5 Twin Flame Signs That ONLY Happen to Twin Flames



  • @tiaf8693
    @tiaf8693 26 днів тому +6

    First & foremost I want to Say LISTEN TO EVERYTHING THIS MAN SAYING ITS ALL THE TRUTH. I’m going to make this real brief I start watching him when I was going thru it with my Twin I swear like going thru it. I wanted it to stopppp.!! He said stop watching Tarot stop watching anything regarding twin flames as much I didn’t and I just really wanted to I stopped I even cut my twin off entirely, then here comes my soul mate didn’t know it was my soulmate at the time but she started to get alllllll my attention to the point my twin started coming back in full stalker mode.. in the end I DID NOT want my twin I chose my soul mate my twin did too much damage it would’ve never worked but all this to say I’ve been with my soulmate for 3.5 years now so it been a little long than that since I’ve seen any tarot but I’m happy with my soulmate my twin still stalk my pages I only know because in todays world you can see EVERYTHING. Lol but LISTEN TO HIM.!!! Best of luck guys ❤&thank you Kurt sooo much.

    • @tiaf8693
      @tiaf8693 26 днів тому +1

      Sorry for any errors yall get the point.. if you need more of the story just comment more!!lol I get to it eventually…

    • @SandraLuwede
      @SandraLuwede 23 дні тому +1

      Are you sure his your twin? Maybe your at a stage where your not physically or ready for the connection. His hurting you. I think me and Justin went through that stoker stage in our past life twins get super possessive Justin is a super possessive guy. But I feel hurt watching him be alone without me. I can’t hurt him that way I don’t even want him to see me with other guys. If you hurt him this way his going to do the same to you. Twins are forever that’s why we’re not in a rush to be with them all the time but Justin needs me sooo bad I can tell and I need him to. It’s evil to ignore your twin is cry it is your duty to work out your differences with him but if he doesn’t wanna listen his either not your actual twin or his probably not ready to be with you and he needs to grow up first. You do as well no offense.when you believe in Gif you understand how evil it is to pick another man that’s not the person Hid chose for you. And don’t laugh at him because if you do I don’t think his your twin you might have an evil dark heart.that could have developed because your twin was hurting you and you choose your soulmate because he comforts you. Twins reveal their dark parts to one another because meeting you is like meeting Gif when you meet his you cannot even lie to him because he already can see right through you you just have to tell him the truth about everything he needs to know. Even if he may already know he needs to hear it from you. Your twin knows you like the back of his hands but he doesn’t know everything about you yet, you sound like the runner twin. It’s time to journal talk to him and tell him why your ignoring him don’t just move on don’t do him like that karma is a bitch that same soul mate you think is yours might turn around and do the same thing your doing to your twin to you and you’ll wonder why they are doing that, what happened

    • @SandraLuwede
      @SandraLuwede 23 дні тому

      @@tiaf8693me too sorry for the errors thanks for sharing your story I hope I didn’t insult u n I would love to hear more about your twin gland journey cuz we need help it’s th Ed B most b ibb n tends n dangerous connect existing

    • @Easy-A.Ericka
      @Easy-A.Ericka 18 днів тому +1

      @@tiaf8693 just don’t talk about stuff that you know nothing about then you don’t have to apologize for anything. So I guess you’re just gonna have to be quiet because you don’t know anything.

  • @bytorowl2458
    @bytorowl2458 4 місяці тому +63

    It has to be paranormal, true dreams, precognition, strange signs, heart palpitations, strange vibrations (chakra ?)...wacko syncroncities....yeah and a hell of a never ending crying!!!

    • @MrenCapone
      @MrenCapone 4 місяці тому +5

      yeah had a lot of these symptoms on April 2nd and 3rd. probably some small mini kundalini awakening caused by separation

    • @northstar5919
      @northstar5919 4 місяці тому +7

      And you ask yourself what disease is this? 😁

    • @scorpio888osiris8tsO
      @scorpio888osiris8tsO 3 місяці тому +7

      The hell of a never ending crying is spot on

  • @annablomma79
    @annablomma79 4 місяці тому +50

    The obsessive thinking is totally insane... in no contact with him since november last year and i still have this thinking and its just insane, i even cried recently thinking about him i cant help it... i thought it was like over for a while there and i was feeling better a bit but then now it got worse again this thinking and its draining... Has never happend to me before. Breakup yes but not cried etc for 6-7 months...damn this is something extra i must say... I miss him...oh well...

    • @eradgz0924
      @eradgz0924 4 місяці тому +5

      All I can say is “Keep going and don‘t give up”.☺️
      I used to think that this phase in my life will never end but after 3 years I literally stopped thinking about my twin flame. It happend last year during February when I found Kurt’s channel. After watching the Vidoes I understood why I was crying and thinking obsessively about him. Well it was my spiritual awakening 😊
      The thing is I’ve never met my twin flame in real life. We met online on an app. He is from Florida and I’m from Germany. Like Kurt always say we had the bubble phase for almost a month. It was such an experience 😂 I really loved it but hated it at the same time cause obviously after he stopped texting everything has changed for me. The first 2 years oh my god I didn't know what was wrong with me. I was crying every single day in my room checking up my phone with hope that he will text me again but didn't happen. Yep, I was waiting for a text message 💬 for 2 years. Anyways I could tell so much about my journey but it doesn't matter anymore most of the things I have already forgotten. It feels like God erased all my memories.
      I’m spiritually awakened now and life feels so good like everything has changed for the better (better than I could imagine).
      Btw my “other half” showed up last year during may again. He came back online on the app and checked up my profile but he didn't text me. I saw that he came back after 3 years but we didn't talked and then he was gone again. I don't care anymore but yeah it's been a year now. Idk if we will ever talk again or meet in real life but I’m just trying to focus on my life/ on my goals😁

    • @dineen1575
      @dineen1575 4 місяці тому +5

      It was the worst part for me too! Horrible. So heart wrenching. Then when you get passed it you deal with the "pop ups" as I call them. You are doing something completely unrelated and their name just pop up in your head and your like "why" ugggh not this again. It drove me crazy
      We went two years not really connecting but we both grew alot. So just do you. Grow and be better he will feel it and reach out. Best of luck on your journey.

