Nice to see a location that has not been vandalized, Even the original gunbarrels and lampshades are still in place. What a time capsule. Many thanks for sharing.
Hello Micke, i've watched a few of your videos now and they are all great but this place is absolutely amazing, it is so vast ! There seems to be a lot of such places in Sweden, i guess the cold war was very strong there ! looking at your replies i think your English is pretty good. It would be great to just have a small description of what the place was, its purpose etc as I think a lot more people would get a lot out of them ! Anyway, again many thanks for all your dedication and hard work that stops history being forgotten. Your videos are important documentary material !!
Hi Neil! First, I want to thank you for the comment, and I'm glad you like my videos. One problem with describing what we see is that it also attracts lot of "trashers" and "graffiti painters" to the place. Therefore, I keep it little secret, even if other interested people miss information about the place, sorry for that.
@@MickeSamurai hello Mickie, many thanks for the reply, I completely understand. All the best and thanks for the external video, it really adds to the grandeur of the place !
@@alaaeldinfakharani856 This is a Fortress in north Sweden, and here is a link to a video there you can see the outside of this fortress....
One of the best explores I have seen so far, that place is amazing, the canon barrels and the gun turret still in place = wow!!! Shame mindless people have to trash places like this rather than leave it for others to enjoy.
Thanks my friend! Yes, this became a really good exploring, and some stuff have been left alone. I hope the place will be untouched from damage in the future.
Das ist die bis dahin collste bunkeranlage die ich bis jetzt gesehen habe.ich kann mir vorstellen das es ein tolles abenteuer war.nur schade das es nun verrottet.was mir gut gefällt das du wortlos da durchwanderst und man seine eigenen gedanken und gefühle erleben kann.ich bin total beeindruckt. Danke
This bunker is incredible. Someone spent alot of money building and engineering it. Looks like it was still operational up until not that long ago. Must have been incredible when the facility was still operational. Surprising that it hasn't been repurposed and still being used after all the money spent.
Boden's fortress sometimes called "Låset i norr" is a heavy fortress built on and in several mountains around the town of Boden in Norrbotten in Sweden. It is located about 35 kilometers from the coast. The fortress has served as a strategic defensive position and protected storage site. The main purpose was to deter Russia and the Soviet Union from invading overland from the Finnish mainland and to some extent against attacks across the Gulf of Bothnia and then in collaboration with the coastal artillery in Luleå and Töre. Boden's fortress size, complexity and impact strength mean that it has no equivalent in the Nordic countries. The fort is blasted out of the bedrock on a hilly mountain. At the top of the mountain, a 10 to 12 meter wide storm pit was blasted that surrounded the core of the fortress. The grave is about 100 to 200 meters square and would have a depth of at least 6 meters, but usually it became deeper. The top of the fort is called the top, from which vertical wells were blasted for the rotating armored towers of the pieces. The play wells were then connected to the rest of the fort via stairs and ammunition lifts. Observation posts with armored domes (half or full), positions for grenade launchers for close protection as well as trenches and snipers for the fortress' crew were also set up on the outpost. The artillery crew's placement in the fort core and infantry crew were placed outside the storm trenches :) :)
Boden's fortress sometimes called "Låset i norr" is a heavy fortress built on and in several mountains around the town of Boden in Norrbotten in Sweden. It is located about 35 kilometers from the coast. The fortress has served as a strategic defensive position and protected storage site. The main purpose was to deter Russia and the Soviet Union from invading overland from the Finnish mainland and to some extent against attacks across the Gulf of Bothnia and then in collaboration with the coastal artillery in Luleå and Töre. Boden's fortress size, complexity and impact strength mean that it has no equivalent in the Nordic countries. The fort is blasted out of the bedrock on a hilly mountain. At the top of the mountain, a 10 to 12 meter wide