What Are the Most Common Objections against Christianity?

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024
  • Don Carson and Tim Keller talk about a few of the most common arguments against Christianity they’ve heard over the past 50 years.


  • @thegospelcoalition
    @thegospelcoalition  4 роки тому +2

    Each week, on TGC's Q&A Podcast, we’re joined by members of the TGC Council and friends who provide biblical perspective on your most pressing questions. Whatever your doubts or questions may be, this is a space where we hope to share biblical insight into life’s questions together. Learn more and subscribe www.thegospelcoalition.org/podcasts/q-a-podcast/

    • @kinggnej5041
      @kinggnej5041 Рік тому

      Idiot God, Jehovah makes you believe that snakes eat dirt all their lives...? Even a three year old knows that a snake does not eat dirt...it only eats animals...the Lord said there are four types of insects. foot...? . Are bats birds? Rabbits are ruminants and have four stomachs like cows...? Snakes can speak human language... locusts... donkeys can also speak human language...? . Can Bush talk...? Can locusts understand human language...? .Flies can understand human language...? Frogs can also be obedient! Egypt's sand will turn into billions of fleas...? The earth has four pillars...? The earth is the center of the solar system...the sun orbits the earth...? 2*The two sons born to Adam and Eve...Cain and Abel...There are only 4 people on the earth...Who are the wives of Cain and Abel? Where did it come from...?
      More...more...so many lies, a conservative estimate of 2,469 lies. I’m afraid it won’t be completed within a month…………

    • @kinggnej5041
      @kinggnej5041 Рік тому

      53**The first sinners since the creation of the world were not Adam and Eve, but the lying Jehovah...! God told Adam and Eve that you cannot eat from the tree of knowledge, and you must die on the day you eat from it...﹗ Satan turned into a snake and honestly told Adam and Eve you would not die the day you ate. As a result, Adam and Eve did not die, proving that it was God who lied...! How should God deal with lies…? According to Revelation 21:8, only the cowardly, the unbelieving, the abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars will have their part in the lake burning with fire and brimstone. This is the second death. … Let’s deal with this evil force together who always lies and gets seriously injured. . Insufficient sperm, less fertile than a boar raised by my family,… Let’s throw this poor lying single father Jehovah into hell…

    • @kinggnej5041
      @kinggnej5041 Рік тому

      64**There are too many lies that Jesus told, just grab a lot...! You can't finish writing for three days and three nights...﹗
      When Jesus preached, [John 3:13] No one ascended to heaven except for the Son of Man who came down from heaven and is still in heaven. "
      2 Kings 2:11 When they were walking and talking, suddenly there was a train of fire and horses that separated the two of them, and Elijah went to heaven in a whirlwind

    • @kinggnej5041
      @kinggnej5041 Рік тому

      75** Exodus 33:20 Yahweh said again, "You shall not see my face, for no one can see my face and live."
      But Exodus 24:9~11 Moses, Aaron, two sons, and seventy elders went up the mountain to worship from afar, watched God, and ate and drank before God.
      As a result, Moses, Aaron, two sons, and seventy elders watched God, ate and drank before God... none of them died...! Yahweh lied again.. If you see the face of Yahweh, you will die....? ! Then no one can write Exodus 24:9~11 at all...!
      ★A three-year-old girl said to a group of adults: "Sunday, our family flew to Hawaii to play.. When I came back, I held on to the iron bars so the plane didn't fall off. I didn't lie to you..." Jehovah and this three-year-old girl are equally mentally retarded.. .If the plane fell down, would the little girl still be able to stand here and talk today...? !

    • @kinggnej5041
      @kinggnej5041 Рік тому

      96** The LORD, the god of shit eaters and retarded beings, is always a liar...Genesis 3:14 And the LORD God said to the serpent: Since you have done this, you are more cursed than all livestock and wild animals. beast. You'll walk on your stomach and eat dust all day long.
      ★The evil snake cunningly lured Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit... The snake was cursed by God to eat dirt for life...? ★Even a three-year-old child knows that what a snake eats in its life is not dirt, but animal meat... God who is mentally retarded and eats shit is lying! What should a liar do? Obey the laws of the Bible and enforce "Revelation 21.8 All liars, their share will be in the lake of fire burning with brimstone; this is the second death." God slapped himself...hell, because he said This sentence, and it is mentally handicapped. contradictory. ridiculous. lie! The Lord God is the first to go to hell!
      ★(Snake Satan is very honest, not cunning at all... He told Adam and Eve honestly, you eat the fruit of wisdom... you will not die...! In fact, Jehovah is cunning and lying... He deceived Adam and Eve.. .If you eat the fruit of wisdom, you will die...!Adam and Eve ate the fruit of wisdom and survived...! Proof that Jehovah is cunning and lying)

  • @hsk8787
    @hsk8787 3 роки тому +6

    As a person that WAS christian, and is no more, these answer only solidify the reason why i walked away from christianity in the first place. Its not about "which" religion. Its that religion itself is misguided and a desperate measure for humans wanting to believe they are more than just flesh n blood and men do not wish to believe one day they will simply be no more. For the biggest fear of men are that they are significant and have no meaning.

