Tesla Model S Handover | Fully Charged

  • Опубліковано 3 лют 2025


  • @stephen_101
    @stephen_101 9 років тому +4

    Funny how you say it's not the performance model, but even this standard model will still wipe the floor of 99% of cars on the road. Thanks for the video!

  • @acps110
    @acps110 8 років тому +1

    I LOVE the gleeful excitement in this vid! Congratulations Robert and thanks for sharing your excitement of purchasing a new car with the rest of the world.

  • @miggy8011
    @miggy8011 9 років тому +5

    Congratulations Robert on your new toy, it is well deserved.

  • @ObiWanKeighobi
    @ObiWanKeighobi 8 років тому +41

    The noises he made in this haha xD

  • @JamesCookeVlogs
    @JamesCookeVlogs 9 років тому +1

    Cool, nice to see how excited you clearly were, despite having driven one for more time than the typical purchaser.

  • @scottevs8708
    @scottevs8708 9 років тому +5

    Congratulations Robert. I currently drive a bit of a gas guzzler and am "this" close to buying a Model S. You're pushing me closer to the edge!!!

    • @reedy4973
      @reedy4973 9 років тому

      You will not want to go back to a dirty noisy petrol or diesel once you go electric.

  • @DoubleNN
    @DoubleNN 9 років тому +48

    Came from a man that, when stuck in a desert filled with aliens was able to materialize hundreds of jerrycans to continue his trip, avoiding combat with said Aliens.

  • @kelvink8955
    @kelvink8955 9 років тому

    What a fantastic handover. And I love the name too. I'd never have thought I'd enjoy watching a 'Multi millionaire' collecting his posh new car. Loved it so much I'm now going to watch it again!
    Enjoy your car!

  • @andrewmurphy5310
    @andrewmurphy5310 8 років тому +5

    I love this channel so much.

  • @msyin9
    @msyin9 9 років тому

    Robert, what wonderful news to hear on this the eve of Independence Day in the USA. To think that you will have a Tesla for 3 years makes me smile as if I were handed the "key". You looked like a kid in a toy store! I can't wait to get my own Tesla but until then, I am very happy to smile and wave at the owners I see and look forward with more anticipation to your upcoming videos on this car and others. You have been independent from oil in regards to your car for some years now. It would be worth doing a segment on how that has effected you personally and your family both financially and psychologically. Enjoy the Tesla grin.

  • @fatcat220
    @fatcat220 9 років тому

    Congratulations Robert! I know that you'll love your Tesla. BTW, I love your channel. I'm catching up on your early episodes. FYI, I got my Tesla 70D on May 11th and had that same giddy smile on my face.

  • @ACoolStupidDog
    @ACoolStupidDog 9 років тому +61

    In an alien wasteland, this car would be perfect, no need to use magical infinite fuel. Amazing!

    • @mekhinorelien2153
      @mekhinorelien2153 9 років тому +3

      ACoolStupidDog Nerd! Cubed.

    • @buttAttack
      @buttAttack 9 років тому +1

      ACoolStupidDog Welll currently this car is in a alien wasteland sense the power stations are far and few in between.

    • @andrewduan5123
      @andrewduan5123 9 років тому +1

      ACoolStupidDog don't you get infinite fuel anyway?

    • @Patchuchan
      @Patchuchan 9 років тому

      How would you charge it?

    • @andrewduan5123
      @andrewduan5123 9 років тому

      Patchuchan unless you came from Nerdcubed's channel, you won't get the inside joke...

  • @coupespace
    @coupespace 9 років тому

    Congratulations! Best car on the planet. I've been driving my MS since March last year.
    Can't imagine to drive anything else but a Tesla!

  • @KillilaghChurch12
    @KillilaghChurch12 6 років тому

    This is my favourite fully charged Ever . This should be the Tesla U.K. TV ad

  • @Anamnesia
    @Anamnesia 9 років тому +19

    The front trunk is where you can store Spare Head #1. ;)

  • @tomsdaddy
    @tomsdaddy 9 років тому

    Absolutely Fabulous !
    We're all with you on the 'Silly Grin' thing ! - Enjoy !

