You missed from Finnish army hundreds of thousands of trained reservists, almost 1000 more artillery pieces and the fact that one finn equals ten russians, I am not sure how many that is in swedes but surely more than one :D
Comrade Binkov also didnt calculate the alternative, that in the case of Swedish push against Rovaniemi, Santa Claus and his elves would probably join the Finns. And he is a hell of paratrooper... Binkov already made vid about his capabilities....
To quote Jyri Häkämies, the Finnish Defence Minister from the early 2000s: _"Taking into account our geographical location Finland's three primary security challenges are Russia, Russia and Russia."_
Wow, 25 000 trained reservists. That’s the number of new reservists trained every year. We have 900k trained reservists, 280k of whom form the war time army. And paramilitary troops are illegal in Finland. Your numbers of tanks, artillery and almost everything are also too low. Where did you get this ”information”?
Trust me, armies these days really don't keep thousands of tanks in active service. Just look at say ... Britain/France/Germany and you'll see that it isn't like the Second World War.
Nope, that information is fake. True information: Actives: 251 500 Reserves in total: 1 000 000, but only 375 100 operating at a time. Towed Artillery: 889 Submarines: 1, but it's in a museum
I have to ask, where did you get those numbers of Finnish reserves and manpower? From "Russia Today"? Used to think this is a professional channel... Finland has had conscription since their first independence and reserve consists of hundreds of thousands of men, not tens. And how come Sweden all of a sudden has 11,1 million people? They just reached 10 million last year. C'mon do your research better and stop spreading false information.
You guys haven't Polished your puns enough yet. Kenya think of any more? Cause I'm Havana good time, even though it Isreally hard. I'm getting Hungary because of it, so I'm Ghana go Czech if I have some food, maybe some Turkey. Ah, crap, I don't. I will have Togo soon then. Gotta Swissh downtown and buy some. Don't have much time anyway, I'm supposed to write an essay about Japan - I will Samurais it for you later. Do we have Samoa puns?
25 000 trained army reservist. I don't know where u got that info from. Finland has over 900 000 trained reservist. Little less than 300 000 will be called into service if the war occurs. Other 600 000 is kept in second reserve (varareservi). We have now I think 80leo 2a6 and 20 more coming next year. We have no t72 cause we scrapt them like 10 years ago. T55 we still have some in reserve.
Eiköhän niitä 72kin varmaan jossain luolan perällä oo epävirallisesti kaikenvaralta. sota kun syttyy niin sieltä lähtee jopa PSVK:n edustalta Stug III:kin tarvittaessa rintamalle. 🤣
Where did you get the number of Finnish troops and equipment! Finnish military has wartime size of 280000 troops and it has much more artillery and tanks than you are telling.
No, the active reserve force is 240k which is the wartime force; The amount we can mobilize fully from the start of war with war-time duties assigned and with modern weaponry. On top of that we have 700-800k more as trained reserve without war-time duties assigned and while those cannot be armed with the modern weaponry they can be armed.
Finlabd has a lot of old east german rifles and norinko ak's in reserver. The main forces ofc have the best equipment. But we do have enough equioment to man the reservist
@@bruhmcmoment196 Sweden has both air and sea superiority. Finland has ground superiority but with Swedish conscription that is likely to be evened out. Now i dont see why we argue as Sweden and Finland are very good friends, best friends almost, and we would, without a doubt, fight alongside eachother, not against eachother.
@@Bongo44551 yes, better to be friends than fight, but this video is just so wrong, Finland has over 230 000 wartime troops and reserves of 900 000 men. while this video says Sweden has land superiority. Finland of course has better military becouse we have always been next to USSR/Russia and need to prepare.
I honestly can't think of anyone that hates Finland. The Germans, the Dutch, the British are loved by many but also hated by some. The same goes for pretty much every country I can think of. Maybe because there is no sibling rivalry like between Sweden and Denmark or between Germany and the Netherlands. Or maybe just because the Finnish are really cool people^^
Finland has planned wartime strength of 280 000 men. Also it was big news when Finland declared to OSCE artillery force of 1600 pieces. Where do you get your numbers from? Globalfirepower? Also the vehicle numbers are off. Finland has 100 Leo 2A4 and at this moment 80 Leo 2A6. You also placed finnish IFV numbers on the swedes who have no BMP-2 at all, but more CV9040. Finnish BMP-2s are also upgraded to BMP-2MD which might raise them to "capable" -category. Lots of things wrong here. I really hope you make more thorough inspections if you are hoping to have any credibility.
Fixing errors is taking the positive approach to this video. The negative approach would be to believe figures were never even intended to be correct (so there would be no point in fixing them).
I'm Finnish and I respect Sweden's neutrality and I'm sure the Swedes respect ours. We have no beef with each other and probably never will be as we are good friends! Respect to Sweden from Finland!
@@Thomas-ii7xc , don't worry about Russia. They will never reach your borders. They will have to pass us first :) However, I don't think it's in their intentions now. We should try to make peace, in John Lennon's words.
@@Lizardsareprettycool , C'mon, we would never "try something". We would just do it! :D And by the way, thank your lucky stars that we are in between. We are the frontline of your defense and please don't say what you said. Come look at our grave yards boy. Maybe you will understand then, what we are actually capable to do to defend both our and your homeland, since we don't sh*t in out pants - it's the enemy, (and you?) who will do that.
AdurianJ like your life? Im just gonna state the budget of swedens army to the finnish sweden 4.6 finland 2.6 sweden makes 30% of weapons in the eu so tell me how finlad can outproduse us?
macculu501 also Finland scrapped all of its T-72M1s years ago, except the ones that are in museums. Scrapped as in threw them into steel furnaces. Also the Swedish conscription starting and not mentioning that they only plan to train 4000 people per year vs Finlands about ~25000 people trained per year. Finland has a massive manpower edge on the start as it can rely on the conscripts trained a few years ago to step into service and churn more conscripts all the time.
Having been present at Arrow17 with US and Norwegian troops I can say that Finnish conscripts are in no way inferior to professionals. In part due to the fact that Finland gets to pick out the best of each generation into respective roles while Professionals only have those who enlist, often because they couldn't get in anywhere else. NATO generals present at Arrow17 were very impressed at Finland's conscripts, even more so when they found out some had only been in service for 7 months at that point. The feedback from the US and Norwegian troops was great as well. Actual results showed this too. In addition I've since moved to Sweden due to studies. The Swedes I've talked with about the this topic seem have to no faith in their army, stating it can't even defend the country and that it should be rebuilt. This is of course anecdotal, but at least it's the Swedes themselves saying this instead of me.
Conscript soldiers have been recognised as better 'material' than volunteer.s in past conflicts . . namely you get a better spread of skills/life experience in conscript/citizen soldiers . . but obviously most non homogeneous countries armed forces cannot afford a standing conscript army
DaFinn Anecdotal? It is not a matter of opinion. It is a fact. At one point Sweden dropped conscription and ran down their military capabilities. When you look at the capabilities of any army you need to look at their wartime operational strength and reserves. Sweden practically don't have reserves and their war time strength is very weak. Sweden is now trying to rebuild their army and they are trying to incorporate conscription back into their system, but it's difficult because rebuilding army and it's capabilities is a slow process.
In the leaflet they sent to every household "If war comes" they say "It will take some time for us to rebuild our national defense to an acceptable level". So yes, it's an official government statement at this point. I personally prefer the parody leaflet "If beer gets warms"
Jep, Ryssää ottaa pattiin, kun Suomi pistäisi taas kampoihin heille niin että hapakaali oli housuissa aika nopeasti iivanalla. :D Suomihan pöllyttäisi Ruotsin mennen tullen. :D
Binkov you baffle me with these numbers! I think around 80% of finnish male population recieves 6-12 month military training, there are substansially more trained reservists than 25 thousand. Finland's war-time army has been downsized several times in recent decades, but it's still 280 thousand, made up mostly from trained reservists. Finland has also improved it's emergency mobilization capabilities recently. I have been looking forward to Finland-episodes, particulalry Finland vs Russia, but I was disappointed with the poor research. I hope rest of your episodes aren't based as false facts as this episode.
That is not true. Police there might carry service weapons though, but nothing military. Also, the loyalty of Ålandish people might be, questionable in a conflict between Finland and Sweden.
I'm not an expert on these matters, and I don't know if it would change anything. However, I think there is a significant difference between 25k and 280k trained reservists. If for no other reason, then just for the sake of presenting accurate facts. As you said yourself, these "butthurt Finns" are right, and they are "screaming" because they value Binkov's opinions. But if Binkov has his facts and numbers wrong, it makes them wonder if that would change the outcome.
"The Swedish Air Force would shoot down and troop transport planes and/or helos, Swedish subs would sink any transport ships" Why would we transport troops by plane or ship and not by rail or road? It's not like Swedes have any kind of a bombing force. The Swedish "professional" soldiers get paid less than 3k euros a month, just imagine what kind of people have to accept jobs like that. Professional army is such a meme. Israel has proved that a reserve-army is just as capable as any fighting force with the correct motivation and leadership. How could Sweden even maintain their airforce, if their military might allows them to barely even man a frontline? The Swedish army is built to resemble a peace keeping force, as they disregarded Russia as a threat between 1991-2015, Finland kept their reserve-army and now, surprise suprise, Sweden is following suit with the Finns, by implementing conscription again.
Soviet Bear It's true that Sweden has a bit of a technological edge at sea & air. Their land forces are roughly equivalent, though Sweden's are supposed to be better trained. But there's a saying "quantity has a quality all its own". Seeing all this numbers controversy and curious if it was just Finnish nationalists overreacting or something, I decided to research the numbers myself and I've concluded that Binkov seriously messed them up. He lists a total Finnish Army size of 55,000, but the conservative numbers I'm finding give the Finnish Army 262,000. The Swedish Army, although better trained, is only 44,000 strong. Swedish Supreme Commander Sverker Göranson said in 2015 that his army could not fight for more than a week in a major war without major defense changes, which has led to Sweden looking to switch back to a Finland-style "total defense" military concept by 2025. Optimistic numbers of 900,000 for a Finnish army are not well sourced and seem to include backup classes of reservists that would get called up in a total war, so that should really fall into a "fit for service" figure, of which Finland has 1,900,000 and Sweden has 3,400,000. So if it really did go into total war of attrition territory, Sweden has a population edge, but Finland definitely has a larger, already trained & equipped military.
