I brought an Ethiopian bible because I was curious to know why it was forbidden to read and I started reading the book of jubilee and I found that we are using the wrong calendar GOD created 13 month calendar 28 days each month man took it upon himself to change time also it stresses the importance of keeping the sabbath even the angels in heaven keep the sabbath this is why this bible is hidden because they want us to keep Sunday instead of Saturday the 7th day that GOD intended for us
BLESS: 🙏🏿😇 Dan.7: 25. Rev.12:17. TRUMP/Christian NATIONALISM (KKlan) Google 'BLUE-LAWS; SUN(🌞God)DAY Worship LAW. America becomes A Religio-Political THEOCRATIC CALIPHATE. à la Medivial/Crusader Persecution, via de facto Leader PAPAL ROME/POPE (Jesuit). SHALOM 🤗
@@SonsofDavid-sj1qt this isn’t region this is GODS ways the fact that you called GODS way 7 day Adventist shows how much you are truly lost read your bible cause you clearly are lost Exodus 20 :8 read it please
searching for hidden treasures is something Kings do. You can find most of History in Library, and subject to change the deeper you dig. Have fun start digging, find the hidden treasure's that do make those big changes. Almost 30 years of my research and finely found how they hide the Full New Moon, that shows Lunar Sabbath, Seasons, just as Our Father of Lights designed it.
@@BibleStories24hABSOLUTELY. Thank you Mr. Vladimir Putin for LEADING Humanity in the RIGHT DIRECTION. You truly are the World's best ever President and LEADER.
Doesnt shake me. Micah 6:8 could not be any clearer. Its impossible to be confused or beguiled by religeous types. 8He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? The beauty and simplicity of this verse makes me so grateful to our Father in heaven. Theologians...dont waist my time! IMPENETRABLE PEACE!!!
The revelation made by the president of Rusia, Mr. V. Putin is true and real in its entirety. The Black Jesus is a real God deity. His real name is Yahweh the mighty one my ancestors worship for ages. I ask everybody to embrace and worship him with all your body, soul and spirit for your spiritual invigoration and repentance. The Lord is my shepherd. Amen...
Being the BEST EVER PRESIDENT AND LEADER of this World with WISDOM one can FOLLOW Mr. Putin's advice with an open Heart. Thank you Sir , respect from a retired white South African Boer.
Very soon Yeshuah will show up on earth to reward Judgement upon the entire world for how they all have dealt with His chosen Hebrew Children. The Most High has already started walking through this earth executing his Judgement upon the entire earth we all see it. The Bible says wow upon the nation who's hand He finds us in their captivity when HE comes. Yeshuah is coming with vengeance on HIS eyes against everybody who have done us wrong. 😮😮😮😢
You NEVER find truth or positivity in mainstream media. They’re paid to fill you full of fear, lies and sin. I haven’t watched that propaganda machine in over 8 years I had to reverse the indoctrinational damage they’ve caused
@ Media; (mee-dee-ah) Noun 1. A thief who pulls the wool over your eyes while stealing your mind. 2.The ancient Etruscan God of liars, tricksters & false friends. 3. A Government bench person who tells you that war is peace, poverty is wealth & slavery is freedom. The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NA-TAS ~ SATAN) is an American professional service organiza-tion founded in 1955 for "the advancement of the arts and sciences of television and the promotion of creative leadership for artistic, educational and technical achievements within the television industry". Headquartered in New York City, NATAS membership is national and the organization has local chap-ters around the country.
Assuming something: The Ethiopian Bible taught angels. The word angel simply meant a human messenger from god ,no such thing like the so called angels with wings.