  • @dbiswas
    @dbiswas 7 років тому

    He is so hilarious (in a good way). Like a kid got his gift from his wishlist :)

  • @jmurkz
    @jmurkz 9 років тому

    I am so pleased for you Robert, enjoy that beautiful car!

  • @CarrotTownGarage
    @CarrotTownGarage 9 років тому

    We currently have an Ampera and i was going to keep that and buy a Maserati Grancabrio however I am a huge fan of the Tesla and your sheer excitement may have convinced me otherwise. I bet you have to keep going outside to look at it and you just can't take the smile of your face.

  • @hermanpierrot
    @hermanpierrot 8 років тому

    I like your channel so much, its just the way you authentically enjoy every thing about these cars =)

  • @greyareaRK1
    @greyareaRK1 9 років тому +19

    Congratulations. I had the opportunity to drive one for a day last year, thanks to a friend. Awesome. Strangely, perhaps, but the thing that I loved, beside the performance and the amazing perks that come with one, is that its OS is constantly being updated and upgraded. Plans for the Leaf?

    • @fullychargedshow
      @fullychargedshow  9 років тому +4

      John Matthias Keeping the Leaf, 51,000 miles and still sweet as a nut. Use it every day.

    • @SpyzacFilms
      @SpyzacFilms 9 років тому

      fullychargedshow The real question, Does it have Skynet ;)

    • @wright.boy_
      @wright.boy_ 9 років тому

      M mdsrqdozgdqzhsdNvzm z
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      Bvvuq Z c...s

  • @paulford6373
    @paulford6373 9 років тому

    Congratulations Robert. I picked mine up the Saturday before.
    Awesome aren't they?
    Stefan was my specialist too. Good guy.
    I'm only down the road in Clevedon so will keep an eye out for you.
    Congrats again.

  • @spacegreycoralred
    @spacegreycoralred 9 років тому

    I just love watching the Robert Llewellyn lifetime achievement award ceremony, over and over. It makes me smile that Robert let himself enjoy this day.

  • @michaelrmonk
    @michaelrmonk 9 років тому

    Well done Robert.. yes welcome to the Tesla club. Not there myself yet.. but I plan to be someday!

  • @TRYtoHELPyou
    @TRYtoHELPyou 7 років тому

    dude, you make me laugh. brilliant selection!

  • @Wobbly_Wombat_two
    @Wobbly_Wombat_two 9 років тому

    Just watching this man being genuinely astonished by everything was such an enjoyable experience :D

  • @ThingsWhichArentWork
    @ThingsWhichArentWork 9 років тому

    Congrats on the new motor Robert - I'm very jealous. Cheers!!

  • @Ecoenergy
    @Ecoenergy 9 років тому +20

    I am so JEALOUS.
    Car envy.

  • @johnjanos1
    @johnjanos1 9 років тому

    Oh my God! You are laughing like a small child, you are really happy!
    I am happy for you!
    I wish you to have nice rides!

  • @OldManRico
    @OldManRico 8 років тому

    Had a ride in one of these at The Gadget Show Live on Sunday. The self-parking feature was neat. Acceleration was nothing to be sniffed at either. Rather fancy a Model 3, but even once they become available more generally in 2018 (I expect) they'll still be out of my range (no pun intended).

  • @TheGizmodude
    @TheGizmodude 7 років тому

    Robert , I came across this video again and still had as much fun watching it as I did the first time ! Cheers Maybe a 2 year review ?? Maybe Please ? Ok I will stop grovelling now.. LMAO

  • @V10PDTDI
    @V10PDTDI 9 років тому

    Robert I got to say I'm happy for you and you deserve it I always watch you're videos and hope that you make more videos of the tesla and tell us what you think about it cheers from Canada .

  • @Pikminiman
    @Pikminiman 7 років тому

    The face that Robert makes at 2:45 is one of mankind's greatest achievements.

  • @alexanderhales4689
    @alexanderhales4689 9 років тому

    Welcome to the family!! You're never late to the game with Tesla, only ahead of everyone else. Enjoy!

  • @dogphlap6749
    @dogphlap6749 9 років тому

    I'm really happy for you Robert.
    Nice car, nice bloke.