Do your homework, Binkov. You really can't just go to tell the whole world some things which aren't facts.. -.- Thumb down. And moreover Finland is not part of Scandinavia.
Swede here! The swedish "professional" army have had a hard time recruiting soldiers and and limited conscription has been instated to even be able to man the positions that professional soldiers were supposed to man. The swedish army selldom trains at battalion and brigade level and do not have all the equipment that they are supposed to have. The Airforce pilots are not given enough flying time(less than the paper figures say), and the planes lacks spare parts. The navy has similar problems. Half of the swedish military strength 0f 50000 consists of home guard with the ambition to work as territorial defence. Sweden is supposed to set up a main force of 2 brigades but can not even do that. Btw Swedish population is sure as hell not 11.1 million people. At the same time Finland has a main force of 8 brigade sized unit and several hundred thousands of men in territorial defence units. Eventhough Finland use conscription, I would say that the Finns would act lot more professional at the battalion level and above. You can ask any Swede that has some idea of military matters about which country that would win in a war between Finland and Sweden and he would without hesitation say that Finland would win. It is interesting to see how bad research Binkov is doing, as looking beyond the official figures and wikipedia pages and having some knowledge of your own easily gives you totally different picture of these things.
I'm from Finland myself. Sweden sure is closer to the West and you may have better equipment and technology than we have but the thing you lack is the actual army. We Finns have a very big army in European scale. We also have modern technology and good equipment and big part of our yearly budget goes to self defensing. I'd say draw is very logical but also a minor victory for Finland could be possible. Luleå could be invaded by us.
@@-RunninNGunnin- I Think it is pretty much a draw, Now Way that They can cuonqer each other. In my opinion sweden is a little bot Stronger because of the larger and better equiped air force. Finnland has more tanks but most of them are probably in the east and would Need to carry to the west then a war started. So it seems that sweden has some advatages but all in all I would Way it dosnt fiffer that much. By the Way Iam pretty Sure that the finnish army isnt 100 percent ir even Close to 100 percent combat ready.
A Finish recruit is on morning exercise with his sergeant. Recruit "Sarge, we are always defending with the enemy attacking from the East" Sarge "Yes, what is your point?" Recruit "What if the enemy attacks from west?" Sarge rubs chin and thinks on this new idea. Sarge "You may have a point. It is possible that the enemy could do a flanking manoeuvre."
Tommy Hill its funny because at the time of the northen war finland was part of the swedish empire where swedish troops were so capable its beat armies twice to even 8 times its size while any troops finland provided where about as trash as the polish danish and russian concript armies the swedes crushed again and again, fucking hell the russians were scared of the swedes they never defeated them in battle scrotched earth tactics was onebof 2 major reasons sweden didnt end up winning the northen war
SpyroSfilms too bad its not late 1939 or early 1940 its 2018, yet you seem to have no problem with the ops comment basically stating how badass they are even tho it may as well be 1700 since they did anything cool, its both praticly ancient history, evident by how cucked they are now the swedes arnt as badass as they were in the 1700 and finland isnt as badass as it was in ww2 so OP is wrong too
@@xxxhalo4everxxx Not exactly, lot of the high morale and cultural victory from Winter and Continuation War are still strong in Finnish minds, which most of the population is willing to defend their home against a larger enemy without question. It's bit different from someone trying to conquer and failing, compared to someone defending their home against a daunting enemy and succeeding.
GamerScrewingAround finland lost the winter war, sure they kicked ass but when timeshenko took charge of the russian forces the finns had to rush to get a peace treaty before being annexed completely
This video fails to take in account so many things and is vastly misinformed on others it's physically painful. c.c 55 000 reservist? Make that 240-280 000 active reservist with assigned war-time duties and mandatory reserve training plus 700-800 000 reservists without war-time duties. 120 Leobard 2A6 tanks? Make that 160 + 40 more arriving in this year or the next plus some 200-500 older tank models stored in parts only waiting for re-assembly in case of crisis (Remnants from Cold War when we circumvented arms limitation agreement via dismantling for reconstructing and storage) 666 artillery? Please. We have the largest reported artillery force in entire Europe with some active1566 artillery pieces without even taking in account the stored old ones; Half of it only recently exposed due to change in reporting (they were hidden with navy as only army artillery had been required to be reported by OSCE)
Holyshit the lack of real information on this video, I tried to not get triggered. I know that the Swedish army has a bigger budget and is therefore more advanced, but Finland still has more trained manpower.
Sink Finland only has enough guns for 230 000 or 280 000 and most of the finnish reservist Arent very well trained and it takes time to mobilize reservist when Finland had mobilize sweden would have they reservist ready as well
please re-do this video, ive been waiting for a long time, and some facts are very wrong, for example the swedish conscription is only going to aim to train around 5 000 a year, and finland has military reservists around 900k and are able to mobilize 230k in times of war, also finland has one of the biggest artillery in europe with 90 spg and 900 towed... i know this is a very finnish favorble comment but yea...
Sinke Yes thats true, for some reason everybody think that Sweden will force everybody to do military service like back in the 70s and 80s but thats really not the case, only about 10 000 born between 1999 and 2000 will do the training while there were over 172 000 people born those years so only a very small group of people will do it.
Sinke finland actually might have even the biggest artillery and to point out something that swedish war historian said "Nowadays sweden has basicly more generals than guns" :D
There's no question about it: Finland would crush Sweden. But luckily in the real world, since they are allies, Finland and Sweden would never fight against each other
I waited for this video for a long time but you had a lot of mistakes on the Finnish side. I would be really thankful if you remade this video with more researched information.
@@Tinnesa Finland's wartime strength is 280k, with a total trained reserve of 900k, as somebody else pointed out above. This video makes it seem like Finland and Sweden have roughly parity in number, when in reality it is laughably in favour of the Finns.
Artillery information also wrong: Finland has about 1556 artillery and heavy mortar pieces (which was at least at some point strongest in the Western Europe in numerical strength. For example Germany had 202 fewer artillery pieces). That 1556 includes 48 self-propelled armored K9 Thunder and 36 older Russian-made 122mm self-propelled armored howitzers, 72 self-propelled 152mm howitzers, 22 MRLS M270 and 34 RM-70 multiple-rocket-launcher systems plus all the numerous towed artillery and heavy mortars.
Soviet Bear The technological edge for Sweden isn't that much better. For example, it's very arguable if a Gripen is better than a F-18 at all. Finland have more and better air-to-surface weapons as well, and for armored vehicles, Finland have a lot of identical equipment.
Is Binkov assuming the Finns are fighting the war with only their active army and ignoring their reserve? Also at 0:28 52% of the Finnish conscripts served 12 months. These numbers are directly from the Russian Wikipedia page of the referred nations' armed forces.
That's pretty much the only way Sweden could make some advance in Finland and Binkov usually takes mobilization to notice. However after Finland gets their forces ready the tides most likely would turn for they pretty much outnumber Sweden.
The border is almost completely inside the artic circle, dipshit. Snow arrives much much earlier far up in the north. Make sure that your brain is working before you make such a stupid comment.
@@williamsmeds1368 I live in Finland so I know that here is not snow cover in most of the year. Make sure that your brain is working before you make such a stupid comment
@@spectre1849 Yeah, i live in Finland too and i know it isn't covered in snow all the time, but do you live in the most northern and isolated parts of the country? Do you live on the swedish border? Do you live within the parts of the country that are in the artic circle? I never said that the whole country is covered in snow all the time. I said that the border with sweden is covered in snow a lot. The further north you go, the colder and snoweir it gets. Most of the Finnish population live further to the south beacuse the northern part are a shitty place to live in. The video said that the BORDER is mostly covered in snow a lot. But dumbasses like you can't understand so you think that he means that the whole country is covered in snow. Both of you are complete idiots who don't understand english or basic geography.
@@williamsmeds1368 ymmärrän kyllä että pohjoisessa on kylmempää kuin etelämmässä mutta siltikin puolet vuodesta olisi lunta niin ei ole ihan realistista mielestäni I know that northen finland is coulder than southern part but that snow cover half of the year is still not realistic
+after war finland took some of Simo's DNA, cloned 1 million of Häyhä's and froze them in age of 20. So actually Finland has 280000 soldiers + 1million super Simos!!!!!!
Finland has 1566 artillery pieces. Not 666 as you said. You're off by a factor of 3. Åland isn't closer to Sweden than Finland, as you claimed. Åland is bridged to Finland with a tight chain of islands, while Sweden is completely cut off. Saying that Finland has no reinforcements is just plain lying. Finland has 900,000+ reserves, while Sweden has 30,000 plus the 20,000 active. Finland can mobilize about 250,000 troops acording to the present-day plan, but on top of that, FDF has a fuckton of chinese, yugoslavian and east-german gear and AKs stored for a doomsday scenario. If Finland had to, they could easily mobilize the entire 900,000, meanwhile Sweden has 1/20th of that and possibly some volkstrum tier civilians armed with sharp sticks.
"Finland has 1566 artillery pieces. Not 666 as you said." I think that 1566 includes heavy mortars whereas Binkov might have been only counting actual cannons.
Im sorry to say Binkov, while I enjoy your videos a great deal, you went pretty far off the mark here. I have no idea how far you went on Sweden, but atleast in Finland you missed event the most obvious, news covered, basic information. Finland has 900,000 trained reservists. So while sweden is infact training "civilians" as you put it, we have that number to pull that have been through conscription, basic training and reservist training. Not to mention about 1000 artillery pieces you forgot, or the basic military doctrine of the countries. I know you cant have it all, but this was pretty low.
@Max Rubinsson You too are wrong. Again. Here's why: A citizen=/=soldier Soldier=soldier. Finland is not recruiting anything. Those 900 000 people are trained soldiers, albeit many of them not actively rehearsed. Still. To turn Swedish population into soldiers would require at least a year of time and pretty much an infinite budget compared to current one. Those 900 000 need days to weeks of rehearsal and they will be ready to carry on their duties. Also, believe me, I know how you want to praise your own military. But by numbers, Finland is superior in almost all regards. Ships, subs and jets being where Sweden wins majority. The rest is for the Finns. If you won't take it from me, take it from yanks. They were forced to try and sabotage their simulators at a certain exercise because we 6 months in conscription kept handing it to them.
@@disregardtheconstabulary1276 Finland's 900,000 reserves is basically a paper figure. Most of the Finnish sources put the number at around 165,000 Reservists with the option to take the army to 280,000 in wartime. Still, way more than Sweden.
