Avoid manipulating authors' viewpoints to support your argument. Also, make sure all ideas contradict or support one another, to help prove your thesis.
Connect ideas with different articles to provide a deeper understanding on what has been said. Also making the responses/reaction more detailed so new ideas are presented and emphasized.
Not only should you interact with your sources, but your sources should interact with each other.
Avoid manipulating authors' viewpoints to support your argument. Also, make sure all ideas contradict or support one another, to help prove your thesis.
In order to synthesize you must connect how each source relates to your topic and overall discussion.
Thank you Kerby. your video is very enlightining to me.
Add multiple sources in a paragraph and link them together to support thesis
Connect ideas with different articles to provide a deeper understanding on what has been said. Also making the responses/reaction more detailed so new ideas are presented and emphasized.
Make sure to respond to and connect the sources that were used instead of listing them independently
Elaborate more with the response/reaction and the connection rather than the summary and analysis.