesn't fall off the map at some point.
How do people fall off the map so much in these games LOL I swear i almost never see it happen in my games
idk how if they fight like up lose its okay it can happend you more focus on the guy in front but they just : oh its hot in here let me take a swim xD
Low rank players probably aren't so familiar with the map or they maybe thought there was a railing or something.
judging by how the first clip of how ana fell they were just walking in a straight line I guess that their internet just decided to give up. I have the same issues and that's how it looks in replays, the last action that you did before your internet dies just keeps getting repeated.
For real like im in silver as well and my gameplay definitely isnt top tier but i cant remember the last time me or my friends walked off the map
@@bigfudge2031im ig low elo but i never have fallen off, these mfs are just blind
im getting anxiety from this. how can u turn ur back on the whole enemy team just for the reaper (3:06)
I can understand turning around for a quick shot or two but the fact they stayed soomed in for a whole 6 seconds was crazy.
It’s like watching widow gameplay in slow motion. This is actually mind blowing to me.
An actual evaluation of it though from a lot of time playing Widow in high elo is learning to force out reapers wraith. Shooting him in the head and killing him is obviously good, but so is shooting him in the body and forcing him to either wraith away or (more likely in your elo) wraith toward you. If he goes toward you just grapple away and finish him. If he goes away just resume shooting him or his teammates, whichever doesn’t put you in danger. For the final attack, realizing that mercy/Lucio could never keep an Orisa alive was key. Every chance you could put a shot in her head should have been taken. Once she dies the rest of the fight just falls in place. Even if you don’t kill her yourself, Orisa can’t really play the game if she has low heals and a sniper keeps bursting chunks out of her health bar when she comes out to contest space.
A swap could obviously have helped, yes, but personally I would rather see someone truly learn how to play into something unless you are truly being hard countered, which you just weren’t. They never played a widow counter here.
You probably won’t read this and you certainly don’t know me so take my advice if you get it with a grain of salt, but it got me pretty far.
PS: All of Emonggs advice was obviously good. I just wanted to focus on things he didn’t say.
I completely agree on the learning, but I think that in a situation where it goes into more than one more round they should swap just because they are not getting enough value to help the team itself. The other team applied more pressure than theirs and hence won due to the Widow's team playing deathmatch here and there where it wasn't necessary, for example Widow could've helped Ana many times, including and especially the one time where Reaper dived Ana but Widow just watched the two fight. If they would value numbers over "I go in I die, it's their problem" they could easily win that.
@@satamiko sure, but at the end of the day it is silver. I just can’t recommend someone just swap constantly to rank up. If you are struggling in metal ranks you have bigger issues than which hero you are playing. If I’m being more harsh and honest, if you are swapping to deal with anything below plat you aren’t going to make it far.
@@razgrizfpsagree 100% just started playing dps ranked, already in gold, and people switch so much without ever using their ult just to counter you, buuut cant play Widow in Gold since if I hit one headshot their dps instantly go Sombra, and if your healer isnt really caring about you mostly because of thinking everyone sucks at this character or your tank is fully suicidal, if the Sombra just focus you first, then you just cant really get a value for your team, so in cases like that play with a decent support duo that can keep an eye or be at your side in the backline like Ana or switch.
Ppl in OW don't use the ping system often enough. It's such a useful tool. Esp sombras
And when people do use it others don’t pay attention a lot of the time😂
I’ll ping someone in the back many times as support and then they kill me and proceed to kill my team cos no one even acknowledged the ping or my death. I’m def guilty of it too, but I still usually notice before the rest of my team.
@@AbbyLynetteI was fighting the enemy tank as lifeweaver the whole time ALONE. it was a DvA. Demeched her, she ulted, and then baby DvA. No one turned around. not ONCE. The junk who i gripped and saved who gave away my position? Walked away
i was spamming that ping when i watched the replay and i was so sad. Beginning my villain arc.
I DID manage to kill her which shows why her team lost... but still.
@@ItsCoalSocks I feel that, me and our other support were being dived by a dva and also got shot at by other enemies so we died and no one came to help and then one of our teammates trash talked us in chat immediately after. 😭
I want to use it, but I play on console and the control is so unintuitive. And there’s not really a good button you can map it to that isn’t being used for something else. It’s kind of a shame
@@AbbyLynette So trueee. Im pinging like crazy and they just ignore it and then im mad lol.
By silver standards, this guy isn’t bad and wasn’t throwing. But they also weren’t carrying either.
