Beware of Prospecting Bias in B2B Sales

  • Опубліковано 27 гру 2023
  • While in Mauritius I provide some details and give an analogy relating to prospecting bias that often occurs as B2B sellers manage their own sales territory.
    Here's the setup: Six weeks ago, I was cruising down a rural North Carolina road, camera in hand, when bam! A full-grown bear swaggered across the asphalt. It was in the Alligator River Wildlife Refuge, near the Outer Banks, a place teeming with critters, yes, but bears? This was a rare sighting. I was fortunate to pull out my camera to capture the moment.
    Now, this bear encounter got me thinking about unexpected deals as they relate to B2B sales. How often do we stumble upon gold when we least expect it, like spotting a majestic beast where you'd normally expect an alligator? In the world of sales, we're often assigned a territory, be it a city, a state, nation, or even the entire globe. We build preconceived notions, biases, and excuses: "This neighborhood is a dead zone," "They wouldn't buy from me," "The economy's tanked, forget it." We limit our prospecting, blind to the potential treasures hidden just beyond our self-imposed borders.
    For the past decade, I've had the unique privilege of managing a sales team with a territory encompassing the entire planet. My early days were plagued by "don't-go-there" pronouncements from my boss, fueled by economic headlines. Greece in crisis? Forget it! Argentina's a bust! Move on! But guess what? I've closed million-dollar deals in Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Vietnam - countries that wouldn't even register on a wealth-o-meter. My junior colleague just landed a large deal in Tanzania, proving that potential lurks in the most unexpected corners.
    This is precisely why we need to challenge our prospecting biases. Ditch the preconceived notions, the "alligator-only" mindset. Look beyond the headlines, the stereotypes, the "it's-never-gonna-happen" voices in your head. Prospect with an open mind, a relentless curiosity, and a willingness to put in the hard work. And guess what? That effort, my friends, is the key to unlocking unexpected treasures.
    Here I am, in Mauritius, literally the other side of the planet from my home in the Western USA. I just delivered a product demo, and the reception was phenomenal. I smell a potential deal here, brewing in the sun-drenched shores of this distant island. Will it pan out? Only time will tell, but the mere possibility fills me with excitement. It's a testament to the power of venturing beyond the familiar, of searching for deals where you least expect them.
    So, my fellow sellers, let's leave no stone unturned, challenge your biases, and prospect with an open heart. Who knows, your next big win might just be lurking around the corner, disguised as an alligator, waiting to be discovered.
    #Sales #b2bsales #salesadvice