I am binging these old routine videos. SUCH good vibes. For some reason these just relax me and get rid of my anxiety and allow me to slow down my mind and get ready for the day while listening/watching these. So I will always come back to these.
@@kaylynntoby8906 it has been six years, she is in her 30’s now... if she was the same person now as she was in the video that’d be the real problem. she is still the same genuine person with the same roots, she’s just grown up. stop being rude with the backhanded compliments...
SAME! Not gonna lie. They're much more appealing (to me anyways) than her brand new style of videos. It's weird, but these videos here are the kinds of ones that inspire me to be more successful in life. 'Cause, you know, I want a fully furnished house LOL
Can someone do a GIF of the scene where Rose grips onto Jack Dawson's hand on the wardrobe after the Titanic sank, and replace it with her "fishies" holding old Trisha's hand? PLEASE?! haha
Trish I just want to say thank you! I suffer from anxiety and on an off depression and everytime I feel like im slipping back into that dark hole in my mind I just watch your videos and you instantly bring me right back up and give me the motivation and confidence to go on. Im a bigger girl as well and like alot of days I have break downs about my body and just become very vulnerable. Thank you so much you have no idea I truly appreciate everything you are!
Why aren't more people liking this comment? It's so sad that everyone likes the bitchy comments and not the ones that actual mean something. Trisha really cheers me up too 😊
“I take off my clothes but not on camera.” Girl if only you knew where your life was headed in 2020. I hope you can find this genuine happiness again. I feel like you’re really struggling with that right now.
it has been six years, she is in her 30’s now... if she was the same person now as she was in the video that’d be the real problem. you never know what’s going on behind the scenes and you don’t know she’s happier here. stop being rude with the backhanded compliments...
Yeah I love watching her on H3H3, I’m so happy for her come up and seeing her rid of those toxic relationships. There’s nothing wrong with holding someone accountable for their actions @Margie. She’s even admitted on the podcasts I watch that she’s done some things not even she’s proud of. But I’m still happy for the fact that she’s doing better and in a better state of mind.
@@coragrace5586 nobody needs to be held accountable for sex work. Maybe its because I live in New Zealand where sex work is legal employment and sex workers receive the same protections as any other workers
I'm pretty sure that if you had the money, you'd also be buying that stuff. Don't know what the big issue is? It's her money, her problem. In no way am I trying to be rude, so I'm sorry if I came off that way. I'm just wondering what the big deal is.
Tabor Homman Lol its not a big deal. I love Trish. I'm just saying I thought it was funny how she considers that light shopping. I hope that one day my definition of light shopping can be the same as Trishas haha.
Ashley K Yeah, I now know your not the type of person, but some people are really rude about her spending her money on what she wants. It's like her spending HER money is a sin or something to them. It's really confusing as to why people care so much about those things. lol
People are saying that to fish for likes I'm assuming. While I did enjoy her during this time I also really like the trish now. She had a lot of confusing times in her life and people hated her for that. People also took her trolling to heart.
Why assume the people who like this Trish now are the same ones who hated her then? She’s had real fans in every era. Looking under this vid, most old comments are positive
honestly when i read the comments some ppl leave on trish's videos make me feel like puking because why would you say something so horrific to a girl who's literally just talking about makeup and eating??? why would you put her down like that so much? like i actually feel sick and so bad for some of the people who leave hate on videos...just because they're the content creator doesn't mean they're not human
CocoaCoffin Love Number one, it's a lot, not alot. And yes, I know that fat people can be hot, Trish is very pretty. But most people hate on her because she is fat and unhealthy.
It is so crazy how successful she became this year. This video was in February of 2015. She moved into into million dollar home November/December of 2015 and got a pink G Wagon. Good for her
i was about to say that, girls with darker hair and getting foundation in your hair is a betch.... and if you try to get it out it looks like you almost have a gray streak of hair... ugh... so girls with blonde hair is less noticeable.
Tania Jones now i would agree with that. Getting mascara in light hair would be a pain. But foundation in dark hair is equally a pain for both light and dark hair.