    • @MrsV777
      @MrsV777 Рік тому +3

      How did you get here? How did your flesh become a living breathing conscience emotional organism? You don’t believe we were made in God’s image, so do you think this all just happened by accident? The idea that this extremely intricate design of the heavens and earth is the result of just a random explosion is just nonsensical. Things don’t get organized from chaos. Entropy says everything is going into further chaos… things do go from chaos into perfect order… order is the result of a designer.

  • @morganm3474
    @morganm3474 4 роки тому +10

    We need more of both of them!!

    • @kadd4415
      @kadd4415 Рік тому

      God bless us with more! God bless Tim Keller's legacy, work and his family. RIP.

  • @cyberkumo
    @cyberkumo 3 роки тому +2

    Nice discussion, thank you.

  • @philb4462
    @philb4462 Рік тому +1

    The single biggest objection to Christianity (and any other religion) is there's just no evidence for there being a god in the first place. You can't even get out of the starting gate to show any of them are true.

  • @QuadHealer
    @QuadHealer Рік тому

    I don’t believe in a punishing God that would set up billions of people to live in non-Christian countries, and then punish them for living their lives in the culture they were born in. I agree that doing evil will only hurt yourself and by extension God, and it should therefore be avoided.
    Christianity can indeed offer valuable guidance to those seeking to avoid negative behavior, but ultimately, the choice to do good should stem from one's own free will and not solely to evade punishment. We are not here to be judged but to enjoy life and explore both the good and bad, taste pizza, and marvel at this wonderful world created for our exploration.

  • @remor698
    @remor698 4 роки тому +4

    Actually, I would advocate for everyone to go to heaven, if hell is the only other option. The reason being, that they then could be taught why exactly whatever they did was wrong and how to behave better, allowing them to learn from their mistakes, which hell can't do. Eternal suffering can never be a justified punishment for anything.
    Also, since you brought up Hitler, by the rules you subscribe to, he isn't in hell, but rather in heaven, since he was a Christian.

    • @Godssaveus
      @Godssaveus Рік тому +2

      But do you truly beleive he did all of that and actually believed that god died for us and took his faith seriously.

  • @kennethtarlow
    @kennethtarlow 2 роки тому +3

    I just can't get passed the virgin birth, its a little too farfetched

    • @wet-read
      @wet-read Рік тому +1

      For me, it's the Fall. In more ways than one, but I will focus on the goofy, fairy tale metaphysics of it. It's like saying that backed up toilets occur because some dude long ago was gluttonous.

    • @Nikke906
      @Nikke906 Рік тому

      I mean Why would you need to understand that? You dont understand how the world cane to be so you dont need to understand

    • @kennethtarlow
      @kennethtarlow Рік тому

      @@Nikke906 every time we look up into the universe with more powerful telescopes we see things that challenge our notions of how universe behaves. This elegant design is amazing and far more complex then any of us could have could ever know. the simple story, the fairytale story of Jesus just does not fit with the complex vision of the universe. All of the story of Jesus comes from the minds of people who thought the world was flat.

  • @takoja507
    @takoja507 4 роки тому +13

    It's funny how every religion and sect of those religions think they are correct and right and everyone else if false.
    How do you demonsterate that your beliefs are correct ones and others are not? What makes your religion right and others not?
    Religious people say that other religions are laughable and none believiable but still somehow they find reason in their own beliefs. Beliefs that are mostly inline with other religious beliefs and thinking.
    So what makes your religions not laughable and none believiable and others not?
    Just few questions I would like to have answers.
    Ou and one more funny thing is that christians claim their religion is not of a blood magic. Except, their "savior" was sacrificed for blood, they drink wine thinking it's his "blood" etc. How is that not blood magic?

