our will final part (taken from the series Five things to watch for)

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • In 2 Timothy 4:1-5, the Apostle Paul charges Timothy to remain vigilant in his ministry, urging him to "preach the word," "be prepared," and "endure hardship" as a faithful servant of Christ. In our current times, Paul's message rings even more true. As followers of Christ, there are key areas in our lives where we must stay alert and aligned with God's purpose. In this series, "Five Things to Watch For," we will explore five critical aspects of our spiritual journey: our will, our way, our words, our work, and our walk. Each of these elements plays a vital role in our relationship with God and our witness to the world. Together, we'll uncover what it means to guard our hearts and live with intention, ensuring that every step we take reflects the calling we have received in Christ Jesus.