From the time of the crucifixion of Yahusha haMashiach to the days of Constantine, a period of approximately 300 years, the Messiah’s true followers (Natsarim) were called Quartodecimen (fourteeners) by the Romans. (As pointed out, they were NEVER called Christians.) This name was dubbed on them because they (Messiah’s followers) continued to keep Passover according to the 14th day of the First Lunar Month (Abib), as counted from the Rosh Hashanah (first New Moon), in spring. But after A.D. 325, these Quartodecimen/Natsarim were compelled un-der penalty of death to recant and join the Roman Catholic holy communion of Christianity and depart from their distinctly Old Testament Torah Law-keeping, Hebrew (Jewish) ways. Stunningly, the term “Christian” did not exist before that date, and the name “Jesus Christ” resulted from the Greek translation to Latin and then later to English. Changing the name of the Messiah was not the result of a simple language barrier but an outright refusal of Roman Emperor Constantine to pay homage to a Hebrew Yahudim (Jewish) Messiah or His Hebrew name. So, they replaced the name of the Hebrew Messiah with a name His Hebrew followers would never con-sider using as a replacement for YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah). A name His mother had never heard or called Him. All references to the “early believers” refer to the true followers of Yahusha, the Messiah, who were never associated with a “church” at all but remained the faithful and obedient Torah Law observers of Yasharal (Israel). They were the ecclesia or called out ones (in Hebrew - people of the sacred assemblies). In great contrast to the Roman Catholic Christian worldview, all mentions of the “early believers” speak of a single group of believers who held three attributes of great consequence: 1) They followed YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah); 2) They continued to hold near and dear the entire TANAKH (Old Testament), containing the Torah Law of instruction, the Nevi’im (Prophets), and the Ketuvim (Writings). 3) They continued to hold fast to the astro-luni-solar calendar found in the Torah Law for New Year’s Day in spring and counted fourteen days to locate PASSOVER and, in this way, all the other sacred days. The faithful and obedient Yasharal are summed up in Scripture this way: “To the Torah Law [containing commandments, judgments, statutes, testimonies] and to the Testimony. [Tabernacle of the Testimony Feast Day prophecies], if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 8:20 Yet, the Papacy (Roman Catholic Church) desired that all the world believe that Romanism’s new religion, called “Christianity,” represented the original followers of the Messiah after the resurrection. Yet, these two are several hundred years apart and NEVER synonymous. All areas of Roman influence were ultimately fused into Romanism’s Christianity, and its non-adherers were to be hunted down as here-tics. All were required to adopt a set of customs, beliefs, and rules that are completely absent from and opposed to those of Scripture. For example: “In the year 325 A.D. was perpetrated one of the most colossal frauds and deceptions in the annals of history. This was the date of the Council of Nicaea, whose task it was to create a new religion that would be acceptable to Emperor Constantine…” The Historical Apollonius Versus the Mythical Jesus, By Dr. R. W. Bernard, Ph.D. “The Council of Nicaea was a pivotal event in the history of Christianity [The Messiah followers called themselves Natsarim, but were at the time called Quartodecimen by the Romans. The term “Christians” was the creation of Constantine in the 4th century A.D.]. The sudden adoption of a quasi-philosophic term to define the historic Jesus [Messiah] as equal to God was a major departure from Scripture and tradition. Further, the use of this term “trinity” in a Creed meant that, from A.D. 325 on, Nicenes could and did proclaim other dogmas that have no basis in Scripture.” - State Church of the Roman Empire; Ben H. Swett; 1998 Subsequently, special creeds were drafted, in which all within the Roman Empire had to sign on the dotted line or swear an oath to give up their TORAH LAW (first five books of the Old Testament) from the ancient Scriptural scrolls, such as… “I accept all customs, rites, legalism, and feasts [holidays] of the Romans, sacrifices. Prayers, purifications with water, sanctifications by Pontificus Maximus (high priests of Rome), propitiations, and feasts, and the New Sabbath “So! dei” (day of the Sun, better known as Sunday), all new chants and observances, and all the foods and drinks of the Romans. In other words, I absolutely accept everything Roman, every new law, rite and custom, of Rome, and the New Roman Religion.” The Council of Laodicea in 358 A.D., 33 years following the establishment of Rome’s new Christian Religion and new seven-day cycling week, the Yahudim (Jews), under extreme pressure, finalized the complete overhaul of their calendar. Seven years later, in A.D. 365, the Council of Laodicea, as recorded in one of the Roman Canons, legislated: “Christians must not Judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day. Rather, honoring the Lord’s Day [Sunday]. But if any shall be found to be Judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ.” Council of Laodicea, Canon 29 If we had no knowledge of the recorded evidence that the Yahudim (Jews) had just seven years previously changed their calendar, reflecting their adoption of the Ro-man Saturday as their new Sabbath, we could assume, along with the ignorant, that Saturday had always been the Sabbath of the Jews. In this case, this quote legislating that the Sunday-keeping Christians must not Judaize by resting on the new “Saturday” Sabbath of the Jews was likely designed to keep up appearances as a way of segregation from the hated Jews. On the other hand, this piece of legislation from the Council of Laodicea may have likely also referred to the original lunar Sabbath that the Jews had tradition-ally kept since antiquity. But, whichever the case, the real truth shines forth by the weight of evidence that, indeed, both the Romans and the Jews of that era changed every single unit of time. Thus, neither reflects the Torah Law, the prophecies of the true Messiah, or its principles of time-measuring today that were designed to synchronize His followers with His true worship rhythm.
You shouldn't be commenting on this page..the council of Nycea (325 ad) was about the Divinity of Eyesus Kristos..had nothing to do with communion, or whatever you stayed..destroyer of truth On the last days Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hands into God..your distortion can't stop this prophecy
Raised Roman Catholic, I always questioned everything I witness as a child. I even believed I was atheist. God, the Christ and holy spirit are real. Look into other cultures and traditions that are more ancient, there was always a trinity... Anu, Enlil, Enki.... Brahman, Vishnu, Shiva... the father, the son and holy spirit...
