The ocean is powerful and terrifying and people seem to forget that. Each of those waves probably had millions of gallons of water in them and the force behind them is staggering
If you take a 45 meter cross section of one of those waves, say the 25 meter one, that's probably a 45 by 25 by 10 meter block of water, which would weigh 11,250 metric tons. Those waves are probably going 15 meters per second, which gives the wave 1,265.29 megajoules of energy.
Shadow A water tower on average holds a million gallons. Those waves are much bigger than the bulb of a water tower so they probably have multiple millions of gallons of water in them
there was one caused by a landslide or something like half the mountain broke off and when it crashed into the sea, it created a wave so big that took half of another mountain. And today you can see that half the mountain is a different color because the rest was taken up by the wave. I'm still trying to find the name of that incident but I forgot :-(.
@@jenjarrell9973 Bruh, 100 feet is small compared to what we know about. The Lituya Bay wave in 1958 was 1,720 feet high, it is dwarfed however by the wave caused by Chicxulub asteroid, it was nearly 1 mile high.
LOL you have never been caught in a "big" set out in the ocean even an 8 footer, let alone some of these monsters. Come to Santa Cruz, Steamers Lane one of the nicest waves on the planet..............on a good day and try your luck.
Michael Pfister I remember being at virginia beach when I was 10 and there was a hurricane 900 miles of the coast. My parents gave us boogie boards and said have fun. The swells were 8-11ft with warnings to stay out of the water. Somehow by the grace of god My brother, sister, and I were not hurt or dragged out to sea. At 17 I became a lifeguard and remember asking my mom what they were thinking for letting us in the water, her response.... we were stupid. Respect mother nature and never try your luck for fun when you can sit out and love another day.
@@incognito6337 It may be helpful to mention Norovirus (1), influenza viruses (2), and other "common colds" like Rhinovirus and Adenoviridae (3). 1. 2. 3. We do not have enough testing kits of sufficient quality for everyone in the USA. I do not know why, and there is nothing that I can do about it. Finally, in regards to cruises "CDC recommends that all people defer travel on cruise ships, including river cruises, worldwide." (
Cruise ships are merely fancy looking toilets. Do you.know how much human waste they dump in the ocean? Disgusting! Go to Europe and rent a car and drive around and explore!
Imagine solo sailing the Pacific Ocean at night, hundreds of miles from land. You're on deck at night looking out at the stars when you notice that the stars on the horizon are beginning to disappear. You look up and see white water falling down about 70 feet up and you start hear a rushing sound. It's then that you realize a massive rogue wave is curling over your boat, shrouding everything in darkness.
@George W This happened in the 1580s though, during Spains golden era when it was indisputably the worlds most powerful nation. England only became the naval power it would be known as after the demise of the Spanish Armada. I disagree with the idea that Spain would simply take Englands place though, as both had similar levels of dominance at their height but England just had a much different method of colonization and managing its empire that allowed it to create highly developed and lucrative colonies while Spain mostly extracted resources and lightly settled its land and had many economic crises due to inflation from all the gold being imported.
Exactly there’s tsunamis here quite a bit really but they start kinda small but as they move through the ocean you would expect it to. Lose power but no it gains power!
This is actually how I comforted a friend who was fearful of flying on a plane for the first time. Even though it probably wasn’t true I was like “you’ll probably die of a heart attack before you hit the ground.”, for some reason it was the trick to comforting her lmao, she had a totally chill plane ride knowing the fact that she wouldn’t feel impact if things went wrong.
I'm a sailor. I've lived on my sailing yacht 12 years. Seen a lot. Have no desire experience anything like these waves. I live in Tampa Fl USA. I anchor, no slip for me ! I've endured 4 hurricanes, been run over by 2 waterspouts,but I have no desire to challenge monster waves. God bless America, her troops, her people, and sailors everywhere. May they never be surprised by such an event. Peace ✌
@@butterchuggins5409 Not familiar with the gentleman, but if i see him,should I say "Hey",for ya ? I have seen the blue dolphins. Most likely bioluminesent algae, but it was interesting.
Can you imagine being there near That wave in Portugal? Just the sound of it would be something freaky. Good clip n channel man, but you didnt mention that the nuclear testing on the Marshal Islands, was also to tee the effects of radiation in PEOPLE. The Americans did this to the native people on the most remote Islands in the world, so nobody would know. The government hushed it up and we only found out bout it decades later due to an independent media channel. Gave 90% of the people terminal cancers.
0:30 - "It was declared the highest wave ever been surfed at a whopping 80 feet tall." 7:58 - "During a storm the waves reached 78 feet height which broke the record for the largest wave EVER detected on the ocean." Come again?
no the second one is the largest wave they had a solid measurement on. there have been 100 feet waves caught on camera, but there weren't any buoys to measure the exact height of those. In the first one 80 feet is probably an approximation.
Higher waves commonly break at shorelines but the 78 footer was in the middle of the ocean, "on the ocean", only powered by wind with no sea bed underneath to contribute to it's height.
There is another wave above all waves. It's one that occurred in Lityua Bay in the 1950s from a huge earthquake that sent an entire side of a mountain into the bay resulting in a wave taller than the World Trade Center. A father and his son were caught in it and instead of trying to outrun the 130 MPH wave, they went into the wave and survived.
Deadboy you aren’t the only one. I was 15 when the movie first came out. I saw the preview of it on the channel 10 news and no joke I seriously thought it had really happened
@Skip ads when he said “Jaws” he was talking about the next wave. The transition we’ve been chatting about is the water transition that happens before that
I looked up what 80 feet tall is just to get some reference for how big that first wave was and that’s about the average 7-8 story building, an airbus A380, 2 telephone poles stacked, or 11 Shaquille O’Neal’s standing on each other’s heads. That’s an absolute monster of a wave to surf, I could never imagine to even come close to a 10 foot wave, much less something more than 8 times my height. What a legend!