Honestly, i'm sure she makes the women who are on the heavier side feel great about themselves. You can still be beautiful and bubbly being a bigger girl. You don't have to walk around feeling sorry for yourself.
As a hairstylist, using hot products on bleached hair daily is super bad. Please take care of your care trish! You were doing so well before you got your extensions back in since you were using short for a while! You'll regret it, your hair is going to be super short and super fried. Been there & never ever going blonde again. Love u, just looking out for you girl, xoxo.
my weekend routine: 1. sleep in 2. watch UA-cam/TV 3. Take a shower. wash my face. brush my hair and teeth. 4. Take a walk with my iPod 5. hang out with a friend or watch UA-cam 6. watch UA-cam or write a song or something 7. sleep
it has been six years, she is in her 30’s now... if she was the same person now as she was in the video that’d be the real problem. you never know what’s going on behind the scenes and you don’t know she’s happier here. stop being rude with the backhanded compliments...
@@margievanpetten1 shut up people are allowed to miss the old Trish. And to be honest she seems a lot more like a mess now than she did in her older videos. She's constantly crying, went through bad relationships, etc
OMG your makeup was SO HOT in this vid Trish! Loved this video, fun to watch and see what you do on the weekend. I got so excited when I saw me and your mom on your insta feed. You are so freaking CUTE and i LOVE your pink backpack purse! oxox
it has been six years, she is in her 30’s now... if she was the same person now as she was in the video that’d be the real problem. you never know what’s going on behind the scenes and you don’t know she’s happier here. stop being rude with the backhanded compliments...
Loved watching this today:) Showed up on my suggested vids. This is why I love you Trish. You'll get through this challenging season of your life.... and you'll be stronger and wiser. You have a lot of people who believe in you and love and support you. Many prayers going up too. God bless! ❤🙏🏼
Do you know that showering everyday is bad for you? Cause it is! I have no clue why I'm telling you this but if you shower everyday than you get rid of the good germs.
People please stop dissing her, Trish is a great gal with loaded personality. We all could use a little makeup every now and then, even you guys lol lol lol lmao. Trish you are very talented and creative keep doing you beautiful. And you look GORGEOUS in makeup!!!! Holla!!!!!!
I just watched this for the first time, and I must say. I freakin love Trish!!! The elevator scene..to DIE for. Her confidence to just do what she wants regardless of who’s around is admirable.
sami not everybody lives the same way🤦♀️🤦♀️ it’s because they are DIFFERENT and like to go out and exercise and or eat healthy or stay in bed all day it doesn’t matter and it’s not your life! Why can’t people be different anymore🤦♀️🤦♀️
She doesn't need that much make up . She could just use bb cream if u redness and dark circles just apply primer /concealer and mascara &lipgloss . For contouring just bronzer I do this too with foundation u get oily skin breakouts and etc.
i miss these types of videos! i love you trish i hope everything ur going through dies down and u get better soon. i wish u all the love in the world and i hope you please work on bettering your mental health queen❤️
does anyone notice that ever since shawn came into the picture she is not her normal self she is talking more about inapropriate stuff and how many more dislikes then likes on her up to date videos? (not trying to be a hater just putting that out there)
She’s still genuine, you’re just mad because she came up and has money. If you’d say “she has money and that makes me look at her different, Im a bit envious too, especially how hard things are now” it’s PERFECTLY acceptable comment! Just start being honest with yourself. Give yourself the agency to correct her. Get inspired not sad about someone’s perceived lack of “genuineness”
Actually I did hope these routine series come back. Anyone? I mean I really do always enjoy watching routine series, and Trisha now move to a new place, a new life There must be a massive different with these routine video
i love Shane have you seen her sponcered videos? she lies to us all the time. she promotes companies that steal peoples money.. theres even a podcast of her saying that everything on her channel is fake and how shes trolling us. i used to love her until i found all of this out
kaitlynn y. whatever I still think she is a genuine person also her relationship with Sean was public so her videos on him were true, because of the snap chats etc. I think she is truthful because even though she does some of those things like trolling, etc she admits to it and even says it in some of her videos. She owns up to it
i don't have very long nails but that knuckle trick is great!! why did i never think of that! because it drives me crazy when stuff gets under my nails😅
I am binging these old routine videos. SUCH good vibes. For some reason these just relax me and get rid of my anxiety and allow me to slow down my mind and get ready for the day while listening/watching these. So I will always come back to these.
