Prof. Yuval Noah Harari is a true antidote for nowadays lack of vision. I hope for more influencers the likes of him will speak up so that we may adjust our stories for future well being in the widest sense possible.
Thank you Yuval. You are among the handful of people in the world that I truly respect. Most so-called “intellectuals “ these days talk constantly about ethics, morality and the future of humanity without even having an iota of compassion for other sentient creatures. There are more “other” creatures in the world that humans, while we conveniently ignore them. You are a hero for being an ethical vegan and an eloquent, consciousness-raising advocate for all other animals who can suffer in the hands of greedy humans. And for that, I am eternally grateful to you. I love you like a brother.
+Peyman Aria, You are right and I believe that most "intellectuals" are not enlightened, that's probably why Yuval Noah Harrari is different ;-) Intellectual is not the same as having gained a high consciousness, (unfortunately) otherwise the world would be very different. Let us hope we will be there one day :-)
Quero muito ler este livro. Já li os dois anteriores e são fenomenais. Uma linguagem simples, direta e um conhecimento histórico espetacular. Parabéns professor!
Thanks a lot for the Words you have lined down certainly will help the Planet to shape in better way , but it requires more words to penned down that may give same impact . on the larger canvas more thoughts are required to give concrete roadmap for the common people to go ahead to shape individuality and society in easy to follow and implement w.r.t the biotech and infotech impacts . Still moving with your perfect observations and lightening my self and others..the only roadmap I have... Regards
I have watched approximately 4 to 5 vides of this person. I am very confident that if he put his religion aside and speak in same way as he spoke about other religions and I am sure he will find many fictions in his own religion as well. If he wants to listen then I can tell him many such stories from his religion.
What does word 'algorithm' he mean in his book. I could get only literal meaning. I need someone to elaborate on the same term. I am towards second chapter of his book. Someone out there please englighten me from the broader perspective.
Algorithm is something that we can write or re-write or even erase; by biochemical algorithm, he means when we feel happy, sad or any other emotion this feeling is nothing but how our biochemical composition responds to an external stimulus. So if we are able to write or rewrite the biochemical algorithm, we would be able to turn sadness into happiness just by tweaking our internal biochemical composition
What we need a GLOBAL DIGITAL SOUP made from different ingredients combined from all nations of the world. The questions is on what proportions from the nations for a Tasty Digital Soup. Percentage of the ingredients contributed or fighting to dominate will cause issues.
Dr. Harari, muchas gracias, por la inspiracion que transmite y la claridad, con que lo expresa, porque nuestros politicos, banqueros y demas castas del privilegio, practican la opacidad y las noticias falsas.
Sabes que este es moralmente muy parecido a esos políticos y banqueros? Digamos que son compañeros, son esbirros en campos distintos. Deja de seguir a ese ofidio mental, quién avisa no es traidor.
This knowledge has been around long before AI....the Kudder test taken in the early 1960`s matched you with college majors and occupations by your answers to the lengthy questionnaires. In my case, at least it was quite accurate on all counts.
You will left far behind in social contacts outside family. But here if you seriously mean it as "internet", then you will be left far behind just like farmers are in today's world 🙏🙏
The masterpiece trilogy is enough for us, but if you want to continue it'll be a pleasure go on reading your great books. I love the way you lead us into a marvellous thoughts!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
But he could have learned something from the conversation, but it seems he didn't. Instead he laughted when Hariri said "life is a drama of decision-making". I didn'tknow the host before and read the wikipedia side today where is mentioned that he "disparaging a", named Nick and the newspaper had to pay for this " drama of decision-making" ;)
I have not read the book but I will, so this question may already be addressed there. You were saying that humans are social creatures and throughout history have mostly lived in small groups that have cooperated together, and that they knew everyone in that group.That group over time not only became one's immediate family, but genetically extended family. And that in evolution, we have a tendency to be protective of our genes whether we realized it or not. So, my thought is, you say, how can one be loyal to millions of people we don't know just because they are fellow citizens, but in reality when countries did not have huge influxes of immigrants, you were, however distantly, related to a great deal of the population, and felt a kinship to you country and culture, and also more protective of them, even if you did not know most of them, because you were all Greek, Italian, Swedish etc.
