Home Free - Undivided

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024


  • @DonDon-ko9io
    @DonDon-ko9io 3 роки тому +23

    Too many people want us to become united but only on their terms.

  • @lisaseverance6785
    @lisaseverance6785 3 роки тому +178

    Exactly what I taught my kids when they were younger. Be kind to others. Try to understand the other person's point of view. And the smallest kind thing can make a difference. It's tough to remember these things when things are difficult, but that is when we need to remember it more. Great song, great message as usual.

    • @Phobos1483
      @Phobos1483 3 роки тому +3

      Good job. Can you do better?

    • @lisaseverance6785
      @lisaseverance6785 3 роки тому +3

      @@Phobos1483 Everyone, no matter how good they feel they do, can do better. As for my children, they are all grown adults and I can only hope that what I taught them has stuck with them. I think they are decent people but as I do not see them all the time, I cannot be sure. I hope they are.

    • @susanporter2336
      @susanporter2336 2 роки тому +1

      AND as usual, GREAT TALENT!

  • @patmorrison5716
    @patmorrison5716 3 роки тому +175

    As always, you guys never disappoint. Glad to hear musicians spreading love. This world needs it right now.

  • @cherylhughes9487
    @cherylhughes9487 3 роки тому +243

    “I’m tired of looking left to right, so I’m just looking up”….best lyric! Thanks so much for making this outstanding video! ❤️👍🏻

    • @edwinalewis
      @edwinalewis 3 роки тому +3


    • @lindajanca8069
      @lindajanca8069 3 роки тому +3


    • @matildeosorio8257
      @matildeosorio8257 3 роки тому +3


    • @pennyeaton904
      @pennyeaton904 3 роки тому +2

      Agree 100%

    • @Phobos1483
      @Phobos1483 3 роки тому

      Jesus looked up and was like His Father. So he did look left to right and saw the people left for dead helpless. So He gave them what they needed. The Word He spoke and the price to set us free on the cross.

  • @thomashenderson1331
    @thomashenderson1331 3 роки тому +101

    This country has never needed this song more than ever. Your rendition is, as always, great!

  • @aw8388
    @aw8388 3 роки тому +63

    The QUALITY of the voices in this group blows me away. Look for a star? Nah, each and every one is a standout working withing the group. Amazing, Boys, amazing....

    • @GaiaOne
      @GaiaOne 3 роки тому +11

      Aren't they something? They just define synergy. Each a fine artist, but when they sing together, magic happens. They are so much more together than the sum of their individual talents. They need their own adjective. Homfredian.

    • @edwinalewis
      @edwinalewis 3 роки тому +2


  • @極低音ボイスの歌ってみた
    @極低音ボイスの歌ってみた 3 роки тому +35

    I cannot understand the lyrics.
    But I thought, “Thanks for protecting my country, US military soldiers.”

    • @Messywildcat78
      @Messywildcat78 3 роки тому +9

      The lyrics basically are saying quit looking for what divides us and come together to make something great with everyone. Also, saying this as a former military member, “It has been our pleasure to stand with Japan.”

    • @Dyonivan
      @Dyonivan 3 роки тому +7

      A buddy of mine was stationed in Japan for two years with the US Marines. He still says it was one of the greatest moments of his life. He really loved your country.

    • @MJEnglish12
      @MJEnglish12 3 роки тому +9

      @@Messywildcat78 Than you for your service! We Koreans are grateful of your service, and will never forget 36,940 fallen soldiers, 3,737 missing ones, 110,000 veterans. US soldiers literally keeps God given freedom around the world!

  • @ar1steia486
    @ar1steia486 3 роки тому +68

    The message in this song is so amazing, we have such a binary view of society and it's time to break that stigma and bring everyone together in love

    • @edwinalewis
      @edwinalewis 3 роки тому +2

      And again, Amen💕🇺🇸🥰🙏

  • @JustMe-vk4fn
    @JustMe-vk4fn 3 роки тому +65

    "We've been Hateful long enough". Indeed. It's as simple as the Golden Rule. All we have to do is walk a mile in someone else's shoes, use our heads and our hearts and be grateful for what we have and willing to share in supporting the Common Good for everyone. "A high tide raises all boats". I wouldn't limit the strength of this song and its message to the U.S. This is a global effort that we should undertake for the sake of the future of our world and all its creatures, large and small. Humans have been at war with one another for thousands of years and have done *nothing* to solve the mutual problems that every human society on Earth faces every day. We *are* better than this.