My biggest issue with their play honestly was their unwillingness to die on point to get OT…you probably still lose but you definitely lose if you don’t touch so might as well win your team a chance
Imagine having wallhacks and holding on to them till next game. lmao
Their aim is a little lazy. When they try tracking someone they always fire the shot behind the target. If they adjust their sense up by 0.5 to 1 It would help mitigate that a bit. Second is their reaction time every time the reaper tp'ed he'd become vulnerable and 1-2 seconds later they would finally shoot. Third is positioning to many times of just sitting on the ground in the middle of the open. Rialto is such an amazing map for widow with constant high ground for angles. Then when they do take high ground at places like 9:28 they just sit in the middle of the open while it's a decent angle your too easy to punish. Go to either of the ledges in front of you. To the left you have the corner you can use as cover with nearly the same angle and you can go down the stairs to get a quick shot on supps hiding around the corner. To the right you have plenty of cover with far better vision of supps back by the bridge or dps trying to play around the statue. They definitely didn't throw the game but they are far from carrying and could have given more value playing another character.
Yeah, that was my take of it. They are mostly too 'slow' - but it's both sensitivity and reaction time. Low aim sense is all about having your crosshair placement on point and being able to react quickly. I would say increase the sense a bit, learn a bit about cross hair placement and honestly just PRACTICE. By practicing in trainers to automate the response so that they don't need to *think* to click. I feel like that is their main problem. It would fix this delay in their response.
(And very rightfully positioning, awareness etc - train yourself to think "what would I do if I was the enemy reaper?").
@Annemoontje aim trainers can be good but I find they only really help flick shots and building the muscle memory. Aim trainers don't really train you for the movement actual movement players have vs an ai system. I think theirs 3 different ways to Aim. You have tracking, prediction and flicks. Tracking is being able to stay with the target which is great for characters who move in more linear motions. Examples would be tanks soldier ana and so on. Then you have prediction. This will be when your holding angles and door ways. Reapers tp tracers recall sombras translocator genji deflect moira fade pharas rocket boost and mercys guardian angel. Along with letting people walk into your crosshair and grapple shots. The last is flicks and arguably the hardest these are shots you'll have to master for when you get pushed and are in close range fights or for characters with sudden and rapid movement abilities like tracer blink mercy in Valk echo Lucio etc. This takes alot of muscle memory and time to become reliable in. New players can also become very confused when they hear players talking about crosshair placement as no one really tells them what that means. The obvious answer is keep it around head level which is good advice for people who look at the ground. When you get deep into crosshair placement it changes slightly with each of the 3 types of shots I described above. When tracking don't aim for the head it can be harder to maintain proper tracking especially if the character is constantly changing in elevation. Place your crosshair at shoulder level and learn how to make small adjustments to the head hitbox as you pull the trigger. Aiming at shoulder level gives you a larger area to keep track of your crosshair and the target and will give you a sense of greater control especially if you are someone who is prone to panic when in a stressful game. For predictions you want to aim at head level here you know where the target will be moving too and the biggest part is timing. Overwatch is different than most games where each character isn't the same height or same shape. Last is flicks you want your crosshair to be placed about the middle of whatever area your target is and can move to then go for the shot when they get about a 45 degree angle from where you're cross hair is. Since 45 degrees is the most natural angle of movement in your wrist or elbow. I primarily use my wrist when I'm in a close range fight and then elbow when it's farther distance. Everything takes thousands of ours to truly master but if new players can understand the base fundamentals when learning this will help them not build bad habits and bad muscle memory. Positioning is something that can always be learned at anytime but aiming is something where if you practice wrong it'll will take hundreds of hours to fix.
on the flip side i think he is trying and failing to control a sens that is too high. usually you would see people overaim with that, but i think this is a rare case of being overly cautious of how far to move and having way too small mouse movements. lowering sens a bit could help them gain more control over their aim. can't argue with the other points though. i didn't know somebody could have such slow reaction time.
@mentarium the only reason I say increase is because they have the muscle memory built for the aim they have. They're actually very consistent at hitting just above the shoulders. So if they just slightly increased it they would maintain their muscle memory for the exact same arm movement but increased speed would just nudge the crosshair over just slightly to hit the head. I definitely see your point and I'm probably a little biased since I believe you should always play at higher sensitivity and learn to control it with small precision movements and knowing how to move your mouse with your thumb and pinky then wrist onto elbow instead of just wild large movements. That thinking probably stems more from coming from console and now on pc I have a small desk restricting me to a smaller mouse pad.
