Peter Hitchens expects Covid restrictions to be back by autumn

  • Опубліковано 9 лип 2024


  • @talktv
    @talktv  3 роки тому +40

    Will July 19 mean the end of restrictions, once and for all?

    • @genericaccount7422
      @genericaccount7422 3 роки тому +47

      Nope, because the Coronavirus Act will still be in force, with all of the draconian and unnecesarry powers it affords to the Police; that and international travel restrictions that weren't in place prior to COVID-19 will still be in force. So no, 19th July is not the end of restrictions, but it is definetly a step in the right direction, let's hope it continues that way!

    • @ste2442
      @ste2442 3 роки тому +11


    • @tanman966
      @tanman966 3 роки тому +18

      Until October

    • @paulorobertos123
      @paulorobertos123 3 роки тому +16

      No, silly question

    • @mcihs2
      @mcihs2 3 роки тому +55

      You cannot end restrictions, otherwise it will become apparent that none of them were necessary in the first place……

  • @securexcybersecurity3840
    @securexcybersecurity3840 3 роки тому +330

    It will stop when masses stop complying.

    • @johnhill1231
      @johnhill1231 3 роки тому +11


    • @nnovo3122
      @nnovo3122 3 роки тому +15

      Covid spreads more indoors and lockdowns lead to poverty, lack of preventive medical care, depression and suicide. So the death rate will go down and health will improve when people stop complying. Otherwise it will only stop after massive death.

    • @kazzarob253
      @kazzarob253 3 роки тому +15

      Absolutely! Why do people fall for the crap!

    • @savhass3956
      @savhass3956 3 роки тому +10

      Dont depend on ppl like Hitchens to lead, he's just a talker

    • @jamesflames6987
      @jamesflames6987 3 роки тому +1

      We're in for a long stint then.

  • @DropdudeJohn
    @DropdudeJohn 3 роки тому +281

    It is going to take some form of hardened resistance to end this nonsense

    • @rocky76dude7
      @rocky76dude7 3 роки тому +14

      He's bringing back combat troops from middle east , and last year gave the gov power to use them to police c19 violators .

    • @rawintheuk1
      @rawintheuk1 3 роки тому +2

      This occured to me too 😲

    • @DropdudeJohn
      @DropdudeJohn 3 роки тому +3

      I'd say that's unlikely

    • @rudymental9993
      @rudymental9993 3 роки тому +11

      Just needs non compliance.

    • @importantjohn
      @importantjohn 3 роки тому +3

      Hardened resistance? Will your mother allow you to do that?

  • @gillianmarr73
    @gillianmarr73 3 роки тому +144

    Bring them back Boris if you want but after G7, Ascot, footy, handcock, your bloody holidays and refurb etc.....who is listening???? Done .done...done.... You have opened the stable door now and we have seen the hypocracy

    • @nasskhan4543
      @nasskhan4543 3 роки тому +13

      Very well said.

    • @karentinsley8109
      @karentinsley8109 3 роки тому +13

      Yes ,Boris we are not stupid .yep spot on so right .power to people !

    • @davidstukins8421
      @davidstukins8421 3 роки тому +18

      No self-respecting person should comply anymore, in any way at all.

    • @moneypenny1267
      @moneypenny1267 3 роки тому +14

      Human rights violations committed by this government

    • @conveyor2
      @conveyor2 3 роки тому +2

      See all the hypocrisy you like but it WILL be reimposed. The time for calling out hypocrisy is past.

  • @RE-ng5uw
    @RE-ng5uw 3 роки тому +55

    Restrictions will be reinstated in September after MPs have had their holidays during parliamentary recess.

  • @karentinsley8109
    @karentinsley8109 3 роки тому +96

    Why can't people see what's happening ? Why do we see it clear as day and majority don't ,even very intelligent people 🤔🤔🤔😱

    • @ericbown1551
      @ericbown1551 3 роки тому +19

      It’s called cognitive dissonance, the sheeple masses don’t want to admit they’ve been fooled so carry on with plausible denialism. Once an abuser sees his subject comply, the said abuser will be emboldened to continue the abuse.

    • @wiggawithattitude
      @wiggawithattitude 3 роки тому +11

      susceptibility to propaganda.

    • @stevewaite6461
      @stevewaite6461 3 роки тому +18

      Free money without working, 10 days off sick for hay-fever, designer face masks to show all your Facebook friends, football and tennis to divert attention, possibly.

    • @jacquistephens605
      @jacquistephens605 3 роки тому +1

      Karen, because we have renegade minds and we know the outcome therefore, see the journey. Xxxx

    • @MrStooge.
      @MrStooge. 3 роки тому +3

      That is the question isn't it. It beggars belief. I can only assume some kind of hypnosis or brain washing.

  • @tg92277
    @tg92277 3 роки тому +37

    Anyone who thinks walking round everywhere with your face covered, being placed under house arrest with a moment's notice or an extension of mandatory testing/vaccination is "back to normal" needs to really stop and think.

