I think it's wrong to put a hard paywall between what God has given freely and God's people, it should be by donation as led by the Holy Spirit for your mentorship program (and all training programs worldwide from all leaders). Give as you feel led by the Holy Spirit, don't put hard paywalls between God's children and teachings/mentorship/discipleship programs. It should be an open invitation to all to participate, and if you feel led to give by the Holy Spirit for their wages, you should be able to do so without hindrance. Matthew 10:8 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. If you are a true mouthpiece of God, He will tell you Himself, there's no confusion in Almighty God.
I would like to be a part of this. I am part of the body at Relevate, and getting home before class starts would be a challenge. Is there a replay, and would I be able to q and a if I'm only watching replays if they are available?
Jeremiah , WOW YES! I learned so much when I was a nurse in a psych ward. AND God showed me so I would believe later. It was part of the equipping for ministry… thanks for your equipping of the saints and prophets, much needed…
I don't believe in paying someone to teach me about God,I'm not rich and people that are truly of God are excited to teach others,I know I am and don't charge a dime
I 100% understand what you're saying, but I think you're looking at it the wrong way. First off, if you don't feel like giving, don't. The Bible clearly says not to give grudgingly or under compulsion but rather give what you've decided in your heart to give. Secondly, we are almost never actually giving to a person. If our giving lines up with God's heart, we're actually giving to Him, not people. Lastly, think about it like you're giving so I can be ministered to or another neighbor, because ultimately that's what we're doing when we give to ministries. We're giving to the spread of the gospel. Unfortunately, things cost money. Everything costs money. I've learned that even if I give to a ministry that might misuse the money, God still sees our heart, and it has been given to Him. Just a thought. Take care.
I agree 💯with you. If God gave you the gift “freely” to prophesy and edify the church, then it should be done without hesitation and a cost. Unfortunately Prophets are mishandling the call of their gift by not seeking wisdom from God for ways to create wealth without tainting their mantle. Their any many apostles, prophets, evangelists, ie that God has blessed them in areas of writing books, digital marketing, Christian counseling just to name a few. Your call should never have a price tag on it. If you take away anything, please remember (Acts 8:18-22 “18 When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money 19 and said, “Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit. 20 Peter answered: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! 21 You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God. 22 Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord in the hope that he may forgive you for having such a thought in your heart.”) 🙏🏽
Things that are of high value usually have a cost for many reasons. One of those reasons is to limit interest. The advantage of having limited interest is that it can create a group of people that is manageable and effective. Let’s just imagine that everyone in the whole world wanted to be on a zoom…..that would be an unmanageable group. When there is a barrier to entry it limits exposure. Jesus called the disciples to stop doing what they were doing and this likely limited their ability to make money…aka they literally gave it all to learn what they needed to learn. Having said that, it is important to put your money where it needs to be.
Most University degrees are loaded with a large "degree" of feces that graduates will NEVER use or are the least bit useful!! How much money we have blown away and wasted on trash. We need to only teach/learn the basics that actually apply to our various fields of study and academic discipline! Too much worthless fat, trim it down! Many wasteful courses are fully implemented to fill school coffers! There is knowledge and then WISDOM. Big difference!
I've walked into Walmart and I got outside and the Lord showed me souls are bound up. He said all these vehicles hold at least 1 soul. A soul I'm trying to reach through my saints. Through the 5-fold ministry. My church My body is limiting Me to a building.
I had a mental breakdown with psychosis, and had vivid hallucinations. God walked me through my healing. Over the last 5 years, the vivid hallucinations turned out to be prophetic foreshadowing. And many of the things have come to pass. I’m thankful I was surrounded by a family and community that didn’t care enough to have me sectioned otherwise I would have been sectioned and medicated. I trusted God, and let Him train me. He has also brought other prophets, apostles, and spiritually mature mentors into my life to guide me along the way.
You just described my life.I always felt things deeply emotionally. Everyone told me growing up that I was to emotional. I've always felt different like I was weird or something. I Had a Pastor say mind will & emotion.leave emotions out of it.well I heard the Lord loud and clear say.....I created you I gave you those emotions to use for my purpose for my will.🙌 and that changed everything as I became a intercessor. when I pray for other's I feel their burdens to the point I will travail.
