Right now, LMNT is offering SciShow viewers a free sample pack with any order. That’s 8 single serving packets free with any LMNT order. It’s a great way to try all 8 flavors or share with a friend! Get yours at DrinkLMNT.com/SciShow.
I had to try this so I went into my bathroom, dimmed the lights, and stood there looking at myself for 5 minutes in the mirror. Can confirm, some random person appeared, they even spoke. I could almost make out "honey, what are you doing? Are you ok?" ... Creepy stuff!
"We don't know why people see none human monsters in the mirror, but it's nothing to worry about." me- "So you're telling me we don't know it's not Kthulu?"
@CritterKeeper01 -- Solid advice, full agreement. . If you can't control -- and return -- a dragon, don't summon one; you'll just end up as the dessert to the main dish of your enemies. . Actually, maybe just don't summon any dragons, period...
It is always fun to do when on some mentally changing substances. AKA DRUGGZ 💉 💊. Crazy how we see the same things. Sleep paralysis. Ugh. I've definitely seen the hag, and thought she was going to kill my ex who I was madly in love with at the time. Couldn't move, scream, or do anything to alert her. Then the biatch came around the bed at me, slowly, but I heard the footsteps. Well then it came over me, and put its hand into my chest, grabbed my heart, and I FELT IT. It hurt like you would think, and if squeezed. As it squeezed I started losing consciousness till finally in a nano second I regained all control. I was straining so desperately that I managed to literally catapult into the air like a martial artist from the laying position, off the bed, while doing the most insane yell ever. A yell of fear, panic, and someone wanting to fight back desperately. It was an absolutely scam, guttural sceam, and nearly gave my ex a heart attack herself as she launched up too. Only later I learned what the hell it was. It is scary, because it might as well have been real with how my body reacted. Anyway it is sleep paralysis, and the figure I saw is something very common with it. In fact the name of it is a hag called Baba Yaga from what I've read. Why do humans from different cultural back grounds who've never heard of it see it? Beyond me. I've also saw a black eyed kid which is common, and that is a different story. That is something pure evil, and I don't ever want to see it again, even if it is my brain messing with me. True evil, and you feel it.
I tried the mirror thing. Went in the bathroom, turned off the lights so my tablet was the only light source, and stared directly at my face it the mirror. It was actually surprisingly quickly that I saw my face disappear! If I kept my eyes completely still, it stayed gone, but the instant they shifted even a little, it was back! Having tried a sensory deprivation tank mostly to see if I'd see any visual hallucinations, I found this effect quite cool!
He says that mice become less afraid of cats so they get eaten, but its much spookier than that. The mouse becomes irresistibly drawn to the smell of cat pee. They will seek out high concentrations of pee and then just sit there. The cats don't even have to chase them because they won't run away.
It's interesting how conservative ideologies see more progressive ones as idiotic, while progressive ideologies see conservative ones as immoral. This is what happens when everyone is tacitly admitting that the difference is an arbitrary value judgment about what counts as immoral. If X is beneficial and you don't see it as immoral, not selecting X is stupid. But if you do find X immoral, then selecting it makes you a monster.
We need to do a Ouija board study with the users being blindfolded and a separate party recording the letters or words made and then revealing after it's over
I've already seen an experiment like that, I believe by Penn and Teller. You can flip the board over without telling the participants for added comedic effect
My high school lit teacher did that. She broke us down into groups of 3 with 1 assigned to make sure no one peeked and write down what happened. Mostly the boards produced gibberish, except for one board. As soon as it spelled a real word the teacher and several other students were over there watching too, so neither person could peek. The board spelled out "help me, help me, I'm dead." As far as I know she never tried that in class again.
@@Levacque You don't have to believe me, I don't give a hoot. That was in 1973 so has no real relevance now, but it IS what our spotter wrote down. That's all I can attest to since my eyes were closed. But as soon as she told the teacher she has a real word the rest of the class was there watching, teacher included.
Decades from now after the science has caught up it'll be funny to know that the monsters these people see are actually a subconscious expression of how they see their self. 5:00
@zechrussell4938 psychosis is a mental condition, I don't think this could be labeled as psychosis. hallucinations can be a symptom of psychosis but they aren't exclusive to each other. this is DEFINITELY a sensory distortion, though. seeing things that "aren't there" is what we associate with the term hallucination, and I'm pretty sure it's proven that all people are capable of hallucinating
9:22 I feel like there could be something connecting with this sort of thing and the type of body dysmorphia seen in ED’s that causes the person to literally see their image in mirrors and pictures as much much larger than they are in reality. That visual misperception of one’s physical body, even having experienced it in my youth with an ED, it’s still so strange to me.