  • @robertjones8644
    @robertjones8644 3 роки тому +159

    Majority of us already know the game the government is playing no Covid19 during summer of sports ,then 100,000 cases a day after that 🤣🤣

    • @gilbertwalker3222
      @gilbertwalker3222 3 роки тому +19

      Seasonal flu with a different name.

    • @robertjones8644
      @robertjones8644 3 роки тому +13

      @@gilbertwalker3222 Even Pyscho Whitty stated it was downgraded to a seasonal flu last year .We have lived with hundreds of viruses and germs daily for decades .Variants what the government like to use as a fear propaganda machine is not killing people. Tbh the government is running out of ideas to keep their agenda going this is purposefully been done

    • @fivecylinderperfection5060
      @fivecylinderperfection5060 3 роки тому +10

      Re-infection will be the faux reason the government will use to return us back to lockdown. It will be so easy to convince the public it's all going wrong again. Just carry out a big increase in testing to get cases to rise and then drop in a new infectious variant, garnish with some over the top media sensation of doom and gloom and hey presto we end with a stern faced Boris announcing the regrettable return to restrictions. This summer of releasing restrictions is a temporary measure to appease the simmering public unrest by creating a few months of relief from all this nonsense.

    • @DAN_ZEMAN
      @DAN_ZEMAN 3 роки тому +2

      @@gilbertwalker3222 well, that can’t be right because surely there would be no flu this year if it were the case...
      Oh wait... hang on.
      But of course the clever people
      Understand that it’s just because we’ve locked down. Yes, I must try to remember that if there’s a way to convince myself something else is going on and the government simply wouldn’t ever deceive us - I MUST go that way. I must convince myself.
      That way I can be a clever one too.

    • @alexbell8687
      @alexbell8687 3 роки тому

      @@fivecylinderperfection5060 you hit the nail on the head 👍 👍

  • @judithkenworthy2439
    @judithkenworthy2439 3 роки тому +58

    None of this will end until people wake up and say enough is enough.

    • @importantjohn
      @importantjohn 3 роки тому

      67% want more lockdown. 10% are against. Who is to say who is asleep and who is awake?

    • @thecatalunya1
      @thecatalunya1 3 роки тому +1

      they need to do more than wake up all this hs gone to far to stop ..look no further than the WEF george soros and all those elites its in their manifesto what needs to happen its all there. its no conspiriracy .ask yourelf why boris and all these world leaders main stream news never mention them even talk radio GB news and all the others you will never here them discuss the World Economic Forum just as you never ever read or hear anything about the Bilderburg group umm very strange ..

    • @VoiceOfThe
      @VoiceOfThe 3 роки тому

      And they won’t, have you seen how many idiots are still wearing masks (which are completely pointless against a virus, unless medical grade), which is why this will never end.

  • @stevena3244
    @stevena3244 3 роки тому +57

    Poor old Peter still believes this is government incompetence

    • @BB49.
      @BB49. 3 роки тому +10

      It just cannot take that final step! and believe that this is all orchestrated

    • @TheB1nary
      @TheB1nary 3 роки тому +8

      @@BB49. it’s global nature shows that someone is ultimately orchestrating things.

    • @shapesrot
      @shapesrot 3 роки тому +7

      @@BB49. Do you think it is intellectual snobbery for him to admit the truth?

    • @importantjohn
      @importantjohn 3 роки тому

      Tin foil hat. lol

    • @philipsmale4721
      @philipsmale4721 3 роки тому +1


  • @wiggawithattitude
    @wiggawithattitude 3 роки тому +56

    They can 'expect' me to do whatever they like. its not happening.

    • @sn4831
      @sn4831 3 роки тому +1

      Quite. I expect that my government would allow me to live my life freely, provided i'm not demonstrably harming others.
      Guess none of us get what we want

    • @noodles74
      @noodles74 3 роки тому +1

      Easy to say if your living is not affected and sit in doors all day.

  • @stableianF1oracle
    @stableianF1oracle 3 роки тому +70

    If your under 70 and not a total bloater you're more likely to die from an attack from a frog with a small stick 🤪🤪

    • @BrianBoru5523
      @BrianBoru5523 3 роки тому +2

      Yet Hitchens still took the experimental potion!

    • @ricochet243
      @ricochet243 3 роки тому +3

      @@BrianBoru5523 he’s 70 in October and we have no idea what his medical history is.

    • @stableianF1oracle
      @stableianF1oracle 3 роки тому +1

      @@ricochet243 He doesn't look like the sort of guy who makes McDonald's his second home. 🤪👍

    • @ricochet243
      @ricochet243 3 роки тому

      @@stableianF1oracle haha - very true. I bet he like a pudding and a glass of wine though.

    • @mark.e.p
      @mark.e.p 3 роки тому

      🤣🤣🤣🤣 true!

