The Senator Who Left EUROPE to Rear GOATS in Nigeria

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @johngodson
    @johngodson 7 місяців тому +210

    Thank you David for this. You did an excellent job of telling my story of Pilgrim Ranch. I appreciate you.

    • @DavidNkwa
      @DavidNkwa  7 місяців тому +7

      it was an honor meeting you sir and thanks for inspiring me and millions of people that will watch this video with your incredible knowledge and story. Please say hello to my friend Prince Harry, the playful Prince.
      God bless you.

    • @AliyuAdamu03
      @AliyuAdamu03 7 місяців тому +3

      I must say well done to you sir for educating us who are about venturing into animal husbandry

    • @romayalexa
      @romayalexa 7 місяців тому +3

      Great job, jisiikee❤

    • @agwallachukwuma7644
      @agwallachukwuma7644 7 місяців тому +2

      Very informative and I was glued from start to finish!!!

    • @finalwarningformankindlove3260
      @finalwarningformankindlove3260 7 місяців тому

      God bless you sir.

  • @post_eternity
    @post_eternity 7 місяців тому +61

    This guy is so smart, he not only mastered polish language, but was able to debate fluently and represent polish citizens.

  • @TokunboOjo-MrPassionateTrader
    @TokunboOjo-MrPassionateTrader 7 місяців тому +22

    Watching this from Poland Warsaw. A line of words from you just solidified my decision again on coming to re-establish my my Poultry farm once again. God bless you sir.

  • @Jogolinho
    @Jogolinho 7 місяців тому +10

    I was hooked from start to finish! A very knowledgeable and eloquent man.
    I’ll hold on to the 3 part wealth plan he spoke of “Livestock, real estate, business”.
    I pray for long life for Dr. Godson. 🙏🏾 May he have more years to enjoy the fruits of his labor and impart into countless others the enriching potential of agribusiness.

  • @malama_ka_aina
    @malama_ka_aina 7 місяців тому +52

    Nigerians are amazing. This man ascended to government level in a foreign language. Has now returned as is showing Nigerians what we can do whilst everyone want japa. I love how the goats are English royals🤣. Kai, David, thank you for these wonderful videos. Once we remove these wicked political class paying school fees with stolen money not to mention drug lord president, we will rise very quickly.

    • @DavidNkwa
      @DavidNkwa  7 місяців тому +1


    • @johngodson
      @johngodson 7 місяців тому +1

      Thank you!!

    • @adedamolaolainipekun9149
      @adedamolaolainipekun9149 7 місяців тому +7

      Very true, everyone wants to run, the question is why are people leaving in droves. This man built a farm in Abia and his farm was attacked, his goats poisoned, his cattle poisoned...he had to start a smaller farm due to safety. We can't blame people for running away. Only living men do business. Moreover how can you do a business like this when a bank cannot give you money to start a business. Rather they give the same oppressors and looters of our commonwealth. It is sad. Really sad. How easy is it to visit a police station to report a crime and they quickly respond...let us all tell ourselves the truth.

  • @ericanidiobi
    @ericanidiobi 7 місяців тому +8

    People of integrity is very very rare in Nigeria. That’s one of the truest statements in the video.

  • @Royalbloodline1990
    @Royalbloodline1990 7 місяців тому +28

    AGRICULTURE is Africa’s bread and butter… we have LAND… we are more than just resources … and entertainment. Keep up the great work. AGRICULTURE is the future for AFRICA. 😊

    • @rowlandohiri9229
      @rowlandohiri9229 7 місяців тому +3

      I wish those looters who called themselves senators in Nigeria will see this video.
      What a two time Senator in Poland Europe came back to do in Nigeria,but those looters will keep recycling themselves within the corridors of power, as a governor before being a senator or after senate to a governor, ministers etc just to keep looting because they can not cope with life after a few years of living there position as senator,governor or ministers.
      Group of thieves.

