Larva drain the batteries. If you park down there pull all 6 batteries and then put them back in when coming back aboard. In the notes it says you are looking for the power plant that is inside a volcano in the center of the room. tip scan for ion cubes.
You found the research facility so a bit farther then you need to be. Power plant then research facility. If you found the Degrasi 500 m base then you where around Brain squids.
Larva drain the batteries. If you park down there pull all 6 batteries and then put them back in when coming back aboard. In the notes it says you are looking for the power plant that is inside a volcano in the center of the room. tip scan for ion cubes.
You found the research facility so a bit farther then you need to be. Power plant then research facility. If you found the Degrasi 500 m base then you where around Brain squids.
I probably was near them. Just didn't remember seeing them
I'll probably just have to search around down there and hope i come across the blue tablet. Which means I'll have to avoid the big meany again lol