This is so random cause your comment is old af but girl you are super pretty 😍
@@hetdiamantsysteem8857 🥰
I really really miss this trish, she was so much more relaxed, drama free, and happy. Hope she can get back to this state
Madeline Tacon I miss her when she was innocently simple too now she’s loosing it and everyone’s seen her 🐱
Ikr I live for these kind of videos, no need for scandals, being ignorant, or trolling, just having fun and living her best life 😔
I go back to these videos because it’s when I started following her , what she posts now I just unsubscribe and unfollowed
Me too!!
She was going down that escalator like she was walking the run way 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I miss her videos like these so much
She seems so happy like this
I hope she has less drama in her life soon so she can enjoy life again
then she wouln't have anything to make videos about and you would be bored :o
Kawaii Potato SAME
Robert G Then where did she get these type of video ideas from?
Kawaii Potato Something tells me you set up your words like that on purpose... I see what you’re doing
erika update from the future: hi, there’s more drama
Miss this apartment, crappy wifi signal be damned, this was the best time on your channel
Moozler I believe she can easily change her Internet speed by changing who she gets her Internet from unless of course where she lived there is a cap
do you like her channel now?
I’m literally going back and watching all her old videos I miss them 😭
It’s not an apartment its a beach house
Who else watches these videos because they're calming?
now she has ASMR videos too which are super great!
LeahTheLuciousLog me lol
My weekend routine
I like it
just add Netflix for me
finaly someone i can relate 2
She is so pretty
Who’s watching in 2019? I miss this Trisha 😭😭
same here😭😭😭
her voice lmaoo
Me! Me too!
Me too 😭😭
I miss this Trisha too.....
When she saw her fan, she sounded to genuine and sweet. Ugh, that is the best part about Trish, she is so real.
She was..
Kaylynn Toby ugh bitch she IS
I met her recently and she was so kind and so happy to meet me. She was a doll.
@@kaylynntoby8906 it has been six years, she is in her 30’s now... if she was the same person now as she was in the video that’d be the real problem. she is still the same genuine person with the same roots, she’s just grown up. stop being rude with the backhanded compliments...
"Twitter is full of love and positivity" oh how times have changed lol
I miss these type of videos
yeah me to
SAME! Not gonna lie. They're much more appealing (to me anyways) than her brand new style of videos. It's weird, but these videos here are the kinds of ones that inspire me to be more successful in life. 'Cause, you know, I want a fully furnished house LOL
dreamonforeverr same
dreamonforeverr r
Same now there all drama
its literally 2024, why do i find these videos so therapeutic?
I miss this trish please come back.
she's still the same...
Rachel lamontagne
Kaii Liburd Thompson ya she did not swear and see was fun to watch and I have to say that I have bought some stuff that she hauled back then.
Can someone do a GIF of the scene where Rose grips onto Jack Dawson's hand on the wardrobe after the Titanic sank, and replace it with her "fishies" holding old Trisha's hand? PLEASE?! haha
What? Is this Trish gone??
Trish I just want to say thank you! I suffer from anxiety and on an off depression and everytime I feel like im slipping back into that dark hole in my mind I just watch your videos and you instantly bring me right back up and give me the motivation and confidence to go on. Im a bigger girl as well and like alot of days I have break downs about my body and just become very vulnerable. Thank you so much you have no idea I truly appreciate everything you are!
Stay happy because in the end everything will be alright 😊😊
Why aren't more people liking this comment? It's so sad that everyone likes the bitchy comments and not the ones that actual mean something.
Trisha really cheers me up too 😊
+gibraltarrr YES OMG! I see 200+ likes on insulting comments and i don't get why there are less likes on uplifting comments!