@заметки философа Well what you say is all very lovely. But I still believe that people are more loyal to those who may carry some their genes. A Jewish person may live in the Netherlands but will feel more of an affinity for other Jewish people who live there. They share a history and culture, and also come from a genetically linked population. They are very protective of that, so they would not be thrilled to have their children marry a genetically as well as Christian Dutch person, and that's okay. But it shows you that they may be Dutch because they were born there, but genetically and culturally more loyal to the Jewish people, the same for the Muslims that live there. I am not judging this, I am just making a point. Ask a Dutch Jew this question. If only one country was left standing after a war, either The Netherlands or Israel, which would you choose? what do you think a Dutch Jewish person would say?
It can’t. Most of what we perceive as so-called machine intelligence is our own adaptation to a rather stupid technology. Just consider the thinking you have to do in order to do a Google search and get what you were looking for. It’s like it used to be: b.s. in b.s. out.
AI algo will observe your behaviour in solitude, what n how u behave while u r with others and what u think n talk ab me to others, ...... also it knows same for me too, ..... and will compare it with how both of us behave in interactions to each other, ........ and then learn about what You think I think you are, and then will learn to get what you are . .... and will certainly judge you 😇 ..... and we will have such algo within less than 20 years befor year 2040 😶👨 ...Your question is really good and intelligently designed 🙏🙏
Thank you Yuval Noah Harari, to everyone else: If you have the possibility to: Share this talk/interview please and if you haven't read his books, I can recommend them all as perfect Hanukkah/Christmas gifts also for relatives and friends
the thing about us being the product - it's not clear what's the big importance of it besides the fact that it's sounds alarming - "we are the product". as long as it doesn't bother people that data about their internet activity is being sold (and it doesn't) there isn't really an issue, until gets actually personal, like some one watching your life as a way of entertainment or smth of that sort, and it's not the case so far. the main thing that can bother one is that ppl that sell the data are getting rich and we r not, but so far it's part of the game, just not very just/
@@georgerouchs987 and discriminate 6 : that's quite all right because the "Application Host" is prepared and very ready for everyone to be very UNprepared.
6:06: WHERE ARE WE HEADING merger of infotech and bio tech Answer: we need to understand ourselves, we need to understand our minds and where are thoughts come from. The knowledge will be accessible to not only us, but also the external systems. We should be scared. At present the algorithms are still on the surface, the big change will come when it goes under the skin. When those algorithms can monitor about heartbeat, brain activity etc ie biological sensors. overtime this can be dangerous. 14:45 WONT THERE BE MISTAKES MAKING? yes there will, but it doesn't matter, they only need to be better than humans 19:45 PACE OF TECHNOLOGY 22:00 WHO ARE WE? stories are told and we have a nice belief that can satisfy us. nationalism is another thing that isn't natural, something that has been told to us. we used to be only loyal to small tribes. got bored....
what a horrible host. at 11:05 you can see him preparing to interrupt yuval, and yural feels it necessary to raise his voice and his hands to override this host's interruption. the host makes yuval feel uncomfortable, you can see on the host's face he is petty and childlike and hold RESENTMENT for letting his guest override his interruption. these kinds of interviews are bad because they put needless pressure on the guest to tolerate the bad host
I think you really read into that a bit too deeply. It's very challenging to have this sort of live dialogue, and you're constantly looking for a pause to keep the conversation going , from both ends. I see no malicious intention. A bad host would be one who didn't really care that Yuval was finishing a thought, and this guy clearly cares.
Lol, how do you compare harari to peterson... Harari is a world renowned intelligent persona. Peterson is just on tony Robinson guru levels... He offers self help that supposedly help baby adults that never figured out that you have take responsibility in your life... Common.
Harari is a world class thinker with an amazingly accessible style. Jordan's a third rate, populist alt right idiot who uses a most inaccessible verbose style to mystify
I love how people, who identify themselves as "artistic" all express the same way of disbelief that even art and so called "inspiration" is just a result of the neurological-processing in our brain & body and thus principally it can be achieved by algorithms as well :-D. This depicting and misunderstanding of what AI and intelligence and art is is striking to me. It's of course amplified by a fact that most people, who identifies themselves primarily as artists try to sell out "uniqueness" , "originality" etc. It's very annoying for them to hear all art is not exactly what they believe it to be ..... or how their "common sense" tells them it to be.
