Roxo Wyatt same, it’s hard to truly believe some of these stories. Though I’m not saying they’re all lies but I guess until it happens to one us, then maybe we’ll be true believers.
This is gonna sound REALLY stupid but , couple years ago we got a new washer and dryer. They were RED. I swear to god they were RED for MONTHS. I woke up one morning and went into the kitchen (where the washer a dryer are) glance at the washer and dryer and double take. They're now silver. I remember telling my parents that red didn't match and clearly remember them saying that they were fine. Asked my mom "what happened to the red washer and dryer? " and she looks at me and says "What? ...they were never red" i swear to whatever god you believe in they were red.
Lol 😅 "I swear to what ever God you believe in..". A god somebody else believes in. Like swearing to Allah or shivA or oh yeah I would swear to someone else God but mine if you have one
Alternate universe swap. Everything is pretty much the same except for small details. I added a new song to my playlist and my moms in the car like “you always play this” I’m like “no I don’t I added it yesterday” she’s like “you been playing it for months” and starts singing along. I’m pretty sure me from another universe plays that song and somehow my mom from that universe traded places with her. And my mom in the other universe is like “this is new” and Other universe me is like “I play this all the time”😭
I understand your plight. Something similar has happened to me before. Also people tell me about memories that they have with me that I do not remember and they swear I was there and it’s a couple of different people. They don’t know each other. So no idea but it’s definitely strange. But I try to always be skeptical.
A couple of years ago, I went into the hospital for a minor surgery. My boyfriend drove me and stayed with me most of the time. I was to stay overnight, have the procedure, and go home the next afternoon. My room was not bad,pale yellow walls and bedspread. There was even a view of the park across the street. The nurses wore blue scrubs. After the surgery I woke up in an entirely different room. Gray walls,blue bedspread,the view was only a narrow section of the parking lot. The doctors and nurses were also different. They were wearing generic white uniforms and no name tags. But the strangest thing was that my boyfriend was different. I love my guy and I think he's cute,but he is very skinny and wears braces. When my boyfriend came into the hospital room afterwards,he was very buff! Weighed about 15 pounds more,all muscle. No braces, and had very straight teeth. I was extremely confused about everything but I was unable to stay awake. When I woke up again, everyone and everything was back to the original: yellow room,blue scrubs, skinny boyfriend. I never told anyone about this strange occurrence.
Anesthesia effects maybe? I know when I'm in anesthesia I'm way wayyy out of the world and struggling to remember if certain things after waking up actually happened or if I dreamt it. That's my experience, anyhow.
@Canatotaur Not angry, just confused. in the story, he said he has a phone and google maps which I assume it is modern phone and that it can record videos and pics. If he truly saw what he said he saw, Record the evidence and show the world. Why didn't he do that? All we got is this story which for all we know it's fake or creepypasta. This could finally be evidence of a parallel universe afterall.
One night I went up to bed while my wife and our dog stayed downstairs to watch TV. About 20 minutes later it felt like my dog jumped on the bed, and I saw a shadow of what looked like my dog standing on the bed tilting his head curiously at the wall across from the foot of the bed. I said something like "Hi, did you come to check on me?" Then I heard my wife call up and ask if I was okay. I said that the dog jumped on the bed and I was talking to him, but she said the dog had been laying near her the entire time. I turned the light on and there was nothing there. Dun dun dunnn.
This happened to my father once but it was in the morning after he woke up later than the rest of the house. He heard the dog walk around the room and sniff things then felt her jump up and lay down on his legs but she wasn’t actually there.
I once had a weird "glitch" involving a car crash. It was around 1am and I was with a buddy of mine, we were partying and had to go drop off some girls, heading back to his house and there is a bridge before the road to his house. I was nodding off the whole way back and when I got to the bridge it was as if time had stopped. Suddenly it was lit with florescent light, keep in mind its pitch black in the early morning, I couldnt breath but wasnt affected by it, I felt no temperature change but I was warm. This is in November and its decently cold during the night and early morning, yet it felt like spring. I started walking down bridge towards the light to turn onto the street towards my friends house. I turned back and saw my truck stopped, my friend was still sitting in the same position, not moving. I can see lights all over the sky but it was dark and suddenly a voice comes from out of nowhere, it's a voice that belonged to my uncle. He had said "what are you doing here? It hasnt been long enough yet." I respond back "is this a dream? Cause if not I have no idea what's going on." He says "I missed you too, but it's not your time." Then a bellowing voice that says "WAKE UP!" I snap back into my body at the light still rolling towards the white line. a car is coming from the left at about 45mph. I slam on the brakes and miss the car by about a foot, if I had not stopped in time, I would have been crushed and possibly killed. To this day I dont understand what had happened or where I was.
Yeah, the bit here your 'uncle' responds as if it is a near death experience, like you want to pass over to him etc, and not to what you actually said, makes it seem like a program. A soul collecting program. Innit. :(
The last person sounded crazy. Putting random objects in the grocery store in different places just to see what happens? Nothing happened, you just pissed off the people who work there crazy face.
I also thought this sounded more like a person having a mental breakdown. Especially when he said he quit his law job, Randomly. The high stress job probably pushed him over the edge. Also the one where the guy ran into his look alike at the band concert just sounds like someone who ran into someone else that looks like them.
I've done *EXACTLY* the same thing as the 10th story when I was in middle school. Our teacher was reading a book to our class, and I started whispering the sentences ahead of the teacher. Freaked out the entire class, and the teacher, so much they sent me out of the classroom. During the entire episode this happened I felt strangely calm and peaceful. It was a weird feeling, because I knew I shouldn't feel like that when I could tell what people were going to say ahead of them saying it. But I did anyways.
Was walking home one night and some guy walks past me with this big ass wide smile saying hello, ten minutes later, and I'm 90% percent sure, that the same guy walks past saying the same thing. The thing that baffled me was that I was walking on a straight road.
I had a bad car wreck once. I flipped multiple times. I remember feeling like I didn't survive and even checked and crawled back inside to see if my body was in there. Maybe I didn't survive. Idk weird. It felt like I was dead. I kept grabbing my face and stuff. Pinching myself. Just looking at the blood all over me. Coulda just been shock and trauma but it was a very strange experience
That last dude actually just sounds like my schizophrenic cousin. They also dropped their career and privileged life to run around doing weird random crap, claiming the military was following them, yadda yadda etc. They ended up punching some dude and screeching about the government and holograms. now they're confined to their parents house. The dude in the story will probably end up the same way, if he hasn't already.
I have Bipolar Disorder, and boy. Can I feel the paranoia on occasion. I really hate it at this time. Because my neighbor has an actual, flesh and blood stalker. So now that paranoia is jacked up
I just cooked a hotdog and threw it on the floor on purpose, craziest thing happened the cashier from the grocery store I bought them from showed up at my door with a fresh pacc and charged me $3.29. I didn't even have to go to the store!
I had a NDE back in December. I lost consciousness out of no where and flat lined for 10 minutes. They almost called it. I can remember it felt like aliens were picking at my brain and sent me back. I woke up in the hospital 7 hours later and had this suspicion that I'm not in my realty. I feel like I did die and got sent to another reality, things feel ever so slightly different here. Maybe I should share my story on Reddit lol
I've had 3 car accidents at over100 mph, and every time I came back to consciousness, I was completely unharmed, and even passed several different blood alcohol breathalyzers and had drank over 2 5th's of tequila, yet instead I blew 0.0's across the board. sure that Life just keeps going, or that God moved me alone to another dimension each time, or I wouldn't be here.
