My top ten disney couples

  • Опубліковано 26 жов 2024


  • @enderskull5712
    @enderskull5712 6 років тому +1

    I love your channel!

  • @kristinahuchison2511
    @kristinahuchison2511 Рік тому +1

    Also, here’s a sidenote: I know you didn’t have them listed, which is a bit of a surprise given you had a music video about it, Pocahontas and John Rolfe. Maybe you didn’t include them because they’re a sequel couple or almost no one likes John Rolfe? I understand if you simply found him a lot more attractive than Smith (despite Rolfe is kinda ugly imo) or his more refined and gentlemanly personality. I personally feel he was NOT a good match for Pocahontas at all. Not comparing him to Smith, here’s some prime reasons why he was never a good fit for Pocahontas: 1 They literally argued and kinda snapped at each other multiple times. I understand some consider Disney tried to replicate Anya and Dmitri’s dynamic with Pocahontas and Rolfe, but it flat out doesn’t work. 2 They don’t learn or grow from each other. Not comparing to Pocahontas and John Smith growing from each other’s lessons, Rolfe isn’t inspired by Pocahontas to want to live like her people do, or even ashamed of how his “friends” act in the bear baiting incident, and Pocahontas as well doesn’t grow or learn from Rolfe aside him defending her decision, but that’s AFTER she makes the decision on her own. 3 Their relationship is so underdeveloped and flat, they literally had a lot more time together than she did with Smith, but they don’t bother to actually get to know and befriend each other, and it feels Rolfe only really and truly started respecting her when she was in that dumb outfit to make her look more like what he considered a beautiful lady of civilized society. 4 Half the time it felt Rolfe constantly kept trying to change Pocahontas into who he wanted and not appreciating her free spirited personality, considering he seemed pretty flustered and embarrassed about her behavior when they arrived in London. 5 His choice to leave his life in London. Going back to point 2, I feel this is the largest problem of their relationship and made it an even bigger 🖕to the original movie. Rolfe NEVER indicated he was actually unhappy or slightly discontent with his life or career, maybe deep down he hated being an aristocrat because of everything that came with having to keep up this image? He seemed pretty content and happy with his job, and in a way seemed to care more about pleasing the king and his honor in court than he was defending Pocahontas’s actions and thoughts about the king. He NEVER even tried to learn ANYTHING about Pocahontas’s culture or her people, let alone learning a little bit of her language, and its made so much worse that he doesn’t really know or understand Pocahontas as a person instead of a chief’s daughter. He treated her more like a royal guest instead of a normal person, insisting she has to behave in a certain way because she isn’t in her village anymore. And it doesn’t show ANYWHERE that Rolfe didn’t mind having to learn so much about a different lifestyle that’s basically the complete opposite of what he’s lived his whole life. I feel he had infatuation for Pocahontas and not genuine love, he was simply doing anything to be able to live with her, not comprehending how much he was going to have to change and learn just to merely survive, let alone live happily in her village. 6 is also I believe their personalities are waay too different. She’s a goofball who loves to learn and explore new things and places but does know when it’s time to be serious. While he is basically Kocuom 2.0, focused, serious, doesn’t believe in a woman’s potential because of society rules, and hardly ever jokes around, and wanted Pocahontas to change to please him, instead of the other way around.
    Again, I understand you like Rolfe better for your own reasons, and I don’t actually hate him as a character. But I largely believe he was NOT a good fit for Pocahontas at all. All he does in the movie to be with her feels unnatural and kinda cringey