    • @neilchristopher5656
      @neilchristopher5656 4 роки тому +3

      Takoja you know some could argue you are doing the same thing: thinking you are right and everyone else is false.
      I would argue that there is only one religion that gives us the necessary intelligible preconditions for life as we know it.
      And one of the religions that doesn’t would include scientist...😉

    • @takoja507
      @takoja507 4 роки тому +5

      Neil Christopher wwll you can argue that all you want but untill you can show that religion to be correct, it's only a claim with no bases to it.
      Yeah you can argue that I could be wrong but our past and history has shown us that religions come and go. We make up gods for phenomens we don't understand or just to make us feel better and special or to have someone watching over us and judging is, for some odd reason people seem to like to be judged.
      Untill you can show that god or gods exists and science can never understand something and learn, untill that you have nothing. (By you i mean religious people)
      Atleast science corrects it self when it finds out it was wrong or finds new information to explain things even better etc.
      Mythic books have been the same for thousands of years and still no one has been able to show them to be true.
      Only claims and beliefs and ancient supertition with ancient laws and views on life and others.

    • @neilchristopher5656
      @neilchristopher5656 4 роки тому +3

      Takoja first of all I’m on your side for arguing against all religions...except for one 😉
      You say religions come and go, and I could say so do scientific paradigms...over and over again. If you’ve never read The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn I recommend it. Most people’s assumptions about how science advances are pretty naive.
      So let me be sure I understand what you’re saying: religion is invalid because it needs to be verified by the scientific method...do I understand you correctly?

    • @samanthajayewardene4523
      @samanthajayewardene4523 4 роки тому +6

      @@neilchristopher5656 He didn't say he was right and everyone else is wrong. He was just asking questions.

    • @pollypockets508
      @pollypockets508 4 роки тому +1

      The Penguin God is real, though. Prove he isn't. ;-)

  • @rebeccaerb9935
    @rebeccaerb9935 3 роки тому +1

    What if biblical religion was an Annunaki invention to control mankind.. passed down from Sumeria.
    So what if Earth is a place of different galactic belief system hand me downs.
    Somehow we gotta put it all together in Love n Compassion and program ourselves in a way that works on a global scale as well as personal reflection and inflection.
    P.S. I love the interlude music in the beginning and in the end!
    Whoever came up with it is awesome gifted

  • @jpaulmoses
    @jpaulmoses 4 роки тому +4

    Both the ways to respond are very helpful. Especially the illustrations for sin offending God.

  • @setionos
    @setionos Рік тому

    - University evangelism today is potentially easier than in the past due to decreased familiarity with classic Christianity.
    - Exclusive claims of Christianity (e.g., only Christians go to heaven) raise offensive objections from skeptics.
    - Responding to exclusivity objections: Start by asking questions about the skeptic's views on good and bad people, leading to a discussion about accountability and holiness.
    - The offensive nature of sin in Christianity is questioned in a cultural context where sin is often seen as sociologically defined rather than an offense against God.
    - Illustrations can help convey the concept of sin as an offense against God by comparing it to a personal violation, such as a child neglecting their parent's sacrifice.

  • @ConciseCabbage
    @ConciseCabbage 4 роки тому +1

    3:06 - Why does the Athanasian Creed (used since the 6th century) say "And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting; and they that have done evil, into everlasting fire"?
    Sounds like the good vs bad is more true to this creed than the humble vs proud like Keller says.

  • @MyContext
    @MyContext 3 роки тому

    The idea of eternal torture is immoral and thus unjust which is a dismissal of a claim of a supposed just entity making such a determination. Further, what is legal does NOT necessarily equal what is moral and such a linkage is an assault to morality.

  • @timeforringydingy
    @timeforringydingy 2 роки тому

    Man being interviewed is clearly drunk or heavily medicated.
    Great start for an informational post.

  • @mickqQ
    @mickqQ 4 роки тому +8

    Gods are how people of the ancient world tried to make sense of the universe and their place in it.
    These beliefs have been passed down through generations through a mixture of cultural adherence, indoctrination, fear , and privileged position.
    The problem arises when people begin to believe that their god is part of reality and not just concepts they are using to try and make sense of reality
    It’s just religion
    It shouldn’t be confused with reality 😁

    • @neilchristopher5656
      @neilchristopher5656 4 роки тому

      Mick Q could you define what you mean by the reality they’re not part of?😉

    • @mickqQ
      @mickqQ 4 роки тому

      Neil Christopher
      Reality is , what the facts are.

