Zoroastrianism is one of the most influential religions in world history. I trust this overview provided insight and deepened your understanding of Zoroastrianism. If you have further questions, feel free to ask, and let's continue this discussion in the comments. What do you think? Is Zoroastrianism a monotheistic or a dualistic faith? And do you think it will survive in the future?
@@hhwippedcreamThe only true words of Zoraester is found only in Gatha ,the hymns of the prophet to Ahuramazda the Invicible God who is the lord of wisdom the first and last ,just, all knowing a good father for his followers and reward every good deeds ,the prophet denied other gods and called them false gods and said there is only one True God,he talks about two essenes in the world the good (sepanta minoo) and the bad (angra minoo) ,fire is pure warm full of light so is Aura mazda😊so fire is a symbol of Ahura mazda...so thats the role of fire so Gatha is the true religion of the prophet the other parts of Avesta is mainly are the system beliefs of magis
@@Dreamy1894 This Armagedon battle is not in the original teachings and doctrine of the religion,if you want to find out the true teachings of Zoroaster you should read Gatha, besides AhuraMazda is the same as Yahweh ,so funny you think all the so called christians are true followers of Jesus i assure you the number of true followers of Jesus are even lower than zoroastrianism,also Zoroaster prophicied the birth of Jesus dude you need to learn a little bit more than sunday morning preaching.
One of the most ancient, strongest, and beautiful religions that we have!!!! The oldest monotheistic religion yet they never caused mass genocide multiple times like the newer religions. Great video!!!!
Jesus is God the Gospels are more trustworthy than the Avesta. The Torah and the Gospels were written in the first century while the Avesta was written in the seventh century.
Armenia was another country that was once Zoroastrian , there were in fact still Armenian Zoroastrians living in Ottoman Turkey until the Armenian genocide in which they were exterminated . These Armenian Zoroastrians were call Arewordik or children of the sun .
That is so very interesting. Maybe they were Mithraists? Mithraism is a sister religion to Zoroastrianism, and was mainly practiced by the Parthians. Parthians ruled Armenia for more than a thousand years. They worshipped Mithra (Mehr), the god of sun.
Yes the video was very good but the only mistake was the flag shown that's not true IRANian flag...it's for the dirty atrocious Islamic terrorist regime which brutally rules
I enjoy learning about all religions and their histories. I am atheist but can understand why religions had to be invented to help us stay safe and love one another. The afterlife of heaven or eternal hell option is a great deterrent to sin. It is needed.
Thank you for positive comment. May Almighty guide everyone Ameen. Are all religions the same? How do I know which is correct? Why should I choose Islam? These are some of the beauties, benefits and unique aspects of Islam as compared to other beliefs and religions. 1. Close Relationship with the Creator At the core of Islam is the focus of an individual's personal relationship with God, their Creator. It encourages a believer to have sustained awareness of God which is a key to lasting happiness. Islam teaches that God is the source of peace. By focusing on this important relationship and following God's guidance, believers will be able to acquire inner peace and tranquillity. Seeking lasting happiness through other means, such as following one's desires or the accumulation of material possessions, will never fill the void we have. This need can only be filled with the awareness of God. True contentment is found in acknowledging and obeying the Creator: "Truly, in remembering God do hearts find rest." Quran 13:28 The primary reason for this close relationship is that Muslims have a direct connection with their Creator. There is no intermediary, such as praying to, or through, others, in worshipping God. 2. Positive Outlook on Life Islam gives a person a clear perspective on the events that happen in their life, both good and bad, as they are, in fact, tests from God. It encourages a person to understand events in the context of the overall purpose of life, which is to acknowledge God and obey Him. He created humans with intellect and free will to test them as to who will wilfully choose to follow His guidance. This life is an ultimate testing ground and although we cannot control everything that happens to us, we can control how we react. Islam encourages a person to focus on what is in their control, to be grateful to God for blessings, and to be patient during hardships. Patience or gratitude - this is the formula for a happy life. Islam encourages the believer to remain free from the extremes of worldly happiness that may cause one to forget God, and the extremes of sadness that may cause one to lose hope and blame God. By not being overly attached to the material world, a Muslim is empowered not only to better handle any calamities, but to be beneficial and generous to society. This leads to a more balanced and optimistic outlook on life. 3. Pure and Clear Concept of God Unlike other religions, Islam is not named after its founder or the community of its birth. Islam is an attributive title that signifies obedience to God, the Creator of the Universe. One of its main beauties is that it acknowledges the complete perfection, greatness and uniqueness of God with absolutely no compromises. This is reflected in Islam's pure teachings of the attributes of God. God is One and Unique: God has no partners, no equals and no rivals. God has no father, mother, sons, daughters or wives. God alone is worthy of all worship. God is the All-Powerful: God has full authority and power over all things. Obedience to God does not increase His Power, nor does disobedience decrease His power. God is the Most High: There is nothing above or comparable to God. The attributes of God do not resemble that of His creation. No part of God is present in anyone or anything. God is Perfect: God does not have any human limitations, such as resting on the seventh day after He created the universe. God always maintains attributes of perfection and does not do anything to compromise this perfection such as "becoming a man" as claimed by other religions. God does not do ungodly acts, so if God became man and took on human attributes, he would, necessarily, no longer be God. 4. Emphasises Both Evidence and Faith Islam is a religion in which faith is based on clear proof. It encourages people to use their God given intelligence to think and ponder over their life and the universe. Although this life is a test, God has provided sufficient signs and guidance to people who are open-minded and sincere to be able to acknowledge the truth. "We (God) have certainly sent down Signs that make things clear: and God guides whom He wills to the straight path."Quran 24:46 Unlike other religions, there are many clear proofs, signs and miracles that the book of Islam, The Quran, is from God. The Quran: Is free from any errors or contradictions, despite it being revealed over a period of 23 years. Is preserved, word-for-word, since it was revealed in its original Arabic language, unlike other scriptures which have been distorted, changed or lost. Contains a simple, pure and universal message that has a profound effect on all those who are sincerely searching for the truth. Contains a unique and inimitable style of language that is universally known as the pinnacle of Arabic eloquence and linguistic beauty - yet the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who was known to be illiterate. Contains many amazing scientific facts which have only been discovered recently, despite being revealed over 1400 years ago. The most rational explanation for the many unique and miraculous aspects of the Quran is that it cannot be from other than God. 5. Forgiveness of Sins Islam encourages a balance between hope in God's mercy and fear of His punishment - both of which are required to lead a positive and humble life. We are born sinless but have the free will to commit sins. God created us and knows we are imperfect and commit sins, but the key is how we react to committing those mistakes. "Do not despair of God's mercy; He will forgive you of all your sins."Quran 39:53 Islam teaches that God is the Most Merciful and will forgive and pardon those who sincerely want to repent. The beautiful steps for repentance include being sincere, remorseful, refraining from committing the sin as well as having the intention not to repeat it. Islam encourages a continuous process of self-development and self-purification. This process happens directly between the individual and God - there is no need for sins to be shared or "confessed" to a righteous person/priest. Furthermore, God does not need to sacrifice himself to forgive sins, nor is anyone "born into sin".
