La Borra is my favorite and is even too powerful imo. Once I have it, I can just put my controller on the table and go take a coffee until the game finishes.
Playing this on switch lite is giving me real deal childhood game boy vibes. This game is worth 10 times the price. I’ve sunk more time into this than Diablo 3
15:03 Yes, there is a card which make the bibles to explod once they expire (yes, they do expire, but respawn right after it with no delay). The same card can affect the light ring too.
Funny thing is I find the Death Spiral to be better with much slower speed. Like that they stay on the screen longer so the next wave of enemies can have time to hit them, on top of being hit by the next wave of scythes.
not sure if they're tied to the same stat, but he was talking about the reload speed as the base reload speed doesnt generate enough axes to consistently clear the area around you
Gatto Amari is a... difficult... weapon to use. The cats are very unpredictable, and yes they will occasionally attack you. With low stats (especially low luck) it's an *awful* weapon. That said, with good stats (especially high luck and amount), it is a monstrous weapon - actually arguably stronger than its evolution. High luck and amount will give a good chance of the cats running into each other and turning into clouds of murder that pretty much delete anything that walks into them. High duration is good too, to keep the clouds around longer. At low levels the cats suck. They just suck. The character that starts with the cats is awful. But if you add the cats to an already strong build they can be devastating.
So I'm confused. I see i need the reservation item to evolve a whip in the castlevania dlc but I don't know how or something. I have the item and have max leveled twice so far. Is there something I need to do or just hold the item?
either you banished it in collection or you're just really unlucky, also if you haven't ever gotten it as a choice yet I'm assuming you still have to survive 5 minutes with Pasqualina
Great question! Apologies for not going over this. The weapons involved must be maximum level and you have to open a chest that has dropped from a boss that spawned at the 10 minute mark or later. Dairy Plant ignores this timing rule. You can read up on all the specifics here:
1.) Once you max out the base weapon's level and at least have the proper accessory, you can get the evolution in a chest. 2.) You do have to evolve it each run.
You have to have the weapon at 8 and the item at 1 (or 5 for some newer weapons) then find a chest. Some chests can't upgrade weapons, especially if the clock is under 5 minutes. But the major bosses at 5 minute intervals will usually allow upgrades.
If you have the weapon (maxed) and the passive, you have to get a chest that evolves the weapon. I’ve been playing for a week and not super familiar with the terms 😂
@ntzer0 Thank you, I just figured this out last night but I appreciate it anyways! Honestly this game is so addictive, he clearly knew what he was doing 😅
Im a bit late to the party here xd but doesnt manajja and vandalier both have great arcanas? Manajja having the astronomy (or astrology) one and vandalier having the one that brings a second birb.
Hey, thanks for asking! The wiki has a handy list of all the different weapons here! In each weapon's description I mention the base weapon, but do you mean more in the video description where I list out each?
I just downloaded this game like three days ago. And UA-cam literally popped this out on my recommendations for no reasons lmao. Now I'm really suspecting that my gadget is being spy-ed by people other than the fbi
(one second while I turn on sarcasm mode) Oh no you cheated in a single player game what is the world coming to, you have doomed all gaming by doing this how could you! (Disengaging sarcasm mode) Sorry but it really bugs me how people look at “”cheats”” nowadays and the thing is they have been programmed to think that way by studios that are doing it to make money by taking out what used to be fun extras like infinite ammo or god mode or just big head mode and moon jump and they sell them as DLC or they cut them completely from the game to lengthen the grinding loop so you keep playing their game and only their game till the put out the sequel and cut support for the first game. What someone else dose in their own single player game has no bearing on the fun someone else is having in there’s, granted there are a few exceptions like if you are doing a speedrun of a game or if that same info or character is used in online content, I also 100% condemn the use of cheating in multiple games (unless your at a LAN party and your playing with friends that can hear and see you maniacally laughing but as your in throwing range it’s fine) as for the situation your in you are “”cheating”” so you can show the rest of us how X Y and Z works so we don’t have to spend hours or even weeks trying it out for ourselfs. For reviewing purposes cheating so you can see the later parts of a game without the need to spend weeks or in some cases months grinding is also perfectly acceptable ied even say it’s to be encouraged as if your doing a review of a game and you only have a day or two to get that review out ied much prefer the reviewer to cheat so they can get to the end and give a full review over then only telling me what the first hour is like (also anyone else remember back when games had these things called demos?)
Which evolved weapon is your favorite?
La Borra is my favorite and is even too powerful imo. Once I have it, I can just put my controller on the table and go take a coffee until the game finishes.
Probably Vandolier at the very top. Right behind it are three others; La Borra; No Future; and Thunder Loop.
Holy Bible
Soul eatterrr
The Rune Book is best.