    • @adedamolaolainipekun9149
      @adedamolaolainipekun9149 7 місяців тому +1

      Having land with no protection over your land is also similar to a grave yard. A land you have that you are not safe. The land is green yet it swallows its own, due to wicked leaders. The moment you go out of Nigeria you succeed. Why is it so. May GOD help us. Can this same man become senator or Minister of Agric...rather them go put lawyer and carpenter who are not competent and never built anything here. That's the difference between 1999-2023 Political class. Under Obasanjo and Yar'adua who were CBN governors and ministers of finance. Most of the people under Obasanjo were not appointed based on politics. They knew the beans and technocrats from the east really did well...Especially under Obasanjo we paid off all debts and not owing a dime. What then happened?? We all need to wake up.

    • @brafyking2924
      @brafyking2924 7 місяців тому

      Am so proud of you Sir. Insecurity is just our problem in Nigeria. He knows his onions well.

  • @alinoor6515
    @alinoor6515 15 днів тому

    Keep up senator

  • @okochaten
    @okochaten 7 місяців тому +9

    You see what a true Patriot is.👏🏽👏🏽

  • @lanremodele180
    @lanremodele180 7 місяців тому +10

    I read this mans biography just now. Ohhh ,how i Love him. I love him so much. His simplicity strikes me as well

  • @itsthronebaby
    @itsthronebaby 7 місяців тому +25

    David ur a gift to youtube and Nigerian tourism am with u all the way . Excellent job as usual 👏

    • @DavidNkwa
      @DavidNkwa  7 місяців тому +5

      Thank you

    • @masehoart7569
      @masehoart7569 7 місяців тому

      💯- 2/3 of the world’s arable land is on the African continent, at least 50% of highly nutritious indigenous plants & crops are not even cultivated - this is the 21st century scramble for Africa most Africans tend to ignore

  • @KLeccl
    @KLeccl 7 місяців тому +5

    Now, this is our own.
    I’m proud of you, senior bros...

  • @leaderslawcenter
    @leaderslawcenter 7 місяців тому +1

    I love this Doctor for believing in the promise of Nigeria. He is a true pioneer!!

  • @joelm.m
    @joelm.m 6 місяців тому +2

    those names he gave the goats is a form of revolution in itself!

  • @MrMeleo08
    @MrMeleo08 7 місяців тому +1

    True fact what he said, you can’t forget your country, but the place you stay should always be your home too. I want to meet this elder. Wonderful soul🙏🏾

  • @famochijad7692
    @famochijad7692 7 місяців тому +22

    All the royal family in one farm🤣

  • @adangohart1414
    @adangohart1414 7 місяців тому +1

    This video is a treasure. It has taught me a lot about modern commercial goat rearing. I grew up rearing goats in an extensive system, but left it for the collar job. It's time to go back to rearing goat.
    I like the way he described the goat manure; they are pellatised 😊

  • @phillipifejika2887
    @phillipifejika2887 7 місяців тому +1

    Thank you sir
    Thank you David
    So informative
    So educative
    High quality video
    If our leaders gave back a fraction of what they embezzle Nigeria will be the envy of nations

  • @isokomusichub9852
    @isokomusichub9852 7 місяців тому +3

    If a drive by video can be this detailed, I wonder how intensive and detailed the courses would be. Well done Senator.

  • @ChiAngel
    @ChiAngel 7 місяців тому +7

    I love he returned home but did not want to return empty handed, he dug back into his own history and brought this goat farm forward. He loves his job, its not even work to him. Using the manure, so smart. Differences of 🐐🐐🐐 was interesting & unknown to me. Good piece David

    • @DavidNkwa
      @DavidNkwa  7 місяців тому +2

      thank you Ma, am glad you took time to see this video. do have a great weekend

    • @ChiAngel
      @ChiAngel 7 місяців тому +1

      @@DavidNkwa Wonderful weekend you & the family. I enjoyed front to end, he is a walking book of information

  • @chukwukeereagoha7024
    @chukwukeereagoha7024 7 місяців тому +1

    I am so happy seeing this greatness my brother, you've always been focused and visionary, God bless you and continue to elevate you. As you encourage the youths it ran in your veins the Idika Onyekwere and Ohaka. You make us proud, I still remember seeing you off with your senior brother Pichi back in 90's, It is wonderful and inspiring.