Just fyi that you probably shouldn't do the mirror thing if you experience anxiety, depression, or have any kind of body dysphoria! I know my brain can find mirrors pretty unsettling even in the light
I tried the mirror one, my vision started "swimming" with phosphenes after a bit like it normally does in darkness, by which I mean I was seeing swirls of colors and shapes and my face kept getting blacked out by them on a regular pattern despite the lighting being very consistent (just a little red led on my trimmer's charger), but I didn't see anything I wouldn't have seen looking at my bedroom ceiling in the dark. Maybe I'm just weird.
The point of the Thatcher picture was that you flipped the mouth and eyes and then turned the picture upside down and we don't feel the picture is weird. It's only when the picture is turned the right way up we realise how wrong the face is.
I wonder if the mirror thing has any links to dysphoria or dysmorphia. I can tell you that I feel like everyone time I look in the mirror I look like a complete stranger and have since I can remember.
This might actually be a case of Prosopagnosia, which is basically facial amnesia. It can apply even to your own face. Does it happen to anyone else or just when you see yourself?
I was thinking the same thing. Things, actually. It sounded a lot like what someone with body dysmorphia might experience. But the fact that you've not recognized your own face in the mirror your whole life makes me think of face blindness, or the inability to recognize or remember faces. I have partial face blindness. I do eventually recognize people, but usually more from their voice, the way they walk, etc. I did find that after cutting my long, red hair off leaving only 2" of partial gray I no longer recognized my own appearance in the mirror. My hair is long again by now, but I have been experiencing a lack of recognition of my reflection this past week. I haven't yet figured out why. Anyway, is it just your own image that you don't recognize, or do you not recognize other people's faces either? And do you recognize yourself in photos, or is that unfamiliar to you too? I think your answers to those questions could point you in the right direction as far as why.
I get the ideomotor effect all the time when I'm resting my hand on my mouse and reading something on the computer. I'll notice my cursor moving and get startled without even realizing my hand is slowly moving the mouse.
Re the 'sense of self'. I vaguely remember being told[1] that Kant said something like "If I thought that my horse was capable of the concept of self, I would dismount, walk by his side, and call him 'friend'". If all you clever people see that I have mis-attributed or mis-remembered that, do please let me know! 1. College was a loooong time ago, sorry!
The sad thing is most people do believe that animals have a sense of self, even if the people don't admit that they do. The sad part of that is that most people are also okay with having slaves. Otherwise they wouldn't have the dogs they refer to as their children tied at the neck and having to obey their every command. Much like how people bridle, bit, saddle, and ride a horse that they call to them by name. (Before the trolls get too excited, no, I'm not vegan. I'm just willing to admit that we are enslaving and eating sentient beings.)
To me its ridiculous to say animals dont have a sense of self. If my cat for example had no sense of self why would he sulk if his blanket isnt straightened out? Why would he get cross if his meal is served late? Most animal behaviour,even territorial behaviour is based on an animals awareness of other animals and their relation to itself. If my cat didnt know his existance was a thing he wouldnt care about possibly being eaten by a predator.
@@pheart2381having preferences isn't a sense of self. a newborn also doesn't like being left unfed and uncomfortable but they are yet to actually develop anything beyond basic instincts
@@pheart2381 Totally get that, but it is easy to... whadda they call it... "anthropomorphise" animal behaviours that seem similar to human-like behaviour. And/but also, those can be 'learned' behaviours. I once had a rescue cat who was formerly a feral; he had *zero* clue about human expectations... if he was happy he'd snuggle, and if he wasn't he'd bite. And even the snuggle was "You may pet me for 30 seconds (and counting). When my tail begins to twitch you are about to be bitten. Respect my space, human!"
Imagine being a person in medieval Europe born with congenital hypertricosis terminalis, who has schizophrenia linked delusional misidentification syndrome, and then gets bitten by rabies.