You say “... and thus principally it can be achieved by algorithms” . It’s an absolute none sequitur. Everything is “ultimately” some complex process of interactions of elementary particles. Even if you understand all that can be statistically reasoned about it or can deduce it from first principle, doesn’t mean you can recreate the process in some illusive computational simulation. The algorithms can not be more than an image of the real thing, and are conceptually complete oversimplification of reality. These ideas of “simulating brains” is just a thought experiment, not real.
@@rewtnode art Is also result of reality. Always. Can be twisted reality, but it's always based on real experience, sensory information and emotions (also sensory info). And art is in most cases recycling of already seen/heard etc.
Z dzisiejszej perspektywy, po dwóch latach obserwacji ludzkich zachowań a w trzecim roku - konfliktu na Ukrainie pozostaje żałować, że nie odwiedzał szkół w Polsce, nie rozmawiał ze studentami, ze społecznością na różnych szczeblach społecznych i że odwiedził ostatnio p. Mateusza Morawieckiego omijając naród Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej, jednocześnie omawiając z premierem (bo jakże myśleć inaczej) fundamentalne kwestie zzwiązane z czwartą rewolucją przemysłową, hakowaniem człowieka itd... No cóż. Świadomość człowieka jest wartością dodaną w całym tym procesie zmian i od niej zależy powodzenie pisanej historii. Prawda czy iluzja?
The host needs to learn how to take notes, and Ibreally wish they wouldn't do audience Q&As. Its always so cringey when some amateur intellectual monopolizes the mic for 5 minutes making a preambulatory speech before asking a 3-part question.
Should never let this guy interview anyone. Very disrespectful of the author. Most of the time the guy was reading or writing his notes. Who let him n interview??
I guess what I learned from Prof Harari is that we should now move away from the story of religion and embrace our humanism-that is know ourselves and and solve the sufferings of our mankind and all living entities...Life(reality) is hard and he says "deal with it"......I understand it as "Don't succumb to stories but to knowing yourself instead".
I normally like Jonathan but he was woefully unprepared for this interview. It was really embarrassing and distracting to contend with his massive paper shuffling and bad syntax.
Completamente de acuerdo profesor, excepto en algo sin duda indiscutible: la Península Ibérica está situada en el centro del planeta... diga mi cuñada japonesa lo que quiera😉. Otra premisa obvia, por lo que se puede observar en prácticamente cualquier niño no condcionado todavía por una "educación" que limita su mente, es la falta de prejuicios que poseen, para ellos no existe el dinero, la raza, el sexo, ni la nacionalidad. De hecho, si les permitiéramos observar la maravilla del firmamento cada noche, serían mucho más capaces que nosotros de trascender y meditar. Es lo único que puedo añadir, por propia experiencia, además de las meditaciones diarias, de cara a la pared, en el colegio, por preguntar cada día, con cinco años, qué significaba Caudillo y Gracia de Dios. Sabía lo que me esperaba, aunque no podía restistir al absurdo de la frase. Así aprendí a meditar, y no puedo quejarme, un año de cara a la pared da para cuestionar muchas más creencias absurdas, de modo que fueron dos años... Los niños saben bastante más que los adultos, en casi todo, sobretodo en disfrutar de la vida y en respeto. Un saludo
All these questions are recycled questions also, so as Harari dose more of these interviews with these intellectuals, he will keep repeating same answers to the same questions. Because there is no original and penetrating questions.
It is good contents for thoughts from Dr Harari. However, the host was very distracting for the speaker, audiences, and viewers by adding unnecessary jokes and his own comments and untimey interruptions.
Prof. Yuval Noah Harari is a true antidote for nowadays lack of vision. I hope for more influencers the likes of him will speak up so that we may adjust our stories for future well being in the widest sense possible.
I agree, meanwhile, we can all take that step an become positive influencers leading our own life in the right direction. Others will follow if we do.