Usa mabaho I got laid the fuck out by a wave about 5 feet tall in somewhat rough conditions at chincoteague island a few years ago and that thing had some serious POWER! I could only imagine the outcome if you cocked up a ride on an 80 foot wave...
when i was 15 me and my mate got wash by a massive wave all over rocks that went about 100meters out in the sea,from that day on i have been so scared of the ocean and its power. this video is so awesome and draw dropping as well, more scary than any horror film for me
A couple of years ago, I was on a small cruise ship that went up the Tarr Inlet in Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska, and those of us on the ship were able to see and experience a calving event at the Margerie Glacier that created swells that made the ship rock considerably. We were at a safe distance, of course, so there was no danger to anyone aboard, but it was one of the highlights of the vacation! It's truly amazing how much energy must have been released by that calving event to be able to achieve that.
@ 11:05 It looks pretty real, .. or not? I know the effect comes from the bomb but it’s on the outside still water?!. PS: humans could be so stupid! Hey!, let us blow up a few atomic bombs at some rare beautifully places on earth 🌏 👍🏼🤣☠️
Okay so I kinda agree with you, there are some reasons why it is real, and some reasons why this is fake. But first, let me clarify that on the thumbnail it's supposed to be a nuclear explosion. That's pretty obvious since you can see the hugeeee "ash cloud" coming. (This part may be true or fake, but this is what I found) As TransferAir said, this wave can totally be real, because a boat indeed was caught in the tests of Castle Bravo, in the series of Bikini Atoll (A series of tests between 1946 and 1958, the boat got caught in 1954 and fishermen got contaminated because of the radiations.). They all made it by the way, don't worry, but they were exposed to incredible doses of radiations. So the explosion itself was indeed real. BUT, there are a LOT of proofs that just show this is completely fake. This is pure logic and analyse, and I'll expose these in this comment : *First proof : The angle of the camera* As you can see on the thumbnail, the angle of the camera is extremely close to the water, and very far away from the ship (You can tell that because this ship literally has containers on it, which are incredibly huge, so you deduce this ship is huge, and you deduce it must be very far away to look "that small" on the thumbnail). Knowing that, the wave must be even further, but that's not what is interesting here. Know that, since this "photo" was taken apparently super close to the water, the boat the dude must've taken the picture on must be very small, or something like that. That's when is gets interesting : No one would ever, in their right mind (and if they had mental troubles they wouldn't drive a boat and/or take pictures lmao), would go in the high seas in such a small boat. Everyone that can drive, or possesses a boat would of course know how dangerous high seas is, and even if it looks "calm" on the thumbnail, no one could predict that, therefore everyone would prefer going to high sea with a way stronger and bigger boat, therefore being less close to the water. But the even more obvious point is that the "person that took this picture" is literally witnessing a huge wave coming towards a ship, and no one in their right mind would take a picture of that as well. You'd much rather run away, of course, which is why the angle of this photography is wayyyy too surrealistic. *Second proof : The image* Notice these beautiful colors? See that beautiful definition? Yea, of course we all do! Well we shouldn't. As I clarified at the beginning of this comment, this is supposed to be a nuclear test, and as I explained, it's supposed to have taken place in 1954, when definition was wayy lower than this, and colors had a tone which was a bit different. So again, obvious proof that this is fake. (If you want, you can just check the REAL video about Castle Bravo's test where you see the ship getting submerged by smoke, and you'll notice easily that the image overall appearence is way different) *Third proof : The wave* Yea, if anyone didn't notice there's that huge wave in top of the ash cloud. Two elements here show that this is totally fake : The height and the placement of the wave. First, the height. We can approximate it very roughly by using some simple logic, and just a bit of calculations. As I said earlier, that boat is already pretty far away from the camera, but it doesn't look even remotely close to being hit by the wave. Now, we can estimate that size of that ship by knowing that it carries containers. According to some websites, a container today is 8.5ft high. Now look at the height of the boat (Image in sources). You can clearly see it must be roughly the height of 2.5 containers, which would mean that boat is actually about 21ft high! That's pretty tall! But now, we can try and guess the perspective according to the cloud of ashes, a cloud that's supposed to be pretty tall. Now, know that Castle Bravo was a 15Mt nuclear bomb. After searching on energy conversions, I found out this is about 80 Petajoules, and after a LOT of research on volcanic explosive indice, comparisons on nuclear power, researchs on the ash clouds height, and deductions, I found out that this is the equivalent of a middle VEI 3 explosion. Now that we know that, know that VEI 3 explosions (Middle one) release ash clouds that are about 10km, or about 33000ft high. (By the way, since nuclear bombs detonate roughly 500ft before they hit the ground, we know that this isn't underwater, and then in that case we know that the mushroom cloud can't lose any height because of the water). This means that we have a boat that is 21ft high compared to a cloud that is roughly 33Kft high. Now according to the height on the boat we can try suppose that, according to the "apparent" distance between the boat and the cloud, we can see there's some distance between the cloud and the wave. Now with the thales theorem, knowing that the point A = the man that took the picture, admitting that we have 33000/x, and we have 1/1.5 with 1 being the height he took the picture at, and 1.5 the "height at the 10000 point", because he inclined his camera a bit, we have X = 50000 fucking ft tall. That's completely impossible of course which means one time more this is totally fake. Second, the placement of the wave. This will be much shorter, as these calculations kinda exhausted me, but I am pretty happy with the results I found, even if the method's not the best. But anyways, remember first that a tsunami is basically a huge amount of water moved by shockwaves. That's a really poor definition but that's the principle. Knowing this, we can imagine that a wave THIS high (even admitting my calculations are wrong, which is probably true, they are only estimations) when it only began to move is totally impossible. Acknowleding the fact that we suppose the bomb just landed here since we can see the boat still, there's no way this wave can already reach it's climax (notice the white trail on top of it) when it just "began". Plus the fact that a tsunami is supposed to be about 3-5ft tall when it's in the ocean, and this wave is enormous. And, to conclude, that wave looks way too weird, because it looks like it's right about to crush precisely on the boat. And that's a way too weird coincidence. May be possible, but very low chances. *Fourth proof : The sky* This is pretty simple, acknowledging that a nuclear bomb just exploded, there should be a huge mushroom cloud that should hide the sky, but there's literally nothing here. *Fifth proof : Black pixels* If you actually take the original image, you can notice some black pixels on top of the white trail of the wave. Completely impossible, which means this is fake again. So yea, loads of proofs, some may be fake but some are very true. That's all for me folks *Sources :* ORIGINAL VIDEO : BIKINI ATOLL AND CASTLE BRAVO : (It's the ship that got caught) HEIGHT OF CONTAINER (Took the standard for most of the containers) : (French version) BOAT IMAGE : Energy conversion :
And that is why you go headfirst into waves, then the boat takes less damage, water, force and sideways tipping, due to the length and bow of most boat designs.
