Descendents - Without Love (LIVE)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ChargedCovers
    @ChargedCovers 8 років тому +105

    Can't even tell the difference between the record version and this, it's spot on

    • @matthewheckman4522
      @matthewheckman4522 7 років тому +6

      I like this version better. Milo sounds more raw in a live setting.

    • @percula8
      @percula8 5 років тому +2

      Not compressed as much. Almost like listening to it on vinyl.

    • @daygnar9266
      @daygnar9266 5 років тому

      @patrickryanheaney on insta engineered mixed everything live that day- 1 take.. if anyone in Sd is ready to record reach out to the team at phaser control where they do these !

    • @PeteNThat
      @PeteNThat 5 років тому +4

      Nothing near the studio/album version. But, if your ears hear it that way, let it be.

  • @BagBoy81
    @BagBoy81 8 років тому +55

    35 years, and counting, that I've had the Descendents in my life and I've loved every second of it.

  • @JosephMBoyer
    @JosephMBoyer Рік тому +2

    ALL and Descendents always make me feel better

  • @patrickgarrett9866
    @patrickgarrett9866 2 роки тому +18

    Karl Alvarez is phenomenal! Descendents are so underrated.

  • @StrangerByTheHour
    @StrangerByTheHour 2 роки тому +5

    I’ve been listening to these dudes do this my whole life haha. I kind of got into Punk Rock with these guys, then my skinhead days, then 21 years in the Marines, now my life as a middle class suburban dad. They’ve been with me the whole time. Thanks guys.

  • @patrickgarrett9866
    @patrickgarrett9866 6 років тому +15

    God bless the Ogre. So glad he's still with us! Been listening to this talented band for a long time. They are phenomenal!

  • @albertassociate
    @albertassociate 8 років тому +41

    youtube, you need to get a love button!

    • @virsla183
      @virsla183 8 років тому +45

      without love button :))

    • @sinanermis5541
      @sinanermis5541 7 років тому +2

      we can't live like this anymore without love button :p

  • @edward7695
    @edward7695 3 роки тому +11

    Awesome Bass line! 💥🔥

  • @heyholetsgo
    @heyholetsgo 8 років тому +36

    This song is probably my favorite new one. Sounds like it could be off the Everything Sucks album.

  • @richie99999
    @richie99999 Рік тому +3

    I love the drums on this song.

  • @nosha47
    @nosha47 6 років тому +9

    Wish my dad was this cool

  • @PiMpiNx187
    @PiMpiNx187 Рік тому +1

    Wow absolutely incredible

  • @SteveFromLongIsland
    @SteveFromLongIsland 7 років тому +5

    perfect! Love this awesome Band and Song. Greets from germany!

  • @Keiniti
    @Keiniti 8 років тому +7

    Thanxs from Brazil! Awesome session! :)

  • @CircusRhapsody
    @CircusRhapsody 5 років тому +4

    Great and a fantastic version! Always good to hear Descendents

  • @domyon
    @domyon 7 років тому +1

    will always be the best band in the world in my book. College, Grow Up, Enjoy, All, and Livage changed my life

  • @PeteNThat
    @PeteNThat 5 років тому +12

    Long years waiting for it
    Lost pages given to disease within me
    Long days fighting for it
    Lost years left praying for relief from sickness
    Then madness
    Life won't wait for us
    And love won't heal itself
    Let's find our way
    Another day goes by
    We can't live like this anymore
    Can't live without love
    Another year goes by
    We can't live like this anymore
    Can't live without love
    Shock faded, no one passed away
    We live to fight a million days in silence
    Dark pages no one has to see
    Lock every door around us in self-defense
    We conceal this
    Life won't wait for us
    And love won't heal itself
    Let's find our way
    Another day goes by
    We can't live like this anymore
    Can't live without love
    A life just passing by
    We can't live like this anymore
    Can't live without love
    We let it down... gave in to infatuation
    We tore it down by giving way to blind temptation
    But I know there's a reason
    We've gotta believe it's true
    And find our way
    Another day goes by
    We can't live like this anymore
    Can't live without love
    Our final chance to try
    We can't live like this anymore
    Can't live without love
    Can't live without love
    Can't live without love
    Source: LyricFind
    Songwriters: Stephen Patrick O Reilly / Bill Stevenson

  • @thomasdupont7186
    @thomasdupont7186 2 роки тому +1

    The descendents ! Brought to you by OUR friends at DOMINO PIZZA...(and BOOM a bite nice logo right on the screen while I'm watching one of my favorite teenage music. Oh the irony, the rage, oh the despair, and lack of meaning..... Everything can be sold...
    The times they are changing.... But this time they were already too old and too emo I guess, and then lost what they used to be about.

  • @richardk1708
    @richardk1708 3 роки тому

    the best bassline in the world and bassist in that matter too !!!!