Thank you Yuval. You are among the handful of people in the world that I truly respect. Most so-called “intellectuals “ these days talk constantly about ethics, morality and the future of humanity without even having an iota of compassion for other sentient creatures. There are more “other” creatures in the world that humans, while we conveniently ignore them. You are a hero for being an ethical vegan and an eloquent, consciousness-raising advocate for all other animals who can suffer in the hands of greedy humans. And for that, I am eternally grateful to you. I love you like a brother.
+Peyman Aria, You are right and I believe that most "intellectuals" are not enlightened, that's probably why Yuval Noah Harrari is different ;-) Intellectual is not the same as having gained a high consciousness, (unfortunately) otherwise the world would be very different. Let us hope we will be there one day :-)
Unfortunately, he can't feel the same about you, nor respect ,or fraternal LOVE, or anything eather, he is a psychopath.
@@BIONDABLONDES Conciousness is precisely that vermin lacks of
This man radiates wisdom. Can´t get enough of his books and interviews.
Couldn't agree more ❤️
The wisdom you all lack of as I see around Here .
Can't you see he is a tecnocratic henchman?
"Censorship today works not by blocking the information ,but by flooding us with the information."
Ji Bilkul Sahi
Achieving the World's Establishment and Planted agencies agenda Submissive ways like ZOMBIES ☆♡☆
Quero muito ler este livro. Já li os dois anteriores e são fenomenais. Uma linguagem simples, direta e um conhecimento histórico espetacular. Parabéns professor!
e bom! :)
Interview starts at 6:06.
Thanks Mikhael Catapang
Bless you
I would love an encounter with him being interviewed by Ben Shapiro.
This video was recorded with the first camera ever invented.
Does it really matter ? It's his ideas that matter, in other words - audio, and it's good.
Know Thyself is the true antidote. as Yuval said in one of his interviews ,the best advice given to him was Observe Your Breath!
it is my lucky that i found you on UA-cam thanks God I must learn a lot from you from today 1/May21 58 from Cambodian
If I were you, I would beware of that Instead of praising him. You are disposable for him.
Thanks a lot for the Words you have lined down certainly will help the Planet to shape in better way , but it requires more words to penned down that may give same impact . on the larger canvas more thoughts are required to give concrete roadmap for the common people to go ahead to shape individuality and society in easy to follow and implement w.r.t the biotech and infotech impacts . Still moving with your perfect observations and lightening my self and others..the only roadmap I have... Regards
Another great conversation with Yuval!
But the quality of this video is poor like VHS
1:08:08 to the end is beautifully said.
Gracias Yubal!sos todo ,rompiste todos los esquemas! despues de vos no hay mas!...
The last part is the most interesting: an orchestra for us to be in harmony.
I have watched approximately 4 to 5 vides of this person. I am very confident that if he put his religion aside and speak in same way as he spoke about other religions and I am sure he will find many fictions in his own religion as well. If he wants to listen then I can tell him many such stories from his religion.
Yuval covers the many fictions of Judaism in his books.
Harari is agnostic/atheist
He knows
A conversation between Harari and George Steiner would be interesting.
A conversation on consciousness and building a new narrative between Yuval and Sadhguru
great speaker and and rambling questions int he end
1:12:40 it is called Aana Paana sathi Bhawana in buddhist teachings.
There is one other huge obstacle how do we slowly retask the American military complex from a corp that needs a war to a corp that thrives on peace.
Yuval Noah Harari Good people
What does word 'algorithm' he mean in his book. I could get only literal meaning. I need someone to elaborate on the same term. I am towards second chapter of his book. Someone out there please englighten me from the broader perspective.
Algorithm is something that we can write or re-write or even erase; by biochemical algorithm, he means when we feel happy, sad or any other emotion this feeling is nothing but how our biochemical composition responds to an external stimulus. So if we are able to write or rewrite the biochemical algorithm, we would be able to turn sadness into happiness just by tweaking our internal biochemical composition
feel free to skip to 6:20,
unless you really wanted to hear that "most importantly" :/ the 1st speaker "serves as a husband" to the rabbi.
Pity that Jonathan Capehart wasn't prepared. They have a cover of the latest book in their back, but they haven't even touched it.
What we need a GLOBAL DIGITAL SOUP made from different ingredients combined from all nations of the world. The questions is on what proportions from the nations for a Tasty Digital Soup. Percentage of the ingredients contributed or fighting to dominate will cause issues.
