River Severn Hike Part 2 - Redemption?

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @KeiteiVentures
    @KeiteiVentures Рік тому +50

    Yay Max! 🎉 You did it! You made that look like a lot of fun 😄
    Gosh the change in that weather, good job you saw that coming 🌧️.
    Loved your camping spots, they looked very peaceful.
    Will need to try these ration packs (especially the puddings).
    Looking forward to your next hiking adventure 😁!
    P.s Where you humming Wallace and Gromit ?

    • @maximusironthumper
      @maximusironthumper  Рік тому +12

      Yes I was, well spotted!

    • @macyacklewis5020
      @macyacklewis5020 Рік тому +7

      Only fitting to humm wallace and gromit when your on a grand adventure.🙂

    • @AndyCallaway
      @AndyCallaway Рік тому +3

      @@maximusironthumper Did you take any cheese with you?

    • @maximusironthumper
      @maximusironthumper  Рік тому +4

      @@AndyCallaway Nope, I'll have to go to the moon and get some!

    • @AndyCallaway
      @AndyCallaway Рік тому +3

      @@maximusironthumper 😄

  • @misterpontypine
    @misterpontypine Рік тому +4

    Ah, you made me smile so much watching this and your first one. I admire your decision to reign it back on the first trip because that gives me the ability to try something and take a few goes at it - it opens the door rather than closes it. And my heart was with you as someone who’s done similar type trips in Northumberland with some home made kit too. My first wildcamping trip I could hardly pick up my backpack it was so heavy. You mentioned the waterproofing mix being ancient and I’m certain our ancestors travelled relatively light when necessary and probably very intelligently. But we are just trying to pick up a thread long lost so it’s trial and error. But your films have been really interesting as well as heartfelt and genuine. My favourite moment was when you were trying to find the words to describe the success of your scout tent. I have so many projects building homemade mini fuel stoves for camping where I’ve looked with bewilderment at the less than mediocre result. But I’m sure it’s in our dna to try and innovate. And perhaps inspire as well as entertain on the way like you have done. Thank you for sharing it and for being yourself. It’s delightful 🙏

  • @cathibeastevenson634
    @cathibeastevenson634 Рік тому +2

    Enjoyed watching the difference between your first right and your second

  • @Lexicondiablo
    @Lexicondiablo Рік тому +24

    Smashing hiking Grommet (he whistled).

  • @chrisb4504
    @chrisb4504 Рік тому +2

    Really great to watch like all of your content thank you ✌️

  • @jeales895
    @jeales895 Рік тому +3

    Thanks for taking the time and effort to share this with us
    Perfect example of british weather
    I hope you're proud of yourself

  • @michaeltoner1993
    @michaeltoner1993 Рік тому +2

    good stuff, at least tthe wind was behind you!

  • @Dominic.Minischetti
    @Dominic.Minischetti Рік тому +5

    What a difference! You were walking straighter, you were whistling and you looked so happy! Bravo my friend! I enjoyed coming along! Thanks for sharing!

  • @michaelbritton9778
    @michaelbritton9778 Рік тому +3

    Well done. You made it. Another interesting trip. And a marvellous video. Also wonderful country side. Once again well done to you.

  • @cliveramsbotty6077
    @cliveramsbotty6077 Рік тому +7

    well done for being one of those rare people who says they are going to do something and actually does it

  • @davidbentley3863
    @davidbentley3863 Рік тому +2

    Great JOB, did yourself proud 👍

  • @michaelcoghlan5521
    @michaelcoghlan5521 Рік тому +2

    ahhh, British summertime! 5:53

  • @mrmattrowe
    @mrmattrowe Рік тому +5

    Well done Max, cracking effort!

  • @deepheight
    @deepheight Рік тому +2

    Congratulations that's no mean feat. I'm sure I would have lost my sense of humour in that wind and rain. Thanks for the entertainment.

  • @abucketofelves
    @abucketofelves Рік тому +2

    Well played Sir, just goes to show sometimes you can try again with less baggage weighing you down and find redemption! Glad it worked out for you.

    @MACLADILLY Рік тому +2

    This time round you were whistling which you always do when you're happy it seems👍🙂

  • @torque9889
    @torque9889 Рік тому +2

    You should try an visit the lost village of Tyneham in Dorset. Suppose to be a big trek to find it in the middle of a nowhere.

  • @anndoig2459
    @anndoig2459 Рік тому +2

    Well done Max - quite a trek.....thankyou for inviting us along.

  • @richardhart7652
    @richardhart7652 Рік тому +2

    Well done Max you did it

  • @rudimentaryganglia
    @rudimentaryganglia Рік тому +16

    A perfect example of how changeable our weather in the UK can be for anyone who doesn't live here or hasn't visited lol

  • @rogerwileman9965
    @rogerwileman9965 Рік тому +3

    Keep it up mate you are doing well. I am so enjoying the trip .