sorry to burst your bubble, a lot of those photos weren't actually Cyclop's, which I agree with you is a very beautiful wave. Sadly the amount of effort that went into this video is quite low, most of those photos were from a break in Tasmania called Shipstern's Bluff
For years I have had a recurring nightmare about standing in a lighthouse looking at a gigantic wave coming towards me. I never know the outcome as I always wake up (sweating) when this monster wave hits. No idea what it means or where the idea came from as I love the sea and the power it demonstrates.
There is definitely nothing out there so probably this vid got one of the clips wrong, go check the co-ordinates out on google maps if you don't believe it.
And that's the deep state plan...go look off coasts of Cali and Gulf Coast...theres a low fog but they don't know why..helicopter pilot has eeery feeling..yup it's coming May
When you know that wave #1 was 80ft tall, and then think of the 100+ft tall tsunami waves of your tsunami list, it really makes you see just how destructive and HUGE those waves are!
Wow, these waves are absolutely terrifying! 🌊😱 It's hard to believe that nature can create such immense and powerful forces. My heart goes out to anyone caught in these conditions. 😢 The sheer size and intensity of these waves are both awe-inspiring and horrifying. Stay safe out there, everyone! 🌪⚠
Its crazy to think that the Vikings crossed the north sea on little wooden rowing boats.
but the waves are much smaller near Greenland..
@@austrobok2958 They are not small off the coast of Scotland.
Totally agree. They were very brave.
You evil to my home lands history Pun lovin criminal
@Alfs Awful i think he meant that their route was close to greenland
The biggest of them all is the wave of anxiety I got from thinking about being in a ship with these waves
Underrated comment 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 round of applause 😂
Not going on the ocean or in the air, i can't swim very far and I can't fly, our bodies were built for solid ground 😷☠️ staying alive,staying alive 🎸
Hahahahahaha you're funny :)
I couldn't breath for a bit.
Landon 34 Under rated comment👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 round of applause😂
The wave of ads every 2 minutes is the scariest part!
Yes, I totally concur. This will be the last video from this channel that I watch. No sense in that many ads that you can't skip...
Comment of the year my
@@cherokeestormchaser3259 adblock
@@naturerain4550 I have it. For some reason it doesn't work on those type of ads. Maybe I need a different one?
@@cherokeestormchaser3259 for me its working zero ad.try to reinstall it
My dudes, the UA-cam recommendations has brought us together once more
I like cheeseburger
Andrew English hamborgor
Actually, nah. I searched this video up.
i searched for this lol
The ocean is powerful and terrifying and people seem to forget that. Each of those waves probably had millions of gallons of water in them and the force behind them is staggering
at most 10k gallons wdym
TIGERZ bruh, it is probably more than 10k gallon. 10k gallon is a swimming pool
Definitely more then 10k gallons
If you take a 45 meter cross section of one of those waves, say the 25 meter one, that's probably a 45 by 25 by 10 meter block of water, which would weigh 11,250 metric tons. Those waves are probably going 15 meters per second, which gives the wave 1,265.29 megajoules of energy.
Shadow A water tower on average holds a million gallons. Those waves are much bigger than the bulb of a water tower so they probably have multiple millions of gallons of water in them
"Interstellar" forever changed how we look at waves.
Bruhhhhhhhhhhhh same
I was looking for this comment...
Do you mean "Deep Impact?"
This guy could make a newborn puppy sound like an avengers level threat
MrQuack Sounds like Charlie Sheen.
@@blueblade455 The entire time I was thinking exactly that. I would honestly not be surprised if it is Charlie Sheen.
Thank you! :)
I think he is the dude that does the talking on that one war channel
True datt
They all looked real....except the fake one in the clickbait thumbnail.
Ash Scott ikr
I would like but imma keep it at 69 likes
@Dan McDonald it's not in the video the thumbnail is clouds that look like a wave
Gotem with that one
That shit looked like a cloud
Krep in mind these are only some of the biggest RECORDED waves, I can't imagine how big the biggest one actually was
That's exactly what I was thinking. There could have been a rogue wave in year 843 that measured 110 feet high and we would never know....
there was one caused by a landslide or something like half the mountain broke off and when it crashed into the sea, it created a wave so big that took half of another mountain. And today you can see that half the mountain is a different color because the rest was taken up by the wave. I'm still trying to find the name of that incident but I forgot :-(.