    • @annablomma79
      @annablomma79 4 місяці тому +1

      @@dineen1575 yes exactly! Yes i'm trying to do me but its also a struggle, strong forces i must say... struggeling every day, still waiting for him to reach out but in the same time like distance myself from it, hard to explain but I think you know... hopefully he will reach out again, maybe when I least expect it.... and oh yeah I see a lot of Angels numbers too, a lot... I wish you good luck as well🫶

    • @annablomma79
      @annablomma79 4 місяці тому +1

      @@eradgz0924 thank you! That's quite a story i wish you good luck with everything and hopefully you get to see him for real one day, love and light🫶

    • @narvana2731
      @narvana2731 4 місяці тому +4

      Well, my story is that we broke up in april 2022, so it's been two years, and thinking about him didn't stop as I thought it would 😶 At the beginning of this year I started to feel so bad and I was crying so hard seemingly out of nowhere. I just turned to manifestation and spirituality as a form of help to be back with him cuz I felt there's just no other option for me to let go of it. But the most interesting part it situation when I wasnt even thinking about him at the time, I was minding my own business, and I had those thoughts in my head that were like not mine, and his name, face and completly random memorie of us appeared in my head. Just like that, for no reason, as I was just sweaping floors and not thinking about him at all here he was with those memories and his name in my head, like someone just put that to my mind. It was WILD.

  • @lingobingo7299
    @lingobingo7299 Місяць тому +3

    I did the test last night, not just to test if he's my TF, but also cuz i was fed up of the perpetual heartache of NC. So i said to myself, "ok that's it, I'm done, I'm moving on! Not gonna talk to him again" And guess what??? He contacted me tonight after ages lol. I was totally mindblown!😅 tysm😢

  • @CGA-Arts
    @CGA-Arts Місяць тому

    On #4 (Feeling Them). It is not your mind playing tricks on you, it is you discovering/remembering and falling in love with your own soul. There is no them, no other...only I AM. I believe running and chasing (#2) is caused when the ego fights to live and separate itself from oneness while the twin half of soul is pursuing. Ego must dissolve into no mind and the soul reconstitute itself in union. Focus and obsession with the other is deceptive, a misperception...the other may flee and be polarized because of failure to see yourself. Take the eyes off other and see yourself, recognize the other as a reflection of yourself, and the maddening tension of obsessive intrinsic yearning will fall away. The stronger the pull, the harder the push. The greater the 'innerstanding', the more self magnetizes to draw understanding toward itself. I am completely new to this entire idea...just revealed to me this morning in meditative writing and the discovery of twin flames but hours old. Could this be a microcosm of how Source creates us all in order to know itself?

  • @user-newlyawakenedCN
    @user-newlyawakenedCN 3 місяці тому +5

    When I feel my twin flame, I am completely focused on something (unrelated to my twin) and all of a sudden I feel sad or intense anxiety for an hour or two then it just disappears, its happened so many times its kinda annoying now, lol. One thing I have experienced that I have not heard anyone mention: When my twin and I have an intense fight, I'm extremely angry with them and telling myself, I don't need this _______, I'm done! EVERY TIME,
    I wake up the next day ALL of these feelings of anger are completely gone. I remember everything, it just feels like something removed all of these feelings of anger. I have had this happen 5 times now. Strange......

    • @pure-pisces9980
      @pure-pisces9980 3 місяці тому

      Same!! So many times....only to be walked all over!! & after on/off 4.5 years....discarded! 😢
      I wish u well 🙏❤️

  • @PurpleLightWarriorc
    @PurpleLightWarriorc 4 місяці тому +4

    Oh my gosh on point . All this sh has happen to me . I am not un contact with him and he kept running. Finally inhad surrendered and just working on the nest version of my self . I wnlent through so much with him

  • @StarWolf8401
    @StarWolf8401 2 місяці тому

    I saw her lay her head down on the dinner table with her face facing away from me. When I saw this I felt this chill along my spine as I was walking toward the laundry room. When I got back she was gone. I asked her mom if she saw her she told me she was in her room the whole time.

  • @debbiegunter6020
    @debbiegunter6020 17 днів тому

    Thank you, that was amazing imformation.

  • @danitarhea1198
    @danitarhea1198 4 місяці тому

    Hey Kurt...
    I'm a Born Again Believer and have been experiencing unfathomable triggers and Supernatural visits as well as everything you suggest as my having a Twin Flame.
    Im Reaching out for answers and have experienced a very close relationship with God for many years. Not religious but very Spiritual. I really enjoy your podcasts but need to correct one thing about the # of love types
    There's actually 3 types of love...
    Agape....God's unconditional
    Error.... Errotic - Human/ Romantic
    We as Humans can and do experience ALL 3 types at one time :)
    I'm convinced something very Shpernatural outside of my familiar or common experiences and I'm becoming a new and higher developed woman through it all. I also have friends admitting similar experiences!
    It's cray cray. Keep up the great work but you may one day see me with a podcast with a little 😢 twist to it! I would love to chat with you for more deliberation. I'm 64 btw!

  • @Allesandro-m4l
    @Allesandro-m4l 4 місяці тому +2

    So I turned on this video and just skipped to 08:52 and what you're saying at this part is exactly what I was doing just before turning this video on

  • @Anu15098
    @Anu15098 2 місяці тому

    I've saved his number as "Narcissist" 😂
    Yes! He kept coming back after every fight.
    But since a year he didn't put any effort to come back as we had a nasty fight but checked my Instagram story sometimes.. We're not even in a relationship.
    I feel so confused with his behavior.
    I'm like if you dont value me ..I'll kick you out from my life.
    But this connection feels so strong that i feel helpless sometimes & lately its been so heavy..my energy is draining.

  • @p.i.m.6008
    @p.i.m.6008 Місяць тому

    Narcissism has 9 traits.
    I velieve you need 4 of the 9, maybe 5, in order for them to be diagnosed as a narcissist, professionally.
    Look up what narcissists are and compare it to the person you are questioning about. Relationships of any kind

  • @vinuthaj.l6718
    @vinuthaj.l6718 Місяць тому

    Twin flame may be younger than me, one fellow proposed me he is younger than me

  • @harmony3279
    @harmony3279 4 місяці тому

    I possess ALL of these signs.

    • @NewWorldAllstar
      @NewWorldAllstar  4 місяці тому

      Watch these: ua-cam.com/play/PLrVOavDjPxlijbMJSgzUV8dE1_zqSJSDn.html&si=yMDBb4JMp9OV46FJ

  • @mariespi96
    @mariespi96 4 місяці тому

    Well, this sounds exhausting…

  • @ma.dannilyntactay9604
    @ma.dannilyntactay9604 3 місяці тому

    So sad, my twin flames is my ex. I just didn't know until I met him again and confess he still loves me but sad to say when he's busy focus on his work I've been so many failed relationship up until now I've been in toxic relationship but I can't be with him and that sucks. Because I already have 2 children they need their own father that's why I'm staying to this relationship for my children no attach feelings. I'm just like why God give my twin flames in my hardest situation it just because he want to make me happy for a while? Its so hard that I want to be with him but the people around me not wanting the idea of being with him

  • @juliemarks9751
    @juliemarks9751 3 місяці тому +25

    It's feeling with your heart... feeling at home... feel like you've known them forever... it's God given...