  • @tokpatarnah7373
    @tokpatarnah7373 7 місяців тому +1

    You've got it right! You are at the verge of realising your dream. Would be glad were you to appreciate me enjoying your role as a role model. I'm a technologist, but with an agricultural background. I'm not in Nigeria, but I'll do my best to find you in good faith. Thanks for this video.

  • @mamie6820
    @mamie6820 7 місяців тому +7

    Thank you for sharing your experience so clearly and honestly. One can see you are truly a man of integrity.
    Nigeria’s initial loss was Poland’s gain and now Nigeria is lucky to have gained you back.
    Training is the most essential aspect of wealth dissemination.
    God bless you.
    PS Please make sure your Harry does not meet a Meghan - you may lose them both 😂😅

  • @SimangiAlex
    @SimangiAlex Місяць тому +1

    God bless you brother. Watching from South Sudan 🇸🇩 and already started goat farming on my80 accre land. Would like to learn more.

    • @OrucheNwabufo
      @OrucheNwabufo Місяць тому

      Good morning sir i will like to have more lectures on how to start a goat farm here in Nigeria also to visit your farm for practical learning

  • @OwenMapuranga-we9vq
    @OwenMapuranga-we9vq 7 місяців тому +8

    Goats names kinda eased my historical pain... Good job.

    • @oluoseni6007
      @oluoseni6007 7 місяців тому


    • @myafricandiary7311
      @myafricandiary7311 7 місяців тому


    • @onwebenjamin2677
      @onwebenjamin2677 5 місяців тому

      😂😂 I don't think he's meant to ease your historical pain, he named by value I would say

    • @OwenMapuranga-we9vq
      @OwenMapuranga-we9vq 5 місяців тому

      @@onwebenjamin2677 it's ironic though kk

  • @vincentnwokocha9988
    @vincentnwokocha9988 7 місяців тому +4

    ...Abia is now blessed with a forward thinking Gov. His Excellency, Governor Otti should bring this man back to Abia and protect him to do his business and bless the state...

    • @Robinsonov
      @Robinsonov 7 місяців тому +3

      He is a Nigeria and Abuja is part of Nigeria please. Let's learn to leave in peace after all we are all black people

    • @moseschigozie5412
      @moseschigozie5412 2 місяці тому


  • @ephraimbulus2850
    @ephraimbulus2850 7 місяців тому +4

    Brother David, thank you for a job well done !! Agribusiness is so dear to me and this is very educative. Thank you sir ❤❤❤

  • @farmboytv8351
    @farmboytv8351 3 місяці тому

    Watching from philippines my friend🇵🇭❤🙏😊👍

  • @RealestEbuka
    @RealestEbuka 7 місяців тому +2

    You did a great job David by bringing this informative exposure to the fore. Thanks to You & Very Big thanks to your Host. He's a legend!

  • @sholanlivetjaat705
    @sholanlivetjaat705 6 місяців тому

    It’s worth the time watching.May God reward everyone who has been part of bringing this to light.

  • @Poppy-kn9ed
    @Poppy-kn9ed 4 місяці тому

    Hi there, I just want to say God bless you and may God Almighty guide and protect you and your family.❤❤❤

  • @phinaokafor4020
    @phinaokafor4020 7 місяців тому +1


    @DABOERPATRICK-k2j Місяць тому

    It's very impressive Sir. I like your spirit of being a transformational generational leader that Nigerians are lucky to have. I'm from plateau state. And your location sir. Finally, how do I attend your training class?