    • @scotttovey
      @scotttovey 3 роки тому +3

      ""We've been Hateful long enough". Indeed. It's as simple as the Golden Rule."
      One would think, but it really isn't that simple.
      There is always some tyrant like Joe Biden and the marxist democrats fighting to take people's rights away. If we don't fight them, we loose our rights.
      "All we have to do is walk a mile in someone else's shoes, use our heads and our hearts and be grateful for what we have and willing to share in supporting the Common Good for everyone."
      Walking in someone else's shoes is unnecessary. All one need do is be humble and obey the commandment to "love thy neighbor as thyself".
      Understanding where the person is coming from is not as necessary as giving him or her a good kick in the pants if that is what they need. Unfortunately; there are bunch of idiots that go around kicking people in the pants when in most cases; they need someone to take the time to help them see what they are not seeing, rather than assume it's all common sense.
      " "A high tide raises all boats". I wouldn't limit the strength of this song and its message to the U.S. This is a global effort that we should undertake for the sake of the future of our world and all its creatures, large and small."
      All anti-war songs are directed at the United States.
      However, when the United States was not engaged in a long protracted war; a group of psychos flew plains into the world trade center, the pentagon and s third target that was spared when the passengers fought the hijackers and brought down the plane.
      "Humans have been at war with one another for thousands of years and have done nothing to solve the mutual problems that every human society on Earth faces every day. We are better than this."
      That's because the only one that can solve the problem of war is Jesus Christ.
      Remember, the wars that are coming in the not too distant future; are the direct result of Biden and company showing America to be week and unwilling to fight, rather than strong and will bomb you into the stone age if attacked.
      Pacifists never have peace.
      Pacifists are the first to lose in war;
      the first to become slaves.

    • @JustMe-vk4fn
      @JustMe-vk4fn 3 роки тому +10

      @@scotttoveyDon't put words into my comment. Especially when you are falling prey to the very divisions that separate decent people from other decent people like blaming this politician or that political theory for Humanity's eternal ignorant selfish inability to recognize the humanity of "others" which is nothing except tribalism. "Walking in other's shoes" equals *thinking* about the difficulties other people face that *you* perhaps have never had to face and that *is* necessary to find solutions. Since you seem to support that we "bomb people into the stone age if attacked" I fail to understand why you're quoting Jesus at all. Especially when he was just another person attempting to teach the people of *his* day how to live together without war. Recall *his* reward for his efforts? His life was ended by the ultra-rich of *his* day whose profit-margins *he* was threatening to decrease. Oh, and the word "week" in your last sentence should be spelled "weak" as in "unsupported by fact" - just like your arguments above.

    • @margfried8796
      @margfried8796 3 роки тому +2

      @@JustMe-vk4fn well said both posts.

