I thought Russians were like, tryin' to git a radio wave to any kind of musis, yet , they were deprived of my girl Madonna..... Do you think Putin ,growin' up loving our music *Led Zeppelin* ever thought that the stairway to heaven is music????? Love to all, even you Russians playin' on a radio.....
best intro i ever seen
супер !
I thought Russians were like, tryin' to git a radio wave to any kind of musis, yet , they were deprived of my girl Madonna..... Do you think Putin ,growin' up loving our music *Led Zeppelin* ever thought that the stairway to heaven is music????? Love to all, even you Russians playin' on a radio.....
the f?
wtf is wrong with the audio
and then there was silence......fuvk.
God, she's so lost...