@@blackwaterboogieofficialac7149 I remember I was going to job core and I had drank like 3 four Loko s which have 12% alc in 23.3 ounces. And I also do another drug but the dorm guy looks at me and breathalyzers me and it came out 0.0 blood alc . I thought to myself I had drank 3 damn 4 loko s like WTH. It was weird but I didn't really feel that drunk. But of course I was on uppers as well..maybe it reads like your just drunk as you feel your breath will be accordingly ?. I'ma look that up though on Google about people who have drank alot and read 0 on the test
Ok I have a story of my own so me and a couple people went to the beach with our parents. Later on it was getting darker so almost everybody left but it was me, my cousin and his parents and my parents. We we're at this beach like state park and there was no lights there so at night there was barely light, there was some other people were there to, they were farther away tho. So me and him were sitting in the back of his parents suv and we were watching TikToks because we were bored. Couple minutes go by and we notice truck lights kinda coming towards us like those people were leaving so we pay no mind to it and watch more TikToks 5 minutes go by and we notice the truck lights were not moving towards us no more it was weird and me and him notice that everything was quite even the ocean was, our eyes adjusted to the dark so we could see. We start looking around because it was weird and we couldn't find our parents so we keep walking around to see if they went on a walk, well we notice that all the other vehicles had no people in there and there was no one at the beach. It felt like everyone left, but left their vehicles there, we walk back to our parents cars freaking out, and there was these sand dunes in the back on the other side of the road way and we both see them. All of a sudden we see this shadow figure person standing on the dunes and then it just stays there, then it started running away and we hear this loud whisper say "wake up" and there was this strong gust of wind that hit both of our chest and then everything came back and our parents were packing up getting ready to go and they look at us and say "are you okay?" It was weird like we went in a alternative dimension that had no one and it switched back to normal and we told our parents what happened but no one believed us and they said stop acting all weird but we knew that there is something more than this dimension even to this day we cant explain it. That is my glitch type story
Commenting less than 1m in just to say, first narrator that doesn’t sound like a robot and better still sounds human with the inflection and emotion. Keep it up, you’re a rare UA-cam commodity bud! Thank you. Very welcome find.
amazing stories. have had a couple glitches as well. Love #11. The only thing I find shocking these days are the people who DON’T believe in anything “out of the ordinary.”
Once when I was at an overnight camp a few years ago, and I lost a knife in a lake and assumed I would never see it again. Just yesterday I found the knife in my pocket of some pants I got only a month ago
The last story was the best, definitely the most interesting and creative "glitch in the matrix" story I've heard. I'd definitely be interested in hearing a long-form version!
Hey Lets Read, I know you may not see this because you get like millions of comments A day, but I wanted to tell you that you're my favorite story teller, I always have you on background when playing non story heavy games, writing music, or just scrolling. Keep it up!
I love glitch in the Matrix stories and often wonder how often I have glitched, but my memory was revised to have not noticed or remember the glitches.
I think I've passed into another dimension or maybe my partner has. We have been together for nearly 11 years. I know everything he likes food wise as I do the shop every week. Anyway I picked him up some snacks I know he likes, but when I passed them to him he said he doesnt like some if those snacks. I said I always buy them and he always likes them...and eats them. He said he never liked them and I don't buy them him and never have... Strange but true. o.O
Since my father passed my mother is now alone for the first time in her life. My mom is 74, they were married for 52 years. My mom told me the other day she'll hear me or one of my brothers call for her from the other room, when we're not there. She said she was in the bathroom and she heard me say "hey mom, I'm here. Where you at?". She said she answered and said " I'm in the bathroom. I'll be out in a minute". When she came out the bathroom no one was there. She said it has happened three times. And she claims she heard our voices clear as can be. And she answered every time. Luckily she isn't freaking out about it. She believes it has something to do with loosing my dad and now living alone.
@@TCM215 there were systems for chatting back in the late 70s. The web forums became bigger in early 90s. I got internet at home in 95(yeah it sucked lol) but my ex was using forums at work years before that
I live in Quinton, Birmingham about 6-7miles from Kings Norton, which I know fairly well. Not too far away, couple of miles, you can get to countryside eventually leading to Solihull. Very weird story about the strange village that could never be found again. I love it when somewhere I know is mentioned here.
Okay, a little experience of my own, which probably was just a case of misreading but well, here it is: I was in Helsinki with my brother last month to see Steven Wilson performing at Kulttuuritalo. We had some time to spend before the show (which was incredible btw) and he was talking about a piece of clothing he'd like to buy. I pointed out a shop about ten meters away from us and said its name aloud, like: "There's --- right there? But it doesn't sell what you're looking for." Later we walked by that same store and I read the sign again and was like: "Wtf, you see that?" The store had a different name. The funny thing is I can't remember the name I said aloud earlier and neither does my brother, he only remembers that it was different. And yes, he took a look at the store himself earlier and saw the sign too. Maybe it was the angle we were looking at the place that made it hard to read in the first time... I don't know. We joked that we had just entered another reality. Maybe we did.
I have one of my own.. I was standing on a gravel/dirt road that's got my driveway along it, and, I was chatting with my friend, talking about ideas if we were to create videogames, and, I picked up a rock and chucked it down the road, never heard it land. It flew past us. Was really weird.
Probably, that or mentally ill, like seriously it is just insane. (Honestly its far more likely that he has some mental illness) Just listen to his words, he clearly doesn't seem to understand how his actions are noticed by others and are clearly him having problems. Some woman walked through me, the preacher "somehow knew what I had done" the police refusing to let him go after he was found laying outside of his car with his head next to the tire? Like fucking hell anyone would allow that person to just go on a plane like nothing just happened.
@CFH GIRLI used to wish we could all be back in the sixties or seventies. The thing is, it was cool in the 90's - in a lot of ways I miss it. Just remember that people have all pretty much been the same - human nature and all - and that it is one's character that makes life what it is. I was in my 20's in the 90's, but the older I get, the more I learn all the time that I have a lot of control over my own good times!! So, rock on!!
When I heard story 6, I was reminded of the movie where the late Kirk Douglas played the Captain of the USS Nimitz & were transported back from 1980 to 12/06/41, the day prior to bombing of Pearl Harbor Naval Base by the Japanese. I think the movie was called The Final Countdown. This was, certainly, a glitch in the matrix story.
The best thing about your channel is you give us the sources so we can look for ourselves and don't have to worry if it just a Nosleep story - yes I think I saw someone who said "true story" and then having stories of nosleep.
Story 10!! This happened to me!! One day in junior high school I was sitting in class when suddenly I got deja vu. I looked over at my teacher sitting at his desk, he was talking with one of the kids in class but I could hear what he was saying. All of a sudden I knew what he was going to say a second or two before he said it. I could both “see” and hear him saying it in my mind, and then it came out exactly as it did in my head. It went on for two or three sentences maybe and then the deja vu stopped and so did that phenomenon. I know there are some ordinary explanations. I could have extrapolated what he was going to say. But nothing like this has ever happened to me before or since. I knew for certain every word he was going to speak. The weird thing was that it felt very calm and certain in that state. Just the most natural thing in the world. And then it stopped
I had a glitch in the matrix once. I was walking in the countryside and took a picture of a sunflower. I could see the date and the time I took the picture at. It was 19/2/2021 16:45 PM when I took the picture. I went home and I was sent a photo from someone I know who took a picture of the sunflower at the exact same time 16:45 PM. I thought I was alone. The camera angle even looks like how I took the picture.