    • @scotttovey
      @scotttovey 3 роки тому +1

      "Don't put words into my comment."
      I copy and pasted your post; anything that was in their I put quotes around and kept quited the parts you quoted. Hmm, given that people have such a hard time seeing quotes; maybe I'll use angle brackets instead.
      > "Walking in other's shoes" equals thinking about the difficulties other people face that you perhaps have never had to face and that is necessary to find solutions.<
      Not if you're following the current wokism craze of redefining everything and anything to mean it's racist or hate.
      >Since you seem to support that we "bomb people into the stone age if attacked<
      It's real simple, if you don't want to be bombed into the stone age, don't be an idiot terrorist that decides to attack the nation with the most bombs.
      If you haven't figured it out; those people don't care how nice you are too them; they will cut your head off for not being one of them.
      >I fail to understand why you're quoting Jesus at all. Especially when he was just another person<
      That's because unlike me, you are not a disciple of Jesus Christ. I quote Jesus because so many people have absolutely no idea who He is. They foolishly focus on what they want to hear and disregard what they don't want to hear; such as your claim that He was just another person.
      Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh. He is not just another person or another prophet or another good person.
      "attempting to teach the people of his day how to live together without war."
      That's not what Jesus said; in fact He said He came to send a sword and not peace.
      Matthew 10:34: Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
      Much of what Christ taught was to correct the centuries of corrupted teachings by the Rabbinical order.
      >Recall his reward for his efforts? His life was ended by the ultra-rich of his day whose profit-margins he was threatening to decrease.<
      They could have done nothing if He was not willing to die. They did not take His life, He laid His life down.
      John 10:15: As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.
      16: And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
      17: Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.
      18: No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
      The problem with wicked people is that they do not know when to stop and walk away. They think killing a man gives them victory and to a degree it does. However, if that man intended to die so that He could rise from the dead, and does in deed rise from the dead after His enemies have killed Him; they didn't actually win. They just fell into His trap.
      >Oh, and the word "week" in your last sentence should be spelled "weak" as in "unsupported by fact" - just like your arguments above.<
      Yeah, I get the spellings of same sounding words mixed up a lot.
      It took years for me to get their, there and they're straight in my head.
      It looks like I'm still weak and need to spend more weeks; with weak and week.
      I guess I could associate eeeee; with a celebratory scream at the end of the week.
      Then again the ea in scream matches quite well with wea.... Ah snicker doodles. Now I'm over thinking this!
      Personally, I think it's my brain subconsciously rebelling against the many assertions by people accusing me of being a genius.
      Just an FYI: if someone that doesn't know you very well accuses you of being a genius; watch your back; they may have a knife ready for it.

    • @JustMe-vk4fn
      @JustMe-vk4fn 3 роки тому +1

      @@scotttovey You and your notions of assuming you know what you're talking about are becoming tedious. G'bye.

  • @LowbassSIG
    @LowbassSIG 3 роки тому +46

    Home Free,
    I hope you guys read these.
    Thank you so much for this masterpiece. Truly a great message that needs to be shared more these days. We forgot that we are just people, of all different walks of life, trying to figure out how to navigate this crazy world.
    Thank you!

  • @everydaypatriot1083
    @everydaypatriot1083 3 роки тому +93

    Another great song that the world needs to hear. Unfortunately, big media is usually intent on sowing division.

    • @terrishort8973
      @terrishort8973 3 роки тому +4

      Amen 🙏 ✝️

    • @Ian-dp5zy
      @Ian-dp5zy 3 роки тому +9

      Division is the only way they make money

    • @wheelchairtransfermeaux2719
      @wheelchairtransfermeaux2719 3 роки тому +4

      You are absolutely right and it's a shame. Some people thrive on division.

    • @terrishort8973
      @terrishort8973 3 роки тому +13

      Well?? I pray a lot.
      It is very sad the way the world is right now. I'm a little afraid to say anything. Here it goes.
      I'm a Christian and Prayer Warrior here. I watch and pray. I don't have any hate here.
      I hope you have a nice weekend. 😊🇺🇸✝️🙏🙏🙏

  • @snowyowl611
    @snowyowl611 2 роки тому +5

    I agree with every word of this song. There is no need to keep fighting, it's time we all stand as One. We are all human. We all need to understand this..it doesn't take a lot of effort to be kind to someone. It might just make their day. Please be kind to each other. We are not that different. We have things on common. Music for one.
    To anyone reading this know you are loved and I wish you the best for you on your life.❤️

  • @nancysoukup6545
    @nancysoukup6545 3 роки тому +3

    Radio stations need to play this song more.

  • @Rosiepooh75
    @Rosiepooh75 3 роки тому +16

    Such a poignant song, not just for America, but the world. Absolutely loved it, guys! 💗

  • @musamohammed2438
    @musamohammed2438 2 роки тому +3

    Best country song ever!! Who else agrees? It's Fantastic. 🤠🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

  • @yolandaclaassen4492
    @yolandaclaassen4492 3 роки тому +35

    I was raised by parents who taught me that we are all people, no matter what. Yes, if we looked at one another with love there would be no hate in this world. Thank you for showing us all that we can do this, thank you for giving a voice to those who have none, thank you for the love that you put into every song. You are going from strength to strength, well done.