Trisha: Twitter is just filled with so much love and positivity
Wow 2015 really was a time huh?
“I take off my clothes but not on camera.” Girl if only you knew where your life was headed in 2020. I hope you can find this genuine happiness again. I feel like you’re really struggling with that right now.
She is engaged now!!
She literally has never been happier
it has been six years, she is in her 30’s now... if she was the same person now as she was in the video that’d be the real problem. you never know what’s going on behind the scenes and you don’t know she’s happier here. stop being rude with the backhanded compliments...
Yeah I love watching her on H3H3, I’m so happy for her come up and seeing her rid of those toxic relationships. There’s nothing wrong with holding someone accountable for their actions @Margie. She’s even admitted on the podcasts I watch that she’s done some things not even she’s proud of. But I’m still happy for the fact that she’s doing better and in a better state of mind.
@@coragrace5586 nobody needs to be held accountable for sex work. Maybe its because I live in New Zealand where sex work is legal employment and sex workers receive the same protections as any other workers
There's something weirdly soothing about listening to her talk...
Hahahaha yesss I was just thinking that! I feel very comfortable listening to her
search up asmr
Omg yeah😝😂
trish is honestly beautiful without makeup
Totally agree
Corinne M ikr!
Corinne M Very True
I love her giggle. It's really cute and just sounds so genuine and happy!
"Light shopping" * buys 2 pairs of uggs and a Louis Vuitton *
I'm pretty sure that if you had the money, you'd also be buying that stuff. Don't know what the big issue is? It's her money, her problem. In no way am I trying to be rude, so I'm sorry if I came off that way. I'm just wondering what the big deal is.
Tabor Homman Lol its not a big deal. I love Trish.
I'm just saying I thought it was funny how she considers that light shopping. I hope that one day my definition of light shopping can be the same as Trishas haha.
Ashley K Yeah, I now know your not the type of person, but some people are really rude about her spending her money on what she wants. It's like her spending HER money is a sin or something to them. It's really confusing as to why people care so much about those things. lol
Tabor Homman It's not so much a problem, just don't see it as light shopping lol
Lol, story of her life
I love how confident she is. I need to learn to be confident in myself.
me too!
Who else is watching this over again in 2023? So that we can remember the vibes back then😂😂
Same here 🙋🏻♀️
I miss these simpler times
Yes. Although we live different lives, she's also so relatable
Throwback to when Trisha did her own make up 🤔
+Gisselle Penaloza Jesus? is that how it's spelled wow never knew x
Charlotte Penfold
right I feel like it's better looking? Like she's humbler and less shallow looking
Charlotte Penfold lol.
riri Yeah that’s how you spell it but it’s pronounced with an H and not a J
I always rewatch these videos when I feel stressed or lonely
"I really miss this Trish" everyone used to be mean to her and hate her during this time. You all just don't know what you want do ya?
People are saying that to fish for likes I'm assuming. While I did enjoy her during this time I also really like the trish now. She had a lot of confusing times in her life and people hated her for that. People also took her trolling to heart.
literally though.
Why would they hate her during this time? I don’t understand. She was very sweet during this times.
Why assume the people who like this Trish now are the same ones who hated her then? She’s had real fans in every era. Looking under this vid, most old comments are positive
honestly when i read the comments some ppl leave on trish's videos make me feel like puking because why would you say something so horrific to a girl who's literally just talking about makeup and eating??? why would you put her down like that so much? like i actually feel sick and so bad for some of the people who leave hate on videos...just because they're the content creator doesn't mean they're not human
People are probably just jealous because she's pretty and confident.
Yea but she's fat
FIS fatter doesn't mean not hotter. She's scores prettier than alot of the jealous skinny girls commenting.
CocoaCoffin Love Number one, it's a lot, not alot. And yes, I know that fat people can be hot, Trish is very pretty. But most people hate on her because she is fat and unhealthy.
"doing some light shopping" *buys two ugg boots... lmfao goals
Umm...buying two ugg boots at a time isn't a big deal...I get ugg boots and coach boots all the time...