I was driving my kid to school today and I saw a Fire Station I’ve never seen before , right before that I had a strong feeling I didn’t know where I was 🤷🏻♀️
This happened to me now that I went to Oaxaca, 🇲🇽. 8 years ago there was a big court like thing right next to road right when we get to the town, I even asked my mom who was standing next to me what was it used for and she said according to my aunt they rent it out for parties, and special events. This past August 2023 I went back and it wasn't there anymore, there was nothing there, I asked my mom "remember that big court looking thing right there?" She said no there has never been anything there, I was shocked, I know for a fact it was there, I have great memory so I remember things that happened since I was around 2 years old, and I am not even kidding.
Really? Really??? Really what? Are you saying really in context to these events not being believable or the lack of vids/pics? Your comment is kinda all over the place in terms of logical progression of sentence structuring. There's a lack of ebb & flow, see? Sometimes these things occur too fast for someone to process & attempt to record, or at times a camera phone isn't present. Unless people start walking around with GoPros strapped to their heads to record 24/7.
I always think of these as fun little bs creepy pasta stories that help me get to sleep. But at 30:50 this story is very similar to an experience I had in 5th grade. I was walking in a group with my class on the way to the gymnasium. As we walked by the stairs to the music room on the way, while two of my friends were talking. My head down, I half listened when what he was saying sounded extremely familiar. I looked up at them and the whole situation felt like a recent memory. I'd say it's just de'jvue when your mind gets tired. But it was so vivid and I clearly remember muttering to myself the next two sentences out of his mouth while remembering his hand gestures that he had not yet done. I then stared at them as it all unfolded in front of me. I had remembered something that hadn't happened yet. I tried explaining the experience to them immediately and they blew it off and I never brought it up again. Still I find myself thinking about this even 20 years later because I've never had de'jvue like that before or since.
For story 9, with the guy waiting for his sister, as with many other stories read here, these glitches are time portals translated into holographic phenomena. Time portals are rifts in time that allow for perception into other dimensions of existence, on a 3 dimensional scale in this instance. Since the past, present and future all move simultaneously (which is another topic for another time) these tend to bleed over into each other, which is then seen as someone, like the sister for example, walking in and being in responsive. This is because they are in another time, and can not see you. This happens a lot, and are what you would call, "glitches in the matrix".
I was six when I started questioning my dad with a “Theory” that the past,present and future are all still happening. I said what if right now in another dimension, we’re storming the beaches of Normandy and WW2 is still happening. He looked at me quite surprised and said, I’ve always wondered the same thing. Looking back I cannot fathom why that thought would have crossed my 6year old mind. I’ve had countless weird things happen to me. Which only got weirder after a NDE.
I’ve heard of a similar phenomenon. Can’t remember what battlefield and where, I think somewhere around England or Scotland or right around those areas, but there is an old battlefield that occasionally, people have reported to have seen an ancient medieval battle in short spurts. Just screaming and metal clashing and horses going wild as people tore into each other. Then it just vanishes and it’s just a plain open field. I’ll need to look it up again, but I always thought it was badass.
@@aonairskies I don’t know if it’s the same one I heard about as a kid, but England does have an incredibly haunted battlefield called Edgehill. Shepherds reported apparitions fighting for hours, and the horror supposedly would repeat frequently in the right conditions. And then just...vanish. Really cool.
Took a bit but finally found a channel reading these stories with a human voice and not an annoying obvious AI voice that completely just kills the vibe. Cheers, great videos!
The way you read these in this video is absolutely perfect not too much like other channels and honestly some of your other videos you were trying to change your voice me your normal voice is 1/1,0000000 so please continue doing this style .
A very strange thing happened. I went to Fionn MacCool's. It's a restaurant bar. And I asked my server what her name is? She said, "my name is Chevonese. I said that it's rather unique.... how do you spell that? She said C h e v o n e s e But everyone just calls me Chevy like a car, lol" Then 10 minutes later I said hey Chevonese do you want a good google review? Your name is spelled C h e v o n e s e right? and she flipped out in a good way praising me for getting it right saying nobody has ever guessed it like I did the 1st time!!!! It's just weird because she reacted like she never had that conversation with me in the first place And she had a great memory too. Remembered our order without having to write it down.. That's a glitch on a small scale...but notable.
Literally just had a weird glitch a few minutes ago. So me & my pops are on this job & he’s been missing his blue lighter, well we went outside to grab tools & the spot where it appeared was where the keys to building were & it wasn’t there & outta nowhere it appeared in the same spot & we didn’t see it when we grabbed the keys. My dad is still confused 😂
I submitted a spooky story to a channel called “Let’s Listen” with a female host but when it showed up on UA-cam the channel was now “Let’s Read” with a male host. I don’t know what’s going on.
I use to get told I looked exactly like a girl in town all the time by different people all through my school years growing up. Never seen her and I often wonder about it years later.
Same as me since high school. When I got older too. I lost a large amount of weight and it happened again. This girl was always seen near my school and friends accidentally approached them.
@@bluehorizons8913 I've aged a lot more now and I don't think it will happen. I tried to see my doppelganger too when things were similar to yours. When I had a big weight loss in my 30s it started again. I liked the mystery and even out of town people have done this to me as well. I'd like to imagine they saw my birth family and mistook them for me. I do miss the days of endless questions and looks though. Lol enjoy and I hope you meet each other.
Several times I’ve felt my cat jump up on my bed. He has a little bell on his collar so I can clearly hear it when he jumps up for his cuddles. I’ll turn around and he’s not there...
That story with the little sister and bus happened to me too. Me and my mom were home and we both heard my dad coming in the house opening and closing the front door and making huffing noises as he always does but then we saw from the window him driving to home and there was nobody in the hall
I’ve only ever had one glitch. Where I live it’s a very large apt complex. The buildings have a public walk way that lead to the apts them selfs. There are people who clean them vacuum wash winds etc. these are residence. It’s for rent credit. I hand a paper boy job at the time. Well the glitch I had. Some of the buildings have door ways leading to halls in between the apartments and the doors have a small glass window to see who behind. Like hospital doors. Well on one of my paper jobs I could see a woman was vacuuming behind the door she saw me and signaled one second ☝️. She was vacuuming behind the door. When she was done I guess she seemed in a rush I open and was confused the woman I saw behind the door was black and had her hair in a flat puffball ponytail. Her shirt was purple too. When I open the door it was someone I had see before I don’t know her be she works for the same place I do. A white woman her shirt was pink and her hair was short. To short to have a ponytail. I looked at her like I was stuck. . . I was soooo confused. Well she thought I was weird and signaled with a wtf face eye roll. I can see the other lady still I had never seen her before and for reasons I can’t explain I know all the residents. When I open the door I don’t know what happen but I stood there watch the lady Working. Looked at her and she looked at me. When I open the door still a woman but not the same person. Ive never experienced anything like this before. It was very strange.