I almost really hate clicking on these cause of the fact they forever to get to the point ,it's living in Florida and going to new York to get to Alabama
You are living in the dark..and the dark can't comprehend the light.. those of us who knows the truth about Biblical history know that what is said here is the truth..
The biblical God is the God of rightousness not ethnicity, that can't save your soul..Christ denounced the Scribes and Pharisees as synagogues of satan..he came unto his own and they received him not..instead they conspired with Rome to crucify him..
It was predominantly designed to abolish all things related to the hated Yahudim (Jews) within the Roman Empire, but it covertly undermined and ended obedience to the Scriptures (O.T.) Torah Law. This very LAW was created as an outline of instruction, testifying to the time-centric prophetic revelation of the Messiah’s mediatorial work of salvation. Now relegated to the proverbial trash bin. Just like that! This ancient path of truth, the Torah Law, was specifically recorded for His followers through the ages and was now abolished and hidden from view. This had been the ever-present instruction and wall of safety to help Yahuah (YHUH) Elohim’s (God’s) followers discover the REMEDY UNTO SALVATION and how to harmonize their soul temples to that of His. While each denomination has some unique truths, some more in line with Scripture than others, they also sustain their own spin on many of their mother church’s pagan traditions. But still, most Christian church members of varying denominations don’t study Scripture or church history, and don’t want to know the truth, or are purposely left in the dark by their church leaders for the sake of peace and unity, even if that unity is established upon false paradigms. Do they care?
Really though::: UU people never questioned the books that were taken from the KJV Bible;;; there's no excuse now:: today we have more technology nowadays so do your research...& UU will see what Jesus stands for,, he said UU can be jus like him or better... but your pastor tells you that,, you are beneath Jesus 😭 & you are living in SIN...( I thought 💭, that's why he died on the cross ❌:: oh my bad....he didn't die on the cross ❌... Facts...
Did you know that there are 3 JESUSES being talked about in the KJV Bible??? Mostly All what you're reading,, actually came from our ancient tablets mixed with the Europeans:::: y'all needs to get out of the church religion:: cause y'all aren't learning a dam thang 😭😔.....if they don't tell you that you are God yourself,, look deeply into your inner self and listen to the voice.... that's always talking, when you're not 🚫 talking.... know if it's good or bad.... train yourself.... peace 🙏🌹 & LUV 💖
It's really no one else's fault but your own.... when you got old enough to understand,, that something not 🚫 right with these words in the KJV Bible.... those are not 🚫 the original words nor language... so you get trained from a book that doesn't have the accurate information or meaning.... those words have to be broken down to get the actual meaning....I never had,, or seen the pastor do.... they just read the words and they think 💭 they're doing something....& The people have no idea 💡.... y'all make our ancestors worried about y'all.... UU can't think 🤔 for yourself... it's time to grow 🪴 up...
First things first. The Ethiopian bible is not the oldest and most complete bible in the world that would be the codex sinaiticus. The biblical canon for the Ethiopians and the Catholic were the same at the split. Apparently, the Ethiopians added more books afterwards.
As An Afrikaan Descendant of the Caribbean🇹🇹Trinidad & Tobago this is an Awakening from the Russian President to the World HEADS. If this Ethiopian Bible is Superior as I'm SURE to the king james version of Bible then it's something worth looking into. One♥️Love to Abyssinia from the Caribbean🇹🇹Trinidad & Tobago & Thank you Bible Stories 24H for your time & efforts putting Spiritual food on Our plates.
Even though you don't see Putin talking in this video..,, and you asked Why trust the enemy***. Please do your homework and stop 🛑 letting people tell anything...& Learn from yourself 😁,, Self knowledge*** listen to your inner voice 🙏💗.. your HOLY SPIRIT ❤️🙏 is within UU... not 🚫 external forces::: you are the church*** the temple is within UU.... your head... literally saying that....
I have wasted my 27 minutes by listening to your totally useless, purposeless sermon. You repeated 100 times Ethiopian Bible, but you did not tell, what is the difference between the teaching of Ethiopian Bible and other standard bible
It's definitely intentional and we know why. I despise this video because it keeps saying the same thing over and over, not revealing any of the text of the Ethiopian Bible. This was a waste of time and Devine Justice needs to be applied to this video.