6. Accountability and Ultimate Justice Islam teaches that God is the Most Just and that each person will be held responsible for their own actions on the Day of Judgement. Each person is accountable, as they have freedom of choice and intelligence to discern between right and wrong. It is an absolute demand of justice that there be a Day of Judgement where every person is rewarded or punished, otherwise life would be unjust as not everyone receives true justice in this world. Islam teaches that ultimately we will be judged for how well we fulfilled our responsibilities and exercised our free will. We will be judged by God, the All Knowing and All Wise, who knows and sees everything we do. This encourages a more harmonious society and gives people contentment knowing that justice will ultimately prevail. 7. Practical and Balanced Way of Life Islam provides the right balance between faith and action, as both are required for a stable life. It provides guidance for all situations and circumstances. It is a practical religion with practical acts of worship that are designed to fulfil the spiritual, physical, psychological and social needs of people. Examples of practical acts of worship that have numerous benefits include: The five daily prayers - Enriches the soul by satisfying the spiritual need of being in regular contact with God (especially in today's busy lifestyle); makes one humble by bowing and prostrating to God; removes any barriers/pride/racism between believers praying in congregation; helps one refrain from committing sins given the person stands regularly before God. The obligatory charity - Purifies a person from selfishness; encourages empathy to the poor; reminds one of the blessings of God; helps reduce poverty; bridges the gap between rich and poor. The fasting in Ramadan - Promotes spiritual self-purification, self-restraint and growth; scientifically proven health benefits; empathy and awareness of those less fortunate; trains people to acquire the habit of obeying God. The pilgrimage - Unites people of every colour, race, status and nationality, as pilgrims wear simple and similar clothing, while performing a range of good deeds in congregation. Given that Islam is from God, every command found in the religion is ultimately good and beneficial to the individual and society when practised correctly. Quranic examples include being honest, forgiving, truthful, kind to one's wife, patient, fair, moderate, modest, sincere, and respecting parents, family and the elderly. There are also many principles in the teachings of Islam that prevent or reduce many of the individual and social ills facing the world today. 8. Universal and Timeless Message Islam has a message that applies to all people at all times, from the creation of Adam up until the Day of Judgement. It is applicable today as it always has been. God is accessible to everyone. People may distinguish themselves and earn God's favour through belief and righteous actions only - not through race, wealth, gender, nationality or social class. Conclusion Islam's timeless and beautiful message is the same message of all Prophets, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all). They all called their people to "Submit to the One True God" which, in Arabic, means to become a "Muslim". This submission to God enables one to fulfil the purpose of life by acknowledging the greatness of God and sincerely worshipping him alone. In doing so, one will acquire the countless benefits of Islam mentioned above.
@@marliahardy7755...you're the "blade of grass that hides the snake". You spew on about how good islam is, yet never mentioned the barbaric culture it promotes. You guys don't have the fortitude to stand up to the extremists in your cult. You know the macabre violence they're fond of using. What they'll do to you if you speak out. "Religion of peace"? 🙄 Do YOU get 72 virgins when you check out? Where do all these virgins come from anyway? How old are they?
When I was an undergrad, I had a professor from Iran who was an Indo-European specialist. From what I remember, he said that Mithra was a holdover from earlier Indo-Aryan (pre-Vedic) religion.
This was really well researched. Zoroastrism was one of the subjects when I studied for my Religion Science bachelors degree, yet there were several details in this video I was unaware of. Thank you.
This is one of the saddest history of us Iranians. Muslims forced our ancestors to change our belief through violence. Also the Islamic tyranny of current times... They could force the isalm on us but they cant take what we believe deeply in our heart. As a persian woman I don't believe in any religion but I'm proud to have ancestors of Zorastrian faith ❤ thank you for your informative video.
They share some of the beliefs in islam because they incorporated them. The islam beliefs in jinns come from zoroastrianism. Shaytan is ahriman. Asmodeus is a daeva. Asma daeva.
I sincerely hope it continues into the future; Zoroastrianism appears to be the well spring of subsequent religions and we can still learn important lessons from this faith. I believe its monotheistic; like Christianity; there is a central figure, a father, good and evil forces and lesser deities who I would compare to the orders of angels. I'm interested in a lecture on the Druze faith. Thanks for this!
Yes, the Yazata (lesser deities) are 7 in numbers, which is also the number of archangels in Christianity. In fact, I believe the archangels are directly inspired by the Yazata of Zoroastrianism.
I don't think the existence of the Yazata makes Zoroastrianism any less monotheistic. The Yazata are simply personifications of Ahura Mazda's different qualities-his seven different faces or manifestations, if you will.
Jesus is God the Gospels are more trustworthy than the Avesta. The Torah and the Gospels were written in the first century while the Avesta was written in the seventh century.
@@tylerdyson8410 Why do you have to bring your fucked-up fairytale into this, Tyler? If you did some research, Tyler, you would find that the Avesta was compiled in the 6th century of writings that date back to the 15th BCE, just like your book of filth was compiled in 325 CE by Constantine (he compiled it, not because he believed any of it, but to keep the idiot masses in fear to serve him better) jesus never existed and you have been bamboozled ... but, you have been brainwashed into believing it is true because you are a part of the weak idiot masses through fear of some god who will throw its own children (you) into a lake of fire to burn forever? You claim to worship, but you only worship out of fear of the lake of fire ... who would worship a POS filth like that anyway ... come on Tyler, break the chains of your idiot gods prison and be free 😇
Wow I never knew that they refused to come in to contact with their deceased! Really Fascinating stuff! This was thoroughly a Very good video & you gave me tons of great info bruh, for real… I subscribed 👌 It’s quite a shame that something which was once so spiritually beloved by the many got worn down vastly by a few. Nearly erased if you ask me. I mean Imagine looking upon the world, several thousand yrs from now, & having to confirm that there is barely anyone left alive knowing of, let alone practicing any sort of abrahamic religion. Pretty nuts to even think that could ever happen. …. yet . . .
@erzkikaparvanova2388: "nobody follows the rules." Good point! Dr Deepak Chopra once said, "Of every thought that comes into your mind daily who is the thinker of the thought, maybe God? Maybe God doesn't want religion. Man uses God for his own selfish reasons, that is to reign power over their subjects all under the lie that God wants it that way. So, just maybe this is God's way to teach us the truth by making us ignore the church. You don't need religion to connect with God. Be a Buddhist. "Be lamps onto yourselves, rely on yourselves alone, and don't seek reliance on external support. Hold fast to the truth alone and seek salvation in the truth alone. Do not look for assistance from any one than yourselves."
I don't think the problem is that " nobody follows the rules ". True religion isn't about the slavish following of rules. It is based on the conversion of the heart. Many people go to church but they haven't given their hearts to Christ. If you genuinely desire God's wisdom, you need to submit to his will in your life.
Most of the themes in Zoroastrianism seem somewhat familiar... apparently someone in a different robe thought to craft a separate religion based on these concepts.
Ahura Mazda = Awareness Spenta/Angra Manyu = Experience Rainbow Bridge = Conversion Ashiman = Constructive Impulse Ahriman = Destructive Impulse When experience contains awareness there is chaos, bondage, reaction. When awareness contains experience there is order, Sovereignty, response Any experience we can learn from, thereby benefits us, even if in spite of itself. Dream your experience. Experience your dream.
Freddie Mercury’s family were migrants. Their first home was in India. Then they moved to Zanzibar, before finally settling in England. Like his ancestors, Freddie Mercury integrated into a new culture. He changed his name, and became a Western pop icon. Yet through it all, he remained immensely proud of his heritage.
Freddie Mercury was a Zoroastrian! It is even mentioned in the movie about his life when his father tells him that it is their belief to go out into the world and do good for others.