    • @Phobos1483
      @Phobos1483 3 роки тому

      How good are you? Is that the recipe for raising a child to become good? If we were all good the world would be a good place. If some are bad they will take advantage of our goodness. If we would be good, we would be like sons of God, imitating our father. As you can see God is good and gracious and merciful and patience for people to repent and bow down to His truth and way to be saved. But as you can see as God is good, people take advantage of that. If we were like God we would give them a chance to repent. Even the worst people you can imagine. And suffer what they will do to us. So even if we would be just like God but some or even one would not be, this world would still be ruined and a shit hole full of suffering and pain. There goes your positivity, you're welcome. And thank you ironically for your own contribution too. I hate myself for mine too.

    • @parcormasteryesiknowispell4337
      @parcormasteryesiknowispell4337 3 роки тому

      @@Phobos1483 You good bro??????

    • @Phobos1483
      @Phobos1483 3 роки тому

      @@parcormasteryesiknowispell4337 No I'm not good.

    • @Phobos1483
      @Phobos1483 3 роки тому

      @@parcormasteryesiknowispell4337 But I do feel good.

    • @parcormasteryesiknowispell4337
      @parcormasteryesiknowispell4337 3 роки тому

      @@Phobos1483 ?????

  • @GaiaOne
    @GaiaOne 3 роки тому +19

    These men did it again. Another catchy tune, beautiful harmonies, inspirational lyrics. And they dropped in time for 9/11. Damn, they're good.

    • @scottdemboski3488
      @scottdemboski3488 2 роки тому

      Hello good afternoon

    • @henrydean7902
      @henrydean7902 Рік тому

      Hello Gaia one, how are you doing??

    • @GaiaOne
      @GaiaOne Рік тому +2

      This isn't appropriate. This isn't a dating app.

  • @michellemunn7959
    @michellemunn7959 3 роки тому +31

    Love the song!!! And something we all need to hear no matter the country

  • @juanitar.miller5210
    @juanitar.miller5210 2 роки тому +15

    This piece is SO moving in so many ways!! As I write this comment, I’m trying to see through so many tears… happy, sad, all kinds. That y’all can move us this much is proof of your sense of what a good song is, burn it’s message deep into our hearts and, most of all, how to deliver it!

  • @CaptainMarvelsSon
    @CaptainMarvelsSon 3 роки тому +24

    One of the greatest gifts one can give is acceptance of other people's differences.

  • @evathomas2788
    @evathomas2788 3 роки тому +3

    Adam , Austin , Chance, Rob and Tim
    I would like to thank you for this beautiful song and music video this world needs this because 20 years ago this world was attacked, at that time the world United.. I'm Wiccan we believe in peace, harmony, nature, harm no one, merry we meet and merry we part and that love one another as the God's wanted us to

  • @bridgetmccracken1381
    @bridgetmccracken1381 3 роки тому +12

    United we stand, please remember this!!!

  • @fatimagrenha8790
    @fatimagrenha8790 3 роки тому +4

    You have been separated, but I love to ear all of you and together and please come to Portugal 🇵🇹
    I know there’s a lot of people would like to see you here guys

  • @mindywolfe7526
    @mindywolfe7526 2 роки тому +1

    What we need in this world right now! “We have been hateful long enough.”

    • @scottdemboski3488
      @scottdemboski3488 2 роки тому

      how are you doing ?

    • @masonwater4995
      @masonwater4995 2 роки тому

      Hello Mindy wolf how are you doing today my name is mason water nice to meet you here 🌹

  • @vinnieblair8576
    @vinnieblair8576 3 роки тому +8

    Home Free, you guys sure are fulfilling your reason here on earth. Your group has a purpose and we love you for not just the amazing music that you give us, but also for the love you spread and how you share your humanity with your fans. You are the real deal! Cheers!

  • @stevekissel605
    @stevekissel605 3 роки тому +2

    I agree but when one group says it's our way or the highway it gets hard.