  • @testpilotian3188
    @testpilotian3188 3 роки тому +167

    Boris can stick new restrictions where the sun don’t shine, he said irreversible, not ducking temporary.

    • @bispybristol
      @bispybristol 3 роки тому +7

      Ahh the irreversible roadmap 😂

    • @fletcherhamilton3177
      @fletcherhamilton3177 3 роки тому +9

      Al Johnson has said a lot of things. Don’t know why anyone pays him any credence now.

    • @Slarti
      @Slarti 3 роки тому +10

      Boris Johnson is a proven liar, I am surprised anyone believes him.
      Mind you all politicians are liars.

    • @johnhill1231
      @johnhill1231 3 роки тому

      Guess you want it to mutate and do us all. Mother nature loves you.🤔😉😉

    • @securexcybersecurity3840
      @securexcybersecurity3840 3 роки тому +4

      Fact-checkers: Contrary to common misinformation, sun do shine there.

  • @floatingfreedom6091
    @floatingfreedom6091 3 роки тому +24

    I’m surprised we’re even discussing this ; the last 16 months have taught us that they are not letting up on the illegal.
    I’m so tired of seeing the masses blindly walking to the slaughter house.

  • @cosifantutte1071
    @cosifantutte1071 3 роки тому +26

    I left a job I love today, supporting adults with behavioural issues. No one is going to force me to take the 'vaccine'.

    • @conan84cowen94
      @conan84cowen94 3 роки тому +3

      Well done

    • @isabella6206
      @isabella6206 3 роки тому +1

      TrueType you are inspirational and true to your belief of what is going on.

  • @TheSteve2305
    @TheSteve2305 3 роки тому +39

    Sorry, not gonna be polite to someone telling me I have to wear a muzzle.

    • @andyharpist2938
      @andyharpist2938 3 роки тому +6

      'just doing my job' is not an acceptable reason for politeness.

    • @mark.e.p
      @mark.e.p 3 роки тому

      Give them a slap mate.

  • @ivanking1571
    @ivanking1571 3 роки тому +42

    Common sense would be let people move freely as they want if they choose to hide from the virus then let them. No ones making them go out

  • @padraigadhastair4783
    @padraigadhastair4783 3 роки тому +50

    If you think GB has Covid restrictions, you should see Canadastan with Queen Justin.

    • @kvntsuay
      @kvntsuay 3 роки тому +2

      Yeh but least you got some dispensaries !

    • @savhass3956
      @savhass3956 3 роки тому +2

      The stories are shocking

    • @philipprice171
      @philipprice171 3 роки тому +9

      Dan Andrews and Trudeau are a couple of commie tyrants.

    • @BrianBoru5523
      @BrianBoru5523 3 роки тому +1

      You only have to look across the water to Ireland, we are a basket case.

  • @tina5203
    @tina5203 3 роки тому +17

    I’m hoping Mike will be able to persuade Peter to become a regular presenter on Talk Radio . I’m certain he would get loads of people listening to him. A very fascinating and articulate man is Peter !!!!

    • @louisebotos7321
      @louisebotos7321 3 роки тому

      he's had the jab 🤔

    • @peterchurch2412
      @peterchurch2412 3 роки тому

      ''he's had the jab ''
      He's also had the prefrontal leukotomy, Louise

  • @davidr4114
    @davidr4114 3 роки тому +30

    When will people wake up

    • @thewhitbyphotographer
      @thewhitbyphotographer 3 роки тому +7

      Thats such a statement. Right up there with other greats such as "Something must be done"

    • @samdemic3373
      @samdemic3373 3 роки тому +2

      Yep. Plenty of that since last March.

    • @lesleychristiechristie7195
      @lesleychristiechristie7195 3 роки тому +4

      When it’s too late 🙄

    • @mcihs2
      @mcihs2 3 роки тому +3

      When they are marched quietly towards the shower block, they might just start having a rough idea that something isn’t quite right…..

    • @adambutler3266
      @adambutler3266 3 роки тому

      Enough snow whites about having a Sunday lie on.

  • @SoiBuakhaoRoutemasterbus
    @SoiBuakhaoRoutemasterbus 3 роки тому +26

    People are now very lazy, and have handed over their thinking to government...... what could possibly go wrong?......

    • @hittitecharioteer
      @hittitecharioteer 3 роки тому +1

      The same point I've been making for many years (to anyone who'd listen). A few more are thinking for themselves; just hard to tell the elevation their thinking has attained.

    • @hqironing2285
      @hqironing2285 3 роки тому

      Started with the ministry for war and the rationing that stayed in place after WW2. Ever since then, the British public have simply done what the government tells them to. We have been a nanny state for 70 years. It won’t ever change either. British people are far too compliant, badly educated and have no idea whatsoever about how important personal freedoms and liberties and rational independent free and critical thought are.

