Eddie is a legend. His words will move a person. I agree. There will never be another Eddie or Pearl Jam. He was a pioneer and poet. His words have influenced my life and helped me through struggles. Tonight, age 50, I’m struggling. And Eddie’s words bring me a subtle peace. Some comfort. Knowing he knows pain. He feels struggle. We all do. Thank you Eddie
This was my son's favorite band he was killed in a car crash in 2000 at age 17. And also our 15 year old niece was with us and she also was killed. Mom and I walked away from the accident but my wife sustained a little brain damage...Can't believe our son would have been 41 this year 2024. And if he was still here on earth he would be listening to Pearl Jam today. Well here it is bro!!!! Love from your Dad....It still hurts after all these years!!!!!
My only brother was killed in 2003 from a car crash and the feeling of never being able to see him for the rest of this life is painful a lot of days. Im sorry about your loss, its a punch in the gut to have to deal with a unexpected death of a family member, like your son. I strongly believe that your son is still alive, but in his true spirit form and that you'll be there with him when its time. I have had many vivid dreams of my brother since he has passed and they felt like he was very alive and visiting me from a higher dimension. I bet your son listens along with you when listening to Pearl Jam songs, keep strong and keep positive!
So sorry for your loss sir I put my son to rest in 1990.it was the hardest thing I ever had to do I was listening to Eddy veder in the summer that song came out,and i also understood I love you son.. sam crabb
when i was younger, my dad used to play this song on his guitar. i have very vivid memories of watching him at rehearsal for the church band, and he would play this lick specifically when the night was closing up. i rediscovered this song recently and it all hit me like a truck. i love you dad.
I wore a Tshirt to Scotland with Eddies lyrics.."Onabide, onweser onaweie, Ene co manase nanaho anase nenacol auregue" and they asked me what clan I was from. This mans a poet of our generation. Love him and hope he keeps going.
Yes, you hit the nail on the head! Now we know what it's about and it's even more powerful. Have you heard the story or heard him sing it with lyrics he was evidently in the process of writing?
When you read the lyrics to this song you start to see how much of a musical genius Eddie is. He can bend and stretch any words into something beautiful
I remember when this came out when I was 13. When Eddie sang "Unseeum or eatta at ooo sa I onya eev again aww er each on aww etter and wait ain, yeah"... It really spoke to me and what I was going through.
I once sat in a truck with someone I loved with all my heart and spent hours depicting the lyrics to this song as we tried singing it to eachother. Its a moment I will never forget. Its these simple moments that last a lifetime.
My beloved late wife loved this song for no particular reason and everytime it plays my heart dissolves more ashes than it already has. All I have is her memories and the way she listened to this song.
@@fracisbyrd2421 She was perfection, in her flaws and gifts, and was my reason for believing life was beautiful; don't get me wrong, my kids are the world to me and my continuous joy and reason to live; but children fly the coup and all you have left is that someone you've shared a life with. Thank you for your wonderful wishes, peace and love be with you always.
@@kcl4364 I believe that's true. I believe the lore says he was also drunk at the time, which I also believe. This recording definitely leans towards sounding on the slightly inebriated side. Which makes it all the more astounding. The guy can just get smashed and write one of, arguably, PJ's best tunes. Just wow.
Lyrics “Unsealed on a porch a letter sat Then you said I wanna leave it again Once I saw her on a beach of weathered sand And on the sand I wanna leave it again, yeah On a weekend wanna wish it all away And they called and I said that I want what I said And then I call out again And the reason oughtta leave her calm, I know I said I don't know whether I'm the boxer or the bag Oh yeah, can you see them Out on the porch Yeah but they don't wave I see them 'Round the front way, yeah And I know and I know I don't want to stay Make me cry I see I don't know, there's something else I wanna drum it all away Oh, I said I don't, I don't know whether I'm the boxer or the bag Oh yeah, can you see them Out on the porch Yeah but they don't wave I see them 'Round the front way, yeah And I know and I know I don't want to stay I don't wanna stay I don't wanna stay I don't wanna stay, oh no Yeah Oh, oh Oh, oh” -Google -used Musixmatch “Eddie Vedder admits that he changes the lyrics and meaning of the song when he performs it, but he wrote the song with one story in mind, which he told at a concert in Newark, New Jersey on August 7, 2008. He asked if anyone had any questions, and a fellow asked what the lyrics to "Yellow Ledbetter" were. Instead of going word for word, Eddie simply told the story of the song. The song was written during the first gulf war, when "Papa Bush" was President, as Eddie calls him. The story is about a young Grunger kid, all dressed up in his flannels with the long greasy hair. His brother goes off to fight in the war and gets killed. He gets a letter that comes in one of those yellow army envelopes and learns of his brother's death. So, all upset, he decides to go out and walk it off. On his walk he passes by a neat, middle-aged or elderly couple sitting on their front porch having some tea, and he sees that they have an American flag out. He gives a wave, because he feels like he relates: "The flag, my brother, you know..." But they don't know, of course. They don't know what's underneath the grunge and the long hair. All they see are the outward appearances, and they don't wave back. The song has changed its meaning over time and Eddie changes the words to suit whatever is on his mind.” -song facts .com
I've always loved Pearl Jam. Being a teen in the 90's brings back so many great memories. If you were alive for it, you are pretty lucky I think.😁 The Grunge era was so cool. Bands like Pearl Jam, Nirvana, STP, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alice In Chains, Blind Melon. So many awesome bands. I noticed so many comments about not understanding the lyrics to this tune. I heard lead singer Eddie Vedder often switched the lyrics up when performing this in concert. Think it wouldn't matter whether we knew the words or not, the song is amazing!
