Because they're empty It's very much in accordance with Soviet design, whether it's architecture, beautification or vehicle "Lets make nothing, but make it big" There's a park in my city that was made by soviets back when the communism was running wild east of Berlin There's couple of massive statues and monuments in the centre and at the main path in One old tank compound And a biiiiiig space of nothing but grass and couple walkways xD But yeah, for real they always had more people than they had transports, so they improvised space for soldiers in multitude of vehicles not originally intended as transports Or just straight up sat on top of tanks and such
@@Airsickword this fits not because of human wave, but literally because Russia is big as fuck and would you want your soldiers walking to the Vladivostok to Moscow?
@@MortSalazar You talk like having big asphalt/cement cemeteries with nothing green in it is much better idea. And then those citizens are crying about global warming.
Here are some facts about Russia for you: Main Color: Maroon the main tactic of the Russian Federation is blitzkrieg! Using Brute force and frontal assault!They have a lot of contraption connected by assault, so they can easily break through the defenses of ECA!But they have practically no maneuverable or stealth units! The infantry of the Russian Federation has camaraderie! When one comrade dies, other comrades in a small radius will fight harder! Their rate of fire will increase by 20% and damage by 10%! Their equipment after the destruction remains the wreckage, they can be restored and give 2 life! All war machines except the golem can throw smoke screens! Conscripts are the cheapest way to detect stealth units! The author did not show the main weapon of the Shocktrooper!The main weapon is rocket rifles similar to Warhammer 40k!Tesla coil and all Tesla technology will be unlocked after the general's ability!Some shocktroopers will have a hat with earflaps, some will have a beret, and the rest they will wear a helmet! Kodiak tank has three types of T-72,T-80 and T-90! The original look of the golem tank resembles the Object-279 tank! You cannot create VDV (shooter pg) at the barracks, they will appear only when you call the VDV support! Some VDVs will have a hat with earflaps or a gas mask, but this is just a texture, they will still be vulnerable to chemical attacks! Basically they're the iconic blue beret! You cannot create a Grison, they will appear after choosing the air assault tactic to call your infantry! We will not be able to create Wolverine at the factory, they will appear after calling support VDV! It can be upgraded to a mortar turret or a tank turret! Rhino, Shilka and Weasel cannot be created at the factory, they will appear after calling the transfer of reserve equipment! They will appear without a crew so be careful the enemy can steal them! Russian hero Boris Bykov is the most versatile commando in the game! It has great features but some limitations!
Their tactical doctrine Is more Deep battle and armored assault compared to blitzkrieg. They lacked one crucial part of combined arms warfare: Air arm. Their aircraft are more anti air/unit compared to anti structure/defenses. I don't even understand why the Sokols can't target air if they can't even blow up structures effectively.
Russias main tactic cannot be considered blitzkrieg Their units are slow, their all about brute force having the most powerful tanks out of all factions but they lack the mobility USA is all about the blitzkrieg Having some of the fastest units in games with the Crusader being a great balance in mobility and firepower and being able to move their infantry fast with their large transport helicopters
I don't know about you guys but I always hated sending conscripts to their deaths. I sorta like hated sending my infantry in assault missions after like 4 minutes in game. That includes almost all infantries that I am more armor reliant late game. Honestly I don't know but I kinda felt bad for the little guys but love to send red guards on a bayonet charge.
Sont worry about doing that though, Unlike infantries of most other factions. Red guards and Conscripts are literally made to be disposable canon fodder meatshields.
yeap same here, put the grunts to guard the base (basically rarely doing anything) and build up panzer divisions to do all the dirty field work. Besiders tanks are more intimidating and fun :)
You're not alone. Even in the campaign I tend to always save every single one of the starting army and such whenever I can. I feel bad when they die and it's just much more efficient having them live to fight.
That's you, usually i use heavy infantery to attack and leave the conscripts for secondary activties like capture buildings, garrison fortress, detect infiltrations, etc.
Yeah in the Generals game the dimensions are not always super precise, look at how small buildings look compared to the units. Doesn't prevent it from being my favorite game ever.
biggest issue I had with this mod is that units are way too hard to tell apart without looking up close, very much still apparent from watching this video, mod is still fun as heck though.