  • @ijele4319
    @ijele4319 7 місяців тому +1

    This gives me hope, because be a student of agric Economic and extension

  • @winnerdavid7293
    @winnerdavid7293 4 місяці тому

    giving out all this information out for freeeeeeeeee ohh GOD bless you and your team amen

  • @RicardoBuckley-l1g
    @RicardoBuckley-l1g 5 місяців тому

    Beautifull program im a jamaican watching from London. Im also into farming its one of the best job.

  • @LewisOkey
    @LewisOkey 2 місяці тому

    Wow, great men i love this

  • @joelm.m
    @joelm.m 6 місяців тому

    pleasently surprised. Thank you for this documentary about such a great man!

  • @adeniyioyedele3106
    @adeniyioyedele3106 7 місяців тому +2

    This is perhaps your best video that I have seen ..keep up the good job.

  • @BakaryJoof-f3i
    @BakaryJoof-f3i 3 місяці тому +1

    Mr David i was involved into animal rearing a year ago but am really interested in this Kalahari red breed

  • @SGofLagos
    @SGofLagos 7 місяців тому

    He is intelligent no doubt ! Know his stuff too 👏👏👏👏

  • @PanamaLiveGoodonaFarm
    @PanamaLiveGoodonaFarm 4 місяці тому +1

    I enjoyed this very much. I am new to goats on my farm and have had mainly sheep. Can you explain why the goat corral is divided into sections and not open? And also why are they always off the ground? I have not had the best luck with goats on my pasture as they got sick very quick. Is this why they are separated and off the ground?

  • @Olu-Olu
    @Olu-Olu 7 місяців тому

    Impressive, humble man & good insights. I can listen to him all day…

  • @barbadosayomide9516
    @barbadosayomide9516 7 місяців тому

    Is our father in everything and is a brave man back to Nigeria wit big farm

  • @uzoejekwumadu7731
    @uzoejekwumadu7731 7 місяців тому +4

    😊😊 From consumption to production 💞

  • @okosunfamily1081
    @okosunfamily1081 7 місяців тому +2

    My new business venture Thank You

  • @samuelobasi6863
    @samuelobasi6863 7 місяців тому +1

    Enlightening... Goat milk, I have heard about it's quality before but this just brought fresh perspective.

  • @lionking7888
    @lionking7888 6 місяців тому

    Very interesting content and rearing of well build goats. Keep on and good luck with the ranch good job mr Gobson

  • @reneevaneldijk8376
    @reneevaneldijk8376 7 місяців тому +2

    Yes David, I will share it 🙂

  • @hawkithreesixtydegree9017
    @hawkithreesixtydegree9017 7 місяців тому +11

    You see what Nigeria missed from this man for years and still came back to give back to the society of Nigeria despite the country isn't worth it? This is the real patriotism that most Igbo portray. Now, who is a real patriotic Nigerian?

  • @reneevaneldijk8376
    @reneevaneldijk8376 7 місяців тому +2

    This is very interessant.. Again a great documentaire, video ! You are very smart David that you bring this kind of docu's on UA-cam. Thank you for what your doing

    • @DavidNkwa
      @DavidNkwa  7 місяців тому +1

      good to see you here again my good friend, and thanks for watching and commenting. Do remember to share as you always do. thanks

  • @Jack-xj5dj
    @Jack-xj5dj 7 місяців тому

    Very inspiring. This is definitely on my "to do" list; Insha AlwuHa YiSWuA Hā MeSYiCH Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

  • @akrikaakrika1474
    @akrikaakrika1474 7 місяців тому +1

    Great story! I'm personally interested in the agric business.