  • @marveludus
    @marveludus 3 роки тому +25

    This is such an important message. I truly believe we can make a change if we come together.

    • @r.m.martin6661
      @r.m.martin6661 3 роки тому +1

      Amen!!! We need this necessary & needed song for such a time as this!!!

    @FATIMAPECHI 3 роки тому +41

    I loved it!! This song is something that really speaks about what many countries around the world are living through right now, including mine. It just touches my soul and helps me keep the faith in the future. Love you guys!

  • @shaeambler9866
    @shaeambler9866 3 роки тому +2

    If we would all think like this the world would be a better brighter safer place thank you Home Free

  • @MegaEaglelover
    @MegaEaglelover 3 роки тому +3

    As a Veteran I hope for this Daily

    • @barbarakelly1916
      @barbarakelly1916 3 роки тому +2

      Thanks to all veterans and active forces members, for their service. It is too easy to take this for granted.

  • @PoppiB
    @PoppiB 3 роки тому +11

    Preaching to the choir I think. Love the idea. Love the concept. Love the song, Love HOME FREE

  • @sharon24leigh
    @sharon24leigh 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you Home Free 👍. Life is hard enough , it's free too smile, hug and let someone know you care. 🤗 👍💕👍

  • @jackierobertson7329
    @jackierobertson7329 3 роки тому +3

    Best singing group out there right now. Love them.

  • @nateblue7812
    @nateblue7812 3 роки тому +1

    I was raised to think on my own and be kind to everyone.. that's why I got into the fire/rescue. Help thy neighbor, no matter what.

  • @Shabanezloth
    @Shabanezloth 3 роки тому +25

    This song is gorgeous in every way that a song can be gorgeous

  • @kathleen2754
    @kathleen2754 3 роки тому +4

    Yall have knocked it out of the park once again. No wonder I love you guys 🇺🇸

  • @brigittelittle8590
    @brigittelittle8590 3 роки тому +5

    As far as I’m concerned, your group has already made the world a better place. You bring happiness into so many lives! Thank you. See you in December.

  • @opotikigirlabroad2558
    @opotikigirlabroad2558 3 роки тому +2

    Ka rawe, e aku hoa - awesome, my friends! (In Maori). Undivided. Kiri, Newcastle Australia 💜

  • @belinda9696
    @belinda9696 3 роки тому +2

    This song is a beautiful song and Home Free's voices made it even more beautiful. They may have dropped this near 9/11 because, after that hate and tragedy of the towers collapsing, everyone pulled together to help one another in this country and it was a beautiful thing and really this should happen every day for us all to come together, do things for each other, support one another, no matter who you are or who they are, what you do or what they do, how you look or how they look. We are all brothers and sisters, connected together in some similar way, just be good to each other, it's not hard to do that and love feels better than hate in your heart. Love is happiness.

  • @deborahdean636
    @deborahdean636 2 роки тому +4

    This is a powerful message! Thank you so much for making this song, and I pray people truly listen to what the lyrics are saying! I love you guys!

  • @okmjtmm
    @okmjtmm 3 роки тому +6

    Perfect song for bringing us together again after all this silly nonsense continues in parties.
    USA 🇺🇸 Strong ❤️

  • @ladonnaburk4020
    @ladonnaburk4020 3 роки тому +3

    Absolutely wonderful song. Words are spot on!

  • @katiesams1375
    @katiesams1375 3 роки тому +17

    This is definitely going to be on constant rotation at my house for the next two weeks without a doubt

  • @patreciaober3470
    @patreciaober3470 3 роки тому +5

    Great message. We need to be thinking of others instead of always ourselves. Always be kind to others and not be selfish. We need to start helping each other. Everyone should listen to this song. Thanks guys for the great song and message.

  • @wyattmartin9215
    @wyattmartin9215 3 роки тому +5

    This song is a good reason to love home free. They sing songs with common sense and words that as a Christian I can get behind.