@@joshuaortiz5204 Did you figure it out?
@@joshuaortiz5204 Are you talking about Lituya Bay in Alaska?
@@jenjarrell9973 Bruh, 100 feet is small compared to what we know about. The Lituya Bay wave in 1958 was 1,720 feet high, it is dwarfed however by the wave caused by Chicxulub asteroid, it was nearly 1 mile high.
I’m not scared of water, but do respect Mother Nature.
I’m just scared of huge tsunamis
LOL you have never been caught in a "big" set out in the ocean even an 8 footer, let alone some of these monsters. Come to Santa Cruz, Steamers Lane one of the nicest waves on the planet..............on a good day and try your luck.
Michael Pfister I remember being at virginia beach when I was 10 and there was a hurricane 900 miles of the coast. My parents gave us boogie boards and said have fun. The swells were 8-11ft with warnings to stay out of the water. Somehow by the grace of god My brother, sister, and I were not hurt or dragged out to sea. At 17 I became a lifeguard and remember asking my mom what they were thinking for letting us in the water, her response.... we were stupid. Respect mother nature and never try your luck for fun when you can sit out and love another day.
Daniel Zeman I’ve been to Virginia Beach before too
After watching this, im thinking twice booking a cruise
Shaolin Monk don’t be worried about the sea the only thing you should be worried about is corona
-Rona enters chat
@@incognito6337 It may be helpful to mention Norovirus (1), influenza viruses (2), and other "common colds" like Rhinovirus and Adenoviridae (3).
We do not have enough testing kits of sufficient quality for everyone in the USA. I do not know why, and there is nothing that I can do about it.
Finally, in regards to cruises "CDC recommends that all people defer travel on cruise ships, including river cruises, worldwide." (
Cruise ships are merely fancy looking toilets. Do you.know how much human waste they dump in the ocean? Disgusting! Go to Europe and rent a car and drive around and explore!
The 2 reasons you should think twice is 1. (A no brainer) corona virus
2. If you’re planning to go on carnival
Imagine solo sailing the Pacific Ocean at night, hundreds of miles from land. You're on deck at night looking out at the stars when you notice that the stars on the horizon are beginning to disappear. You look up and see white water falling down about 70 feet up and you start hear a rushing sound. It's then that you realize a massive rogue wave is curling over your boat, shrouding everything in darkness.
Thank you for my next nightmare.
Thanks im already scared of waves now you have just madenit worst
Thanks for THAT !
Did you experience that ?
Ahh, No Sir, I will not imagine anything such as that, not and try to go to sleep shortly. Thank you but NO...
Makes you wonder what kinds of monster waves just "swallowed" ships throughout history.
Right because ships were nothing but wood back in the day
@barbara Corcoran That's insane
barbara Corcoran do you have a source? Genuinely want to learn about this. Thanks
@George W No they wouldn't, however there is always that one person who takes a bunch of weapons and support and tries to regain the old way
@George W This happened in the 1580s though, during Spains golden era when it was indisputably the worlds most powerful nation. England only became the naval power it would be known as after the demise of the Spanish Armada. I disagree with the idea that Spain would simply take Englands place though, as both had similar levels of dominance at their height but England just had a much different method of colonization and managing its empire that allowed it to create highly developed and lucrative colonies while Spain mostly extracted resources and lightly settled its land and had many economic crises due to inflation from all the gold being imported.
i’m terrified of the ocean WHY AM I WATCHING THIS
Imagine being lost in the middle of the ocean with nothing but fog as far as the eye can see. That's a scary thought
Same here😧😧
@@b_f_d_d Imagine being stranded in the middle of the ocean with no boat, just your body in it. Now, imagine it is night time....
I want to die because of the ocean and these REALLY deep lakes I CANNOT SEE TO THE BOTTOM AHhHHhHhH
Global warming?
I can bet, I'm the ONLY one, that LEGITAMELY searched for this.. typed in "biggest waves ever" .. This was one of the videos.
no bruh u ain’t the only one
Haha wrong'o. Idk why you think ONLY you did this 😂
I just got this urgent need to search for huge waves while being in the toilet... 😂
Bro same i have an obsession with the ocean and i searched up “tsunami waves caught on camera”
Doing so just now bc I dreamt I was in the beach & got caught in one lol
Top 15 reasons I will never go in the ocean again:
Kai Lehman wow
@@bnj9031 how??!?!,?
And creatures that swim in the ocean.
Imagine the giant waves in the middle of the ocean that ppl don’t see
Nightmarish...that's why I'm a land lover
Exactly there’s tsunamis here quite a bit really but they start kinda small but as they move through the ocean you would expect it to. Lose power but no it gains power!
Well not really cuz the shallower the reef the bigger the wave and in the middle of the ocean and it isn’t shallow there, only swells can make this
Although most things are more dangerous on land then in water 😬
Rough waves
I farted in the bath once, you should have seen the wave that created
Yeah they get pretty big😆👍
Lol my dude, I do that every time I take a bath😂. I'm actually a boy even though it says Jennifer prescott
I farted it tickeled my buttchieks jiggled from left to right they had a tickle fight. It's very important😛
Mine has a world record of one
I was 7 years old playing on low end of pool, when my fat aunt bertha jumped into pool causing a giant wave launching me onto porch steps
Pastor Leroy Little HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
OH my gosh. I remember her. She had the fattest ass and biggest boobs I've ever seen on a 70 year old woman.
Hahahaha. That should of been on here. Dam Bertha back at it again with those waves
Jesus if I was there when any of these waves hit, I would have died before the water even touched me
The water on earth is fucking horrifying. I'm pretty sure it's the earth's way of dealing with us of it gets fed up.
I work on cargo ships...and i can verify that i consider them beautiful...and they really are..