    • @HarryNebs
      @HarryNebs 4 роки тому

      Mick Q
      isn’t everything you just said a concept, a plausible theory, that are using to try and make sense of reality (the existence of supernatural belief) and that you now believe to be reality? Why not question yourself?
      Every belief and every view and every ideology held by human beings about reality, supernatural or secular, could be said to be passed down by cultural adherence, indoctrination (education), fear, and privilege position. And every belief and every view held by human beings could be said to follow that transformation from proposed concept to religiously-held belief about reality. You cannot tell me that certain secular beliefs about the world (including ones claiming support from science i.e. enhanced but still monumentally fallible human observation) aren’t just as dangerous and just as bound in faith.

    • @mickqQ
      @mickqQ 4 роки тому

      I do question myself ,
      Which is how I went from holding the aforementioned belief , to a position of being unconvinced.
      Not all beliefs are passed down that way , indoctrination and education are not the same thing .

    • @HarryNebs
      @HarryNebs 4 роки тому

      Mick Q Mick Q
      I totally think you questioned yourself and your former beliefs to get where you are, i’m not saying that. I’m just more challenging you to keep questioning yourself and the beliefs you now hold.
      You made three massive, sweeping statements about the nature of all religious beliefs (a wide-ranging classification) as if you know. One of those statements was that religious beliefs are all passed down through the largely negative means you stated (implicitly that other views aren’t), rather than genuine deep longing for the answers to cosmic questions about justice and good and evil and meaning, or the glaring psychological and cultural trends happening in secular society, or periods of questioning, or sacrificial mission, or generosity, and on. Some people just genuinely think science and humanism give partial or empty answers. That said, religious beliefs are passed down by the means you stated, but they also are passed by other means, just like political ideologies, or scientific interpretations, or economic systems spread by both good and evil means. And yes I agree, indoctrination is a more like uncritical education, but it’s not my point: indoctrination doesn’t disprove the doctrine. Spreading truth (what is believed to be truth) through culture or fear or privileged position doesn’t mean that the truth in question isn’t actual truth. How doesn’t change the what. Truth is truth. I hate evil means of imposing such things, but you have to separate the means and the beliefs.

  • @elkanahgray9810
    @elkanahgray9810 Рік тому

    God would have to duplicate himself to 2^infinity as to not allow anything less than perfection to exist, which in the process would be an absurd purpose of life. A perfect God therefore would have to allow the imperfect to exist with the consequence of that existence to take place if life is not to be an absurd purpose. The History of mankind is the History of War. If there is no God, then the brutality and cruelty of war is solely the blame of man's own free will. But if there is a God, why would that blame shift from man to God?? A Christian God allows free will? If the Bible is untrue of man's nature, then why are there are so many battles and wars recorded in it? If no one can reach heaven without God's mercy, then no one can reach hell without God's damnation! If one own good works cannot guarantee a place in heaven, can one's bad works guarantee a place in hell? When is God judgement passed, before or after death? And when can we ask for mercy, before or after death? If the way to heaven is thru Christ, can I accept him after death if he is the truth of eternal life?? Is conversion to Christianity possible after death?? Do some souls by their own free will reject God even after death?

  • @jrat42
    @jrat42 2 роки тому

    Keep asking questions. Keep searching. Eventually the truth will prevail. Truth is found in evidence. Not only in physical evidence but evidence provided by the lives Christians live. As of today, both types of evidence are lacking. No empathy or attempts to understand the questions by these two gentlemen. Just canned objections to honest and good questions.

  • @robertcooper1952
    @robertcooper1952 4 роки тому +3

    My book "The Conscience of An Agnostic," which is listed on Amazon, contains a list of agnostics in the appendix. It includes names like Albert Einstein, Edward Teller, John Von Neumann, and H.L. Mencken just to name a few. I refuse to believe that these brilliant men were cast into hell.

    • @isaiasg2961
      @isaiasg2961 2 роки тому +2

      Brilliant as they may be Jesus is the only way.

    • @isaiasg2961
      @isaiasg2961 2 роки тому +1

      it is a shocker, though, but once you dig deeper these men had their own choice i am sure.

  • @ewene2656
    @ewene2656 4 роки тому +1

    I hope Don Carson is okay. I've noticed his right hand shakes a lot nowadays and he needs to lean more on a support such as the table in this video. Is it just old age or something more serious?

    • @wemuk5170
      @wemuk5170 3 роки тому

      This is common with old age but who knows what it is in his case? Pray for him 😊 if you are concerned.

  • @stevewhite5560
    @stevewhite5560 2 роки тому

    This was helpful

  • @LordNinja109
    @LordNinja109 3 роки тому

    That hell argument, it hurts with just how terrible it is.

  • @anitahagstrom1485
    @anitahagstrom1485 3 роки тому

    I would LOVE to see/find more videos on this topic. I just completed a witness training course from my church, am looking to become versed in diffusing objections to the Christian faith.