  • @rebel733
    @rebel733 3 роки тому +1

    They're never get old!!

    • @jimkerak6404
      @jimkerak6404 Рік тому

      What will that be like, I wonder, when that happens?

  • @edgaracuna6957
    @edgaracuna6957 7 років тому +3

    Genius!!! Argentina hardcore punk!!!

  • @williampollock18
    @williampollock18 7 років тому +1

    My new favourite song

  • @hsb4802
    @hsb4802 7 років тому +1

    Thanks from Brazil!

  • @almeidamarcelo5563
    @almeidamarcelo5563 7 років тому +1

    best band ever

  • @KipCount
    @KipCount 3 роки тому

    sooooo good.

  • @marly1272
    @marly1272 7 років тому +68

    milo goes to dominoes

  • @pauloxpontes
    @pauloxpontes 5 років тому

    Best band ever!

  • @MattCamaleon
    @MattCamaleon 8 років тому +1


  • @michaelkurtz7164
    @michaelkurtz7164 8 років тому

    INCREDIBLE !!!! Absolutely INCREDIBLE. Way to go 91x. Just found out, & will be watching your videos. Nice job.

  • @michelvonraassing5960
    @michelvonraassing5960 7 років тому fucking great!!

  • @billyblaze700x9
    @billyblaze700x9 10 місяців тому +1

    Wow. The cameraman or editor (I don't know which one) should he ashamed of themselves. You're in the room with one of the greatest drummers of all time and we barely got to see any of him playing.

  • @thiev__v5398
    @thiev__v5398 5 років тому +2

    1:52 Bill's fucking wrist

  • @welcometowarzone
    @welcometowarzone Рік тому


  • @KnuckleBuster
    @KnuckleBuster 5 років тому


  • @gustavocastelano5369
    @gustavocastelano5369 8 років тому +10

    Bill Stevenson is d fuckin' best

  • @akiraj02
    @akiraj02 7 років тому


  • @Zerotoniko
    @Zerotoniko 3 роки тому +1


  • @altarseni4553
    @altarseni4553 Рік тому

    Blink 182 be like : 😮😮😮😮😮😮
    That's real pop punk!!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥
    The bassist 🖤🖤🖤🖤

  • @robinsonklaesius
    @robinsonklaesius 2 роки тому


  • @peterbolt9694
    @peterbolt9694 4 роки тому +1

    Any other song with lyrics that contain the word 'infatuation', anyone?

  • @ardimasaputra
    @ardimasaputra 8 років тому +1

    The voice not different 👍

  • @Jbb6782
    @Jbb6782 4 роки тому

    Milo for President 2020

  • @ruiner29
    @ruiner29 3 місяці тому

    Dominoes pizza lol

  • @thunderkiely
    @thunderkiely 8 років тому

    this is so awesome, but there does seem to be a fair amount of guitar overdubs obviously added post-performance. Makes me wonder what was done with the vocals as well. Still fucking rad though

    • @olemariussaltvik968
      @olemariussaltvik968 8 років тому +10

      Jon Kiely No overdubs, that's just stephen for ya :p

    • @daygnar9266
      @daygnar9266 5 років тому

      No over dubs / @patrickryanheaney on insta and his team at phaser record all theses sessions 1 take band is only in for a few hours and he mixes it the next day in a couple hours. Super talented team we have, they appreciate all the feedback and compliments !

  • @classclown6ya
    @classclown6ya 6 років тому


  • @massimoamato5593
    @massimoamato5593 6 років тому +1


  • @anorakksche
    @anorakksche 8 років тому much equipment,but kinda poor mix :/

  • @andikapramandita5729
    @andikapramandita5729 4 роки тому +1

    Mark hoppus voice same like this guy voice

    • @venanciozaragozaIII
      @venanciozaragozaIII 3 роки тому +1


    • @punkyagogo
      @punkyagogo 2 роки тому +1

      Nah. If anything, Mark modeled his vocals after Milo’s.

    • @earthcitizen3939
      @earthcitizen3939 2 роки тому

      I don't know about that, but I think that the Descendents are so much better.

  • @thomasguyot9631
    @thomasguyot9631 8 років тому +1

    I love the band and the new album but I don't see the point to such a performance ?? no audience, no energy, sounds as clean and flawless as the record so why not playing the CD ? Not as punk as it use to be... But still I love them

    • @nik_becker138
      @nik_becker138 8 років тому +9

      Thomas Guyot its a studio/radio session boi

    • @wesleytubes1582
      @wesleytubes1582 7 років тому +6

      That's why it's dope, because even though it's live it's still sounds as clean as the CD. They are showing us how dope they are.

    • @javierconde6295
      @javierconde6295 7 років тому +10

      Damn the punk police

    • @earthcitizen3939
      @earthcitizen3939 2 роки тому +1

      Doesn't matter, if they want it to be that way, then go ahead.