This video reminded me, how much I learned to recognise various russian / soviet tech over last ten months. A skill I could really do without. Regarding the mod, while all units look cool on their own and I know nothing about their ststs, to consider any balancing, I feel it is suffering from serious case of unit bloat. I spotted 5 missile infantry units, 6 infantry transporting vehicles, 4 fighter / bomber jets, 2 helicopter gunships, 3 artilleries, 2 MBTs, 2 super heavy tanks and aditional super heavy tank hero. Unless this is spread out over multiple generals or possubly mutually exclusive General's Promotions, it will become a confusing mess.
ROTR development has been halted about 8 years ago. They were planning to divide each faction by 4 generals which would allow to narrow down each faction's unit composition without cutting them down. Rnw the mod still has 5 factions with huge loads of units. EU's T4 units spring to mind. Hero arty, hero tank and 2 mecha soldiers each representing 3 different EU subfactions.
All serve their own Purposes RPG conscripts and VDV are Anti-Tank infantry (VDV being exclusive to Paradrops) and are unable to Target air (for the Conscripts, I forgot about the VDV) The Shmel Trooper is for Anti-Garrison Shock Trooper Bombardier for Infantry Artillery Igla for Anti-Air The Weasel is Only Paradropped and acts as the Tier 1 Artillery, Grizon is airdropped by Infantry, Wolverines are dropped alongside VDV, Mauler is the general purpose APC, Mishka is the Mine clearing vehicle, and the Grizzly is the more Durable APC with low capacity but alot more tanky
what i really dont understand is why they renamed and re-make sounds for the majority of their units before 1.87 update... Gorgon used to be MSTA, Mauler was just BMP, Badger was MTP, Wolverine and Grizon were BMD-1 and BMD-4. I really dont understand why rename and redo some of the voice lines if the names already fit well.
Could be legal reasons. But I just think it could something have lead them to stray away the official namings if some annoying Kremlin saw this and complain about it.
Since I used to play the mods some of the unit quotes are actually from red alert 2 and 3. S-300 quotes are from the V4 Topol M V3. 1:33 very familiar to a RA 2 Player that has the expansion pack added
Hi, yes I agree, a lot of troop carrying vehicles. I think its due to the fact Russia is meant to be a very offensive faction, that uses infantry a lot.
I remember we i have the beta version of rotr with no ECA, the sentinel used to be a double barreled tank like emperor, but when it shoots the turrets angles at 45 degrees And also theres another attack chopper like hind but waaay more faster and more agile. And the last of them all is most of the tanks are all stealth mode
Can you make a video to explain how to download this version of the game please? Because I have the 1.87 version but the golem has the previous skin and there aren't shock trooper bombardier and devildusters. Are there also other changes for the other factions in this verison?
I know that they're not included because of limitations but looking at the map makes me wonder if you couldn't squeeze in Russia's in-lore allies: the Indian Bangalore Pact and the South American Pact. And if so, what would the two be like? You can't really make India a horde faction without making them too similar to China, and I'm not sure what a United south America's military would be like; beyond that Russia in Rise of the Reds developed its allies such as India, the former USSR, the Balkans, and South America to a similar level of technology, living standards, and development to itself.
I don't really think that the modders were considering that. Rotr started as a combination of Rise of Europe and the Russian federation mod, and I doubt they're willing to add more to their workload when they've done enough to warrant a new game.
Is rise of the reds dead as on moddb the last post is a few months ago so i kinda worry it is dead again. Also is there a discord server or anythink related like that to get updated from the devs?
The tunguska is the standard aa unit for the faction The shilka cannot be built and is part of a special reinforcement generals power that gives players a sudden group of weaker "old" units to bolster their numbers. As a unit the shilka is significantly weaker than the tunguska in every way, to reflect this.
@@rikspan1925 they may be weak but with the conscript paradrop power they are very usefull for defense of the base or assault a small position in case your running low on resources
If only they're as effective irl as they do in this game. But jokes aside, from an aesthetic standpoint, I wonder why they decide to gravitate towards the older variant of existing units such as with the Ka-68 Hellion being based on the older Ka-50 instead of the current (and more numerous) Ka-52 or the Buratino having the cold-war styled 30-tube hexagonal launcher system instead of the newer 24-tube rectangular ones. I can understand them going for a more cold war aesthetic that many people are more familiar with. Which is acceptable if it not for the fact that they still base some units on relatively newer stuffs such as using the 2015-made Koalitsiya-SV turret for the Gorgon artillery or Sokols being based on the Su-57.