  • @jeph-rey
    @jeph-rey Рік тому +9

    You are a lovely person Max, thanks for sharing your journey.

  • @goundreykruse
    @goundreykruse Рік тому +3

    That was great.

  • @highdownmartin
    @highdownmartin Рік тому +2

    No failure on part one. Thats a recce : part two ,mission accomplished

  • @The22adamms
    @The22adamms 8 місяців тому +2

    Great vid max, i used to work all along the severn from Tewksbury down to severn bridges snd was good to see all those familiar places on the river.
    Surprised the old white defender at the back of Gloucester tip didn’t grab your attention 😂

    • @maximusironthumper
      @maximusironthumper  8 місяців тому +1

      I did spot it! But I was down to my last little bit of battery power by then so didn't film it.

    • @The22adamms
      @The22adamms 8 місяців тому +2

      @@maximusironthumper haha.
      Iv seen the tide go over that flood wall a few years ago, thats why its got a new coping stone all along it!
      Lots of the orchards like the one you were in have rare apple trees in that are only found along the severn, like Arlingham schoolboy strain and many more!

  • @JamesSleeman
    @JamesSleeman Рік тому +2

    There are no failures, only lessons.

  • @JockeSelin
    @JockeSelin Рік тому +2

    Well done! 🎉

  • @ianski65
    @ianski65 Рік тому +1

    Jolly good show old chap, thoroughly enjoyed that. MYOG (UA-cam buzz word) is keeping it real in this world of just buying everything off the peg. Proper Boy Scout attitude. Sweet 👌

  • @dfishpool7052
    @dfishpool7052 Рік тому +1

    Thank you Max for a lovely presentation and congratulations on achieving your objective; well done. As to Mr Telford's bridge, I remember when it was in regular use before the modern bridge was built. Apparently at the time of the construction of Mr Telford's bridge many people were struck by the gentle curve of the road way and it was often referred to as "Mr Telford's flat archer".

  • @johncochrane2707
    @johncochrane2707 Рік тому +17

    Well done Max a really great second go, and another fantastic video. I really enjoyed this entire series.

  • @icryostorm3727
    @icryostorm3727 Рік тому +2

    well done - glad you re-did it!

  • @BokorRider
    @BokorRider Рік тому +2

    well done

  • @edgeeffect
    @edgeeffect Рік тому +7

    Well, this certainly captures the true wet and windy spirit of the summer of 2023.

  • @dodgybodger3124
    @dodgybodger3124 Рік тому +2

    Brilliant Max. BIG 👍 from me. 😃

  • @rogerphillips450
    @rogerphillips450 Рік тому +2

    Well done, enjoyed that.

  • @davidk6271
    @davidk6271 Рік тому +2

    Good effort , well done. I always loved the time I spent in the countryside, especially sunset and sunrise.

  • @johnsy073
    @johnsy073 Рік тому +4

    I’m stoked that I’m not the only one that whistles and hums Wallace and Gromit when I’m out walking, nice one Max

  • @simonbartlett5
    @simonbartlett5 Рік тому +1

    I’m quite envious.

  • @simonbartlett5
    @simonbartlett5 Рік тому +2

    There’s a whole lot of vicarious living going on here, obviously including myself. But max, you’re doing it . Thanks.

  • @batch6792
    @batch6792 Рік тому +2

    Next time you might wanna take a bungee that'll stretch around your waist - for when you have to wear the poncho in extreme wind. 😊 Glad you had fun this time.

  • @bradpalmer2914
    @bradpalmer2914 Рік тому +3

    Bloody well done Max, I knew you ad it in you.
    Really pleased for you

  • @paulmclaughlan3204
    @paulmclaughlan3204 Рік тому +1

    You are an inspiration and a good lad. Great content take care Soldier!!!

  • @richardl7161
    @richardl7161 Рік тому +4

    Great to see Keitei turning up, she's quite an impressive lady and I enjoy her channel after you pojnted us that way. I'm glad you completed your adventure, well done.

  • @andrewfletcher5621
    @andrewfletcher5621 Рік тому +2

    Great bit of work there, well done on not giving up and having another go.
    Thanks for the recommendation it Katie Ventures. Subscribed 👍

  • @Jaqaroo
    @Jaqaroo Рік тому +3

    That was great Max! Very enjoyable. Well done!

  • @English.Andy1
    @English.Andy1 Рік тому +5

    Max that was brilliant mate. Great achievement indeed & a memory to hold on to for a lifetime

  • @Pjp43
    @Pjp43 Рік тому +2

    To not try is to fail! Max, your a star & where would we be without our parents, god bless them. ❤️❤️

  • @dr.chrismort8448
    @dr.chrismort8448 Рік тому +3

    Great video Max👍glad you completed your adventure.

