General Hospital 12 6 05

  • Опубліковано 6 лют 2025


  • @sandrajohnson4778
    @sandrajohnson4778 2 роки тому +1

    Allan did not accept or respect Jason enough..

  • @queen_slayfordays6329
    @queen_slayfordays6329 7 місяців тому

    So Emily knows how her father is knows he wouldn’t respect Jason wishes but she decided to tell them that information anywaysa

  • @jacarly98jasam44
    @jacarly98jasam44 5 років тому +2

    Jax was such a stalker

  • @Wareaglegirl9960
    @Wareaglegirl9960 3 роки тому +1

    Carly is such a witch

  • @jacarly98jasam44
    @jacarly98jasam44 5 років тому

    Alan now your Jason parent, how many times has he told him that he was dead to him, that he had no son?!

    • @Ordinaryfool
      @Ordinaryfool 4 роки тому +1

      Alan was a GREAT dad. Jason and he had a special relationship. Look at any video 1991 - 1995 and see Jason talk about how great his dad was. THEN, the accident happened. Alan did not want to give up the idea that Jason could heal and come back to them as Jason Q. He suffered as any parent would. He told Jason MORGAN many times how much he loved him. In fact, go back to 1997 and look for the first day of Monica's Dorman trial. Alan told Jason he loved him - and would never give up on him. That no matter what happened nothing would ever destroy his love. In times of anger, if he said "I had no son" - look what he was going through too. Dealing with a son who became a murderer who chose Sonny, gave Sonny ALL the credit for who he was...when it was a lie. In any case, this is about Pratt and Guza making Sonny and Carly heroes - when they were criminal, murdering gangsters! Monica did except Jason as a baby - BUT the reason Jason exist was because Monica LIED and cheated on Alan and tried to pass AJ off as Rick's. She did her best to destroy Alan for no good reason. Then, when Alan came to her and tried to mend fences, she told him how she thought of Rick when in bed. Alan went to Susan and had Jason - a son he could be sure of. Jason does not exist because of Alan - he exist because of Monica! She finally realized that and accepted him - and did love him. They both did.

    • @jacarly98jasam44
      @jacarly98jasam44 4 роки тому +4

      @@Ordinaryfool Alan wasnt a great dad! (I think AJ would agree). Yeah he had a great relationship with Jason before the crash because he wanted him to be just like him. He has said that too. He never accepted him after the crash, all he wanted was his so-called perfect son back, he didnt try to get to know the person he woke up to being. A true parent would have tried like Monica did and look he had a relationship with her! If its Monica's fault that Jason exist in the first place than it Alan and the rest of Q's fault that Jason Morgan exist. It was them pushing and tryn to control him that made him rebel against them and fall into Sonny's hands( along with Robin) just to break free of them!

    • @Ordinaryfool
      @Ordinaryfool 4 роки тому

      @@jacarly98jasam44 AJ is an alcoholic because Alan and Monica BOTH ignored him. April 27 and 28, 1988 is an example. He talked about how he and Jason worried - and that Jason cried. This was post Monica's Sean affair. They were in the middle of the ACOS story arc. He was still a good kid - and Alan and Monica talked about how lucky they were - but there were pressures on AJ. He was more sensitive to A&M's issues. He did NOT want to be in boarding school at all. By the time AJ came back in 1991, he was an alcoholic and a "snotty" kid, talking about how losing the house would hurt him because he had friends coming over for a "Regatta" in the summer. Jason was established as the "good" son. He was brilliant, hard working, empathetic. He cared a LOT about Alan - he was there for his dad during Monica's David Langton debacle when Alan had a terrible ulcer. But, I STILL say AJ's problems were due to Monica. He got a terrible start by his mother trying to pass him off as another man's child. She would probably ONLY have told Alan about AJ to get the Quartermaine inheritance form Edgar. Alan never quite trusted that AJ was his I believe. Tracy even hinted at that lack of trust during Lila's funeral in July 2004 (although, it was proven that he was Alan's). Monica told Alan that she would NEVER have another of his children - and therefore we have Jason. Alan did NOT force Jason to be like him at all! Surprisingly, neither did Edward. Jason asked Edward if he minded that he wanted to be a doctor and not businessman, and Edward was okay with it. He had Ned and AJ for the business, so Jason had no stress there either. Alan was supportive of Jason in all things. They could talk - where Alan could not talk to AJ..which was believable - but sad - as AJ was trying so hard to be Edward and compete with Ned. Alan stood up against his father and Ned over against the incinerator project they wanted to build in the Charles Street neighborhood (making Edward and Ned furious with Alan). JASON WANTED to be a doctor!! He was the one who volunteered for Volunteens. He was the one who took pride in his studies - and even helped Karen Wexler with hers. Alan acted as ANY parent would - he wanted to help his son. IN THE BEGINNING after the accident, Alan was the one telling Monica to go slowly when she said that Jason couldn't even be trusted to "take the bus" on his own (first meltdown that Jason had was after hearing that). Alan's biggest mistake was letting Edward have too much say when Jason came home. He really drove the kid away. Then, I agree that Alan did later reflect too much on his "perfect son," but that was after the writers were redoing Alan into that person. He was NOT that prior. Especially in the mid-2000's - Alan was not recognizable under Guza and Pratt! On the other hand, Alan was also having issues with Monica post cancer. He had Steve die and he had to deal with GH. He still had people he did not trust in the family, and Edward STILL treated Alan like crap (even AJ said something about it). By the way, it was no one's fault that Jason M exist BUT the producer's. And Sonny was a TERRIBLE influence as he hated his OWN dad. He talked about the Q's like dogs, and poisoned Jason's mind because of his own issues with Mike. As for A&M, what parent would NOT be upset if a mobster-gangster-murder had paid their son 3 mil for 60 mill worth of stock their son was to inherit. I would be out of my mind upset too - and no excuses would do. Then, Sonny comes in and thinks he has a presence at ELQ board meetings!!! Come on. I was team Alan and Monica all the way there. COULD Alan and Monica have done better as a team and parents - yes. Clearly. They always blamed each other - instead of standing together. But, thinking as a parent who lost a child - really TWO children in those terrible moments post Monica's cancer - I understood them. By the way, Alan was not always complaining about his "perfect, lost son" as Guza and Pratt wrote for him in the 200's, there were times that he reached out to Jason and tried to reach Jason man to man. But Sonny was in the way. It's great that everyone sees the show from their own POV. We CERTAINLY see it differently. I have a lot of blame for Monica as I recently re-watched 1980 in German. She did some horrid stuff to Alan and Lesley. Rick - I don't feel so sorry for.

    • @Wareaglegirl9960
      @Wareaglegirl9960 3 роки тому

      Jason was an ass to his family and couldn’t even be there when his dad was dying

    • @jacarly98jasam44
      @jacarly98jasam44 3 роки тому

      @@Wareaglegirl9960 and they were no better to him