if you think the 90s were good(and they were)… the 80s were AMAZING. The bands/music, incredible. Add the movies, Mtv at its best, tv series/sitcoms, better food, all girls in BC, with their bighair and great makeup! ❤️ Old hotrods, driveins still around, boone being shotup in the streets over nothing. No stupidass “woke” BS. Times were glorious in the 80s.
When ever i hear this song.. i know i am not alone.. i feel there are 1000 people all tuned in to this one song and we are all together united and motivated and captivated.... held as one like a huge warm hug that carries us through to tomorrow...
Hopefully, we are all ascending together to the new earth,where real souls will awaken and transcend humanity to a higher dimension. I gave no doubt that Chris Cornell will be serenading us as our conscious awakens. Sending love and hugs to my new tribe.
At 51 y o I still absolutely love Pearl Jam . What a voice what melody and tone , so controlled beautiful , class , Thank you for taking me back to my teen years. Xx
Eddie Vedders is a rare talent… his vocals and writing music are phenomenal only a handful of artists and bands such as Pearl Jam come thru in a lifetime Vedders vocals are beyond compare ❤
Had a legend of a friend who loved this band by an absolute mile. I never quite got them myself until he unfortunately died. I have to say I listen to them regularly and i can now understand why Pearl Jam are so incredible.
This song, despite it being lyrical nonsense to most, is just an absolute unit of composition. The mood, the tone, the movements, the instrumental, the singing, the absolute everything about this just screams a generation of nostalgia. It's one of those songs that you know cause you heard it in your childhood on the radio at some point, and you forget all about it. But then, when you hear it again after all those years, it hits you like sledgehammer. You come to the realization of knowing exactly what this song is, how it sounds, and everything about those specific moments to me is just so beautiful. Anyways, the song also is also one of those that perfectly highlights the sound of this time, and it's definitely a song that stands out even today. I love this band. God bless Pearl Jam!
@@alexserrano9919 I only listen to YLB when I'm alone, I think this is a very intimate song. I think it's a waste to listen to her among other people 💛
“I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are better left unsaid. I'd like to think they were singing about something so beautiful, it can't expressed in words, and it makes your heart ache because of it.” -Red
Mitch, you were my best friend man. This song will always remind me of us in our teens, driving around, smoking blunts and laughing nonstop. I will never forget the times we shared. It's not fair you were taken so young 😭
"I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don’t want to know. Some things are better left unsaid. I’d like to think they were singing about something so beautiful, it can’t be expressed in words, and it makes your heart ache because of it." Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding. Shawshank Redemption.
This is one of my all time favorite songs since it came out and there's not another song since that compares to it except other Pearl Jam songs!! Man if I get in a bad mood or start feeling depressed thus song gets me out of whatever deep hole I'm in. Thanks Eddie
Ten was the first CD I ever owned as a kid. 9 years old in 1992, my Dad bought it for me! This song reminds me why they were my first favorite band ever.
I graduated from high school that year. Such good times. I have great memories of moving into my first apartment for college and Pearl Jam became my favorite band. Still is.
Hey Sylas, my heart goes out for you. Just know this, ur mama is in a way better place now, no pain no suffering no doubts, worrying concerns not cold or hungry no stress... She's doing good, you're the one in pain now and you will need to get over it. I'm a costa Rican person who is here to help you and be a shoulder you can cry on if u need to
Once you consider the alcoholic challenges of the original Ledbetter, it all makes perfect sense. Also some beautiful music in this outstanding composition.❤
its amazing cuz this song always reminded me of my brother , I did some research and found out its about a brother that died at war. amazing son ...make me cry ... lovr that part - right before he goes into that huge guitar rift ...AMAZING !!
this song brings me back to the 90’s. I was lucky to live thru the 90’s on bikes and skinned up knees. I was lucky to live thru the war in 2003-2005, EAS’d in 2007. When the lyrics say “I don’t wanna stay”, I feel that, I wanna go back to the simple 90’s, I don’t wanna stay here in the sucky shitty 20’s. The 90’s left so fast, we barely knew each other for a brief moment.