  • @iyebiyeolawuyi1832
    @iyebiyeolawuyi1832 7 місяців тому +1

    It’s amazing how you find these people. Thanks soo much for sharing. I really appreciate

  • @GodwinIbe-bl2gu
    @GodwinIbe-bl2gu 5 місяців тому

    Great work. Am really impressed

  • @Gutsy-Man-up
    @Gutsy-Man-up 7 місяців тому +2

    It beautiful to see a goat king

  • @medfitconsultant
    @medfitconsultant 6 місяців тому

    Respect. This is very good 👍 indeed.

  • @illitrait
    @illitrait 7 місяців тому

    ...a solid Nigerian with solid bona fides. Piece of advice - keep your commercially sensitive financials to yourself. Some people head no correct.

  • @iamstanslimodogwu
    @iamstanslimodogwu 7 місяців тому

    Very educative and informative so proud of you, I think I will start a goat farm soon ,after watching this inspiring vide thank you.

  • @Plug042
    @Plug042 7 місяців тому +1

    i love your agricultural videos
    it keeps inspire me to keeping my farmer dream high

  • @SimeonOlajide
    @SimeonOlajide 4 місяці тому

    May God bless your hussle

  • @ChiefObaah
    @ChiefObaah 7 місяців тому

    Thank God for the internet, when i have my money I will definitely come to get a set of the goat breeds you have.

  • @UnusualOscar
    @UnusualOscar 7 місяців тому +3

    This is very nice to know

  • @josephineekoma9235
    @josephineekoma9235 7 місяців тому +3

    I so impressed.

  • @anytorp
    @anytorp 7 місяців тому +1

    2:40 this guy talks the truth. no wonder he became a politician

  • @49riddickful
    @49riddickful 7 місяців тому +3

    Poland mentioned! POLSKAA

  • @temiladealamudun5063
    @temiladealamudun5063 7 місяців тому +1

    Way to go in Nigeria is mechanized agricultural production. Let Nigerian government support agriculture and make it more attractive to our youths and also our military forces to build security as well👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @deedee7916
    @deedee7916 5 місяців тому

    Thank you for mentioning the crisis of the wicked fulani herds men destroying people's farms.
    That evil have to stop

  • @onyekachinwafor8261
    @onyekachinwafor8261 7 місяців тому

    David thanks for all that you do 🙌
    May God bless and protect you 🙏
    Thanks for sharing 💪

  • @Akin1936
    @Akin1936 7 місяців тому

    He is a positive individual, no wonder he is successful

  • @staustineobieme5237
    @staustineobieme5237 4 місяці тому

    I’m blown away

  • @kevinanaks8554
    @kevinanaks8554 7 місяців тому

    One of the best agro-vidieo from Africa I have watched

  • @lanreoloyin4914
    @lanreoloyin4914 6 місяців тому

    Wow! Wonderful and beautiful content. This is very exciting. Thqnks to Pilgrim Ranch and many thanks to you David for this great content. We appreciate

  • @juvwon
    @juvwon 7 місяців тому

    See that naughty stubborn goat, showing himself @ 23:20 ..😭🤣😂

  • @gomzpaul2540
    @gomzpaul2540 7 місяців тому

    This dr is one of the best in naija

  • @hyacinthjarrett8637
    @hyacinthjarrett8637 7 місяців тому +1

    What a beauty. I am no expert but compared to to ones that I have seen.

  • @StanleyOkafor-ey6yn
    @StanleyOkafor-ey6yn 7 місяців тому

    I am proud of this man

  • @TheProphetOmale
    @TheProphetOmale 7 місяців тому

    Dear Sir - Keep up the good work. I really want to go into Agriculture (Sheep/Goat rearing).

  • @nanakofitetebo9396
    @nanakofitetebo9396 7 місяців тому +3

    He himself Japa for 25yrs 😂 before he fit do something big in Nigeria

  • @gokeegbewole2687
    @gokeegbewole2687 5 місяців тому

    Please can I get trained for the breeding and setting up my own live stock farm.

  • @fridayomoruyi8113
    @fridayomoruyi8113 7 місяців тому

    God bless you Sir. I hope to visit your farm one day.