@@Mr_Rebel_254 Livi'n under a rock in blissful ignorance to what's happening must be quite nice. I guess they are effective, but only when attacking civilian targets that cant fight back. Typical Orcs.
Even in the original Generals the units follow more of a very late 90s early 2000s array of units, so I just find the aesthetic just kind of odd personally.
The only thing I would quibble with would be the use of the Russian Federation flag, unless we're supposed to believe that the Russian Communist Party has somehow overcome a massive handicap in the modern Russian political structure without resorting to Revolutionary overthrow. On a side note. I was half expecting Mammoth Tank as hero unit.
Nahhh, it's scout. Very good view range and very weak paperthin armor. Even with 4 rpg Conscripts inside it can't 1v1 a Battle master despite costing as much as a Kodiak.
@@ToriusHeart strange, but the KA-50 has the name "Чёрная Акула", and you Americans call it either a deceiver, or a werewolf, but not a chameleon at all, but as far as I remember, one of the modifications of the МИ-28 has the name Chameleon.
@@Nod_Soldier ну, во первых, я не из "you americans". Во вторых, в лоре RotR почти все вертолеты, кроме, если не ошибаюсь, Ми-24, выдуманы. Конкретно этот авторы обозначили как Ка-68 и им заменили Ка-50 из старых версий мода. Hunchback обозначен как Ми-40. Единственные более-менее реальные вещи, которые мне приметились - это самолеты и наземная техника, но в вертолетах они решили показать свою фантазию, чего не произошло с другими фракциями с их новыми юнитами, что забавно.
Смотрю вики по RotR, похоже, что они собирались добавить и нормальный Ми-28 для всех генералов, кроме одного, которому бы достался этот Hellion. Однако, как известно, 2.0 так и не вышел, так что имеем что имеем.
@@ToriusHeart чёрт,меня раскрыли. Пхахаха,а это анекдот!🤣🤣🤣🤣 Встретились как-то 2 русских, которые общались по-английски... А насчёт выдуманных,то я пытался найти сходства,и это может быть просто модифицированный МИ-28, который отличается корпусом
Not really, all units fill their own roles Perfectly The Igla is a dedicated Anti-Air infantry as well as being the only infantry capable of striking down ballistic missiles The RPG Conscript is a dedicated Anti-tank Rocket Soldier The Shmel Trooper is a dedicated Anti-Infantry soldier The VDV RPG and Gunner are only obtainable through Airdrop, and are mostly better than standard infantry Shock Trooper Bombardiers are Infantry Artillery, while Shock troopers are powerful anti-ground Infantry The Mauler and the Grizzly fill different roles, the Mauler is just for general purpose APC while the Grizzly is much more durable to small arms fire, allowing it to be a tankier Stealth detect (as Conscripts inside can still detect stealth)
nah, in actual gameplay they all serve different purposes, and with time you could actually tell which unit is which by their movement variety RPG Conscripts are Anti-tank only Igla Troopers are Anti-Air only Shock Trooper Bombardiers are elite-Artillery infantry VDV RPG Trooper are airdropped-only Elite infantry VDV Trooper are airdropped-only Elite infantry Grizons are Airdropped quick-transport vehicles Maulers are the standard Anti-infantry transports Wolverines are airdropped alongside VDV Weasels are airdropped with Armor reserves (which gives 6 vehicles, all unmanned) Grizzlies are meant to keep Conscripts (which detect stealth) safe from Snipers and Anti-infantry weapons (which its more resistant to)
I played the non modded, but the skirmish is just cursed, even the hard mode on the non modded was easier, im not sure if i downloaded a wrong file or what..
@@carloshaiguan4174 pro-tip: or maybe not so pro-tip play in easy mode. In every successive mode, the AI grow another pair of arms and just speed runs three warfactories and twenty overlords in a second. That's exactly why you're far better off playing Hard difficulty with 5,000 funds. It'll screw the AI script and cause it to get stuck with no money. However, that mainly works with the Russian faction. It barely works elsewhere and don't think about playing Hard difficulty with 50,000 funds. Trust me, you'll see an entire battalion of tanks (25-30 units) and a battery of Rocket buggies after 5 minutes.
