Leung Sir, very good and a practical example. We just need to open the summary file and refresh on the data range and then on the report range. I have learned Lotus 123 long in the 80's , which is long time ago and this is amazing. Thank you.
Leung Sir, is it possible to download your source file to practice the power query. I am lack of data and it is not useful to make some meaningless data for analyst. I have watched over many of your videos and only know that you last name this morning and feeling sorry for not address you the first time. Thank you.
非常感謝k.k 老師無私無私奉獻精神❤❤🙏🙏
Hi Paul 😀
Leung Sir, very good and a practical example. We just need to open the summary file and refresh on the data range and then on the report range. I have learned Lotus 123 long in the 80's , which is long time ago and this is amazing. Thank you.
Thanks for watching
非常有用啊, 多谢晒
So useful sharing, thanks KK!
Hi Polly
好感謝你, 之前睇台灣channel完全唔明power query好處
@@michelleyeung4273 Hi Michelle, 多謝你嘅好評,協助轉發俾有需要嘅朋友,就係對本平台嘅義工最大嘅支持🙏😀
請教K.K老師:若source file 中有些data改變,請問如何用power query 更新,謝謝。
@ 我指內容有變動,如何更新結果,謝謝
@ 請按照下面方法
1 按最頂manual Data
2 按Refresh All
3 選擇哦 Refresh All
4 Power Query 會從source data更新資料
@ 感謝KK老師指引,照做一趟,果然data得以更新,以後我可減少很少好多工序,再次感謝KK老師的指教👍
@ 多謝你嘅好評,協助轉發俾有需要嘅朋友,就係對本平台嘅義工最大嘅支持🙏😀
KK, 又要請教你,如果Source data file 要用密碼才可開啟,是否不能執行Power Query ?謝謝
@@kcwai18 Hi KC, 我未有試過。如Source 需用密碼開,Power Query 要抽取資料正常是不可以。 是否在power query 過程輸入密碼就未有試過。有時都要試。多謝你嘅提問👍
KK, 非常多謝你迅速🙏🙏🙏
KK 老師想請教吓個Summary可唔可以放返落原本嗰個workbook 度㗎? (既開多一個tap)?
KK Sir, 我成功create power query 係同一個excel 到,但當我update 咗新資料,save 完,跟住再係power query 做好個表到click”重新整理”,但唔成功
電腦顯示: [Expression. Error] 找不到資料表的資料行
Leung Sir, is it possible to download your source file to practice the power query. I am lack of data and it is not useful to make some meaningless data for analyst. I have watched over many of your videos and only know that you last name this morning and feeling sorry for not address you the first time. Thank you.
Currently I cannot access the source of my data,. Update you early of next week. Thanks
@@KKLeung Ok Leung Sir. Thanks
Sorry again. The demo file is longer available. Due to our free one drive being pretty full, some of the files were permanently removed.
@@KKLeung That is alright. I will try to make my own data. Thanks for trying.
還有我諗極都不明點解 0.1 = 02:24:00 怎樣計?是否有方程式要記?
原來 0.01 = 00:14:24 ?點解 ?
0.001 = 又變了 1分6秒 ? 00:01:26
由於我是將42分再乘以60集則得到為2.520分鐘,但將它計算為小時就使用計算機就計算得出為 42,但在Excel 就不知怎樣去列表的?
Hi Lucky Ricky
有關你嘅提問, 參考下面解釋
1) Cell 輸入0.1
2) 如果在cell format, 選擇定義time
3) 會變成0.1 = 02:24:00
4) 0.1 默認為日數
5) 0.1 x 24 hour = 2.4 hour
6) 0.4 x 60 minute= 24 min
7) 最終結果 02:24:00 (hh:mm:ss)
8) 0.1 day = 2小時 24分鐘0秒
你好,如果錯手delete左匯出的power querry table, 怎樣可以重新再滙出table呢?
Hi Carman,
1 Select [Data]
2 Select [Queries and connections]
3 右手面 [Queries and connections], 在相關Query [ right click]
4 Select [load to..]
5 Select table
6 Select [New worksheet] or [Existing workshee]
7 Select cell location
8 Press [OK]
你好,KK, 怎樣在Power quer 只抽取文字中銀碼的數字$7778.86,thanks
'面價 / STATEMENT返左數真係冇加到LOADING / STATEMENT CHANGE COST FROM $7778.86 批單放在S手上待處理'
你好,KK, 怎樣在Power quer 只抽取文字中銀碼的數字$7778.86,thanks
'面價 / STATEMENT返左數真係冇加到LOADING / STATEMENT CHANGE COST FROM $7778.86 批單放在S手上待處理'
及,如何寫,if (amont) between two value (小於10 and 大於-10) in power query呢,謝謝
Hi Tony
XLOOKUP = =XLOOKUP(lookup_value, lookup_array, return_array,[if_not found],[match_mode], [search_mode])
Hi Lucky Ricky,