I’m an introvert too I like people but it’s kind of nerve racking interacting with them sometimes or being around them but once I get a good vibe I feel better
I am Anointed as a Deborah Warrior, Judge, Prophetess, I do have a strong seer anointing and word of knowledge, and discerning of spirits. I have been called a false prophet to many times, and GODS HOLY SPIRIT has been quenched and I feel like I’m going to bust, if the Words cannot be released, as they are usually to build and encourage, GOD BRIDE! Please pray for me as I am in a new fellowship and must go speak to leadership next Sunday to ask if I can speak as led by GODS SPIRIT, without getting permission the time the I’m receiving the WORD. Thank you, Man of GOD!❤️🥰🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I have always been a feeler.I could see things happening in dreams at the age of 5 years old.God was real to me at a very young age and I see things ahead of time.I love people and bring God's truth to others.I have lived in the trenches of life,God has protected me from death many times..
When i got saved I never had the desire for the prophetic but ever since i asked God to give me His desires for me i genuinely wonder because I do have all of these but nobodys told me that I am yet no one hears the Holy Spirit like I have at most of my churches ive been to.
The covering of the prophetic will be empowered by the revelatory gifts. Prophecy, discerning of spirits, words of knowledge, and wisdom. It is as he said a lense into the heart of God and the world. Prophets will undergo intense testing as you move into the calling and mantle of the office of a prophet. He will call, and then you grow you into this area. Blessings Jeremiah
My first memory of this was at 6 years old I went for the first time to a funeral home for a viewing of my Uncle John. I remember what I was wearing, a dress, tights, fancy shoes, my dark blue trench coat. We came to my grieving Aunt Annie, and I looked into her tearing eyes as she greeted me and my parents, and I remember feeling her pain very deeply. I never felt that deep sadness before. Tears came to my eyes also. I didnt even fully understand what all was going on.. yet, it felt normal to me and through my life I had different experiences like this. Sometimes I meet someone and know they are an alcoholic, or I see traits on people’s faces that I know means they are deeply wounded. I never knew that all people do not experience this.
I've been told by 3 Prophets I'm called to be a Prophetess. The last one was Dec. 15, 2023. It was the day of my 7th anniversary of God telling me to go to the hospital and tell them to put me in a coma. After extensive testing they discovered I needed to be put in an immediate coma. I had an experience with demons while in the coma. So many things were happening in the natural realm I saw in the coma. I've been literally seeking training. I've been watching different Prophets to get some kind of training.
The UPC church has some errant doctrine (believing Jesus is the Father and the Holy Spirit). Pray and ask God to lead you to the right full gospel church.
I had lots of dreams that were what we called crazy dreams never knowing God was speaking. I also had lots of Da Ja Vu things happen, I would know things like who was about to call etc etc. yes I felt like I didn’t fit in.
Your life is an example if you're a prophet. You can have conversations before church about your week and it will blow the sermon. You can have private conversation with God about what a church needs, and next week it will be happening. You can warn poeple out of the blue about something then it will happen. But the gift is always for the building up and warning of the church and God's people.
@Jeremiah Johnson Years ago I was very involved with prophetic ministry. It was mostly through ministry team. I go through seasons of dreams as well. At one point I had several dreams the were political in nature. I had prayer assignments and felt the Lord’s desire. Then life started to crumble. My husband starting talking divorce, I had a brain injury, he filed for divorce, had an affair, moved out, moved back in, Covid, nasty divorce, increase of psychological abuse followed by a lull and then a bunch of health problems and going on disability and being home bound, leaving my church due to situations that were not right so losing a bunch of support systems..,you get the picture. I have never turned from the Lord and am in a solid church and have started therapy with a Christian therapist for the abuse. BUT I feel chewed up and spit out by life and am totally disconnected from the prophetic in my life. I listened to this but hardly saw myself anymore. I haven’t looked at the cost but wonder if this could be for me or not. Thoughts?
God bless you. So much of what you shared is so eerily similar to how my own life has gone since that season, probably around the same time as yours. Dreams, church split, marriage issues. I thought I had a clear picture of what God was making me to be, but now I don't have much of an idea at all. One thing I can say is that I've been humbled. Praying for God to give you that clarity and community again.
Yes. The Lord spoke so clearly before but in the last six months my whole family has been torn apart, my husband and I are struggling, two of my daughters have turned against me and I’ve lost contact with my grandkids 💔😢. I’m barely hanging on. I know God is keeping me, but it’s like I just can’t reach Him 😢
Thank you for putting language and explaining the prophetic. I thought for years I was a bit crazy and hid what was revealed to me because I was afraid of judgement. God revealed to me a year and a half before COVID happened that a virus was going to be spread and vaccines pushed. Prior to this God will tell me things about people there is no way I could know. Sometimes people who are across the country and I have only met once! I have dreams and God continues to speak to me. More recently God brought me into His presence. I got a glimpse of what it is to be in perfect peace, joy and love. I can't wait to grow in this gifting and partnering with God to help encourage and love others well.