Same lol
This is actually how I comforted a friend who was fearful of flying on a plane for the first time. Even though it probably wasn’t true I was like “you’ll probably die of a heart attack before you hit the ground.”, for some reason it was the trick to comforting her lmao, she had a totally chill plane ride knowing the fact that she wouldn’t feel impact if things went wrong.
Robert Salerno same
Whenever I feel being overconfident, I jump to such videos... Boommm!! Welcome back to earth, Mr. Akshay🤗
1:55 “more than 3.89 million homes...” just say nearly four million homes, my dude
D M I like cheeseburger
i thought the exact same thing lol
Fake news
I like turtles
I'm a sailor. I've lived on my sailing yacht 12 years. Seen a lot. Have no desire experience anything like these waves. I live in Tampa Fl USA. I anchor, no slip for me ! I've endured 4 hurricanes, been run over by 2 waterspouts,but I have no desire to challenge monster waves. God bless America, her troops, her people, and sailors everywhere. May they never be surprised by such an event. Peace ✌
robert caldwell guess you don’t pay property taxes 😁
Have you met the mariner? Do you ever have to fight the smokers? Is dry land a myth?
@@butterchuggins5409 Not familiar with the gentleman, but if i see him,should I say "Hey",for ya ? I have seen the blue dolphins. Most likely bioluminesent algae, but it was interesting.
@@bkirstie No,or cut the lawn
You know for a list video this one is pretty good. Has good information delivered each time. No crazy countdown transitions, very educational.
I must say, I was awe by the "Cyclops" Wave pictures. Stunning... A frame picture of one of those would make an awesome addition to a home.
Did anyone get anxiety while watching this?
Yep me! One of the reasons i don't go on cruises or swim too far in the ocean.
Soonyay same
Second thoughts about vacation now ye
I did
"unfortunately every one survive" wym "unfortunately"
I thought he said the same thing
He said fortunately
He most definitely said fortunately
If you're just joining us Charlie Sheen's narrating
I love charlie
You're kidding ?
Is that really him? Two and half men yassssss
@@kenyettareadystill my favorite show
who else is scared of large bodys of water but is still wathing this???
@The Green One aha srry
Humans like to watch the things that scare us and can kill us
@@CanadianCoffeeAddict i dont live no were close to a ocan or but lakes-
Dude im scared of the deep end of the just watchin this cuz my nightmares have been a little bland lately.
I always say, i'd choose airplane over a cruise ship
@Happy Day Bro
@Happy Day Bruh
@ΚΩΝ / ΝΟΣ you're actually wrong. Airplanes are the safest way to travel in the world.
But there is also an ocean liner
@@Firebird69 so? We're talking about safety
Can you imagine being there near That wave in Portugal? Just the sound of it would be something freaky. Good clip n channel man, but you didnt mention that the nuclear testing on the Marshal Islands, was also to tee the effects of radiation in PEOPLE. The Americans did this to the native people on the most remote Islands in the world, so nobody would know. The government hushed it up and we only found out bout it decades later due to an independent media channel. Gave 90% of the people terminal cancers.
Humans really are terrible aren’t we 😕
American Imperialism/terrorism is something that needs to be talked about more, in schools, and denounced.
Absolutely horrendous and disgusting!!
11:00 Can you imagine how many sea creatures died whilst man practised how to destroy his fellow man with this test?
Yeah omg I feel so bad for them
It’s horrible!
in 100 years the dolphins will test bombs in the cities.
Oh my goodness Nobody cares about the ship with people in it y’all are forgetting that we’re human it’s disgusting
Who cares 😂
My OCD loves the symmetry of the 47k likes to 4.7k dislike ratio.
Now 48k to 4.8k
@@garrettferguson58 dude I was actually boutta say the same thing
@@exodocian same
How about 50k to 4.9k?
@@billyjoel8771 54 to 5.2 nowdays
0:30 - "It was declared the highest wave ever been surfed at a whopping 80 feet tall."
7:58 - "During a storm the waves reached 78 feet height which broke the record for the largest wave EVER detected on the ocean."
Come again?
no the second one is the largest wave they had a solid measurement on. there have been 100 feet waves caught on camera, but there weren't any buoys to measure the exact height of those. In the first one 80 feet is probably an approximation.
Also one was surfed the other was estimated
The narrator was saying that 78’ was the record in the Southern Ocean, not worldwide.
Higher waves commonly break at shorelines but the 78 footer was in the middle of the ocean, "on the ocean", only powered by wind with no sea bed underneath to contribute to it's height.
Lmaoooo I was think that
I was thinking of planing a cruise, I think I’m good
Yeah I’d rather fly 😭
Me too. Ill stay home thanks
IKR???? Omg...
There is another wave above all waves. It's one that occurred in Lityua Bay in the 1950s from a huge earthquake that sent an entire side of a mountain into the bay resulting in a wave taller than the World Trade Center. A father and his son were caught in it and instead of trying to outrun the 130 MPH wave, they went into the wave and survived.
Kinda like this except at a small scale.
Didn’t they end up in trees?
Omg !
This literally gives me goose bumps. Not a fan of the ocean apparently.
Wise Guy I like cheeseburger
I love cruises but when I catch the back end of a storm...that can make a rollercoaster seem like a kiddie ride
@@dianajohnston3042 Me too
Not gonna lie the movie Deep Impact messed me up as a kid. That tsunami still haunts my dreams.