Everybody's gangsta until enemies bring a fucking intercontinental ballistic missile to a local skirmish
Reminds me of the ICBM unit RA2 RA20XX, thing is OP as fuck and has like 7 MIRV PER MISSILE, with no cap on them whatsoever
aged like wine 🍷😎
“Magical scaffolding, appear!”
- Russian construction crane.
I shall build in expert mode!
I like how a decent amount of their vehicles double as troop transports
really fits the human wave idea
Because they're empty
It's very much in accordance with Soviet design, whether it's architecture, beautification or vehicle
"Lets make nothing, but make it big"
There's a park in my city that was made by soviets back when the communism was running wild east of Berlin
There's couple of massive statues and monuments in the centre and at the main path in
One old tank compound
And a biiiiiig space of nothing but grass and couple walkways xD
But yeah, for real they always had more people than they had transports, so they improvised space for soldiers in multitude of vehicles not originally intended as transports
Or just straight up sat on top of tanks and such
@@Airsickword "human wave" is not real.
@@Airsickword this fits not because of human wave, but literally because Russia is big as fuck and would you want your soldiers walking to the Vladivostok to Moscow?
@@MortSalazar You talk like having big asphalt/cement cemeteries with nothing green in it is much better idea.
And then those citizens are crying about global warming.
- How many tank type units you want
- Yes
Here are some facts about Russia for you:
Main Color: Maroon
the main tactic of the Russian Federation is blitzkrieg! Using Brute force and frontal assault!They have a lot of contraption connected by assault, so they can easily break through the defenses of ECA!But they have practically no maneuverable or stealth units!
The infantry of the Russian Federation has camaraderie! When one comrade dies, other comrades in a small radius will fight harder! Their rate of fire will increase by 20% and damage by 10%!
Their equipment after the destruction remains the wreckage, they can be restored and give 2 life! All war machines except the golem can throw smoke screens!
Conscripts are the cheapest way to detect stealth units!
The author did not show the main weapon of the Shocktrooper!The main weapon is rocket rifles similar to Warhammer 40k!Tesla coil and all Tesla technology will be unlocked after the general's ability!Some shocktroopers will have a hat with earflaps, some will have a beret, and the rest they will wear a helmet!
Kodiak tank has three types of T-72,T-80 and T-90!
The original look of the golem tank resembles the Object-279 tank!
You cannot create VDV (shooter
pg) at the barracks, they will appear only when you call the VDV support! Some VDVs will have a hat with earflaps or a gas mask, but this is just a texture, they will still be vulnerable to chemical attacks! Basically they're the iconic blue beret!
You cannot create a Grison, they will appear after choosing the air assault tactic to call your infantry!
We will not be able to create Wolverine at the factory, they will appear after calling support VDV! It can be upgraded to a mortar turret or a tank turret!
Rhino, Shilka and Weasel cannot be created at the factory, they will appear after calling the transfer of reserve equipment! They will appear without a crew so be careful the enemy can steal them!
Russian hero Boris Bykov is the most versatile commando in the game! It has great features but some limitations!
Thank you so much for these informations!
Thank you ✨
Their tactical doctrine Is more Deep battle and armored assault compared to blitzkrieg. They lacked one crucial part of combined arms warfare: Air arm.
Their aircraft are more anti air/unit compared to anti structure/defenses. I don't even understand why the Sokols can't target air if they can't even blow up structures effectively.
Russias main tactic cannot be considered blitzkrieg
Their units are slow, their all about brute force having the most powerful tanks out of all factions but they lack the mobility
USA is all about the blitzkrieg
Having some of the fastest units in games with the Crusader being a great balance in mobility and firepower and being able to move their infantry fast with their large transport helicopters
@@Octi-ku4yf Russian faction ROTR is more of a breakthrough defense faction or offensive tactics. They lack mobility but have stronger vehicles.
Man, why wasn’t Russia in The official game? Looks like they got some serious weaponry.
I remember reading it was due to fear that it would make the game too similar to red alert. However accurate that is, on the other hand, I can’t say.
Nice, looking forward to the other factions
I will be doing ECA (Europe) next
I don't know about you guys but I always hated sending conscripts to their deaths. I sorta like hated sending my infantry in assault missions after like 4 minutes in game. That includes almost all infantries that I am more armor reliant late game.