I appreciated all of these except the last one. Whoever wrote that one needs to put the thesaurus and eighteenth century poetic treatises down and write like a human being.
I’m...I think they need to delete the last one. It’s too weird and out of place and most likely isn’t a glitch in the matrix. And how do they have their car with them if they flew to Toronto on a whim?
Tears of laughter of how ridiculous and everywhere his story was . Lol he must of been using a rental car in Toronto He really needed extra details in every inning for that story to make sense
I have a theory that we live in a reality that looks like a huge rope or multi strand bundle of wires. I believe that we can move between the strands and experience different realities, or timelines. We have not mastered how this works and possibly never will, but it does happen to all of us. We all have had experiences where something seems to have happened before. We all have placed something somewhere and within a few moments found it moved or just gone. And we all from time to time have discovered that we have a memory that doesn't match the facts of our lives. Within the bundle of realities there are ones that closely match our own lives, and some that do not. In some the timeline is ahead of ours, and in others behind. In some the technology is behind ours and in others it is ahead. In some cases the differences are massive and stunning. I for example had memories for years of a town I visited as a child. A town and memories that no one else in the family knows anything about. As a soldier I traveled around the world and served through two wars and several small actions. And I have had memories of places and battles that I never actually took part in, as well as stood on grounds I could never have visited before, yet I knew the area and had faint memories of things that happened. We can carry our memories with us as we slide between realities, and bring our memories of the new experiences back. But these are just written off as imagination , or dreams.
The "rope or strands" you mention is DNA..we are inside the DNA of a multi dimensional being (spiritual and physical) as its blood cells , we all die every day but its played out as short time lapses or glitches our memory is erased of the event and we see it as a unusual anomaly as a protection mechanism . . if you analyze the human body and the amount of blood cells that die off and regenerate through duplication you'll realize it happens on multiple levels ..humanity is one of them levels..we are the blood cells inside of a living body we also have beings living in us as blood cells (worlds and universes) on and so on..its metaphysics.
What you say would explain a lot of these stories, especially the many stories of people who should have died in a car crash and didn't. Afterwards, they found things different. It seems that IMPACTS are involved when one connects to a parallel reality, even small impacts, like an object hitting the floor and disappearing. I sometimes wonder if we aren't actors who are playing out a script, and have made ourselves forget that we are actors so we can more fully experience our story. But occasionally we let ourselves know what is going to happen or what is going on. It's as if we were living out a kind of dream, and only occasionally allow ourselves to remember that we are the playwrights of our own story. Once, I went up to a complete stranger and in the second sentence asked him his birthday. He was born on the same day and year as me and had almost the same name. We ended up living together due to a bizarre and complicated set of circumstances. The new friends I made in the town were already his friends. The biggest question here is how did I KNOW that this guy was some sort of twin? He didn't look anything like me. But I DID know. And it wasn't like something or someone was communicating this knowledge to me. I just knew it on my own, in my gut.
Glitch in the matrix stories are my favourite😌 always thought provoking
Me too, it’ll put my brain on overdrive for a good minute after listening loll
Do you believe those stories or are they 'only' thought provoking? Don't know if this sounds offensive it's definitly not meant to
@@KarnickeI They are pretty fantastical, probably not true stories. But I like to pretend they are real
Roxo Wyatt same, it’s hard to truly believe some of these stories. Though I’m not saying they’re all lies but I guess until it happens to one us, then maybe we’ll be true believers.
Roxo, you're extremely beautiful!!! Find me On f.b.
This is gonna sound REALLY stupid but , couple years ago we got a new washer and dryer. They were RED. I swear to god they were RED for MONTHS. I woke up one morning and went into the kitchen (where the washer a dryer are) glance at the washer and dryer and double take. They're now silver. I remember telling my parents that red didn't match and clearly remember them saying that they were fine. Asked my mom "what happened to the red washer and dryer? " and she looks at me and says "What? ...they were never red" i swear to whatever god you believe in they were red.
Lol 😅 "I swear to what ever God you believe in..". A god somebody else believes in. Like swearing to Allah or shivA or oh yeah I would swear to someone else God but mine if you have one
Sounds like you're having retinal degeneration. Get your eyes checked asap. For real
Alternate universe swap. Everything is pretty much the same except for small details. I added a new song to my playlist and my moms in the car like “you always play this”
I’m like “no I don’t I added it yesterday” she’s like “you been playing it for months” and starts singing along. I’m pretty sure me from another universe plays that song and somehow my mom from that universe traded places with her. And my mom in the other universe is like “this is new” and Other universe me is like “I play this all the time”😭
I understand your plight. Something similar has happened to me before. Also people tell me about memories that they have with me that I do not remember and they swear I was there and it’s a couple of different people. They don’t know each other. So no idea but it’s definitely strange. But I try to always be skeptical.
Plausible. Don't sweat it.
A couple of years ago, I went into the hospital for a minor surgery.
My boyfriend drove me and stayed with me most of the time. I was to stay overnight, have the procedure, and go home the next afternoon.
My room was not bad,pale yellow walls and bedspread. There was even a view of the park across the street. The nurses wore blue scrubs.
After the surgery I woke up in an entirely different room.
Gray walls,blue bedspread,the view was only a narrow section of the parking lot.
The doctors and nurses were also different. They were wearing generic white uniforms and no name tags.
But the strangest thing was that my boyfriend was different. I love my guy and I think he's cute,but he is very skinny and wears braces.
When my boyfriend came into the hospital room afterwards,he was very buff! Weighed about 15 pounds more,all muscle.
No braces, and had very straight teeth.
I was extremely confused about everything but I was unable to stay awake.
When I woke up again, everyone and everything was back to the original: yellow room,blue scrubs, skinny boyfriend.
I never told anyone about this strange occurrence.
That is sooo interesting!
Hmm......maybe a dream?
Anesthesia effects maybe? I know when I'm in anesthesia I'm way wayyy out of the world and struggling to remember if certain things after waking up actually happened or if I dreamt it. That's my experience, anyhow.
Future version of himself or alternate timeline version of himself? I would say the 2nd one.
Hospital drugs 🤯
The last one about the lawyer "changing" his regular pattern, sounds like he's someone who just went crazy.
sounds like a manic episode....
I wonder if its all true though. Is it really "going crazy" if every decision, while random, is a concious and delibrate one?
Good movie plot.
@@Little_Lepus True true
Ok boomer
I wonder what the people in that alternate dimension thought when they found that strange car on the side of the road.
Probably posted it on Reddit
Probably were like "this weird car is making a whooshing sound instead of the normal slithering sound"
ravensong75 dude didnt even bother recording this for evidence? Cmon bruh
@Canatotaur Not angry, just confused. in the story, he said he has a phone and google maps which I assume it is modern phone and that it can record videos and pics. If he truly saw what he said he saw, Record the evidence and show the world. Why didn't he do that? All we got is this story which for all we know it's fake or creepypasta. This could finally be evidence of a parallel universe afterall.
One night I went up to bed while my wife and our dog stayed downstairs to watch TV. About 20 minutes later it felt like my dog jumped on the bed, and I saw a shadow of what looked like my dog standing on the bed tilting his head curiously at the wall across from the foot of the bed. I said something like "Hi, did you come to check on me?" Then I heard my wife call up and ask if I was okay. I said that the dog jumped on the bed and I was talking to him, but she said the dog had been laying near her the entire time. I turned the light on and there was nothing there. Dun dun dunnn.