The singer of the rock band Queen lost his required path for Zoroastrian divine path, to the street secularism, and was mislead as a kid in the poor neighborhood of London.
Freddie Mercury ❤ called himself a Persian poppinjay, of Persian descent which is now Iran. Parsi Indians are all of Persian descent. Farrokh Bulsara 😊 His parents still practiced the faith.
I'm working on a theory that Zoroaster is the same person as Cainan/Kainan from the book of Jubiliees. He would have been descrended from the people who became the Chaldeans, and married the daughter of Madai, from whom the Medes come. The empire based around the Zoroastrian religian was called the Kainyam dynasty. Based on Biblical Geneologies, Kainam and Nimrod correspond to Zoroaster and Vistsspa. The previous dynasty corresponds to the number of patriarch between Adam and Noah, and both kingdoms lasted 2000 years. This would have been when Nimrod (Sargon) began to expand his kindgom beyond southern Iraq to take over all of Mesopotamia and Syria. Since Zoroastrianism tended to change over time, and Daniel was over the Magi for about 50 years. (the same era that Pythagoras studied under the Magi), it is more likley that Zoroastrianism was influenced by Judaism by the 4th century rather than vice versa. The leading scholar on Old Avestan and Zoroastriansim believes the true religion is as old as 1700 BC. This would put its origin shortly after the Biblical Tower of Babel, which was a story of how the languages were divided, apparently held by tribes as far as Mexico and California, and held by Syrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Phonecian historians in Josephus' day, along with the Sybilline Oracles, which date back to the 7th century BC.
Quite interesting, the Cainan-Madai daughter union, Madai, the japhetite, seizing land and occupying it and building empires around the occult knowledges from Cainam, origin of most religions around the world as men were dispersed after the tower overthrow. The similarities between religious practices and architectures cross continents could well be explained around those times, tying all together and making the biblical narrative a trustworthy source. No wonder God elected Abraham to preserve the original language and the ways of God by asking him to leave his idolatrous siblings.
This is probably a silly thing to say but i feel like there is a huge field of horror books and movies that could come out of zoroastrianism. I read a short horror story about 35 years ago about a cab driver that got caught up in some zoroastrian evil spirits doings....it was awesome and ive been trying to find the name for years
In the Gathas, Zarathushtra calls the old Aryan gods, Daevas or false gods who are the creations of evil mind 30-3. Those false gods include Mithra and Anahita who are not named in the Gathas but the Mithraic tradition is denounces. In the later Achaemenids era, during the rein of Ardeshir the second (408-357 BCE) in order to form a unified religion, Mithra and Anahita and other entities that had been denied by Zarathushtra, were reintroduced as Yazatha (the praiseworthy) and the creations of Ahura Mazda. Thus for the first time in the inscriptions of Ardeshir 2nd, Mithra and Anahita are named after Ahura Mazda. In the Gathas, after death, the soul is guided by conscience. The soul of the righteous shall pass the sorting bridge or Chinovat, but the soul of the wrongful will be upbraided by conscience, does not pass the bridge and shall return. But Gathas stop here and does not depict the heaven and hell. The line of separation of the two, poetically is called the sorting bridge. Saoshiant in the Gathas is a general term, meaning benefactor. It applies to those who bring benefit to the society and advance the civilization. It is a general term that may include a good labor, scientist or a leader. Gathas does not teach us to look for a future savior, because we by our decisions, determine our destiny and fate. In other words we are the author of our life and the architect of our fate. The purpose of living is to promote the living world toward perfection, In this regard humans are friends and companion of God. There is no room for belief in pre-ordained fate, slavery, exploitation and coercive conversion.
The Abrahamic religion had its origin around 1900 BC so it is more likely that a Near-Death Experience with its God and its monotheism influenced the Persian empire, with Zoroastrianism being their version of the Abrahamic religion.
Zoroaster is thought to have lived circa 1600 BC as dated by philologists due to the archaic nature of his language (Avestan), which is a sister language of Sanskrit and nearly mutually intelligible.
@ 12:49 you show the images of both Good & Evil facing off....it doesn't make sense that the response of Good should be the Fury expressed rather the sublime 'mirrored shield of light' is the counter to Evil. The mirrored shield reflects back the dark forces....while its owner's silent meditations strengthen....
With the man in the picture, what is the round thing with leg holders?? Is that part of their transportation holders besides the horses?? Could it be possible that because the group or various groups values their horses is like spreading ‘wings like the eagles’?? Somehow it’s just symbolic . Just wondering.
AhuraMazda is the only God we believe and the war between two forces is between Angra Maenu(the mind of anger and deconstruction…) Vs. Sepanta Maenu(the mindset of life expansion and constructive…)
It will survive& once again will reach the glory,please note what goes up comes down and he who bites the dust shall rise again, my respects to my religion, my prophet, my teacher the greatest of all ZARTHUSTRA
I believe that divisiveness such as animal sacrifice and intricate rituals are ways in which we can use the fifth dimension to create gods in the fourth dimension to explain us to ourselves in the third dimension. Our conscious creates beyond the boundaries of our physical existence. outside of this linear life, we are one. Experience is the quest. Experience all of it. Eternal love and gratitude.
Nope. But kinda actually, cause Christianity is Jesus and Followers of "The Way" who is a mix of "God-fearers" (wich was from Roman Paganism wich was burrowed from Greek Paganism wich was from Indo-European Polytheism) and Pharisees, Essenes and Zealots who was Jews. And Judaism "is outta" Israelite Religion AND Zoroastrianism wich is out of Indo-European Polytheism 🤯 🧐😊😉🤫 They r family..
Nope it isnt. But actually kinda cause CHRISTIANITY is Jesus and Followers of "The Way", who was "God-fearers", from Roman Paganism and Jews. And JUDAISM is out of Israelite Religion AND ZOROASTRIANISM (wich is from Indo-European Polytheism. 🧐🤫😉🤔 AND Roman Paganism is inspired of Greek Paganism wich is also out of Indo-European Polytheism🤯
To know the foundation of Mazdaysna (worship of the wise /all knowing lord) one must read and understand a couple of the translations of the Gathas(the words/songs) from prophet Zarathushtra. One fundamental in Mazdayasna, is respect for life, Truth, knowledge of the Truth and renewal of the creation, either the material or the spiritual!
Very interesting. As far as being remembered in the future I think we're running out of it (future). I think the "end-times" are upon us, knocking at the door...
The Founder believed there is only one God if a male and female God exists while also believing in the Spirit world of Dual reality with emphasis on good actions bring good outcomes along with showing empathy and compassion to others in the world of black and white or good and bad.
The Magi were Babylonian not Persian. These priests watched the skies every night looking for signs to interpret to the King of Babylon. They saw a new star and divined it to be the herald of the birth of a king. They most likely brought tribute as representatives of their king, to pay homage.
Greetings from Iran. The Zazas are originally an Iranian people. And Kurds are also an Iranian people, but the Kurds deny they are Iranians. We in Iran love all Iranic Peoples.
@@news_internationale2035 Then you're a moron. Whether or not you believe in any of them is immaterial. The term "Abrahamic religions" is a standard term - and used regardless of whether the one using it believes in any of them or not - to describe those religions that claim descendant from Abraham (whose existence is also irrelevant as far as the validity of the term goes).