storm pit was blasted that surrounded the core of the fortress. The grave is about 100 to 200 meters square and would have a depth of at least 6 meters, but usually it became deeper. The top of the fort is called the top, from which vertical wells were blasted for the rotating armored towers of the pieces. The play wells were then connected to the rest of the fort via stairs and ammunition lifts. Observation posts with armored domes (half or full), positions for grenade launchers for close protection as well as trenches and snipers for the fortress' crew were also set up on the outpost. The artillery crew's placement in the fort core and infantry crew were placed outside the storm trenches :)
I saw some rooms where some missile/bombs were dropped. I didn't see as many rooms where I thought the men sleep as I did in the Swedes. On this one and the other, all the steps going up/down to get men to their place and I guess if they were hit, I it would be an escape route. Think about when this was built, all the dust/dirt, it had to be awesome. All the water lines cold/hot, sewer, the air/ventilation system that had to be installed. This was a massive undertaking, all of them took years. Again Thanks, stay safe
Hi! Boden's fortress sometimes called "Låset i norr" is a heavy fortress built on and in several mountains around the town of Boden in Norrbotten in Sweden. It is located about 35 kilometers from the coast. The fortress has served as a strategic defensive position and protected storage site. The main purpose was to deter Russia and the Soviet Union from invading overland from the Finnish mainland and to some extent against attacks across the Gulf of Bothnia and then in collaboration with the coastal artillery in Luleå and Töre. Boden's fortress size, complexity and impact strength mean that it has no equivalent in the Nordic countries. The fort is blasted out of the bedrock on a hilly mountain. At the top of the mountain, a 10 to 12 meter wide storm pit was blasted that surrounded the core of the fortress. The grave is about 100 to 200 meters square and would have a depth of at least 6 meters, but usually it became deeper. The top of the fort is called the top, from which vertical wells were blasted for the rotating armored towers of the pieces. The play wells were then connected to the rest of the fort via stairs and ammunition lifts. Observation posts with armored domes (half or full), positions for grenade launchers for close protection as well as trenches and snipers for the fortress' crew were also set up on the outpost. The artillery crew's placement in the fort core and infantry crew were placed outside the storm trenches ;)
I did not see your mates light but still a cool place . I thought it was a prison at first then I seen the guns and the loading chain. Very cool thanks for sharing this with us.. where is this at? Have you explored the lower sections at all? Or is it too flooded? Thanks for taking the time to reply good sir.....
If you watch this movie too and then read all the text, you will understand the purpose of this bunker ..... Boden's fortress sometimes called "Låset i norr" is a heavy fortress built on and in several mountains around the town of Boden in Norrbotten in Sweden. It is located about 35 kilometers from the coast. The fortress has served as a strategic defensive position and protected storage site. The main purpose was to deter Russia and the Soviet Union from invading overland from the Finnish mainland and to some extent against attacks across the Gulf of Bothnia and then in collaboration with the coastal artillery in Luleå and Töre. Boden's fortress size, complexity and impact strength mean that it has no equivalent in the Nordic countries. The fort is blasted out of the bedrock on a hilly mountain. At the top of the mountain, a 10 to 12 meter wide storm pit was blasted that surrounded the core of the fortress. The grave is about 100 to 200 meters square and would have a depth of at least 6 meters, but usually it became deeper. The top of the fort is called the top, from which vertical wells were blasted for the rotating armored towers of the pieces. The play wells were then connected to the rest of the fort via stairs and ammunition lifts. Observation posts with armored domes (half or full), positions for grenade launchers for close protection as well as trenches and shooting guards for the fortress crew were also set up on the outpost. The artillery crew's placement in the fort core and infantry crew were located outside the storm trenches (info Wikipedia).
