can you lower your noisegate threshold a little bit? you do that thing i do where i mumble a sidenote after saying something normally and the microphone loses my voice, lol. also, is tahm just forever viable as a support? i feel like that's been a decent role for him for a long time, now. i want to add something tanky or engagey to my pool, and i was thinking either thresh or tk, but idk. tahm seems like it might be more fun for me
Will do, I forgot on this set up that it hasnt been set right thanks for the remdinder. Also yes very viable for support hes actually extremely strong right now, I have another video on my channel from not to long ago playing it support
hi can you do jg vi or sup vi? looks fun, thanks
Will add it to the back burner of things after I hit challenger again
can you lower your noisegate threshold a little bit? you do that thing i do where i mumble a sidenote after saying something normally and the microphone loses my voice, lol. also, is tahm just forever viable as a support? i feel like that's been a decent role for him for a long time, now. i want to add something tanky or engagey to my pool, and i was thinking either thresh or tk, but idk. tahm seems like it might be more fun for me
Will do, I forgot on this set up that it hasnt been set right thanks for the remdinder. Also yes very viable for support hes actually extremely strong right now, I have another video on my channel from not to long ago playing it support
you should have sound coming from the game as well
edit: I noticed there is actually sound coming from the game, but it's very low
Turned it up since then hopefully its a bit better on the newer videos
When is Janna?😢🥺
okay janna again soon