  • @kristinahuchison2511
    @kristinahuchison2511 Рік тому +1

    Part 2 (this is loosely based on your choices I wouldn’t have chosen) please note I do NOT hate or dislike any couples. The comments are merely why I find them a bit problematic:
    -Anna and Kristoff. I seriously don’t get why they’re so popular, aside them basically piggybacking off of Frozen’s overrated success. Personally I find Frozen to be meh, it definitely is one of the less impressive Disney movies and I found it a dumber version of Tangled in some ways, which is my second favorite movie. You said you liked how they’re awkward and started off a bit catty with each other. Um, they’re not the first socially awkward couple. And you mentioned how amazing Kristoff is for a Disney prince, constantly putting Anna’s needs before his. While I agree it became less about the sled she promised, I still feel their love kinda came out of nowhere. Sorry, but Fixer Upper is such a cheesy song, similar to Guy Like You from the Hunchback of Notre Dame. For me, John Smith was an excellent example of a supportive boyfriend long before Kristoff, given he isn’t technically the hero of Pocahontas until he notices Ratcliffe about to kill her dad to restart the war. I love how he completely supports Pocahontas’s choices and even agreed to try to speak with her dad about the war. It irritates me so much a lot of viewers are blindsided by his name and unfortunately based on a terrible person who was awful to the real Pocahontas. I just found Kristoff kinda boring and generic, especially with his backstory of being on his own as a 4 year old with a reindeer calf, and he randomly gets adopted by the trolls.
    -Mulan and Shang. Personally I really do like them as a couple. While the sequel is subpar like nearly every Disney sequel, I feel this is what made them a lot more popular for many people, given it shows a more realistic relationship of them getting into petty fights and making up later, apologizing and promising to work together on their issues. I guess they’re just not my type.
    -Belle and Beast. One of the most popular couples ever. Again they’re a very beautiful couple. But I found they have some problems that largely get ignored. Beast roars at her several times until she finally snapped at him she wasn’t going to keep letting him pushing her around if he truly wanted her respect. I feel his attitude changed waay too fast just to get her to like him. That’s a huge problem I have in their story is the entire point is to get Belle to fall in love with him to break the spell, hence why the servants are so kind and polite to her, though they’re genuinely good people. Another problem is Belle kinda hated him at first for how awful he was towards her dad, and kicks him out while he’s sick. I’d be so worried about him, given it shows Belle in a way is Maurice’s nurse. Like I feel Belle kinda forgot about her dad after he’s sent to the village. I also felt they don’t really get to know each other that well aside Belle helping him learn how to read. It just feels his temper changed all to get Belle to fall for him. I do like the message about she could see the good in someone so frightening on the outside, and legit the spell being broken kinda defeated the point of him cleaning up his attitude, as he was finally content as a beast.
    -Giselle and Robert. I’ve never been really big into live action couples either. I do agree she’s a culmination of Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora, just she actually gets to know Robert and see how he genuinely falls in love with her. I think Edward was just as good of a choice, and I feel a bit bad for him seeing his “true love” fell for someone else because she spent around a week at least with Robert. Its kinda similar to how Disney ever so stupidly tried making Pocahontas choose John Rolfe over John Smith, because she had a lot more time with Rolfe to get to know him and supposedly he stood up for her decision to be willing to die for her people when Smith tried arguing she was nuts to want to reapproach King James. John Smith saw how his “true love” just didn’t love him that way anymore, seeing she moved on and found another man, and despite the breakup scene was flat out insulting and felt lifeless with them realizing their dreams are too different and they couldn’t make each other truly happy, he still chose her happiness in the end by letting go of her for good this time. Similar to Triton understanding how unhappy Ariel would’ve been forced to stay a mermaid and forget about Eric, and despite he still doesn’t particularly like humans, understands Eric isn’t what Triton feared or those that killed Athena in the third movie.