A fortaleza de Boden às vezes chamada de "Låset i norr" é uma fortaleza pesada construída sobre e em várias montanhas ao redor da cidade de Boden em Norrbotten, na Suécia. Ele está localizado a cerca de 35 quilômetros da costa. A fortaleza serviu como uma posição defensiva estratégica e local de armazenamento protegido. O objetivo principal era dissuadir a Rússia e a União Soviética de invadir por terra a partir do continente finlandês e, em certa medida, contra ataques através do Golfo de Bótnia e, em seguida, em colaboração com a artilharia costeira em Luleå e Töre. O tamanho, a complexidade e a resistência ao impacto da fortaleza de Boden significam que ela não tem equivalente nos países nórdicos. O forte foi arrancado da rocha em uma montanha montanhosa. No topo da montanha, um poço de tempestade de 10 a 12 metros de largura foi aberto e cercou o núcleo da fortaleza. A sepultura tem cerca de 100 a 200 metros quadrados e teria uma profundidade de pelo menos 6 metros, mas geralmente ficava mais profunda. O topo do forte é chamado de topo, de onde poços verticais foram abertos para as torres blindadas giratórias das peças. Os poços de jogo foram então conectados ao resto do forte por meio de escadas e elevadores de munição. Postos de observação com cúpulas blindadas (meio ou cheias), posições para lançadores de granadas para proteção próxima, bem como trincheiras e atiradores para a tripulação da fortaleza também foram montados no posto avançado. A colocação da tripulação de artilharia no núcleo do forte e a tripulação de infantaria foram colocadas fora das trincheiras de tempestade :)
Voici l'extérieur : La forteresse de Boden parfois appelée "Låset i norr" est une lourde forteresse construite sur et dans plusieurs montagnes autour de la ville de Boden à Norrbotten en Suède. Il est situé à environ 35 kilomètres de la côte. La forteresse a servi de position défensive stratégique et de site de stockage protégé. L'objectif principal était de dissuader la Russie et l'Union soviétique d'envahir par voie terrestre depuis le continent finlandais et dans une certaine mesure contre les attaques à travers le golfe de Botnie, puis en collaboration avec l'artillerie côtière à Luleå et Töre. La taille, la complexité et la résistance aux chocs de la forteresse de Boden font qu'il n'a pas d'équivalent dans les pays nordiques. Le fort est soufflé hors du substratum rocheux sur une montagne vallonnée. Au sommet de la montagne, une fosse d'orage de 10 à 12 mètres de large a été dynamitée qui entourait le cœur de la forteresse. La tombe mesure environ 100 à 200 mètres carrés et aurait une profondeur d'au moins 6 mètres, mais elle devenait généralement plus profonde. Le sommet du fort s'appelle le sommet, à partir duquel des puits verticaux ont été creusés pour les tours blindées rotatives des pièces. Les puits de jeu étaient ensuite reliés au reste du fort par des escaliers et des ascenseurs à munitions. Des postes d'observation avec des dômes blindés (demi ou plein), des emplacements pour lance-grenades pour la protection rapprochée ainsi que des tranchées et des tireurs d'élite pour l'équipage de la forteresse ont également été installés sur l'avant-poste. Le placement de l'équipage d'artillerie dans le noyau du fort et l'équipage d'infanterie ont été placés à l'extérieur des tranchées de tempête :)
This is in Sweden! Boden's fortress sometimes called "Låset i norr" is a heavy fortress built on and in several mountains around the town of Boden in Norrbotten in Sweden. It is located about 35 kilometers from the coast. The fortress has served as a strategic defensive position and protected storage site. The main purpose was to deter Russia and the Soviet Union from invading overland from the Finnish mainland and to some extent against attacks across the Gulf of Bothnia and then in collaboration with the coastal artillery in Luleå and Töre. Boden's fortress size, complexity and impact strength mean that it has no equivalent in the Nordic countries. The fort is blasted out of the bedrock on a hilly mountain. At the top of the mountain, a 10 to 12 meter wide storm pit was blasted that surrounded the core of the fortress. The grave is about 100 to 200 meters square and would have a depth of at least 6 meters, but usually it became deeper. The top of the fort is called the top, from which vertical wells were blasted for the rotating armored towers of the pieces. The play wells were then connected to the rest of the fort via stairs and ammunition lifts. Observation posts with armored domes (half or full), positions for grenade launchers for close protection, as well as trenches and shooting guards for the fortress crew were also set up on the outpost. The artillery crew's placement in the fort core and infantry crew were located outside the storm trenches (info Wikipedia).
Riktigt jäkla stort ställe. Det ser ju onekligen ut som att det har sanerats ut rätt ordentligt. Synd att nedre? plan verkar vara vattenfylld. Man blir lite ledsen över hur mycket pengar som en gång vart nerlagt på dessa ställen och som sedan bara har lämnats.