Honestly I don't know but I kinda felt bad for the little guys but love to send red guards on a bayonet charge.
Sont worry about doing that though, Unlike infantries of most other factions. Red guards and Conscripts are literally made to be disposable canon fodder meatshields.
@@cleeiii357 Pretty sure the problem is he actually feels empathy for the people.
yeap same here, put the grunts to guard the base (basically rarely doing anything) and build up panzer divisions to do all the dirty field work. Besiders tanks are more intimidating and fun :)
You're not alone. Even in the campaign I tend to always save every single one of the starting army and such whenever I can. I feel bad when they die and it's just much more efficient having them live to fight.
That's you, usually i use heavy infantery to attack and leave the conscripts for secondary activties like capture buildings, garrison fortress, detect infiltrations, etc.
This mod aged like fine wine.
Russian units are cool, but the BMPs are so small wtf
Yeah in the Generals game the dimensions are not always super precise, look at how small buildings look compared to the units. Doesn't prevent it from being my favorite game ever.
hunchback так же достаточно маленький,
@@rf2fan255 agree
Are you implying that the scaling has always been accurate?
@@mistersebaa6245 mods could fix that, been playing ra3 with remix and corona mods
1:25-Десантник - это боевой патрон!
Десантник крепче стали и гранита!
Якщо ти це пишеш не із окопа , ідеш на ЙУХ
@@Apocraphtica о, животное захлопнулось.
Nobody, but us.
biggest issue I had with this mod is that units are way too hard to tell apart without looking up close, very much still apparent from watching this video, mod is still fun as heck though.
do you even use variety of units? I just spam same groups of units. Like 10 same tanks. 10 same heli's and etc
@@romanpyatibratov4361 I try to, cause why not? might as well as it makes the army have better composition.
I agree with you 100%. Especially the same-y rusty designs in Russian units render them very hard to distinguish.
The Black Fire's damage was really OP. Very similar to that of the Black Bear. So scary...
This video reminded me, how much I learned to recognise various russian / soviet tech over last ten months. A skill I could really do without.
Regarding the mod, while all units look cool on their own and I know nothing about their ststs, to consider any balancing, I feel it is suffering from serious case of unit bloat. I spotted 5 missile infantry units, 6 infantry transporting vehicles, 4 fighter / bomber jets, 2 helicopter gunships, 3 artilleries, 2 MBTs, 2 super heavy tanks and aditional super heavy tank hero. Unless this is spread out over multiple generals or possubly mutually exclusive General's Promotions, it will become a confusing mess.
ROTR development has been halted about 8 years ago. They were planning to divide each faction by 4 generals which would allow to narrow down each faction's unit composition without cutting them down. Rnw the mod still has 5 factions with huge loads of units. EU's T4 units spring to mind. Hero arty, hero tank and 2 mecha soldiers each representing 3 different EU subfactions.
@@Mr440c Development resumed a year ago, currently the authors are working on 1.9
Some of duplicate units are from General powers, not trainable.
All serve their own Purposes
RPG conscripts and VDV are Anti-Tank infantry (VDV being exclusive to Paradrops) and are unable to Target air (for the Conscripts, I forgot about the VDV)
The Shmel Trooper is for Anti-Garrison
Shock Trooper Bombardier for Infantry Artillery
Igla for Anti-Air
The Weasel is Only Paradropped and acts as the Tier 1 Artillery, Grizon is airdropped by Infantry, Wolverines are dropped alongside VDV, Mauler is the general purpose APC, Mishka is the Mine clearing vehicle, and the Grizzly is the more Durable APC with low capacity but alot more tanky
@@Randomgamer-di3ow It still seems like a very padded list with a lot of overlapping roles.
Glad someone had finally made a video about the Russian units in ROTR.
Лучший мод для Генералов, по моему мнению
GLA : Scud Storm Ready
Reds : Yeah , Hold that thought.
_"Oh, cute. You got our oldschool Cold War gear._ *Well, let us show you our newer model."*
what i really dont understand is why they renamed and re-make sounds for the majority of their units before 1.87 update... Gorgon used to be MSTA, Mauler was just BMP, Badger was MTP, Wolverine and Grizon were BMD-1 and BMD-4. I really dont understand why rename and redo some of the voice lines if the names already fit well.
I've never even seen half the units there lol
Could be legal reasons. But I just think it could something have lead them to stray away the official namings if some annoying Kremlin saw this and complain about it.