  • @kristinahuchison2511
    @kristinahuchison2511 2 роки тому

    Interesting you picked Hector and Imelda. I actually really love that when Imelda learned he tried to come home to her and especially hearing Ernesto fess to murdering him, she was so happy she was so wrong about how she thought Hector leaving to become a musician just for it to be he wanted to be with his family more. Carl and Ellie aren’t a favorite but they’re so sweet and I really love that despite Ellie was crushed they couldn’t have children or even couldn’t save the money in time to go to Paradise Falls, she left a note in her adventure album telling Carl she had a blast with him and to keep making memories even without her. Just a side note I would’ve cut out the movie dialogue, because I could hardly understand your commentary. Please note I do NOT hate any couples, the comments below are my personal opinion as to why they’re not my favorite. I love all couples for their own stories. Mine:
    1. Pocahontas and John Smith- I’m kinda surprised you didn’t have them listed considering you mentioned you like couples that actually develop a genuine relationship over time and not the stereotypical “love at first sight” though that literally was the definition when John Smith first saw Pocahontas, so beautiful his jaw literally dropped. I really love how she fell in love someone so different from her and knew he was potentially dangerous, but could see the good in him. Oh man the waterfall encounter is one of the most beautiful scenes ever animated in any movie period. I can’t stop rewatching it over and over again! Plus they’re the first couple to have a disagreement (which it was going to happen) and I found him trying to backtrack because she got mad and rightfully so, so hilarious, especially the part when he isn’t letting go of her canoe “Let go!!” “No, I’m not letting you leave.” And he gives her this stupid smirk thinking he won, just for her to jump into the tree and he almost fell into her canoe because he definitely wasn’t expecting that. Anyways I really love that their love clearly after Colors of the Wind isn’t based on looks, but especially when he pleaded her not to leave he almost kissed her in fear of never seeing her again because she taught him so much in just one day, that he was completely wrong about her. If I Never Knew You in a way is born from Colors of the Wind because its his turn to show how wrong she is about never knowing her, how alone and empty but ultimately unchanged/wrong he’d still be if he never met her. I especially love V2 because it emotes to how badly he wants to hold her in his big strong arms showing he won’t ever leave her because he chose her over his duties as captain and is ready to give up his career just to be with her, and that he will protect her from any danger because he’s never felt this way about anyone. And especially “I can see the truth so clear, in your eyes so dry your eyes” is so heartmelting as he knows she doesn’t mean what she said and he already forgave her. Also this dude sacrificed himself to protect her father to prevent war knowing the bullet would kill him, and in the end despite wanting to stay with her over surviving his wound honored her wish to go back without her knowing they might not ever see each other ever again. I just really love how they’re the one of the most realistic and mature yet beautiful couples. As much as the ending completely shattered and broke my heart, I do slightly appreciate Pocahontas doesn’t leave her people for someone she didn’t know for long despite her entire tribe knowing he definitely wasn’t like the others because of his sacrifice. She made a heartbreaking but mature decision by choosing to do the right thing over following her heart and dreams, no matter how much it hurt to ask him to leave because she wanted him to survive more than him staying knowing unfortunately his wound would’ve eventually killed him. I feel they get overlooked so many times because sadly Pocahontas was based on a real story, and it really breaks my heart watching them almost never getting in top 10 lists, which sucks given a lot of Disney couples have problematic elements that are largely ignored. If their names were different, they’d easily be a lot more popular. It just sucks that they did a ton for each other, but they’re still subpar to a lot of other couples.
    1. Rapunzel and Flynn Rider- OMG they’re so beautiful and cute! I actually really loved how they actually kinda used each other at first and couldn’t really stand each other, especially because he had absolutely no intention of actually taking her to the lanterns and kept trying to trick her into giving his satchel back. But eventually does open up some about who he truly is and she actually prefers Eugene Fitzherbert over Flynn Rider. I’m willing to forgive they fell in love in 2 days because of the beginning of their friendship and they don’t get married in the end, but just know they can’t live without each other, literally! And in the series it shows a healthy and more realistic relationship growth that sometimes they don’t agree but they work it out and especially how much he trusts her to handle herself when he can’t fight alongside her instead of being a damsel in distress. Also I See the Light is the most beautiful and romantic scene ever in Disney, fight me
    2. Milo and Kida- Like Pocahontas and John Smith, they come from completely different worlds and are the second royal interracial couple! In comparison to Pocahontas, Milo can actually read and speak Atlantian and without him Kida couldn’t use the heart. Like Pocahontas and Rapunzel, Kida is a queen who actually loves and cares about her people and is determined to restore her world to its former glory, not to mention being a kickass warrior princess she also takes care of her aging father and isn’t a typical princess. I also kinda dig despite they obviously love each other in the end their relationship is like Shang and Mulan in the original, its a subplot but Kida’s people accept Milo as their new king! Plus Kida was willing to die to protect her people by bonding with the heart, knowing it took/killed her mother unfortunately
    3. Tiana and Naveen- both couldn’t stand each other at first because of how different they were, especially with Tiana getting caught in his problems. I really love how the previous 3 its a more realistic relationship as they learn from each other, him to stop being lazy and wanting to simply wed a rich girl so he has a luxurious life, and her to take a break and have some fun every now and then instead of literally slaving her life away. I also really loved how when Lottie couldn’t break the spell, Tiana was completely fine if she didn’t get her restaurant, being completely happy staying a frog as long as Naveen loved her too! Plus Naveen was willing to marry someone he didn’t love to make sure she got her restaurant, and Lottie refused to marry him because she knew Tiana did truly love him and wished them all the happiness instead of being jealous and bitter Tiana stole her crown.
    4. Ariel and Eric- I think they’re such a cute couple! However just by observing them from the previous couples, this one is certainly more fairytale like and unrealistic. While yes Ariel wanted to experience being a human even before seeing Eric, her desire to learn more about humans very quickly fizzled out after she met him and also isn’t even shown in either sequel. Did you know Part of Your World was actually almost deleted, which I felt if it truly was it would’ve made Ariel look too boy crazy and she sacrificed her entire life and world for someone she hardly knew. The part she screamed at Triton “You don’t even know him! Daddy I love him!!” Uh, you don’t either young lady. He doesn’t even know you exist, let alone your species. All you knew is he’s a prince, owns a dog and plays the snarfblat. Not to mention she honestly believed she could make him fall in love with her in just 3 days?? Doesn’t help he fell in love with her voice instead of who she was without it. And he didn’t even know her name until the night before their wedding? Not to mention revealing she was a mermaid was actually a very potentially dangerous move if Eric or someone else took it the wrong way, considering thats unfortunately how her mother died. As I said, cute couple but very unrealistic as far as relationship growth goes
    5. Walle and Eve- They’re so cute!!! I just can’t get enough about despite being robots even they have feelings instead of just being computers. I just love how Walle got so concerned about her when she was programmed for standby mode because of the plant he kept taking care of her and later on she actually had access to a recording and saw how much he cared about her! The space dance is undoubtedly one of my favorites! The ending is so sad yet iconic as while she was able to save his life unfortunately he nearly lost his memories because of the old chip getting damaged and unusable. But deep in his true heart all it took was a little electric smooch to spark back his love for her!
    Only ones from your list I wouldn’t have chose were Giselle and Robert, Hercules and Meg, Carl and Ellie, Hector and Emelda, Belle and Beast. The first 2 are adorable, just don’t like them enough, Carl and Ellie’s is adorable because it shows them growing old together (something Disney NEVER does) but again isn’t a personal favorite, and I personally find Belle and Beast overrated, along with the story somewhat problematic. I do love how she managed to see a true prince in him, but he looked so much better as a beast.

  • @sunnygirl523
    @sunnygirl523 6 років тому +1

    can u please do a video with the live action Belle with the song haven't seen the last of me by Cher make sure u include Gaston and Belle 😁