Dr. Harari, muchas gracias, por la inspiracion que transmite y la claridad, con que lo expresa, porque nuestros politicos, banqueros y demas castas del privilegio, practican la opacidad y las noticias falsas.
Sabes que este es moralmente muy parecido a esos políticos y banqueros? Digamos que son compañeros, son esbirros en campos distintos.
Deja de seguir a ese ofidio mental, quién avisa no es traidor.
This knowledge has been around long before AI....the Kudder test taken in the early 1960`s matched you with college majors and occupations by your answers to the lengthy questionnaires. In my case, at least it was quite accurate on all counts.
What happens if I disconnect myself from All social media?
You will left far behind in social contacts outside family.
But here if you seriously mean it as "internet",
then you will be left far behind just like farmers are in today's world 🙏🙏
They will keep trace of you from your family and friends digital activities.
Fascinating......ty Jonathan...Yuval you are simply marvelous....
Yuval you are amazing...
Beware of that snake
The masterpiece trilogy is enough for us, but if you want to continue it'll be a pleasure go on reading your great books. I love the way you lead us into a marvellous thoughts!🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
The only place he is leading you is to Doom.
I feel so enriched when I listen to Yuval’s talk.
This host is unprepared for the talk!
But he could have learned something from the conversation, but it seems he didn't. Instead he laughted when Hariri said "life is a drama of decision-making". I didn'tknow the host before and read the wikipedia side today where is mentioned that he "disparaging a", named Nick and the newspaper had to pay for this " drama of decision-making" ;)
I have not read the book but I will, so this question may already be addressed there. You were saying that humans are social creatures and throughout history have mostly lived in small groups that have cooperated together, and that they knew everyone in that group.That group over time not only became one's
immediate family, but genetically extended family. And that in evolution, we have a tendency to be protective of our genes whether we realized it or not. So, my thought is, you say, how can one be loyal to millions of people we don't know just because they are fellow citizens, but in reality when countries did not have huge influxes of immigrants, you were, however distantly, related to a great deal of the population, and felt a kinship to you country and culture, and also more protective of them, even if you did not know most of them, because you were all Greek, Italian, Swedish etc.
@заметки философа Well what you say is all very lovely. But I still believe that people are more loyal to those who may carry some their genes. A Jewish person may live in the Netherlands but will feel more of an affinity for other Jewish people who live there. They share a history and culture, and also come from a genetically linked population. They are very protective of that, so they would not be thrilled to have their children marry a genetically as well as Christian Dutch person, and that's okay. But it shows you that they may be Dutch because they were born there, but genetically and culturally more loyal to the Jewish people, the same for the Muslims that live there. I am not judging this, I am just making a point. Ask a Dutch Jew this question. If only one country was left standing after a war, either The Netherlands or Israel, which would you choose? what do you think a Dutch Jewish person would say?
@заметки философа I understand what you are saying. :)
If I am not who I think I am, nor who you think I am, but who I think you think I am... how can an algorithm judge me?
It can’t. Most of what we perceive as so-called machine intelligence is our own adaptation to a rather stupid technology. Just consider the thinking you have to do in order to do a Google search and get what you were looking for. It’s like it used to be: b.s. in b.s. out.
@@rewtnode..yes , many times it's b.s. , but still we use it ... do we have any other option now a days ? 😀😁😂
AI algo will observe your behaviour in solitude, what n how u behave while u r with others and what u think n talk ab
me to others,
...... also it knows same for me too,
..... and will compare it with how both of us behave in interactions to each other,
........ and then learn about what You think I think you are, and then will learn to get what you are .
.... and will certainly judge you 😇
..... and we will have such algo within less than 20 years befor year 2040 😶👨
...Your question is really good and intelligently designed 🙏🙏
Thank you Yuval Noah Harari, to everyone else: If you have the possibility to: Share this talk/interview please and if you haven't read his books, I can recommend them all as perfect Hanukkah/Christmas gifts also for relatives and friends
Yuval, you gona be human saviour....I grateful that u predicted future ....I hope this prediction would change todays choices.
Good grasp and insight of what's the truth.
How can we hack the audience to speak up when they ask questions? Or, is it a tech problem?