  • @aderibigbetolani8678
    @aderibigbetolani8678 7 місяців тому

    Ive known this man a long time ago as I am also a rearer but listening to this podcast, I Cant just lie, this man is 'well and super grounded in the basics of animal business. Some agric economics which I myself have not been able to figure out in the past, I have actually gotten ideas listening to him within 12 minutes of this talk. Thank you sir, It's very enlightening hearing you.

  • @Adebayo-ny4kk
    @Adebayo-ny4kk 4 місяці тому

    Hello, good work you have been doing with farm, where is your farm located in Abuja?

  • @MrKika1305
    @MrKika1305 7 місяців тому +1

    nice one... very informative and encouraging ...keep up these documentaries about how to make tangible investment in Nigeria....

    • @DavidNkwa
      @DavidNkwa  7 місяців тому

      thank you, kindly share the video so more people can see it

  • @patrickfemi5144
    @patrickfemi5144 6 місяців тому +3

    Nigeria will never make someone like him the minister for Agriculture.

    • @touchnot3402
      @touchnot3402 5 місяців тому

      Never ..they will prefer theirselves ...all the loothing cabal

    • @Gomozoba
      @Gomozoba 4 місяці тому

      Exactly it's painful that someone like this will not be given

  • @nicholasikponmwosa4951
    @nicholasikponmwosa4951 7 місяців тому

    Great story. I am very inspired by this story. God bless you sir keep up the good job.

  • @CanaanFarm
    @CanaanFarm 7 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for this insight

  • @eugenendukwe6019
    @eugenendukwe6019 7 місяців тому

    Awesome and inspiring! I just found the goat-farmer mentor I had been searching for like forever! I had been wondering if we could find boar goat farmers in Naija but didn't know you are already a veteran in it.

    @PRESTIGEFARM 7 місяців тому +1

    This is really inspirational.

  • @michaelscampinternational4534
    @michaelscampinternational4534 7 місяців тому +1

    God bless Sir 🙌

  • @zocampulcher3456
    @zocampulcher3456 7 місяців тому

    So educative. Thank you David for always making us learn through your lens. ✨

    • @DavidNkwa
      @DavidNkwa  7 місяців тому

      Glad you enjoyed it!

  • @Caliso
    @Caliso 5 місяців тому

    Janek jesteś błogosławieństwem😇 dla swojego ludu i narodu. Niech Bóg ci daje zdrowie i cię chroni przed złem tego świata. Pozdrawiam P.S. nawet nie wiedziałam, że cię mieliśmy w rządzie 😮

  • @beonceeadababe1150
    @beonceeadababe1150 7 місяців тому

    I love love his compound is green.

  • @felixduarte972
    @felixduarte972 6 місяців тому

    Well done! Very Informative!👍

  • @sikehmirabel6678
    @sikehmirabel6678 Місяць тому

    Hi i wish to come to nigeria for the goat's milk.i'm in cameroon

  • @Lifebydesign87
    @Lifebydesign87 6 місяців тому

    Please what are the processes of getting trained by him?

  • @ukemeobot9700
    @ukemeobot9700 7 місяців тому

    Of all your videos this one caught my absolute attention and you gained a subscriber. It was educative, informative and I like that you asked about individuals in retirements or approaching retirement. Well done! 👏🏾 👍🏾

    • @DavidNkwa
      @DavidNkwa  7 місяців тому

      Glad it was helpful! welcome to the family

  • @nnannanwatu4659
    @nnannanwatu4659 7 місяців тому +1

    Those names are good names ☝️

  • @TikkunFiat
    @TikkunFiat 7 місяців тому

    Really sad insecurity pushed them away from the SE. Wish more people would open these in the SE

  • @nonsookonwo4575
    @nonsookonwo4575 6 місяців тому

    Products some part of the food you eat at home ❤