The Scribes and Pharisees

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024
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  • @rctk2000
    @rctk2000 6 днів тому +1

    I asked my Hebrew teacher at the Jerusalem Seminary about (. יאמר) and the verse in question. This was his response:
    It is indeed 3rd masc. singular, but without the vowels, the only way to know the stem is by context
    It might be פָּעַל as you suggested (יֹאמַר said), but it's most likely נִפְעַל, passive (יֵאָמֵר, will be said).
    I do have to say that I don't know this translation; it is not biblical Hebrew but post-biblical Hebrew.
    By the way, the יש"ו in the 1st verse indicates this text was edited by non believers, as this is a derogetory acronym for יֵשׁוּעַ which means "יִמַּח שְׁמוֹ וְזִכְרוֹ" - may his name and memory be blotted out.

    • @rctk2000
      @rctk2000 6 днів тому

      I think by context, it is Paal-He said.

  • @jamesjustice859
    @jamesjustice859 8 днів тому


    @ZUL8R_DAVE 7 днів тому

    I can’t decide whether Lazarus’s Sister Martha, Paul, or Peter is my favorite Pharisee… maybe John… nvm… Luke was my favorite Pharisee… because of Acts 1:6…. Because after 40 days straight of Resurrected Messiah teaching about The Kingdom, their ONLY question was “Master, are you going to restore the Kingdom to Israel NOW?” ….
    Even though, what they REALLY should have asked Him was “Now that we don’t have to keep the commandments anymore because you’ve fulfilled them into irrelevance, and now that you’re finished with Israel and have chosen the Muslims, I mean the Church as your new people, and now that you’ve taught us how to pray because we’ve had absolutely no idea how to pray for 1500 years… can you please tell us which one of the 44,000 denominations of Christianity is the right one?”

  • @JoseHernandez-rt3bt
    @JoseHernandez-rt3bt День тому


  • @deborahhancox9925
    @deborahhancox9925 8 днів тому

    Thank you for sharing this information. ❤️🙏🇮🇱🇺🇸

    @ZUL8R_DAVE 7 днів тому +1

    I wonder if perhaps the Jewish People who had been exiled for 400+ years prior to Jesus for disobeying Torah, thought maybe if the laymen also, not just the Priest, washed their hands before eating, maybe that would help Israel not disobey Torah to prevent being exiled again…….

    • @bobirving6052
      @bobirving6052 7 днів тому +1

      Leagalistic might not fully explain it.
      It’s actually much bigger than that.
      Washing the hands was an outward symbol that you were being obedient to a man-made religion which was hijacking and usurping the god-made religion. Like required attendance to Jeraboam’s false holy places on his false calendar.
      Acts 5:29 But Peter and the apostles answered, "We must obey God rather than men.

    • @ZUL8R_DAVE
      @ZUL8R_DAVE 7 днів тому

      So while the pagan Gentiles were worshipping sticks and rocks and having orgies with their priests, cutting themselves and sacrificing their babies to their gods and ripping out peoples hearts and drinking blood… Perfection Himself, Perfection Incarnate, was chiding the Jewish leadership about whether or not washing your hands before or after eating was necessary for the laymen, or whether or not it was lawful to heal on the Sabbath?
      Gotcha, thx for the context. I can see the splinters in the eyes of the Pharisees so much better now with the log of Gentile paganism for the last 5,000 years removed…

    • @essenceofgrowing7804
      @essenceofgrowing7804 2 дні тому

      That’s right. One might say it’s a case of “Good initiative, bad judgement.” Something we used to say in the Marine Corps.
      In some ways that’s exactly what they were trying to prevent… going back into exile… so they built a fence of laws around the commandments of God… and of course in some areas they were actually liberal. Adding and taking away.
      The Torah were not just books full of does and donts. It was seen as the constitution of Israel. Changing the constitution, something liberals in America want to do, is not what Yeshua came to do. Yeshua was actually conservative, getting back to the constitution, pointing out how they missed the spirit of the law, how they elevated man made rules and traditions above the commands of God, and how the law already speaks of hate and lust.
      Yet so many think Yeshua was a liberal because He broke sabbath rules that aren’t actually rules God put in place.
      We don’t speak of obedience as legalism.
      Legalism is when you make denominationalism (man made rules) a matter of fellowship or a matter of salvation.
      Yet as conservatives, who try to preserve the constitution, are seen as stringent, status quo, letter of the law, while the political left are busy making new laws to skirt around the constitution. They claim to be champions of liberty. They claim to see the constitution as alive. They claim to know the spirit of the law. They get angry when you expose them as not holding the moral high ground. A void is created when you reject God’s commandments and something always comes in and tries to take its place.
      I grew up Baptist. Yeshua was seen as a liberator from Gods commandments. Suddenly the conservative hears you telling them they are like the liberal Pharisees when you tell them that believers should be keeping the sabbath. You can explain to them that nothing we do can save us… and that we’re saved by grace through faith… but they have hard time accepting they are liberal (adding and taking away) when they’ve seen themselves as conservative for years.
      Some of the Pharisees became believers. They were born into what they knew just like Paul did. I was born into a catholic home… raised Protestant… I finally had to take ownership for what I believed. It’s been a journey but all along the way I had faith in the messiah! There was a partial hardening but there was also a remnant. Yeshua came and sorted out a lot of doctrine and even sent the Holy Spirit. I don’t hate the Pharisees of the first century any more than I hate “the Pharisees” found in Judaism or Christianity. Always leave room for those with a heart for learning. There is wheat and tares everywhere. I was Protestantism searching. I did things and believed things that weren’t exactly biblical but thank God I believed in the messiah. God was patient with me and I am a vessel of mercy. Thanks God I didn’t run into some hateful hebrew roots folk along the way.