Wow congrats 🙌 ^
Ugg boots are so utterly disgusting
Lmfao Crystal CONGRATS👏👏😂
Ugg boots in America are so much cheaper
Throwback to when her Keurig wasn’t covered in Swarovski crystals
Is it just me or does the thumbnail remind anyone of those pictures that stalkers take of people from far away? hahah just me?
Haha I can see that
me too
Omg it does!!!!
u know what i love about trish she has 20 min long routines not like 4 min...... love u trish
so true 😜😜😜
Sophie Jackson watch routine's and eating shows makes me feel # happy💕🍗
Sophie Jackson your telling me you don’t wake up and pick your lemon from your lemon tree?!
It is so crazy how successful she became this year. This video was in February of 2015. She moved into into million dollar home November/December of 2015 and got a pink G Wagon. Good for her
lol girls with light hair? try getting foundation on dark hair... soooooo noticeable and harder to get off.
Same with blonde it turns orange lol
My mum has dark hair and it's never noticable...
i was about to say that, girls with darker hair and getting foundation in your hair is a betch.... and if you try to get it out it looks like you almost have a gray streak of hair... ugh... so girls with blonde hair is less noticeable.
mascara in light hair is horrible too
Tania Jones
now i would agree with that. Getting mascara in light hair would be a pain. But foundation in dark hair is equally a pain for both light and dark hair.
personally, i think you look so much better with less or no makeup!
Yes! I agree specially since her skin has gotten so much better
Amber Dunbar me too
That's why she said PERSONALLY:) lol
she was just being honest
lets all sing she was not saying i in a mean way
its so nice to know that ten years from this video, she has two beautiful and healthy girls
Honestly, i'm sure she makes the women who are on the heavier side feel great about themselves. You can still be beautiful and bubbly being a bigger girl. You don't have to walk around feeling sorry for yourself.
Love that!
I love these routine kind of videos trish💞
I really genuinely did enjoy this video.. it was so entertaining.
As a hairstylist, using hot products on bleached hair daily is super bad. Please take care of your care trish! You were doing so well before you got your extensions back in since you were using short for a while! You'll regret it, your hair is going to be super short and super fried. Been there & never ever going blonde again. Love u, just looking out for you girl, xoxo.
I agree! It's just sad she never listens to people like you...
She'll never listen. As long as she has her extensions to go to she won't care about her natural hair.
YotubeAddict1389 Which is a shame if you ask me :c
Worry about yourself!!!
That's why she got a weave so she does listen no worries
my weekend routine:
1. sleep in
2. watch UA-cam/TV
3. Take a shower. wash my face. brush my hair and teeth.
4. Take a walk with my iPod
5. hang out with a friend or watch UA-cam
6. watch UA-cam or write a song or something
7. sleep
Y u no eat?
Quit copying me.
+Piervittorio Ciccariello omg so many likes lol
+RandiHasLove grow up
Its so sweet how she treated that fan like an old friend
Trisha's laugh gives me life
"Us girls wear makeup for us not you.. Sorry boys." OMG I love you so much trish ❤️❤️
My morning routine
There are so many hate comments.. I don't understand why? Just let her live her life and do what she likes to do
I agree ! People are so damn rude !
Look how far you've come LOUIE
We all really miss you. Times were better. You were happier. Your videos made me happier. The world was better.
It's like night and day. :(
it has been six years, she is in her 30’s now... if she was the same person now as she was in the video that’d be the real problem. you never know what’s going on behind the scenes and you don’t know she’s happier here. stop being rude with the backhanded compliments...
@@margievanpetten1 shut up people are allowed to miss the old Trish. And to be honest she seems a lot more like a mess now than she did in her older videos. She's constantly crying, went through bad relationships, etc
Trisha makes me excited to have my own house lol
Same.. love my apartment!