Playing this on switch lite is giving me real deal childhood game boy vibes. This game is worth 10 times the price. I’ve sunk more time into this than Diablo 3
Everyone's put more time into VP than diablo3/4
@@brendanfisher1005 That's a two digit IQ statement right there
@@ForbiddenPizza Not understanding that its a slam on d3/d4 is a single digit iq reply
15:03 Yes, there is a card which make the bibles to explod once they expire (yes, they do expire, but respawn right after it with no delay).
The same card can affect the light ring too.
Something tells me it's an update since lancet, and laurel also are missing.
Actually if you get the song of mana with the red magnet card. It creates planets rotating around creating a defensive and offensive barrier.
Finally decided to pick up this game after the Castlevania dlc dropped, and REALLY appreciate these guides lol.
3:00 death spiral 4:56 hellfire 5:51 soul eater 6:50 labora
12:20 Poor cat, it became a Jojo vampire.
Wow Great Guide! the best that i ever seen! Thank You So MUCH!
Welp,time to crash my phone 🤣
Me too🥲
❤🎉🎉WOW WOW WOW🎉🎉❤ ME TOO😅😢😢😢😮😅😢😂😂😮😢 I LOVE VAMPIRE SURVIVORS🦧🦫🦫🦧🦫🤓🤓🦫🦧🤓🤓🍄🍄🍄WOW WOW WOW🍖🍖🍄🤩🤩🤓🤓🦧
Crashed tryna mine 450 million gold in 30 minutes using the Sammy exploit.. phone got so hot I thought it was gonna explode
Switch lite is so much better. Promise
NO FUTURE is a reference to SaGa Frontier's GenocideHeart/Heretical Core's signature move: Carnage
Funny thing is I find the Death Spiral to be better with much slower speed. Like that they stay on the screen longer so the next wave of enemies can have time to hit them, on top of being hit by the next wave of scythes.
not sure if they're tied to the same stat, but he was talking about the reload speed as the base reload speed doesnt generate enough axes to consistently clear the area around you
@@rabidcabbage7230 he mean to not take bracers for projectile speed. But you can take Empty Tome for better reloading speed. I agree with him
6:46 i suggest looking at The Borra guide, very enligthening and mind blowing incredible thath such an artifact made it inside the game!
3:54 Haven Sword is not from Final Fantasy, is from Castlevania SOTN!
Thank you for making this video!
Thank you for making this. Crazy informative video
PHD in arms of Vampire survivors - Rises blood chalice. +1
Extremely valuable info
such a high quality video from a low sub channel, good work
I feel like I’m watching an infomercial…for Vampire Survivors.
12:22 LMAO i didn't know those eyeballs were mine, there was too much chaos for me to know
Idk why, but the entire video just sounded like an add...
Like a telemarketer for evolved weapons
Tks, your video helps me alot
Very helpful. Thanks
With the closing thoughts on NO FUTURE, I see we have 1 shared mind
Hunchback of Notre Dame reference? It looks I came to the right place.
Nice jovem, thank you bro!
can someone explain for me how the cat or tiger weapon work, its tried to kill me
Gatto Amari is a... difficult... weapon to use. The cats are very unpredictable, and yes they will occasionally attack you. With low stats (especially low luck) it's an *awful* weapon. That said, with good stats (especially high luck and amount), it is a monstrous weapon - actually arguably stronger than its evolution. High luck and amount will give a good chance of the cats running into each other and turning into clouds of murder that pretty much delete anything that walks into them. High duration is good too, to keep the clouds around longer.
At low levels the cats suck. They just suck. The character that starts with the cats is awful. But if you add the cats to an already strong build they can be devastating.
Thank you, sir!
So I'm confused. I see i need the reservation item to evolve a whip in the castlevania dlc but I don't know how or something. I have the item and have max leveled twice so far. Is there something I need to do or just hold the item?
Thanks for the video!
Wouldn't the union of the birds benefit from the twins arcana?
I never get the rune tracer as a choice. Do you have to use a specific character to get it or am I just unlucky? Thanks.
either you banished it in collection or you're just really unlucky, also if you haven't ever gotten it as a choice yet I'm assuming you still have to survive 5 minutes with Pasqualina
@@Vlyg11 That was it. I didn't realize you had to play as Pasqualina to unlock it. Thanks!
The way you speak is like you're a wrestling announcer
Do you get these cards in later game I only have one at the moment
How do you evolve them? Do you just need both items then it evolves?
Great question! Apologies for not going over this. The weapons involved must be maximum level and you have to open a chest that has dropped from a boss that spawned at the 10 minute mark or later. Dairy Plant ignores this timing rule. You can read up on all the specifics here:
How to get full bonus? (I'm a rookie)
soooo how do we evolve weapons? i maxed out my whip and nothing happened.. also, does the evolve become permanent or do u hv to evolve every run?
1.) Once you max out the base weapon's level and at least have the proper accessory, you can get the evolution in a chest.
2.) You do have to evolve it each run.