  • @hans.stein.
    @hans.stein. 8 днів тому

    I always translated it (to me and others): 'what they tell you (according to Moses had taught)'.
    I am happy about this finding.
    The pharisaic twist reminds me of what the catholics (and all their orthodox and protestant and reformist followers) ascribe to their cesars and popes and pastors.
    Similar with this word:
    'Forgive them [who!] do not know what their are doing.'
    Not the liars, not the murderers of the righteous one, not the despisers of justice, the haters of God.
    We ought to think, when we translate.
    Btw: Mt 28:19 is correct in the Hebrew, not in the Greek.
    Can you look at the (horribly) mistaken translation of the earthquake in Mt 27 and the corpses being exposed.
    It was a sign of impending catastrophy, not a resurrection (like the transductions would have it). See the Psalms and Prophets.

    • @bobirving6052
      @bobirving6052 7 днів тому

      Yes. Pharisee is just Catholic for Jews

    @ZUL8R_DAVE 7 днів тому

    “For if He (Jesus) were on earth, He would not be a priest at all, seeing there are priests who offer the gifts according to the Torah,”
    ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭8‬:‭4‬
    What is THAT doing there?

    • @bobirving6052
      @bobirving6052 7 днів тому

      It appears that the Book of Hebrews is a collection of the arguments used by Paul, Barnanus, etc. to the Jews in synagogues.
      No wonder the Jews didn’t believe Paul’s retarded “gospel” 😂

    • @bobirving6052
      @bobirving6052 7 днів тому

      It appears that the Book of Hebrews is a collection of the arguments used by Paul, Barnanus, etc. to the Jews in synagogues.
      Acts 14:1 In Iconium they entered the synagogue of the Jews together, and spoke in such a manner that a large number of people believed, both of Jews and of Greeks.
      Acts 14:2 But the Jews who disbelieved stirred up the minds of the Gentiles and embittered them against the brethren.
      No wonder many Jews didn’t believe Paul’s “gospel”.
      Many of his arguments in Hebrews show that he doesn’t even know, or doesn’t care, what those verses actually are saying.

    • @ZUL8R_DAVE
      @ZUL8R_DAVE 7 днів тому

      @@bobirving6052 News to me Brother… I always thought the book of Hebrews was a Midrash explaining and contrasting the symbols of THIS AGE (Hebrews 9:9, 10:1) with those of THE AGE TO COME (Hebrews 2:5) in order to encourage HOPE for what has NOT YET been realized (Hebrews 11 the whole entire chapter) , concluding that not only did the Patriarchs, Prophets, and Martyrs NOT receive their promises YET, but that they wouldn’t apart from us, nor us apart from them (Hebrews 11:38-39) , and that not even the Messiah Himself did either “for the JOY that was set before Him endured the cross.” Hebrews 12:2.
      I always thought it was interesting how the church tradition of Supersessionism rushing to make The Sinai Covenant obsolete so that they could then in turn make those poopy Covenant People obsolete and irrelevant too was just so fascinating…
      I mean, especially since the Heavens and Earth haven’t passed away yet and all that has to be accomplished hasn’t yet been accomplished…
      Especially in light of how NOT ONE single promise of The New Covenant defined in Jeremiah 31-33 that will also be made with those same annoying Sinai Covenant People has actually literally been fulfilled yet…
      I wonder which 1 of the 44,000 Christian denominations is actually the correct one, and what church theology will be when they finally understand “PROPHETIC past tense” verb conjugation.
      You know.. like… the Prophet Isaiah who 700 years BEFORE the crucifixion said,
      “He WAS (will surely be) pierced for our transgressions.
      He WAS (will surely be) crushed for our iniquities.
      The chastisement that brought (will surely bring) our peace WAS (will surely be) upon Him
      And by His stripes we ARE (will surely be) healed.” - Isaiah 53:5
      Perhaps in the future when they see a verb conjugated in the past tense in the New Testament speaking Prophetically about an Aspect and Context that WILL SURELY happen in the future they won’t get lost in translation with such a “wooden” read of the text…
      “But you have (WILL SURELY) come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living G-D, the Heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable multitudes of angels, to the festal gathering and assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, to G-D the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect, to Yeshua, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaks better than that of Abel.”
      Hebrews 12:22-24
      I don’t remember coming to Mount Zion in the New Jerusalem at the Festal Gathering… do you?
      Surely someone took some pictures for us at least… Did you take any pictures ?
      How do you like that glorified eternal incorruptible body?

  • @christiansmith-of7dt
    @christiansmith-of7dt 4 дні тому


  • @ClintonBrownell
    @ClintonBrownell 6 днів тому

    There are NO CONTRADICTIONS in Scripture only the discernment of "false teachers", like here.
    Enoch (PROPHET)

    @ZUL8R_DAVE 7 днів тому

    I didn’t know the Messiah’s purpose was to fulfill the Torah into obsolete irrelevance…
    Here I thought G-D was serious about obeying His commandments.
    I’m so glad HE had a change of heart … especially after exiling Israel and allowing hundreds of thousands of them to be enslaved and murdered for disobeying them…

  • @kamilfrancoolczak
    @kamilfrancoolczak 7 днів тому +1

    You don’t need Hebrew , just read the context , 🎉

    • @bobirving6052
      @bobirving6052 7 днів тому +1

      The Hebrew helps. Context is super valuable.