not to be derisive, but that dude blowin' on the horn could maybe use a little but more practice under his belt. However the rest of the band sounds fine. I could have used a little more keys in the mix, the piano was way to quiet. But the bass sounded surprisingly good. From personal experience I usually find it very difficult to record upright and capture the sound well. This sounded like one of those transducers, an actual mic is better for getting that breathy sound, but then feedback hassles get in the way. Any way good effort overall. Keep it up.
thanks for the dedicatory!!
This is fun.
That solo be sizzling ♨️
the bass is a lil bit out of tune but for the most part it sounds alright
Nice job, guys.
not to be derisive, but that dude blowin' on the horn could maybe use a little but more practice under his belt. However the rest of the band sounds fine. I could have used a little more keys in the mix, the piano was way to quiet. But the bass sounded surprisingly good. From personal experience I usually find it very difficult to record upright and capture the sound well. This sounded like one of those transducers, an actual mic is better for getting that breathy sound, but then feedback hassles get in the way. Any way good effort overall. Keep it up.
Isn't that what's happening here? There's no audience.
He could only get better from here.
sound like hell