I have similar experiences with my dog on an almost weekly basis
This happened to my father once but it was in the morning after he woke up later than the rest of the house. He heard the dog walk around the room and sniff things then felt her jump up and lay down on his legs but she wasn’t actually there.
BlasianGuy if you’re talking to me I’m not sure what it was but my dad thought it was the dog we had at that time
Yes stories to fall asleep to :) goodnight from England 🏴🥰🥰
Charlie Jo March same
That’s what I’m doing too, goodnight from the US!
Hah that’s what i do every time.. let’s read voice 🥰
Omg so many likes :) 😂😂 agree he has a soothing voice to fall asleep to ^_^
same from Canada
Your voice is quite possibly the most soothing I've found to date for falling asleep to. Awesome work.
I once had a weird "glitch" involving a car crash. It was around 1am and I was with a buddy of mine, we were partying and had to go drop off some girls, heading back to his house and there is a bridge before the road to his house. I was nodding off the whole way back and when I got to the bridge it was as if time had stopped. Suddenly it was lit with florescent light, keep in mind its pitch black in the early morning, I couldnt breath but wasnt affected by it, I felt no temperature change but I was warm. This is in November and its decently cold during the night and early morning, yet it felt like spring. I started walking down bridge towards the light to turn onto the street towards my friends house. I turned back and saw my truck stopped, my friend was still sitting in the same position, not moving. I can see lights all over the sky but it was dark and suddenly a voice comes from out of nowhere, it's a voice that belonged to my uncle. He had said "what are you doing here? It hasnt been long enough yet." I respond back "is this a dream? Cause if not I have no idea what's going on." He says "I missed you too, but it's not your time." Then a bellowing voice that says "WAKE UP!" I snap back into my body at the light still rolling towards the white line. a car is coming from the left at about 45mph. I slam on the brakes and miss the car by about a foot, if I had not stopped in time, I would have been crushed and possibly killed.
To this day I dont understand what had happened or where I was.
You have been given a second chance.
Yeah, the bit here your 'uncle' responds as if it is a near death experience, like you want to pass over to him etc, and not to what you actually said, makes it seem like a program. A soul collecting program. Innit. :(
That doesn't sound like a glitch, it sounds like an intervention. You were saved. Amazing though.
It just sounds like you had a premonition that saved your life at the right time
Sounds like you're a raging dope head and need to stay sober
The last person sounded crazy. Putting random objects in the grocery store in different places just to see what happens? Nothing happened, you just pissed off the people who work there crazy face.
I also thought this sounded more like a person having a mental breakdown. Especially when he said he quit his law job, Randomly. The high stress job probably pushed him over the edge. Also the one where the guy ran into his look alike at the band concert just sounds like someone who ran into someone else that looks like them.
I'm not crazy, I'm just in an alternate dimension.
Schizophrenia is a terrible disease
yeah, it definitely seems like psychosis to me rather than a "glitch in the matrix"
I've done *EXACTLY* the same thing as the 10th story when I was in middle school. Our teacher was reading a book to our class, and I started whispering the sentences ahead of the teacher. Freaked out the entire class, and the teacher, so much they sent me out of the classroom. During the entire episode this happened I felt strangely calm and peaceful. It was a weird feeling, because I knew I shouldn't feel like that when I could tell what people were going to say ahead of them saying it. But I did anyways.
Also, the last story is definitely a schizophrenic. That person is not well.
@DeltaGem Army involved?
@@marcusbergman6116 anyway*
That's just clairvoyance. Not a glitch. Sounds funny tho
That's coz you've read the book b4
Please do more of these. They are my favorite kind of stories.
Was walking home one night and some guy walks past me with this big ass wide smile saying hello, ten minutes later, and I'm 90% percent sure, that the same guy walks past saying the same thing. The thing that baffled me was that I was walking on a straight road.
The smiling man was after you.
People need to submit more glitch in the matrix stories for that to happen.
I had a bad car wreck once. I flipped multiple times. I remember feeling like I didn't survive and even checked and crawled back inside to see if my body was in there. Maybe I didn't survive. Idk weird. It felt like I was dead. I kept grabbing my face and stuff. Pinching myself. Just looking at the blood all over me. Coulda just been shock and trauma but it was a very strange experience
Wow. 'Crawled back in to see if I was in there...' that's crazy. I can't even imagine... but that sentence got me. 😱
Insane man
One of those nights I'm glad I have no life
Dawn Marie I’m so grateful
Ha haaa 💯
You and me both Dawn. :)
That last dude actually just sounds like my schizophrenic cousin. They also dropped their career and privileged life to run around doing weird random crap, claiming the military was following them,
yadda yadda etc.
They ended up punching some dude and screeching about the government and holograms. now they're confined to their parents house. The dude in the story will probably end up the same way, if he hasn't already.
I have Bipolar Disorder, and boy. Can I feel the paranoia on occasion. I really hate it at this time. Because my neighbor has an actual, flesh and blood stalker.
So now that paranoia is jacked up
But!!!... He may have been saying the truth XD
I just cooked a hotdog and threw it on the floor on purpose, craziest thing happened the cashier from the grocery store I bought them from showed up at my door with a fresh pacc and charged me $3.29. I didn't even have to go to the store!
That was my first thought too!
Do you believe the first 10 stories but not the 11th
Hey Let’s Read! 23:30hrs here in the UK. Perfect for my bedtime story! I do enjoy your voice and style of reading so much! Thank you!😊❤️
Bev Kenny have you ever listened to Mortis Media?
stlouie88 hi yes! Love Morts channel! 🙂
I had a NDE back in December. I lost consciousness out of no where and flat lined for 10 minutes. They almost called it. I can remember it felt like aliens were picking at my brain and sent me back. I woke up in the hospital 7 hours later and had this suspicion that I'm not in my realty. I feel like I did die and got sent to another reality, things feel ever so slightly different here. Maybe I should share my story on Reddit lol
U should
I've had 3 car accidents at over100 mph, and every time I came back to consciousness, I was completely unharmed, and even passed several different blood alcohol breathalyzers and had drank over 2 5th's of tequila, yet instead I blew 0.0's across the board.
sure that Life just keeps going, or that God moved me alone to another dimension each time, or I wouldn't be here.
Please do! Also I hope you're ok.
@@blackwaterboogieofficialac7149 I remember I was going to job core and I had drank like 3 four Loko s which have 12% alc in 23.3 ounces. And I also do another drug but the dorm guy looks at me and breathalyzers me and it came out 0.0 blood alc . I thought to myself I had drank 3 damn 4 loko s like WTH. It was weird but I didn't really feel that drunk. But of course I was on uppers as well..maybe it reads like your just drunk as you feel your breath will be accordingly ?. I'ma look that up though on Google about people who have drank alot and read 0 on the test
how do you say parmesean in your dimension?