About that 'skyfish' thing - you don't always need a camera to spot this phenomenon. A somewhat old street light will often be powered using an aging tube lamp, which may be flickering at a slightly lower frequency than normal. This is because the light in TL tubes is caused by a chemical reaction that happens when you ignite a spark at one end of the tube, which then moves through to the other end and dies down, causing a flash. Hook that up to AC power, and the alternating current will cause enough flashes per second that your eyes can't detect the dark moments. However, while the reaction on paper doesn't use up any of the gas (only the electrical energy you put in), the stuff inside does still degrade over time. Eventually, enough of the reactive gas has degraded that not every spark ignites a flash, first reducing the frequency (the light will appear to dim at first); then it'll noticeably start to flicker; until eventually there is so little reactive material left that it only turns on sporadically (the classic 'broken tube light' think where it glows on one end and with seemingly Herculean effort maybe forces out another single flash before resetting). Anyway, back to the skyfish. If you find an old street lamp that is flickering at juuuust the right frequency, your brain will still fool you into thinking you're seeing a continually-lit area, _unless_ there's an object that moves through the light. Because that part of the image isn't constant, your brain can't just fill in the blanks like it usually does. Instead, you'll see simultaneous images of the moving thing - like your hand or in this case a moth - in the positions it was at when the lamp briefly illuminated it. It's almost the same effect as changing the exposure time or framerate of a camera, except it's an easily-reproduced piece of evidence that your brain likes to mess with your perception of reality. No, I'm not sure why our brains do that, I think it's some kind of weird hobby or something. Incidentally, those kinds of barely-perceptible frequencies are really unsettling in their own right. Because your brain can't always keep up with the entirely unnatural means of illuminating an image, you'll sometimes catch the weird flickering in your peripheral vision, but when you try to look there's nothing there because it's the centre of your vision that most of the brain image correction stuff happens. It can make it feel like there's something moving just out of view, or make you feel uneasy, dizzy or a little nauseous, at least for me. It wouldn't surprise me if flashing in that general frequency range can trigger paranoia, agitation or epileptic episodes for many people.
The mirror effect happened to me immediately when i was on LSD. i saw myself, she looked right at me, and smiled the most horrible terrifying evil smile i’ve ever seen. i’ve heard that it’s quite common for people on LSD to experience this and it makes sense because it already causes hallucinations.
Is the mirror phenomena supposed to happen even without a mirror involved? I went camping with school as a kid and my classmate's face in the dark began to contort and become spooky looking, she looked like a witch.
My friend and I used an Ouija board once to try and scare my younger sister and all we did is get pissed off at each other because we hadn't agreed on what to make it say ahead of time and all we got was nonsense gobbledygook "words" in response to our "questions" and we blamed each other entirely xD
XD I hate how much of this I hypothesised, I don't think I watched this video before, but now I can't tell. Probably spoiled some other way and now it's all together
Or when you notice that you're thinking or reading in your head, even. It's sometimes so surreal to think that these little scribbles equate to a voice in my head that equates to sounds I can actually make
@@msjkrameyis this how you read? Or people in general? To me it's like a voice, but with no sound, like the incoming information after the sound has already been processed and removed. So it's not mine, nor the writers or characters voice, yet still attributed to the character that is speaking in a novel for example. And I "see" things happening when I hear, tell, or read something. Or just imagine. Not like hallucinations, but a movie playing in my head in parallel to reality. Like when you remember walking through the house when you're trying to find your keys. So it is imagination, but I don't control it. I hear/read/.. it? I see it! With details. No choice. Sometimes I even blush when "seeing" some private stuff, and beg for pardon. It's really not intentional, more like opening a door without thinking and finding out someone forgot to lock it for reasons. (Remembering and blushing again. Enough for now...)
Mirrors and photos being distorted over time is why many people with body image issues can be triggered by seeing them. If you struggle with these things, it's best to look away for a bit instead of focussing on your face or for a few minutes of you are doing your hair/makeup or otherwise seeing yourself.
My mom claims that when she was 14 she played a Ouija board and ended up pinned to the ceiling by a demon and was strangled… I think it was a dream. She claims it was real.
And she's likely remembering it wrong. The more we try to remember things the more our brains change minute details until we can end up remembering completely different scenario endings.
"You ever get that feeling where you're not sure you're awake or still dreaming?" "All the time. It's called Mescaline. It's the only way to fly." -- The Matrix
@@mischarowe that’s what I think. I truly bet she played the game and then had a nightmare that felt real and over the years has changed her memory to believe it actually happened.
@@Psilomuscimol like I said in my original comment, I bet she dreamed it. Or more so, a nightmare that felt real and over the years convinced herself it was real.
2:17 wait hold up woah this is exactly what DOESN’T happen with my autism based sensory processing disorder issues and like 90% why any and all sensory input is so overwhelming to me. AND ALL THIS TIME THERE’S BEEN A WORD OR PHRASE TO DESCRIBE THE THING MY BRAIN DOESN’T DO?! Dang. This seems like useful information, I just am not quite sure how yet.
When he asked "do you ever get the urge to spend the night standing on a roof..." I was like "haha, yeah, lol, I guess we all do", and then he said it's a brain parasite. Haha. I'm in danger. :D (Yes, ik it doesn't affect humans) Also, why's nobody talking about the cockroaches that don't want to run away. Like, I usually don't like most horror, but just imagine [some warning ig] that with a human, like, still being 100% aware, but just wanting to follow some being, and then being slowly eaten, like, maybe other ppl would try to rescue the guy, but when the monsters leave, think the guy is dead, and he's like "hello :D" while missing half his body... Hehe, maybe I can get behind writing one horror story before going back to the totally "more chill" ones...