Deadboy you aren’t the only one. I was 15 when the movie first came out. I saw the preview of it on the channel 10 news and no joke I seriously thought it had really happened
@Deadboy or imagine being like me and living in the same area the movie was filmed at
I had that with "the impossible "
you ever seen that movie piranhas? i watched that when i was 5 and it still haunts me
See yall in 10 years when this gets recommended against
Yup remember me :)
King Bach lol no
@@chillpill2016 no I mean remember me in 10 years when it gets recommended again
Shall fate allow us to meet again
3:45 cleannnnn translation and no one is going to talk about it
I think you mean transition
Skip ads it’s just an opinion Calm down
@Skip ads when he said “Jaws” he was talking about the next wave. The transition we’ve been chatting about is the water transition that happens before that
It’s alright
I looked up what 80 feet tall is just to get some reference for how big that first wave was and that’s about the average 7-8 story building, an airbus A380, 2 telephone poles stacked, or 11 Shaquille O’Neal’s standing on each other’s heads. That’s an absolute monster of a wave to surf, I could never imagine to even come close to a 10 foot wave, much less something more than 8 times my height. What a legend!
8 times your height? You taller than shaq?
mans 10 feet tall
@@notapewdiepiebot3819 I mean he could be four feet tall and still technically be correct
Yes it's approximately 10ft per story
Usa mabaho I got laid the fuck out by a wave about 5 feet tall in somewhat rough conditions at chincoteague island a few years ago and that thing had some serious POWER! I could only imagine the outcome if you cocked up a ride on an 80 foot wave...
Number 6. Nearly end japans existence
Number 1. Throws food across a galley
living proof you mean number 7; I was there March 11, 2011
Tanya Clemons didn’t ask
Banks Nicholson I wasn't talking to you
Banks Nicholson I asked
cody davis so saying they had a near death experience makes them narcissistic? Lmao okay mate
Mankind: Sets off many massive "test" nukes underwater.
Also Mankind: wHy iS sEaLiFe DiEiNg oFf?!?
Yeah humans are shit. But everyone should know this by now.
Well comparatively, the nukes did nothing to sea life compared to other human activity.
And this is why the deep ocean takes the #1 spot on my list of fears. 😱🌊🌊🌊🐙
i am also super scared of the ocean and my biggest fear is a tsunami even more after this scene 1:54
“15 waves that don’t look real”
The thumbnail: Say sike right now
when i was 15 me and my mate got wash by a massive wave all over rocks that went about 100meters out in the sea,from that day on i have been so scared of the ocean and its power. this video is so awesome and draw dropping as well, more scary than any horror film for me
How many ads do you want to have?
Top Five: yes
13:52 that shark was like “fuuuck yeaaahh!”
My biggest fear while in the ocean is having a shark be in one of the waves I dive under and that part of the video really scared me lol
In theory if we just don’t go in the water we’ll be safe
Tsunamis: allow me to introduce myself
70th like haha
They'll come to us voluntarily
Yeah ..Land is safe... till there is an earthquake. LOLOL
This guy is a guy that u don’t watch often but when you do you watch him for hours
Almost had me thinking I was studying for a history test
This guy: “Number 10, Jaws”
Me: Excuse me what the fuck
Every last single video was frighteningly beautiful💖
“15 huge waves that don’t look real” meanwhile the wave in the screenshot isn’t real
The thumbnail you meant?
This was stated 5 comments up! Alright, it's not word for word but I think you took someone else's idea.😄🙄
It is real it was a bomb
@@sebastianurbina3183 🤦♂️
It was real, but not natural. If that's what you meant.
When the thumbnail’s “wave” is actually just a chotoshopped cloud💀
Damn chotoshop
Yes it is.
Also do you mean photoshop?
Man it must be a ‘CHOTOSHOPPED’ cloud
Do you mean photoshop
People who face such conditions are legends
2:26 That tugboat was designed to work in the most "treasurous" conditions. Uh-huh, I see.
Lol designed to work in the same waters that sank a whole Spanish armada!
Seems like Titanic o.o
Typos galore in his narative!
Imagine how big waves got when the dinosaur extinction meteor crashed down
Homie surfin' the 80 footer is gettin' invited to EVERY samoan barbecue
The Cyclops was just gorgeous.
A couple of years ago, I was on a small cruise ship that went up the Tarr Inlet in Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska, and those of us on the ship were able to see and experience a calving event at the Margerie Glacier that created swells that made the ship rock considerably. We were at a safe distance, of course, so there was no danger to anyone aboard, but it was one of the highlights of the vacation! It's truly amazing how much energy must have been released by that calving event to be able to achieve that.
George Carlin Uncle fave
Loved this video and subscribed 😊
Title: hUgE wAvEs tHaT doNt lOoK rEaL
Thumbnail: *fake wave*
@ 11:05
It looks pretty real, .. or not?
I know the effect comes from the bomb but it’s on the outside still water?!.
PS: humans could be so stupid!
Hey!, let us blow up a few atomic bombs at some rare beautifully places on earth 🌏 👍🏼🤣☠️
@@TransferAir ye I guess so
Okay so I kinda agree with you, there are some reasons why it is real, and some reasons why this is fake.
But first, let me clarify that on the thumbnail it's supposed to be a nuclear explosion. That's pretty obvious since you can see the hugeeee "ash cloud" coming.
(This part may be true or fake, but this is what I found)
As TransferAir said, this wave can totally be real, because a boat indeed was caught in the tests of Castle Bravo, in the series of Bikini Atoll (A series of tests between 1946 and 1958, the boat got caught in 1954 and fishermen got contaminated because of the radiations.). They all made it by the way, don't worry, but they were exposed to incredible doses of radiations. So the explosion itself was indeed real.