WOW YES! I learned so much when I was a nurse on a psych ward. AND God showed me so I would believe later. It was part of the equipping for ministry!! Praise God!
I was a bartender years ago and used to feel so deeply for the people I would serve. So much so I would cry when I got home. I have more visions than dreams. But both occur. I have been hurt by the church many times but I asked the Lord for a word to heal my heart and He gave it to me. I would love to jump on the next mentorship if you do it again! I am currently with Sarah Sutherland and her corporate praying class on Tuesdays
Same, and I know I'm not believed. In 2018 I was given a vision of what's to come. I tried to warn many in church. No one listened, until now. There will be no recovery, we will see a economic depression and it will be world wide.
@@jenniferlouk8312 same here. I've had dreams of grocery stores being empty, black horses riding down my street. My grown kids have made jokes about it, to us dreamers and seers it's not a joking matter
Greetings from goldcoast Australia we love and bless you all 💎👑💖 l dream every night,was told in schooling prophets training l am a Nabi Prophet 💎👑🛡️🔥🔥🔥l feel things ,pray alot in intercession and feel decerning of spirits,l pray for the 9gifts of the spirit 👑💎💎💎l feel goosebumps all over my body 🔥🔥🔥🛡️
Well you just described me. I’m not called to be a prophet, but I definitely have a prophetic gift. God has used me three times in situations of life and death in the last two years. He’s lead me to pray for strangers and give people a word. If you spend time with God and ask him to use you as a vessel He will do it. Just be prepared in what you ask for to happen!
All of the above since I was 3 when I received my. Visitation from the Father .. He told me my purpose ! Been a challenge to implement as many think I’m nuts lol … I dreamt of pndmic august of 2019 .. and even when that came to pass .. still the doubters !!! So many messages from ✝️and they fall on deaf ears !
Yes, and I have found GABA and L-theanine helped restore my dreaming. As I had stopped dreaming at all and I was bewildered as to why. But the only thing I could surmise was depression from ruff family and childhood. Experienced insomnia too. I am not going to fail to fulfill my calling, I will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord!
Loyalty to God first and only. I think it's important to practice putting God before man. Sometimes man (as a leader or mentor) earnestly believes he is doing what God has told him. And then proceeds to impose that interpretation/burden as obedience others must follow as well. BUT... man is not intended to be an idol replacement for obedience to God's will for your own life! I've often referred to Acts where the Apostles told the council they will listen to God before listening to man. And righteously so!
For the past 6 years God has been giving me words of wisdom and knowledge through images and words that come to mind, but they come when I intentionally ask or pray for someone. I don’t just walk into a room and discern something. It always comes when I specifically ask if He has something to say, and when I do, He answers. I feel like I’m driven to the prophetic because of a desire to see people set free and empowered to walk with the Person of Jesus.
All born again believers can prophesy but not all are prophets. God speaks to us whether we have the gift or not. Keep nurturing that gift and He may just give you a greater gifting!
Yes i am a feeler i see things have what i call a knowing i have to interceed constantly over these feelings have open visions dreams i say things to people about them that nobody has any knowledge. That really freaks them out needinstruction i just had a major attack in my health were the devil had tried to sufficate me because of asthma been eighteen months were i could bearly walk am on strong steroids inhalers i am just beginning to recover had much rejection betrayal a lot of rejection thankyou shalom amen to i sing and people get healed
In Jesus name I stand in the gap for this believer in Jesus name.i command the spirit of rejection to leave in Jesus mighty name.any spirit of unforgiveness to leave.i declare and decree life and healing,by the blood of Jesus say no to the spirit of asthma and any other spirits.thank you Jesus amen
Yes, this happens to me at work a lot, id feel when someone had a headache or any kind of pain, i now pray for them when it happens. God is so amazing and merciful, he doesn't have to share anything with us but chooses to because he wants too, how awesome is that? We serve an amazing God never stop thanking him ❤️
Thank you Bro. Jeremiah, I appreciate your teachings and taking your time to teach us things in the prophetic that we don't know and need to learn. God bless you.
wow how enlightening! i’m a huge feeler and I know i am called to the prophetic so this is confirmation for other big feelers to seek the gifts of the spirit!! it’s cool to ask God “hey how are you feeling today?” i havent even thought of doing that when i feel an inexplainable way!
this teaching is Good Ive been in touch with visions and think of somone it will soon pass My mom was same she was spiritually in tune AMEN Ive always knew I had it but did not exercise it now at 57 the Lord is using me as an Esther as you say AMEN visions yes I can see and it will come to pass
This teaching is so good. Thanks for touching on this subject. I started seeing in the spirit and at first I didn't know what to do with it. Can you you touch on this subject! Many blessings to you and your family!