Right now, LMNT is offering SciShow viewers a free sample pack with any order. That’s 8 single serving packets free with any LMNT order. It’s a great way to try all 8 flavors or share with a friend! Get yours at DrinkLMNT.com/SciShow.
Might wanna pin this. Well, yours.
Hey I guess in the marfa lights part it should be "when cooler air sits on warmer air" please correct me if i am wrong
I had to try this so I went into my bathroom, dimmed the lights, and stood there looking at myself for 5 minutes in the mirror. Can confirm, some random person appeared, they even spoke. I could almost make out "honey, what are you doing? Are you ok?" ... Creepy stuff!
Thanks for making me laugh Dad 😁
I tried that for 30 minutes and I didn’t see anything. 😂 better get a psych eval.
Either you meet some demon-girls, demons, foul fell spirits or some shadow strange apparitions in that kind of cases..
Its so refreshing to see a bald vampite for once as opposed to the common ones with long flowing hairs.
"Eyeballs vibrating" is a grouping of words I've never heard before and kind of wish I never do again.
I can make my eye balls vibratatin'
"We don't know why people see none human monsters in the mirror, but it's nothing to worry about." me- "So you're telling me we don't know it's not Kthulu?"
I think I got a call from Cthulhu. Sounded like, "WHAZAAAAAAAAP!"
@@matthewcox7985Do not call up what you cannot put on hold
@CritterKeeper01 -- Solid advice, full agreement.
If you can't control -- and return -- a dragon, don't summon one; you'll just end up as the dessert to the main dish of your enemies.
Actually, maybe just don't summon any dragons, period...
Nope. you can't trick me. No way I'm going to stand in front of a mirror in the dark.
It is always fun to do when on some mentally changing substances. AKA DRUGGZ 💉 💊.
Crazy how we see the same things. Sleep paralysis. Ugh. I've definitely seen the hag, and thought she was going to kill my ex who I was madly in love with at the time. Couldn't move, scream, or do anything to alert her.
Then the biatch came around the bed at me, slowly, but I heard the footsteps.
Well then it came over me, and put its hand into my chest, grabbed my heart, and I FELT IT. It hurt like you would think, and if squeezed. As it squeezed I started losing consciousness till finally in a nano second I regained all control.
I was straining so desperately that I managed to literally catapult into the air like a martial artist from the laying position, off the bed, while doing the most insane yell ever. A yell of fear, panic, and someone wanting to fight back desperately. It was an absolutely scam, guttural sceam, and nearly gave my ex a heart attack herself as she launched up too.
Only later I learned what the hell it was. It is scary, because it might as well have been real with how my body reacted.
Anyway it is sleep paralysis, and the figure I saw is something very common with it. In fact the name of it is a hag called Baba Yaga from what I've read.
Why do humans from different cultural back grounds who've never heard of it see it? Beyond me.
I've also saw a black eyed kid which is common, and that is a different story. That is something pure evil, and I don't ever want to see it again, even if it is my brain messing with me. True evil, and you feel it.
If you don't look in the mirror you won't see them coming
I tried the mirror thing. Went in the bathroom, turned off the lights so my tablet was the only light source, and stared directly at my face it the mirror. It was actually surprisingly quickly that I saw my face disappear! If I kept my eyes completely still, it stayed gone, but the instant they shifted even a little, it was back!
Having tried a sensory deprivation tank mostly to see if I'd see any visual hallucinations, I found this effect quite cool!
i think we all can agree that you dont have to flip thatcher's eyes and mouth to make her a monster. she always was one
He says that mice become less afraid of cats so they get eaten, but its much spookier than that. The mouse becomes irresistibly drawn to the smell of cat pee. They will seek out high concentrations of pee and then just sit there. The cats don't even have to chase them because they won't run away.
3:00 Tbf, Thatcher is always a horrifying monster
My eyeballs having a resonant frequency is, for some reason, really throwing me for a loop 😅
Your lungs have one too!
@Zarmdthecoolest See, that's also disturbing but for some reason that thought makes me less squeamish than eyeball jiggling 😂
Literally everything has a resonant frequency
@Levacque Yes, obviously, but an explicit reminder that my eyeball jelly has a resonant frequency is still jarring, lol
All faces distort while staring in a dim room. I remember discovering this as a kid and believed it was a glimpse of the monsters inside.