  • @ericbown1551
    @ericbown1551 3 роки тому +47

    It’s called cognitive dissonance, the sheeple masses don’t want to admit they’ve been fooled so carry on with plausible denialism. Once an abuser sees his subject comply, the said abuser will be emboldened to continue the abuse.

    • @andyharpist2938
      @andyharpist2938 3 роки тому +8

      The sheer aggression of their response when this is pointed out utterly assures me you are comepletely correct.

    • @nickbrennan3389
      @nickbrennan3389 3 роки тому

      This is also why mental health problems are all skyrocketing.

    • @VoiceOfThe
      @VoiceOfThe 3 роки тому

      Very true. This is exactly what is occurring.

  • @0utlawjase1
    @0utlawjase1 3 роки тому +35

    Lockstep hope you folks have looked into this

  • @byebyebadman2313
    @byebyebadman2313 3 роки тому +18

    We make hero's out of losers. Would Italians do the same? Southgate failed. He should be sacked.

    • @rogerdodger1790
      @rogerdodger1790 3 роки тому

      Southgate should have stuck the nut on the Italian manager in the first minute.. that would have shown him.

  • @andyharpist2938
    @andyharpist2938 3 роки тому +47

    Why not ask Peter Hitchins what he now thinks, about having his injection..which he argued "he needed to travel by air" that not much has changed? Will he have the third and fourth?

    • @elkpaz560
      @elkpaz560 3 роки тому +2

      Its Russian Roulette.

    • @andyharpist2938
      @andyharpist2938 3 роки тому

      @@elkpaz560 one will have the additive thats for certain

  • @barneybiggles
    @barneybiggles 3 роки тому +15

    Imagine your in the operating theatre and the surgeon says ‘oh dear, forgot my mask, I’ll just nip out I’ve got one in the car that I have worn every day for the last three months’ .

  • @user-jb8gy6ud2f
    @user-jb8gy6ud2f 3 роки тому +30

    It's interesting the way in which the racist comments are assumed to be by white football hooligans. There are any number of actors who would have an interest in promoting that narrative.

    • @elkpaz560
      @elkpaz560 3 роки тому +4

      I thought it was very heartening to see the yobs in Trafalgar Square at the weekend were a fully multiracial group.

    • @jacqulinnepoulard9843
      @jacqulinnepoulard9843 3 роки тому

      Its the deep state criminal globalists governments false flag to censored free speech with illegal rules

    • @APH91
      @APH91 3 роки тому +2

      Funnily enough Southgate said he had been informed a lot of the messages were from abroad but no media outlet has mentioned this or looked into where they are from.

    • @user-jb8gy6ud2f
      @user-jb8gy6ud2f 3 роки тому +2

      @@APH91 I guess reporting on that would take away from the narrative that England is racist. If the posts did come from abroad they find a ready group of people waiting to use them.

  • @savhass3956
    @savhass3956 3 роки тому +13

    Ha! If he had used his common sense he would not have taken the jab to go on hols. He is part of the problem

  • @goodyeoman4534
    @goodyeoman4534 3 роки тому +16

    I agree we shouldn't be rude when asked to wear a mask. But it definitely wouldn't be reciprocated. Muzzle enthusiasts are anything but polite when bullying and coercing others into wearing muzzles. I've noticed elderly women are one of their big targets. Can't think why.

    • @ThePitPony
      @ThePitPony 3 роки тому +5

      True that, from day one i haven't wore one and visited supermarkets with impunity and never once been challenged, only distainful looks, which when reciprocated the perpetrators quickly glance away and look at their shoes like the cowards that they are.

    • @wolfiestreet6899
      @wolfiestreet6899 3 роки тому

      Yes, we should be outrageously rude and defiant.
      F' em all.

    • @Delboy591
      @Delboy591 3 роки тому +1

      @@ThePitPony Same here dude. I think they pick their targets.

    • @ThePitPony
      @ThePitPony 3 роки тому +1

      @@Delboy591 definitely, although I'm usually perceived as a knuckle dragger anyway despite having a University degree lol
      The UK is chock full of myopic, gullible, backwards thinking half wits.

    • @Delboy591
      @Delboy591 3 роки тому

      @@ThePitPony and they mostly read the Guardian...

  • @gailclough1665
    @gailclough1665 3 роки тому +8

    You lads have kept me sane through all of this.

  • @thatsfunny2051
    @thatsfunny2051 3 роки тому +17

    Can someone please convince Peter to buy an external mic?

  • @Ryan-Horgan
    @Ryan-Horgan 3 роки тому +20

    Police officers have 2 choices. Either ignore the orders from above and turn a blind eye. Or quit their jobs. If not they are as responsible as anyone for leading us down the totalitarian path. However I fear many of them are revelling in the extra power they have

  • @quaesitorluminis9445
    @quaesitorluminis9445 3 роки тому +11

    I live in naive hope that one day ‘talk radio’ or whoever else might want to report on the truth or the bleeding bloody obvious might mention what’s actually going on and that is ‘DEPOPULATION’.