Great intro, throw-back to the original C&C.
Since I used to play the mods some of the unit quotes are actually from red alert 2 and 3. S-300 quotes are from the V4 Topol M V3.
1:33 very familiar to a RA 2 Player that has the expansion pack added
Looks great, but it seems that many units have similar roles/purposes? Which is somewhat odd.
Hi, yes I agree, a lot of troop carrying vehicles. I think its due to the fact Russia is meant to be a very offensive faction, that uses infantry a lot.
@@rf2fan255 I mean Russian armed forces irl has focused alot of motorized infantry so it make sense they have alot of options for infantry carrying.
that is because some will be general/sub-faction specific later in development.
The hunchback helicopter looks like the weird chinook from metal slug.
I haven't thought about this mod in years. I'll have to dig up my old C&C discs and install it again.
i prefer the old golem's turret, hulls great but it looks like new one is not amphibious anymore?
Apparently its not in 1.87 but will in 1.9 again.
@@rf2fan255 I can't picture the new golem hull being amphibious but let's see how.
the one in the video is the Golem from Hanpatch
I love the mista there, I make a passable passage unpassable
i think the red army will even be stronger if they add the apocalyse tank from red alert 2
Rotr with HanPath Apocalypse Tank Exists
I remember we i have the beta version of rotr with no ECA, the sentinel used to be a double barreled tank like emperor, but when it shoots the turrets angles at 45 degrees
And also theres another attack chopper like hind but waaay more faster and more agile.
And the last of them all is most of the tanks are all stealth mode
Wait a second that Golem Tank is from Hanpatch
Hanpatch is what people play
So in this universe MiG was in China and Sukhoi is in Russia.
What version is this? The golem tank looks different and there's also devilduster plane
This is Han-patch for 1.87
10:19-this is a МИ-24(hind-d is name from NATO)
Can you make a video to explain how to download this version of the game please? Because I have the 1.87 version but the golem has the previous skin and there aren't shock trooper bombardier and devildusters. Are there also other changes for the other factions in this verison?
Its because of Hanpatch, which all online players of ROTR use. Here is a link :
@@rf2fan255 thank you very much, I'll try to download it
Weird. The Golem there looks way different than the one in my version. In mine looks more like a fancy objekt 279. Is this a different build?
7:47 this is not the original golem
It's from Hanpatch which is better than the Object-279
@@major-1168 Hanpatch shit👎👎👎
5:39 The most thing Russia unit I often pick.
Ever notice how the units never said the word "Soviet" in game?
In lore of mod there no soviet union anymore
Rhino looks sick even if it resembles the Russian T-90 or T-72
I know that they're not included because of limitations but looking at the map makes me wonder if you couldn't squeeze in Russia's in-lore allies: the Indian Bangalore Pact and the South American Pact.
And if so, what would the two be like?
You can't really make India a horde faction without making them too similar to China, and I'm not sure what a United south America's military would be like; beyond that Russia in Rise of the Reds developed its allies such as India, the former USSR, the Balkans, and South America to a similar level of technology, living standards, and development to itself.
I don't really think that the modders were considering that. Rotr started as a combination of Rise of Europe and the Russian federation mod, and I doubt they're willing to add more to their workload when they've done enough to warrant a new game.
@@vondantalingting Oh I know, I'm just fantasising really.
bro, this patch hasn't been released has it? pls respond man I need this
What patch?
@rf2fan255 the version that I have doesn't have the sentinel tank hero and the shock trooper bombardier or whatever.
Is rise of the reds dead as on moddb the last post is a few months ago so i kinda worry it is dead again. Also is there a discord server or anythink related like that to get updated from the devs?
Soooo are we gonna get 2.0 anytime soon ?
1:11, is that PKM, RPD, or RPK machine gun?
I dont know 😅
Rpk machine gun my friends.
I think they overdid it for unit variety. Do you really need a Tunguska AND a shilka? Or the many variations of the BMP’s
The tunguska can be builded in the war factory and the shilka is only dropped by air, dame with the bmp's
The tunguska is the standard aa unit for the faction
The shilka cannot be built and is part of a special reinforcement generals power that gives players a sudden group of weaker "old" units to bolster their numbers. As a unit the shilka is significantly weaker than the tunguska in every way, to reflect this.