@@ravenmusic6392 I do not know what sources you use, but take it from the Finnish military itself. 280 000 is the wartime reserve of all branches, currently. No-one ever said 900 000 is an active part of the defense. Before mentioned numbers are governmentally dictated though, not specifically by lack of resources. So it is reasonable enough to expect we could with some difficulty amass the reserve of 2010 which would be 350 000, but that is already speculating.
Finland has recently made a number of deals with Israeli military and I believe the Israeli reserve forces was modeled on Finland's. If their is any example from the 1939 Winter War with USSR one can say the Finnish army would be very impressive and not to be meddled with !
I actually don't think so. The Nordics have a quite big technological stand point and Sweden and Finland could block off their supplies via Baltic Sea. St. Petersburg is really close to the Finnish border and a good choke point. However if we count in A-bombs, yeah. Russia would definitely win. But the Nordics would win a slightly, but in a long war Russia would win with their massive army.
Russia would win just because they have nuclear weapons, if the nordic countries had nuclear weapons they would win because they have better technology, warships, tanks, and a largest military.
Finland can quickly deploy 230,000 troops in war and has another 500,000 in reserve... dunno how it changes the situation with Swedens technological edge but still cmon you cant ignore that...
FrustratedTurtle the thing is the finish wont arm it all since 1 they dont have modern wepones for all. They politicaly cant handel suiced runs becuse of more men.
onespiker Theres enough for the 280,000 they can deploy in a short notice, the rest would be defensive forces until later on the war if finland can start arming them. Even though finnish arms industry is a joke compared to the swedes, the finnish should be able to equip them given enough time.
FrustratedTurtle indeed they can arm them do time but the problem is also politicaly grounded( how many losses are acceptable, economy? 20% of your population would then be the battle how long can the economy support it? Sweden can support it for wat longer becuse of its bigger economy ( both per person and population). Sweden would then also begin arming and with a bigger industry alot faster ( though they need to train them first). This is also a war that wont happen in the next 100 years atleast and most likely never.
onespiker I applied the classic Binkov no morale counted for -criteria in this. If morale was counted for, there wouldn't even be this pointless war in the middle of nowhere on lapland :D Nobody here wants war with the swedes.
onespiker economy is very important here. Finland would indeed be in ruins if the war was prolonged, so finland would have to use it's numerical superiority for a crippling blow into sweden that would instantly put the swedish forces on retrear into the south. And this scenario is by no means a stretch. Finland could easily fend off any swedish counterattack from the south with better and more numerous anti-air and better anti-ship equipment (visby class doesn't even have anti-air capabilities so once spotted, it's dead)
that was in the past, present day is present day, Swedes have technological edge and better trained troops, these days having lot of men and tanks is not so important anymore
KP L what technological edge? Finnish tanks (Leopard 2A6) are better than Swedish (Leopard 2A5/Strv 122), Finnish fighters (F/A-18C) are better than Swedish (Gripen C) according to the Swiss evaluation, Finland has more and newer anti-air systems, newer AT systems (Spike), tougher artillery (K9 SPH, 2S1, lots of towed artillery) etc.
KP L you never know what is going to happen. Soviet union also had technological edge on finland and that wasn't really helping them :D war is always war, it doesn't change. (ps. we have better morale than sweden)
Binkov, don't you know anything? As absurd as you were, it brought up some thoughts. In Finland we actually have one of the largest land armies in Europe, one of the largest reserves (280 000 men field army during the war time, however 900 000 is the figure of all fit men in the reserves and 93% of Finnish men serve 6-12 months in the defense forces), along with the largest artillery in the Western Europe. As soon as the last Leopard 2A6s arrive from Holland, we'll have one of the largest tank forces in Europe (of which 230 are Leo 2's). We have the third highest gun ownership in the world, so many learn to be skilled shooters at early age. And what matters the most, the will to shoot and fight, and Finnish are on top when comparing all European nations. Also, to mention, in case you haven't been in the army, that's what defends the land, and vice versa you can't invade a country without land units. The Army. Sweden has great Air force and Navy, which I highly respect. But remember that a great majority of their military budget is put on those arms, on those expensive boats, submarines and their own developed fighters. The reason for that is, that Finland is their "buffer-zone" like it has been for 1000 years. We are their army or land forces. Anyway, we in Finland still have our own 1100+ air to air Western missiles for our 62 F-18:s and over half thousand modern SAM-missiles for the batteries, hundreds of man-portable SAM Stingers to drop attack helicopters. Panssariase? Panzerwaffen? Tank-warfare? To counter AFV/MBT's? Thousands and again thousands of man-portable anti-tank missiles (A while a go we bought 3000 N-LAWS, on top of older systems like TOW) + on spearheads 230 Leopard 2 MBT's and let's not forget fighter carried missiles. In my job, I've been in co-operation with Swedes, in the past, and they really don't differ so much from Finns... of course there's some cultural differences. So the whole question here is quite laughable, yeah, I'm sure it's a joke. Neither of countries would ever attack one or another, as they stand now. But for the hypothetical question asked? No one supporting? As for RIGHT NOW, Finland would conquer half of Sweden past of Stockholm, swiftly move to isolate it's densely populated southern part and siege Stockholm. It's the truth. Sweden has basically shut off it's land army and didn't even have artillery in 2011. They had to borrow it from the Norwegians. For example, we had 1400 artillery pieces last year, mobile and towed, and, ammunition is not a problem for us, we are prepared to fight a bit larger neighbour to East. Sure, Swedes would still have a large part of their AF and N remaining (on which they put most of their military budget) and a large number of missiles for those and what not, but on military terms, they could only last for so much against crushingly larger, well equipped, quick land army. Let's remember Finnish Air Force and AA are no joke either. Even if we'd take just 200 000 soldiers, two armies for Swedish Lapland assault and leave 80 000 to secure the southern shores, we'd still make it. Then it's militia, civilians vs. soldiers, out there. This is the situation, sadly. PS. So here's a bit of warning to Swedes. We Finns of course defend our areas like hell until the last man, but in the future it might not be enough, Russians might still overrun as we would have a clear majority of forces fighting in the south were most of us live. Of course we have couple of tough brigades in the north too and missile defense regiments for them and so on, but it could be game over out there. Russians WILL head to NATO-Norway, on top of that I'm pretty sure they will head south too, to shut off Danish isles, of high strategic importance.
Finland would never fight a war with the active strength only, they aren't even war-ready troops or organised to any form of fighting organisation, but instead to a training organisation. The Finnish wartime force is the 280 000 strong active reserve, and the whole reserve is 900 000. Every reservist of the 280 000 wartime force is assigned to their individual task in the wartime organisation and they are ordered to refresher exercises regularly.
Schtroumpf 65% of immigrants in sweden come from other european states mainly finland ironically enough. Of the other 35% around 200,000 are from the middle east and Africa. I get it, you dont fancy colored people, or maybe you just dislike leftism. I'm sure many in America were worried it would turn into Ireland back during the potato famine era.
Only thing Finland has going for it is people. Sweden has more planes, tanks, IFVs, submarines, covettes etc. What people seem to forget is that Sweden has a law that states that if the country is attacked then Every Citizen between 18 and 60 years old hahe to be trained and deployed. Finland has about 5 000 000 people. Sweden has almost 11 000 000 people. Sweden would have ALOT mor manpower
Yes, never a single där Sweden vs Finland. Before the Russian conquest, Finland as not a concept. The Finnish language was used. But most Finns saw themselves as Swedes. Come on we sent half of our military equipment during the winter war and 9000 volunteers. Sweden and Finland would never fight it is absurd.
Your calculations are wrong. Sweden: X tanks, X planes, X manpower, X navy vessels etc. VS. Finland: X tanks, X planes, X manpower, X navy vessels, + SISU
@@LanternOfLiberty We never bought BMP-2s, we bought BMP-1s (Pbv 501) and MT-LBs (Pbv 401) and I am pretty sure it's a mistake on their part since Sweden has BMP-2s and only 102 Strf 90s
Actually, Leopard 2A5 are excellent quality, let's be honest, armor of both A5 and A6 is the same (~940 KE protection) the only diffrence for A6 is better gun and electronics, otherwise it's the same tank. Both excellent.
Excellent is pointing towards the edge which is gonna decide if it is gonna compete at the very top. A small thing like infrared can decide hundreds of lives alone.
@@AnonyMous-ql9nj Both of them have virtually the same electronics, i.e infra red, thermals, NVD, both use the same ammunition, same armour, same mobility. The only differences i can think of are, longer gun and maybe APU but that's for A6M, not for the standard A6. Besides, video is wrong, Swedes don't use 2A5, they use its cousin, the Strv 122B/C which are in fact, better than 2A6, better armoured, with better optics and electronics.
where on earth did you get the number for Finnish reservists? And for the artillery pieces? It is also highly doubtable that Swedens "professional" army is any better than the Finnish conscript army. This also means that Swedens larger defence budget doesn't mean a better quality army.
Whilst this analysis may be true to an extent (apart from the oblivious manpower thing; Finland has a shitload of manpower) All must remember that morale in Finland is probably going to be a lot higher and in the case of arising tensions, Finland would have already militarized Åland. Finland would also probably have support from Russia, even though tensions have been rising between Finland and Russia. Because of the shared border, Finland would have the ability to buy military equipment from Russia. Russia would probably help Finland a lot in the war because of having the ability to take Gotland for themselves. So in real war, Sweden would be fucked.
If Russia decides to support Finland then Nato, especially the rest of Scandinavia and USA would support Sweden, If one great power supports one side then another great power will support the other, that's how it have worked in the world for a long time.
@@GenericNameeee Unlikely for NATO to risk nuclear war. also Nato did nothing for crimea. NATO also has logiatical issues due to geography, while the Russians could easily transport equipment to Finland. Also I spoke of buying equipment not outright being given it, trading ia not offensive action, thus unlikely for nato to provide manpower, and in terms of manpower Finland would have around 240 000 soldiers in active duty and another 900 000 less trained individuals ready to be called upon.
You might have missed the relative sizes of the reserves. Finland's conscription is still close to universal (about 80% of the age class I believe) but Sweden in contrast has pretty much run down it's reserve ground forces. Probably relating to the nearest eastern neighbour of each country...