  • @ThomasMilligan_UK
    @ThomasMilligan_UK 9 років тому

    Congrats Robert!
    Im excited for you 😎

  • @parag2804
    @parag2804 5 років тому

    Feeling very fresh and excited to see this after 4 years..

  • @AgyGuntoro
    @AgyGuntoro 9 років тому

    Robert so happy when hand on this car!!! and hope the uk version get the P85D soon. :)

  • @HungryGreeny
    @HungryGreeny 9 років тому

    Happy for you, Robert. Drive safe and make more videos.

  • @robochan0970
    @robochan0970 9 років тому

    Congratulations! You have made a very good choice me thinks! Best brand in the market right now bar none. I want one SO bad!

  • @ubbeli
    @ubbeli 9 років тому

    Congrats! Looking forward to your next Tesla video!

  • @VasilStojanov
    @VasilStojanov 9 років тому

    Congratulations, Robert!
    I'm really happy for you! :)

  • @K2Jennerator
    @K2Jennerator 9 років тому

    Congratulations Robert!

  • @Neojhun
    @Neojhun 9 років тому

    7:07 Wooosh Looks like Robert is developing a lead foot. This car will do that to anyone.

  • @urbanhero
    @urbanhero 9 років тому +1

    Your joy in picking this up is infectious! 9 months on is it still thrilling you?

  • @gasdive
    @gasdive 9 років тому

    I love the break-in period on an electric. Nothing. just drive.

  • @CMCNestT
    @CMCNestT 9 років тому

    Congratulations on your new Tesla!

  • @michelstronguin6974
    @michelstronguin6974 9 років тому

    Without a need to exaggerate, this is the best car on earth at this moment.

  • @JDM525
    @JDM525 9 років тому

    I've really enjoyed your videos Robert, and a big congratulations on the Model S.
    This has really inspired me to invest in an electric car, perhaps I'll start with the Nissan Leaf.

  • @portzblitz
    @portzblitz 9 років тому +5

    Aphex Ambient Works in the background! +1s

  • @KevKevAllen
    @KevKevAllen 9 років тому

    Congrats, I'm more jealous than you can ever imagine. I'll have my own one day, fingers crossed.

  • @Legozachk
    @Legozachk 9 років тому

    I've never seen a man love a car more than in this video!

  • @MrAndrew941
    @MrAndrew941 8 років тому

    I would like to thank you for letting me know about fleet drive I didn't even know that was an option.

  • @oisiaa
    @oisiaa 9 років тому

    Congratulations! I can't wait to see some experiments now that you have one in your hands.

  • @Aetherling
    @Aetherling 9 років тому

    Congratulations RL.

  • @clintsanders9657
    @clintsanders9657 9 років тому

    Congratulations Robert :) welcome to the club

  • @quantum12b
    @quantum12b 9 років тому +3

    Congratulations on your new Tesla :0)
    Inspiring video Robert ;0)
    Will check out that lease company ;0) Thank you x

    • @reedy4973
      @reedy4973 9 років тому +1

      Hi Terry, we will be happy to help. The website gives you an idea and you can leave a call back request and we will speak to you about your requirements

  • @Dreadpirateflappy
    @Dreadpirateflappy 9 років тому

    My new dream car.
    Just looks simply amazing.

  • @AG-Radium
    @AG-Radium 9 років тому

    Fun factor: Tesla
    But practical compair to the Leaf in the sense of trunkspace in not so sure. Not in total space but in height compair to the Leafs trunk in the back. BTW loved your humor. It's hilarious. Loved it since I started to Watch scrapheap challenge in 2002. Love that you have the passion for EVs like me to. Getting my drivers license and looking forward to test an EV.

  • @noaht-s8126
    @noaht-s8126 9 років тому

    Tesla's simply can not be beaten they are the single best automobile in a very long time

  • @Bronzebk
    @Bronzebk 9 років тому

    Congrats Robert.
    I have no doubt you'll enjoy your Tesla.

  • @jamesshanks2614
    @jamesshanks2614 6 років тому

    Official launch and delivery to the first customers was June 22, 2012 not 2013.
    Just making sure you have the correct information and congratulations on your MS!

