That's what I'm hoping. I already fixed a worse problem on an old 760 I bought. It was the o-rings and the piston cup on that. Here, I'm pretty sure it is not the piston cup, as I can see most of it already. I think I let it sit too long in a hot place, and then put too much stress on it with the massive amounts of 12 pump shots. I did oil it, though, so I probably knocked the o-ring lose or cracked it, I speculate. The hard part will be disassembly. It looks a little different than the 760...but, hey, there are You Tubers out there to help me out!
Hay Brian sorry about the Legacy problems. Good luck fixing the pumping issue. If you find any machining metal shavings or burrs in the pump tube. Let me know. My buddy had the same problem with his Winchester 1977xs after a few uses. Oiling didn't help. Let us know what you find.
The instructions say this one goes 12 pumps for best velocity. Also I fired a couple times with no pellet with just one pump. No impact. But that is a good point you brought up there. It definitely is in the check list of trouble shooting. Thanks for the comment!
😎💪this video is taking off Brian this the kind of stuff I like to 👀real life stuff, I know you will get it fixed, We need to do more collaborations YT videos my air gunner friends
Hay Brian sorry about the Legacy problems. Good luck fixing the pumping issue. If you find any machining metal shavings or burrs in the pump tube. Let me know. My buddy had the same problem with his Winchester 1977xs after a few uses. Oiling didn't help. Let us know what you find!
Great little multipump. Very accurate with a good punch
Wow sad to see problems with the rifle. But your good at fixing things up as you have showed us before. Great video.......
If it has a point for oiling... try a couple drops on the seal
If its anything like the old 66 powermaster it is easy to fix if something is broken
That's what I'm hoping. I already fixed a worse problem on an old 760 I bought. It was the o-rings and the piston cup on that. Here, I'm pretty sure it is not the piston cup, as I can see most of it already. I think I let it sit too long in a hot place, and then put too much stress on it with the massive amounts of 12 pump shots. I did oil it, though, so I probably knocked the o-ring lose or cracked it, I speculate. The hard part will be disassembly. It looks a little different than the 760...but, hey, there are You Tubers out there to help me out!
Hay Brian sorry about the Legacy problems. Good luck fixing the pumping issue. If you find any machining metal shavings or burrs in the pump tube. Let me know. My buddy had the same problem with his Winchester 1977xs after a few uses. Oiling didn't help. Let us know what you find.
Strange how the speed drop so low but the air rifle, does have good potential 😊
keep us updated on a "fix"...I bought some anniversary editions for Christmas and now I wonder if i will have to repair them!
Will do. I will see myself before buying the 100 yr edition. I suspect, however, I let it set around and then broke er in too hard
I wonder if it was retaining a little air after 10 pumps
The instructions say this one goes 12 pumps for best velocity. Also I fired a couple times with no pellet with just one pump. No impact. But that is a good point you brought up there. It definitely is in the check list of trouble shooting. Thanks for the comment!
You ever fix the problem?
Yes. I am editing the video now. Should be out by the weekend.
😎💪this video is taking off Brian this the kind of stuff I like to 👀real life stuff, I know you will get it fixed, We need to do more collaborations YT videos my air gunner friends
Hay Brian sorry about the Legacy problems. Good luck fixing the pumping issue. If you find any machining metal shavings or burrs in the pump tube. Let me know. My buddy had the same problem with his Winchester 1977xs after a few uses. Oiling didn't help. Let us know what you find!
Can do!
i was a big fan of the pumpers and co2 . but sinds the springers are more handy and pcp even more i prefer them now
Is this Rifle Hard to Pump
Not really. Just a little bit more resistance than the Daisy 880. The pump handle gives it good leverage.