  • @samsanderson224
    @samsanderson224 3 роки тому +11

    Awesome, guys! Perfect timing and so appropriate. Love you all, from Massachusetts ❤️❤️❤️✝️✝️✝️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  • @Nivitakibondo
    @Nivitakibondo 3 роки тому +9

    Once we unite nothing can divide us for sure, we are elsewhere different but we can make a world a better place.
    I love you guys from the bottom of my heart with love of🇷🇼

  • @misapus
    @misapus 3 роки тому +7

    Another amazing song from my favorite band ❤️

  • @kristenbutler2438
    @kristenbutler2438 3 роки тому +1

    Perfect song for our current time in America. Also who the heck is giving this a thumbs down?

  • @cbisctfan
    @cbisctfan 3 роки тому +1

    I was hoping you guys would do this song. I knew it would be awesome, and I was right! lol! Beautiful job guys!

  • @allenclaytor8551
    @allenclaytor8551 2 роки тому +1

    if everybody would listen to this every morning the world would be a better place.

  • @maryjones4791
    @maryjones4791 3 роки тому +5

    Now that was the best wake up call ever !❤️ You guys !

  • @justkim5719
    @justkim5719 3 роки тому +5

    I live by this, taught my kids this message. Here's to hoping we can all be undivided.

  • @yvonnemcmahan9037
    @yvonnemcmahan9037 3 роки тому +7

    I love this song. We were raised that way and I raised my son the same way.

  • @Tribblepuppy
    @Tribblepuppy 3 роки тому +18

    Great cover of a very important message. Well done, guys!

  • @christinephilpot5063
    @christinephilpot5063 3 роки тому +11

    Love this ❤️. What a great message for us all. 🥰

  • @marveludus
    @marveludus 3 роки тому +10

    I did not expect this at all! I'm so happy!! Every time I hear your music I recall so many happy memories.

  • @Hundhammer
    @Hundhammer 3 роки тому +8

    Peace and Love from Germany! Great Song, thank you!

  • @tonyakidd9965
    @tonyakidd9965 3 роки тому +8

    Hey how are you boys? 💘 the new song as always. Home fries love you. Why would you not think that our boys came up another notch. Their giving the world exactly what they need from above..

  • @lindacotter9058
    @lindacotter9058 3 роки тому +4

    Wow! Sharing this - so many people need to hear this 🙏🏽.

    • @lindacotter9058
      @lindacotter9058 2 роки тому

      @Austin Howland
      Thank you! Doing as well as anyone can expect in this crazy time, I guess. Hope you and yours are as well. Happy 2022 and hope things improve for all of us.

    • @lindacotter9058
      @lindacotter9058 2 роки тому

      @Austin Howland
      Henderson, NV. It’s cold now but very sunny. Still in mask wearing in indoor spaces but we are able to eat out on occasion when I feel it may be safe to do so. I’m a nurse so am not easily convinced that going out in public is safe yet.

    • @lindacotter9058
      @lindacotter9058 2 роки тому

      @Austin Howland
      No but have been here for 20 years. Retiring soon 🤞 and will move back East.

    • @lindacotter9058
      @lindacotter9058 2 роки тому

      @Austin Howland
      Married for more than 25 years - seems like just yesterday that we met. You?

    • @lindacotter9058
      @lindacotter9058 2 роки тому

      @Austin Howland
      Been a nurse for over 50 years

  • @CowboyCree63
    @CowboyCree63 3 роки тому +5

    We will be truly undivided once those who claim tolerance, but only if it's aligned with THEIR beliefs, give up and are truly tolerant of those who don't believe or think as they do.

  • @edwinalewis
    @edwinalewis 3 роки тому +11

    Love the words, love the music, love the harmony, love the thought, love the voices... Love Home Free🎶💕 Thanks, guys. May we see it happen...soon🙏

    • @edwinalewis
      @edwinalewis 2 роки тому

      @Austin Howland Pretty well, Austin. Thanks for the reply and for asking.

    • @scottdemboski3488
      @scottdemboski3488 2 роки тому

      Hello how are you? Beautiful song

    • @henrydean7902
      @henrydean7902 Рік тому

      Hello Edwina, how are you doing??