Ah yes. The young philosopher stage we all experience. Lots of bad poetry 😆
@@RheverendJoh god, not the bad poetry …. 🤦🏻♀️
Thatcher was a horrifying monster without having to flip her facial features.
I just have made the same comment
It's interesting how conservative ideologies see more progressive ones as idiotic, while progressive ideologies see conservative ones as immoral.
This is what happens when everyone is tacitly admitting that the difference is an arbitrary value judgment about what counts as immoral. If X is beneficial and you don't see it as immoral, not selecting X is stupid. But if you do find X immoral, then selecting it makes you a monster.
@@slawomirgadek I was about to do the same. Cheers to whomever shows up here to join us in another 3 months.
@@a_ggghost That'd be me. I was going to make the same comment if it somehow hadn't been made already.
We need to do a Ouija board study with the users being blindfolded and a separate party recording the letters or words made and then revealing after it's over
I've already seen an experiment like that, I believe by Penn and Teller. You can flip the board over without telling the participants for added comedic effect
New sleepover game just dropped
My high school lit teacher did that. She broke us down into groups of 3 with 1 assigned to make sure no one peeked and write down what happened. Mostly the boards produced gibberish, except for one board. As soon as it spelled a real word the teacher and several other students were over there watching too, so neither person could peek. The board spelled out "help me, help me, I'm dead." As far as I know she never tried that in class again.
@@dreyhawkuh huh, cool. And then the whole bus clapped.
@@Levacque You don't have to believe me, I don't give a hoot. That was in 1973 so has no real relevance now, but it IS what our spotter wrote down. That's all I can attest to since my eyes were closed. But as soon as she told the teacher she has a real word the rest of the class was there watching, teacher included.
remember folks, if someone is using a oujia board in your house, be sure to test your breakers in the middle of it.
Flagging that this needs (not auto-generated) captions for the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities!
Thatcher was a monster before you flipped her face around 😂
wooo!! HALLOWEEN COMPILATION! (love compilations!) and LMAO at Reid in his vampire cape 😂😂😂
Decades from now after the science has caught up it'll be funny to know that the monsters these people see are actually a subconscious expression of how they see their self. 5:00
Or psychosis.
Or just hallucinations.
@zechrussell4938 psychosis is a mental condition, I don't think this could be labeled as psychosis.
hallucinations can be a symptom of psychosis but they aren't exclusive to each other.
this is DEFINITELY a sensory distortion, though. seeing things that "aren't there" is what we associate with the term hallucination, and I'm pretty sure it's proven that all people are capable of hallucinating
@@lunaskisses who said anything about psychosis?
@@tylerdurdin8069 the person I tagged...? 😂 the 2nd comment above mine...
you okay?
To be fair thatcher is a horrifying monster to begin with
15:55 oh my god I was playing this in the background and then I actually looked at it and burst out laughing! Wonderful cape, your grace.
I read this comment at exactly 15:55
5:09 in this case I don't have to worry about the monster on-screen having hair
9:22 I feel like there could be something connecting with this sort of thing and the type of body dysmorphia seen in ED’s that causes the person to literally see their image in mirrors and pictures as much much larger than they are in reality.
That visual misperception of one’s physical body, even having experienced it in my youth with an ED, it’s still so strange to me.
3:09 I’d be interested in a study on this involving people with various levels of prosopagnosia.
I don't see monsters or faces. About all that happens is my face gets blurry and/or deforms.
Just fyi that you probably shouldn't do the mirror thing if you experience anxiety, depression, or have any kind of body dysphoria! I know my brain can find mirrors pretty unsettling even in the light
I loved this episode 😊 thanks for all the effort
My brother used to trick friends with a Ouija board by using hidden magnets. It was pretty funny to see their reactions.
I tried the mirror one, my vision started "swimming" with phosphenes after a bit like it normally does in darkness, by which I mean I was seeing swirls of colors and shapes and my face kept getting blacked out by them on a regular pattern despite the lighting being very consistent (just a little red led on my trimmer's charger), but I didn't see anything I wouldn't have seen looking at my bedroom ceiling in the dark. Maybe I'm just weird.
Maybe the room your mirror is in is too dark. I think you have to be able to see your reflection at least a little for it to work.
I feel like I’m looking at someone else if I look in the mirror for a few seconds
Tbh Thatcher was already a monster before the image change
The Thatcher monster is TO SCARY
I don’t know if anyone’s said this but , the scishow team is a pretty good looking team
Yes, nerdy
2:56 You don't have to flip the eyes and mouth on margaret thatcher to see a monster
The point of the Thatcher picture was that you flipped the mouth and eyes and then turned the picture upside down and we don't feel the picture is weird. It's only when the picture is turned the right way up we realise how wrong the face is.