I could listen to this, SRV's "Life without you", Molly Hatchet's "Dreams I'll never see", Led Zeppelin's "Kashmir", Procol Harem's "Whiter shade of pale" live from Denmark, all day. Tremendous songs performed to perfection
I love this song but what's so sad is I was born in 77 and I love all music and I don't know why but I hadn't even heard this song until like 4 months ago but I looked up the meaning of the song and found the lyrics and it made me love it more. But there is something special about this song to me, I am a recovering addict and I am not long in my sobriety and yesterday and today I have been listening to this song cause it helps me so much. I would always use on holidays and yesterday being the 1st was good. Having a hard time today so this song has been on repeat for hrs. I can't explain how it takes me somewhere far away from where I am at. Sorry for telling you my life story but this has felt good. Like someone is hearing me. Thanks.
Eddie's raw but beautiful voice just like melts in Mike's sheer perfection here. Rhythm is awesome & Stone's always Good. This songs says more musically now than then. It will get more credit later🎼😉.
La introducción, el solo de Mike, el cierre, la voz, el ritmo, empieza lenta y arranca, magnífica, simplemente me atrapa, la puedo escuchar una y otra vez y cada vez me gusta más. Sonó aquí en el cierre del concierto en Lima, Perú.. Recuerdo ese momento... Wow, fue increíble escuchar el vivo.
Layne sang wicked. They said when he sang you could hear it vibrating out of his chest.,.. louder than the amplifiers. He sounded like he had two other voices at the same time because of his voice. I have no idea how he sang the way he did. Love him in love AIC.❤
Unsealed on a porch, a letter sat Then you said: I wanna leave it again Once I saw her on a beach of weathered sand And on the sand I wanna leave it again, yeah On a weekend I wanna wish it all away, yeah And they called, and I said That I want what I said And then I call out again. And the reason oughta' Leave her calm, I know I said: I don't know Where there's a box or a bag. Ah, yeah, can you see them Out on the porch? Yeah, but they don't wave. I see them round the front way, yeah And I know, and I know I don't want to stay Make me cry. I see, oh, I don't know Why there's something else I wanna drum it all away Oh, I said: I don't I don't know Where there's a box or a bag.
@@Man-vs-Metal he does change them up, but the original story is that line is saying he doesn't know if his dead brother is coming back in a box or a bag as he is talking to his mom
This song reminds me of my dad who passed away recently. RIP baba miss you so much life is dull without you hope to see you on the other side soon. Nothing but love. Hope I make you proud ❤
That isolation on guitar at the very beginning & then again at the end gets me everytime. All joking aside with the lyrics, this is next level songwriting. Actually the entire TEN album is a masterpiece imo. This extra B-Side track is the cherry on top.
Regardless of what hes saying i have sang along to this for 25 years now and the memories it stirs up are like nothing else. Memories with my little brother summer parties cruising around in his 63 chevy Nove, and taking my 69 SS Nove downtown to cruise the blvd. I love this song, nothing else like it!!!!!
Love it !!!
Hope one day they release the english version
Omg that is one of the funniest things I've ever read! Thank you for that laugh, I needed that! 🤣😂🤣
It is english
I love this song. It's like Opera you don't have to understand the lyrics just the emotion.
you said it bro, totally true
Actual lyrics: ua-cam.com/video/xLd22ha_-VU/v-deo.html
@@jamesm.3307 ROTFLMAO! You had me going for a minute there.🤣
I feel this. Music will never be what is was. 90s was the last generation to have actual, music.
Eddie is a legend. His words will move a person. I agree. There will never be another Eddie or Pearl Jam. He was a pioneer and poet. His words have influenced my life and helped me through struggles. Tonight, age 50, I’m struggling. And Eddie’s words bring me a subtle peace. Some comfort. Knowing he knows pain. He feels struggle. We all do. Thank you Eddie
"On a wizard on a whale." Preach Eddie. Preach.
I hear on a buzzard on a bale
Now I see it
If you know, you know
I searched on a wizard on a whale and this song was the first result
I laughed for 3 minutes solid because of this comment. Thank you sir.
This was my son's favorite band he was killed in a car crash in 2000 at age 17. And also our 15 year old niece was with us and she also was killed. Mom and I walked away from the accident but my wife sustained a little brain damage...Can't believe our son would have been 41 this year 2024. And if he was still here on earth he would be listening to Pearl Jam today. Well here it is bro!!!! Love from your Dad....It still hurts after all these years!!!!!
My only brother was killed in 2003 from a car crash and the feeling of never being able to see him for the rest of this life is painful a lot of days. Im sorry about your loss, its a punch in the gut to have to deal with a unexpected death of a family member, like your son. I strongly believe that your son is still alive, but in his true spirit form and that you'll be there with him when its time. I have had many vivid dreams of my brother since he has passed and they felt like he was very alive and visiting me from a higher dimension. I bet your son listens along with you when listening to Pearl Jam songs, keep strong and keep positive!