Cetatea Boden numită uneori „Låset i norr” este o fortăreață grea construită pe și în mai mulți munți din jurul orașului Boden din Norrbotten din Suedia. Se află la aproximativ 35 de kilometri de coastă. Cetatea a servit drept o poziție defensivă strategică și un loc de depozitare protejat. Scopul principal a fost descurajarea Rusiei și a Uniunii Sovietice de a invada pe uscat din continentul finlandez și într-o oarecare măsură împotriva atacurilor peste Golful Botniei și apoi în colaborare cu artileria de coastă din Luleå și Töre. Dimensiunea cetății Boden, complexitatea și puterea de impact înseamnă că nu are echivalent în țările nordice. Fortul este aruncat din roca de bază pe un munte deluros. În vârful muntelui, a fost aruncată o groapă de furtună cu lățimea de 10 până la 12 metri care a înconjurat miezul cetății. Mormântul are aproximativ 100 până la 200 de metri pătrați și ar avea o adâncime de cel puțin 6 metri, dar, de obicei, a devenit mai adânc. Vârful fortului se numește vârf, din care au fost aruncate puțuri verticale pentru turnurile blindate rotative ale pieselor. Puțurile de joc au fost apoi conectate la restul fortului prin scări și ascensoare de muniție. Posturi de observație cu cupole blindate (pe jumătate sau pline), poziții pentru lansatoare de grenade pentru protecție apropiată, precum și tranșee și gărzi de tragere pentru echipajul cetății au fost, de asemenea, amenajate în avanpost. Plasarea echipajului de artilerie în nucleul fortului și echipajul de infanterie au fost plasate în afara tranșeelor de furtună.
@@MickeSamurai supongo que al comentario en español lo traduciste 🤷 Igual acá va mí pregunta ¿No tenes miedo que te aparezca algo o que sientas alguna presencia maligna o que te observan? Si me respondes mejor! Saludos!!!!!!
@@MickeSamurai I don't, I don't like being in places like that 😂 It makes me panic dread fear despair 😂 I wrote it in English so you can read it well haha
No, I think that is not a good idea! If they want to see my videos they can visit my channel. There are already so many here on youtube who copy my videos and post them on their channels, as if they made them themselves. Sorry, hope you understand me, but Im glad you like my videos. Regards Micke
A fortaleza de Boden às vezes chamada de "Låset i norr" é uma fortaleza pesada construída sobre e em várias montanhas ao redor da cidade de Boden em Norrbotten, na Suécia. Ele está localizado a cerca de 35 quilômetros da costa. A fortaleza serviu como posição defensiva estratégica e local de armazenamento protegido. O objetivo principal era dissuadir a Rússia e a União Soviética de invadir por terra a partir do continente finlandês e, em certa medida, contra ataques através do Golfo de Bótnia e, em seguida, em colaboração com a artilharia costeira em Luleå e Töre. O tamanho, a complexidade e a resistência ao impacto da fortaleza de Boden significam que ela não tem equivalente nos países nórdicos. O forte foi arrancado da rocha em uma montanha montanhosa. No topo da montanha, um poço de tempestade de 10 a 12 metros de largura foi aberto e cercou o núcleo da fortaleza. A sepultura tem cerca de 100 a 200 metros quadrados e teria uma profundidade de pelo menos 6 metros, mas geralmente ficava mais profunda. O topo do forte é chamado de topo, de onde poços verticais foram abertos para as torres blindadas giratórias das peças. Os poços de jogo foram então conectados ao resto do forte por meio de escadas e elevadores de munição. Postos de observação com cúpulas blindadas (meio ou cheias), posições para lançadores de granadas para proteção próxima, bem como trincheiras e atiradores para a tripulação da fortaleza também foram montados no posto avançado. A colocação da tripulação de artilharia no núcleo do forte e a tripulação de infantaria estavam localizadas fora das trincheiras de tempestade (info Wikipedia)
La fortaleza de Boden a veces llamada "Låset i norr" es una fortaleza pesada construida en varias montañas alrededor de la ciudad de Boden en Norrbotten en Suecia. Se encuentra a unos 35 kilómetros de la costa. La fortaleza ha servido como una posición defensiva estratégica y un lugar de almacenamiento protegido. El objetivo principal era disuadir a Rusia y la Unión Soviética de invadir por tierra desde el continente finlandés y, hasta cierto punto, contra los ataques a través del Golfo de Botnia y luego en colaboración con la artillería costera en Luleå y Töre. El tamaño, la complejidad y la fuerza del impacto de la fortaleza de Boden significan que no tiene equivalente en los países nórdicos. El fuerte es derribado del lecho de roca en una montaña montañosa. En la cima de la montaña, se hizo estallar un pozo de tormenta de 10 a 12 metros de ancho que rodeaba el núcleo de la fortaleza. La tumba mide entre 100 y 200 metros cuadrados y tendría una profundidad de al menos 6 metros, pero por lo general se hizo más profunda. La parte superior del fuerte se llama parte superior, desde la cual se volaron pozos verticales para las torres blindadas giratorias de las piezas. Luego, los pozos de juego se conectaron con el resto del fuerte a través de escaleras y elevadores de municiones. En el puesto de avanzada también se instalaron puestos de observación con cúpulas blindadas (medias o completas), posiciones para lanzagranadas para una protección cercana, así como trincheras y francotiradores para la tripulación de la fortaleza. La ubicación de la tripulación de artillería en el núcleo y la tripulación de infantería estaban ubicadas fuera de las trincheras de tormenta (información en Wikipedia) :)
Que horribke lugar .. Era una xarcel , un hospital ...❓❓❓ Muy terrrorifico .. Dios nos libre de estis lugares tan horribles...y de mucho miedo❗❗ Que lugar del mundo es❓❓ Hay que tener muchisimo coraje ❗❗ Cuídense de esos lugares. .. Saludo desde Argentina❗❗
Hola Argentina! Este es un antiguo fuerte militar en Suecia. Aquí hay una película desde el exterior del Fuerte ...