  • @elsefallado
    @elsefallado 3 місяці тому +29

    I experienced all these. I now surrender everything to God for the perfect time for us.❤️🙏

    • @marciaevans-v1s
      @marciaevans-v1s Місяць тому +1

      Right on, let be and let God sort it .

  • @danymitehazard
    @danymitehazard 4 місяці тому +104

    Why is it that the person that’s on your mind and that you can’t stop thinking about, always tends to avoid you, disappear and hide from you completely??

    • @Fixthis10537
      @Fixthis10537 4 місяці тому +1

      Isten to the play list and find out why......

    • @danymitehazard
      @danymitehazard 4 місяці тому +1

      @@Fixthis10537 which playlist??

    • @OpenHeartwithNola
      @OpenHeartwithNola 4 місяці тому +2

      @@danymitehazardHis previous videos, which are super enlightening.

    • @cliffordjohnson943
      @cliffordjohnson943 4 місяці тому +23

      Once you let it go and stop thinking about them and making them the goal, they come back. Your obsessive thinking will naturally calm, especially if you meditate. Good luck 🍀

    • @danymitehazard
      @danymitehazard 4 місяці тому +7

      @@cliffordjohnson943 that is just weird! How is it that my thoughts are driving this person away?? That doesn’t make any sense

  • @TheMaiah13
    @TheMaiah13 2 місяці тому +17

    8 years now for us…no union yet. Were still thinking obsessively of each other. Synchronicities galore. Am emotionally exhausted. My life would be so much more peaceful without this.

    • @QueenRobyn211
      @QueenRobyn211 Місяць тому +3


    • @marciaevans-v1s
      @marciaevans-v1s Місяць тому +4

      Truly let him go! Give yourself 5seconds when you think about him then that’s it move on, after practise of this you stop thinking about them so much. Be at peace and accepting of wherever they are at. You have to be 100% at peace that they are just where they need to be and so are you, let it all go!!

  • @whitelightmystic
    @whitelightmystic 4 місяці тому +37

    My heart is on fire 🔥 everyday

    • @blessed-joyamadi
      @blessed-joyamadi 4 місяці тому +9

      I don't think that there's a worse hell than twinflame separation

  • @Vyeri_Cmdr_CC95
    @Vyeri_Cmdr_CC95 4 місяці тому +18

    The paradox is that a sustainable coexistence with your twinflame is only possible when there is no longer any desire left for your twinflame. kind of like it's a normal person you know.
    it's a paradox. Otherwise the push/pull thing is on.
    For the mind this is absolutely not understandable. There is no way for the mind to get there. To identify your desire for she/him as your „I“ will make the difference.

    • @NotBornYesterday-sq7ld
      @NotBornYesterday-sq7ld 3 місяці тому +3

      Only when the addiction is transcended and I’m willing to accept the “boredom” of serenity will they return.

  • @NadiaKilmer
    @NadiaKilmer 4 місяці тому +16

    I have been going through this for 14 months now! It's so painful. He's the runner and I'm the chaser. I get so exhausted from the pain and confusion. We have this amazing spiritual connection. We have only been together sexually 3 times in a year! But he is always going to be in my life . There's this weird knowing. I just know we are forever connected.

    • @FrancescaManuela-ri3yt
      @FrancescaManuela-ri3yt 3 місяці тому +1

      I have been experiencing that for 24 years😊😢

    • @JenniferHines-i1t
      @JenniferHines-i1t Місяць тому

      I know my DM Twin Flame is going to be connected forever. Because we always have been already. Its wiiiiild

    • @lindazeitler9025
      @lindazeitler9025 Місяць тому

      Omg. I could have written this, except been 15 months for me. I will never stop unconditionally loving him.

  • @Kimbocreator
    @Kimbocreator 4 місяці тому +14

    crazy shit happens like going to a festival where 5000 people are attending and you park 10 feet away from his car and he comes to the bar right next to you 5 mins after you enter .

    • @tyr573
      @tyr573 3 місяці тому +1

      Similar thing happened to me i was thinking "what am i suposed to do in my life when will i meet someone" and i looked up and she was literally there after 4 years of not seeing her i hate it 💀

    • @M.M.1010
      @M.M.1010 17 днів тому

      What happens after union and you don't feel the connection as when we were apart texting long dustance?????

  • @taylort726
    @taylort726 4 місяці тому +12

    This is eerily accurate. He came back after 2 months about 2 days after my obsessive thinking subsided. Again, I thought about him the moment my eyes opened every day for 2 entire months until I didn’t and he contacted me just as soon as that and I keep telling people that there is something strange happening and I can’t forget about him. I don’t want to. I also feel his bodily pains when he’s not here. He got in a motorcycle crash and is sleeping on his friend’s couch and his right knee hurts. My right leg was hurting badly today and it’s so tight and now it’s just knee pain (he hurt his knee)

  • @barbarajones3535
    @barbarajones3535 4 місяці тому +10

    35:21 OMG! I'm so glad I found you & now have a wealth of information to explain my experiences!! Thank you so much & by the way I love your sense of humor & your directionous. Awesome!!❤

  • @nadine1017
    @nadine1017 4 місяці тому +7

    The obsessive thinking got me really stuck I can’t even function properly although we weren’t close to each other but we both felt the connection,
    I remember the day I removed him suddenly I got sickkk in my solar plexus (Constipation,colon problems,severe back pain) and headaches and doctors couldn’t diagnose it. Still don’t know if it’s related to him coz I knew that we might share the same chakras ..I hope someone correct for me if it’s true or not

  • @susanprice9817
    @susanprice9817 27 днів тому +3

    We work at same department store but different departments. We have never gone out. Before I worked there, there were times when I would catch him staring at me and I knew he was there and he wouldn't say anything to me. He sometimes would smile or look like he's seen a ghost. He would just like look away real quick. Before I started there and even now, I still work there Wherever we are walking or you know, doing something with products stocking on the shelves. Or something we always manage to run into each other.. Have had four conversations since I started in November 2023. Have had non verbal glances first then prolonged staring, I know hes watching, or he is close by. I see him everywhere even when I close my eyes.
    I will be working.And I just look up and turn around, and he's there walking by or doing something work related. When we're walking toward each other and then his stare is like he's looking and to my soul, and he does. He never looks at my body. He just looks at my face and then we get close to each other. And then he looks down. It seems like a form of respect. Didn't find out He is in a relationship until recently.I'm encouraging anything.
    I believe I'm an empath, because I sense. Certain things when I'm in crowds of people but more so with him than anybody else in the store because I can feel that he's in absolute turmoil. He doesn't get any sleep. He looks tired all the time and he's very nervous around me. When I see him end are eyes lock for long periods of time. He seems like he wants to say something to me. Or explain something to me, but he can't bring himself to do it. I feel that my spirit guides are wanting me to not do anything about it. And he's gonna be the one to have to step up.I do believe we're both going through transformations. He is hot and cold. Seems to be staying away from me. I am not going to progress with anything verbally because i'm respecting his boundaries. In the last 2 weeks, he does. And he usually doesn't walk down that way, and he will say Goodbye to me. And smile, and just look directly at me. And focus on me and then go out the door he's never really initiated talking before now. You know, greetings like hello or saying goodbye, before unless i've done so first.