Wow 😮 wonderful very informative thanks ❤so much But as you are a scaler and have the all necessary equipment please search deeper inside books to find the true establishment of z. I am from that part of the world 🌎 believing z is as old as 1600 bc Good luck best wishes Cyrus London ❤😂
Thank you for your comment and support! I am planning to make more videos about other aspects of Zoroastrianism. Since I visited Iran, I have been truly fascinated by Zoroastrianism. 💗
@@_quovadis_ I'll be more than willing to help with anything about the faith I've been a Bahai for over 40 years, Bahais tend to study all faiths since they are all connected
I see many resemblance to Hindu believes. It's funny like most of religions speak about similar stuff but still fight against each other. Most religions believe in one God Who has helpers ( angels, demigod, etc.)
Zoroastrianism is a monotheistic religion. Angra Menu has never been equal to Ahura Mazda, but it’s equal is Spenta Menu which is progressive forces against regarding forces. These forces are in human mind and not cosmic forces. The teaching of Zarathustra himself is distinguished from the rest of the Avesta because the language is a most ancient form of Avestan language translated with the help of Sanskrit as they are very close relative languages. In Zoroastrianism the for elements of; air, water, earth and fire are sacred and must not be polluted.
The book of Zarathustra was written in the Medche. Prophet Zoroaster came from the Medes and the Kurds created Iran. Now Islam has infected us, we cannot get out of it, we are too far behind.😢
In the Gathas of Zarathushtra, there is no entity comprising of all the evil to be feared or worshiped out of fear. In other words unlike other religions, personification of evil in the form of Satan in Abrahamic religions or Ahriman in the later Avesta does not take place. Even in the Achaemenids inscriptions, there is no mention of an evil entity like Ahriman. To come to the point, In Zarathushtra's mindset, Ahriman does not exist to stand against Ahura Mazda. In Yasna 30, from the beginning there are two essences born in the mind and dreams, one is for the better and the other for the worse. One results in Life (Constructive living) and the other brings Un-Life (alive but not truly living, or destructive life). Men and women are given freedom to choose one of the two paths, considering the end results. Choosing the righteous path will bring happiness to the living world and spiritual relief to the person, and resorting to lies and wrath causes destruction to all and inner torment to the wrong chooser. As noted, Heaven and Hell are the two states of mind that one generates in this world and both are discerned in conscience.
The biblical narrative will account for the spreading of similar religious practices found in south america, middle east, far east and Egypt. Even the zigurat like architectures do match, meaning they stem from the same place, where men were dispersed around the earth. They went and settled and carried on with what they learned when they were of one language at the height of Nimrod's rule. Abraham was commanded by God to leave the idolatrous surroundings of his family in Chaldea, it's very unlikely he went to Egypt just to learn the same occult knowledge he left back. He was elected to keep God's ways.
❤️🔥✨Love Zaratushtra❤️🔥🌞❤️🔥 The golden light ✨🌞✨The golden star🌟 Zarathustra’s cousin name was Madiyoumah means crescent(Half) moon🌛 Nobody ask about meaning of other people name! Reza! Jesus! Abraham!… Why then when we are not sure about Zarathustra name meaning, translate to some nonsense meaning 🤔 if we have to choose between the camel or light/star I think it is more make sense to choose light or star as he was the star of the humanity ✨🌞✨👑
The flag in ur clip is not our real flag. This is the flag of Islamic regime. Our flag has a lion and sun and has been flag of Iran from hundred years ago. Thank u
@@yvonnethompson5568 According to the Parsi Priestly cast and tradional zorastrians , even today, you must be born to two zorastrian parents. There may be a reform group like judaism, but they would be a minority. For people to convert a divine prophet will need to appear on the planet
If all religion were like that i.e you cannot convert to that religion it would have stopped a lot of atrocities committed in the quest to convert others . The Zoroastrian themselves had to run away from Iran due Islam trying aggressively to convert them.
There seem to be significant similarities with Advaita Vedanta, though AV is not dualistic but monism. This was fascnating. Hope you do more on this topic. Thank you.
Be Honest Didn’t Know Any Religion….. Even My Religion Kristianity …… But Know The Very Basic living the Life as - To Love The Neighbor and The Most How Hisus Kristos Performs Healings …….Interesting To Know - The History of All Religions…….🌞
Zoroastrianism is one of the most influential religions in world history. I trust this overview provided insight and deepened your understanding of Zoroastrianism. If you have further questions, feel free to ask, and let's continue this discussion in the comments. What do you think? Is Zoroastrianism a monotheistic or a dualistic faith? And do you think it will survive in the future?
@@hhwippedcreamThe only true words of Zoraester is found only in Gatha ,the hymns of the prophet to Ahuramazda the Invicible God who is the lord of wisdom the first and last ,just, all knowing a good father for his followers and reward every good deeds ,the prophet denied other gods and called them false gods and said there is only one True God,he talks about two essenes in the world the good (sepanta minoo) and the bad (angra minoo) ,fire is pure warm full of light so is Aura mazda😊so fire is a symbol of Ahura mazda...so thats the role of fire so Gatha is the true religion of the prophet the other parts of Avesta is mainly are the system beliefs of magis
The religion for me from wing that I listened to is a dedicated peace religion, not forcing anyone to be part of it like the crusades.
Their god is weak and loses to the darkness, also why would the real god have such a tiny religion?
@@Dreamy1894 This Armagedon battle is not in the original teachings and doctrine of the religion,if you want to find out the true teachings of Zoroaster you should read Gatha, besides AhuraMazda is the same as Yahweh ,so funny you think all the so called christians are true followers of Jesus i assure you the number of true followers of Jesus are even lower than zoroastrianism,also Zoroaster prophicied the birth of Jesus dude you need to learn a little bit more than sunday morning preaching.
One of the most ancient, strongest, and beautiful religions that we have!!!! The oldest monotheistic religion yet they never caused mass genocide multiple times like the newer religions. Great video!!!!
Abrahamism is older than Zoroastrianism
Good thoughts
Good words
Good deeds
Asha by word means righteousness. by using good thoughts, words and deeds, one may get to the state of Ashai
@@BahmanBahrami-b2p love ❤️ love ❤️ love ❤️ you
This belief will not get you anywhere. ❤
@@maryblessing2205 except peace of mind & happiness doing the will of God
Very righteous in it's simplicity
I am born Zoroastrian. Tandarosti to U. 🇮🇳🇬🇧
Jesus is God the Gospels are more trustworthy than the Avesta. The Torah and the Gospels were written in the first century while the Avesta was written in the seventh century.
Armenia was another country that was once Zoroastrian , there were in fact still Armenian Zoroastrians living in Ottoman Turkey until the Armenian genocide in which they were exterminated . These Armenian Zoroastrians were call Arewordik or children of the sun .
That is so very interesting. Maybe they were Mithraists? Mithraism is a sister religion to Zoroastrianism, and was mainly practiced by the Parthians. Parthians ruled Armenia for more than a thousand years. They worshipped Mithra (Mehr), the god of sun.
The production quality was excellent! I was suprised to see that you only have 3 subscribers. You've earned yourself another
Thank you very much! I am new to YT. I hope to gain more subscribers in the future.
U just gained another
Yes, beautifully done video
Yes the video was very good but the only mistake was the flag shown that's not true IRANian flag...it's for the dirty atrocious Islamic terrorist regime which brutally rules
Fascinating. Thank you. Narrator's voice perfect for teaching videos.
Thank you for your kind comment. Glad you think so!
I enjoy learning about all religions and their histories. I am atheist but can understand why religions had to be invented to help us stay safe and love one another. The afterlife of heaven or eternal hell option is a great deterrent to sin. It is needed.