Very best are the Glitch stories. Thank you Joel
Ok I have a story of my own so me and a couple people went to the beach with our parents. Later on it was getting darker so almost everybody left but it was me, my cousin and his parents and my parents. We we're at this beach like state park and there was no lights there so at night there was barely light, there was some other people were there to, they were farther away tho. So me and him were sitting in the back of his parents suv and we were watching TikToks because we were bored. Couple minutes go by and we notice truck lights kinda coming towards us like those people were leaving so we pay no mind to it and watch more TikToks 5 minutes go by and we notice the truck lights were not moving towards us no more it was weird and me and him notice that everything was quite even the ocean was, our eyes adjusted to the dark so we could see. We start looking around because it was weird and we couldn't find our parents so we keep walking around to see if they went on a walk, well we notice that all the other vehicles had no people in there and there was no one at the beach. It felt like everyone left, but left their vehicles there, we walk back to our parents cars freaking out, and there was these sand dunes in the back on the other side of the road way and we both see them. All of a sudden we see this shadow figure person standing on the dunes and then it just stays there, then it started running away and we hear this loud whisper say "wake up" and there was this strong gust of wind that hit both of our chest and then everything came back and our parents were packing up getting ready to go and they look at us and say "are you okay?" It was weird like we went in a alternative dimension that had no one and it switched back to normal and we told our parents what happened but no one believed us and they said stop acting all weird but we knew that there is something more than this dimension even to this day we cant explain it. That is my glitch type story
Commenting less than 1m in just to say, first narrator that doesn’t sound like a robot and better still sounds human with the inflection and emotion. Keep it up, you’re a rare UA-cam commodity bud! Thank you. Very welcome find.
amazing stories. have had a couple glitches as well. Love #11. The only thing I find shocking these days are the people who DON’T believe in anything “out of the ordinary.”
True it is odd to not believe in somethin odd but the matrix stuff is legitmately not real
My husband and I listen to your videos every night while we sleep. Your voice is so soothing. Thank you for all you do!
Once when I was at an overnight camp a few years ago, and I lost a knife in a lake and assumed I would never see it again. Just yesterday I found the knife in my pocket of some pants I got only a month ago
The last story was the best, definitely the most interesting and creative "glitch in the matrix" story I've heard. I'd definitely be interested in hearing a long-form version!
Hey Lets Read, I know you may not see this because you get like millions of comments A day, but I wanted to tell you that you're my favorite story teller, I always have you on background when playing non story heavy games, writing music, or just scrolling.
Keep it up!
I love glitch in the Matrix stories and often wonder how often I have glitched, but my memory was revised to have not noticed or remember the glitches.
Love glitch in the matrix stories!
I have done a few myself :)
Would love for you to check them out!
@Expressanimation Entertainment Thanks my man! I really appreciate that :)
Oh cool I'll head over and sub now bud
I subbed
These are my favorite kind of stories! I haven't seen a whole list devoted to just glitch in the matrix stories in a while
He flew through a yellow cloud. That same description of those clouds are in multiple other people's accounts of time travel or dimension hopping.
Where can I find more stories like this!!!!????
@@caitlyntownsend5762 ok. Like where are these accounts at.
I think I've passed into another dimension or maybe my partner has. We have been together for nearly 11 years. I know everything he likes food wise as I do the shop every week. Anyway I picked him up some snacks I know he likes, but when I passed them to him he said he doesnt like some if those snacks. I said I always buy them and he always likes them...and eats them. He said he never liked them and I don't buy them him and never have... Strange but true. o.O
This is happening to a multitude of people. It's part of the Mandela Effect Phenomenon.
Oh wow, that's weird 🤯
Or your partner has multiple personality disorder
On the plus side, the relationship will never get old. lol
“The car made a slither sound “
Was it a Dodge Viper 🤔?
Nope. Shelby Cobra!
Since my father passed my mother is now alone for the first time in her life. My mom is 74, they were married for 52 years. My mom told me the other day she'll hear me or one of my brothers call for her from the other room, when we're not there. She said she was in the bathroom and she heard me say "hey mom, I'm here. Where you at?". She said she answered and said " I'm in the bathroom. I'll be out in a minute". When she came out the bathroom no one was there.
She said it has happened three times. And she claims she heard our voices clear as can be. And she answered every time.
Luckily she isn't freaking out about it. She believes it has something to do with loosing my dad and now living alone.
Glitch in the matrix stories always creeps me the f* out
The plane story sounds like the Twilight Zone episode "The Last Flight"
perhaps they got inspiration from the incident.
of course. why didn't I notice that. that's like one of my favorite episodes.
These would ALL make great twilight zone episodes!
I wonder if the doppelgänger one was a long-lost twin?
It would be cool to meet a twin but it's not worth risking engaging with a doppleganger considering how dangerous it would be
wearing the same exact thing with the same amount of faded ness dont think so
The story includes “chatted online” but it was 1993.
@@TCM215 wasn't there forum's in 1993? Nothing like todays Internet with absolutely everyone on it. But still small forums with small groups
@@TCM215 there were systems for chatting back in the late 70s. The web forums became bigger in early 90s. I got internet at home in 95(yeah it sucked lol) but my ex was using forums at work years before that
You have the best voice.. never stop doing these videos! I’d listen to anything if you were reading it!
Ima wait a few years until a random car just pops up somewhere and someone makes a glitch in the matrix story
I live in Quinton, Birmingham about 6-7miles from Kings Norton, which I know fairly well.
Not too far away, couple of miles, you can get to countryside eventually leading to Solihull.
Very weird story about the strange village that could never be found again.
I love it when somewhere I know is mentioned here.
4:23 am, perfect time for some bedtime stories.
Okay, a little experience of my own, which probably was just a case of misreading but well, here it is: I was in Helsinki with my brother last month to see Steven Wilson performing at Kulttuuritalo. We had some time to spend before the show (which was incredible btw) and he was talking about a piece of clothing he'd like to buy. I pointed out a shop about ten meters away from us and said its name aloud, like: "There's --- right there? But it doesn't sell what you're looking for."
Later we walked by that same store and I read the sign again and was like: "Wtf, you see that?" The store had a different name. The funny thing is I can't remember the name I said aloud earlier and neither does my brother, he only remembers that it was different. And yes, he took a look at the store himself earlier and saw the sign too. Maybe it was the angle we were looking at the place that made it hard to read in the first time... I don't know. We joked that we had just entered another reality. Maybe we did.
1st story: strange language might have been Khoi Khoi (lots of clicks and whistles)
Is it african?
I appreciate how much you post. I listen to you every night so I can fall asleep ❤️🤞
Needed these crazy stories, gn yall. Have a bless day tomorrow ❤
I have one of my own.. I was standing on a gravel/dirt road that's got my driveway along it, and, I was chatting with my friend, talking about ideas if we were to create videogames, and, I picked up a rock and chucked it down the road, never heard it land. It flew past us. Was really weird.
This is kinda creepy and I'm so down
Thank you, LR! These are my faves that are not too common now.
If you haven't already, you should check out hellfreezer's channel. He does a new glitch video every week
@@lulumonstervalentine8004 Thanks, man. 👍
Story 8: Dad astral projects, reads newspaper. hahahahaha
OMG Glitch in Matrix Storiees!
I love you, you are the best narrator on yt!
Your voice is so soothing. Perfect for story telling!
Pretty sure that last guy is just straight up on drugs if it's even real at all
Probably, that or mentally ill, like seriously it is just insane. (Honestly its far more likely that he has some mental illness) Just listen to his words, he clearly doesn't seem to understand how his actions are noticed by others and are clearly him having problems. Some woman walked through me, the preacher "somehow knew what I had done" the police refusing to let him go after he was found laying outside of his car with his head next to the tire? Like fucking hell anyone would allow that person to just go on a plane like nothing just happened.
Sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic
I really love the Nowwhere road story.
PRIMUS!!!! One of the best shows I ever saw - 1993 was such a great year!!!!
@CFH GIRLI used to wish we could all be back in the sixties or seventies. The thing is, it was cool in the 90's - in a lot of ways I miss it. Just remember that people have all pretty much been the same - human nature and all - and that it is one's character that makes life what it is. I was in my 20's in the 90's, but the older I get, the more I learn all the time that I have a lot of control over my own good times!! So, rock on!!
Primus sucks
Primus does suck!!!
When I heard story 6, I was reminded of the movie where the late Kirk Douglas played the Captain of the USS Nimitz & were transported back from 1980 to 12/06/41, the day prior to bombing of Pearl Harbor Naval Base by the Japanese. I think the movie was called The Final Countdown. This was, certainly, a glitch in the matrix story.
I can smoke weed to this
I'm "like" 420. Blaze up
Same 👌
I can smoke mariajuanos to these
Bro I get iffy if I smoke my ganja to this. Could have something to do with the horrible datura trip I had😂
Duuuuude. YES.
The best thing about your channel is you give us the sources so we can look for ourselves and don't have to worry if it just a Nosleep story - yes I think I saw someone who said "true story" and then having stories of nosleep.
Thanks for uploading i really enjoy your content :)
You are my favorite narrator! Hands down. I will donate on my next paycheck. You help me sleep
U deserve 10 mil subscribers
Story 10!! This happened to me!! One day in junior high school I was sitting in class when suddenly I got deja vu. I looked over at my teacher sitting at his desk, he was talking with one of the kids in class but I could hear what he was saying. All of a sudden I knew what he was going to say a second or two before he said it. I could both “see” and hear him saying it in my mind, and then it came out exactly as it did in my head. It went on for two or three sentences maybe and then the deja vu stopped and so did that phenomenon.
I know there are some ordinary explanations. I could have extrapolated what he was going to say. But nothing like this has ever happened to me before or since. I knew for certain every word he was going to speak.
The weird thing was that it felt very calm and certain in that state. Just the most natural thing in the world. And then it stopped
I had a glitch in the matrix once.
I was walking in the countryside and took a picture of a sunflower.
I could see the date and the time I took the picture at.
It was 19/2/2021 16:45 PM when I took the picture.
I went home and I was sent a photo from someone I know who took a picture of the sunflower at the exact same time 16:45 PM.
I thought I was alone. The camera angle even looks like how I took the picture.
Loved them! Thanks for reading!
My absolute fav story topic besides “black eyed children”. Was excited when I saw this. Great stories.
Steve Stockton just did a story on black-eyed children on his channel.
I was driving my kid to school today and I saw a Fire Station I’ve never seen before , right before that I had a strong feeling I didn’t know where I was 🤷🏻♀️
This happened to me now that I went to Oaxaca, 🇲🇽. 8 years ago there was a big court like thing right next to road right when we get to the town, I even asked my mom who was standing next to me what was it used for and she said according to my aunt they rent it out for parties, and special events. This past August 2023 I went back and it wasn't there anymore, there was nothing there, I asked my mom "remember that big court looking thing right there?" She said no there has never been anything there, I was shocked, I know for a fact it was there, I have great memory so I remember things that happened since I was around 2 years old, and I am not even kidding.
people telling these stories really gotta start taking a video or at least pictures , really ? Really ??
Also that last story was wow, lol
Listening to the stories the phones usually don't work
That’s when you look up pics and vids of them, not stories...
Some of these happened years ago lol. So that might not have been an option
Really? Really??? Really what? Are you saying really in context to these events not being believable or the lack of vids/pics? Your comment is kinda all over the place in terms of logical progression of sentence structuring. There's a lack of ebb & flow, see? Sometimes these things occur too fast for someone to process & attempt to record, or at times a camera phone isn't present. Unless people start walking around with GoPros strapped to their heads to record 24/7.
Glitch stories are my favorite stories. I've had SO many in my own life so it's interesting to hear what others have experienced.
Love these stories,but sometimes they give me a headache! Sometimes too much that makes you go "hmmmm"! LOL Keep 'em comin please!
i always wonder, if they are true ..... how
I always think of these as fun little bs creepy pasta stories that help me get to sleep. But at 30:50 this story is very similar to an experience I had in 5th grade.
I was walking in a group with my class on the way to the gymnasium. As we walked by the stairs to the music room on the way, while two of my friends were talking. My head down, I half listened when what he was saying sounded extremely familiar. I looked up at them and the whole situation felt like a recent memory. I'd say it's just de'jvue when your mind gets tired. But it was so vivid and I clearly remember muttering to myself the next two sentences out of his mouth while remembering his hand gestures that he had not yet done. I then stared at them as it all unfolded in front of me. I had remembered something that hadn't happened yet. I tried explaining the experience to them immediately and they blew it off and I never brought it up again. Still I find myself thinking about this even 20 years later because I've never had de'jvue like that before or since.
R/boneappletea its dejavu
@@dawson60901 shut up with the reddit crap
What is dejuve
I wish for a glitch to take me to a new neighborhood where people aren't monsters.
For story 9, with the guy waiting for his sister, as with many other stories read here, these glitches are time portals translated into holographic phenomena.
Time portals are rifts in time that allow for perception into other dimensions of existence, on a 3 dimensional scale in this instance. Since the past, present and future all move simultaneously (which is another topic for another time) these tend to bleed over into each other, which is then seen as someone, like the sister for example, walking in and being in responsive. This is because they are in another time, and can not see you. This happens a lot, and are what you would call, "glitches in the matrix".
I was six when I started questioning my dad with a “Theory” that the past,present and future are all still happening. I said what if right now in another dimension, we’re storming the beaches of Normandy and WW2 is still happening. He looked at me quite surprised and said, I’ve always wondered the same thing. Looking back I cannot fathom why that thought would have crossed my 6year old mind. I’ve had countless weird things happen to me. Which only got weirder after a NDE.
I’ve heard of a similar phenomenon. Can’t remember what battlefield and where, I think somewhere around England or Scotland or right around those areas, but there is an old battlefield that occasionally, people have reported to have seen an ancient medieval battle in short spurts. Just screaming and metal clashing and horses going wild as people tore into each other. Then it just vanishes and it’s just a plain open field. I’ll need to look it up again, but I always thought it was badass.
@@imnotsupposedtobehere2692 have you ever found this?
@@aonairskies I don’t know if it’s the same one I heard about as a kid, but England does have an incredibly haunted battlefield called Edgehill. Shepherds reported apparitions fighting for hours, and the horror supposedly would repeat frequently in the right conditions. And then just...vanish. Really cool.
Took a bit but finally found a channel reading these stories with a human voice and not an annoying obvious AI voice that completely just kills the vibe. Cheers, great videos!
Im doin some socks and draws shoppin while im watchin this
The way you read these in this video is absolutely perfect not too much like other channels and honestly some of your other videos you were trying to change your voice me your normal voice is 1/1,0000000 so please continue doing this style .
Wtf. That last story - I think he was just crazy.