  • @timothymclean
    @timothymclean 9 років тому +13

    I was sent here by an excellent argument for Steam refunds.

  • @GreenJimll
    @GreenJimll 9 років тому

    Lots of giggling, "oohs" and "aahs" in that video - I think Robert might have been just a teeny bit excited. I think we've just heard what Xmas morning sounded like in the Llewellyn household about 45 years ago...

  • @dmofms465
    @dmofms465 9 років тому

    congrats on your Tesla!!!

  • @maki80808
    @maki80808 6 років тому

    Picking up my model 3 wasn't that pleasant. Car was only 50% charged. They were swamped and rushed me out of there. After the paperwork, I probably waited for 25 minutes before they pulled my car up to the show area. Once there the lady asked me for my phone, then asked me to sign in. Once that was done, asked me to sit in the vehicle to set up my profile. Once that was done, she showed me how to change gears, access certain items on the monitor and opening doors, trunk and hood. That was it. I then asked whether I can inspect the vehicle on the outside for defects or scratches. She was like sure. My plastic for the rear brakes looked like scratches so she took a rag and tried to remove it. Then tried using windex...didn't work. Then used a polish and finally got it off. Took me 1.5 hours to drive out. Most of the time waited for them to get my car ready even though I had an appointment. Finally asked about my wall charger I bought using their online shop. Again nobody there could help me.

  • @djwolf777
    @djwolf777 9 років тому

    Congrats and welcome to the club of happy Tesla owners ;-)

  • @raydrake7
    @raydrake7 9 років тому

    I'd love to see Tesla coming here to Brazil.

  • @PaulVanGaans
    @PaulVanGaans 9 років тому

    Congratulations you are very lucky man! 😊

  • @nicevideomancanada
    @nicevideomancanada 9 років тому

    I want one. Well now you have one Robbert. Now I want one too. :-)

  • @fdk7014
    @fdk7014 9 років тому

    Congratulations! Brilliant car!

  • @quietcorner293
    @quietcorner293 9 років тому

    I think this is a great car for the UK. The Model S is exempt from the London Congestion Charge right? Given the range you have, I can imagine this as a great commuter. The big down side is it's size. As an American, I drove three years in England from '93 to '96 and the streets are not particularly wide.
    Also being that the British Auto Industry is now foreign owned, the acceptance of foreign Electric car is easier than in Germany. People here are generally very proud of their Audis, BMW's, Mercedes, & Porsches.

  • @zaccaira4649
    @zaccaira4649 8 років тому +8

    Does anyone remember scrapheap challenge?

  • @miyamotoclan5054
    @miyamotoclan5054 9 років тому

    As soon as the price drops I'm scooping one up!

  • @nbamike23
    @nbamike23 9 років тому

    Best reaction ever!

  • @ojdavies147
    @ojdavies147 9 років тому

    It looks like your buying your first car, beautiful

  • @roryclear357
    @roryclear357 9 років тому

    so jealous, hopefully i'll be able to afford a model 3 when that comes out

  • @Mikhos
    @Mikhos 9 років тому

    Lovely video. You've got a new subscriber.

  • @GoonSquadiMAGE
    @GoonSquadiMAGE 9 років тому

    Contrats, I'm saving up y money right now to purchase one myself!

  • @ShaunWhiteismyGinger
    @ShaunWhiteismyGinger 9 років тому

    Congrats, welcome to the tesla club :)

  • @sheldonv8
    @sheldonv8 4 роки тому

    Gonna call mine "Kessel" after the Kessel Run . . You Know, 12 Parsecs etc :-) Can't wait 'till she gets delivered on Friday. Shame we're in Lockdown :-(

  • @Kryptonian76
    @Kryptonian76 9 років тому

    I love your reviews and content, but, I would be excited to see you build your own EV.

  • @bayraktarx1386
    @bayraktarx1386 9 років тому

    Great channel sir!

  • @Rainkit
    @Rainkit 9 років тому

    That is awesome! Now I want one!

  • @EVguru
    @EVguru 9 років тому +2

    Another dose of the EVgrin!