What if you want to operate in the gift of prophecy but don't have any of those signs? I have the desire, but God is not moving through me or I can't discern that he is. Paul told the Corinthian church they could all prophesy.
I have had a watch that was dead start running and a clock that was not turned on, start running. God told me when it stops running it will be a prophetic picture of where we are.
Thank you for your videos. I find them always to be enriching and encouraging. God called me to be an evangelist, but I find I do have a prophetic gift. I have only had maybe one training in the prophetic, but that was before I knew I had a gift of prophecy. I have had dreams, heard audible voices, seen visions and felt God's anointing power. Keen to learn more about what God wants to do in my life with this gift.
Minnesota 1. Yes, constant dreams. I have heaven visits. I’ve seen the future in the USA & other country 2. Yes, I’m a feeler. Holy Father has asked me to be a pastors wife. I declined. 3. I see visions in the day. This is new. I enjoy this 4. I have a burden for the USA, children, & my children & grands. 5. I took classes with you online. I always knew you were right about Trump. He was president incognito as the military arrested the criminals who tried to hijack our country.
I used to belong to a large church with 1500 members. Not one of them ever claimed to be a prophet, including the pastor. But now, on UA-cam, everyone is a prophet, or should I say profit.
Wish I had money to pay for this. I live in Serbia, I work for maximum 2$ pay. Here there is nobody that teaches it any mainly think you are crazy for having dreams and visions. Wish that someday Jeremiah teaches for free. Lord gave for free. And that the Lord would keep Jeremiah covered without payed mentorship for propeths❤ we need prophets especialy in these last days to speak out. Love you all❤
Sign up for the mentorship here! 👇
I think it's wrong to put a hard paywall between what God has given freely and God's people, it should be by donation as led by the Holy Spirit for your mentorship program (and all training programs worldwide from all leaders).
Give as you feel led by the Holy Spirit, don't put hard paywalls between God's children and teachings/mentorship/discipleship programs. It should be an open invitation to all to participate, and if you feel led to give by the Holy Spirit for their wages, you should be able to do so without hindrance.
Matthew 10:8
8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.
If you are a true mouthpiece of God, He will tell you Himself, there's no confusion in Almighty God.
I went through the link to register and would love to attend, but I can't afford it. Perhaps next time.
Remain blessed 🙌🏿
I would like to be a part of this. I am part of the body at Relevate, and getting home before class starts would be a challenge. Is there a replay, and would I be able to q and a if I'm only watching replays if they are available?
would love to do this but unfortunately no funds available to do it. Maybe God will open a door for me to do this course
Jeremiah , WOW YES! I learned so much when I was a nurse in a psych ward. AND God showed me so I would believe later. It was part of the equipping for ministry… thanks for your equipping of the saints and prophets, much needed…
I don't believe in paying someone to teach me about God,I'm not rich and people that are truly of God are excited to teach others,I know I am and don't charge a dime
I 100% understand what you're saying, but I think you're looking at it the wrong way. First off, if you don't feel like giving, don't. The Bible clearly says not to give grudgingly or under compulsion but rather give what you've decided in your heart to give. Secondly, we are almost never actually giving to a person. If our giving lines up with God's heart, we're actually giving to Him, not people. Lastly, think about it like you're giving so I can be ministered to or another neighbor, because ultimately that's what we're doing when we give to ministries. We're giving to the spread of the gospel. Unfortunately, things cost money. Everything costs money. I've learned that even if I give to a ministry that might misuse the money, God still sees our heart, and it has been given to Him. Just a thought. Take care.
Do you believe we should pay for a university degree? Can’t you teach yourself about English, Math and Economics, for example?
I agree 💯with you. If God gave you the gift “freely” to prophesy and edify the church, then it should be done without hesitation and a cost. Unfortunately Prophets are mishandling the call of their gift by not seeking wisdom from God for ways to create wealth without tainting their mantle. Their any many apostles, prophets, evangelists, ie that God has blessed them in areas of writing books, digital marketing, Christian counseling just to name a few. Your call should never have a price tag on it. If you take away anything, please remember (Acts 8:18-22 “18 When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money 19 and said, “Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit. 20 Peter answered: “May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! 21 You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God. 22 Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord in the hope that he may forgive you for having such a thought in your heart.”) 🙏🏽
Things that are of high value usually have a cost for many reasons. One of those reasons is to limit interest. The advantage of having limited interest is that it can create a group of people that is manageable and effective. Let’s just imagine that everyone in the whole world wanted to be on a zoom…..that would be an unmanageable group. When there is a barrier to entry it limits exposure. Jesus called the disciples to stop doing what they were doing and this likely limited their ability to make money…aka they literally gave it all to learn what they needed to learn. Having said that, it is important to put your money where it needs to be.