Thank you for positive comment.
May Almighty guide everyone Ameen.
Are all religions the same? How do I know which is correct? Why should I choose Islam?
These are some of the beauties, benefits and unique aspects of Islam as compared to other beliefs and religions.
1. Close Relationship with the Creator
At the core of Islam is the focus of an individual's personal relationship with God, their Creator. It encourages a believer to have sustained awareness of God which is a key to lasting happiness.
Islam teaches that God is the source of peace. By focusing on this important relationship and following God's guidance, believers will be able to acquire inner peace and tranquillity. Seeking lasting happiness through other means, such as following one's desires or the accumulation of material possessions, will never fill the void we have. This need can only be filled with the awareness of God.
True contentment is found in acknowledging and obeying the Creator: "Truly, in remembering God do hearts find rest." Quran 13:28
The primary reason for this close relationship is that Muslims have a direct connection with their Creator. There is no intermediary, such as praying to, or through, others, in worshipping God.
2. Positive Outlook on Life
Islam gives a person a clear perspective on the events that happen in their life, both good and bad, as they are, in fact, tests from God. It encourages a person to understand events in the context of the overall purpose of life, which is to acknowledge God and obey Him. He created humans with intellect and free will to test them as to who will wilfully choose to follow His guidance. This life is an ultimate testing ground and although we cannot control everything that happens to us, we can control how we react. Islam encourages a person to focus on what is in their control, to be grateful to God for blessings, and to be patient during hardships. Patience or gratitude - this is the formula for a happy life.
Islam encourages the believer to remain free from the extremes of worldly happiness that may cause one to forget God, and the extremes of sadness that may cause one to lose hope and blame God. By not being overly attached to the material world, a Muslim is empowered not only to better handle any calamities, but to be beneficial and generous to society. This leads to a more balanced and optimistic outlook on life.
3. Pure and Clear Concept of God
Unlike other religions, Islam is not named after its founder or the community of its birth. Islam is an attributive title that signifies obedience to God, the Creator of the Universe. One of its main beauties is that it acknowledges the complete perfection, greatness and uniqueness of God with absolutely no compromises. This is reflected in Islam's pure teachings of the attributes of God.
God is One and Unique:
God has no partners, no equals and no rivals.
God has no father, mother, sons, daughters or wives.
God alone is worthy of all worship.
God is the All-Powerful:
God has full authority and power over all things.
Obedience to God does not increase His Power, nor does disobedience decrease His power.
God is the Most High:
There is nothing above or comparable to God.
The attributes of God do not resemble that of His creation.
No part of God is present in anyone or anything.
God is Perfect:
God does not have any human limitations, such as resting on the seventh day after He created the universe.
God always maintains attributes of perfection and does not do anything to compromise this perfection such as "becoming a man" as claimed by other religions. God does not do ungodly acts, so if God became man and took on human attributes, he would, necessarily, no longer be God.
4. Emphasises Both Evidence and Faith
Islam is a religion in which faith is based on clear proof. It encourages people to use their God given intelligence to think and ponder over their life and the universe. Although this life is a test, God has provided sufficient signs and guidance to people who are open-minded and sincere to be able to acknowledge the truth.
"We (God) have certainly sent down Signs that make things clear: and God guides whom He wills to the straight path."Quran 24:46
Unlike other religions, there are many clear proofs, signs and miracles that the book of Islam, The Quran, is from God.
The Quran:
Is free from any errors or contradictions, despite it being revealed over a period of 23 years.
Is preserved, word-for-word, since it was revealed in its original Arabic language, unlike other scriptures which have been distorted, changed or lost.
Contains a simple, pure and universal message that has a profound effect on all those who are sincerely searching for the truth.
Contains a unique and inimitable style of language that is universally known as the pinnacle of Arabic eloquence and linguistic beauty - yet the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who was known to be illiterate.
Contains many amazing scientific facts which have only been discovered recently, despite being revealed over 1400 years ago.
The most rational explanation for the many unique and miraculous aspects of the Quran is that it cannot be from other than God.
5. Forgiveness of Sins
Islam encourages a balance between hope in God's mercy and fear of His punishment - both of which are required to lead a positive and humble life.
We are born sinless but have the free will to commit sins. God created us and knows we are imperfect and commit sins, but the key is how we react to committing those mistakes.
"Do not despair of God's mercy; He will forgive you of all your sins."Quran 39:53
Islam teaches that God is the Most Merciful and will forgive and pardon those who sincerely want to repent. The beautiful steps for repentance include being sincere, remorseful, refraining from committing the sin as well as having the intention not to repeat it. Islam encourages a continuous process of self-development and self-purification. This process happens directly between the individual and God - there is no need for sins to be shared or "confessed" to a righteous person/priest. Furthermore, God does not need to sacrifice himself to forgive sins, nor is anyone "born into sin".
6. Accountability and Ultimate Justice
Islam teaches that God is the Most Just and that each person will be held responsible for their own actions on the Day of Judgement. Each person is accountable, as they have freedom of choice and intelligence to discern between right and wrong.
It is an absolute demand of justice that there be a Day of Judgement where every person is rewarded or punished, otherwise life would be unjust as not everyone receives true justice in this world.
Islam teaches that ultimately we will be judged for how well we fulfilled our responsibilities and exercised our free will. We will be judged by God, the All Knowing and All Wise, who knows and sees everything we do. This encourages a more harmonious society and gives people contentment knowing that justice will ultimately prevail.
7. Practical and Balanced Way of Life
Islam provides the right balance between faith and action, as both are required for a stable life. It provides guidance for all situations and circumstances. It is a practical religion with practical acts of worship that are designed to fulfil the spiritual, physical, psychological and social needs of people.
Examples of practical acts of worship that have numerous benefits include:
The five daily prayers - Enriches the soul by satisfying the spiritual need of being in regular contact with God (especially in today's busy lifestyle); makes one humble by bowing and prostrating to God; removes any barriers/pride/racism between believers praying in congregation; helps one refrain from committing sins given the person stands regularly before God.
The obligatory charity - Purifies a person from selfishness; encourages empathy to the poor; reminds one of the blessings of God; helps reduce poverty; bridges the gap between rich and poor.
The fasting in Ramadan - Promotes spiritual self-purification, self-restraint and growth; scientifically proven health benefits; empathy and awareness of those less fortunate; trains people to acquire the habit of obeying God.
The pilgrimage - Unites people of every colour, race, status and nationality, as pilgrims wear simple and similar clothing, while performing a range of good deeds in congregation.
Given that Islam is from God, every command found in the religion is ultimately good and beneficial to the individual and society when practised correctly. Quranic examples include being honest, forgiving, truthful, kind to one's wife, patient, fair, moderate, modest, sincere, and respecting parents, family and the elderly. There are also many principles in the teachings of Islam that prevent or reduce many of the individual and social ills facing the world today.
8. Universal and Timeless Message
Islam has a message that applies to all people at all times, from the creation of Adam up until the Day of Judgement. It is applicable today as it always has been.
God is accessible to everyone. People may distinguish themselves and earn God's favour through belief and righteous actions only - not through race, wealth, gender, nationality or social class.
Islam's timeless and beautiful message is the same message of all Prophets, including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all). They all called their people to "Submit to the One True God" which, in Arabic, means to become a "Muslim". This submission to God enables one to fulfil the purpose of life by acknowledging the greatness of God and sincerely worshipping him alone. In doing so, one will acquire the countless benefits of Islam mentioned above.