Who else thinks that Reid makes a great uncle Fester?
Cockroach wasps are very common in my garden and I have seen males bringing subdued cockroaches to female before female lays the eggs.
Terrifying monster either way.
3:02 idk... Thatcher was a horrifying monster in her own right... whether or not her eyes and mouth were flipped.
This should be Reid’s everyday look.
I wonder if the mirror thing has any links to dysphoria or dysmorphia. I can tell you that I feel like everyone time I look in the mirror I look like a complete stranger and have since I can remember.
Do you fall under the trans umbrella or see yourself as a different size?
This might actually be a case of Prosopagnosia, which is basically facial amnesia. It can apply even to your own face.
Does it happen to anyone else or just when you see yourself?
I was thinking the same thing. Things, actually. It sounded a lot like what someone with body dysmorphia might experience. But the fact that you've not recognized your own face in the mirror your whole life makes me think of face blindness, or the inability to recognize or remember faces.
I have partial face blindness. I do eventually recognize people, but usually more from their voice, the way they walk, etc.
I did find that after cutting my long, red hair off leaving only 2" of partial gray I no longer recognized my own appearance in the mirror. My hair is long again by now, but I have been experiencing a lack of recognition of my reflection this past week. I haven't yet figured out why.
Anyway, is it just your own image that you don't recognize, or do you not recognize other people's faces either? And do you recognize yourself in photos, or is that unfamiliar to you too? I think your answers to those questions could point you in the right direction as far as why.
It happens a lot in ADHD
@@msjkramey yeah to both. My weight has fluctuated a lot over my life so my true size never seems right.
Wear an eyepatch. You'll notice your "blind" eye creates an illusory approximation of what should be there.
I get the ideomotor effect all the time when I'm resting my hand on my mouse and reading something on the computer. I'll notice my cursor moving and get startled without even realizing my hand is slowly moving the mouse.
Damn, I tried to look at a mirror and only saw a depressed man that started crying, weird but not scary
That hit too close to home
Always interesting, thank you.
The scariest thing here was seeing you without a beard you beautiful lowvoiced sir. Please let it grow back 😢
The cape 👏
Love you guys so much💖
Thank you for all your excellent videos 🙏
Re the 'sense of self'. I vaguely remember being told[1] that Kant said something like "If I thought that my horse was capable of the concept of self, I would dismount, walk by his side, and call him 'friend'".
If all you clever people see that I have mis-attributed or mis-remembered that, do please let me know!
1. College was a loooong time ago, sorry!
The sad thing is most people do believe that animals have a sense of self, even if the people don't admit that they do. The sad part of that is that most people are also okay with having slaves. Otherwise they wouldn't have the dogs they refer to as their children tied at the neck and having to obey their every command. Much like how people bridle, bit, saddle, and ride a horse that they call to them by name.
(Before the trolls get too excited, no, I'm not vegan. I'm just willing to admit that we are enslaving and eating sentient beings.)
To me its ridiculous to say animals dont have a sense of self. If my cat for example had no sense of self why would he sulk if his blanket isnt straightened out? Why would he get cross if his meal is served late? Most animal behaviour,even territorial behaviour is based on an animals awareness of other animals and their relation to itself. If my cat didnt know his existance was a thing he wouldnt care about possibly being eaten by a predator.
@@pheart2381having preferences isn't a sense of self. a newborn also doesn't like being left unfed and uncomfortable but they are yet to actually develop anything beyond basic instincts
@@pheart2381 Totally get that, but it is easy to... whadda they call it... "anthropomorphise" animal behaviours that seem similar to human-like behaviour.
And/but also, those can be 'learned' behaviours.
I once had a rescue cat who was formerly a feral; he had *zero* clue about human expectations... if he was happy he'd snuggle, and if he wasn't he'd bite. And even the snuggle was "You may pet me for 30 seconds (and counting). When my tail begins to twitch you are about to be bitten. Respect my space, human!"
Imagine being a person in medieval Europe born with congenital hypertricosis terminalis, who has schizophrenia linked delusional misidentification syndrome, and then gets bitten by rabies.
Rabies doesn't make people turn into bitey, feral, snarling beasts.
mirrors were only for the rich in the Middle Ages
@@glenngriffon8032 no, but it does make people nervous and easily agitated. Game of telephone does the rest
@@inrevenant that and superstition
@@glenngriffon8032 it’s supposed to be a joke.
not everything is so serious.
I need the source on developing a sense of self by 20 months. My 14 month old recognizes himself in the mirror I'm almost positive.