Most University degrees are loaded with a large "degree" of feces that graduates will NEVER use or are the least bit useful!! How much money we have blown away and wasted on trash. We need to only teach/learn the basics that actually apply to our various fields of study and academic discipline! Too much worthless fat, trim it down! Many wasteful courses are fully implemented to fill school coffers! There is knowledge and then WISDOM. Big difference!
That explains why I do not like crowds of people. I am most comfortable alone with the Lord.
Me too. I never get enough being alone quiet with the Lord.
@@herringtonsfarm2622 exactly how I've always felt and had to live
I've walked into Walmart and I got outside and the Lord showed me souls are bound up. He said all these vehicles hold at least 1 soul. A soul I'm trying to reach through my saints. Through the 5-fold ministry. My church My body is limiting Me to a building.
I had a mental breakdown with psychosis, and had vivid hallucinations. God walked me through my healing. Over the last 5 years, the vivid hallucinations turned out to be prophetic foreshadowing. And many of the things have come to pass. I’m thankful I was surrounded by a family and community that didn’t care enough to have me sectioned otherwise I would have been sectioned and medicated. I trusted God, and let Him train me. He has also brought other prophets, apostles, and spiritually mature mentors into my life to guide me along the way.
Will the courses be recorded for the future to hear. I'm in a financial situation, and I'm in need of learning.
You just described my life.I always felt things deeply emotionally. Everyone told me growing up that I was to emotional. I've always felt different like I was weird or something. I Had a Pastor say mind will & emotion.leave emotions out of it.well I heard the Lord loud and clear say.....I created you I gave you those emotions to use for my purpose for my will.🙌 and that changed everything as I became a intercessor. when I pray for other's I feel their burdens to the point I will travail.
You are not crazy, you are gifted ❤️🙏🎚
I wonder if being prophetic has turned me into an introvert…sometimes feeling is too much.🥴
But you are not introverted with Jesus. "My beloved is a spring shut up, a fountain sealed" - in Song of Solomon.
That is definitely me.
I’m an introvert too I like people but it’s kind of nerve racking interacting with them sometimes or being around them but once I get a good vibe I feel better
I am Anointed as a Deborah Warrior, Judge, Prophetess, I do have a strong seer anointing and word of knowledge, and discerning of spirits. I have been called a false prophet to many times, and GODS HOLY SPIRIT has been quenched and I feel like I’m going to bust, if the Words cannot be released, as they are usually to build and encourage, GOD BRIDE! Please pray for me as I am in a new fellowship and must go speak to leadership next Sunday to ask if I can speak as led by GODS SPIRIT, without getting permission the time the I’m receiving the WORD. Thank you, Man of GOD!❤️🥰🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Many people have become healed I’ve prayed for.
yes within 2 days n but for myself it’s 2 weeks ! 😢
I have always been a feeler.I could see things happening in dreams at the age of 5 years old.God was real to me at a very young age and I see things ahead of time.I love people and bring God's truth to others.I have lived in the trenches of life,God has protected me from death many times..
When i got saved I never had the desire for the prophetic but ever since i asked God to give me His desires for me i genuinely wonder because I do have all of these but nobodys told me that I am yet no one hears the Holy Spirit like I have at most of my churches ive been to.
I see dream which was happening in real life in exact hour the guy was crying non stop ! many dreams come to pass!
The covering of the prophetic will be empowered by the revelatory gifts. Prophecy, discerning of spirits, words of knowledge, and wisdom.
It is as he said a lense into the heart of God and the world. Prophets will undergo intense testing as you move into the calling and mantle of the office of a prophet. He will call, and then you grow you into this area.
Blessings Jeremiah
My first memory of this was at 6 years old I went for the first time to a funeral home for a viewing of my Uncle John. I remember what I was wearing, a dress, tights, fancy shoes, my dark blue trench coat. We came to my grieving Aunt Annie, and I looked into her tearing eyes as she greeted me and my parents, and I remember feeling her pain very deeply. I never felt that deep sadness before. Tears came to my eyes also. I didnt even fully understand what all was going on.. yet, it felt normal to me and through my life I had different experiences like this. Sometimes I meet someone and know they are an alcoholic, or I see traits on people’s faces that I know means they are deeply wounded. I never knew that all people do not experience this.