  • @equalitarianbiologist2327
    @equalitarianbiologist2327 4 місяці тому +12

    44:44 uploaded 4 hrs ago.

    • @linh7034
      @linh7034 4 місяці тому +4

      And i read this comment when it said “44 min ago”

    • @M.A.M.966
      @M.A.M.966 4 місяці тому +2

      I see this number every day.........44,444,4444,144,1444...

    • @linh7034
      @linh7034 4 місяці тому +3

      @@M.A.M.966 yup same, i saw 144, 1144, 1444 everyday everywhere i go. And 144 is his birthday number: April 14.

    • @M.A.M.966
      @M.A.M.966 4 місяці тому

      @@linh7034 and what do you think about this? Is because of your TF?

    • @thelmasolis150
      @thelmasolis150 4 місяці тому +2

      And 4 comments. I'm the 5th

  • @mrs_tmi4876
    @mrs_tmi4876 4 місяці тому +5

    Yep He is my twinflame😢😢he got me out of my karmic marriage. Unfortunately he is married, so😊

    • @Vivi921
      @Vivi921 4 місяці тому

      Same here. I’m in a toxic marriage and mine is helping me get out. He actually made me bold enough to decide. He is married because I rejected him without understanding why despite me missing him then. Now we both have two kids of same ages. We keep birthing in same year but my kids always come first. We were both born on a Saturday. Got married in same month and last Week (Me 28 and him 30) one year apart. Without any of us having knowledge because we were in no contact. He suddenly reached out via Facebook when I was having a stressful pregnancy due to the toxic marriage. God sent him to bring me strength and my blood pressure normalized. I probably won’t have made it through.

    • @Flamefire_89
      @Flamefire_89 3 місяці тому +1

      @@Vivi921 I have a similar story: I couldn’t recognize him 12 years ago or so. I got married, after I got married he got married. He got two kids, I got two kids, and our kids have the same gender (firsts are boy and the seconds are girl), they share the same birth years etc… I kept thinking about him ten plus years during the marriage, I got divorced then I see. We have even 11-11 in our birthdays… Even our names have similar meanings. We look alike like siblings.
      I found the answers and reached the peace. I will be here for him until the end, and love him unconditionally forever.

    • @Vivi921
      @Vivi921 3 місяці тому

      @@Flamefire_89 so touching. He hasn’t left my mind since I set eyes on him 8 years ago. He couldn’t tell me of his intentions and had to talk to our female leader to enquire discreetly if I was dating someone else. I was dating my husband then already 5 years. I said yes but it’s a distance relationship cos he relocated abroad. Hubby gave too much stress while dating and on a certain day when I was hurting and that guy suddenly hugged me after seeing me for the first time in four months. Unknown to him I was thinking of him too the whole time. I never knew of his intentions but I knew within something was pulling me to him. His hug was something that struck my soul and I melted. That day for the first time in my whole life I go intimate with someone I wasn’t dating. That sex was not ordinary because I knew within me that something that felt like a rift was opened. It was once but the best thing that happened to me. But I felt sorry because I had to tell my hubby and he didn’t end the relationship so the guy was disappointed because he felt that would make me leave my relationship then. He waited for two years and calling me to know if we broke up no I was free again. He wanted me but didn’t force me. We talked about what happened then recently and he said when he saw me he knew I was meant for him but he couldn’t tell why we didn’t end up together. He hasn’t stopped thinking about me for one day till now. We both would live apart with heavy hearts forever but longing for a reunion when I visit my home country again.

  • @wendyross9979
    @wendyross9979 4 місяці тому +7

    I don't want this twin flame it's heartbreaking and confusing and I'm tired of the aggravation and stress about it and always thinking about how to change it and fix it while on the other hand he's in another mental state and doesn't help

  • @JustynaGorka
    @JustynaGorka Місяць тому +4

    I met this kind of person. 5 years,on and off... blocking, unblocking, checking social media etc. I feel like I met him for a reason to help him to get out of the gambling addiction and get his life back... but since then,he pulled away. Just decided that our chapter is over. Seen him once in a year time,but I still think of him every day.

  • @beena4251
    @beena4251 4 місяці тому +8

    I am seriously done with him this time. but since he is my co worker i am unable to
    fully avoid him.

    • @colscary
      @colscary 2 місяці тому

      I know the feel. The energy is so overwhelming. We both avoid each other for now. But who knows somewhere in the future or in the next life we will meet each other again

  • @sierraG333
    @sierraG333 4 місяці тому +9

    How do I stop being angry at him for leading me on and then friendzoning me. My life is hell and I can’t function. I just want to move on. But I can’t.

    • @nadine1017
      @nadine1017 4 місяці тому +6

      Just put in your mind if he’s really your “TF” he might be so overwhelmed by the connection or afraid of failure in future with you but for sure he still loves you no matter what, and you too as well still need some healing/soul growth until y’all both are ready
      In my case I actually ran away suddenly and unfriended him “idk why that was weird to me too” I felt betrayed at some point coz he was playing mind games on me and denying his feelings although his actions told the opposite.. I know he may be insecure but that guy got me sick

    • @sierraG333
      @sierraG333 4 місяці тому +1

      @@nadine1017 Thanks for your response and you're right I need healing big time! That's exactly the same as me...the hot and cold even though part of being female is knowing when a guy is into you. Then out of the blue a few months ago without any reason he starts repeatedly texting about how he only wanted friendship and nothing more (but a month before that he was asking me if I was interested in a relationship) What the hell? He has since told me that he's seeing someone. I don't even know if it's true. I hope she enjoys all the mixed messages too.

    • @rochelle7505
      @rochelle7505 4 місяці тому

      I been spiritually awakened . I have been getting pulled when he in my area . Separation for 8yrs and within 8yrs he has driven around my home. Also spiritually suppose to help see the bad situation he in. Spiritually past uncle has helped me see what toxic ppl are doing around him. I met my twin flame 🔥 12yrs old . I had spiritual awakening 18yrs old that he would be the father of children. We have daughter. Now I’m 43 I walked away he came back several times. Haven’t spoke to him in 5yrs also been overwhelmed thinking about him. Definitely got very upset this last time. When detached he would come flying back. Focusing on my health my happiness not him. This time has been hard. Seeing photos of him makes me cry. I’m upset I threw everything in the trash but I need to be free. I just saw his face internet breaking I was doing good not think of him. When I block him he would make fake accounts follow. Never exactly come to me but drive around my home. So don’t know if exactly I’m detached this time. So it’s messing with me because I wasn’t this spiritually awaken. So I was much better at detaching. I wish this on no one. Hardest journey I experienced. Detach sooner then later. A lot lessons to be learned. Healing ❤️‍🩹 yourself is most important part.