  • @michaelhanrahan5349
    @michaelhanrahan5349 3 роки тому +14

    I remember the Poll Tax "demonstrations". that was when society had a backbone.

    • @mikethebloodthirsty
      @mikethebloodthirsty 3 роки тому +2

      There are lots of anti lockdown marches. BBC don't report them.

    • @michaelhanrahan5349
      @michaelhanrahan5349 3 роки тому +1

      @@mikethebloodthirsty when I say demonstrations, I mean "Demonstrations" if you get my meaning.

    • @mikethebloodthirsty
      @mikethebloodthirsty 3 роки тому

      @@michaelhanrahan5349 AHH, yes...

    • 3 роки тому

      @@michaelhanrahan5349 and that's the only way this is going to change. Singing kumbaya in the streets is not going to make any government give up it's power. That's whole fact! But it's a start. The window is closing. Let's see how tough the British people are when they do a full nation lockdown. Are the gonna be outside then. We shall see. Protest is on Sat BTW. Be there !

  • @Ironside-fz9vd
    @Ironside-fz9vd 3 роки тому +7

    The government don't give a toss about people's health.

    • @nebula5063
      @nebula5063 3 роки тому

      This is all about narcissism gone to the extremes.

  • @jeffsparey9585
    @jeffsparey9585 3 роки тому +14

    Why would anyone bear to listen or watch the biased broadcasting company unless they agree with the views they spew out 24/7

  • @ViralKiller
    @ViralKiller 3 роки тому +15

    Hey Peter how is that vaccine helping with your travelling?

    • @andyharpist2938
      @andyharpist2938 3 роки тому

      and what about the next third and fourth to come?

  • @tanman966
    @tanman966 3 роки тому +59

    I have no doubt at all we will be in lockdown in October. Johnson has (indirectly) promised it.
    Terrible for my mental health.
    PH gives me weekly hope and a reminder that I’m not alone in my thoughts, feelings and concerns.

    • @rudymental9993
      @rudymental9993 3 роки тому +9

      We’re under psychological attack. Deep breaths take 10 mins out and crack on👌

    • @karentinsley8109
      @karentinsley8109 3 роки тому +4

      Well we need to not allow them to lock us up again ,we are free ,we do have human rights ,nurunberg 1947 .

    • @joangordoneieio
      @joangordoneieio 3 роки тому +2

      You're absolutely not alone.The psychological damage this is doing will affect/impact us for decades.There is nothing to really compare it too; Incarceration? War? The so called experts are flying blind

    • @gillianmarr73
      @gillianmarr73 3 роки тому

      Complying then??

    • @lucianboar3489
      @lucianboar3489 3 роки тому +1

      This will be life from now on. I'm in Central Europe where cases are the lowest they've ever been since early March 2020, but I think that a small rise in cases will bring horror from the governments.

  • @elkpaz560
    @elkpaz560 3 роки тому +9

    It is amazing how the transfer of old people from hospitals to care homes to spread disease and die miserably and alone has just gone by without real notice.

    • @christinedavis2032
      @christinedavis2032 3 роки тому

      yes and why doesn't Peter Hichens so called reporter ask about MIDAZALAM AND CARE HOME DEATHS

  • @colofsco1
    @colofsco1 3 роки тому +10

    Why doesn't Peter come into the studio, and stop all this Nasa interview crap. Man sounds like he is in space.

  • @deborahhobbins7131
    @deborahhobbins7131 3 роки тому +9

    Peter is part of the problem, when push comes to shove he does nothing, gets his jab?, some resitance and doesn't believe in protests, I used to listen to him but no more, we need men of substance not men of words

    • @t2dab936
      @t2dab936 2 роки тому

      controlled opposition perhaps

  • @yesmate78
    @yesmate78 3 роки тому +9

    The extreme marxism movement is gonna try to stop Xmas again

  • @winstonsmith3690
    @winstonsmith3690 3 роки тому +5

    This is going to get very messy.

  • @shaddamiv2212
    @shaddamiv2212 3 роки тому +2

    I'm not wearing my mask from this minute onwards.

  • @womanofthenang3210
    @womanofthenang3210 3 роки тому +5

    Peter is spot on with the comment about being ' expected' to wear a mask in certain situations, being just a recipe for confrontation.

    • @VoiceOfThe
      @VoiceOfThe 3 роки тому +1

      Already happened with me. Sauntered into my GP’s on Monday mask-less. Was treated as though I had the Plague.

  • @Whatever-ow4bg
    @Whatever-ow4bg 3 роки тому +26

    But Boris said it was irreversible. Hes a standup guy isnt he?

    • @smitbar11
      @smitbar11 3 роки тому +3

      He's been fumbling along from the very beginning but then and again, so has Starmer and Sturgeon and the other bought cronies

    • @stevebroughton4787
      @stevebroughton4787 3 роки тому +1

      If you listened to him today....he said "most" restrictions scrapped on the 19th.....and refused to say there was no going back.