Trust in GOD currently in isolation but trusting in GOD ( i will come back later and post my testimony later even if no one watches)
I've been told by 3 Prophets I'm called to be a Prophetess. The last one was Dec. 15, 2023. It was the day of my 7th anniversary of God telling me to go to the hospital and tell them to put me in a coma. After extensive testing they discovered I needed to be put in an immediate coma. I had an experience with demons while in the coma. So many things were happening in the natural realm I saw in the coma. I've been literally seeking training. I've been watching different Prophets to get some kind of training.
Please go to the UPC Church and get the full gospel and get delivered and find your peace ok?
The UPC church has some errant doctrine (believing Jesus is the Father and the Holy Spirit). Pray and ask God to lead you to the right full gospel church.
Did God spoke himself to you? having dreams doesn't mean you are one
@@SteveDavis-l9kyou need a doctor
I hope you are feel better and pray that the Lord trains you in the prophetic!
My goodness! That’s me
I had lots of dreams that were what we called crazy dreams never knowing God was speaking. I also had lots of Da Ja Vu things happen, I would know things like who was about to call etc etc. yes I felt like I didn’t fit in.
One purpose of being shown things to come is to intercede and pray.
Your life is an example if you're a prophet. You can have conversations before church about your week and it will blow the sermon. You can have private conversation with God about what a church needs, and next week it will be happening. You can warn poeple out of the blue about something then it will happen. But the gift is always for the building up and warning of the church and God's people.
I often feel the pain of the people on my own body
Me too!
Yes I ended up in a psych ward too lol that was years ago
@Jeremiah Johnson Years ago I was very involved with prophetic ministry. It was mostly through ministry team. I go through seasons of dreams as well. At one point I had several dreams the were political in nature. I had prayer assignments and felt the Lord’s desire. Then life started to crumble. My husband starting talking divorce, I had a brain injury, he filed for divorce, had an affair, moved out, moved back in, Covid, nasty divorce, increase of psychological abuse followed by a lull and then a bunch of health problems and going on disability and being home bound, leaving my church due to situations that were not right so losing a bunch of support systems..,you get the picture. I have never turned from the Lord and am in a solid church and have started therapy with a Christian therapist for the abuse. BUT I feel chewed up and spit out by life and am totally disconnected from the prophetic in my life. I listened to this but hardly saw myself anymore. I haven’t looked at the cost but wonder if this could be for me or not. Thoughts?
God bless you. So much of what you shared is so eerily similar to how my own life has gone since that season, probably around the same time as yours. Dreams, church split, marriage issues. I thought I had a clear picture of what God was making me to be, but now I don't have much of an idea at all. One thing I can say is that I've been humbled. Praying for God to give you that clarity and community again.
Praying for you ❤
Yes. The Lord spoke so clearly before but in the last six months my whole family has been torn apart, my husband and I are struggling, two of my daughters have turned against me and I’ve lost contact with my grandkids 💔😢. I’m barely hanging on. I know God is keeping me, but it’s like I just can’t reach Him 😢
Thank you friends. Maintain your loyalty to King Jesus and keep seeking Him. No one can separate us from His live.
@@Zipper12345praying for you right now.
Thank you for putting language and explaining the prophetic. I thought for years I was a bit crazy and hid what was revealed to me because I was afraid of judgement. God revealed to me a year and a half before COVID happened that a virus was going to be spread and vaccines pushed. Prior to this God will tell me things about people there is no way I could know. Sometimes people who are across the country and I have only met once! I have dreams and God continues to speak to me. More recently God brought me into His presence. I got a glimpse of what it is to be in perfect peace, joy and love. I can't wait to grow in this gifting and partnering with God to help encourage and love others well.
WOW YES! I learned so much when I was a nurse on a psych ward. AND God showed me so I would believe later. It was part of the equipping for ministry!! Praise God!
I was a bartender years ago and used to feel so deeply for the people I would serve. So much so I would cry when I got home. I have more visions than dreams. But both occur. I have been hurt by the church many times but I asked the Lord for a word to heal my heart and He gave it to me. I would love to jump on the next mentorship if you do it again! I am currently with Sarah Sutherland and her corporate praying class on Tuesdays
I dream, see visions, all my life, I never told anyone about it back then because I felt like I would not be believed
Same, and I know I'm not believed.