Stephen seems to be protesting that this is not acceptable by his shirt. 😂😂
About that 'skyfish' thing - you don't always need a camera to spot this phenomenon. A somewhat old street light will often be powered using an aging tube lamp, which may be flickering at a slightly lower frequency than normal.
This is because the light in TL tubes is caused by a chemical reaction that happens when you ignite a spark at one end of the tube, which then moves through to the other end and dies down, causing a flash. Hook that up to AC power, and the alternating current will cause enough flashes per second that your eyes can't detect the dark moments. However, while the reaction on paper doesn't use up any of the gas (only the electrical energy you put in), the stuff inside does still degrade over time. Eventually, enough of the reactive gas has degraded that not every spark ignites a flash, first reducing the frequency (the light will appear to dim at first); then it'll noticeably start to flicker; until eventually there is so little reactive material left that it only turns on sporadically (the classic 'broken tube light' think where it glows on one end and with seemingly Herculean effort maybe forces out another single flash before resetting).
Anyway, back to the skyfish. If you find an old street lamp that is flickering at juuuust the right frequency, your brain will still fool you into thinking you're seeing a continually-lit area, _unless_ there's an object that moves through the light. Because that part of the image isn't constant, your brain can't just fill in the blanks like it usually does. Instead, you'll see simultaneous images of the moving thing - like your hand or in this case a moth - in the positions it was at when the lamp briefly illuminated it. It's almost the same effect as changing the exposure time or framerate of a camera, except it's an easily-reproduced piece of evidence that your brain likes to mess with your perception of reality. No, I'm not sure why our brains do that, I think it's some kind of weird hobby or something.
Incidentally, those kinds of barely-perceptible frequencies are really unsettling in their own right. Because your brain can't always keep up with the entirely unnatural means of illuminating an image, you'll sometimes catch the weird flickering in your peripheral vision, but when you try to look there's nothing there because it's the centre of your vision that most of the brain image correction stuff happens. It can make it feel like there's something moving just out of view, or make you feel uneasy, dizzy or a little nauseous, at least for me. It wouldn't surprise me if flashing in that general frequency range can trigger paranoia, agitation or epileptic episodes for many people.
Interesting! Thanks for sharing
The mirror effect happened to me immediately when i was on LSD. i saw myself, she looked right at me, and smiled the most horrible terrifying evil smile i’ve ever seen. i’ve heard that it’s quite common for people on LSD to experience this and it makes sense because it already causes hallucinations.
Is the mirror phenomena supposed to happen even without a mirror involved? I went camping with school as a kid and my classmate's face in the dark began to contort and become spooky looking, she looked like a witch.
If that dude had rabies he probably would have tried to take a bite of that pig 😂 I thought he was going to on the animation at first
It's all in your head, figuratively and sometimes literally.
My friend and I used an Ouija board once to try and scare my younger sister and all we did is get pissed off at each other because we hadn't agreed on what to make it say ahead of time and all we got was nonsense gobbledygook "words" in response to our "questions" and we blamed each other entirely xD
I did the mirror experiment about 10 years ago. I saw a decayed corpse. Freaked me out. I used a candle as light source
Does the mirror experiment still work if you're aware of the purpose? I kinda wanna try it.
2:57 You don’t need to flip any thing, she was a monster all the time!
Watching this right before bedtime scared :(
Someone should try a ouja board in dark room lined with mirrors and infrasound that resonates with eyeballs
Nothing was needed to perceive Margaret Thatcher as a monster.
I’ve done this and i never saw anything else but my face 😂😂
OG Thatcher was a terrifing monster.
DMT, it is present in our brain and body and we have receptors for it, this is why people see entity's on a DMT trip😮
Thank you. I was apparently sleeping WAY too much and now (thanks to this video), I will be up at nights for FAR TOO LONG!!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱
The scientist was totally dowsing with his foil! 👻
Hank, I have a whole PHOBIA of my own reflection. I will *not* be purposefully looking into a mirror in the DARK
You look good, Hank!
I love you guys so much you have no idea how much science helps me cope with my hental health
Edit: I meant mental health...HELP ME
I cant believe I got here 6 minutes after this was posted
Read that as "hentai health"......
@@Heahke I meant mental health 😭
Well, a different horrifying monster
"Where wolf?"
"There wolf!"
Thanks to Young Frankenstein!
I have trouble recognizing faces. Is that why I don't see a stranger or monster in a mirror?
I wonder how many "monsters" are/were people with mental illnesses who lived in the woods.
I once asked a ouija board how it worked and it said, “the spirit of you”.
You don't need to change anything about Thatcher to make her a horrifying monster. She did that well enough for herself.
Great episode so far! Although... UFOs do not seem so "out there" now!