As someone playing on 1.4 sens I can only imagine the mayhem of increasing my sense by 1.
The widow shoots like me with stick drift.
Bro missed the reaper like 15 times while trying to peal for ana and claims he carried?
As McCree would say : "Happens to the best of us"
A silver widow carry eh? This should be good lol
Bro you make the best commentz
@@StarCrow77Gaming only a comment to boost the algorithm really.
watched first point and emmong was kinda ridiculous. The widow did for all intents and purposes carry compared to what their team did. not wasting my time watching further.
@@WaterspoutsOfTheDeep You mean third point defence?
They did basically nothing on first and second point defence. Any picks they got were irrelevant as the team fight was already lost at that point.
Third point defence was much better though. Most of their picks were meaningful there.
@@fireboogaloo6871 I seriously can't fathom how you are confused about my comment lol. It's literally just talking about the first few moments of the video... first point in the game shown...
Like in some of my recent matches where we ALL had 2x the enemy team in elims (talking about 30 kills to 12), assists and staggers, the enemy team won because people on ours were playing their own thing away from the cart defensively and the enemy simply inched it in. Same can be said about trickling and control maps.
This game shows perfectly on why stats don't matter in a game specifically the very start of the game with the first point. The widow gets 3 kills but only 1 kill actually provided value. Immediately off the start both dps completely abandoned the team fight to focus the reaper and it took them over a minute to kill him by the time he died the tank 1 supp and the other dps were dead. They then get a Second pick while their team was in spawn which didn't slow up the enemies movement in the slightest. Then they kill the reaper again which is finally the first kill with actual value because their team is on the bridge coming back into the fight. Just because you're getting kills doesn't actually mean your providing value to your team
Playing on defence highground and allowing enemies to push up until certain points is completely fine as long as you know when to go in and stop them from doing so, but that requires a lot of awareness. This is why c9 can be seen even in top500 at times.
I'm half way through, I wish no one dove me on widow, they seem to be having a free game in that sense, you can easily stand there and take your time on shots
Few things more frustrating to me than a Widow who holds their ult. It can benefit everyone on the team any time there are any enemies nearby. Just... Press the button. Please.
I could chirp this widow for missing that reaper like 20 times at the beginning but honestly, ide prob do the same thing 😂
Being diamond support and tank but silver dps is so funny because I get to be in lobbies like this 💀
3:16 what is that reaction time? Ayo if these are my teammates in silver no wonder it’s taking a minute to climb
In my opinion. They definitely shouldve switched. Especially when they realized his team was getting washed bastion or 76 would’ve pressured the enemy back and made sure more damge was being dealt
Yo that's a mee the widow.. i notice it now that I'm very inconsistent which is something I clearly need to work on it's why I'm in silver. :)
Respect to a silver widow main. Tough meta to main her.
You did fine. It's silver not sure why people are expecting 360 no scopes and godlike reactions. That only consistently happens in masters and above
The lack of using venom mine is also something you need to work on. It's like you forget you have another ability.
@@Mrfluffs83_2sure but, If you aren’t consistently headshotting, you should swap off widow to pressure the enemy more. Otherwise widow is just a throw pick
@godofnothing428 it's all situational. In this case they did fine
i’m a dva main and one time i changed my keybinds and forgot about it mid dive on rialto so i ended up flying over the short building by the payload spawn and directly into the water and my supports were laughing their asses off while i was screaming at the top of my lungs 👍
I love how many times you said "we've all been" there on a missed shot
Widows holding onto thier Ults is a throw to me.
This looks like a case for the widow was the scapegoat for them losing.
I just came across this channel; love the content! I'm curious how you would submit replays for review? I looked in the description section, but it doesn't clearly stand out to me. Thanks again for the fun content!
Snipers are just a magnet for tilt when a team is losing. Whether it’s deserved or not, the fact your team mate can die and see the sniper standing off looking as though they aren’t doing anything, it’s where people’s heads go.
So if you are gonna play sniper you gotta either be so good people notice even if you’re losing, or be prepared to switch off/be the lightning rod for the tilt.
No its either your good and you are winning cause of that or u are trash and are the reason u are losing. There’s literally no inbetween on snipers.