    • @ticeticebabyyy9217
      @ticeticebabyyy9217 4 місяці тому +5

      I would stop focusing on his intention altogether and start viewing it as a science experiment instead. If he is your twin flame, that's sort of how this works anyway. It's all just energy. Nothing personal. Your thoughts and emotions (regarding him) travel to him and push him away, causing him to grasp for any random excuse to not be near you. Your soul already knows you're one, but the mind thinks he's separate from you, which is what causes the emotional pain/obsessive thinking. Once you practice meditation and detaching from mind you get to reclaim ownership over your mind for your soul (your true self), the pain/obsessive thinking stops. Thats when your twin will naturally find excuses to be near you, bc they are you. It has nothing to do with "he said/she said," it's all just energy I promise lol

    • @jennifermorrison1905
      @jennifermorrison1905 4 місяці тому +3

      Practice forgiveness. In all areas of your life, especially forgiveness for yourself.

  • @jubeebby3
    @jubeebby3 4 місяці тому +8

    "im fkn all the way done" haha this made me laugh

  • @jamilaelforis
    @jamilaelforis 4 місяці тому +4

    this is the first time this happen to me afther one year iam thinking of him and when i see him that eye contact that we have is not normal its like i see his soul and what he thinking and its just a strange eye contact i ask GOD take him off my mind please

    • @nottigyrl
      @nottigyrl 2 місяці тому

      I felt like he’s the one that could see my soul and everything I was feeling at the moment of eye activation but i didn’t see him that way I was feeling all my thoughts and energy buzzing through my body

  • @StephanieRammerjam
    @StephanieRammerjam Місяць тому +2

    Well if they are real, as in twin flames, then this is what it is. 😱 Based on your description. We also manifest each other all the time. I have never manifested anyone by thinking of them before. It happens to him too

  • @Sagitarot1220
    @Sagitarot1220 2 місяці тому +2

    I know I found mine . Everything in the beginning was amazing . He then started to distance himself . I kept chasing him explaining my feeling over and over . I’ve been crying like someone is holding me hostage the pain is so real . I have never felt anything in my life like this . When I pull away he looks for me when we talk again then again he pulls away . I think about him so hard that I feel like I’m in a 3D room and he is actually there with me . I have had orgasms in my dreams about him . When I think of him I notice he logs into my social media story at the same time I was just thinking about him . We both are in relationships that we are not happy at all in but we have kids with them so it’s hard to leave . I’m so in love with this man it’s scares me . I just blocked him on social media because he makes plans to hang out and backs away on me and I got tired . Last time I saw him at work he looked sad and just kept looking at me smiling from afar my heart was melting I wanted to cry

    • @mmmmkay4773
      @mmmmkay4773 Місяць тому

      You should never chase a man. It just pushes them away. Let the man do the chasing. A man chases what he wants. If he’s not chasing you, he does not want you.

  • @ohdiverdoc
    @ohdiverdoc 4 місяці тому +6

    My TF is running now, since February. The connection was so incredible in the prior months. I find it helps to believe that we are truly and really linked together forever, so if we will be together on the other side someday and maybe make it work in another life. So I tell myself it needs to work out in the way it must, for us to grow. It helps lessen the pain and obsessive thoughts. I pray for her every day and wish her the best. Have to say that hearing Lewis Capaldi songs tests my emotions and composure every time though.

    • @ticeticebabyyy9217
      @ticeticebabyyy9217 4 місяці тому +4

      Hi! Your intention is really nice but trust me, even praying for your twin pushes them away. The act of you praying for her implies (energetically) that you're separate. There's also not really any growth needed (besides your expansion of consciousness) before you guys can be "together" in the 3D since you two are already one being. Just learn how to align with your soul (the state where you're already one), make the journey about yourself, and go from there. With time and consistency things get really great :)

    • @ohdiverdoc
      @ohdiverdoc 4 місяці тому +2

      @@ticeticebabyyy9217Thank you for the thought and coaching.

  • @777Beautifull
    @777Beautifull 4 місяці тому +2

    What if we both run and chase each other one minute I’m leaving and he’s chasing next minute I’m back he’s running and I’m chasing it’s non stop. The moment I am leaving him or cutting ties and energy he poof is back reaching out. And I’m crying and emotional all over again then he disappears and I’m crying and upset. It affects me even when I dream of him I’m bothered. We meet and talk to each other.

  • @shawnsherrick653
    @shawnsherrick653 4 місяці тому +4

    I love the hestarics and laughing because I know you have experienced such and you know exactly how it feels. Just disappeared and I can't stop the thinking no matter what and I'm diving into a new job. And on a new path of killing all negativity and I have wanted to just honestly let go and do me. And as soon as I leave work I'm just thinking about her. I have been more busy than I have ever and wanting to not think and it's a battle but I know I am definitely going to win. ❤😂 Just love these videos. You resonate well and are definitely worthy of THE COACH of all coaches. 💯

  • @hlamyatyatanar-uk1zj
    @hlamyatyatanar-uk1zj 4 місяці тому +3

    I always see angel number 1111

  • @warriorofthegalaxy3886
    @warriorofthegalaxy3886 3 місяці тому +1

    Why do you need to know if they are your twin flame?! Any spiritual guru would tell you spirituality is about you and noone else and that if they are your twin flame, they are literally 2nd half of your soulf and they are NOT going anywhere. There is no escape from this and there is no need to figure anything out. The real point of this whole twin flame thing is that you meet them so you can evolve spiritually and that is the only reason why you meet them. It's not because you are supposed to end up together or all that other crap. The point is for you to allow your soul to grow and you don't need your twin flame to do that. Unfortunately many people don't understand that it's a sole journey. Just learn to live your life on your own, be happy on your own. That's the only reason why you met them. The #1 sign this guy is not telling anyone is that this person for some reason pushes you to become the best version of yourself, heal you body and soul, work on your shadow and inner child and all that other fun stuff. All the other bullsit signs are the same as with a karmic partner. On and off relationship is the #1 sign of a karmic.

  • @ShreshtJain-pp4fb
    @ShreshtJain-pp4fb 4 місяці тому +3

    Master Kurt ❤️🙏
    Your are like a Guardian, a Protector of vulnerable people like us
    No words for the efforts you are making for us🥲
    Thank you so much for being the dark knight for all of us
    we feel safe in your shadow😇
    i believe in myself but i need some help from you Sir
    Today i do not have enough money
    but i will earn in few months so that i could get your Gold package 😇
    Thank you once again ❤️

  • @CarolZelaya61
    @CarolZelaya61 4 місяці тому +2

    What about months of crying? I think of him and I'm crying without fail.