BUT, there are a LOT of proofs that just show this is completely fake. This is pure logic and analyse, and I'll expose these in this comment :
*First proof : The angle of the camera*
As you can see on the thumbnail, the angle of the camera is extremely close to the water, and very far away from the ship (You can tell that because this ship literally has containers on it, which are incredibly huge, so you deduce this ship is huge, and you deduce it must be very far away to look "that small" on the thumbnail). Knowing that, the wave must be even further, but that's not what is interesting here. Know that, since this "photo" was taken apparently super close to the water, the boat the dude must've taken the picture on must be very small, or something like that.
That's when is gets interesting : No one would ever, in their right mind (and if they had mental troubles they wouldn't drive a boat and/or take pictures lmao), would go in the high seas in such a small boat. Everyone that can drive, or possesses a boat would of course know how dangerous high seas is, and even if it looks "calm" on the thumbnail, no one could predict that, therefore everyone would prefer going to high sea with a way stronger and bigger boat, therefore being less close to the water.
But the even more obvious point is that the "person that took this picture" is literally witnessing a huge wave coming towards a ship, and no one in their right mind would take a picture of that as well. You'd much rather run away, of course, which is why the angle of this photography is wayyyy too surrealistic.
*Second proof : The image*
Notice these beautiful colors? See that beautiful definition? Yea, of course we all do! Well we shouldn't. As I clarified at the beginning of this comment, this is supposed to be a nuclear test, and as I explained, it's supposed to have taken place in 1954, when definition was wayy lower than this, and colors had a tone which was a bit different. So again, obvious proof that this is fake. (If you want, you can just check the REAL video about Castle Bravo's test where you see the ship getting submerged by smoke, and you'll notice easily that the image overall appearence is way different)
*Third proof : The wave*
Yea, if anyone didn't notice there's that huge wave in top of the ash cloud. Two elements here show that this is totally fake : The height and the placement of the wave.
First, the height. We can approximate it very roughly by using some simple logic, and just a bit of calculations. As I said earlier, that boat is already pretty far away from the camera, but it doesn't look even remotely close to being hit by the wave. Now, we can estimate that size of that ship by knowing that it carries containers. According to some websites, a container today is 8.5ft high. Now look at the height of the boat (Image in sources). You can clearly see it must be roughly the height of 2.5 containers, which would mean that boat is actually about 21ft high! That's pretty tall!
But now, we can try and guess the perspective according to the cloud of ashes, a cloud that's supposed to be pretty tall. Now, know that Castle Bravo was a 15Mt nuclear bomb. After searching on energy conversions, I found out this is about 80 Petajoules, and after a LOT of research on volcanic explosive indice, comparisons on nuclear power, researchs on the ash clouds height, and deductions, I found out that this is the equivalent of a middle VEI 3 explosion. Now that we know that, know that VEI 3 explosions (Middle one) release ash clouds that are about 10km, or about 33000ft high. (By the way, since nuclear bombs detonate roughly 500ft before they hit the ground, we know that this isn't underwater, and then in that case we know that the mushroom cloud can't lose any height because of the water). This means that we have a boat that is 21ft high compared to a cloud that is roughly 33Kft high. Now according to the height on the boat we can try suppose that, according to the "apparent" distance between the boat and the cloud, we can see there's some distance between the cloud and the wave. Now with the thales theorem, knowing that the point A = the man that took the picture, admitting that we have 33000/x, and we have 1/1.5 with 1 being the height he took the picture at, and 1.5 the "height at the 10000 point", because he inclined his camera a bit, we have X = 50000 fucking ft tall. That's completely impossible of course which means one time more this is totally fake.
Second, the placement of the wave. This will be much shorter, as these calculations kinda exhausted me, but I am pretty happy with the results I found, even if the method's not the best. But anyways, remember first that a tsunami is basically a huge amount of water moved by shockwaves. That's a really poor definition but that's the principle. Knowing this, we can imagine that a wave THIS high (even admitting my calculations are wrong, which is probably true, they are only estimations) when it only began to move is totally impossible. Acknowleding the fact that we suppose the bomb just landed here since we can see the boat still, there's no way this wave can already reach it's climax (notice the white trail on top of it) when it just "began". Plus the fact that a tsunami is supposed to be about 3-5ft tall when it's in the ocean, and this wave is enormous. And, to conclude, that wave looks way too weird, because it looks like it's right about to crush precisely on the boat. And that's a way too weird coincidence. May be possible, but very low chances.
*Fourth proof : The sky*
This is pretty simple, acknowledging that a nuclear bomb just exploded, there should be a huge mushroom cloud that should hide the sky, but there's literally nothing here.
*Fifth proof : Black pixels*
If you actually take the original image, you can notice some black pixels on top of the white trail of the wave. Completely impossible, which means this is fake again.
So yea, loads of proofs, some may be fake but some are very true. That's all for me folks
*Sources :*
BIKINI ATOLL AND CASTLE BRAVO : (It's the ship that got caught)
HEIGHT OF CONTAINER (Took the standard for most of the containers) : (French version)
Energy conversion :
@@xxneweraxx7422 bro wth
This is better than my 8th grade Analytical Essays
@@R2Bolly Well I am in 8th grade lmaoo
6:42 are we all just not gonna talk about how hes talking about water and tsunamis and shows a picture of burning houses
Because it hit the houses
Yeah, burning houses caused from the tsunami you fucking donut
Is that the simple history guy. No way there's two people that sound this majestic.
Victoria Jones I think so
It is
He sounds like Charlie Sheen.
If the "Cyclops" wave in Australia is in the middle of nowhere, why are there two hi-rise buildings in the background?
I live in Western Australia. I have been to many places in our state, but not Esperance. It is inhabited (so it has buildings) but it is REMOTE.
@@Lozzie74 what do you do out there in Western Australia?