There many things around you in the spirit that you cannot see and realms beyond this. Maybe religion is giving you information.
@@marliahardy7755...you're the "blade of grass that hides the snake".
You spew on about how good islam is, yet never mentioned the barbaric culture it promotes. You guys don't have the fortitude to stand up to the extremists in your cult. You know the macabre violence they're fond of using. What they'll do to you if you speak out.
"Religion of peace"?
Do YOU get 72 virgins when you check out? Where do all these virgins come from anyway? How old are they?
When I was an undergrad, I had a professor from Iran who was an Indo-European specialist. From what I remember, he said that Mithra was a holdover from earlier Indo-Aryan (pre-Vedic) religion.
Thank you for this. People don’t know about Zoroastrians. I am proud to be one.
FUN FACT: Freddie Mercury and his family were Zoroastrians.
This was really well researched. Zoroastrism was one of the subjects when I studied for my Religion Science bachelors degree, yet there were several details in this video I was unaware of. Thank you.
This is one of the saddest history of us Iranians. Muslims forced our ancestors to change our belief through violence. Also the Islamic tyranny of current times... They could force the isalm on us but they cant take what we believe deeply in our heart. As a persian woman I don't believe in any religion but I'm proud to have ancestors of Zorastrian faith ❤ thank you for your informative video.
They share some of the beliefs in islam because they incorporated them.
The islam beliefs in jinns come from zoroastrianism. Shaytan is ahriman.
Asmodeus is a daeva. Asma daeva.
I pray for God to bless you and keep you and reveal himself to you.
به گفته ایران شناس بزرگ، پروفسور ریچارد فرای، جمهوری اسلامی «استیلای دوم اعراب» هست.
I sincerely hope it continues into the future; Zoroastrianism appears to be the well spring of subsequent religions and we can still learn important lessons from this faith. I believe its monotheistic; like Christianity; there is a central figure, a father, good and evil forces and lesser deities who I would compare to the orders of angels. I'm interested in a lecture on the Druze faith. Thanks for this!
I've heard that it's actually been growing in Kurdistan of late but idk if that is true
Yes, the Yazata (lesser deities) are 7 in numbers, which is also the number of archangels in Christianity. In fact, I believe the archangels are directly inspired by the Yazata of Zoroastrianism.
I don't think the existence of the Yazata makes Zoroastrianism any less monotheistic. The Yazata are simply personifications of Ahura Mazda's different qualities-his seven different faces or manifestations, if you will.
This was really good. Thank you for taking the time to create it. I wish you the best on growing your channel! And, yes, I subscribed.
Thank you and blessings to you!
Thank you so much I need to refresh my memory of this it was veey informative.
Very well done ... new follower ... I didn't know much about Zoroastrianism 🙂
Jesus is God the Gospels are more trustworthy than the Avesta. The Torah and the Gospels were written in the first century while the Avesta was written in the seventh century.
@@tylerdyson8410 Why do you have to bring your fucked-up fairytale into this, Tyler? If you did some research, Tyler, you would find that the Avesta was compiled in the 6th century of writings that date back to the 15th BCE, just like your book of filth was compiled in 325 CE by Constantine (he compiled it, not because he believed any of it, but to keep the idiot masses in fear to serve him better) jesus never existed and you have been bamboozled ... but, you have been brainwashed into believing it is true because you are a part of the weak idiot masses through fear of some god who will throw its own children (you) into a lake of fire to burn forever? You claim to worship, but you only worship out of fear of the lake of fire ... who would worship a POS filth like that anyway ... come on Tyler, break the chains of your idiot gods prison and be free 😇
Wow I never knew that they refused to come in to contact with their deceased! Really Fascinating stuff! This was thoroughly a Very good video & you gave me tons of great info bruh, for real… I subscribed 👌
It’s quite a shame that something which was once so spiritually beloved by the many got worn down vastly by a few. Nearly erased if you ask me.
I mean Imagine looking upon the world, several thousand yrs from now, & having to confirm that there is barely anyone left alive knowing of, let alone practicing any sort of abrahamic religion. Pretty nuts to even think that could ever happen. …. yet . . .
We are not all erased.
I really like the saying "good thoughts, good words good deeds" seems like good advice for a good life.
Like the presentation for being respectful and accurate.
Thank you for your kind comment.
Yea dude, the Japanese car reference was hilarious. Seeing if anyone is paying attention?🤣
It's written in the car company's website in first page,,,dude
good overview. It has survived, we are not all erased. Some aspects of the philosophy have evolved.
Very informative and beautifully done. I just subscribed and look forward to future content. Good luck with the channel.
A good video, someday all religions will go the way of this ancient one.
How come every religion on earth teaches good thoughts, good actions, everyone is a follower on particular religion but nobody follows the rules 😢
@erzkikaparvanova2388: "nobody follows the rules." Good point! Dr Deepak Chopra once said, "Of every thought that comes into your mind daily who is the thinker of the thought, maybe God?
Maybe God doesn't want religion. Man uses God for his own selfish reasons, that is to reign power over their subjects all under the lie that God wants it that way.
So, just maybe this is God's way to teach us the truth by making us ignore the church.
You don't need religion to connect with God. Be a Buddhist. "Be lamps onto yourselves, rely on yourselves alone, and don't seek reliance on external support. Hold fast to the truth alone and seek salvation in the truth alone.
Do not look for assistance from any one than yourselves."
I don't think the problem is that " nobody follows the rules ". True religion isn't about the slavish following of rules. It is based on the conversion of the heart. Many people go to church but they haven't given their hearts to Christ. If you genuinely desire God's wisdom, you need to submit to his will in your life.
If everyone followed the rules why would you need to teach?
Follow islam rules and become evil person
Or ✡️ rules
Because everyone has a level of development. The goal is to fit the right religion to their development.
Lovely video in general ❤️🔥🍀❤️🔥🙏
And in the beginning, there weren't 2 sizes, good and evil. It was only ahura Mazda .. Then they create it 2 forms of worship
got it
Great overview. I subscribed because I like the channel name 🙂
Thank you for your support and for noticing my carefully chosen channel name! 😊💗
Thanks 🙏 it was a eye-opening message
Please never stop, keep doing this good work❤❤❤
Thank you for your kind words.
@@_quovadis_ you are welcome 🤗
Amazing , Thanks for sharing your work
This was put together really well. I wish you rapid growth.
Thank you very much!
I wish there were more of us. ❤
There will be , with the grace of Dadar Ohrmazd!
Amazing video! I loved it.
Excellent explanation. Thank you greatly.
We are with you shyam
Most of the themes in Zoroastrianism seem somewhat familiar... apparently someone in a different robe thought to craft a separate religion based on these concepts.
Same for Christianity, nothing new and just copies of older religions like Hinduism and Zarathustra
Ahura Mazda = Awareness
Spenta/Angra Manyu = Experience
Rainbow Bridge = Conversion
Ashiman = Constructive Impulse
Ahriman = Destructive Impulse
When experience contains awareness there is chaos, bondage, reaction.
When awareness contains experience there is order, Sovereignty, response
Any experience we can learn from, thereby benefits us, even if in spite of itself.
Dream your experience. Experience your dream.
Thank you so much. I always wished to know more about that.
You're most welcome!
Freddie Mercury’s family were migrants. Their first home was in India. Then they moved to Zanzibar, before finally settling in England.
Like his ancestors, Freddie Mercury integrated into a new culture. He changed his name, and became a Western pop icon.