Allow God to use World Leaders to reveal what's hidden. Embrace Him and start now without hesitation. Change your sinful ways. Discards sexuals immorality and idolatry. That's abomination. South Africa
I brought an Ethiopian bible because I was curious to know why it was forbidden to read and I started reading the book of jubilee and I found that we are using the wrong calendar GOD created 13 month calendar 28 days each month man took it upon himself to change time also it stresses the importance of keeping the sabbath even the angels in heaven keep the sabbath this is why this bible is hidden because they want us to keep Sunday instead of Saturday the 7th day that GOD intended for us
I brought an Ethiopian bible because I was curious to know why it was forbidden to read and I started reading the book of jubilee and I found that we are using the wrong calendar GOD created 13 month calendar 28 days each month man took it upon himself to change time also it stresses the importance of keeping the sabbath even the angels in heaven keep the sabbath this is why this bible is hidden because they want us to keep Sunday instead of Saturday the 7th day that GOD intended for us
BLESS: 🙏🏿😇
Dan.7: 25. Rev.12:17. TRUMP/Christian NATIONALISM (KKlan) Google 'BLUE-LAWS; SUN(🌞God)DAY Worship LAW. America becomes A Religio-Political THEOCRATIC CALIPHATE. à la Medivial/Crusader Persecution, via de facto Leader PAPAL ROME/POPE (Jesuit). SHALOM 🤗
You’re uncovering deep truths-man may alter time, but God’s order is eternal. Keep seeking!"
Truth is hidden in plain sight-prophecy unfolds, but the Most High’s remnant will stand. Shalom! ✨🙏🏾
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christian worship on Sunday..so don't confuse Tewahedo Faith with Seventh day Adventist views or practice
@@SonsofDavid-sj1qt this isn’t region this is GODS ways the fact that you called GODS way 7 day Adventist shows how much you are truly lost read your bible cause you clearly are lost Exodus 20 :8 read it please
All I want to know,why everybody has our history hiding away in they vaults????for centuries, hiding away ,from us?????????
"Because knowledge is power, and they fear the awakening of the chosen ones. But the truth is rising! ✊🏾🔥"
searching for hidden treasures is something Kings do. You can find most of History in Library, and subject to change the deeper you dig. Have fun start digging, find the hidden treasure's that do make those big changes. Almost 30 years of my research and finely found how they hide the Full New Moon, that shows Lunar Sabbath, Seasons, just as Our Father of Lights designed it.
The printing of this Bible should begin immediately
Agreed! The truth must be shared without delay."
Thank you Mr. Vladimir Putin for LEADING Humanity in the RIGHT DIRECTION.
You truly are the World's best ever President and LEADER.
Has to be in English-language. I want one
Doesnt shake me.
Micah 6:8 could not be any clearer.
Its impossible to be confused or beguiled by religeous types.
8He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?
The beauty and simplicity of this verse makes me so grateful to our Father in heaven.
Theologians...dont waist my time!
Amen! Walking in truth with the Most High brings unshakable peace. Stay strong! 🙌🏾🔥"
The revelation made by the president of Rusia, Mr. V. Putin is true and real in its entirety. The Black Jesus is a real God deity. His real name is Yahweh the mighty one my ancestors worship for ages.
I ask everybody to embrace and worship him with all your body, soul and spirit for your spiritual invigoration and repentance. The Lord is my shepherd. Amen...
Yah is the Father, not the Son !
"The truth of Yahweh is eternal-may all seek Him in spirit and truth. Amen! 🙏🏾🔥"
The Father and the Son are one in purpose-Yah's truth is revealed through Yahusha! 🙏🏾🔥"
@@BibleStories24h HALLELUYAH
Know thine enemies. Withholding information, why? Know thine enemies.
"Truth reveals all-stay vigilant and trust in divine justice."
Shame on the Vatican
"The truth is catching up to them."
Why is it we always hear what somebody said and not actual footage of them saying it?
Its called trolling lol!😂😂😂😂
Because controlled narratives fear raw truth-always seek the source."
Truth stands, trolls fade-stay focused! 😂🔥"
Yes you are spot on. This channel want to deceive the people.
@@BibleStories24hyou know in your heart it is not true.
Very interesting
Yahweh is a sweet heart but he will destroy the wicked repent
The Most High is merciful, but His justice is sure-repent while there's time.
This is only a revelation to those who remained blind to the truth right in front of them!
"Exactly! The truth was always there-some are just now opening their eyes to it."
What Putin Just Said About the Ethiopian Bible Will Shock You!
Where is Putin's speech!!! Stop commercialising sacred matters just to make money!!!
Being the BEST EVER PRESIDENT AND LEADER of this World with WISDOM one can FOLLOW Mr. Putin's advice with an open Heart.
Thank you Sir , respect from a retired white South African Boer.
Everyone is entitled to their perspective-may wisdom and peace guide all leaders for the good of the people."