OMG your makeup was SO HOT in this vid Trish! Loved this video, fun to watch and see what you do on the weekend. I got so excited when I saw me and your mom on your insta feed. You are so freaking CUTE and i LOVE your pink backpack purse! oxox
I agree! I want to recreate that look she did ❤️
Really? Her makeup looked pretty sloppy especially the eyeliner. You could do much better.
BellaLove why? Why did you comment this? So rude. Let others compliment eachother
Aiden Vega It's not really rude, I'm sure she knew too that it was sloppy.
Didn't you torture animals for money?
Who’s watching this in 2020!? I miss the old her! 😭😓
it has been six years, she is in her 30’s now... if she was the same person now as she was in the video that’d be the real problem. you never know what’s going on behind the scenes and you don’t know she’s happier here. stop being rude with the backhanded compliments...
Loved watching this today:) Showed up on my suggested vids. This is why I love you Trish. You'll get through this challenging season of your life.... and you'll be stronger and wiser. You have a lot of people who believe in you and love and support you. Many prayers going up too. God bless! ❤🙏🏼
Am I the only one who loved her outfit? I thought it was adorable :D
same! :D
+mystic fox me two i love it so cute
Sage Benenati Same!!!
I love when Trisha does these type of videos especially seeing her go from bare faced beauty to an even more beautiful person with make up :)
I miss this trish. I’m sitting here sick with COVID, bingeing old trish videos💕
Hope you are all ok now!
Karolina P. Thank you! I am. It sucked but I’m much better.
yeyy! Thank you for the little mention! Loved this!
I could watch these routine videos all day!
The nostalgia of coming back to this video has another high. It reminds me of a time lost, for her and for us.
My weekend routine is just going to sleep at 3am waking up at 12pm and lay in bed all day, I don't even shower for like 2 days xD.
Thought I was the only one XD
Same here XD
+Sienna Heinecke i dont do that
Do you know that showering everyday is bad for you? Cause it is! I have no clue why I'm telling you this but if you shower everyday than you get rid of the good germs.
+Sydney Huberdeau I take a shower 2 times a day😂
People please stop dissing her, Trish is a great gal with loaded personality. We all could use a little makeup every now and then, even you guys lol lol lol lmao. Trish you are very talented and creative keep doing you beautiful. And you look GORGEOUS in makeup!!!! Holla!!!!!!
Thank u!
People r so jealous of her
yall remember when you’d have to let youtube vids buffer for like 8 minutes? lmaooo
lol ancient times
I absolutely love watching your routines. I love your apartment, it's so cozy and cute!
Damn I miss this Trish.
"twitter is just full of love and positivity" boy that didn't age well. Twitter is the most hateful app of them all now
back when life was simple and she edited
these are my all time favorite "Trish" videos!! ♡♡♡
I just watched this for the first time, and I must say. I freakin love Trish!!! The elevator scene..to DIE for. Her confidence to just do what she wants regardless of who’s around is admirable.
I like how happy you are to see your fans :D I wish I could meet you someday!
supporters not fans
@@kayleegutierrez6378 who gives a fuck
“we did some light shopping”
**proceeds to buy uggs and a louis vuitton bag**
It makes me so happy to see how far she’s come🥲
She looks so much prettier without makeup! Maybe something for the oily skin and some concealer and mascara is all you need
Love that you're watching Bunny in the beginning! She rocks!
...that foundation brush did NOT do all the blending for you!!!!!
LOVE the eyeshadow tho!
Yea u would know BECUASE your a makeup artist RIGHT......? Ummmm no booboo👽
marina balian
um he was just sharing his opinion, dont be a bitch.
marina balian you can tell that her foundation not well blended
You don't need to be a makeup artist to see that it wasn't well blended..
Yes do more lazy day routine videos and other routine videos. I love you so much Trisha, you rock!!!
her routine videos are the only ones I enjoy, other people's are so fake
sami not everybody lives the same way🤦♀️🤦♀️ it’s because they are DIFFERENT and like to go out and exercise and or eat healthy or stay in bed all day it doesn’t matter and it’s not your life! Why can’t people be different anymore🤦♀️🤦♀️
Emma Beale mhmmmm
cant believe this was only las year
Well you better believe it
I am a kid
+Joanna Flores so
Charlotte Ella can’t believe this was 3 years ago.....