I’m jus confused how can they carry but not peel for the supports at the same time?🤔
a lot of those shots look like they should've hit but didn't 😭😭 does that make sense
I don’t and never will be able to fathom how to snipe a headshot
I think the word you are looking for at the beginning of the second round is value
I didn't get past a min of the video without laughing watching this guy whiff everything 🤭
As a longtime widow main, I’ll say back in the early seasons of OW1 I really thought I was the carry if I got 10 hs in a game. Like it’s just a widow thing to let random picks make you think you’re carrying
The Hanzo equivalent is contributing absolutely nothing but getting 20 seconds of headshots that earns you potg and somehow you successfully fool your team into thinking you were useful.
Not related to OW, but your cat builds sandcastles while one of mine doesn’t even bother to build the moat-
Would venom mine placement help? My shots are mostly body, and I try to zone/scare people more than use headshots, but 60% isn't bad, I think. Wydt?
While i don't think they did terrible they most definitely did not carry this game
Widow sold. Its like if you have a dva and they have a zarya and u think u are doing good but u don’t understand the incredible amount of utility u are forcing your supports to put on you for dva to be not as bad in that matchup. Like this widow cant help consistently with the extremely obvious reaper flank as other dps would. So yes widow 100% sold the game.
bro when the editor puts in that spinning transition i feel like i’m gonna throw up lol
Being on window and not consistently hitting your shots is in-fact throwing
They used venom mine like once, honestly as a widow player that hurts me, seriously just chuck it into the enemy frontline even if it only hits the tank your still getting damage, throw it at the reaper everytime they flank that kills their self heal, throw it at the cart! The game is built around building ult, usually whichever team builds their ults faster is the team that wins.
I think this is one of those if you’re happy being in silver or whatever tank then don’t swap but if you want to get higher in ranks a swap would have made the difference
I think it's important to realize that a widowmaker has to do much more in a match to be a good contributor to their team compared to other DPS heroes. Other DPS heroes can provide a distraction (just another 250hp meatshield in a fight can be great for your tank), consistent chip and spam damage, damage to shields, and cooldowns that aren't just centered around themselves. Widow needs to get one pick per fight at minimum to contribute.
I am silver, but i never have team just running off the map...
edit: idk how so many people fall off in your vids. i just dont understand
From what I see, that's not what I would call a carry. At least they did contribute some value to the fight. First and foremost, this widow needs to keep working on that aim and reaction time. Positioning was fair. But got to keep moving around. It keeps the enemy guessing where you are. Secondly, widow has much more to her kit then the one-shot and grapple. Her spider mine is very useful for self-defense and can aid in a team fight. And her ult is invaluable to the entire team. Don't be afraid to use these more often. Lastly, try to ping more targets that you are focusing on. Widow usually has a better view of the battlefield than her teammates do. Now I can't really tell for sure, but it looks to me that the supports were in retaliation to this widow pick. There was no love there.
Is there really a reason to not use walls unless one whole team is dead
This guy will do absolutely nothing for a really long time, have a good moment then do nothing for a long time again
Make me feel good about my terrible aim thank you kind sir 🙏
"I don't know how to explain it: sometimes you hit a shot but then you don't hit a shot."
Yeah, it's called low accuracy. :D
They did not carry but they did their job. With how often he would hit their shots and even though he would miss alot, he still made himself known to the point where if I was on the enemy team I would be scared to peak at times
The music is too lound in this one.
Yeah I can't think
It's always interesting to see how metal ranks play in other countries, because in AU, metal ranks are in such a different skill bracket comparitively. I want to put that largely on the fact that AU has much less people, so the skill range stacks up differently compared to countries where these ranks are much fuller. Playing Platinum lobbies in AU feels immensely different to playing Platinum lobbies in US or EU lobbies, most of the time.
I'm in diamond/plat, and I swear this guy hits more shots than I do lol
The reapers gotta be slow, he keep ulting where there are no people
I think they did ok but they definitely could’ve used their ults more and venom mines
I found the music volume a bit distracting in this video.
positioning and reaction time, so many times they miss shots purely because they do not have the reaction time they need for where they are aiming
As a widow main this hurts to watch (I'm plat, 100 hrs on widow so maybe not such big difference) I think they should adjust their sensivity.
I hate having so many distance heros ehen you need to push because none of them will ever be on the payload.. and the one person who does try to push it, is farmed because most of them don't hit shots.