    • @markgordon8681
      @markgordon8681 3 роки тому

      Stood up his first and second wives.

    • @MrStooge.
      @MrStooge. 3 роки тому +1

      He lies for fun. Doesn't even know what the truth is.

  • @johnmichael9939
    @johnmichael9939 3 роки тому +6

    Peter Hitchens and Mike Graham have never understood Covid and the global pandemic.

  • @methaneman4045
    @methaneman4045 3 роки тому +20

    Of course there will be further lockdowns. Run up to Christmas - the Santa Claus variant?!

  • @Neags
    @Neags 3 роки тому +10

    Lucky you in the UK, here in Toronto we still can't eat in a restaurant (since last Oct) or go to the gym

    • @Whatever-ow4bg
      @Whatever-ow4bg 3 роки тому +3

      I watch Viva Frei updates on the Canada situation, it's jaw dropping

    • @PeteLogan101
      @PeteLogan101 3 роки тому +4

      This is a step by step plan to fuck the world... only difference is, time... we'll all be in the same boat soon...wax on, wax off

    • @martinheath5947
      @martinheath5947 3 роки тому

      You are being ruled by sc□m of the u and a variety

    • @LondonSteveLee
      @LondonSteveLee 3 роки тому +3

      You are ruled by an ultra-globalist/wokist - even worse than Doris and co. What do you expect? They have "vaccination" centres in Canada where children can line up for treatment without their parents' consent - against the Nuremberg code - there should be riots - but nothing. Life is too comfortable to rock the boat - which is the intention of all this furlough funny-money.

    • @catrionamacfarlane4949
      @catrionamacfarlane4949 3 роки тому

      Was like that here in Greece until a couple of weeks ago..
      Desperate now to receive money from tourism the doors have been flung open to one and all....meantime a two tier state of vaccinated/ non vaccinated has been put in place ....
      Once the summer is over it'll be back to 'normal' ...never ending lockdown no doubt.
      working from home, wearing a muzzle , shopping on line, stick inside under curfew from dusk to dawn...

  • @sherro1234
    @sherro1234 3 роки тому +2

    Boris can do what he likes but I won't comply

  • @topfour9160
    @topfour9160 3 роки тому +6


  • @aman2welly
    @aman2welly 3 роки тому +7

    Once again Peter is spot on

    • @savhass3956
      @savhass3956 3 роки тому

      Lol..ask him if he complied and took the jab

    • @gilbertwalker3222
      @gilbertwalker3222 3 роки тому

      The man capitulated in having the jab “to make his life easier” making it harder for people with backbones to actually live. Hitchens deserves absolutely no respect. He’s an absolute turncoat.

    • @savhass3956
      @savhass3956 3 роки тому +1

      @@gilbertwalker3222 he did indeed..all respect gone

    • @BB49.
      @BB49. 3 роки тому

      He might be, though in the next breath he claims to be researched and then has the vaccine. Total prick

  • @willatno2
    @willatno2 3 роки тому +1

    It will only stop when we say so !

  • @brianbrian1769
    @brianbrian1769 3 роки тому

    Why are talkradio posting at 23:00 hrs? Serious question.

  • @DaboooogA
    @DaboooogA 3 роки тому +3

    Love Peter's new conservatory extension at his home in Oxford

  • @coolgranddad5430
    @coolgranddad5430 3 роки тому +16

    Keep speaking Peter, we need your voice of reason! How anyone can't see that this is no longer about covid is beyond me. Everyday we're seeing more and more little Hitler's show themselves!

    • @savhass3956
      @savhass3956 3 роки тому +2

      Peter cant see it too..he took the jab to travel

    • @RJSyeah
      @RJSyeah 3 роки тому

      @@savhass3956 and what's wrong with that?

    • @savhass3956
      @savhass3956 3 роки тому +1

      @@RJSyeah silly question

    • @RJSyeah
      @RJSyeah 3 роки тому

      @@savhass3956 Not really and here's the thing. Some people may not want to take it but may have to because of certain circumstances. What if you have family abroad? What if your job involves travel?
      Problem is the people who are judging Peter for taking it are acting like the left. They don't want to be judged for making a certain decision, in this case not taking the vaccine but if you do something different then they turn into Karens and flip out.

  • @mattygino
    @mattygino 3 роки тому +1

    I think Hitchins makes an extremely important point at the end here. I personally have decided to wear a mask after July 19th, but I will fully respect other people who choose not to. The problem with having a 'culture war' regarding masks is wearing one is such as visable thing, where as with Brexit for example, you would't be aware whilst walking down the street who the leavers are and who are the remainers.
    If we stoke up tension between people who wear masks and people who don't, there could be real cases of confrontation and possibly violence. I like most other sane rational people would like to go about my daily buisness without judgement or the fear of being attacked. So I think the safest position everyone should hold is to simply respect each others choices and not let this become yet another source of animosity between each other.
    Thumbs up if you agree

  • @matthewsmith2787
    @matthewsmith2787 3 роки тому +1

    I have a gig booked for October, how likely will that go ahead ?