Glo jy regtig die stront, begin jou bybel lees.
Very soon Yeshuah will show up on earth to reward Judgement upon the entire world for how they all have dealt with His chosen Hebrew Children. The Most High has already started walking through this earth executing his Judgement upon the entire earth we all see it. The Bible says wow upon the nation who's hand He finds us in their captivity when HE comes. Yeshuah is coming with vengeance on HIS eyes against everybody who have done us wrong. 😮😮😮😢
he's here already, believe me. judgement day is sooner than u think
Yahusha’s return is near-justice will prevail, and His vengeance is righteous."
Awaken to the signs-judgment is imminent, and His presence is near."
Amen 🙏🙏🙏❤
No one has reported this in mainstream media!
You NEVER find truth or positivity in mainstream media. They’re paid to fill you full of fear, lies and sin. I haven’t watched that propaganda machine in over 8 years I had to reverse the indoctrinational damage they’ve caused
Truth is rarely broadcasted-seek, and you’ll find what they won’t tell you!"
Wise choice-truth comes from seeking the Most High, not the media’s deception!"
Media; (mee-dee-ah) Noun
1. A thief who pulls the wool over your eyes while stealing your mind.
2.The ancient Etruscan God of liars, tricksters & false friends.
3. A Government bench person who tells you that war is peace, poverty is wealth & slavery is freedom.
The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NA-TAS ~ SATAN) is an American professional service organiza-tion founded in 1955 for "the advancement of the arts and sciences of television and the promotion of creative leadership for artistic, educational and technical achievements within the television industry". Headquartered in New York City, NATAS membership is national and the organization has local chap-ters around the country.
And know one will cause it's to big of a game changer for those in power
Western culture has always lived to us as black men and women.
They rewrite, we remember-truth can’t be erased. ✊🏾📖"
I now read the Ethiopian Bible
"That’s powerful! The Ethiopian Bible holds deep truths-keep seeking wisdom. ✊🏾📖🔥"
HALAL YAHUAH! The remnant is awakening-returning to the Ancient Path in truth and obedience!"
@@BibleStories24h The bones are awaken.
Best fictional book ever written, most edited in history.
Assuming something:
The Ethiopian Bible taught angels. The word angel simply meant a human messenger from god ,no such thing like the so called angels with wings.
Angels or messengers-divine truth is revealed in many forms."
From the time of the crucifixion of Yahusha haMashiach to the days of Constantine, a period of approximately 300 years, the Messiah’s true followers (Natsarim) were called Quartodecimen (fourteeners) by the Romans. (As pointed out, they were NEVER called Christians.) This name was dubbed on them because they (Messiah’s followers) continued to keep Passover according to the 14th day of the First Lunar Month (Abib), as counted from the Rosh Hashanah (first New Moon), in spring. But after A.D. 325, these Quartodecimen/Natsarim were compelled un-der penalty of death to recant and join the Roman Catholic holy communion of Christianity and depart from their distinctly Old Testament Torah Law-keeping, Hebrew (Jewish) ways. Stunningly, the term “Christian” did not exist before that date, and the name “Jesus Christ” resulted from the Greek translation to Latin and then later to English. Changing the name of the Messiah was not the result of a simple language barrier but an outright refusal of Roman Emperor Constantine to pay homage to a Hebrew Yahudim (Jewish) Messiah or His Hebrew name. So, they replaced the name of the Hebrew Messiah with a name His Hebrew followers would never con-sider using as a replacement for YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah). A name His mother had never heard or called Him. All references to the “early believers” refer to the true followers of Yahusha, the Messiah, who were never associated with a “church” at all but remained the faithful and obedient Torah Law observers of Yasharal (Israel). They were the ecclesia or called out ones (in Hebrew - people of the sacred assemblies). In great contrast to the Roman Catholic Christian worldview, all mentions of the “early believers” speak of a single group of believers who held three attributes of great consequence: 1) They followed YAHUSHA haMashiach (the Messiah); 2) They continued to hold near and dear the entire TANAKH (Old Testament), containing the Torah Law of instruction, the Nevi’im (Prophets), and the Ketuvim (Writings). 