  • @wilde13
    @wilde13 2 роки тому +1

    In times like today...let's come together, let us be the change...peace guys! 🕊

  • @mandyconway9692
    @mandyconway9692 3 роки тому +2

    Awesome message. Hope people will listen. Love you guys. 🥰🥰

  • @lrfcowper
    @lrfcowper 3 роки тому +4

    As I said in the first upload of this: Awesome video, great harmonies, very important message. Been waiting to share this one.

  • @mlafou
    @mlafou 3 роки тому +10

    Great new song. I love the lyric we've been hateful long enough.

  • @kathybern-cw1xo
    @kathybern-cw1xo Рік тому +1

    Can you imagine how wonderful this world would be if everyone took these words to heart.

  • @EchoesOfEmotionReact
    @EchoesOfEmotionReact 3 роки тому +8

    This made my day!😁 I wish more people would use their influence to spread positivity! 😁
    Listened this 3 times in a row and it hit harder every time😅

    • @henrydean7902
      @henrydean7902 Рік тому

      Hello Lieben Toten Reacts,how are you doing??

  • @sheripatin3260
    @sheripatin3260 2 роки тому +2

    I love this so much! Your timing of this is so perfect for what we need these days!! Perfect sound, words, everything!

    • @markhonest9350
      @markhonest9350 2 роки тому

      I like this song as well 🥰 how are you Sheri?

    • @henrydean7902
      @henrydean7902 Рік тому

      Hello Sheri Patin, how are you doing??

  • @coletedeux
    @coletedeux 3 роки тому +2

    Life is not black or white, it is myriad shades of gray.

  • @lauradarcy239
    @lauradarcy239 3 роки тому +5

    Love this!!💕 If I had the power, I would make this the new theme song of mankind! Such simple but powerful words that we all need to hear. Thanks for this song! Home Free NEVER disappoints. 💕💕

  • @nancyblumer3598
    @nancyblumer3598 3 роки тому +1

    Homefree can you keep me in prayer right now because I have melonamà cancer stage 4 right now and I love you all so much and care for you are my favorite group to listen to

  • @marlahudgins7038
    @marlahudgins7038 3 роки тому +3


    • @drakehonest9116
      @drakehonest9116 2 роки тому

      Hey how are you doing today??

    • @marlahudgins7038
      @marlahudgins7038 2 роки тому

      um, ok

    • @drakehonest9116
      @drakehonest9116 2 роки тому

      @@marlahudgins7038 Nice meeting you here where are you originally from?

    • @marlahudgins7038
      @marlahudgins7038 2 роки тому +1


    • @drakehonest9116
      @drakehonest9116 2 роки тому +1

      @@marlahudgins7038 I've been to California before it's a very beautiful place to stay
      I'm originally from Norway but live in Houston texas

  • @janhankins911
    @janhankins911 3 роки тому +9

    A very needed message right now. I'm glad Home Free (who is so popular with so many people) has the courage to stand up and send messages like this.

  • @sandrakennedy4877
    @sandrakennedy4877 3 роки тому +3

    Balm for the heart and soul. Thank you, in these troubled times we need more of this World wide.

  • @kathysizemore9975
    @kathysizemore9975 3 роки тому +9

    Thank you for your music 💝 You guys are truly amazing. Such a powerful message and one that needs to be heard. Keep them coming because we all enjoy your music so much.

  • @dmckim3174
    @dmckim3174 3 роки тому +3

    When September 11 happened there was a hope that the tragedy might help people come together and not be so decisive. Unfortunately that isn't the way things have played out.

  • @evonnewhalen9794
    @evonnewhalen9794 3 роки тому +3

    Beautiful song. I love the lyrics..Thank you for sharing this song 🎵 ❤. Awesome video too.

  • @kristinemiller3786
    @kristinemiller3786 3 роки тому +11


  • @Magic-Man82
    @Magic-Man82 3 роки тому +17

    I love this song and now it’s even better now that you’ve covered it, it’s even better. Easiest and fastest like I’ve ever left.

  • @StGhosts
    @StGhosts 3 роки тому +5

    I love how you guys are changing your videos up to different things now. Great job and awesome song.