@@rikspan1925 they may be weak but with the conscript paradrop power they are very usefull for defense of the base or assault a small position in case your running low on resources
Where are chmonya-troopers and convict-troopers?
isnt the golem a object 279? and not this?
You wouldn't know wether that mod works for the cencored German version, would you?
7:20- kiev
What is the name of that second song that plays?
It is a wonderful mod to play unfortunately my computer crashes every time I play it
So the Apocalypse Tank is in Project X, a mod within a mod?
If only they're as effective irl as they do in this game.
But jokes aside, from an aesthetic standpoint, I wonder why they decide to gravitate towards the older variant of existing units such as with the Ka-68 Hellion being based on the older Ka-50 instead of the current (and more numerous) Ka-52 or the Buratino having the cold-war styled 30-tube hexagonal launcher system instead of the newer 24-tube rectangular ones.
I can understand them going for a more cold war aesthetic that many people are more familiar with. Which is acceptable if it not for the fact that they still base some units on relatively newer stuffs such as using the 2015-made Koalitsiya-SV turret for the Gorgon artillery or Sokols being based on the Su-57.
And who said they are not effective ?!
@@Mr_Rebel_254 Livi'n under a rock in blissful ignorance to what's happening must be quite nice. I guess they are effective, but only when attacking civilian targets that cant fight back. Typical Orcs.
Even in the original Generals the units follow more of a very late 90s early 2000s array of units, so I just find the aesthetic just kind of odd personally.
The only thing I would quibble with would be the use of the Russian Federation flag, unless we're supposed to believe that the Russian Communist Party has somehow overcome a massive handicap in the modern Russian political structure without resorting to Revolutionary overthrow. On a side note. I was half expecting Mammoth Tank as hero unit.
I hope you'll remake conscript unit
mishka is perfect for tactical positions and attackings
Nahhh, it's scout. Very good view range and very weak paperthin armor. Even with 4 rpg Conscripts inside it can't 1v1 a Battle master despite costing as much as a Kodiak.
9:07-this is a СУ-27 Беркут
мод просто топчик, обязательно скачаю
what is the name of music in 7:50?
Grinder 2 From the Red Alert 3.
Хех, забавно) ну и сделано круто, видео что старались)
You're playing with the Hanpatch mod
Thwy only need to add the APOCALYPSE TANK and the KIROV AIRSHIP now.
Some units are like those from Mental Omega
10:07-this is a МИ-28 Хамелеон
its a fictional helicopter loosely based on Ka-50
@@ToriusHeart strange, but the KA-50 has the name "Чёрная Акула", and you Americans call it either a deceiver, or a werewolf, but not a chameleon at all, but as far as I remember, one of the modifications of the МИ-28 has the name Chameleon.
@@Nod_Soldier ну, во первых, я не из "you americans". Во вторых, в лоре RotR почти все вертолеты, кроме, если не ошибаюсь, Ми-24, выдуманы. Конкретно этот авторы обозначили как Ка-68 и им заменили Ка-50 из старых версий мода. Hunchback обозначен как Ми-40.
Единственные более-менее реальные вещи, которые мне приметились - это самолеты и наземная техника, но в вертолетах они решили показать свою фантазию, чего не произошло с другими фракциями с их новыми юнитами, что забавно.
Смотрю вики по RotR, похоже, что они собирались добавить и нормальный Ми-28 для всех генералов, кроме одного, которому бы достался этот Hellion. Однако, как известно, 2.0 так и не вышел, так что имеем что имеем.
@@ToriusHeart чёрт,меня раскрыли. Пхахаха,а это анекдот!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Встретились как-то 2 русских, которые общались по-английски...
А насчёт выдуманных,то я пытался найти сходства,и это может быть просто модифицированный МИ-28, который отличается корпусом
they change golem from disc shaped objekt 279 to something else?
i hope their capability on NBC still the same
this is not official it's just a han patch created by the community
When will the latest ROTR update release?
this mod still being worked on?
yes, version 1.9 is being developped
Why do they have 4 different rocket Infantry?
The use of Red alert 3 music was a terrible idea. A mood killer.
6:44-but this is a С-300 Фаворит
its the shitty Nato Callsign that is plaguing the naming for some russian vehicles
@comradekirov7788 sorry,I don't understand evil names for russian vehicle
@@Nod_Soldier my man, you got my comment wrong, i meant the developers are using Nato Callsigns (they suck) on some russian vehicles.