God Bless you brother
So sorry for your loss sir I put my son to rest in 1990.it was the hardest thing I ever had to do I was listening to Eddy veder in the summer that song came out,and i also understood I love you son.. sam crabb
Condolences from Guam
@@matkav2638I Pray For The Peace In Final Resting ❤And For Your Heart🙏😇🌄
When Eddie said: 00:55 "Onabide, onweser onaweie, Ene co manase nanaho anase nenacol auregue" I really felt that, bro✊🏻😔
Well done!!!
on a weekend🗓️ ima wizard🧙♂️all the wayeyay 💯and they called 📞nana said👵 💬nana woah 👵 nana said 👵 💬and I ball out again 🏀💵
@@YacheezReal HAHAAA OMG!!! 😂😂
when i was younger, my dad used to play this song on his guitar. i have very vivid memories of watching him at rehearsal for the church band, and he would play this lick specifically when the night was closing up. i rediscovered this song recently and it all hit me like a truck. i love you dad.
Your daddy loves you.
What an awesome memory for you!
It's a Mofo of a "lick"
I wore a Tshirt to Scotland with Eddies lyrics.."Onabide, onweser onaweie, Ene co manase nanaho anase nenacol auregue" and they asked me what clan I was from. This mans a poet of our generation. Love him and hope he keeps going.
🤣 I can actually see that happening.
Lol! Dude the correct answer is "Im from Wizards on a Whale clan"
Absofuckinlutly one of the best songs ever recorded by the greatest band in the history of bands
hmmmm Led Zepplin is THe greatest band in history But Pearl Jam comes in at a close second
idk man.... kinda sounds like jibberish coming out of a jabber jaw
Lots of talk of the lyrics, but can we give some props to Mike McCready? ... Simply brilliant guitar playing and tone.
Thank You 😊
Mike!!! ❤
Yes. I mean he's channeling something otherworldly, it's that good. Each note is a full expression of his soul.
It's based on a Jimmy Hendrix song, little wing I think?
"make me cry" followed by an emotional, beautiful, transcendent guitar solo... hell yeah.
MUSIC ...............
The exact word, made me want to learn guitar.
It really is something, to understand this song on an emotional level so purely, without knowing the lyrics....
PJ has always been an amazing talent.
Nice Hendrix flavored opening and closing in the style of "little wing" 🎸🎸
Agree. Oozing with Hendrix. Also, some chilli Pepper songs have very similar riffs.
@@saigonKTImmediately thought of little wing
And the wind cries Marry……Jimmi Hendrix
The guitarist said on stern it’s more Srv
@@bryanl3659srv was as awesome as awesomeness gets
The opening riff always sends chills down my spine..😭😭
Hell yea. It’s so good.
@@bobby_Dprobably borrowed from Jimmy Hendrick.
Blues man
It's a really loose impression of Jimi Hendrix's "Little Wing."
The best song I’ll ever not know the lyrics to
I don't even think Eddie knows. Haha.
Lyrics have been around for years
@@nancysilveira1492 eddie keeps improvising the lyrics
@@abrahamesparza01 Yes,true 🤷🏻♀️
"Alright everybody- now for this next one, I wanna' hear everybody in the crowd mumbling along with me...." --E.V.
Pearl Jam, the only band that can sound both incredibly beautiful and like complete gibberish at the same time.
Have you never heard Bohemiam Rhapsody 😅
Kings of Leon are very similar 😊
Listen to the cocteau twins
, J N BIOCT. @@pushthetempo2
Red hot chilli peppers have a similar effect
its unexplainable how this track hits and makes you feel some type of way.I just love it still in 2024 and always will🤩
Yes, you hit the nail on the head! Now we know what it's about and it's even more powerful. Have you heard the story or heard him sing it with lyrics he was evidently in the process of writing?
Growing up in the 90s was legendary, I couldn’t pick a better decade.
So much pain behind so many smiles. It was an unforgettable decade.
The 60s. Hands down.
How about the best of both worlds... The 80s and the 90s...
When they came around... I knew that the world was changing... 🤘
You said it bro. GEN X!
When you read the lyrics to this song you start to see how much of a musical genius Eddie is. He can bend and stretch any words into something beautiful
Stretch it into a bunch of shit you can’t understand lol
I remember when this came out when I was 13. When Eddie sang "Unseeum or eatta at ooo sa I onya eev again aww er each on aww etter and wait ain, yeah"... It really spoke to me and what I was going through.
🤣😂🤣🤣 same
Same my friend, these are such relatable lyrics🤣🤣
Right on,man! I think it spoke to all of us..
😂 Sooo funny 😂😂
I found this at the cd shop . In the middle of summer 93. And the two years later in July in Chicago I heard it live at Soldier Field. Awesome.
I once sat in a truck with someone I loved with all my heart and spent hours depicting the lyrics to this song as we tried singing it to eachother. Its a moment I will never forget. Its these simple moments that last a lifetime.
I sang your comment, along with the song and it fit
what happened to that someone
Superb story. I assume it is bittersweet as most comments like yours are. I have similar memories.
and finally, you both realize that you can sing armenian
É verdade coisas simples
The guitar, the lyrics, that voice… everything about this song is so perfect
Absolutely..kickass & timeless..