"this is recycling".....lightbulb moment...great video have to save the species without letting them know. They will abandon you if you tell the truth. stupid sapiens
The very wise and original Prof Hariri. Thanks. #SecretsSelfmadeBillionaires
Great stuff!
Really great person and great author!
the thing about us being the product - it's not clear what's the big importance of it besides the fact that it's sounds alarming - "we are the product". as long as it doesn't bother people that data about their internet activity is being sold (and it doesn't) there isn't really an issue, until gets actually personal, like some one watching your life as a way of entertainment or smth of that sort, and it's not the case so far. the main thing that can bother one is that ppl that sell the data are getting rich and we r not, but so far it's part of the game, just not very just/
The host really came un prepered
Not only ill-prepared but also uneducated. He doesn't have a clue about 1066 and the Norman Conquest!
@@georgerouchs987 and discriminate 6 : that's quite all right because the "Application Host" is prepared and very ready for everyone to be very UNprepared.
If we are here we know Harari don’t know the logic of wasting our starting 6 mints
6:06: WHERE ARE WE HEADING merger of infotech and bio tech
Answer: we need to understand ourselves, we need to understand our minds and where are thoughts come from.
The knowledge will be accessible to not only us, but also the external systems. We should be scared.
At present the algorithms are still on the surface, the big change will come when it goes under the skin. When those algorithms can monitor about heartbeat, brain activity etc ie biological sensors. overtime this can be dangerous.
yes there will, but it doesn't matter, they only need to be better than humans
22:00 WHO ARE WE?
stories are told and we have a nice belief that can satisfy us. nationalism is another thing that isn't natural, something that has been told to us. we used to be only loyal to small tribes.
got bored....
what a horrible host. at 11:05 you can see him preparing to interrupt yuval, and yural feels it necessary to raise his voice and his hands to override this host's interruption. the host makes yuval feel uncomfortable, you can see on the host's face he is petty and childlike and hold RESENTMENT for letting his guest override his interruption. these kinds of interviews are bad because they put needless pressure on the guest to tolerate the bad host
I think you really read into that a bit too deeply. It's very challenging to have this sort of live dialogue, and you're constantly looking for a pause to keep the conversation going , from both ends. I see no malicious intention. A bad host would be one who didn't really care that Yuval was finishing a thought, and this guy clearly cares.
He stopped. So let's give him a break
He would make for an amazing dinner guest
Focus on the 3 big problems:
climate change
sustainable environment
human hacking via AI and genomics
Cognitive, agricultural and scientific revolution
Lol, how do you compare harari to peterson... Harari is a world renowned intelligent persona. Peterson is just on tony Robinson guru levels... He offers self help that supposedly help baby adults that never figured out that you have take responsibility in your life... Common.
+Kitty katz centeno, Oh yes that would be very, very interesting. Good idea!!!
PETERSON is sometime smart...very often CHARLATAN.!!!...SLAVEJ ZIZEK would be much more interesting!!
Harari is a world class thinker with an amazingly accessible style. Jordan's a third rate, populist alt right idiot who uses a most inaccessible verbose style to mystify
Is a racist dog whistler
Have you noticed, 51-year-old Jonathan Capehart has been dying
his hair more often, yes, ever since he started spending more time on the radio…
I love how people, who identify themselves as "artistic" all express the same way of disbelief that even art and so called "inspiration" is just a result of the neurological-processing in our brain & body and thus principally it can be achieved by algorithms as well :-D. This depicting and misunderstanding of what AI and intelligence and art is is striking to me. It's of course amplified by a fact that most people, who identifies themselves primarily as artists try to sell out "uniqueness" , "originality" etc. It's very annoying for them to hear all art is not exactly what they believe it to be ..... or how their "common sense" tells them it to be.
You say “... and thus principally it can be achieved by algorithms” . It’s an absolute none sequitur. Everything is “ultimately” some complex process of interactions of elementary particles. Even if you understand all that can be statistically reasoned about it or can deduce it from first principle, doesn’t mean you can recreate the process in some illusive computational simulation. The algorithms can not be more than an image of the real thing, and are conceptually complete oversimplification of reality. These ideas of “simulating brains” is just a thought experiment, not real.