Sweden has much to learn from Finland. That has been shown during the pandemic with Finlands excellent stores of supplies in case of war or pandemics. Would be nice if the two countries could have an even deeper collaboration. Would be awesome if Finland could build and use the Jas Gripen :D This is actually the first time I've ever thought of a scenario when we would be at war with our neighbour Finland. Interesting video and I'm sure that day will never come :) Lets do a hockey match instead
Guys please, lets just look at thought experiments like these as fun stuff to think about as military and strategy buffs. Tying your countries landmass, military or strengh over others is not only childish and against the good things that make us human, but also goes against us developing and progressing together as a species. Im from Sweden and love talking about the Nordic war and the 30 years war, discussing what happened and what couldve been, but i get damn near disqusted when people take these discussions seriously, rambling about what their country could have become and how superior they are to other countries and cultures, bordering on full on racism, instead of focusing on whats *truly* important in life and keeping things like these as non-personal fun thought-discussions.
My wife who is Swedish but has Finnish parents says Finland has what I'd describe as stronger morale, they'd never give up and fight harder. I suppose it's like uk in Battle of Britain and Finland vs Russia in ww2.
One things you din´t take in to account, is the 900 000 man strong trained reserve army. with another 200 000 that can be mobilized in Dire situations. And then you have the ladies who could be drafted quite easily aswell.
Åland populated by Swedes? Historically yes, but in this context it sounds like their loyalty to the republic could be put into question, which is really NOT the case. Ålanders are Swedish-speaking Finns, not Swedes, and they would fight us fiercely if we for some reason were ever to try seizing their islands. That aside, I find this an entertaining theoretical game. A real clash between our nations, though unlikely, would however amount to a massive tragedy no matter who would defeat the other.
Finland would absolutely crush Sweden due to the much larger reserves, as the Prussian army showed against the French army an army with a large base of reservist is much more effective since they can pull from a pool of men that are already an effective soldier instead of training more of them like Sweden would have to.
that is ok idea but in 1v1 war serbia wins 100 procents, serbia have much stronger army, bulgaria vs serbia wuld be interesting, both have similar army power
You missed from Finnish army hundreds of thousands of trained reservists, almost 1000 more artillery pieces and the fact that one finn equals ten russians, I am not sure how many that is in swedes but surely more than one :D
Hydraulic Press Channel A Finn is equal to ten Russians only if he is leaded by a Russian general
A russian trained, swedish speaking, finnish nationalist -general.
Hydraulic Press Channel Boy Scout is equal to 10 russians to be fair
If the Russian generals are so great it would probably helped Russians more :D
Comrade Binkov also didnt calculate the alternative, that in the case of Swedish push against Rovaniemi, Santa Claus and his elves would probably join the Finns. And he is a hell of paratrooper... Binkov already made vid about his capabilities....
Who attacks finland from the east? -Russia
Who attacks finland from the west?
- Flanking Russia
Stoplayers xd
Oh my god this is the best thing i have ever seen
finland is a nice buffer tho
To quote Jyri Häkämies, the Finnish Defence Minister from the early 2000s:
_"Taking into account our geographical location Finland's three primary security challenges are Russia, Russia and Russia."_
Good one and correct at that.
Wow, 25 000 trained reservists. That’s the number of new reservists trained every year. We have 900k trained reservists, 280k of whom form the war time army. And paramilitary troops are illegal in Finland. Your numbers of tanks, artillery and almost everything are also too low. Where did you get this ”information”?
Your so right
Trust me, armies these days really don't keep thousands of tanks in active service. Just look at say ... Britain/France/Germany and you'll see that it isn't like the Second World War.
Kenny Wang who said we have thousands of tanks when in reality we have somewhere 150-170
Yeah, and the swedish 980k active personal and the 260 tanks???
Nope, that information is fake.
True information:
Actives: 251 500
Reserves in total: 1 000 000, but only 375 100 operating at a time.
Towed Artillery: 889
Submarines: 1, but it's in a museum
I have to ask, where did you get those numbers of Finnish reserves and manpower? From "Russia Today"? Used to think this is a professional channel... Finland has had conscription since their first independence and reserve consists of hundreds of thousands of men, not tens. And how come Sweden all of a sudden has 11,1 million people? They just reached 10 million last year. C'mon do your research better and stop spreading false information.
When has he ever been a professional channel? He just takes random numbers and throws it at the screen like it alone could determin who would win.
The 11.1 million is probably a typo. Sweden actually has a population of 10.1 million. (Which is still nearly double Finland's population).
All of these numbers are straight from Russian Wikipedia.
So you weren't too far off.
+exposed yt Then how come Russia keeps losing in these videos?
How come the offical statics for Sweden tell otherwise: "Nyckeltal för Sverige
10 142 686
Referenstid: mars 2018"
Sweden's victory was bitter Swede. They weren't able to Finnish the job.
Alex the Kaiju Fan
There was Norway they could've gotten a one-sided victory.
That’s a real knee slapper
Either way, both sides forces wouldn't be Russian to get anywhere anytime soon...
You guys haven't Polished your puns enough yet. Kenya think of any more? Cause I'm Havana good time, even though it Isreally hard. I'm getting Hungary because of it, so I'm Ghana go Czech if I have some food, maybe some Turkey. Ah, crap, I don't. I will have Togo soon then. Gotta Swissh downtown and buy some. Don't have much time anyway, I'm supposed to write an essay about Japan - I will Samurais it for you later. Do we have Samoa puns?
Riku Penttila what about norway vs finland
25 000 trained army reservist. I don't know where u got that info from. Finland has over 900 000 trained reservist. Little less than 300 000 will be called into service if the war occurs. Other 600 000 is kept in second reserve (varareservi). We have now I think 80leo 2a6 and 20 more coming next year. We have no t72 cause we scrapt them like 10 years ago. T55 we still have some in reserve.
Eiköhän niitä 72kin varmaan jossain luolan perällä oo epävirallisesti kaikenvaralta. sota kun syttyy niin sieltä lähtee jopa PSVK:n edustalta Stug III:kin tarvittaessa rintamalle. 🤣
Currently it's 1 million.
@@malivev4705 Oh nooo... Where did you get that idea from? :D
@@malivev4705 swedish 900k gay activist?
@@malivev4705 umm 20k where did you get that
Where did you get the number of Finnish troops and equipment! Finnish military has wartime size of 280000 troops and it has much more artillery and tanks than you are telling.
Dont tell em
Niinpä 😂
It was an army lowly trained and lacked experience
@@vimukthipoorna9504 lowly trained? I can see you have no conception about Finnish army. Noiw yess they lack experience, but so does Swedish Army-
Sweden have much more manpower and better economy
Finland has a trained reserve of 900 000 did you forget that?
they can only mobilize 200k or 300k of these reservist
Spörä sparel Reserves are useful only during defence.
No, the active reserve force is 240k which is the wartime force; The amount we can mobilize fully from the start of war with war-time duties assigned and with modern weaponry. On top of that we have 700-800k more as trained reserve without war-time duties assigned and while those cannot be armed with the modern weaponry they can be armed.
Probably lot of other countries have bigger reserves than modelled in Binkovs videos.
Finlabd has a lot of old east german rifles and norinko ak's in reserver. The main forces ofc have the best equipment. But we do have enough equioment to man the reservist
The Finnish numbers are so massively wrong in this video that Binkov should honestly just delete and remake the video.
Sweden would win anyways
@@alvinsus9625 you are just so wrong.
@@bruhmcmoment196 Sweden has both air and sea superiority. Finland has ground superiority but with Swedish conscription that is likely to be evened out. Now i dont see why we argue as Sweden and Finland are very good friends, best friends almost, and we would, without a doubt, fight alongside eachother, not against eachother.
@@Bongo44551 yes, better to be friends than fight, but this video is just so wrong, Finland has over 230 000 wartime troops and reserves of 900 000 men. while this video says Sweden has land superiority. Finland of course has better military becouse we have always been next to USSR/Russia and need to prepare.
You can really see wich of these guys are finnish and swedish XD
Love Finland 🇫🇮
From Germany 🇩🇪❤️🇫🇮
Malte72 danke! Love from Finland
My previos comment was a joke😂😂😂 Finland loves germany 😂❤️❤️😂
I honestly can't think of anyone that hates Finland. The Germans, the Dutch, the British are loved by many but also hated by some. The same goes for pretty much every country I can think of. Maybe because there is no sibling rivalry like between Sweden and Denmark or between Germany and the Netherlands. Or maybe just because the Finnish are really cool people^^
I like Finland too 🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮🇫🇮
I love Germany too. I am a finn but I got roots in there!
Finland has planned wartime strength of 280 000 men. Also it was big news when Finland declared to OSCE artillery force of 1600 pieces. Where do you get your numbers from? Globalfirepower? Also the vehicle numbers are off. Finland has 100 Leo 2A4 and at this moment 80 Leo 2A6. You also placed finnish IFV numbers on the swedes who have no BMP-2 at all, but more CV9040. Finnish BMP-2s are also upgraded to BMP-2MD which might raise them to "capable" -category. Lots of things wrong here. I really hope you make more thorough inspections if you are hoping to have any credibility.
Being butthurt and having up to date information is different thing. If Binkov used factual numbers and Sweden still won, then I might get butthurt.
qelleri Suomi prkl
Not butthurt but pointing out the massive factual flaws in this video. I like his content but this was way off.
Also Finland has 0 operational T-72's (100 on reserve as shown in the video) since the army decided to scrap them...
Fixing errors is taking the positive approach to this video. The negative approach would be to believe figures were never even intended to be correct (so there would be no point in fixing them).
I'm Finnish and I respect Sweden's neutrality and I'm sure the Swedes respect ours. We have no beef with each other and probably never will be as we are good friends! Respect to Sweden from Finland!
Brother in arms.
Thank you respect from sweden to finland... but if you try something then will slaughter you no beef tho
Yes, we are brothers in arms and has been so for more than 700 years. The enemy is russia.
@@Thomas-ii7xc , don't worry about Russia. They will never reach your borders. They will have to pass us first :)
However, I don't think it's in their intentions now. We should try to make peace, in John Lennon's words.
@@Lizardsareprettycool , C'mon, we would never "try something". We would just do it! :D And by the way, thank your lucky stars that we are in between. We are the frontline of your defense and please don't say what you said. Come look at our grave yards boy. Maybe you will understand then, what we are actually capable to do to defend both our and your homeland, since we don't sh*t in out pants - it's the enemy, (and you?) who will do that.
