Ohel Chabad Lubavitch

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
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    Jews have been praying at the resting place of righteous people since Yehoshua and Calev went to Hevron to rpay before spying out the land. I go to the resting place of the last 2 leaders of Chabad-Lubavitch located on 226-20 Francis Lewis Blvd - Cambria Heights, NY (Queens). Check it out...


  • @TheRealMoshiach
    @TheRealMoshiach Рік тому

    now I know you are the one who sent me Shofar .thank you

  • @Mendyrealty
    @Mendyrealty 15 років тому +1

    Rebetzin Shterna Sara
    by the way is was the Rebbe Rashab's

  • @matisyahup613
    @matisyahup613 11 років тому

    knocking at the rebbes door shows respect for the tzaddik. in a similar vein, we open the door for eliyahu hanavi at the prsach seder, and even pour a cup of wine for him. showing kavod for tzaddikim is a mitzvah.

  • @assyrianarameen
    @assyrianarameen 14 років тому +1

    @tsXGrimReaper but the character of Isa in the koran is not the character of Yeshua ( the Messiah) as said in the Tanach, for example the real messiah was pierced on His hands and His feet ( psalm 22), He is called The Lord our righteousness which i think is in Isaiah or jeremiah, He was bruised for our iniquities and by His strips we are healed ( somewhere in Isaiah) and He died and rose from the grave (psalms) and He is the arm of the Lord read isaiah 52, 55, and 61 i was reading the other day

  • @Brianmuuh
    @Brianmuuh 14 років тому

    Never surrender!

  • @CrawlingAxle
    @CrawlingAxle 12 років тому

    No. I meant exactly what I wrote. These customs have been practiced for millenia and have basis in Jewish tradition. There are many examples of praying at the gravesides of the tzaddikim from our history.

  • @JewishKeto
    @JewishKeto 10 місяців тому

    I hope to go to the one, with my future bride so we can pray for a bracha for our marriage

  • @CrawlingAxle
    @CrawlingAxle 12 років тому +1

    These customs have been practiced by Jews for millenia.

  • @matisyahup613
    @matisyahup613 11 років тому

    Look at parshas shelach where it says that calrev went to Hebron, Rashi says so he could daven at the kever of the avos. There is nothing wrong with praying at the kever of a tzaddik.

  • @assyrianarameen
    @assyrianarameen 14 років тому

    and it really shocks the reader of how real the Messiah is, and how His real Character is, you give Him your ashes He gives you beauty, He gives you the oil of Joy instead of mounring, He gives you the garment of praise instead of a heavy, burdened and failing spirit. you will be absolutely shocked when you read and see the arm of the Lord, the salvation of God Yeshua

  • @assyrianarameen
    @assyrianarameen 15 років тому

    whats the difference between jews and muslims? im just asking, im not implying anything.