  • @jokevandevelde9622
    @jokevandevelde9622 4 місяці тому +5

    The free videos are super listening helps with understanding and with the obsession!

  • @aditigoswami9348
    @aditigoswami9348 3 місяці тому +1

    Is it necessary that twinflames should be couple..? Can twinflames be parents or siblings or any other relation? Is it necessary that they be of the same age?

  • @MrsDadd
    @MrsDadd 4 місяці тому +2

    We've been split up a year and I still have him on my mind everyday my gut tells me he's coming back we do talk but I can't move on why ?

  • @arandomtrip8082
    @arandomtrip8082 4 місяці тому +2

    Does this dynamic make people stay in solitude from society like just my own space from socialising with other people as well?

  • @sabinelemon
    @sabinelemon 4 дні тому

    When I experienced the "ok i'm done" or more like "I'm letting you go" shift, he came back in the next couple of days. But I dunno if he's my TF, it's more than I'm just learning about non-reaction, letting go, and taking my power back concepts. That's how energy works, once you take it away from someone, they start craving it again, no?

  • @fjola8679
    @fjola8679 4 дні тому

    Im curious, what was your twin experience? Did she see all the signs too? Was her reality going haywire also? Or is it just for the one who is waking up? Because if I am right, my person seems to know stuff he shouldn’t know about me. He asks me about things that really make me doubt coincidences. But I also know he didn’t know what twin flames are until he saw I had been watching that twin flame scam doc. I didn’t really know either what this was, but I thought it was probably all just a scam. But oh my god dude! Wtf is happening? 😆

  • @HuseyinBircan-e8l
    @HuseyinBircan-e8l 7 днів тому

    Im feeling all 5 its very painful at times. Ive never cried over someone i haven't met before.
    Feeling extremely light on my feet and feel smarter somhow. Thank you vevy much. Appreciated, Grateful 100%😢

  • @ladyjessnc
    @ladyjessnc 3 дні тому

    telepathically higher planes of course we see each other energitically speaking💥🏹 we just iceskating higher and speedily. lovely journey💗🏹

  • @DivineIntuitive333
    @DivineIntuitive333 День тому

    So glad that you touched on doubt. I did not believe in twin flames when i met mine. I wrestle(d) with this for a long time and while im more sure now that doubt still slips in there because i literally feel like in going crazy sometimes.

  • @angelart1444
    @angelart1444 2 дні тому

    I sometimes feel a strong presence in my bedroom. One night I was drifting off and i was half and half asleep and I looked down and felt someone hugging me and the his arm came around me and held me. Then another time I felt like he was in front of me but without a body and I've also. Felt him behind me. You just know it's them

  • @brylanjacobs9139
    @brylanjacobs9139 3 дні тому

    The thing is I have never ever felt this way before. I barely know this person but I don’t want to be apart from them. I’ve never chased anyone before. We keep running into each other randomly in town and then we’re back together again. I don’t want to spend time away from him, I’m so attached to

  • @annt6086
    @annt6086 4 місяці тому +2

    I was so depressed since we got in to no contact (again). I really fight with no thinking but I feel so crazy. Like dying inside. Today he wrote a text that it is hot working with chainsaw in the forest. Now I'm singing and are so high inside. I didn't feel so surprised when he contacted me. Like I knew he will contact me. To be continued, but I hate being apart.

  • @NotBornYesterday-sq7ld
    @NotBornYesterday-sq7ld 3 місяці тому +1

    Early on, my Twin told me to stop sending them healing energy. Never said why. I intuitively believe it’s because they feel me and it makes them uncomfortable. They feel out of control.

  • @rnbsteenstar
    @rnbsteenstar 6 днів тому

    Do you have a video on the difference between the different types of soulmates we have versus our twin flames?

  • @HortenciaSoto-i6e
    @HortenciaSoto-i6e 28 днів тому

    Wow that comment sounds like i thought slso actually was goin through!!!!??? Hiding leaving just going away.

  • @s.k1127
    @s.k1127 4 місяці тому +3

    I actually feel him, many timeI just reach where he are, even though I try to run.

  • @carolina_is_free
    @carolina_is_free 4 місяці тому +2

    What a fantastic video! Thank you so much for explaining these things in detail - I absolutely agree with everything you said about twin flames, structure of time, higher self, physics, reincarnation, energy, etc.
    And, you've got a great humour Sir - it's a real joy to watch your lecture. 😄
    Gladly, the Algorithm showed your video and I'll work through your playlists now. 🙏

  • @hqx5977
    @hqx5977 15 днів тому

    My ex ghosted and blocked me and then one day I called she had unblocked me she immediately hung up and then I got a message asking why I was trying to reach her and then said she didn’t want any contact with me she didn’t think it would help her in anyway. I was blocked again on what’s app and I didn’t try reach out since. I felt I loved her intensely but she was abusive it’s like she detached in the relationship and decided she was done. I knew she needed to grow and so did I but I thought we could do that together. She tried to change me before letting me go. I never tried to change her. I just wanted her to see my perspective. It got so bad I did go crazy when she broke up with me I tried to hold back all emotions but I just behaved a bit crazy.

  • @Thanh-sx1hi
    @Thanh-sx1hi 21 день тому

    I believe that my ex is my twin flame since we broke up and tried a second time. Then I had these synchronicities and we met up again a third time and had a strong spiritual connection, but he gives me mixed signals of what he wants. How would I know if he is just a dismissive avoidant?

  • @barbarajohnston6747
    @barbarajohnston6747 Місяць тому +1

    I don’t think intercourse would be true connection because the soul is all about love not lust

  • @ElegantExchange
    @ElegantExchange 3 місяці тому +1

    I know when he depressed I know when he block me he pop up in my dreams when I try to forget about him his zodiac sign pop everywhere people who look like him tell me things or do things he would do it's so weirddddd cause ima g 🤣🤣🤣 I do not think about nobody this long

  • @jokevandevelde9622
    @jokevandevelde9622 4 місяці тому +3

    Newest videos always better and better info packt... Thanks 🌿 i Will follow the program.. once

  • @sophieperron5124
    @sophieperron5124 4 дні тому

    😂😂 love it!! (J’aurais pas pu en rire il y a quelques mois par contre 🥴).