This video has so many errors in it it's basically pointless
AdurianJ like your life? Im just gonna state the budget of swedens army to the finnish sweden 4.6 finland 2.6 sweden makes 30% of weapons in the eu so tell me how finlad can outproduse us?
Yeah this is just complete Rubbish
Like what errors? - genuine question
Hollow Of Me wtf man? You are looking wrong numbers. You dont know key factors to win a war.
macculu501 also Finland scrapped all of its T-72M1s years ago, except the ones that are in museums.
Scrapped as in threw them into steel furnaces.
Also the Swedish conscription starting and not mentioning that they only plan to train 4000 people per year vs Finlands about ~25000 people trained per year. Finland has a massive manpower edge on the start as it can rely on the conscripts trained a few years ago to step into service and churn more conscripts all the time.
Having been present at Arrow17 with US and Norwegian troops I can say that Finnish conscripts are in no way inferior to professionals. In part due to the fact that Finland gets to pick out the best of each generation into respective roles while Professionals only have those who enlist, often because they couldn't get in anywhere else.
NATO generals present at Arrow17 were very impressed at Finland's conscripts, even more so when they found out some had only been in service for 7 months at that point. The feedback from the US and Norwegian troops was great as well. Actual results showed this too.
In addition I've since moved to Sweden due to studies. The Swedes I've talked with about the this topic seem have to no faith in their army, stating it can't even defend the country and that it should be rebuilt. This is of course anecdotal, but at least it's the Swedes themselves saying this instead of me.
DaFinn isn't it Aurora 17?
DeadSnooker Look it up
Conscript soldiers have been recognised as better 'material' than volunteer.s in past conflicts . . namely you get a better spread of skills/life experience in conscript/citizen soldiers . . but obviously most non homogeneous countries armed forces cannot afford a standing conscript army
DaFinn Anecdotal? It is not a matter of opinion. It is a fact. At one point Sweden dropped conscription and ran down their military capabilities. When you look at the capabilities of any army you need to look at their wartime operational strength and reserves. Sweden practically don't have reserves and their war time strength is very weak.
Sweden is now trying to rebuild their army and they are trying to incorporate conscription back into their system, but it's difficult because rebuilding army and it's capabilities is a slow process.
In the leaflet they sent to every household "If war comes" they say "It will take some time for us to rebuild our national defense to an acceptable level". So yes, it's an official government statement at this point. I personally prefer the parody leaflet "If beer gets warms"
Peukku alas tälle venäläisten trollaus videolle...
Suomi voittaisi perkele
@@mrkilpi6784 millä perusteella?
@@SirRamdomgames Sisu.
Jep, Ryssää ottaa pattiin, kun Suomi pistäisi taas kampoihin heille niin että hapakaali oli housuissa aika nopeasti iivanalla. :D Suomihan pöllyttäisi Ruotsin mennen tullen. :D
What is this? Finland has 900 000 reservists and could mobilise about 270 000.
Sweden has 30 000 reservists :D
Yeah and 14 000 active and Finland 36 000
@@tonyhawksproskater2406 and sweden has 5 million manpower
Binkov you baffle me with these numbers! I think around 80% of finnish male population recieves 6-12 month military training, there are substansially more trained reservists than 25 thousand. Finland's war-time army has been downsized several times in recent decades, but it's still 280 thousand, made up mostly from trained reservists. Finland has also improved it's emergency mobilization capabilities recently.
I have been looking forward to Finland-episodes, particulalry Finland vs Russia, but I was disappointed with the poor research. I hope rest of your episodes aren't based as false facts as this episode.
That is not true. Police there might carry service weapons though, but nothing military. Also, the loyalty of Ålandish people might be, questionable in a conflict between Finland and Sweden.
I'm not an expert on these matters, and I don't know if it would change anything. However, I think there is a significant difference between 25k and 280k trained reservists. If for no other reason, then just for the sake of presenting accurate facts.
As you said yourself, these "butthurt Finns" are right, and they are "screaming" because they value Binkov's opinions. But if Binkov has his facts and numbers wrong, it makes them wonder if that would change the outcome.
The Finnish Border Guard operates in the Åland Islands, and in wartimes they'll be subordinate to the Ministry of Defence.
"The Swedish Air Force would shoot down and troop transport planes and/or helos, Swedish subs would sink any transport ships" Why would we transport troops by plane or ship and not by rail or road? It's not like Swedes have any kind of a bombing force. The Swedish "professional" soldiers get paid less than 3k euros a month, just imagine what kind of people have to accept jobs like that. Professional army is such a meme. Israel has proved that a reserve-army is just as capable as any fighting force with the correct motivation and leadership. How could Sweden even maintain their airforce, if their military might allows them to barely even man a frontline? The Swedish army is built to resemble a peace keeping force, as they disregarded Russia as a threat between 1991-2015, Finland kept their reserve-army and now, surprise suprise, Sweden is following suit with the Finns, by implementing conscription again.
Soviet Bear It's true that Sweden has a bit of a technological edge at sea & air. Their land forces are roughly equivalent, though Sweden's are supposed to be better trained. But there's a saying "quantity has a quality all its own". Seeing all this numbers controversy and curious if it was just Finnish nationalists overreacting or something, I decided to research the numbers myself and I've concluded that Binkov seriously messed them up.
He lists a total Finnish Army size of 55,000, but the conservative numbers I'm finding give the Finnish Army 262,000. The Swedish Army, although better trained, is only 44,000 strong. Swedish Supreme Commander Sverker Göranson said in 2015 that his army could not fight for more than a week in a major war without major defense changes, which has led to Sweden looking to switch back to a Finland-style "total defense" military concept by 2025.
Optimistic numbers of 900,000 for a Finnish army are not well sourced and seem to include backup classes of reservists that would get called up in a total war, so that should really fall into a "fit for service" figure, of which Finland has 1,900,000 and Sweden has 3,400,000. So if it really did go into total war of attrition territory, Sweden has a population edge, but Finland definitely has a larger, already trained & equipped military.
Do your homework, Binkov. You really can't just go to tell the whole world some things which aren't facts.. -.- Thumb down. And moreover Finland is not part of Scandinavia.
Who would win?
700,000 Russian soldiers
Some skiing 🅱ois screaming PERKELE
russian, but we would make it as hard as possible. I know that times have changed but let me remind you of winter war.
@@rasmussyrjala1370 But there is no Great Purge.
Rasmus Syrjälä yes and as soon as stalin send in somebody that knew how to command a fucking army the finns got stomped lol
Lol that made me laugh 😂
Swede here!
The swedish "professional" army have had a hard time recruiting soldiers and and limited conscription has been instated to even be able to man the positions that professional soldiers were supposed to man. The swedish army selldom trains at battalion and brigade level and do not have all the equipment that they are supposed to have. The Airforce pilots are not given enough flying time(less than the paper figures say), and the planes lacks spare parts. The navy has similar problems. Half of the swedish military strength 0f 50000 consists of home guard with the ambition to work as territorial defence. Sweden is supposed to set up a main force of 2 brigades but can not even do that. Btw Swedish population is sure as hell not 11.1 million people.
At the same time Finland has a main force of 8 brigade sized unit and several hundred thousands of men in territorial defence units. Eventhough Finland use conscription, I would say that the Finns would act lot more professional at the battalion level and above.
You can ask any Swede that has some idea of military matters about which country that would win in a war between Finland and Sweden and he would without hesitation say that Finland would win.
It is interesting to see how bad research Binkov is doing, as looking beyond the official figures and wikipedia pages and having some knowledge of your own easily gives you totally different picture of these things.
Finally a comment with facts
Binkov should get his information from and www.fö
I'm from Finland myself. Sweden sure is closer to the West and you may have better equipment and technology than we have but the thing you lack is the actual army. We Finns have a very big army in European scale. We also have modern technology and good equipment and big part of our yearly budget goes to self defensing. I'd say draw is very logical but also a minor victory for Finland could be possible. Luleå could be invaded by us.
I Think it is pretty much a draw, Now Way that They can cuonqer each other.
In my opinion sweden is a little bot Stronger because of the larger and better equiped air force.
Finnland has more tanks but most of them are probably in the east and would Need to carry to the west then a war started.
So it seems that sweden has some advatages but all in all I would Way it dosnt fiffer that much.
By the Way Iam pretty Sure that the finnish army isnt 100 percent ir even Close to 100 percent combat ready.
1:49 but finland map before 1939 - 1940 is not like that
EZ4 ENCE ugly arm but still an arm
A Finish recruit is on morning exercise with his sergeant.
Recruit "Sarge, we are always defending with the enemy attacking from the East"
Sarge "Yes, what is your point?"
Recruit "What if the enemy attacks from west?"
Sarge rubs chin and thinks on this new idea.
Sarge "You may have a point. It is possible that the enemy could do a flanking manoeuvre."
Tommy Hill its funny because at the time of the northen war finland was part of the swedish empire where swedish troops were so capable its beat armies twice to even 8 times its size while any troops finland provided where about as trash as the polish danish and russian concript armies the swedes crushed again and again, fucking hell the russians were scared of the swedes they never defeated them in battle scrotched earth tactics was onebof 2 major reasons sweden didnt end up winning the northen war
SpyroSfilms too bad its not late 1939 or early 1940 its 2018, yet you seem to have no problem with the ops comment basically stating how badass they are even tho it may as well be 1700 since they did anything cool, its both praticly ancient history, evident by how cucked they are now the swedes arnt as badass as they were in the 1700 and finland isnt as badass as it was in ww2 so OP is wrong too
SpyroSfilms i didnt say you did, i basically pointed out the hypocrisy of chewing me out while letting op that did the same thing slide
@@xxxhalo4everxxx Not exactly, lot of the high morale and cultural victory from Winter and Continuation War are still strong in Finnish minds, which most of the population is willing to defend their home against a larger enemy without question. It's bit different from someone trying to conquer and failing, compared to someone defending their home against a daunting enemy and succeeding.
GamerScrewingAround finland lost the winter war, sure they kicked ass but when timeshenko took charge of the russian forces the finns had to rush to get a peace treaty before being annexed completely
This video fails to take in account so many things and is vastly misinformed on others it's physically painful. c.c
55 000 reservist? Make that 240-280 000 active reservist with assigned war-time duties and mandatory reserve training plus 700-800 000 reservists without war-time duties.