In 2018 I was given a vision of what's to come. I tried to warn many in church. No one listened, until now.
There will be no recovery, we will see a economic depression and it will be world wide.
@@jenniferlouk8312 same here. I've had dreams of grocery stores being empty, black horses riding down my street. My grown kids have made jokes about it, to us dreamers and seers it's not a joking matter
@@jessicamonday7966, Mine didn't make fun of me to my face, but I know I wasn't believed.
Greetings from goldcoast Australia we love and bless you all 💎👑💖 l dream every night,was told in schooling prophets training l am a Nabi Prophet 💎👑🛡️🔥🔥🔥l feel things ,pray alot in intercession and feel decerning of spirits,l pray for the 9gifts of the spirit 👑💎💎💎l feel goosebumps all over my body 🔥🔥🔥🛡️
I wish I could but can not afford it and I’m crying because I feel the pain of the world. Every time I pray privately or group I cry.
Have you ever heard of The Final Quest Series by Rick Joyner ? I feel this would be helpful to you
Well you just described me. I’m not called to be a prophet, but I definitely have a prophetic gift. God has used me three times in situations of life and death in the last two years. He’s lead me to pray for strangers and give people a word. If you spend time with God and ask him to use you as a vessel He will do it. Just be prepared in what you ask for to happen!
My visions started when I was 18 , I have only had about four really vivid ones..But the visions i saw Came absolutely True..
I am from Colorado Springs CO. This is just a confirmation of my gift 🎁. And I use it often in Intercessory 🙏 prayer.
All of the above since I was 3 when I received my. Visitation from the Father .. He told me my purpose ! Been a challenge to implement as many think I’m nuts lol … I dreamt of pndmic august of 2019 .. and even when that came to pass .. still the doubters !!! So many messages from ✝️and they fall on deaf ears !
Yes, and I have found GABA and L-theanine helped restore my dreaming.
As I had stopped dreaming at all and I was bewildered as to why. But the only thing I could surmise was depression from ruff family and childhood. Experienced insomnia too. I am not going to fail to fulfill my calling, I will live and not die and declare the works of the Lord!
Thanks I take GABA, I will add L-Theanine. When do you take L-th?
This has been my life since I was little. even if not saved. Saved now
I am in New Mexico. I have felt for awhile that I may be prophetic.
I think that your affection and allegiance to your "mentors" blinds you to spiritual deception.
Loyalty to God first and only. I think it's important to practice putting God before man. Sometimes man (as a leader or mentor) earnestly believes he is doing what God has told him. And then proceeds to impose that interpretation/burden as obedience others must follow as well. BUT... man is not intended to be an idol replacement for obedience to God's will for your own life! I've often referred to Acts where the Apostles told the council they will listen to God before listening to man. And righteously so!
For the past 6 years God has been giving me words of wisdom and knowledge through images and words that come to mind, but they come when I intentionally ask or pray for someone. I don’t just walk into a room and discern something. It always comes when I specifically ask if He has something to say, and when I do, He answers. I feel like I’m driven to the prophetic because of a desire to see people set free and empowered to walk with the Person of Jesus.
All born again believers can prophesy but not all are prophets. God speaks to us whether we have the gift or not. Keep nurturing that gift and He may just give you a greater gifting!
Yes i am a feeler i see things have what i call a knowing i have to interceed constantly over these feelings have open visions dreams i say things to people about them that nobody has any knowledge. That really freaks them out needinstruction i just had a major attack in my health were the devil had tried to sufficate me because of asthma been eighteen months were i could bearly walk am on strong steroids inhalers i am just beginning to recover had much rejection betrayal a lot of rejection thankyou shalom amen to i sing and people get healed
In Jesus name I stand in the gap for this believer in Jesus name.i command the spirit of rejection to leave in Jesus mighty name.any spirit of unforgiveness to leave.i declare and decree life and healing,by the blood of Jesus say no to the spirit of asthma and any other spirits.thank you Jesus amen
God is pure love! Thanks for giving to the Lord!!
Yes, this happens to me at work a lot, id feel when someone had a headache or any kind of pain, i now pray for them when it happens. God is so amazing and merciful, he doesn't have to share anything with us but chooses to because he wants too, how awesome is that? We serve an amazing God never stop thanking him ❤️
Yes I didn’t understand why when I would meet someone I sensed heavy or light energy. I also can feel anything as soon as I walk into a room
Thank you Bro. Jeremiah, I appreciate your teachings and taking your time to teach us things in the prophetic that we don't know and need to learn. God bless you.
Also sir Jesus said, as I give freely to you, you must give freely.