Except it's missing lyrics 🤣
What *are* the lyrics, Melanie?
Tell us, Melanie
My beloved late wife loved this song for no particular reason and everytime it plays my heart dissolves more ashes than it already has. All I have is her memories and the way she listened to this song.
Beautiful song. Sounds like she was a beautiful person to you. Stay strong and cherish the memories, she will always be with you
@@fracisbyrd2421 She was perfection, in her flaws and gifts, and was my reason for believing life was beautiful; don't get me wrong, my kids are the world to me and my continuous joy and reason to live; but children fly the coup and all you have left is that someone you've shared a life with. Thank you for your wonderful wishes, peace and love be with you always.
Terribly and sincerely sorry for your loss.
@@mattrodgers8422 Thank you.
Saw them in ‘93 in Jersey. Then saw them in Sept 2024 in Ft Worth. They still kick ass!!!
No one can understand what Eddie is singing, but everyone understands what he is feeling...
What is he feeling?
@@lizwindsor9250this song is about a kid whose brother dies in war.
Some of us DO know what he is saying.
People nowadays don’t understand how awesome this was and still is 30 years later
These unintelligible lyrics are still light years better than anything I could ever come up with.
It is because the words in songs are not as important as a beautiful vocal line
Wasn't it improvised? Might be misremembering
@@kcl4364 I believe that's true. I believe the lore says he was also drunk at the time, which I also believe. This recording definitely leans towards sounding on the slightly inebriated side. Which makes it all the more astounding. The guy can just get smashed and write one of, arguably, PJ's best tunes. Just wow.
On a wheelie I'm a whizzing away and I called and I said that I won't be there today.
i love the lyrics where he says, "mmmwhaaa weeeyyyyyaaaa"
I'm 73 and I love it.
Good music is ageless-Im 65
74 here
70, and it beats a lot of whats out there...
The guitar work on this is awesome,Mcready freaking killed it!!!!!!
“Unsealed on a porch a letter sat
Then you said I wanna leave it again
Once I saw her on a beach of weathered sand
And on the sand I wanna leave it again, yeah
On a weekend wanna wish it all away
And they called and I said that I want what I said
And then I call out again
And the reason oughtta leave her calm, I know
I said I don't know whether I'm the boxer or the bag
Oh yeah, can you see them
Out on the porch
Yeah but they don't wave
I see them
'Round the front way, yeah
And I know and I know I don't want to stay
Make me cry
I see
I don't know, there's something else
I wanna drum it all away
Oh, I said I don't, I don't know whether I'm the boxer or the bag
Oh yeah, can you see them
Out on the porch
Yeah but they don't wave
I see them
'Round the front way, yeah
And I know and I know I don't want to stay
I don't wanna stay
I don't wanna stay
I don't wanna stay, oh no
Oh, oh
Oh, oh”
-Google -used Musixmatch
“Eddie Vedder admits that he changes the lyrics and meaning of the song when he performs it, but he wrote the song with one story in mind, which he told at a concert in Newark, New Jersey on August 7, 2008. He asked if anyone had any questions, and a fellow asked what the lyrics to "Yellow Ledbetter" were. Instead of going word for word, Eddie simply told the story of the song.
The song was written during the first gulf war, when "Papa Bush" was President, as Eddie calls him. The story is about a young Grunger kid, all dressed up in his flannels with the long greasy hair. His brother goes off to fight in the war and gets killed. He gets a letter that comes in one of those yellow army envelopes and learns of his brother's death. So, all upset, he decides to go out and walk it off. On his walk he passes by a neat, middle-aged or elderly couple sitting on their front porch having some tea, and he sees that they have an American flag out. He gives a wave, because he feels like he relates: "The flag, my brother, you know..." But they don't know, of course. They don't know what's underneath the grunge and the long hair. All they see are the outward appearances, and they don't wave back.
The song has changed its meaning over time and Eddie changes the words to suit whatever is on his mind.”
-song facts .com
Thanks bro
Its not the same
I don't want to know what they're saying lol
Thanks for the effort
The beginning with the guitar sounds so like Jimi Hendrix. Such a great song. That voice is hypnotic.
Tribute to Little Wing, I believe
Beautifully done too.
I've always loved Pearl Jam. Being a teen in the 90's brings back so many great memories. If you were alive for it, you are pretty lucky I think.😁 The Grunge era was so cool. Bands like Pearl Jam, Nirvana, STP, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alice In Chains, Blind Melon. So many awesome bands. I noticed so many comments about not understanding the lyrics to this tune. I heard lead singer Eddie Vedder often switched the lyrics up when performing this in concert. Think it wouldn't matter whether we knew the words or not, the song is amazing!
Don’t forget soundgarden!
80s and 90s best times ever
if you think the 90s were good(and they were)…
the 80s were AMAZING.
The bands/music, incredible.
Add the movies, Mtv at its best,
tv series/sitcoms,
better food, all girls in BC, with their bighair and great makeup!