I wouldn't say they're a carry but they played fairly well. I do think on the last round they should've switched just to push a more aggressive damage output.
doesn't use venom mine at all. PS i think the music is slightly too loud just little bit though
My tank comp games-2023 colourised
last time i played a sniper (ASHE) my teammate wanted me to play widowmaker for the one taps but i told him its either i play ashe and do good or play widowmaker and we definitely lose the game i just cant hit my shots as widow
to be fair, if this widow managed to increase their consistency and speed - they'd easily climb to gold without improving anything else. You can see they learn as they play and their positioning isn't bad for a silver player
Hits 3 headshots and 12 body shots in the entire match...CARRYING!
It's weird but there are people. Who will say they carried. Even on defeated screen
Ayyye the support on his team (Ana) is in another vidoe
Not bad, but no way they thought they carried that game. Wasn't their fault but did need to switch, get more value with someone else
Honestly if your gameplay is at this level, there's no reason to throw shade. Nobody in this lobby can point to anyone else and say "you being bad, in particular, is why we lost." But it's really common for low-level fps gamers to pick a sniper character/weapon, corner peek and get some kills, and think they are carrying. What's more important than kills is your contribution to teamfights and capturing/defending objectives, and at no point did the widow approach the objective in this game. If your team is losing, and you're going to die, buy some time at least. The ability to either create or capitalize on the distraction of having shots coming from far away or weird angles is what widow is for, not just racking up headshot kills. Even at this level, making the other team account for the widow by just being in the right place at the right time, you'll have more influence on the outcome of the game. And if your ability to do that is hampered by someone on their team counter-picking you and pushing you off your spots (like the reaper), do consider switching so you can go back to contributing. Staying on a character that is being actively countered and then pointing to your damage/elim stats when your team is losing is not the way.
While I wouldn't say they carried, they had some really good shots that did contribute to several team fights. The only issue is sometimes they just don't hit the shot, which is normal. Not everyone is a God tier Widowmaker. I think if they keep at it and practice, they'll get pretty good.
Dude what? I didn’t look at the title and thought this was bronze 5 by the gameplay lmfao how is this silver 😭
not much different to be honest.
less than 5 people fell in the water so this is silver.
this is how you determine the rank, by counting how many fell off the map, works everytime.
I mean, I get people in my games flaming me for not doing damage even if I have 3x the elims as everyone else on sniper. Like they don't understand that one shotting people generally means you do less damage and, by extension, feed supp ults way less. But yeah, that junk with 30k dmg and 3 elims is doing so much more amirite?
the background music is a bit too loud, great video tho
i wouldn't say it's the widows fault, but as a widow main, I cannot imagine holding onto ult for that long. I know they're silver but yeesh
How on earth are you going to accuse the DPS of throwing when the two supports fall off the map...........
why i dont like playing with widows:
they are a liability, they often start good but eventually tunnel visioned and refuse to swap.
also most of the time id just prefer another damage character, widow isnt useful until she gets a pick and until then is a liability not producing much pressure and then significant advantage only happens when they get another pick. just my thoughts, let me know yours.
If they suck, the problem isn't Widow, it's the player playing Widow.
You're saying she doesn't produce much pressure but she can almost entirely deny an angle just by existing because you don't really want to peek an angle she's watching if you're a DPS or support.
But yeah a lot of times said player would provide more value by playing some other DPS, but sometimes they're goated on widow. And some maps are especially good with Widow like Circuit Royale so it's fine.
It is the classic "hit your shots" character. If you don't it's litteraly useless, otherwise it's pretty decent.
@@mekacrab yea alot of times they make or break a game. Majority of the time eventually they're gonna get countered. Any time a team cant counter her eventually is more than likely when they're upset trying to hard to kill her. Realistically if its a balanced game of skill and ego is set aside widow shouldn't be a threatening problem the whole game.
@zeldacerezaMy Widow is my brother, so if I don't babysit that bitch I'm gonna hear it lol
Background music loud as fuck
I mean compared to the widow I had on my team the other day this one could pass for diamond, the one on my team didn't even scope, just used the machine gun and no abilities either, went 2/1/21 like by the end I was convinced it was someone trolling and throwing games and not just bad
At 5:20 the widow paused after killing hog and I bet a billion dollars it was either sit,lol, or ez….
Considering the rank, I think you're on the money 😂
nothing happens at 5:20, bruh what is this timestamp
what sandcastle?
Call me shitty, but when my widow isn’t doing anything, I stop healing them until they switch
Do they know venom mine exists lol
The worst supports are the first to complain.
