Taking a look at the latest iteration of jump point traversal. This was actually my first jump from Stanton to Pyro. In my previous attempts, the jump points either didn't function or there was severe latency issues due to the amount of players in the area.
Thanks for the video. I appreciate your short and to the point updates on how things are progressing. Travel time in the actual wormhole is about twice what it should be to actually be fun and engaging imho.
I remember watching early videos of this jump point and when someone opened the gate a very blinding light would come out of the gate (Which makes sense seeing how bright it is in there) and if that moment was timed correctly with the anglic vocals of the entry theme tune.....It was one of the most epic moments for me in gaming history! I really hope they bring that blinding light effect back as it adds so much to this almost biblical moment in the game.
Never quite understood why pilots would choose to continuously rebound away from the jump point at high speed as if stuck in cruise control, rather than just stop by the gates and wait to be pulled in.
Only Drake ships should sound like that. They should make different sets of "hull stress sounds" for various manufacturers. And this one? This one is Drake.
i tried with the polaris made it to pyro then got server error and it threw me back out into stanton but broke the ship i was stuck going qt speed but not in qt lol
Taking a look at the latest iteration of jump point traversal. This was actually my first jump from Stanton to Pyro. In my previous attempts, the jump points either didn't function or there was severe latency issues due to the amount of players in the area.
with ingame music it feels better
So glad they removed the light rays in the tunnel on the last iteration. Looks much better again.
My old eyes find the tunnel a bit too bright for me to see how the tunnel is turning. It was much better today than previously.
Thanks for the video. I appreciate your short and to the point updates on how things are progressing. Travel time in the actual wormhole is about twice what it should be to actually be fun and engaging imho.
I remember watching early videos of this jump point and when someone opened the gate a very blinding light would come out of the gate (Which makes sense seeing how bright it is in there) and if that moment was timed correctly with the anglic vocals of the entry theme tune.....It was one of the most epic moments for me in gaming history! I really hope they bring that blinding light effect back as it adds so much to this almost biblical moment in the game.
So goddamn pretty. Hope they resolve the issues and release live sooner than later.
Holy quality
I want you to know this looks absolutely fucking SICK on my new 77" TV. Great first thing to watch on it haha
man when is the particle burst gonna come back to the jump point opening
I think the first person to open the jump point gets that effect. I entered the tunnel later in the queue.
Looks amazing
seems optimized now !
Never quite understood why pilots would choose to continuously rebound away from the jump point at high speed as if stuck in cruise control, rather than just stop by the gates and wait to be pulled in.
Only Drake ships should sound like that. They should make different sets of "hull stress sounds" for various manufacturers. And this one? This one is Drake.
no music?
Hope they reduce the bright light in the tunnel, even on a phone its too much
i tried with the polaris made it to pyro then got server error and it threw me back out into stanton but broke the ship i was stuck going qt speed but not in qt lol
Which Zeus MK2 did you use, the CL or the Explorer?
They used the same cracking sounds from Elite Dangerous...smh