3) They continued to hold fast to the astro-luni-solar calendar found in the Torah Law for New Year’s Day in spring and counted fourteen days to locate PASSOVER and, in this way, all the other sacred days. The faithful and obedient Yasharal are summed up in Scripture this way: “To the Torah Law [containing commandments, judgments, statutes, testimonies] and to the Testimony. [Tabernacle of the Testimony Feast Day prophecies], if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 8:20 Yet, the Papacy (Roman Catholic Church) desired that all the world believe that Romanism’s new religion, called “Christianity,” represented the original followers of the Messiah after the resurrection. Yet, these two are several hundred years apart and NEVER synonymous. All areas of Roman influence were ultimately fused into Romanism’s Christianity, and its non-adherers were to be hunted down as here-tics. All were required to adopt a set of customs, beliefs, and rules that are completely absent from and opposed to those of Scripture. For example: “In the year 325 A.D. was perpetrated one of the most colossal frauds and deceptions in the annals of history. This was the date of the Council of Nicaea, whose task it was to create a new religion that would be acceptable to Emperor Constantine…” The Historical Apollonius Versus the Mythical Jesus, By Dr. R. W. Bernard, Ph.D. “The Council of Nicaea was a pivotal event in the history of Christianity [The Messiah followers called themselves Natsarim, but were at the time called Quartodecimen by the Romans. The term “Christians” was the creation of Constantine in the 4th century A.D.]. The sudden adoption of a quasi-philosophic term to define the historic Jesus [Messiah] as equal to God was a major departure from Scripture and tradition. Further, the use of this term “trinity” in a Creed meant that, from A.D. 325 on, Nicenes could and did proclaim other dogmas that have no basis in Scripture.” - State Church of the Roman Empire; Ben H. Swett; 1998 Subsequently, special creeds were drafted, in which all within the Roman Empire had to sign on the dotted line or swear an oath to give up their TORAH LAW (first five books of the Old Testament) from the ancient Scriptural scrolls, such as… “I accept all customs, rites, legalism, and feasts [holidays] of the Romans, sacrifices. Prayers, purifications with water, sanctifications by Pontificus Maximus (high priests of Rome), propitiations, and feasts, and the New Sabbath “So! dei” (day of the Sun, better known as Sunday), all new chants and observances, and all the foods and drinks of the Romans. In other words, I absolutely accept everything Roman, every new law, rite and custom, of Rome, and the New Roman Religion.” The Council of Laodicea in 358 A.D., 33 years following the establishment of Rome’s new Christian Religion and new seven-day cycling week, the Yahudim (Jews), under extreme pressure, finalized the complete overhaul of their calendar. Seven years later, in A.D. 365, the Council of Laodicea, as recorded in one of the Roman Canons, legislated: “Christians must not Judaize by resting on the Sabbath, but must work on that day. Rather, honoring the Lord’s Day [Sunday]. But if any shall be found to be Judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ.” Council of Laodicea, Canon 29 If we had no knowledge of the recorded evidence that the Yahudim (Jews) had just seven years previously changed their calendar, reflecting their adoption of the Ro-man Saturday as their new Sabbath, we could assume, along with the ignorant, that Saturday had always been the Sabbath of the Jews. In this case, this quote legislating that the Sunday-keeping Christians must not Judaize by resting on the new “Saturday” Sabbath of the Jews was likely designed to keep up appearances as a way of segregation from the hated Jews. On the other hand, this piece of legislation from the Council of Laodicea may have likely also referred to the original lunar Sabbath that the Jews had tradition-ally kept since antiquity. But, whichever the case, the real truth shines forth by the weight of evidence that, indeed, both the Romans and the Jews of that era changed every single unit of time. Thus, neither reflects the Torah Law, the prophecies of the true Messiah, or its principles of time-measuring today that were designed to synchronize His followers with His true worship rhythm.
Wow someone has been reading the natsarim scriptures!🔥🔥 suprise your comment havnt been shadow banned like mine!🤦🏾♂️
"The truth of the Natsarim and Torah observance was altered, but the Most High's remnant still walks in His ways."
"Truth has a way of shining through-no shadow can hide the light forever! 🔥🙏"
Micah 6:8 built on Lord and King Messiah is enough.
You shouldn't be commenting on this page..the council of Nycea (325 ad) was about the Divinity of Eyesus Kristos..had nothing to do with communion, or whatever you stayed..destroyer of truth
On the last days Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hands into God..your distortion can't stop this prophecy
Because of that reason christ is necessary or medium of faith
Exactly-Christ is the bridge that reconnects us to the Most High.
8 minutes I still ain't heard what he said I'm gone
Patience is key, but sometimes it’s better to move on if it’s not resonating."
Raised Roman Catholic, I always questioned everything I witness as a child. I even believed I was atheist. God, the Christ and holy spirit are real.
Look into other cultures and traditions that are more ancient, there was always a trinity... Anu, Enlil, Enki.... Brahman, Vishnu, Shiva... the father, the son and holy spirit...
"Truth! The Trinity has always been present-across cultures, the Most High’s presence is undeniable. ✊🏾🔥📖"
can u print some an send it to Jamaicawe need it.
The truth is spreading-Jamaica is awakening too! 🇯🇲🔥"
I almost really hate clicking on these cause of the fact they forever to get to the point ,it's living in Florida and going to new York to get to Alabama
"Sometimes the journey takes longer, but the destination is worth it."