Happened to me in a ranked game on dorado aswell, had a LW and mercy duo
I played winston, and a friend was playing genji
come third point of our attack, we finish the attack (they had sym and i was unable to counter her), and the mercy complains that "why were you not on cart?"
You know
Dva, the tank, aka the payload carrier
and genji the dps, aka also the payload carrier
anyways we rewatched their replay, and the LW barely knew how to press his buttons (they fell down the stairs near the mini healthpack on the right of spawn. Also, when i pinged the hanzo at the start of the match, they were clearly not looking, because the moment the doors opened, they walked out, and got slept. and for divine grace didn't die from the hanzo)
the mercy too (dashing in the middle of the enemy to try and res the tank, always sticking close to MY ass instead of going for our DPS, and overall had very bad gamesense)
they looked like bronzes/silvers, and they were the loudest to complain.
it's always the low ranked players, man.
This is so fucking painful… missing BODYSHOTS
Reinmercy is crazy
Emon I love your cats
They had double sniper vs spam and flank.
If that reaper had been just been a slight bit better they'd have been rolled.
Reaper does not play well into widow at all. I’m unsure what you mean by this.
@@razgrizfpsI get where you're coming from but this Widow specifically could never hit him. Especially out of his teleport which should've always been an easy headshot. So yeah, I agree with the guy above that if they were a bit better the reaper could've bullied the back line the entire game. Overall though I'd agree that reaper isn't a good match up against a Widow that knows how to switch up their positioning and has decent reaction time.
Imagine being their tank. You have two snipers that applies little to no consistent pressure, which means the enemy can just walk on your while their supports are half free to do some dmg as well. So you have 5 enemies spamming dmg on you, meanwhile your supports are falling of the map. What a horrible experience.
They're inconsistent which is why they're in silver, but they made some great plays.
I think their teammates peeled for the reaper a grand total of once, which is a huge team issue (welcome to silver ig). Overall if they worked on using pings, positioning and consistency they could probably push up to mid gold or low plat
That is literally just widowmaker, you either hit shots or you don't
@@bigfudge2031 that's just not true though. Positioning, engagement timing etc are heavily punished on widow if you mess them up, as you have a single movement tool on a long cooldown. Fuck that cooldown up and you'll immediately get dived on in any rank that isn't metal. I can have literal aimbot and I still won't beat a wrecking ball (or any tank for that matter) that's caught me with no cooldowns out of position
Unlike other DPS you're often positioned behind your supports, making it very easy for them to just forget you exist (like in this video where reaper just existed at all times in the backline)
@@SampleChanPositiong on Widow is easy, there are about 3 sniping spots on each map that every Widow uses from bronze to GM. Kings row top window, Havana castle wall, Junkertown balcony, circuit royal spawn, Ilios ruins on top of temple, Rialto spawn. Every single widow uses those spots because they are so uncontested, so the only thing that matters is hitting shots and you only ever get punished if you keep missing.
@@bigfudge2031 going to just those spots makes you insanely predictable, making it even easier to counter you. Only at very low ranks can you keep going to the same spot over and over and remain uncontested
Completely normal silver game. He used his stuff at the start or end of a fight but forgot about it mid-fight. Also, he genuinely knows what to do it only takes longer for him to realize it. If he had those things down he wouldn't be silver in the first place.
Just my luck, in nearly every game that I've played with a Widowmaker and Sombra, we end up losing every time. Just not doing enough DPS. And to see gameplay like this too? Urgh lol.
hes doing dmg thats it hes not stopping movement of point and not really killing
Says widow throws game...
Meanwhile 2 supports fall off map on their own
On def i would blame his team more than him. He is getting kills . Their other dps n tank not peeling reaper, while they are pressuring the others.
Its silver widow, dont expect great aim. Actually aim is great for silver. They do need to use infra sight more for information. It helps the qhole team
Its a silver widow. They weren't the carry.
i mean at least this time the title said he is the one cArriEd and play WeLL and not blame stuck at silver cause teammates 🤯
The Widow uses her abilitys far to less. I mean, hold her Q for like 2 Minutes? For what?
her Mine? maybe she used it 2 or 3 Times in the first round
I see you, too, have a cat that likes to clean the sides of their litter box. And has the stinkiest shits in the world. Also, widow had some moments, but could use some help. I don't play widow because I don't like the playstyle, but was definitely not like some of the widows I've had the displeasure of being against....