  • @energyhealingtouch3423
    @energyhealingtouch3423 22 дні тому +1

    Everything you said is 💯 % accurate about twin flame 🔥 the 5 signs 👍
    I have been in a twin flame journey with my masculine for 7 years. I am the runner and he is the chaser. I am spiritual and he is not . I done all the things you said. The overthinking, the detachments, the inner knowing, and telepathically feeling his emotions & thoughts . It’s an overwhelming and frustrating cycles . We haven’t come into union yet cuz he still need to do a lot of shadow work. Hopefully we will come into union soon 🙏
    Thank you for this twin flame video for confirmation Kirk!! 🤗
    Namaste 🙏
    Reiki master, inspirational writer, & mentor

  • @tonoyeah
    @tonoyeah 4 місяці тому +2

    Hi Kurt! I really enjoy your content as I find the way you explain things just so, so fascinating.
    Just curious after going through your content probably for over 2 years now… have you come across or probably experience this polarity ever change? I.e the person who was the one obsessively thinking now suddenly shifts to being present (Person A) and the other one now starts obsessively thinking (Person B) and they reach out to Person A and now Person B starts acting like how Person A was initially?

  • @geraldvaughn8403
    @geraldvaughn8403 22 дні тому

    I like being single. So i probably don’t have a twin flame.

  • @clayjeny88
    @clayjeny88 3 місяці тому +1

    I experienced all of it, and I don't even know this person in person, but I felt deeply in my soul that his the one. I constantly think about him and ask for my guide for signs of he's the one because I couldn't stop thinking about him even if I wanted to. Then I get a msg from him after not having any contact with him for days. It's like we connected in a spiritual level, then he goes away again. So this time I'm the one who blocked him even though I still can't stop thinking about him, had to focus on my spiritual awakening so can't have him in my life suckling all my energy from me. But I'm sure that if his the one we will meet again some way some how. So thank you for this video ✨️🙌🔮

  • @Keyoflife777
    @Keyoflife777 6 днів тому

    if it’s a twin flame do both sides experience the same feelings?

  • @o.0.o.0
    @o.0.o.0 4 місяці тому +3

    Thank you Kurt 🙏 i really appriciate you being so relatable and so generous. I needed this video 🙏

  • @shauniemccrae5550
    @shauniemccrae5550 28 днів тому

    What happens if you think you met your twin flame as a kid more like a teenager?

  • @PurpleLightWarriorc
    @PurpleLightWarriorc 4 місяці тому +3

    Oh and by the way he is on my mind day and night bit I am.woeking on myself regardless of him being in my thoughts

    • @nancycrespo2849
      @nancycrespo2849 4 місяці тому +1

      You are on the right track, remember to meditate at least 15 min each day 😃

  • @RicoLove7
    @RicoLove7 4 місяці тому +2

    My solar plexus is burning since then and my mind can‘t stop thinking about it…

  • @harmony3279
    @harmony3279 4 місяці тому +3

    I even burst out tears out of nowhere.

  • @tinalaroche4735
    @tinalaroche4735 4 місяці тому +1

    How do we know it's not limerance? My doc told me this which I've never heard of before. I've looked for answers for years and found the Twin flame journey and have been on this journey since 2016. Now I've been told that I'm living in limerance. So confused.

    • @NewWorldAllstar
      @NewWorldAllstar  4 місяці тому +3

      Limerance doesn't cause kundalini and a spiritual awakening.

  • @Iamprotectednomy111
    @Iamprotectednomy111 4 місяці тому +3

    I am exausted, focusing on myself, watever Will be Will be

    • @allenboyden77
      @allenboyden77 4 місяці тому +1

      I keep saying this, but I keep coming back to these videos

    • @Iamprotectednomy111
      @Iamprotectednomy111 4 місяці тому

      @@allenboyden77 yes,absolutely, it is complicated, my head exploding, i feel like right now the only one thing helping me a part from this videos, is taking the advise from this videos , to inmerse myself in the awareness the present moment, in the teachings of eckhar tolle, the power of now, and samadhi, as he says. I still doubt this twin flame journey, i got so confused on the internet. and right now, only focusing on surviving this hole mess of my life, and trying to do something about it, one thing for sure, is i need to focus on myself first, to love myself better, everything i can change comes from my inside my core beliefs, and yes i do feel like my ego is starting to melt for moments, but it's hard, i'll fail on tuning beyond ego mind, but i'll keep on working, i want to better my life. and i am starting to surrender to the fact that i can't control nothing on the outside, but yes from the inside. and if he is or not my twin flame , sincerely i do still in doubt, and lately i do feel he's not, that's how i do feel right now, but it is coming to a point were, i starting to don't care, i want at least to try to chose myself first and better myself and be a bit closer to the life i do want to have, everyday, from my loneliness, but this time i want to turn my loneliness a happy one, with what i've got from start. just for myself, that's what i want to try to win in my life, to start with.💕

  • @ladyjessnc
    @ladyjessnc 3 дні тому

    on point especially when u detached💥🏹

  • @-secreteclipse-9925
    @-secreteclipse-9925 4 місяці тому +10

    Hi Kurt, I only want to tell you that I'm so grateful that you exist! You're a light!

  • @chithravt426
    @chithravt426 4 місяці тому +1

    After 7 years I was doubting about it for the few couple of months
    Whether I experienced twin flames events ?????

  • @HuseyinBircan-e8l
    @HuseyinBircan-e8l 7 днів тому

    Because people hear but dont listen..

  • @jessirl
    @jessirl 3 місяці тому +1

    Curt, I want to thank you for sharing this information. My twin flame/other self journey has been a totally mind blowing experience for me. Spirit guided me to what I needed to do on my own, but you provided the extra guidance and answers I was asking for. Keep doing what you're doing!! ❤

  • @rabiyarazaq5070
    @rabiyarazaq5070 4 місяці тому +1

    This guy says I know a lot, more about you... how can he know more about me without getting to know me? He doesn't even know my friends so how can he know more about me?

  • @yt00yt
    @yt00yt 4 місяці тому +1

    I got 5/5. Which is just bonkers. And you would feel the same if you were in my shoes.

  • @123433iloveyou
    @123433iloveyou 4 місяці тому +1

    What happens when your twin first comes back...are they super loving and affectionate towards you and wanting a piece of you??

  • @dineen1575
    @dineen1575 4 місяці тому +33

    I met mine 8 years ago. The obsessive thinking was the worst for me to deal with. His grief woke me out of a sound sleep and knocked me down for days when he lost his dad. I had no idea what was happening it was intense. I just wrote my "last" Dear John letter on April 19th. Didn't even send it and on April 20th he's inviting me over for steak and lobster dinner. This ride is crazy. I look at the twin flame journey as more of an individual experience. What you do with the triggered emotions is completely up to you. I have healed on another level. If i never see him in this life again it doesn't change a thing. It all started with a casual side hug and i just knew. It was weird and unexplainable. I had a HUGE guard up and in one side hig it just was gone, disappeared. He wasn't even really my type . I thought i was crazy for a little while saying all the things out loud but over time you just see too much. Haven't spoken for months, then texting eachother at the same exact time. Thinking "that TV is too loud to fall asleep" and two seconds later hes asking me if the TV is too loud for me to sleep. Its really is endless. We were both avoidant when we met. I have healed and feel more free than ever before. The key is to appreciate the growth and not feel the NEED to connect.