Truth always finds its way to the light, guided by faith."
@@BibleStories24h it's is written to lean not on your own understanding so there for I will keep praying for truth from God
Now, they are trying to put us back to sleep. We are not Ethiopians they have their judgment also.
Wake up they not like us.
Stay awake-truth separates, and judgment is for all."
You are living in the dark..and the dark can't comprehend the light.. those of us who knows the truth about Biblical history know that what is said here is the truth..
So where is Putin's speech!!
Great question! Always verify sources-truth is often hidden in plain sight. 🔎📖"
What did Putin actually say?
Good question! Always seek direct sources-truth is often buried under layers of narrative."
Putins statement is more polital
True, but politics often hides deeper truths."
Joel chapter 3
Truth over lies, life over death-His people are awakening! One love, Alpha and Omega forever! 🦁❤💛💚🌍🙏"
WHY, ALL these SUDDEN revelations??? WHAT are they up to???
"Prophecy is unfolding-nothing stays hidden forever. 📖🔥"
The biblical God is the God of rightousness not ethnicity, that can't save your soul..Christ denounced the Scribes and Pharisees as synagogues of satan..he came unto his own and they received him not..instead they conspired with Rome to crucify him..
True! Salvation is through righteousness and faith, not ethnicity. 📖🔥"
But don't ignore the black believing falsehood
Just More LIES!!
"Lie Lie Lie
Lie la Lie Lie Lie la Lie
Lie Lie Lie
Lie la Lie Lie Lie la Lie" - Paul Simon
It was predominantly designed to abolish all things related to the hated Yahudim (Jews) within the Roman Empire, but it covertly undermined and ended obedience to the Scriptures (O.T.) Torah Law. This very LAW was created as an outline of instruction, testifying to the time-centric prophetic revelation of the Messiah’s mediatorial work of salvation. Now relegated to the proverbial trash bin. Just like that! This ancient path of truth, the Torah Law, was specifically recorded for His followers through the ages and was now abolished and hidden from view. This had been the ever-present instruction and wall of safety to help Yahuah (YHUH) Elohim’s (God’s) followers discover the REMEDY UNTO SALVATION and how to harmonize their soul temples to that of His. While each denomination has some unique truths, some more in line with Scripture than others, they also sustain their own spin on many of their mother church’s pagan traditions. But still, most Christian church members of varying denominations don’t study Scripture or church history, and don’t want to know the truth, or are purposely left in the dark by their church leaders for the sake of peace and unity, even if that unity is established upon false paradigms. Do they care?
Many are blind to the truth, but the Most High’s remnant will always seek and follow His true path."
What did Putin say about the bible?
The truth is out there-look deeper, and you’ll find it. 📖🔥
Really though::: UU people never questioned the books that were taken from the KJV Bible;;; there's no excuse now:: today we have more technology nowadays so do your research...& UU will see what Jesus stands for,, he said UU can be jus like him or better... but your pastor tells you that,, you are beneath Jesus 😭 & you are living in SIN...( I thought 💭, that's why he died on the cross ❌:: oh my bad....he didn't die on the cross ❌... Facts...
Seek truth beyond tradition-Yahusha showed the way, but many refuse to walk in it. 🙏🏾🔥"
You need stop denying Jesús sacrifice..
Did you know that there are 3 JESUSES being talked about in the KJV Bible??? Mostly All what you're reading,, actually came from our ancient tablets mixed with the Europeans:::: y'all needs to get out of the church religion:: cause y'all aren't learning a dam thang 😭😔.....if they don't tell you that you are God yourself,, look deeply into your inner self and listen to the voice.... that's always talking, when you're not 🚫 talking.... know if it's good or bad.... train yourself.... peace 🙏🌹 & LUV 💖
Seek truth beyond religion, but remember-the Most High is above all, and His Spirit guides those who listen."
Why doesnthis voice sound like Mel Gibson.
Maybe truth just hits different when you finally hear it. 🎙️😆
Why God created human?what was the purpose?
God created humans to love, worship, and walk in harmony with Him, reflecting His glory and purpose."
Truth-Yahusha walked in the ways of the Father, not in man-made religions!"
Neither is he a religious person like a jew,
It's really no one else's fault but your own.... when you got old enough to understand,, that something not 🚫 right with these words in the KJV Bible.... those are not 🚫 the original words nor language... so you get trained from a book that doesn't have the accurate information or meaning.... those words have to be broken down to get the actual meaning....I never had,, or seen the pastor do.... they just read the words and they think 💭 they're doing something....& The people have no idea 💡.... y'all make our ancestors worried about y'all.... UU can't think 🤔 for yourself... it's time to grow 🪴 up...