    • @jonathanroe808
      @jonathanroe808 2 роки тому

      If it was real it wouldn't have difficult objections

    • @Lifeinlivingcolors
      @Lifeinlivingcolors Рік тому +1

      @@jonathanroe808 So everything that is “real” has no difficult objections? Is that a criteria for something being real?

  • @samanthajayewardene4523
    @samanthajayewardene4523 4 роки тому +7

    So I can do anything I want and ask for forgiveness? Then why do we bother to do the right thing all the time? A mafia boss can be forgiven and go to heaven?? What kind of nonsense is this?

    • @anzaca1
      @anzaca1 4 роки тому +3

      Given that Hitler was a proven Christian, does their standard mean Hitler is in heaven?

    • @motivationalminutewithtavo2922
      @motivationalminutewithtavo2922 4 роки тому +4

      @@anzaca1 proven by who?

    • @JesseStu
      @JesseStu 3 роки тому


    • @brandontaubert7871
      @brandontaubert7871 2 роки тому +1

      @@anzaca1 lol this is a year late, but you do know about Jesus being a Jew right….

    • @southpawmoose
      @southpawmoose Рік тому +2

      Well, many times, Jesus told people something along the lines of "Go and sin no more" it is also written that on the final day, many will approch Jesus, acting like they know him, and he will say. "Depart from me, I never knew you"

  • @rythempetemusic4207
    @rythempetemusic4207 2 роки тому

    Is it against the bible to see a spiritual advisor please respond

  • @aaronclewell1163
    @aaronclewell1163 4 роки тому +2

    More of this, please.

  • @blairmalfara6990
    @blairmalfara6990 4 роки тому +4

    This was awesome! Thanks... From a Youth Pastor in Canada :)

  • @aaronspain3387
    @aaronspain3387 2 роки тому

    Sure, murderers, rapists, thieves, can all get in to heaven once they accept Jesus as their lord and saviour. BUT, those who truly LOVE God, will keep his commands, not live in spite of them.

  • @JesseStu
    @JesseStu 3 роки тому +1

    Hilarious argument. I don't believe in Valhalla, so I don't need to answer who will go to Valhalla or not. It's irrelevant. So is hell and yhwh.

  • @WayneMyers-l4e
    @WayneMyers-l4e 4 місяці тому

    preacher your not to have a hat or head covering as a preacher of the vow but a women best have a shaw or a head covering to touch the alter to preach the word jahovah yhwh elohim elshadi or the condanation of god wrath double measure of the cup of commiunion and it swailed in the cup of Gods WRATH

  • @AustinWetzel
    @AustinWetzel 3 роки тому +1


  • @motivationalminutewithtavo2922
    @motivationalminutewithtavo2922 4 роки тому

    Greetings from the Pentecostal galaxy 😎

  • @MrJasonworkman
    @MrJasonworkman 3 роки тому +1

    Worthless arguments

  • @michaelkclark6981
    @michaelkclark6981 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you gentlemen.

  • @josephde-haan1074
    @josephde-haan1074 4 роки тому

    Infinite punishment for finite crimes. Selling this fear to little children. LITTLE CHILDREN. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  • @philknox1879
    @philknox1879 4 роки тому

    There is only 1 unforgiveable sin. Reject Christ.

  • @markturneymusic8294
    @markturneymusic8294 4 роки тому +1

    If Jesus is, as He claimed, the Source of life and truth, then to reject Him is to de facto reject life and embrace death, since we were severed from Him by our rebellion.

    • @Apanblod
      @Apanblod 3 роки тому

      But what does that mean, to reject life? Practically that is.

  • @kinggnej5041
    @kinggnej5041 Рік тому

    97**Exodus 20-21.. So the people stood far away; Moses approached the darkness where God was....
    **1 Timothy 6:16 is the only immortality, God lives in a light that cannot be approached...,
    The lies are contradictory again...Does God live in the gloom...?.. Or in the light that people can’t approach...? There are too many lies like this, I'm afraid it will take 3 days and 3 nights. Can't finish...……

  • @kinggnej5041
    @kinggnej5041 Рік тому

    77--(Matthew 10:34-36) Jesus said, "Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth. I have not come to bring peace on earth, but to bring war on earth. For I have come to bring peace and peace to the earth. A father is an enemy, a daughter is an enemy to her mother, a daughter-in-law is an enemy to her mother-in-law, and a person's enemies are the people in his own family." Only cults can teach this... This is brainwashing propaganda... not the gospel at all