You should ask yourself if you are looking for affirmation or honestly doing what God want you to be doing.
wow how enlightening! i’m a huge feeler and I know i am called to the prophetic so this is confirmation for other big feelers to seek the gifts of the spirit!! it’s cool to ask God “hey how are you feeling today?” i havent even thought of doing that when i feel an inexplainable way!
I dont know if im called to the prophetic, but i do dream, but it's rarely a pleasant dream.
Pray to only dream what God wants you to dream.
Wow you are telling my story
Thank you Jesus
I’ve had prophecies none came to pass.
But I saw many visions and dreams in 2 months. Two trances
I have had alot of prophetic dreams all my left, spared my life, etc. Had prophesies that bubble forth from the Spirit, an empath in Spirit.😢
I feel supernatural love for the world.
In Jesus mighty glorious God hallelujah power of the HolySpirit manifested shalom amen
Watching from New Zealand
Blessings from eastern Canada ..
Thank You for Time and Godly Obedience Prophet Jeremiah Johnson
INDIA Mumbai doing intercessor, learning Hebrew currently Jobless .
You’re the man! Thank you for this!!!!
Ok, so I can witness to what you have taught and have had this desire for the Prophetic too long now and I don't know what to do...Please advise🙏👍
Very excited to be joining this mentorship! Thank you Lord for the opportunity 🙌
Am watching from Texas...
this teaching is Good Ive been in touch with visions and think of somone it will soon pass My mom was same she was spiritually in tune AMEN Ive always knew I had it but did not exercise it now at 57 the Lord is using me as an Esther as you say AMEN visions yes I can see and it will come to pass
Wow, you described me.
This teaching is so good. Thanks for touching on this subject. I started seeing in the spirit and at first I didn't know what to do with it. Can you you touch on this subject! Many blessings to you and your family!
Pray pray pray.
Hi Prophet Jeremiah, God bless you! This has been my question for quite some time now.
Will there be another opportunity for the mentorship I missed it and I’m really sad I really would have benefited from it tremendously
Me too. I'm bummed.
Your a great pastor Teacher
What if you want to operate in the gift of prophecy but don't have any of those signs? I have the desire, but God is not moving through me or I can't discern that he is. Paul told the Corinthian church they could all prophesy.
I have had a watch that was dead start running and a clock that was not turned on, start running. God told me when it stops running it will be a prophetic picture of where we are.
This was so good!
Hello from Carolina Beach NC
Thank you for your videos. I find them always to be enriching and encouraging. God called me to be an evangelist, but I find I do have a prophetic gift. I have only had maybe one training in the prophetic, but that was before I knew I had a gift of prophecy. I have had dreams, heard audible voices, seen visions and felt God's anointing power. Keen to learn more about what God wants to do in my life with this gift.
I would love to join maybe next time. Praying for finances
Amen! 💝✝️🍁
Defs feeler !! Its been a journey .. still learning
1. Yes, constant dreams. I have heaven visits. I’ve seen the future in the USA & other country
2. Yes, I’m a feeler. Holy Father has asked me to be a pastors wife. I declined.
3. I see visions in the day. This is new. I enjoy this
4. I have a burden for the USA, children, & my children & grands.
5. I took classes with you online. I always knew you were right about Trump. He was president incognito as the military arrested the criminals who tried to hijack our country.
Watching from Missouri.
Yes and amen....This makes sense
Lima Ohio, Lima First Assembly
JJ come on back, we welcome you!
Wow ✊🏿 ❤this is so powerful 🔥
I used to belong to a large church with 1500 members. Not one of them ever claimed to be a prophet, including the pastor. But now, on UA-cam, everyone is a prophet, or should I say profit.
Johnson City TN
I'm in Johnson City TN 😂🙏🏼🔥
All of the above
I’m just seeing this for the first time. Will you be offering this prophetic teaching again in the future?
I am a feeler
This is so good. Thank you
Prophets have created a whole dialogue around their feelings. We need someone to write a prophetic dictionary. Hmmm, maybe I’ll do that.
I dream regularly..God shows all things In dream..
Yes I feel instantly
Wish I had money to pay for this. I live in Serbia, I work for maximum 2$ pay. Here there is nobody that teaches it any mainly think you are crazy for having dreams and visions. Wish that someday Jeremiah teaches for free. Lord gave for free. And that the Lord would keep Jeremiah covered without payed mentorship for propeths❤ we need prophets especialy in these last days to speak out. Love you all❤
Wow this is amazing thank you
New Orleans
Amen. God Bless you.
great teaching! well done!