@@rewtnode art Is also result of reality. Always. Can be twisted reality, but it's always based on real experience, sensory information and emotions (also sensory info). And art is in most cases recycling of already seen/heard etc.
Even animals have tribalism and morality.
Human biochemical system = human emotional system
I have the impression that Harari does not like cats ..... He needs a cat. His meditation will be easier
+Luis 211 hahahaha, wonderful comment! Loved it! Thank you!
the former potus tells a good story for his supporters and the truth gets in the way of his story...all about him. And they love it...sad but true
Yuval for one welcomes our corporate overlords. If Amazon tells you what to do all you are is a consumer. Not a person.
5:40 😍
Seems to me Timothy Snyder i find better in analysing and suggesting things we might do. The Historian.
Computer machine won against humans in chess because they have no distractions unlike human mind have more complexities.
A lot of Jews...are very proud intellectual people...but they have missed a lot in history...such as the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
Biotech + Infotech = Digitech
Looks like Harari bought into the general purpose AI hype head and shoulders. "It's very frightening...." - yeah, sure.
The moderator is unsophisticated questions
. . . "the only choice has always been 'LIFE - Respecting All Life" . . . no exceptions!
Z dzisiejszej perspektywy, po dwóch latach obserwacji ludzkich zachowań a w trzecim roku - konfliktu na Ukrainie pozostaje żałować, że nie odwiedzał szkół w Polsce, nie rozmawiał ze studentami, ze społecznością na różnych szczeblach społecznych i że odwiedził ostatnio p. Mateusza Morawieckiego omijając naród Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej, jednocześnie omawiając z premierem (bo jakże myśleć inaczej) fundamentalne kwestie zzwiązane z czwartą rewolucją przemysłową, hakowaniem człowieka itd...
No cóż. Świadomość człowieka jest wartością dodaną w całym tym procesie zmian i od niej zależy powodzenie pisanej historii. Prawda czy iluzja?
The host needs to learn how to take notes, and Ibreally wish they wouldn't do audience Q&As. Its always so cringey when some amateur intellectual monopolizes the mic for 5 minutes making a preambulatory speech before asking a 3-part question.
Should never let this guy interview anyone. Very disrespectful of the author. Most of the time the guy was reading or writing his notes. Who let him n interview??
I guess what I learned from Prof Harari is that we should now move away from the story of religion and embrace our humanism-that is know ourselves and and solve the sufferings of our mankind and all living entities...Life(reality) is hard and he says "deal with it"......I understand it as "Don't succumb to stories but to knowing yourself instead".
I normally like Jonathan but he was woefully unprepared for this interview. It was really embarrassing and distracting to contend with his massive paper shuffling and bad syntax.
Completamente de acuerdo profesor, excepto en algo sin duda indiscutible: la Península Ibérica está situada en el centro del planeta... diga mi cuñada japonesa lo que quiera😉. Otra premisa obvia, por lo que se puede observar en prácticamente cualquier niño no condcionado todavía por una "educación" que limita su mente, es la falta de prejuicios que poseen, para ellos no existe el dinero, la raza, el sexo, ni la nacionalidad. De hecho, si les permitiéramos observar la maravilla del firmamento cada noche, serían mucho más capaces que nosotros de trascender y meditar. Es lo único que puedo añadir, por propia experiencia, además de las meditaciones diarias, de cara a la pared, en el colegio, por preguntar cada día, con cinco años, qué significaba Caudillo y Gracia de Dios. Sabía lo que me esperaba, aunque no podía restistir al absurdo de la frase.
Así aprendí a meditar, y no puedo quejarme, un año de cara a la pared da para cuestionar muchas más creencias absurdas, de modo que fueron dos años... Los niños saben bastante más que los adultos, en casi todo, sobretodo en disfrutar de la vida y en respeto. Un saludo
All these questions are recycled questions also, so as Harari dose more of these interviews with these intellectuals, he will keep repeating same answers to the same questions. Because there is no original and penetrating questions.
It is good contents for thoughts from Dr Harari. However, the host was very distracting for the speaker, audiences, and viewers by adding unnecessary jokes and his own comments and untimey interruptions.
The moderator is boring
🇺🇳 53:25