    • @putster47
      @putster47 4 місяці тому +7

      Thank you for this story. There's a message there for those who have eyes to see. I couldn't agree with you more when you said it's all about growth and not having to connect as if your life depends on it lol.

    • @VoraCrowDarkWitch378
      @VoraCrowDarkWitch378 4 місяці тому +1

      ​​@@putster47 Right, because it will put you into misery!
      I treat him like everyone else now! Everyone at a distance!
      And, I'm SO much happier for it!

    • @amymweinberg
      @amymweinberg 3 місяці тому +3

      @@VoraCrowDarkWitch378 Will you say more about this? I am currently navigating the most beautiful, deep and intense connection of my life. It's a LOT sometimes.

    • @amymweinberg
      @amymweinberg 3 місяці тому +2

      @@VoraCrowDarkWitch378 Will you say more about this? I am currently navigating the most beautiful, deep and intense connection of my life. It's a LOT sometimes.

    • @amymweinberg
      @amymweinberg 3 місяці тому +2

      @@putster47 Thank you for your contribution here! Can you say more about the not having to connect all of the time? And more about it's all about growth vs the need to connect? I am in the middle of this type of relationship. It's intense, deep, divine and asks a lot of me.

  • @Κορες2
    @Κορες2 3 місяці тому +1

    Oh man... Obsesive thinking dosen't stop...I know, feel... Doubt...

  • @sandrahunt543
    @sandrahunt543 4 місяці тому +1

    The weekend before he pulled i felt him the night he cheated on me. 2 days after he pulled away and I found out he cheated on me. That hurt! Its been almost 2 years. He has came back but pulled away. I was wondering if it is possible if he drinks if I am actually feeling the hang over too. There r some morning I feel like I drank. I don't drink at all.

  • @BlancaLomeli
    @BlancaLomeli 4 місяці тому +1

    Thank you for this video. I really really needed to here that I’m not crazy. I do want to make sure my twin is my twin. Yes I’ve felt him once before meeting him. As if he was laying on top of me too. I didn’t know that was until a Couple of days after meeting him I felt that same thing again and my intuition said it’s him and that I didn’t know what a twin was but it all makes sense now. Yes i do doubt it and that’s why I subscribe because I do want to learn more and make sure he is my twin and I figured it out because for years I have been running into coincidences that are related to him. OMG! Yes all symptoms Or signs so far. I’m looking forward to the next video. lol and just yesterday I said f*

    • @BlancaLomeli
      @BlancaLomeli 4 місяці тому +1

      By the way I’am experiencing kundalini awakening in my meditations.

  • @terapeutioanapavel5529
    @terapeutioanapavel5529 4 місяці тому +1

    Kurt, in order to be your twin flane, BOTH have to FEEL all these signs, right? Even if they changed their number not to call them anymore?

    • @NewWorldAllstar
      @NewWorldAllstar  4 місяці тому

      Not at all. It is you who does. They're just a past life of yours, doing whatever you were doing in your past life. I explain it in this video, check it out: ua-cam.com/video/Kb415GZ_7a0/v-deo.htmlsi=obySuu7IyV5-xqIl Watch to the end, it will all start to make sense to you around the 16 minute mark :-)

  • @deco-creatocrafts3961
    @deco-creatocrafts3961 12 днів тому

    How it is the same soul, while the lady might be older than the man? Should they have the same age then?

  • @compactc9
    @compactc9 4 місяці тому +1

    I've so far crossed paths with this person twice. I'd never heard of any of this before, all I knew is that in both just making eye contact, and then being introduced to this person, were some of the strangest experiences I've ever had, in a good way. I actually found your videos after that, and at that point realized what was actually going on. What's interesting is that I've already started this path to the awakening before any of this happened, but I've noticed some things have started happening faster. I had a deep sensation that this would be a wild year, and the year my life actually started going the direction it was meant to.

  • @Phoyna
    @Phoyna 4 місяці тому +1

    R they meant to be life time partners partners or they’re just for lessons..?

    • @NewWorldAllstar
      @NewWorldAllstar  4 місяці тому +1

      The purpose of meeting them is they triggger your spiritual awakening :-) But if you focus on that instead of them...they come back

  • @wendyross9979
    @wendyross9979 4 місяці тому +2

    11 yrs together back and forth in and out now over 3 mo of not being together but yet still texting even after I said leave me alone that I'm done putting up with it then days later I send a text or he does me but he cheats as soon as I walked away he ran to someone else was still talking to her before I left he cheated on me with her over 5 yrs ago I forgave we got back together about 2 yrs back it's not right

    • @katherinefoster5659
      @katherinefoster5659 4 місяці тому +2

      Hi makes me wonder if your dealing with a false twin flame. Because I experience what you experience and I dealt with my karmic false twin flame and now dealing with my real twin flame. False twin flame and twin flame is almost the same.

    • @allenboyden77
      @allenboyden77 4 місяці тому +2

      I think I need to look into this false twin flame thing. Originally, I thought they had cheated to test our relationship, I guess to make sure what they felt was only for me but the more I think on it the more I think something is not right although they deny ever being unfaithful so I don't know if I just imagined it or if it was on a different level so confused and sad all the time I just don't understand doesn't help they have blocked out of their life, something I don't think I could do to them. Sorry I'm just a mess.

    • @katherinefoster5659
      @katherinefoster5659 4 місяці тому

      @@allenboyden77 it's ok, everyone of us been through things in life in a relationships , 2 long term narcissistics and with my twin flame its a long distance. I myself went through a lot also sometimes it can feel like I wish I never know that I had twin flame because it's a long journey also and a lot of work but you know it also helps us to know more and get to know about our selves and our desire and want in our lives. It takes day at time.

  • @johnpowell5538
    @johnpowell5538 4 місяці тому +1

    I knew we were soul mates but I had never knew anything about twin flames. But when I started researching it I have met my Twin Flame.

  • @marktbankert
    @marktbankert 27 днів тому

    I’ve experienced all of these signs. It’s very clear. What if you don’t want your twin flame to come back? 😂

    • @NewWorldAllstar
      @NewWorldAllstar  27 днів тому

      You don't have to be with them. The purpose of meeting them is that they trigger your spiritual awakening :)

    • @marktbankert
      @marktbankert 27 днів тому

      That’s wild you say that because she DEFINITELY did that. She has been the most influential person in my life. And yet I do not want to be with her. I was worried that twin flame meant I needed to be back with her for more “training”. Thank you for your response