Correct! Technically if you just want to turn an LED on and off when a magnet is near, you don't need an Arduino at all, just a power supply. We wanted to show people how to use it with an Arduino for more advanced projects, but should have mentioned that in the video.
multiple things: can i use an neodium magnet (dont do lot of things with magnets so dont know whats the difference or if theres even one) and if so from how far will it activate with a small magnet?
Yes you can use neodymium magnets, they are generally much stronger than "regular" magnets but you will still probably need to be within a centimeter or two for the switch to work.
Exactly the tutorial I was looking for! Thanks!
In case there are limited available pins, the same LED pin can be used as an input with the reed switch in series.
Correct! Technically if you just want to turn an LED on and off when a magnet is near, you don't need an Arduino at all, just a power supply. We wanted to show people how to use it with an Arduino for more advanced projects, but should have mentioned that in the video.
Wished I would have read this earlier.
Watch out for magnet orientation. If you are unlucky the magnet will be inbetween the lobes of the reed switch and the switch will not activate at all
multiple things: can i use an neodium magnet (dont do lot of things with magnets so dont know whats the difference or if theres even one) and if so from how far will it activate with a small magnet?
Yes you can use neodymium magnets, they are generally much stronger than "regular" magnets but you will still probably need to be within a centimeter or two for the switch to work.
@@Science.Buddies thanks
This video was a waste of time, for whatever reason.. I ended up just putting it in series and problem solved.