Old hotrods, driveins still around,
boone being shotup in the streets over nothing.
No stupidass “woke” BS.
Times were glorious in the 80s.
@@Desstrik 80s is the best decade all around for just everything really tbh
I grew up in the 90's and didn't start listening to pearl jam until 93 and ever since then I was hooked
When ever i hear this song.. i know i am not alone.. i feel there are 1000 people all tuned in to this one song and we are all together united and motivated and captivated.... held as one like a huge warm hug that carries us through to tomorrow...
10 22 24
I love this!
Hopefully, we are all ascending together to the new earth,where real souls will awaken and transcend humanity to a higher dimension. I gave no doubt that Chris Cornell will be serenading us as our conscious awakens. Sending love and hugs to my new tribe.
@Hawaii902 I miss that voice...
Chris Cornell... one of my favorite songs...
Seasons from the Singles soundtrack...
At 51 y o I still absolutely love Pearl Jam . What a voice what melody and tone , so controlled beautiful , class , Thank you for taking me back to my teen years. Xx
63 here and yes still….
Same here..I'm 55 & still loving & listening to it..classic, awesomeness 👌 👏..old school GenX is the best 👌
Put it on in the car and hear everyone sing different lyrics
Wayyyy yahh an I dont really know eyahh somth luoohaa
That’s so true I love songs like this
Lmao so true!
Yeah..probably the most misheard lyrics ever..😄
Didn't fancy to see you here Doc😄☺
It's not the lyrics. It's the vibe.
Actually, the real lyrics add a lot to it.
Eddie Vedders is a rare talent… his vocals and writing music are phenomenal only a handful of artists and bands such as Pearl Jam come thru in a lifetime Vedders vocals are beyond compare ❤
Exactly 🖤
Sometimes it's best to not know the lyrics you enjoy the song a lot more😂😂😂💯👍
Had a legend of a friend who loved this band by an absolute mile. I never quite got them myself until he unfortunately died. I have to say I listen to them regularly and i can now understand why Pearl Jam are so incredible.
Sorry for your loss
my daughter commit suicide she was only 14… my 39 old me would give up without music. stay strong my dear
@@xiomaraaraomiox5038same here
@xiomaraaraomiox5038 Sorry for your loss.
@xiomaraaraomiox5038 I'm sorry for your loss.
The only song that you can sing along to with your own lyrics
still one of the most genius opening guitar solos to this day.
This song, despite it being lyrical nonsense to most, is just an absolute unit of composition. The mood, the tone, the movements, the instrumental, the singing, the absolute everything about this just screams a generation of nostalgia. It's one of those songs that you know cause you heard it in your childhood on the radio at some point, and you forget all about it. But then, when you hear it again after all those years, it hits you like sledgehammer. You come to the realization of knowing exactly what this song is, how it sounds, and everything about those specific moments to me is just so beautiful. Anyways, the song also is also one of those that perfectly highlights the sound of this time, and it's definitely a song that stands out even today. I love this band. God bless
Pearl Jam!
This song gets new lyrics everyday😘
souds like he might be speaking in tongues
Ten is already 30 years old. Time surely flies
OMG: the Ten album is 30!?.... I am so Fucking OLD!?!!
This melody just makes me want to relax with some old friends and talk about the good old days.
What a voice!
Passion and love when a man cries for love!
This song never gets old.
It's all about the vibe. I had this played at my cousin's funeral. It's that good.
When Eddie said "Ona wheelahn, ona whizzit ona whaya" I felt that
That “make me cry” will always have a special spot in my heart. Oh to be 6-7 again, riding around with my pops while air guitaring this whole song.
One of my favorite songs, the opening and closing chords make me levitate. YLB will always have a special place my heart 💛💛
Hellyea best song ever
I'm sitting by the fire in a cold night listening to it awesome
@@alexserrano9919 I only listen to YLB when I'm alone, I think this is a very intimate song. I think it's a waste to listen to her among other people 💛
@@julianasevero5233yep to enjoy this song u have to be alone to be able to listen to the lyrics
@@julianasevero5233 I'm about to listen to Pjam again tonite
I could ride that last riff through out eternity!!
you should listen to some hendrix
@@NoogDeNoog I have and I love me some jimmy!!!
“I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are better left unsaid. I'd like to think they were singing about something so beautiful, it can't expressed in words, and it makes your heart ache because of it.”
ahahahah very funny
RD🇩🇴 Reds say that in the shawshank redention...
That's Quite Ingenious
Impressed and knew exactly where it came from
Well Done
This song will be played on the radio & online for 100 years or more!!❤
Mitch, you were my best friend man. This song will always remind me of us in our teens, driving around, smoking blunts and laughing nonstop.
I will never forget the times we shared.
It's not fair you were taken so young 😭
Love and peace bro
Make me cry too, man. Every single time.
"I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don’t want to know. Some things are better left unsaid. I’d like to think they were singing about something so beautiful, it can’t be expressed in words, and it makes your heart ache because of it."
Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding. Shawshank Redemption.
The vocals - the guitar - absolutely perfectly suited 🙏!!!!!
Don't you just love the Jimi Hendrix -ish guitar intro to this song? It is nothing short of excellent!!! 👍
That's what I thought ;)
Little Wing inspiration ;)
Mike Mcready was a big fan of Jimi Hendrix and Carlos Santana growing up
its not Hendrix-ish, Its nearly an exact copy
@@knightwolf5006 it is supposed to be a some kind of tribute, so yeah, it sounds so similar
Sounds more like Angel
The guitar part always reminds me of Jimi Hendrix, the tone and the lick and everything.
Pearl jam have Hendrix influence
Best comment about Eddie's voice, sounds like what English sounds like to a foreigner✌️💜😎 I understand him perfectly😁
Amazing ❤ Kenny Wayne shepherd was definitely inspired. I would have sworn it was while we cry until I heard Eddie.
Guitarra maravilhosa... bateria harmoniosa... Voz linda demais.... É a perfeição😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰✌️✌️✌️✌️🤙🤙👏👏👏👏🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
essa é uma das introduções de guitarra mais linda que eu conheço
@@marcosviniciusoliveira9832 Belíssima....🥰🥰
@@marcosviniciusoliveira9832 Mestre da guitarra !!!!!!
This is one of my all time favorite songs since it came out and there's not another song since that compares to it except other Pearl Jam songs!! Man if I get in a bad mood or start feeling depressed thus song gets me out of whatever deep hole I'm in. Thanks Eddie
Daughter is better followed by Nothingman
Music is time travel in a wave of sound
One of the greatest riffs and greatest solos to ever period
Ten was the first CD I ever owned as a kid. 9 years old in 1992, my Dad bought it for me! This song reminds me why they were my first favorite band ever.
I graduated from high school that year. Such good times. I have great memories of moving into my first apartment for college and Pearl Jam became my favorite band. Still is.
My childhood memories with my dad lies in this song!! When I was younger riding down back roads in South Carolina listening to this with my dad!!
I feel your beautiful memory 💝🔥
My mama passed away just over a year ago and this song has been getting me through the last week.
Stay strong
Sorry for your loss. It’s hard to live in a world without your mom. I know the feeling well 💔
Sorry about your loss man. That's a tough one.
@Jabe Jikkonen No, my name is sylas. Xythe is just my screen name
Hey Sylas, my heart goes out for you. Just know this, ur mama is in a way better place now, no pain no suffering no doubts, worrying concerns not cold or hungry no stress... She's doing good, you're the one in pain now and you will need to get over it. I'm a costa Rican person who is here to help you and be a shoulder you can cry on if u need to
Once you consider the alcoholic challenges of the original Ledbetter, it all makes perfect sense. Also some beautiful music in this outstanding composition.❤
its amazing cuz this song always reminded me of my brother , I did some research and found out its about a brother that died at war. amazing son ...make me cry ... lovr that part - right before he goes into that huge guitar rift ...AMAZING !!
there are some INCREDIBLE lies in this comment section.
@lards nygaard it sounds like you haven't lived yet. Get some years under your belt and you will have something interesting to contribute.
this song brings me back to the 90’s. I was lucky to live thru the 90’s on bikes and skinned up knees. I was lucky to live thru the war in 2003-2005, EAS’d in 2007. When the lyrics say “I don’t wanna stay”, I feel that, I wanna go back to the simple 90’s, I don’t wanna stay here in the sucky shitty 20’s. The 90’s left so fast, we barely knew each other for a brief moment.
I feel that👍
Damn, well said Man. Or woman. Hahaha. Still, mad respect for this comment. Much love.
I could listen to this, SRV's "Life without you", Molly Hatchet's "Dreams I'll never see", Led Zeppelin's "Kashmir", Procol Harem's "Whiter shade of pale" live from Denmark, all day. Tremendous songs performed to perfection
True to form...😂😂😂
One of my all time favorites of all times.
I love this song but what's so sad is I was born in 77 and I love all music and I don't know why but I hadn't even heard this song until like 4 months ago but I looked up the meaning of the song and found the lyrics and it made me love it more. But there is something special about this song to me, I am a recovering addict and I am not long in my sobriety and yesterday and today I have been listening to this song cause it helps me so much. I would always use on holidays and yesterday being the 1st was good. Having a hard time today so this song has been on repeat for hrs. I can't explain how it takes me somewhere far away from where I am at. Sorry for telling you my life story but this has felt good. Like someone is hearing me. Thanks.
For my son, Thomas, who recorded this song a hundred times on my way home from work. I miss you son.
I hung up on Eddie 25 years ago.. when my son was murdered.
@@jeannebrauher3587 Sounds a bit manic, hope your doing ok out there somewhere.
Simply the most thought provoking Ballad I've eve come to Treasure. Words? who cares.... magical song
This holds many precious memories for me and I’m instantly catapulted back in time ❤when I hear it.