Sadly I agree. 😟
Amazing Stories!! Kept Me so Engrossed. Love Them. Thanks for Sharing them Friend. Great Narration.
A very strange thing happened. I went to Fionn MacCool's. It's a restaurant bar. And I asked my server what her name is? She said, "my name is Chevonese. I said that it's rather unique.... how do you spell that? She said C h e v o n e s e
But everyone just calls me Chevy like a car, lol"
Then 10 minutes later I said hey Chevonese do you want a good google review? Your name is spelled C h e v o n e s e right? and she flipped out in a good way praising me for getting it right saying nobody has ever guessed it like I did the 1st time!!!!
It's just weird because she reacted like she never had that conversation with me in the first place
And she had a great memory too. Remembered our order without having to write it down.. That's a glitch on a small scale...but notable.
No glitch Just a witty waitress that liked you as much as you liked her
Literally just had a weird glitch a few minutes ago. So me & my pops are on this job & he’s been missing his blue lighter, well we went outside to grab tools & the spot where it appeared was where the keys to building were & it wasn’t there & outta nowhere it appeared in the same spot & we didn’t see it when we grabbed the keys. My dad is still confused 😂
Im so excited, these are my favorite types of stories
Always a great day when Let's Read uploads. 😍😍
I've heard the second story before... or have I? Glitch in the matrix!
Yep. It was in another video.
It was on "Strange but True"
perfect timing 🙌🏻🖤
I submitted a spooky story to a channel called “Let’s Listen” with a female host but when it showed up on UA-cam the channel was now “Let’s Read” with a male host. I don’t know what’s going on.
Really love to listen to your videos while drawing :D
I use to get told I looked exactly like a girl in town all the time by different people all through my school years growing up. Never seen her and I often wonder about it years later.
Same as me since high school. When I got older too. I lost a large amount of weight and it happened again. This girl was always seen near my school and friends accidentally approached them.
@@ellzedd4113 recently the woman at subway said that there was someone who came in earlier who looked exactly like me. I guess she is still around.
@@bluehorizons8913 I've aged a lot more now and I don't think it will happen. I tried to see my doppelganger too when things were similar to yours. When I had a big weight loss in my 30s it started again. I liked the mystery and even out of town people have done this to me as well. I'd like to imagine they saw my birth family and mistook them for me. I do miss the days of endless questions and looks though. Lol enjoy and I hope you meet each other.
Great stuff!
Several times I’ve felt my cat jump up on my bed. He has a little bell on his collar so I can clearly hear it when he jumps up for his cuddles. I’ll turn around and he’s not there...
Geez this was good. I want more of this❤
That story with the little sister and bus happened to me too. Me and my mom were home and we both heard my dad coming in the house opening and closing the front door and making huffing noises as he always does but then we saw from the window him driving to home and there was nobody in the hall
Just starting to watch this, trying to keep an open mind. Thank you for your video.
I’ve only ever had one glitch. Where I live it’s a very large apt complex. The buildings have a public walk way that lead to the apts them selfs. There are people who clean them vacuum wash winds etc. these are residence. It’s for rent credit. I hand a paper boy job at the time.
Well the glitch I had. Some of the buildings have door ways leading to halls in between the apartments and the doors have a small glass window to see who behind. Like hospital doors.
Well on one of my paper jobs I could see a woman was vacuuming behind the door she saw me and signaled one second ☝️. She was vacuuming behind the door. When she was done I guess she seemed in a rush I open and was confused the woman I saw behind the door was black and had her hair in a flat puffball ponytail. Her shirt was purple too. When I open the door it was someone I had see before I don’t know her be she works for the same place I do. A white woman her shirt was pink and her hair was short. To short to have a ponytail. I looked at her like I was stuck. . . I was soooo confused. Well she thought I was weird and signaled with a wtf face eye roll. I can see the other lady still I had never seen her before and for reasons I can’t explain I know all the residents.
When I open the door I don’t know what happen but I stood there watch the lady Working. Looked at her and she looked at me. When I open the door still a woman but not the same person. Ive never experienced anything like this before. It was very strange.
Quantum immortality melts my mind, I've had more than a few close calls in my time 🥴
I appreciated all of these except the last one. Whoever wrote that one needs to put the thesaurus and eighteenth century poetic treatises down and write like a human being.
I love these types of stories. More, please! :D
AWE YEAAHH ITS GONNA BE A GOODNIGHTS SLEEP!!! sleep thight from The Netherlands💜
Omg lets goooo lets read you gotta make more of these
I’m...I think they need to delete the last one. It’s too weird and out of place and most likely isn’t a glitch in the matrix. And how do they have their car with them if they flew to Toronto on a whim?
Oh the last story had me in tears! Loved the whole idea of hiding things in random places.
Tears of laughter of how ridiculous and everywhere his story was . Lol he must of been using a rental car in Toronto
He really needed extra details in every inning for that story to make sense
I have a theory that we live in a reality that looks like a huge rope or multi strand bundle of wires. I believe that we can move between the strands and experience different realities, or timelines. We have not mastered how this works and possibly never will, but it does happen to all of us.
We all have had experiences where something seems to have happened before. We all have placed something somewhere and within a few moments found it moved or just gone. And we all from time to time have discovered that we have a memory that doesn't match the facts of our lives.
Within the bundle of realities there are ones that closely match our own lives, and some that do not. In some the timeline is ahead of ours, and in others behind. In some the technology is behind ours and in others it is ahead. In some cases the differences are massive and stunning.
I for example had memories for years of a town I visited as a child. A town and memories that no one else in the family knows anything about. As a soldier I traveled around the world and served through two wars and several small actions. And I have had memories of places and battles that I never actually took part in, as well as stood on grounds I could never have visited before, yet I knew the area and had faint memories of things that happened.
We can carry our memories with us as we slide between realities, and bring our memories of the new experiences back. But these are just written off as imagination , or dreams.
The "rope or strands" you mention is DNA..we are inside the DNA of a multi dimensional being (spiritual and physical) as its blood cells , we all die every day but its played out as short time lapses or glitches our memory is erased of the event and we see it as a unusual anomaly as a protection mechanism . . if you analyze the human body and the amount of blood cells that die off and regenerate through duplication you'll realize it happens on multiple levels ..humanity is one of them levels..we are the blood cells inside of a living body we also have beings living in us as blood cells (worlds and universes) on and so on..its metaphysics.
What you say would explain a lot of these stories, especially the many stories of people who should have died in a car crash and didn't. Afterwards, they found things different. It seems that IMPACTS are involved when one connects to a parallel reality, even small impacts, like an object hitting the floor and disappearing. I sometimes wonder if we aren't actors who are playing out a script, and have made ourselves forget that we are actors so we can more fully experience our story. But occasionally we let ourselves know what is going to happen or what is going on. It's as if we were living out a kind of dream, and only occasionally allow ourselves to remember that we are the playwrights of our own story. Once, I went up to a complete stranger and in the second sentence asked him his birthday. He was born on the same day and year as me and had almost the same name. We ended up living together due to a bizarre and complicated set of circumstances. The new friends I made in the town were already his friends. The biggest question here is how did I KNOW that this guy was some sort of twin? He didn't look anything like me. But I DID know. And it wasn't like something or someone was communicating this knowledge to me. I just knew it on my own, in my gut.
You literally just described the sacred timeline from Loki.