  • @PaulGreenwald
    @PaulGreenwald 3 роки тому +3

    450 deaths from cancer yesterday

    • @mcihs2
      @mcihs2 3 роки тому +1

      That’s simply not possible according to the MSM, people can ONLY from or with Covid……

  • @moneypenny1267
    @moneypenny1267 3 роки тому +2

    It’s government by our consent... we pay their wages.

    • @caspar_gomez
      @caspar_gomez 3 роки тому +1

      sadly it looks like they answer to the donors these days

  • @elliotttalksf1825
    @elliotttalksf1825 3 роки тому +2

    Of course they will be back. Right now we’re in the middle of summer and look at the stupidity going on.

  • @darrenhamilton5859
    @darrenhamilton5859 3 роки тому +1

    I suspect hes not wrong, lockdown restrictions lifted 19th July, 22nd July MPs start their summer holiday break. As soon as their fun is over it will back to restrictions

  • @michaelteale6386
    @michaelteale6386 3 роки тому +10

    Surly if nearly all the nation is vaccinated why the hell should there be any restrictions. And who the hell is going to take any notice of it.

    • @andyfield6854
      @andyfield6854 3 роки тому +2

      Sure as hell i wont,vaccination was our way out and that hasnt changed as far as im concerned

    • @rocky76dude7
      @rocky76dude7 3 роки тому

      Thousands of soldiers back from middle east competing for non redundancies by following orders

    • @rewdwarf123
      @rewdwarf123 3 роки тому

      Because money grows on trees and we can pay for furlough and everything else?

    • @louisebotos7321
      @louisebotos7321 3 роки тому

      @@derek9562 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😃

    • @andyfield6854
      @andyfield6854 3 роки тому +1

      @@derek9562 and you should have a lobotomy

  • @Jaimesebe
    @Jaimesebe 3 роки тому +1

    Let’s make it clear they don’t want it to end this is now new it’s been planned decades ago!!

  • @edwarddevlin5348
    @edwarddevlin5348 3 роки тому +1

    Still can`t understand why Hitchens `caved` with regard to the vaccine!

  • @paulmcateer6696
    @paulmcateer6696 3 роки тому +9

    Voice of common sense...
    😏 Wasn't he one of the first to get Vaccinated............
    What does he expect....
    We all had to fight this.
    Resist, Defy, do not comply......

  • @johnnysprocketz
    @johnnysprocketz 3 роки тому +1

    these hitchens boys really know how to think critically, my heroes!

  • @jackspring7709
    @jackspring7709 3 роки тому +2

    Thanks, TalkRADIO, for continuing to bring Hitchens onto your show without trying to shout over him (well, apart from the time that limp squid James Whale threw that tantrum at him).

  • @PalXen
    @PalXen 3 роки тому +2

    Unfortunately our days of being a free country are over, you should know Mike Graham, youre a big advocat of that.

  • @ian1patterson
    @ian1patterson 3 роки тому +1

    NO , wearing a face nappy will not be mandatory...BUT ALL businesses and establishments will be ENCOURAGED (coerced) to continue imposing NO CHANGE!!!

  • @nigelsparks6491
    @nigelsparks6491 3 роки тому +15

    NO ! give a few weeks we will be back in lockdown and they will blame it on our english football team manager for sure !!

  • @williamneumyer7147
    @williamneumyer7147 3 роки тому +2

    I refer everyone to Winston Churchill's BBC speech of 4 June 1945. He was roundly condemned for it, but he turned out to be right.

  • @3rdfootandmouth895
    @3rdfootandmouth895 3 роки тому +2

    Something makes me think this is just a trial run for something worse abit further down the line,
    The push to get jabbed convinces me something else may be round the corner in a few months.

  • @Marc-io6pv
    @Marc-io6pv 3 роки тому +19

    Hitchens just queue up for your Autumn booster and start a campaign to get laser pen assaults a prisonable offence.

  • @elta6241
    @elta6241 3 роки тому +1

    So do I. This will never end.

  • @Victorflange
    @Victorflange 3 роки тому +2

    Cracks me up that they always moan about the BBC and then always watch it.

  • @NR-rv8rz
    @NR-rv8rz 3 роки тому +2

    Peter thinks he's polite?
    I think he confuses being formal with being polite.

  • @barr474
    @barr474 3 роки тому +2

    Sorry Mr Hitchens,I used to be a fan but you capitulated to Project Fear by having 'The jab'.

  • @barricade1391
    @barricade1391 3 роки тому +4

    Well I won’t be adhering to them

  • @dwaineturner3776
    @dwaineturner3776 3 роки тому

    No! Until we all push back together, all restrictions are here to stay!