  • @dave597
    @dave597 9 років тому

    congrats man hope to get my hands on one myself someday

  • @sydjaguar
    @sydjaguar 9 років тому

    Super! This is the future!

  • @theelectricisraeli
    @theelectricisraeli 9 років тому

    are you allowed to drive it in the rest of Europe, since the wheel is on the right side?

  • @collalticollalti
    @collalticollalti 9 років тому

    I think u won't give it back after 3 years ; ) awesome!

  • @tendercomrade2330
    @tendercomrade2330 9 років тому +1

    I was sent here by a lone desert ranger who set out to fight aliens, but instead just collected fuel cannisters.

  • @marcop3517
    @marcop3517 9 років тому +3

    I think "Kryten" would be a good choice for this car's name?

  • @reddrummaster
    @reddrummaster 9 років тому +5

    Congratulations Robert. Amazing car, lets see whether it is as reliable as the leaf.
    Love your channel, please keep it up!

    • @3XICS
      @3XICS 8 років тому

      Robert de Groot it isn't... not even close

    • @smartelectriccar
      @smartelectriccar 6 років тому

      The Nissan Leaf is reliable, in that you can rely on battery degradation. Whereas Tesla battery is 97% original capacity after 5.5 years and 120000 km like ours.

  • @RichieRouge206
    @RichieRouge206 5 років тому

    I do like them to be fair 😎 great video

  • @AnthroTsuneon
    @AnthroTsuneon 9 років тому

    Guys like that make car salesmen love their jobs

  • @techexplorer9382
    @techexplorer9382 9 років тому

    Congratulations !

  • @RhysClark97
    @RhysClark97 9 років тому

    wow, that open thing is great design...but you just know anyone who keeps there keys in there pockets will screw up alot

  • @kylehewitt4768
    @kylehewitt4768 9 років тому

    Was quite surprised to see the Tesla charging points at Gretna Green Services on a recent Scottish road trip, even more surprised to see someone driving a black coloured Tesla turn up and plug it in. What are the chances of that? Sorry Robert - didnt notice who you were even as we drove the wrong way out of the car park - we were too busy nattering about Tesla's! Felt really dirty driving my diesel Transit !

  • @dobe762
    @dobe762 9 років тому

    Good health to enjoy your new car...

  • @JeffreyRust
    @JeffreyRust 9 років тому +1

    How much is the lease per month including all taxes and other fees?

  • @TedKidd
    @TedKidd 9 років тому +13

    If Tesla can both AC and DC charge with the 5 pin, why can't the others?
    So much simpler and more elegant.

    • @heinzruffieux5817
      @heinzruffieux5817 9 років тому +6

      A very good question Ted! It is even worse in Europe: the 5 pin Type 2 connector is standardized in Europe and fully certified for AC and DC charging (no Tesla proprietary standard). Despite this, the German Automakers insisted on the CCS connector as a ne standard for DC charging which is one hell of a connector in terms of size. Very strange!!!

    • @DanFrederiksen
      @DanFrederiksen 9 років тому +2

      Ted Kidd you could do chademo with a plug the size of a usb plug. two sided blade, optical signal in the middle.
      In short, humans are stupid and they are doing it wrong

    • @TedKidd
      @TedKidd 9 років тому +1

      Heinz Ruffieux​ I'm starting to grasp that the 5 pin isn't even Tesla's, which means in Europe it'll be even easier for other manufacturers to partner on Supercharging.
      I think the Germans are going to regret the decision to push that absurd plug. All it will take is one or two affordable 200 mile Supercharger enabled cars to make their cars very unattractive.

    • @heinzruffieux5817
      @heinzruffieux5817 9 років тому +1

      Ted Kidd the European 5 pin plug ( Type 2) (i think US got another 5pin) is actually nothing else than a specially formed 3phase connector with 2 com pins. Most poblic AC charging stations are based on this connector today but not for DC charging (except Tesla). If interested google for "Type 2 connector"

    • @TedKidd
      @TedKidd 9 років тому

      ***** and yet a lot of these guys say "our car isn't just a compliance car!"
      I call BS on this. The dogma stuck tribe doesn't seem to agree.