They're definitely still just as far out there as ever. Hank made a video about how you shouldn't take the recent UFO claims seriously
XD I hate how much of this I hypothesised, I don't think I watched this video before, but now I can't tell. Probably spoiled some other way and now it's all together
All this doesn't explain why this creepy girl is crawling out of my TV and aaaaargh nooooo
3:00 you don't really need to do anything to a picture of margaret thatcher to create a horrifying monster
You don't need to reverse the characteristics on Thatcher's face, to create the image of a monster... Too much?
I moved an object with my mind once; in truth the alien that appeared in the mirror made me think I did it by guiding the ghost to do it.
Go Go Sci Show!
As to the Ouija board sometimes it moves because your mean big sister is moving it to embarrass you so she can see you cry.
Watching your face distorting on the mirror is the equivalent of trying to say the same word over and over again. It gets weird.
Or when you notice that you're thinking or reading in your head, even. It's sometimes so surreal to think that these little scribbles equate to a voice in my head that equates to sounds I can actually make
You can say certain words a million times.
@@Psilomuscimol ?
@@msjkrameyis this how you read? Or people in general?
To me it's like a voice, but with no sound, like the incoming information after the sound has already been processed and removed. So it's not mine, nor the writers or characters voice, yet still attributed to the character that is speaking in a novel for example.
And I "see" things happening when I hear, tell, or read something. Or just imagine. Not like hallucinations, but a movie playing in my head in parallel to reality. Like when you remember walking through the house when you're trying to find your keys. So it is imagination, but I don't control it.
I hear/read/.. it? I see it! With details. No choice. Sometimes I even blush when "seeing" some private stuff, and beg for pardon. It's really not intentional, more like opening a door without thinking and finding out someone forgot to lock it for reasons. (Remembering and blushing again. Enough for now...)
I watched this video expecting it to dispel the myths of monsters. Not to find out that the real world is even scarier. Thanks a lot. rofl.
not me laughing out loud at eyelid hair
Mirrors and photos being distorted over time is why many people with body image issues can be triggered by seeing them. If you struggle with these things, it's best to look away for a bit instead of focussing on your face or for a few minutes of you are doing your hair/makeup or otherwise seeing yourself.
When I use the bathroom at night I never turn the light on and I never see anyone other than myself.
My mom claims that when she was 14 she played a Ouija board and ended up pinned to the ceiling by a demon and was strangled… I think it was a dream. She claims it was real.
And she's likely remembering it wrong. The more we try to remember things the more our brains change minute details until we can end up remembering completely different scenario endings.
"You ever get that feeling where you're not sure you're awake or still dreaming?"
"All the time. It's called Mescaline. It's the only way to fly."
-- The Matrix
Demons don't exist. They're the same as monsters. She was either remembering wrong. Delusional. Or hallucinating.
@@mischarowe that’s what I think. I truly bet she played the game and then had a nightmare that felt real and over the years has changed her memory to believe it actually happened.
@@Psilomuscimol like I said in my original comment, I bet she dreamed it. Or more so, a nightmare that felt real and over the years convinced herself it was real.
2:17 wait hold up woah this is exactly what DOESN’T happen with my autism based sensory processing disorder issues and like 90% why any and all sensory input is so overwhelming to me.
Dang. This seems like useful information, I just am not quite sure how yet.
"WheN yoU sTaRe in tHe miRroR toO loNg" I know what you mean 🍄
15:02 Oh we discriminating between mirages now too? Our good German 1930s/40s friends would be proud. (/s /j if it wasn't obvious).
Sometimes you can never be too careful. Tone indicators much appreciated
It's been confirmed, I identify as a werewolf 😂😂😂
can we get more info about the "ideomotor" effect? They just breeze through it like it isn't very shocking or intriguing
Baby hank looks so weird compared to Chad hank.
When he asked "do you ever get the urge to spend the night standing on a roof..." I was like "haha, yeah, lol, I guess we all do", and then he said it's a brain parasite. Haha. I'm in danger. :D (Yes, ik it doesn't affect humans)
Also, why's nobody talking about the cockroaches that don't want to run away. Like, I usually don't like most horror, but just imagine [some warning ig] that with a human, like, still being 100% aware, but just wanting to follow some being, and then being slowly eaten, like, maybe other ppl would try to rescue the guy, but when the monsters leave, think the guy is dead, and he's like "hello :D" while missing half his body... Hehe, maybe I can get behind writing one horror story before going back to the totally "more chill" ones...
Takes about 5 seconds on acid. Stay away from mirrors when on a trip!
Joke is on the researchers... thatcher was already a horrible monster
Pro tip: Don't watch the parasites part while eating...🤢