  • @peachiejean5643
    @peachiejean5643 3 роки тому +3

    I was picked on in school. I taught my boys to respect others no matter who they are or where they are from. I have a very diverse family and wouldn't give any of them up for the world. This song is perfect for what is happening today all over the world. Thank you all for another great song. God Bless you and your families! 💕🤗😘🤠🙏

  • @carinalindberg7377
    @carinalindberg7377 3 роки тому +6

    Finally I can share it! This is one of the best songs you've done, guys! And the video is fantastic! Thank you! 🙏🥰💃

  • @TheJaca25
    @TheJaca25 3 роки тому +2

    You guys!! Briliant as always!! This message is so important and so true!! Love it!!!

  • @barbarakelly1916
    @barbarakelly1916 3 роки тому +8

    Inspiring,beautiful music........what we need most, now.
    I love how HF can be playful at times and at other times , touch hearts and minds. Will see you, when you visit my home city next spring!

  • @kathykalyn2666
    @kathykalyn2666 3 роки тому +4

    Simply Beautifully stated and sung! Thanks!

  • @lisamarshall1769
    @lisamarshall1769 3 роки тому +4

    Beautiful song with a wonderful message. Love that Home Free is spreading light and love and amazing harmonies! Very creative video - great job guys! 💛🎶💛

  • @denisesmith1424
    @denisesmith1424 3 роки тому +9

    You guys are amazing. I love the heart and soul you put in to the music you choose to do. This one made me tear up. You all make me laugh and leave me feeling like I can get through this mess. Thank you all so much

  • @AustinOvercash
    @AustinOvercash 3 роки тому +2

    United we stand divided we fall

  • @jannachristie5111
    @jannachristie5111 3 роки тому +3

    Is this a song wrote by Tim? I love it, the words and rhythm are mwah! Bravo you guys! 🎤❤️👌🏽

  • @broodyraccoon1
    @broodyraccoon1 3 роки тому +4

    Love this song. I don't see race, religion, colour. I tend to look at the heart of each person l meet.
    It's how l've taught my son and now my Granddaughter has learnt it also. There are good nd bad people in ALL types, but if you look into the heart of a Person you can't go wrong.
    Love nd Respect to you All, Love from Australia. 🙏👍💜🌹🇦🇺😁

  • @joycemarieosborn
    @joycemarieosborn 3 роки тому +5

    Life is so hard without all this discord! Love that about y’all, you pull people together and so should our government, churches, communities, all races, and all of mankind! We owe that to each other! Okay hat does everyone think Jesus is thinking about all of this division among what He created! Just love y’all. Keep love coming to us! We need it! ❤️❤️❤️🏡🍟

  • @annamariazimmermann8017
    @annamariazimmermann8017 Рік тому

    We all bleed the same blood. We all breathe the same air. We all cry the same tears. We are all brothers and sisters.

  • @amandahandlin1405
    @amandahandlin1405 3 роки тому +1

    I really love you guys this song was great and I think that we all really needed to hear this right now God bless you guys

  • @sharonmortimer3843
    @sharonmortimer3843 3 роки тому +10

    This is truly a beautiful song with the deep meaning. That you so much for doing this song when it needs to be heard again. You guys always such humble and caring. Thank you!

  • @maryluger-sartor9411
    @maryluger-sartor9411 3 роки тому +3

    This made me so emotional. Thank you for this amazing gift.

  • @f.n.schlub2269
    @f.n.schlub2269 3 роки тому +2

    Sometimes I just can't help loving you guys. This is one of those times.
    Thank you.

  • @jeannewalker2863
    @jeannewalker2863 3 роки тому +4

    Thank you guys for putting into words what most of us feel. God Bless you all🙏🇱🇷

  • @stefparthemore1562
    @stefparthemore1562 3 роки тому +1

    This should be our new National Anthem. Love the message.

  • @ruthneurink953
    @ruthneurink953 3 роки тому +6

    This is actually beautifull guys❤️

    • @ruthneurink953
      @ruthneurink953 2 роки тому

      @Austin Howland I'm doing great! How are you doing? Happy new year also btw😁💫

    • @ruthneurink953
      @ruthneurink953 2 роки тому

      @Austin Howland yes yes, im good, im from the Netherlands