  • @Alonsel3
    @Alonsel3 Рік тому +2

    The sound on the grass. Is this minecraft ASMR!?!?!?

  • @lazylad8544
    @lazylad8544 Рік тому +2

    Not bad for a man of your years😉. As I sit here watching at home. 👍👍

  • @martynholliday9699
    @martynholliday9699 Рік тому +4

    Well done, a good effort.
    Thanks for the introduction to Katie's channel.

  • @spiderdad00
    @spiderdad00 Рік тому +1

    Well done Max a really great video

  • @chriswills4064
    @chriswills4064 Рік тому +8

    You see? Lessons learned from the first test hike, and all went well. So it wasn't a failure, just another learning experience. I went and had a look at Keitei Adventures after you pushed us to last time, and rather brilliantly, found her Tiny House project, which has been really interesting.

  • @thijs3514
    @thijs3514 Рік тому +2

    Well done and it looked like you had a joy this time! Thanks for sharing

  • @haycrossaudio5474
    @haycrossaudio5474 Рік тому +3

    Well done Max. I watched this, this morning whilst having a few coffees. Great video. What a journey. Hopefully you got back home, had a long hot bath and a few beers to celebrate 😂

  • @matthewwakeham2206
    @matthewwakeham2206 Рік тому +2

    I've had most success with Bridgedale Midweight Merino Performance Boot socks. That and Leukotape P (Patella strapping tape but also for blister prevention). I once had some tape that I haven't been able to find since but I know it went through a 60 degree wash and the glue was so strong that after 2 days and 40 miles on dartmoor the only way it would come off was to soak it in the bath. I think the hot wash helped the glue and tape meld together. For all taping operations I would recommend cleaing the area with pure surgical spirit first (not the stuff with castor oil added). You can put some cotton wool balls in a container and soak them with surgical spirit rather than carrying the liquid itself. You could also use them as fire lighters in an emergency!

  • @ianthebastard8128
    @ianthebastard8128 Рік тому +3

    Damn good yomp Max, I enjoyed the entire journey.

  • @g7mks383
    @g7mks383 Рік тому +2

    Well done Max, great trip I enjoyed every mile with you. Thanks.

  • @bobbyfischer6786
    @bobbyfischer6786 Рік тому +2

    A tad mork!
    Well done, Sir

  • @worldofrandometry6912
    @worldofrandometry6912 Рік тому +3

    Well done for having another go and providing the videos you made in preparation. Very entertaining.

  • @DaveStevis
    @DaveStevis Рік тому +7

    So good to see you back at it! 💪

  • @bartbeekhuizen
    @bartbeekhuizen Рік тому +2

    2:48, Wallace and Gromit tune.

  • @Squarepeg57
    @Squarepeg57 Рік тому +1

    You did it mate! (Now you don’t have to do it again!) 👍

  • @lensmith8432
    @lensmith8432 Рік тому +3

    Excellent Max, well done I enjoyed every minute, Thanks.

  • @gigi3242
    @gigi3242 Рік тому +3

    Awesome!!! It was fun watching you make the camping gear; glad you gave it up for lighter stuff. So many interesting things to see when you walk/hike. Thanks for taking us with you. Be well

  • @Alonsel3
    @Alonsel3 Рік тому +1

    Was actually so great to see in almost real time that weather come in on your location. Here in Aus, Tasmania, often tourists get caught out by the extreme weather changes it can sometimes mean death no joke!

  • @philotown
    @philotown Рік тому +5

    A very well done walk Max. Quite inspirational . Another excellent video. Keep up the good works.

  • @georgeclements2742
    @georgeclements2742 Рік тому +2

    Thank you Max.

  • @danieljuggins3439
    @danieljuggins3439 Рік тому +1

    Looks like a great adventure. It did seem odd tho seeing you walk down towards Over, a route I've driven past many occasions.

  • @BaggieReg63
    @BaggieReg63 Рік тому +6

    Well done Max. Looked like you enjoyed yourself second time out.

  • @unspecified_brain
    @unspecified_brain Рік тому +2

    Good effort!

    @MYNICEEV Рік тому +1

    From Berkley to Over was my old stamping ground, I lived in Stonehouse and would go off on walks. Fishing the canal at Frampton. Where my sister Diane lived with her family. I was in my teens and often watched the Severn Bour from about where you were both standing on Over bridge. Did you get chance to see Over farm shop? An amazing place. Thank you for taking me down memory lane. I know I shall watch this video many times in the future. I am now 73 and Living in Hereford. yor feet feel better now you are home. Awesome.

  • @ChrisShute62
    @ChrisShute62 Рік тому +1

    So happy to see you enjoying yourself. If you're going further upstream, one day, the Ironbridge Gorge is well worth exploring. It's the birthplace of iron-thumping!
    Heavy duty military equipment works well for the military. If they're not comfortable carrying it, they get shouted at, or shot at, until the task is completed.

