The point of strobe effect is low switching frequency of pulse width controller which are packed cheap LED strips. So main difference is in led driver. It’s possible to make linear driver but it will be hot and bulky. Another way is to dig AliExpress for better driver, or just try to add capacitors in parallel to each channel of led strip. I would start with 0,01uF and try to go upper. This may dramatically change flickering. Best regards Alex.
The point of strobe effect is low switching frequency of pulse width controller which are packed cheap LED strips. So main difference is in led driver. It’s possible to make linear driver but it will be hot and bulky. Another way is to dig AliExpress for better driver, or just try to add capacitors in parallel to each channel of led strip. I would start with 0,01uF and try to go upper. This may dramatically change flickering. Best regards Alex.