@@ShinyDiscoBomb oooh gotcha thx man!
What is the level requirements of the weapons because mine aren’t combining
You have to have the weapon at 8 and the item at 1 (or 5 for some newer weapons) then find a chest. Some chests can't upgrade weapons, especially if the clock is under 5 minutes. But the major bosses at 5 minute intervals will usually allow upgrades.
heh when he said "vampire lazers" i immediatly thought of jojoBA
Oh, are red damage numbers Crits?
I did not know this
What does mortaccio's bone evolve to?
Doesn't evolve as far as I know (like the guy who throws shields)
It does not evolve but the character itself morphs at level 80 after unlocking an item called chaos malachite i think
I can't seem to figure out how synergies work. I'll have both things needed but nothing will change, it'll still equal a big fat question mark. Sucks
If you have the weapon (maxed) and the passive, you have to get a chest that evolves the weapon. I’ve been playing for a week and not super familiar with the terms 😂
@ntzer0 Thank you, I just figured this out last night but I appreciate it anyways! Honestly this game is so addictive, he clearly knew what he was doing 😅
Definitely knew what he was doing! This game is super addictive. Glad you figured it out!
Im a bit late to the party here xd but doesnt manajja and vandalier both have great arcanas? Manajja having the astronomy (or astrology) one and vandalier having the one that brings a second birb.
This video was made before a lot of arcanas were added, most notably Gemini.
Vandalier is extremly powerfull, but the lag isnt worth it.
4:23 terraprisma?😮
Hey can you add the normal name of the weapons thank you
Hey, thanks for asking! The wiki has a handy list of all the different weapons here! In each weapon's description I mention the base weapon, but do you mean more in the video description where I list out each?
how do get bounse evo skill?
I just downloaded this game like three days ago. And UA-cam literally popped this out on my recommendations for no reasons lmao. Now I'm really suspecting that my gadget is being spy-ed by people other than the fbi
Haha you just now realizing that.... it's not necessarily being spied on, it's just how developed ai really is.
If you anglo-saxon Just knew 💀
Especially with "la (s)borra" 💀
you missed a evolution bloody tear & vento sacro = Fuwalafuwaloo
No Flames of Misspell??
Sadly, la borra now lands further away with area, instead of having more size.... near useless.
Welp time to go to molise
N vou me escrever por que sou BR e tu fala umas coisas q N entendo,mas continue o ótimo trabalho
Increible que este sea el unico video sobre las armas evolucionadas que hay en español ._. Y solo son los subtitulos xd
I am a garlic tree
I am Oliver tree
Where’s the Vento Sacro evolution?
Video was made before Vento Sacro was added to the game.
good video
"For Arcanas..." Oh, ok this video isn't for me yet. Toodaloo.
Thank you man, but... there are more weapons already
You dint includ solsolution
you guys know there's a wiki right
Why do spellbinding look like that
I like the night sword evolved.
I love garlic.
Alternate title: ways on how you can make the steam deck run at 24fps
high quality vid
if ur watching this video stop immediately
(one second while I turn on sarcasm mode) Oh no you cheated in a single player game what is the world coming to, you have doomed all gaming by doing this how could you! (Disengaging sarcasm mode)
Sorry but it really bugs me how people look at “”cheats”” nowadays and the thing is they have been programmed to think that way by studios that are doing it to make money by taking out what used to be fun extras like infinite ammo or god mode or just big head mode and moon jump and they sell them as DLC or they cut them completely from the game to lengthen the grinding loop so you keep playing their game and only their game till the put out the sequel and cut support for the first game.
What someone else dose in their own single player game has no bearing on the fun someone else is having in there’s, granted there are a few exceptions like if you are doing a speedrun of a game or if that same info or character is used in online content, I also 100% condemn the use of cheating in multiple games (unless your at a LAN party and your playing with friends that can hear and see you maniacally laughing but as your in throwing range it’s fine) as for the situation your in you are “”cheating”” so you can show the rest of us how X Y and Z works so we don’t have to spend hours or even weeks trying it out for ourselfs.
For reviewing purposes cheating so you can see the later parts of a game without the need to spend weeks or in some cases months grinding is also perfectly acceptable ied even say it’s to be encouraged as if your doing a review of a game and you only have a day or two to get that review out ied much prefer the reviewer to cheat so they can get to the end and give a full review over then only telling me what the first hour is like (also anyone else remember back when games had these things called demos?)
😢how to fuul
There are cards? 😂
Android 🤔❓
disliked for using discord noti's as a sound alert.
honestly good video. but a small fk u for using discord sounds at the start. got me good....
No, it's Tiragisu. The name is a pun.
Before we start the footage this is from a modded game. That was where I knew he lost credibility and I was out.
What was he supposed to do? Lmao
My fave is the rainbow bird
Good on ya for time stamps lol tytyty ❤