  • @Gabbro_1
    @Gabbro_1 Рік тому +3

    Fantastic, good to see the advice worked for you! Everyone has done that first overpacked trip, it's a rite of passage and converts everyone over to being very respectful of pack weight.
    A tip for ponchos; get it over your pack too, and in very high winds, run a length of paracord through the bottom eyelets and sinch it in a bit to your legs, stops it blowing everywhere so much. I love ponchos, use one for my wet gear, shelter, and backpack rain cover, 3 in 1, super lightweight. Good choice on the plough configuration, I'm sadly too tall to pull that off with my poncho.

  • @Chingfordassociates
    @Chingfordassociates Рік тому +2

    It reminded me of the Rocky film where he ran up the steps in Philadelphia on his second attempt. Well done, I enjoyed both journeys.

  • @thetwohundred5213
    @thetwohundred5213 Рік тому +3

    Interesting walk - glad you completed it. Hoping to see one or two more in the same vein. Your curiosity with everything around you makes for entertaining company.

  • @christopherforster6555
    @christopherforster6555 Рік тому +3

    I enjoyed your walk and glad you did to well done young man .

  • @issachunt3159
    @issachunt3159 Рік тому +1

    44:00 mins in - the joys of getting old!

  • @dek123
    @dek123 Рік тому +2

    Again I enjoyed this trip possibly more than you did.

  • @lukehi
    @lukehi Рік тому +3

    Max, just wanted to say I really enjoy your videos. They brighten my day.

  • @davidryder6025
    @davidryder6025 Рік тому +1

    Long term exiled in Australia it was great to see the old country in all its inclement glory. Great second vid and attempt 👍

  • @paulbeaumont2911
    @paulbeaumont2911 Рік тому +2


  • @stevek3036
    @stevek3036 Рік тому +2

    Mission Accomplished - and this time it seemed easy? Lighter back pack and walking shoes seemed to have made all the difference

  • @dragontattooee
    @dragontattooee Рік тому +3

    Great to see you've done it Max, another great video

  • @landrover90
    @landrover90 Рік тому +2

    Glad you enjoyed yourself this time max. I know the area well and walked many a charity mile along the Stroudwater when I was a lad in aid of it's restoration. Now I'm an old fart and they are still going at it.

  • @AdeJohnson
    @AdeJohnson Рік тому +3

    Really enjoying these mate, thank you.

  • @GrahamDallas
    @GrahamDallas Рік тому +7

    What an achievement, especially as you seemed really gutted the first time. It's a part of England I don't know much about so I was constantly pausing to check Google Maps and read up about some of the landmarks you pointed out. Entertaining and Educational.

  • @twotone3070
    @twotone3070 Рік тому +1

    The causeway almost met it's Waterloo.
    In 2009 Lock House at Framilode had a lovely hedge and tall trees, not an inert fence, but there is a swimming pool in there, humorous speculation, was it the lock?

  • @alanlansdell7533
    @alanlansdell7533 Рік тому +2

    Bristol's very own Wainwright.

  • @tomhumphries6606
    @tomhumphries6606 Рік тому +1

    Nicely done, thanks for sharing.

  • @dustymiller7758
    @dustymiller7758 Рік тому +3

    Well done Max, that was one long trek for a novice. Not so nice typical British weather to put up with too.

  • @stephengent9974
    @stephengent9974 Рік тому +3

    Well done mate. Having done some long distance walking, I know what it takes, and I was catered to. At the end it always seems like you haven't come far.

  • @205gti19
    @205gti19 Рік тому +2

    Great Max, a much more enjoyable experience for you this time. I have a nice picture of the remains of one of the old wooden barges at the graveyard from 30 odd years ago if you're interested. regards Lance

  • @MarkDurbin
    @MarkDurbin Рік тому +2

    Very nice, thanks :)

  • @daveunsworth9931
    @daveunsworth9931 Рік тому +2

    Very interesting and you made it, brilliant.

  • @Paulholio69
    @Paulholio69 Рік тому +2

    I've had great fun following along on Google Earth!

  • @twocvbloke
    @twocvbloke Рік тому +3

    Well done on making it to the end point, just shows that the mistakes of the previous attempt was just a rehearsal to iron things out for this adventure... :)

  • @wally10ize
    @wally10ize Рік тому +1

    Gryphea (devil's toenail)
    Great that you went out a second time. Not many would be so honest about the learning curve between one and two.

  • @275simon
    @275simon Рік тому +1

    Well max,well done to you on all your achievements,but we must say we have never been on such a creepy, dark, depressing walk,you need to get up to North Yorkshire ❤

  • @martindennehy3866
    @martindennehy3866 Рік тому +2

    Well done. Great to see you make it! What an amazing river and what a way to see it.