@@jonathanstrauss8194 they mostly mine gold, iron, pearls and diamonds. Other than that, there's a whole lot of harsh open country.
i’d like to meet an australian woman. how are they?
duke houston google map “Esperance” and see how remote it is. Yes people live there but it’s a small community compared to where I live in WA
When I heard this man narrate for a couple of minutes, I paused and thought, "Wait a minute! Is this Charlie Sheen?!"
Same!! Is it Charlie Sheen???
@@bethburns4671 I think??
I was thinking Martin Sheen
No, it's not Charlie Sheen.
That cyclops wave was absolutely stunning.
An excellent compilation and both informative as well as visually spectacular
Wow those cross waves were massive! 😂
And that is why you go headfirst into waves, then the boat takes less damage, water, force and sideways tipping, due to the length and bow of most boat designs.
Love the narration!! The cyclops is beautiful and scary!! Shout out to whoever took those photos!
sorry to burst your bubble, a lot of those photos weren't actually Cyclop's, which I agree with you is a very beautiful wave. Sadly the amount of effort that went into this video is quite low, most of those photos were from a break in Tasmania called Shipstern's Bluff
Alex McEwan hey noticed that as well lol. The most insane one with all of the waves within the waves was shipsterns lol
Well at least Charlie Sheen did a great job narrating the video.
Number one was an absolute let down, watch number two and then turn this video off.
Cyclops is killa.. I live in esperance mates go out all the time to surf it and come back broken and bruised.
Zachary Dell'Acqua I agree this list was bassakwards
Lol like so disappointing. 🤦🏽♀️ The list should have def been flipped in reverse! #15 had waves that reached 80ft!
Aye, bit of a damp squib after the Cyclops.....
Also no mention of the Boxing Day tsunami but the Japanese one gets on the list
3:00 that transition was very smart of you :D
Charlie Sheen is narrating YT videos now.
I'm often told I sound just like him. I never really noticed 😋
I like the narrator's voice and how he tells the story.
What an absolute beauty this video have .. the narrator explained the geographical information comfortably
For years I have had a recurring nightmare about standing in a lighthouse looking at a gigantic wave coming towards me. I never know the outcome as I always wake up (sweating) when this monster wave hits. No idea what it means or where the idea came from as I love the sea and the power it demonstrates.
This was four months ago. Has anything overwhelming occurred in your life? 🤔
That cyclops wave was beautiful
You literally kept the best for First!!!
8:28 My house is literally in that photo 😳
It's Riverview New Brunswick in Canada
what are the chances
Motion wow
Australian Wave: So rare that it takes special vehicles to get there
Me: Sees beach resorts in back of photo..
Saw that too...what was the man talking about?
There is definitely nothing out there so probably this vid got one of the clips wrong, go check the co-ordinates out on google maps if you don't believe it.
#4 surfers are crazy! Wish you guys the best and you survive
The crazy thing is how big these waves are yet if an Asteroid hit the ocean it would create waves way larger
Kinda depends on the size of the asteroid.
😒 you don't say...
And that's the deep state plan...go look off coasts of Cali and Gulf Coast...theres a low fog but they don't know why..helicopter pilot has eeery feeling..yup it's coming May
Obviously the asteroid is man made...
@@thomascruse63 Maybe some of the proper drugs might help?
Don’t F with the ocean.
Americans be like: 100 FEET TALL
The rest of the world: yes...
Axel Navarro Yeah Americans
Lets not forget Hawaii is America lol
I measure it in my height so it is 15 of me i think
Whats the point of this joke? So out of context...
Edit: I am an uncultured American 😭 (I was born in Kuwait tho👀)
1:32 lighthouse attendant will never forget this day ever
if they lived
Top fives channel with a top 15 list, not complaining, just saying.
I just got one of those stiff realizations that I'm alive and one day I'm gonna die lmao
Fountian of youth: allow me to introduce myself
Everyone dies, you can live to the future, hmm 2090 or shorter. But keep in mind, only god lives forever. Only he knows when you die.
Huge waves that don't look real. The only one that didn't look real was the cross wave, but it was the smallest wave ever recorded.
Except cross waves are real
Ye, I've seen bigger waves in me bath.
Damn, and the second ship recording that ship was like: damn
Surfer: *has fun*
Giant wave: Ima ruin this man’s whole career
@david henry what did this man do to you?
@david henry I love trolling too lol
Am I sitting here when I should be doing online school fueling my fear of the ocean?
When you know that wave #1 was 80ft tall, and then think of the 100+ft tall tsunami waves of your tsunami list, it really makes you see just how destructive and HUGE those waves are!
Wow, these waves are absolutely terrifying! 🌊😱 It's hard to believe that nature can create such immense and powerful forces. My heart goes out to anyone caught in these conditions. 😢 The sheer size and intensity of these waves are both awe-inspiring and horrifying. Stay safe out there, everyone! 🌪⚠
Pov: ur scrolling thru the comments during the video
7:48 a picture of some random girl is very faint. Am I just seeing things or not?
I saw that too! Thought it might have been my imagination.
I don't see it.
She's there. Blonde. Looks like she's wearing a soccer/football kit. 7:47 by my counter.
@@jadedoldguy5233 Her name appears to be Sophia Ciez when it appears in the corner.
Thank you for noticing this, too! I had to rewind about 8 times to finally get the image. What's the purpose of including it in the video?
great vid thanks mate xx
And that’s way I’m never going on a cruise ship
It's mostly hype , I only liked the food , and slept a lot from fears of the cruise ship sinking 🥴
Though grateful for that experience
Me two!🙀😱
As long as they require masks or vaccinations, neither will I.
Doesn't look fun jammed on a ship around so many people.
Is it just me, or does this guy sound a lot like Charlie Sheen.
Yep he definitely sounds like Charlie Sheen 👍
more like Martin I'd say (Apocalypse now)
Nah fam
Well now I can’t unhear it lol