"True wisdom comes from seeking the Most High beyond translations-study, discern, and let the Ruach guide you."
Show Putin saying it with translation .
If he really said it, receipts should be easy to find. 🎥🧐"
First things first. The Ethiopian bible is not the oldest and most complete bible in the world that would be the codex sinaiticus. The biblical canon for the Ethiopians and the Catholic were the same at the split. Apparently, the Ethiopians added more books afterwards.
History is layered, but the truth is in seeking the Most High, not just manuscripts. 📖🔥"
It means that everybody been taught a lie everybody's going to hell
"Deception runs deep, but repentance and truth lead to salvation. 🙏🔥
As An Afrikaan Descendant of the Caribbean🇹🇹Trinidad & Tobago this is an Awakening from the Russian President to the World HEADS.
If this Ethiopian Bible is Superior as I'm SURE to the king james version of Bible then it's something worth looking into.
One♥️Love to Abyssinia from the Caribbean🇹🇹Trinidad & Tobago & Thank you Bible Stories 24H for your time & efforts putting Spiritual food on Our plates.
"One love to Trinidad & Tobago! The truth is awakening worldwide, and the Ethiopian Bible is definitely worth exploring. ✊🏾🔥📖"
I'm black jesus from ghana my real name is Benjamin adjetey ako i need to talk to the world
Speak your truth with wisdom, and the right ears will hear."
😏 Christ real name ain’t Jesus that is European spin off
Remember only 144,000 gets into heaven 😊 💯
The 144,000 are chosen, but a great multitude will also stand before the throne. 📖🔥"
Yea he killed my white army for revolutionary purposes
"History is written in blood-revolutions come at a cost. 🩸⚔️"
U didn't even say what he said about the bible.. u are just bringing up speach just to make money.. God is seeing everybody..
God sees all-let's focus on the truth, not distractions or motives."
Shame on the white
"It's not about race-it's about truth and accountability."
KGB Putin is the genuine expert on this topic, 😆
"Expert or not, true wisdom is measured by righteousness, not just experience. 😆"
Even though you don't see Putin talking in this video..,, and you asked Why trust the enemy***. Please do your homework and stop 🛑 letting people tell anything...& Learn from yourself 😁,, Self knowledge*** listen to your inner voice 🙏💗.. your HOLY SPIRIT ❤️🙏 is within UU... not 🚫 external forces::: you are the church*** the temple is within UU.... your head... literally saying that....
True wisdom comes from seeking, not just hearing-let the Ruach guide you from within. 🙏🔥"
It looks like it won't be long before Putin will announce himself as the 27th Prophet🤭😜
True prophets are called by the Most High, not self-proclaimed-time will reveal all things. 🤔🙏"
Only the children of Israel can be Prophets
They got the bible from european misionaries
The Bible existed long before European missionaries-it’s an ancient text with roots in the Middle East and Africa."
Yeshua was born from the Adamic race. Africans is from the pre Adamic race.
Yeshua, the Son of the Most High, came for all people-salvation is not about race, but about faith and the spirit within."
No in the book of Matthew Yeshua said a was only send for the lost sheep of Isreal. @@BibleStories24h
@@BibleStories24hGod only made a covenant with Isreal. And send his Son to the lost tribes of Isreal.
Adam was black too what is your point
I have wasted my 27 minutes by listening to your totally useless, purposeless sermon. You repeated 100 times Ethiopian Bible, but you did not tell, what is the difference between the teaching of Ethiopian Bible and other standard bible
"Understanding takes patience-knowing the differences could’ve made those 27 minutes worthwhile."
It's definitely intentional and we know why. I despise this video because it keeps saying the same thing over and over, not revealing any of the text of the Ethiopian Bible. This was a waste of time and Devine Justice needs to be applied to this video.
Allow God to use World Leaders to reveal what's hidden. Embrace Him and start now without hesitation. Change your sinful ways. Discards sexuals immorality and idolatry. That's abomination. South Africa
"I feel you-truth should be revealed, not hidden. Divine justice will prevail."
"Truth and repentance lead to life-seek the Most High now without delay."
Thank you.
I like Putin.
"Everyone has their perspective-history will reveal all. 👀"
I brought an Ethiopian bible because I was curious to know why it was forbidden to read and I started reading the book of jubilee and I found that we are using the wrong calendar GOD created 13 month calendar 28 days each month man took it upon himself to change time also it stresses the importance of keeping the sabbath even the angels in heaven keep the sabbath this is why this bible is hidden because they want us to keep Sunday instead of Saturday the 7th day that GOD intended for us
That’s powerful! Seeking truth leads to revelations-man changes time, but God’s order remains unshaken. Keep seeking!"