@comradekirov7788 I don't understand Callings by evil on russian vehicles. Nato = world evil
Is version 2.0 finally happening?
nice drone camera view
Nice recoil animation, a lot of attention to details,but I feel the units are a little repetitive
Not really, all units fill their own roles Perfectly
The Igla is a dedicated Anti-Air infantry as well as being the only infantry capable of striking down ballistic missiles
The RPG Conscript is a dedicated Anti-tank Rocket Soldier
The Shmel Trooper is a dedicated Anti-Infantry soldier
The VDV RPG and Gunner are only obtainable through Airdrop, and are mostly better than standard infantry
Shock Trooper Bombardiers are Infantry Artillery, while Shock troopers are powerful anti-ground Infantry
The Mauler and the Grizzly fill different roles, the Mauler is just for general purpose APC while the Grizzly is much more durable to small arms fire, allowing it to be a tankier Stealth detect (as Conscripts inside can still detect stealth)
Where's Apocalypse aka "Soviet power Supreme tank " Tank
Oh sorry man this is not the USSR
Has ROTR been updated after 1.87?
Version 1.9 is in the works and is being play-tested.
i would think reduce some units/ merge some units, in practical it is too hard to tell apart o0
nah, in actual gameplay they all serve different purposes, and with time you could actually tell which unit is which by their movement variety
RPG Conscripts are Anti-tank only
Igla Troopers are Anti-Air only
Shock Trooper Bombardiers are elite-Artillery infantry
VDV RPG Trooper are airdropped-only Elite infantry
VDV Trooper are airdropped-only Elite infantry
Grizons are Airdropped quick-transport vehicles
Maulers are the standard Anti-infantry transports
Wolverines are airdropped alongside VDV
Weasels are airdropped with Armor reserves (which gives 6 vehicles, all unmanned)
Grizzlies are meant to keep Conscripts (which detect stealth) safe from Snipers and Anti-infantry weapons (which its more resistant to)
Is this a update to c&c generals?
Schmel trooper
-schmel trooper
do you have a copy for this
I miss this mod..!
This is some amazing mod
Where can i download its latest version?
Pretty cool but a lot of these units seem kinda redundant.
Please do video in USA & China units!
That new update?
Currently version 1.9 is being tested, it will add new units. Then there will be version 2.0. I will do a new video when that happens.
2:35 Один комментарий: ГАЗ 66 имеет две оси, не три.
Name of this epic music pls
Hi, its the soundtrack of Red Alert 3
@@rf2fan255thanks ❤
Как обозначить, что строит Россия? вагончик и камаз-цементовоз!
very balance
you are damn right comrade
Absolutely balanced /s
9:55-this is МИ-8 Горбун
Damn, they got a baneblade
How do you install this mod?
where can i play this mod ?
downloaded this last year, was hyped until i played its skirmish...It was pure hell
Learn to play it than. Its the best generals mod nothing comes close other than old cold war crisis
I played the non modded, but the skirmish is just cursed, even the hard mode on the non modded was easier, im not sure if i downloaded a wrong file or what..
@@carloshaiguan4174 pro-tip: or maybe not so pro-tip play in easy mode. In every successive mode, the AI grow another pair of arms and just speed runs three warfactories and twenty overlords in a second. That's exactly why you're far better off playing Hard difficulty with 5,000 funds. It'll screw the AI script and cause it to get stuck with no money.
However, that mainly works with the Russian faction. It barely works elsewhere and don't think about playing Hard difficulty with 50,000 funds. Trust me, you'll see an entire battalion of tanks (25-30 units) and a battery of Rocket buggies after 5 minutes.
Broo lemme download this god given gift
Unreal Engine 5.1 ремастер ?
This mod looks cool, but if im being honest Contra 009 is betterin every way, itd be awesome if you make a video about it
That could be an idea
6:10 what kind of Buratino is this? this is some kind of slag, Buratino doesn’t shoot like that, if Buratino shoots, nothing remains alive ....
Least of all the crew of the piece of junk.
@@Codraroll what?
@@Codrarollpeople always like this
And i hate it
It's looks almost like red alert 2
If only Generals could work on windows 10
where to dl this version