120 Leobard 2A6 tanks? Make that 160 + 40 more arriving in this year or the next plus some 200-500 older tank models stored in parts only waiting for re-assembly in case of crisis (Remnants from Cold War when we circumvented arms limitation agreement via dismantling for reconstructing and storage)
666 artillery? Please. We have the largest reported artillery force in entire Europe with some active1566 artillery pieces without even taking in account the stored old ones; Half of it only recently exposed due to change in reporting (they were hidden with navy as only army artillery had been required to be reported by OSCE)
Wiliraughshai EXACTLY... so poor research by Binkov... i hope he makes an remake, with REAL numbers... this is so fucked up info...
Holyshit the lack of real information on this video, I tried to not get triggered. I know that the Swedish army has a bigger budget and is therefore more advanced, but Finland still has more trained manpower.
uhh. just a little detail, finland has 900 000 reservist and are able to mobilize 230 000 in case of war...
Sinke true
That 230 000 is an old number, it was raised to 280 000 recently
Sinke i dont think that would changed much really
To & Fr gaming lol... u serious? bro 50k vs 900k is a pretty big difference, not to forget the 900 units of artillery behind them
Sink Finland only has enough guns for 230 000 or 280 000 and most of the finnish reservist Arent very well trained and it takes time to mobilize reservist when Finland had mobilize sweden would have they reservist ready as well
please re-do this video, ive been waiting for a long time, and some facts are very wrong, for example the swedish conscription is only going to aim to train around 5 000 a year, and finland has military reservists around 900k and are able to mobilize 230k in times of war, also finland has one of the biggest artillery in europe with 90 spg and 900 towed... i know this is a very finnish favorble comment but yea...
Sinke Yes thats true, for some reason everybody think that Sweden will force everybody to do military service like back in the 70s and 80s but thats really not the case, only about 10 000 born between 1999 and 2000 will do the training while there were over 172 000 people born those years so only a very small group of people will do it.
Sinke finland actually might have even the biggest artillery and to point out something that swedish war historian said "Nowadays sweden has basicly more generals than guns" :D
smeep finland has the largest artiller in europe after russia. So bigger than Great Britain, France or Germany.
pikkuhakki2 oh well true, I didn't even include it myself cuz im tard
Soviet Bear the numbers are incredibly innacurate. It would affect alot to have the right ones.
There's no question about it: Finland would crush Sweden.
But luckily in the real world, since they are allies, Finland and Sweden would never fight against each other
Bro what, you just watched an experienced person who knows this stuff that just Said sweden would win
@@GenorAI jake walberg has autism and he is jealous that sweden has a stronger military than finland so he has to make up lies
Finland can deploy 280 000 troops binkov got that wrong you
This is sweedish propaganda?!!
Jes, tis is sviidis propakanda
Vihreä Mies It's not like it matters. Swedish-finnish relations are among the best in the world.
Lol gustaavi paska
No but Sweden is better then Finland
I waited for this video for a long time but you had a lot of mistakes on the Finnish side. I would be really thankful if you remade this video with more researched information.
For those of us not good on the subject - what examples of mistakes did he make?
@@Tinnesa Finland has 900k trained army reservists, not 25k. Also figures on artillery for example are way too low.
@@Tinnesa Finland's wartime strength is 280k, with a total trained reserve of 900k, as somebody else pointed out above. This video makes it seem like Finland and Sweden have roughly parity in number, when in reality it is laughably in favour of the Finns.
Artillery information also wrong: Finland has about 1556 artillery and heavy mortar pieces (which was at least at some point strongest in the Western Europe in numerical strength. For example Germany had 202 fewer artillery pieces).
That 1556 includes 48 self-propelled armored K9 Thunder and 36 older Russian-made 122mm self-propelled armored howitzers, 72 self-propelled 152mm howitzers, 22 MRLS M270 and 34 RM-70 multiple-rocket-launcher systems plus all the numerous towed artillery and heavy mortars.
I think that we have in finland +80 self propelled artillerys, +600 field artillerys and 30-80 rocket launchers my english is bad
@I hate you all kiitos
Finland is eastern Europe
The Finnish army is way bigger than the Swedish one.
And a lot weaker than u think
Soviet Bear
The technological edge for Sweden isn't that much better. For example, it's very arguable if a Gripen is better than a F-18 at all. Finland have more and better air-to-surface weapons as well, and for armored vehicles, Finland have a lot of identical equipment.
Soviet Bear. Well i bet that the swedes would be pretty butthurt if this video stated that swedish military uses technology from the 1950s.
>Sweden has a very large technological edge
It does not and I'm a Swede.
Mickey G also Finland is buying new ones
Is Binkov assuming the Finns are fighting the war with only their active army and ignoring their reserve? Also at 0:28 52% of the Finnish conscripts served 12 months. These numbers are directly from the Russian Wikipedia page of the referred nations' armed forces.
The wartime strength is 280,000 fighting men, rest of the 900,000 are logistics units, reserve etc. Binkov presents a number which is just 20% of that
That's pretty much the only way Sweden could make some advance in Finland and Binkov usually takes mobilization to notice. However after Finland gets their forces ready the tides most likely would turn for they pretty much outnumber Sweden.
It wouldn't be profitable to mobilize those troops.
doesn't this man know that the finns rule the internet, this guy is an absolute madman
Finns are kings of memes
@@succ448 No, you fucking normies
@@ZitesNW finns? Normies? Bruh we arent normal at all atm im in an coffee shop drinkin' my 5th coffee
@@fastum000 thats respectable though. Enjoy it
🇫🇮 is better, support from 🇷🇺
Канал Фанатика Would u take support from russia, then u deserve to be conquered. No country should fall to level.
Канал Фанатика true
Christian Edwall I'm from Russia, soooo...
The video clearly stated at the start that allies were not included
The border being snow covered most of the year, lol since when ? :P
In the winter what is 3 months
The border is almost completely inside the artic circle, dipshit.
Snow arrives much much earlier far up in the north.
Make sure that your brain is working before you make such a stupid comment.
@@williamsmeds1368 I live in Finland so I know that here is not snow cover in most of the year.
Make sure that your brain is working before you make such a stupid comment
@@spectre1849 Yeah, i live in Finland too and i know it isn't covered in snow all the time, but do you live in the most northern and isolated parts of the country? Do you live on the swedish border? Do you live within the parts of the country that are in the artic circle?
I never said that the whole country is covered in snow all the time. I said that the border with sweden is covered in snow a lot.
The further north you go, the colder and snoweir it gets. Most of the Finnish population live further to the south beacuse the northern part are a shitty place to live in.
The video said that the BORDER is mostly covered in snow a lot. But dumbasses like you can't understand so you think that he means that the whole country is covered in snow.
Both of you are complete idiots who don't understand english or basic geography.
@@williamsmeds1368 ymmärrän kyllä että pohjoisessa on kylmempää kuin etelämmässä mutta siltikin puolet vuodesta olisi lunta niin ei ole ihan realistista mielestäni
I know that northen finland is coulder than southern part but that snow cover half of the year is still not realistic
Please redo this video with correct numbers.
the numbers are correct
@@magicsans6376: The number of reservists isn't.
@@seneca983 lol oh shit I didn't see that it was 10k and 20k :D my bad
@@magicsans6376 900k and 25k are different :DDDD
Sweden wouldn't dare attack Finland, for they fear waking Simo from his rest...
KaiserSpaceman he is Only goodlike aginst communists. Were he get the bounus 10000%.
+after war finland took some of Simo's DNA, cloned 1 million of Häyhä's and froze them in age of 20. So actually Finland has 280000 soldiers + 1million super Simos!!!!!!
Kerry Holt a snuper during the winter war killed 500+ russians during a 100 day war.
All you need is Lilla My!
Finland is NOT a Scandinavian country. Both are NORDIC, but only Sweden, Denmark and Norway are Scandinavian!
Ankan XD what's the difference?
Iceland is Nordic aswell, not Scandinavian.
As i said in the post above, Iceland is nordic and not scandinavian. So no, i didnt forget.
Whats your problem? I said that Iceland is nordic, and you send me a link stating that Iceland is nordic, just as i always said. Why?
Chandan Bhowal Scandinavians are gays
From this channels About tab
"Watch our informative, *thoroughly researched* videos and find out more!"
What a joke
Finland has 1566 artillery pieces. Not 666 as you said. You're off by a factor of 3.
Åland isn't closer to Sweden than Finland, as you claimed. Åland is bridged to Finland with a tight chain of islands, while Sweden is completely cut off.
Saying that Finland has no reinforcements is just plain lying. Finland has 900,000+ reserves, while Sweden has 30,000 plus the 20,000 active. Finland can mobilize about 250,000 troops acording to the present-day plan, but on top of that, FDF has a fuckton of chinese, yugoslavian and east-german gear and AKs stored for a doomsday scenario. If Finland had to, they could easily mobilize the entire 900,000, meanwhile Sweden has 1/20th of that and possibly some volkstrum tier civilians armed with sharp sticks.
Gay finn mad
This channel is a total joke.
"Finland has 1566 artillery pieces. Not 666 as you said."
I think that 1566 includes heavy mortars whereas Binkov might have been only counting actual cannons.
@@seneca983 finland scrapped 800 of their artillery since 2019 because they wanted to replace them in 2022 and 2023 with better artillery
Im sorry to say Binkov, while I enjoy your videos a great deal, you went pretty far off the mark here. I have no idea how far you went on Sweden, but atleast in Finland you missed event the most obvious, news covered, basic information. Finland has 900,000 trained reservists. So while sweden is infact training "civilians" as you put it, we have that number to pull that have been through conscription, basic training and reservist training. Not to mention about 1000 artillery pieces you forgot, or the basic military doctrine of the countries. I know you cant have it all, but this was pretty low.
2/3 of the finnish army are conscripts
Your data is old and confusing in some cases. T-72s? I thought they were scrapped and placed in museums.
We have 100 leopard 2a4 and 100 leopard 2a6
@Lauri Vastamaa not true
Torilla tavataan perkele! Ruotsalaiaset ei voita suomee
Sveitsi voitti ;)
KP L nyt kuule puhutaan sodasta nuorimies
Finland has ~900 000 trained army reservists not 25 000. That on itself makes this video pointless.
Only 25k of their reserves are trained
@@大日本帝国-k2s No:D 900k are trained.
@@spalelees no 25k are trained and nothing more
@@大日本帝国-k2s Ur 25 and u don't know shit:D Ur comments are becoming funny to read bc how wrong human can be:DDD
@@大日本帝国-k2s 900k trained
Finland has 900,000 soldiers in reserve and you Google it if you want.
