All over the internet you hear people warning about putting salt with yeast and yet you pour it right over. Your bread is always beautiful Curious, do you have a bread store or make bread as a business? Thank you.
HumbleRepentPray Give thank you for your comment. I do not have bread store, that is my dream to open my own bakery. I do not want to have to strict rule about bread making. You choose what you want to put in your own bread I leave that to people. All I want people to learn from me is the technique that is all I want to teach. Once you learn the technique you can be as creative as you want to be. You can change the recipe however you want to. Hope you are staying safe and making your own bread.
Мааш их баярлалаа 💐. Хөрөнгө сайн болж🍞 амттай болсон.
Za ashgui dee.
All over the internet you hear people warning about putting salt with yeast and yet you pour it right over. Your bread is always beautiful Curious, do you have a bread store or make bread as a business? Thank you.
HumbleRepentPray Give thank you.
HumbleRepentPray Give thank you for your comment. I do not have bread store, that is my dream to open my own bakery. I do not want to have to strict rule about bread making. You choose what you want to put in your own bread I leave that to people. All I want people to learn from me is the technique that is all I want to teach. Once you learn the technique you can be as creative as you want to be. You can change the recipe however you want to.
Hope you are staying safe and making your own bread.
@@crystalsbread7637 I have learned very much from you, I thank you so much. There is nothing in the world better than making bread.
Goe talx bolcon doo 😊
Tanii zaasan argaar hurungu hiij talh barij bgaa shvv bayrallaa
Hi, талхны зуурмагийг таталт хийх, болон хийхгүй байхын ялгаа нь юунд байдаг вэ.
Дотортой банатон болон ширмэн сав хаанаас худалдаж авч болох вэ? Хаана зардаг бол?
Сайн байна уу, би Монголд байдаггүй болохоор сайн мэдэхгүй. Манай шавь нарын хэлснээр бол гадаад бараа зардаг газруудаар байдаг сурагтай. Бас Талхчны Жаргал гээд FB груп байдаг гэнэ тэрний админ хүн нь худалддаг гэж дуулсан. За амжилт хүсье.
@@crystalsbread7637 hi
Sain bnuu horongoo horgogchnoos gargaj ircheed arvijuulchaach amraah ystoi yu shuud hiihuu
сайн бна уу хэдэн гр гурил ус хөрөнгө вэ? хэдэн градуст хэдэн мин жигнэх вэ
Pugi videonii dood tald show more geed ugiig delgeed uzeerei jor zaavar ni tend baigaa olohgui bol heleerei amjilt
хөрөнгөө Яаж аривжуулах вэ
Horongotei bolloo odoo yah ve gesen hicheel baigaa teriig uzeerei. Hervee FB tei bol bas minii FB huudasnii hicheeluudiig unshij taniltsaj bolno.
Шавран саванд хийж болох уу зууханд хийхдээ
Bolnoo bolno. Bi oortoo baigaa shavar savandaa Huuhed uzsen jignesen yum shig bombiison mantuu shig talh bolson. Taglaad jignesen yum l daa. Yamar shavar savand hiiheer yamar bolj baigaagaa heleerei. Surj aviya.
Snuu. Noiton hurungu maani 3dahi honogooso sonin uner unerteed us ylgaraad bhin yah ve
Zugeeree jaahan guril nemeed otgon bolgood zuuraad urgeluuleed yavaad bai. Za yu bolsnoo heleerei.
Сайн байна уу? Кэто талх хийх арга зааж өгөөрэй😊