To me she looks alot prettier without her make up cuz she has natural beauty 👍💙😀
She doesn't need that much make up . She could just use bb cream if u redness and dark circles just apply primer /concealer and mascara &lipgloss . For contouring just bronzer I do this too with foundation u get oily skin breakouts and etc.
Have you seen her recently without makeup? Specifically snapchat? Yikes....
+Cat Hepburn she looks GORGEOUS. you are bitter and jealous and bitch 😊
Cat Hepburn Lol you're an obsessed stalker. You think she's ugly and love to insult her and yet you follow her on snapchat
i miss these types of videos! i love you trish i hope everything ur going through dies down and u get better soon. i wish u all the love in the world and i hope you please work on bettering your mental health queen❤️
does anyone notice that ever since shawn came into the picture she is not her normal self she is talking more about inapropriate stuff and how many more dislikes then likes on her up to date videos? (not trying to be a hater just putting that out there)
I'm he is just gonna break her heart gain
+jane Morales I'm going through old videos before Shawn and they seem more genuine
+Abdillahi Ibrahim ik he is just another boy that is using her for money
wow u rlly predicted the future
She missed a part on the left of her temple and it's really annoying me
i thought i was the only one that notice it lmao
Her foundation was so uneven I just wanted to fix it omfg
Crazy seeing all these comments from 3 years ago. I’m from 2020 but these videos of hers just calm me so much.
This reminds me why I subbed to Trish in the first place. 💖
My weekend routine:
1-Wake up at noon.
2-Order a shitload of food.
3-Eating while watching Netflix.
@@margievanpetten1 omg this is such an old comment but i still relate 6 years later haha
Trish you are so pretty! Your makeup and hair in this video are literally goals :D
20 min Trisha video ..... YES PLEASE!! 💖💖
Yay I love when you post long videos! So excited!
I love this, it's so soothing. All your routine's seem to get me in the mood to eat or go out and shop, or even just do whatever.
Could you imagine 2021 Trish waiting for internet to buffer? She would throw her whole computer away😹
Im here from the future (July 2019) and there is hope for her hair. It looks soooo much better now than it did back then holy crap
the way she greeted her fans was so sweet miss this genuineness
She’s still genuine, you’re just mad because she came up and has money. If you’d say “she has money and that makes me look at her different, Im a bit envious too, especially how hard things are now” it’s PERFECTLY acceptable comment! Just start being honest with yourself. Give yourself the agency to correct her. Get inspired not sad about someone’s perceived lack of “genuineness”
I miss this era of Trish so much
I liked your eyes without the eyeliner, I think it looked better
Who in 2019 I miss this trish
Actually I did hope these routine series come back. Anyone?
I mean I really do always enjoy watching routine series, and Trisha now move to a new place, a new life
There must be a massive different with these routine video
I love how Trisha isn't fake that's what makes her my favorite UA-camr
kaitlynn y. No she doesn't lie unlike other UA-camrs
i love Shane have you seen her sponcered videos? she lies to us all the time. she promotes companies that steal peoples money.. theres even a podcast of her saying that everything on her channel is fake and how shes trolling us. i used to love her until i found all of this out
kaitlynn y. whatever I still think she is a genuine person also her relationship with Sean was public so her videos on him were true, because of the snap chats etc. I think she is truthful because even though she does some of those things like trolling, etc she admits to it and even says it in some of her videos. She owns up to it
i love Shane she doesn't own up to scamming us with those companies
she is seriously such a genuine sweet person omg i wanna meet her one day!
You have the best eyebrows
I feel like 2014 is the best moment for everyone
There's something so relaxing about watching your vids
My weekend/everyday routine (not involving school)
Day dream
I rewatch her old videos so I remember why I like her
This was favorite video from Trish!!!!!!!!!💙
i don't have very long nails but that knuckle trick is great!! why did i never think of that! because it drives me crazy when stuff gets under my nails😅