@Max Rubinsson it wont, we can mobilize them so Quickly stockholm would already be finnish
@Max Rubinsson You too are wrong. Again. Here's why:
A citizen=/=soldier
Finland is not recruiting anything. Those 900 000 people are trained soldiers, albeit many of them not actively rehearsed. Still. To turn Swedish population into soldiers would require at least a year of time and pretty much an infinite budget compared to current one.
Those 900 000 need days to weeks of rehearsal and they will be ready to carry on their duties.
Also, believe me, I know how you want to praise your own military. But by numbers, Finland is superior in almost all regards. Ships, subs and jets being where Sweden wins majority. The rest is for the Finns.
If you won't take it from me, take it from yanks. They were forced to try and sabotage their simulators at a certain exercise because we 6 months in conscription kept handing it to them.
@Max Rubinsson we win, end of discussion
@@disregardtheconstabulary1276 Finland's 900,000 reserves is basically a paper figure. Most of the Finnish sources put the number at around 165,000 Reservists with the option to take the army to 280,000 in wartime. Still, way more than Sweden.
@@ravenmusic6392 I do not know what sources you use, but take it from the Finnish military itself. 280 000 is the wartime reserve of all branches, currently. No-one ever said 900 000 is an active part of the defense.
Before mentioned numbers are governmentally dictated though, not specifically by lack of resources. So it is reasonable enough to expect we could with some difficulty amass the reserve of 2010 which would be 350 000, but that is already speculating.
Ei tarvis kun yhen ihmisen mennä aseen kanssa torille ja sanoo "pöö", niin ruotsalaiset luovuttaisi.
Ei ne ny ihan sellasia oo. Kyllä siinä sais kunnolla hien päälle ennen kun menis saunaan.
Tuo on täysin totta ja suomi ei kuulu skandinaviaan vittu
Täällähän on kunnon suomalaisia
Finland has recently made a number of deals with Israeli military and I believe the Israeli reserve forces was modeled on Finland's. If their is any example from the 1939 Winter War with USSR one can say the Finnish army would be very impressive and not to be meddled with !
Nordic is friends Finland Norway Sweden all friends not enemy. binkov? This is fake story.
It's an alternative Scenario moron
u probly forget denamrak and iceland
All of the nordic countries vs Russia!
Denis Селимовић
Russia would still win, but russia could probably take much of the land.
I actually don't think so. The Nordics have a quite big technological stand point and Sweden and Finland could block off their supplies via Baltic Sea. St. Petersburg is really close to the Finnish border and a good choke point. However if we count in A-bombs, yeah. Russia would definitely win. But the Nordics would win a slightly, but in a long war Russia would win with their massive army.
Snow snow and much more snow and wastelands. Why don't they just play a game of ice hockey?
It would be a second winter war. Russia would take some land,but they would lose far too many men to declare the land worth it.
Russia would win just because they have nuclear weapons, if the nordic countries had nuclear weapons they would win because they have better technology, warships, tanks, and a largest military.
Swedes would have trouble shooting at Finns. They'd drink coffee and talk about the weather instead, and the Finns would probably do the same.
Wille A
And eat some meatballs searching for treasures in their asses
Where did you get these numbers? Finland has 900 000 trained reservists and Sweden has about 30 000.
The Fins would just wear vests made of Nokia phones and thus be invulnerable.
Suomi Has Sisu
But swedes have Surströmming.
The company that makes trucks and stuff, yeah.
Sweden has ikea tanks. Sadly their nails cant penetrate our Nokia armour.
Never going to be war against each other our brothers
Finland can quickly deploy 230,000 troops in war and has another 500,000 in reserve... dunno how it changes the situation with Swedens technological edge but still cmon you cant ignore that...
FrustratedTurtle the thing is the finish wont arm it all since 1 they dont have modern wepones for all. They politicaly cant handel suiced runs becuse of more men.
onespiker Theres enough for the 280,000 they can deploy in a short notice, the rest would be defensive forces until later on the war if finland can start arming them. Even though finnish arms industry is a joke compared to the swedes, the finnish should be able to equip them given enough time.
FrustratedTurtle indeed they can arm them do time but the problem is also politicaly grounded( how many losses are acceptable, economy? 20% of your population would then be the battle how long can the economy support it? Sweden can support it for wat longer becuse of its bigger economy ( both per person and population). Sweden would then also begin arming and with a bigger industry alot faster ( though they need to train them first).
This is also a war that wont happen in the next 100 years atleast and most likely never.
onespiker I applied the classic Binkov no morale counted for -criteria in this. If morale was counted for, there wouldn't even be this pointless war in the middle of nowhere on lapland :D Nobody here wants war with the swedes.
onespiker economy is very important here. Finland would indeed be in ruins if the war was prolonged, so finland would have to use it's numerical superiority for a crippling blow into sweden that would instantly put the swedish forces on retrear into the south.
And this scenario is by no means a stretch. Finland could easily fend off any swedish counterattack from the south with better and more numerous anti-air and better anti-ship equipment (visby class doesn't even have anti-air capabilities so once spotted, it's dead)
Iran VS Turkey!
Or, "The most unlikely war ever".
Like US invading Canada because some American parents were pissed at a pair of foul-mouthed Canadian comedians.
So a country that almost beat Soviet during winter lost to a gay neutral country?
that was in the past, present day is present day, Swedes have technological edge and better trained troops, these days having lot of men and tanks is not so important anymore
KP L what technological edge? Finnish tanks (Leopard 2A6) are better than Swedish (Leopard 2A5/Strv 122), Finnish fighters (F/A-18C) are better than Swedish (Gripen C) according to the Swiss evaluation, Finland has more and newer anti-air systems, newer AT systems (Spike), tougher artillery (K9 SPH, 2S1, lots of towed artillery) etc.
Finland was neutral until the soviets declared war. A soviet war against sweden at that time would likely end in a simalair way.
KP L you never know what is going to happen. Soviet union also had technological edge on finland and that wasn't really helping them :D war is always war, it doesn't change. (ps. we have better morale than sweden)
Gustaf med F nope it wouldn't have. Because of your comments you think only numbers and machinery matters and not morale and manpower.
Just to tell you, Sweden has a population of 10.1 million, not 11 million.
They have 9.9 million they will hit 10 million in 2019
You have just hit 10 million....
They hit 10 million in December 2018
Thanks to overwhelming immigrants.
What do you mean, nah? It's exactly that which drives Sweden population growth. @@hd.3045
Binkov, don't you know anything? As absurd as you were, it brought up some thoughts. In Finland we actually have one of the largest land armies in Europe, one of the largest reserves (280 000 men field army during the war time, however 900 000 is the figure of all fit men in the reserves and 93% of Finnish men serve 6-12 months in the defense forces), along with the largest artillery in the Western Europe.
As soon as the last Leopard 2A6s arrive from Holland, we'll have one of the largest tank forces in Europe (of which 230 are Leo 2's). We have the third highest gun ownership in the world, so many learn to be skilled shooters at early age. And what matters the most, the will to shoot and fight, and Finnish are on top when comparing all European nations. Also, to mention, in case you haven't been in the army, that's what defends the land, and vice versa you can't invade a country without land units. The Army. Sweden has great Air force and Navy, which I highly respect. But remember that a great majority of their military budget is put on those arms, on those expensive boats, submarines and their own developed fighters. The reason for that is, that Finland is their "buffer-zone" like it has been for 1000 years. We are their army or land forces.
Anyway, we in Finland still have our own 1100+ air to air Western missiles for our 62 F-18:s and over half thousand modern SAM-missiles for the batteries, hundreds of man-portable SAM Stingers to drop attack helicopters.
Panssariase? Panzerwaffen? Tank-warfare? To counter AFV/MBT's? Thousands and again thousands of man-portable anti-tank missiles (A while a go we bought 3000 N-LAWS, on top of older systems like TOW) + on spearheads 230 Leopard 2 MBT's and let's not forget fighter carried missiles.
In my job, I've been in co-operation with Swedes, in the past, and they really don't differ so much from Finns... of course there's some cultural differences. So the whole question here is quite laughable, yeah, I'm sure it's a joke. Neither of countries would ever attack one or another, as they stand now.
But for the hypothetical question asked? No one supporting? As for RIGHT NOW, Finland would conquer half of Sweden past of Stockholm, swiftly move to isolate it's densely populated southern part and siege Stockholm. It's the truth. Sweden has basically shut off it's land army and didn't even have artillery in 2011. They had to borrow it from the Norwegians. For example, we had 1400 artillery pieces last year, mobile and towed, and, ammunition is not a problem for us, we are prepared to fight a bit larger neighbour to East. Sure, Swedes would still have a large part of their AF and N remaining (on which they put most of their military budget) and a large number of missiles for those and what not, but on military terms, they could only last for so much against crushingly larger, well equipped, quick land army. Let's remember Finnish Air Force and AA are no joke either. Even if we'd take just 200 000 soldiers, two armies for Swedish Lapland assault and leave 80 000 to secure the southern shores, we'd still make it. Then it's militia, civilians vs. soldiers, out there. This is the situation, sadly.
PS. So here's a bit of warning to Swedes. We Finns of course defend our areas like hell until the last man, but in the future it might not be enough, Russians might still overrun as we would have a clear majority of forces fighting in the south were most of us live. Of course we have couple of tough brigades in the north too and missile defense regiments for them and so on, but it could be game over out there. Russians WILL head to NATO-Norway, on top of that I'm pretty sure they will head south too, to shut off Danish isles, of high strategic importance.
Ok, so you didn't count that much on Finland's already trained conscript reserve of couple of hundred thousands...?
What the hell? Finland has 280000 reservists check your sources m8!!
Colin Fernelius is your comment a parody?
No Gustaf
Colin Fernelius are you sure?
Colin Fernelius
Its 900000 reservist
Kuules ukko suomella on noin 900000 reservissä. (0.9 milj.)
Love you Finland from Sweden
Love to Sweden from Finland!
@@christianvanhalan7982 maanpetturi
Finland would never fight a war with the active strength only, they aren't even war-ready troops or organised to any form of fighting organisation, but instead to a training organisation.
The Finnish wartime force is the 280 000 strong active reserve, and the whole reserve is 900 000. Every reservist of the 280 000 wartime force is assigned to their individual task in the wartime organisation and they are ordered to refresher exercises regularly.
V The ACE With or without the UK?
With UK will be good
You forgot the Swedish Soyboy factor.