  • @christopherbell5817
    @christopherbell5817 3 роки тому

    At last Mr Hitchens has said something correct. Who would have thought it?

  • @muhammedrahman7013
    @muhammedrahman7013 3 роки тому +1

    Restrictions for all Members of Parliament and possible Lockdown, Everybody else just get on with your daily routine!

  • @Delboy591
    @Delboy591 3 роки тому +1

    Its upto business, big and small to defy it. The public will then do our bit and ignore the restrictions also.

  • @sirnigelfarage5250
    @sirnigelfarage5250 3 роки тому +2

    It will never go away. Covid passports to go in the shop and pub coming up.

  • @TheToledoTrumpton
    @TheToledoTrumpton 3 роки тому

    I'm old. I think this is a question for young people. But somehow we older people have to get through to them that it is not a given that they have to live in a world where they must speak in a way that the government mandate, work in a way that the government mandate, play in a way that the government mandate and live in a way that the government mandate.
    WW2 was largely fought against countries that believed what the state wanted was paramount, because they believed that the state could mandate how the people behaved and what they must think.
    Young people have to realize that the government needs to obey the people, not the other way round.

  • @halfrhovsquared
    @halfrhovsquared 3 роки тому +1

    So do I. In September, the government are to vote on whether or not to renew their “emergency powers”. I strongly suspect that they don’t want to give them up and will find “reasons” to ensure that they keep them.

  • @lydiamalinovic9402
    @lydiamalinovic9402 3 роки тому +1

    do not comply!!!

  • @superandz
    @superandz 3 роки тому +1

    He fkn bowed down having his jab

  • @mysongs1803
    @mysongs1803 3 роки тому +2

    Never listen to Christophers brother He went over to the side of the jabbed, he is not a patch on his brother and as far as I'm concerned is a turncoat

    • @andymillington4691
      @andymillington4691 3 роки тому +1

      I wish Christopher was still alive because I would love to hear his take on this whole fiasco

  • @gavinrichards6601
    @gavinrichards6601 3 роки тому

    I've been polite for 16 months and it's wearing thin Peter!!!

  • @TheForkhandles
    @TheForkhandles 3 роки тому +4

    Just bring on a couple of black players when the Epsilon variant rears its ugly head,

  • @RM-hj7zo
    @RM-hj7zo 3 роки тому +1

    Anyone else sick of this England stuff?

  • @pjoseph5950
    @pjoseph5950 3 роки тому +1

    The people will end it

  • @chrismurphy2273
    @chrismurphy2273 3 роки тому +1

    Boris is finished as a leader , I thoight I voted for a leader in stead I have a bottler

  • @anthonymills7182
    @anthonymills7182 3 роки тому

    They haven't gone anywhere yet

  • @simon-ec5kv
    @simon-ec5kv 3 роки тому +8

    As an aside, just checked in on Sweden covid situation. You don't seem to hear about it much these days.
    32nd for deaths per capita globally, one of the lowest in Europe.
    Among lowest excess deaths in EU since pandemic began
    Cases and mortality today both among the lowest in Europe

    • @suzykins6666
      @suzykins6666 3 роки тому +1

      Because they aren’t falling for the Globalist agenda.

    • @paulround8501
      @paulround8501 3 роки тому +1

      Shhhh... you are not allowed to talk about Sweden without trashing them, it makes the overlords very grumpy.

    • @richardfox6595
      @richardfox6595 3 роки тому

      @@paulround8501 If anyone mentions Sweden's success, someone else tries to make out it wasn't better than communism.

    • @LondonSteveLee
      @LondonSteveLee 3 роки тому

      Can't be true - Lergison said 500,000 would die.

  • @philip2776
    @philip2776 3 роки тому +1

    When’s anyone going to talk about the prison towns being built in the UK, supposedly for quarantine? One currently being built in Wellingborough…it’s massive, and to be used for re-education! I suggest you look into this for yourself, deeply, deeply disturbing

    • @TheZackkary1
      @TheZackkary1 3 роки тому

      Erm, looked into it, all I saw was that they’re building a new prison for category C offenders. I don’t think it’s a ‘re-education’ centre. What’s disturbing?

  • @Mc674bo
    @Mc674bo 3 роки тому

    O how wise our Peter is , as for the football when I saw the defeated removing their medals in a child like demonstration of disgust I knew then and there we are not represented by anyone worthy of such office. But it is not down to me to pass judgment on these so called representatives of our nation . But I ask all who cherish sport is this really what it is all about . Best wishes and kind regards to all 😀👍👍👍

  • @Ultra-Staz
    @Ultra-Staz 3 роки тому +1

    Lol Alex Belfield has 50k more subscribers than you guys with literally zero budget...... Interesting!

  • @Nnnuuk
    @Nnnuuk 3 роки тому +1

    Of course it will be back in the Autumn. It has to go on for at least two years because after than it become 'normal' in people's minds.