God save this entire band giving us new sounds in 21th century after decades listening to them ✌️
Easily one of the best songs ever recorded.
I know the feelings this song creates , but I cant figure them out but it is still my Favorite Pearl Jam Ever!!;!
Hit like, every time through the years you find your way back to this classic!
Eddie is one of the greatest front men of all time. From his voice, stage presence, crowd relationship, to his live antics. Amazing!
Eddie's raw but beautiful voice just like
melts in Mike's sheer perfection here.
Rhythm is awesome & Stone's always
Good. This songs says more musically
now than then. It will get more credit
0:55 I love it when Eddie said: "On a WizzAir, a wizard flew awaaaay"
La introducción, el solo de Mike, el cierre, la voz, el ritmo, empieza lenta y arranca, magnífica, simplemente me atrapa, la puedo escuchar una y otra vez y cada vez me gusta más. Sonó aquí en el cierre del concierto en Lima, Perú.. Recuerdo ese momento... Wow, fue increíble escuchar el vivo.
este show es increible ua-cam.com/video/UUyJoojCLnc/v-deo.html
Que padre, escucharlo en vivo!!!
Exactly how I feel...🥲
Para que vengan a Los Angeles's hacer un concierto. Me gustaria verlos en vivo. Mi cancion favorita de Pearl Jam. 👍🥰💕
I'm 50 yrs old. I've listened to alot of music. Something about this guitar just speaks to me. In my top 5 tunes.☮
Excellent piece of music art perfectly performed and done here by Pearl Jam one of the greatest band's ever made......!!!!!!!!!
One of my favorite songs since I was a teenager. I still make up most of the words😆 great song to just listen to & take back roads ♡
“Make me cry” I always nail that part
Layne sang wicked. They said when he sang you could hear it vibrating out of his chest.,.. louder than the amplifiers. He sounded like he had two other voices at the same time because of his voice. I have no idea how he sang the way he did. Love him in love AIC.❤
I don't understand how can anyone dislike this song. -_-
They don't know how to play an instrument 🤷♂️. This song is great
Well dont gotta worry about dislikes anymore lol
@Your Account I can’t.
@Your Account found the boomer
Just sit back, enjoy... & mumble along!! I love this song SO much!!! ❤💯
Unsealed on a porch, a letter sat
Then you said: I wanna leave it again
Once I saw her on a beach of weathered sand
And on the sand
I wanna leave it again, yeah
On a weekend
I wanna wish it all away, yeah
And they called, and I said
That I want what I said
And then I call out again.
And the reason oughta'
Leave her calm, I know
I said: I don't know
Where there's a box or a bag.
Ah, yeah, can you see them
Out on the porch?
Yeah, but they don't wave.
I see them round the front way, yeah
And I know, and I know
I don't want to stay
Make me cry.
I see, oh, I don't know
Why there's something else
I wanna drum it all away
Oh, I said: I don't
I don't know
Where there's a box or a bag.
what a beautiful image you have. Argentine greetings brother. Thank you very much for the lyrics.
Instead of unsealed its un seal led
You don't know whether you're the boxer or the bag.
The puncher or the one taking the punches.
The boxer or the bag.
Thiink thats close iits box of em iim the back
@@Man-vs-Metal he does change them up, but the original story is that line is saying he doesn't know if his dead brother is coming back in a box or a bag as he is talking to his mom
One song where you don't understand the lyrics, but you damn well feel them and understand every other aspect of the song. 💯👌🏻
Can't find a better band! Lots of love from Brazil! 💖💖💖💖💖💖
Guitar intro and the whole rhythm guitar : Jimi Hendrix touch and sound...❤️
Reminds me of Little Wing
The Wind Cries Mary
Indeed, the intro is very reminiscent of the one in this Jimi Hendrix jam: ua-cam.com/video/R2r-GmKoBZs/v-deo.html Check it out!
This song reminds me of my dad who passed away recently. RIP baba miss you so much life is dull without you hope to see you on the other side soon. Nothing but love. Hope I make you proud ❤
Lost my dad about 8 months ago, this was one of his favorite songs.
That isolation on guitar at the very beginning & then again at the end gets me everytime. All joking aside with the lyrics, this is next level songwriting. Actually the entire TEN album is a masterpiece imo. This extra B-Side track is the cherry on top.
I'm Puerto Rican and I love Pearl jam since I was a teenager now I'm 56 and I still listen to it
Puerto Rican, on a porch a letterrrrrr sat
I was there. The lyrics were crystal clear at the time. It was a moment in time, no excuse.
Honestly as a musician.. this is one of the best guitar riffs ever in my opinion
When you learn to play it your realise how amazingly simple it is.
Regardless of what hes saying i have sang along to this for 25 years now and the memories it stirs up are like nothing else. Memories with my little brother summer parties cruising around in his 63 chevy Nove, and taking my 69 SS Nove downtown to cruise the blvd. I love this song, nothing else like it!!!!!