Schtroumpf and the Finnish poverty factor
Jack Nelson
>country is literally about to become somalia
>calls others poor
Schtroumpf 65% of immigrants in sweden come from other european states mainly finland ironically enough. Of the other 35% around 200,000 are from the middle east and Africa. I get it, you dont fancy colored people, or maybe you just dislike leftism. I'm sure many in America were worried it would turn into Ireland back during the potato famine era.
I'm fucking memeing here, get out with your serious fact-based garbage dude.
AlcoholicSmurf Quite retarded memeing if I’m gonna be honest.
Finnish soldiers can use Nokia phones to make a god-mode-like body armour
*The finish army wants to know your location*
Finland should win, your statistic are wrong, Finland has way way more soldiers and stuff
But Sweden has twice the population so they would win in a long term war
Only thing Finland has going for it is people. Sweden has more planes, tanks, IFVs, submarines, covettes etc. What people seem to forget is that Sweden has a law that states that if the country is attacked then Every Citizen between 18 and 60 years old hahe to be trained and deployed. Finland has about 5 000 000 people. Sweden has almost 11 000 000 people. Sweden would have ALOT mor manpower
Come on guys, Sweden and Finland would never fight. Bromance, Love you Finland, from Linköping, Sweden
Yes, never a single där Sweden vs Finland. Before the Russian conquest, Finland as not a concept. The Finnish language was used. But most Finns saw themselves as Swedes. Come on we sent half of our military equipment during the winter war and 9000 volunteers. Sweden and Finland would never fight it is absurd.
Fuck off from lahti finland
Pcc b ol gay svenska pojkarna
@Pcc b Yea cuz we hate your gay language
Börk vs Perkele
Your calculations are wrong.
X tanks, X planes, X manpower, X navy vessels etc.
X tanks, X planes, X manpower, X navy vessels, + SISU
Santeri Saarinen lmao sisu doesnt help on the larger scale
@@insertnamehere1792 if it helps In war against soviets union, i dont think you can go bigger than that
A. Jappinen I dont think that was Sisu tho...
@@insertnamehere1792 Then what? Soviets outnumbered Finland in ANY possible way in winter war. All Finland had was sisu. And that was enough.
Santeri Saarinen yeah ofc but if the Sovietunion really wanted to they could just double their troops and take over.
What's your source for Sweden having ~100 BMP-2? I've never heard anything of the sort.
Bought as a cheap alternative. Swedish army designation Pbv 401. They sucks cuz they're too small for normal size swedes.
@@LanternOfLiberty We never bought BMP-2s, we bought BMP-1s (Pbv 501) and MT-LBs (Pbv 401) and I am pretty sure it's a mistake on their part since Sweden has BMP-2s and only 102 Strf 90s
Actually, Leopard 2A5 are excellent quality, let's be honest, armor of both A5 and A6 is the same (~940 KE protection) the only diffrence for A6 is better gun and electronics, otherwise it's the same tank. Both excellent.
Excellent is pointing towards the edge which is gonna decide if it is gonna compete at the very top.
A small thing like infrared can decide hundreds of lives alone.
@@AnonyMous-ql9nj Both of them have virtually the same electronics, i.e infra red, thermals, NVD, both use the same ammunition, same armour, same mobility.
The only differences i can think of are, longer gun and maybe APU but that's for A6M, not for the standard A6.
Besides, video is wrong, Swedes don't use 2A5, they use its cousin, the Strv 122B/C which are in fact, better than 2A6, better armoured, with better optics and electronics.
What is this bs? Finland has about 1 million trained soldiers in reserves all together
Literally everything is wrong with the facts. And finland would win quite easily.
Yeah Finland would win if you consider finland getting annexed by sweden a finnish Victory then ok
where on earth did you get the number for Finnish reservists? And for the artillery pieces? It is also highly doubtable that Swedens "professional" army is any better than the Finnish conscript army. This also means that Swedens larger defence budget doesn't mean a better quality army.
Neither would win, the soldiers would refuse to fight each other
Yes you are rignt
Whilst this analysis may be true to an extent (apart from the oblivious manpower thing; Finland has a shitload of manpower) All must remember that morale in Finland is probably going to be a lot higher and in the case of arising tensions, Finland would have already militarized Åland. Finland would also probably have support from Russia, even though tensions have been rising between Finland and Russia. Because of the shared border, Finland would have the ability to buy military equipment from Russia. Russia would probably help Finland a lot in the war because of having the ability to take Gotland for themselves. So in real war, Sweden would be fucked.
If Russia decides to support Finland then Nato, especially the rest of Scandinavia and USA would support Sweden, If one great power supports one side then another great power will support the other, that's how it have worked in the world for a long time.
ropsujou Then add in Nato on Swedens side and Finland will become Swedish once more lol
@@GenericNameeee Unlikely for NATO to risk nuclear war. also Nato did nothing for crimea. NATO also has logiatical issues due to geography, while the Russians could easily transport equipment to Finland. Also I spoke of buying equipment not outright being given it, trading ia not offensive action, thus unlikely for nato to provide manpower, and in terms of manpower Finland would have around 240 000 soldiers in active duty and another 900 000 less trained individuals ready to be called upon.
In 1970 it was probably Sweden vs Finland but 2018 its. Marocco vs Somalia
You might have missed the relative sizes of the reserves. Finland's conscription is still close to universal (about 80% of the age class I believe) but Sweden in contrast has pretty much run down it's reserve ground forces. Probably relating to the nearest eastern neighbour of each country...
Sweden has much to learn from Finland. That has been shown during the pandemic with Finlands excellent stores of supplies in case of war or pandemics. Would be nice if the two countries could have an even deeper collaboration. Would be awesome if Finland could build and use the Jas Gripen :D This is actually the first time I've ever thought of a scenario when we would be at war with our neighbour Finland. Interesting video and I'm sure that day will never come :) Lets do a hockey match instead
Amen brother.
We did have all this in the 90s but after the Soviet Union collapsed successive governments started to sell it all until.. a crisis happened.
Guys please, lets just look at thought experiments like these as fun stuff to think about as military and strategy buffs. Tying your countries landmass, military or strengh over others is not only childish and against the good things that make us human, but also goes against us developing and progressing together as a species. Im from Sweden and love talking about the Nordic war and the 30 years war, discussing what happened and what couldve been, but i get damn near disqusted when people take these discussions seriously, rambling about what their country could have become and how superior they are to other countries and cultures, bordering on full on racism, instead of focusing on whats *truly* important in life and keeping things like these as non-personal fun thought-discussions.
*Snow starts screaming ”saatanan swedupellet”*
Finland wins
Bulgaria vs Serbia, please!
Vasil Zahariev Pakistani Minister Except Mumbai terror attack lead bay Pakistan army
that would actually be very interesting, as our two coutries are very similar when it comes to military
Bulgaria vs Romania
My wife who is Swedish but has Finnish parents says Finland has what I'd describe as stronger morale, they'd never give up and fight harder. I suppose it's like uk in Battle of Britain and Finland vs Russia in ww2.
Morale and belief in oneself and nation is vital.
One things you din´t take in to account, is the 900 000 man strong trained reserve army. with another 200 000 that can be mobilized in Dire situations. And then you have the ladies who could be drafted quite easily aswell.
binkov having serious flashbacks in the thumbnail
Åland populated by Swedes? Historically yes, but in this context it sounds like their loyalty to the republic could be put into question, which is really NOT the case. Ålanders are Swedish-speaking Finns, not Swedes, and they would fight us fiercely if we for some reason were ever to try seizing their islands.
That aside, I find this an entertaining theoretical game. A real clash between our nations, though unlikely, would however amount to a massive tragedy no matter who would defeat the other.
Åland on osa Suur Suomea :)
Finland would absolutely crush Sweden due to the much larger reserves, as the Prussian army showed against the French army an army with a large base of reservist is much more effective since they can pull from a pool of men that are already an effective soldier instead of training more of them like Sweden would have to.
I know sweden would absolutely crush finland
The Swedes will always fight till their last Finn . .. .
Finland surrenders first
*Finland. is. not. part. of. scandinavia.*
Sweden is scared of Finland.
When Finland gets angry we do a lot of damage.
@Pcc b We joke about you too! 🤬
Suomi Finland no we are not. We are more scared of the Russians
@Pcc b hello gay sweden
@Pcc b hello gayest gountry.You guys are a big joke in our country too. Love from happiest gountry Finland
Fuck Finland!!!!
Where in the world u get these numbers?????????????
Ok this is not happening any time in the next 20 years
Love to Finland from Sweden
Love to sweden from finland
We finns hate you swedes
@@tthkkkkk indeed
Swedes saying that Finns are their brothers is like saying Poland is Germany’s brother.
@@moisuomi Sweden and Finland are both in the EU and has a good trading relationship so yeah.
I want to see you break that by urself!
Well. The best defence Sweden has, is actually call'd "Finnish Defence Forces"
Actually finland doesnt have a defence force Finlands only defence is called försvarsmakten
@@大日本帝国-k2s Keijo.
Vehicle page for Sweden is just wrong.
We have about 500 Cv90's and no BMP-2's and hte number of Strv 122 is 120 the number pf Patria AMV's are 113
Pretty much every number in this video is wrong. Sometimes almost by 500% or so.
I mean, standard Leopard 2A5 have around 900 KE protection, with Strv 122 probably hitting near 1000~, and he called it ''capable''
zabij sie Yeah, swedes went crazy with stridsvagn armor. It still might be best armored leopard. Main gun is where it lacks though.
Trust me, the Finnish numbers are even more incorrect. Sad as I expected a lot from this episode.
Weird Video. Finns and Sweds have many ties, visit each other and live in each others countries. A confrontation between them is unthinkable.
Finland has 21 500 active troops, 280 000 reserve troops, 62 fighters, ~40 Light Attack Aircraft, 127 helicopters, 200 tanks, 2050 armored vehicles, field artillery 627, 100 self-propelled artillerys, 75 rocket artillerys, 8 missile boats, 18 mine warfares and defense budget of 3 570 000 000$
@@fastum000 all artillery together is 900
@@jesseviitanen9317 theres some old arty in dungeons in secret caves everywhere :DD
@@fastum000 how do you know
Serbia vs Croatia!
that is ok idea but in 1v1 war serbia wins 100 procents, serbia have much stronger army, bulgaria vs serbia wuld be interesting, both have similar army power
Dimitrije Stevanovic yes