Yet through it all, he remained immensely proud of his heritage.
Freddie Mercury was a Zoroastrian! It is even mentioned in the movie about his life when his father tells him that it is their belief to go out into the world and do good for others.
The singer of the rock band Queen lost his required path for Zoroastrian divine path, to the street secularism, and was mislead as a kid in the poor neighborhood of London.
Prince's of the universe.
❤️❤️Ahura Mazda ❤️❤️
Freddie Mercury ❤ called himself a Persian poppinjay, of Persian descent which is now Iran. Parsi Indians are all of Persian descent. Farrokh Bulsara 😊 His parents still practiced the faith.
I'm working on a theory that Zoroaster is the same person as Cainan/Kainan from the book of Jubiliees. He would have been descrended from the people who became the Chaldeans, and married the daughter of Madai, from whom the Medes come. The empire based around the Zoroastrian religian was called the Kainyam dynasty. Based on Biblical Geneologies, Kainam and Nimrod correspond to Zoroaster and Vistsspa. The previous dynasty corresponds to the number of patriarch between Adam and Noah, and both kingdoms lasted 2000 years. This would have been when Nimrod (Sargon) began to expand his kindgom beyond southern Iraq to take over all of Mesopotamia and Syria.
Since Zoroastrianism tended to change over time, and Daniel was over the Magi for about 50 years. (the same era that Pythagoras studied under the Magi), it is more likley that Zoroastrianism was influenced by Judaism by the 4th century rather than vice versa. The leading scholar on Old Avestan and Zoroastriansim believes the true religion is as old as 1700 BC. This would put its origin shortly after the Biblical Tower of Babel, which was a story of how the languages were divided, apparently held by tribes as far as Mexico and California, and held by Syrian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Phonecian historians in Josephus' day, along with the Sybilline Oracles, which date back to the 7th century BC.
Quite interesting, the Cainan-Madai daughter union, Madai, the japhetite, seizing land and occupying it and building empires around the occult knowledges from Cainam, origin of most religions around the world as men were dispersed after the tower overthrow. The similarities between religious practices and architectures cross continents could well be explained around those times, tying all together and making the biblical narrative a trustworthy source. No wonder God elected Abraham to preserve the original language and the ways of God by asking him to leave his idolatrous siblings.
Your research is fantastic! Don't focus on the negative comments, if one fact/word is wrong. The rest is flawless!
What a beautiful religion 😊❤
This is probably a silly thing to say but i feel like there is a huge field of horror books and movies that could come out of zoroastrianism. I read a short horror story about 35 years ago about a cab driver that got caught up in some zoroastrian evil spirits doings....it was awesome and ive been trying to find the name for years
Probably made by Muslims lol
Excellent video.
Excellent video, I would have just looked up how to pronounce certain words ahead of time, like Achaemenid.
I noticed the word Andra(?) English Anger/angry! I also Sense a bit of Dante's Divine Comedy in some of the precepts. Very interesting!
It’s angra. I agree. also see it as anger.
In the Gathas, Zarathushtra calls the old Aryan gods, Daevas or false gods who are the creations of evil mind 30-3. Those false gods include Mithra and Anahita who are not named in the Gathas but the Mithraic tradition is denounces. In the later Achaemenids era, during the rein of Ardeshir the second (408-357 BCE) in order to form a unified religion, Mithra and Anahita and other entities that had been denied by Zarathushtra, were reintroduced as Yazatha (the praiseworthy) and the creations of Ahura Mazda. Thus for the first time in the inscriptions of Ardeshir 2nd, Mithra and Anahita are named after Ahura Mazda.
In the Gathas, after death, the soul is guided by conscience. The soul of the righteous shall pass the sorting bridge or Chinovat, but the soul of the wrongful will be upbraided by conscience, does not pass the bridge and shall return. But Gathas stop here and does not depict the heaven and hell. The line of separation of the two, poetically is called the sorting bridge.
Saoshiant in the Gathas is a general term, meaning benefactor. It applies to those who bring benefit to the society and advance the civilization. It is a general term that may include a good labor, scientist or a leader. Gathas does not teach us to look for a future savior, because we by our decisions, determine our destiny and fate. In other words we are the author of our life and the architect of our fate. The purpose of living is to promote the living world toward perfection, In this regard humans are friends and companion of God. There is no room for belief in pre-ordained fate, slavery, exploitation and coercive conversion.
Some Words are Very Interesting…….🌞
The Abrahamic religion had its origin around 1900 BC so it is more likely that a Near-Death Experience with its God and its monotheism influenced the Persian empire, with Zoroastrianism being their version of the Abrahamic religion.
wow this was such nice and important infromation well put together too where is all the zoroastrians at
Zoroaster is thought to have lived circa 1600 BC as dated by philologists due to the archaic nature of his language (Avestan), which is a sister language of Sanskrit and nearly mutually intelligible.
You said well about Tata group of India. There are many other reputed business owner such as Godrej group.
@ 12:49 you show the images of both Good & Evil facing off....it doesn't make sense that the response of Good should be the Fury expressed rather the sublime 'mirrored shield of light' is the counter to Evil. The mirrored shield reflects back the dark forces....while its owner's silent meditations strengthen....
With the man in the picture, what is the round thing with leg holders?? Is that part of their transportation holders besides the horses?? Could it be possible that because the group or various groups values their horses is like spreading ‘wings like the eagles’?? Somehow it’s just symbolic . Just wondering.
Interesting, I shall sub.
AhuraMazda is the only God we believe and the war between two forces is between Angra Maenu(the mind of anger and deconstruction…) Vs. Sepanta Maenu(the mindset of life expansion and constructive…)
It will survive& once again will reach the glory,please note what goes up comes down and he who bites the dust shall rise again, my respects to my religion, my prophet, my teacher the greatest of all ZARTHUSTRA
Fire is hypnotic
Also one of the four elements of the Cosmos, which is essential in the means of
'Inner Transformation' to attain 'Light' (Enlightenment).
Thanks. Let’s see if it goes into my dream.
Did it go into your dream? ☺
I believe that divisiveness such as animal sacrifice and intricate rituals are ways in which we can use the fifth dimension to create gods in the fourth dimension to explain us to ourselves in the third dimension. Our conscious creates beyond the boundaries of our physical existence. outside of this linear life, we are one. Experience is the quest. Experience all of it. Eternal love and gratitude.
A colorful religion with parallels to other religions and Prophets. They were the first monotheistic religion.
Thank you! This makes me wonder if much of Christianity wasn't borrowed Zoroastrianism.
Nope. But kinda actually, cause Christianity is Jesus and Followers of "The Way" who is a mix of "God-fearers" (wich was from Roman Paganism wich was burrowed from Greek Paganism wich was from Indo-European Polytheism) and Pharisees, Essenes and Zealots who was Jews.
And Judaism "is outta" Israelite Religion AND Zoroastrianism wich is out of Indo-European Polytheism 🤯
They r family..
Nope it isnt. But actually kinda cause CHRISTIANITY is Jesus and Followers of "The Way", who was "God-fearers", from Roman Paganism and Jews. And JUDAISM is out of Israelite Religion AND ZOROASTRIANISM (wich is from Indo-European Polytheism. 🧐🤫😉🤔
AND Roman Paganism is inspired of Greek Paganism wich is also out of Indo-European Polytheism🤯
So yea they r familyyy ❤️
@@BardouSiait’s the first known monotheistic religion. How is it polytheism?
To know the foundation of Mazdaysna (worship of the wise /all knowing lord) one must read and understand a couple of the translations of the Gathas(the words/songs) from prophet Zarathushtra.
One fundamental in Mazdayasna, is respect for life, Truth, knowledge of the Truth and renewal of the creation, either the material or the spiritual!
One Day Humanity Will Get The Meaning of -All …..Energy Forces ……Telling the Same Concepts……🌞
Very interesting. As far as being remembered in the future I think we're running out of it (future). I think the "end-times" are upon us, knocking at the door...
Some of the core rituals act came from Zoroastrian (Namaz) He also went up to collect Salah (Namaz)
The Founder believed there is only one God if a male and female God exists while also believing in the Spirit world of Dual reality with emphasis on good actions bring good outcomes along with showing empathy and compassion to others in the world of black and white or good and bad.
The Magi were Babylonian not Persian. These priests watched the skies every night looking for signs to interpret to the King of Babylon. They saw a new star and divined it to be the herald of the birth of a king. They most likely brought tribute as representatives of their king, to pay homage.
The Persian empire was huge. It covered Babylon for long time.
Persian empire was huge. They ruled Babylon for a long time.
Ich bin Zaza meine Vorfahren waren İraner ❤️Schöne Grüße aus Deutschland ❤️🇩🇪🇩🇪
Greetings from Iran. The Zazas are originally an Iranian people. And Kurds are also an Iranian people, but the Kurds deny they are Iranians. We in Iran love all Iranic Peoples.
Goddess anahita is similar to goddess Durga and Saraswati is considered as a angel of the supreme God Ahura Mazda.
You are welcome! Thank you for watching!
2:15: Sorry, but the Abrahamic faiths are not dualistic. Satan is not God's equal. He is God's creature.
I don't consider "Abrhamic faiths" to even be valid term.
@@news_internationale2035 Then you're a moron.
Whether or not you believe in any of them is immaterial. The term "Abrahamic religions" is a standard term - and used regardless of whether the one using it believes in any of them or not - to describe those religions that claim descendant from Abraham (whose existence is also irrelevant as far as the validity of the term goes).
Wow 😮 wonderful very informative thanks ❤so much
But as you are a scaler and have the all necessary equipment please search deeper inside books to find the true establishment of z. I am from that part of the world 🌎 believing z is as old as 1600 bc Good luck best wishes Cyrus London ❤😂
Thank you for your comment and support! I am planning to make more videos about other aspects of Zoroastrianism. Since I visited Iran, I have been truly fascinated by Zoroastrianism. 💗
They are very selective about who they let in. You forgot the Bahai faith from Persia todays Iran. I believe the religion is much older than we thing.
Thank you for your comment. I am making a video about the Bahai faith soon.
@@_quovadis_ I'll be more than willing to help with anything about the faith I've been a Bahai for over 40 years, Bahais tend to study all faiths since they are all connected
I see many resemblance to Hindu believes. It's funny like most of religions speak about similar stuff but still fight against each other. Most religions believe in one God Who has helpers ( angels, demigod, etc.)
Thx for the info. Its too bad about the Avest.
Mein früher Religion, ich liebe zoroastrismus ❤️
Zoroastrianism is a monotheistic religion. Angra Menu has never been equal to Ahura Mazda, but it’s equal is Spenta Menu which is progressive forces against regarding forces. These forces are in human mind and not cosmic forces. The teaching of Zarathustra himself is distinguished from the rest of the Avesta because the language is a most ancient form of Avestan language translated with the help of Sanskrit as they are very close relative languages. In Zoroastrianism the for elements of; air, water, earth and fire are sacred and must not be polluted.
The book of Zarathustra was written in the Medche. Prophet Zoroaster came from the Medes and the Kurds created Iran. Now Islam has infected us, we cannot get out of it, we are too far behind.😢
In the Gathas of Zarathushtra, there is no entity comprising of all the evil to be feared or worshiped out of fear. In other words unlike other religions, personification of evil in the form of Satan in Abrahamic religions or Ahriman in the later Avesta does not take place. Even in the Achaemenids inscriptions, there is no mention of an evil entity like Ahriman. To come to the point, In Zarathushtra's mindset, Ahriman does not exist to stand against Ahura Mazda. In Yasna 30, from the beginning there are two essences born in the mind and dreams, one is for the better and the other for the worse. One results in Life (Constructive living) and the other brings Un-Life (alive but not truly living, or destructive life). Men and women are given freedom to choose one of the two paths, considering the end results. Choosing the righteous path will bring happiness to the living world and spiritual relief to the person, and resorting to lies and wrath causes destruction to all and inner torment to the wrong chooser. As noted, Heaven and Hell are the two states of mind that one generates in this world and both are discerned in conscience.
Ahriman is the leader of the divs and jinn as well.
The concept of Abrahamic religions was conceived in the nile valley , Egypt
The biblical narrative will account for the spreading of similar religious practices found in south america, middle east, far east and Egypt. Even the zigurat like architectures do match, meaning they stem from the same place, where men were dispersed around the earth. They went and settled and carried on with what they learned when they were of one language at the height of Nimrod's rule.
Abraham was commanded by God to leave the idolatrous surroundings of his family in Chaldea, it's very unlikely he went to Egypt just to learn the same occult knowledge he left back. He was elected to keep God's ways.
❤️🔥✨Love Zaratushtra❤️🔥🌞❤️🔥
The golden light ✨🌞✨The golden star🌟
Zarathustra’s cousin name was Madiyoumah means crescent(Half) moon🌛
Nobody ask about meaning of other people name! Reza! Jesus! Abraham!… Why then when we are not sure about Zarathustra name meaning, translate to some nonsense meaning 🤔 if we have to choose between the camel or light/star I think it is more make sense to choose light or star as he was the star of the humanity ✨🌞✨👑
The flag in ur clip is not our real flag. This is the flag of Islamic regime. Our flag has a lion and sun and has been flag of Iran from hundred years ago. Thank u
Exactly thanks for emphasizing that❤
A problem for them is that you cannot convert.You must be born to two Zoroastrian parents
Yes, this is a fascinating fact.
That was the past and the philosophy has evolved since that decree.
@@yvonnethompson5568 According to the Parsi Priestly cast and tradional zorastrians , even today, you must be born to two zorastrian parents. There may be a reform group like judaism, but they would be a minority. For people to convert a divine prophet will need to appear on the planet
If all religion were like that i.e you cannot convert to that religion it would have stopped a lot of atrocities committed in the quest to convert others . The Zoroastrian themselves had to run away from Iran due Islam trying aggressively to convert them.
That is true about the Indian traditionalists. But in the west, most of the Zoroastrian association accept the new converts.
There seem to be significant similarities with Advaita Vedanta, though AV is not dualistic but monism. This was fascnating. Hope you do more on this topic. Thank you.
Very interesting. In my estimation much more like Abrahamite religions as they were before the monotheist craze, rather than Gnosticism.
Cyrus the Great💙💙💙
25:55 I thought one of the major teachings of Zarathustra was to NOT perform animal sacrifices?
Ahora Mazdah 💙🙏💙
Be Honest Didn’t Know Any Religion….. Even My Religion Kristianity …… But Know The Very Basic living the Life as - To Love The Neighbor and The Most How Hisus Kristos Performs Healings …….Interesting To Know - The History of All Religions…….🌞
Fun fact: in Japanese, the name of the car is actually pronounced "matsuda"