@@MickeSamurai con mirar ya palpitaba mi corazon de miedo chucho ...❗❗😜😝.un abrazo ... Hay que ser muy corajudos para mostrar ese lugar...❗ Bendiciones ❗
This place is freaking awesome I want to go there and check it out.Plus where are the guns pointing and how many are there this place is a major installation..thank you so very much for sharing..any more information would be really cool.
Med tanke på kanonrören lär detta väl varit ett kustartilleri? Eller förekom det sådan beväpning även på anläggningar inåt landet? Inte för att försöka avslöja plats osv, är genuint intresserad :)
Det fanns andra ställen med kanoner. Tror detta är ett fort som rymmer ganska många pjäser och är rätt gammal. Synd att sånt här skall stå och rosta bara. Men jag är rädd för att det skulle kosta rätt mycket att bevara hela.. I alla fall om det är den jag tror att det är.
Med tanke på längden på eldrören och att pansarkupolerna är kvar är detta en mycket tidig anläggning, ett gammalt stort artellerifort alltså Kalixlinjen eller Boden, men en sabla snygg film!
Hallo! Ich versuche jetzt ein bisschen Deutsch verwendet Google Übersetzung ;) Leider kann ich nicht sagen welcher Bunker oder wo befindet sich der Ort? Sorry for that :/
Njae, jag tycker nog att det pratas och finns rätt mycket information om "Låset i Norr", det kanske beror lite på vilket intresse man har. Rödbergsfortet är ett välbesökt fort (museum) och är nästan i det skick som det var i när det var i bruk. Rödbergsfortet ingår i nätverket Sveriges militärhistoriska arv. De andra forten, ja de står tyvärr och förfaller.
Friend, very interesting your video. Fantastic research work. Congratulations! I realize that the location is secret, but could I just tell you what kind of facility it was, what was it for and when was it built? Thank you very much.
Boden's fortress sometimes called "Låset i norr" is a heavy fortress built on and in several mountains around the town of Boden in Norrbotten in Sweden. It is located about 35 kilometers from the coast. The fortress has served as a strategic defensive position and protected storage site. The main purpose was to deter Russia and the Soviet Union from invading overland from the Finnish mainland and to some extent against attacks across the Gulf of Bothnia and then in collaboration with the coastal artillery in Luleå and Töre. Boden's fortress size, complexity and impact strength mean that it has no equivalent in the Nordic countries. The fort is blasted out of the bedrock on a hilly mountain. At the top of the mountain, a 10 to 12 meter wide storm pit was blasted that surrounded the core of the fortress. The grave is about 100 to 200 meters square and would have a depth of at least 6 meters, but usually it became deeper. The top of the fort is called the top, from which vertical wells were blasted for the rotating armored towers of the pieces. The play wells were then connected to the rest of the fort via stairs and ammunition lifts. Observation posts with armored domes (half or full), positions for grenade launchers for close protection as well as trenches and snipers for the fortress' crew were also set up on the outpost. The artillery crew's placement in the fort core and infantry crew were located outside the storm trenches (info Wikipedia).
Wonder if this military installation saw any Action? Is this in Germany?..Some of those blast doors are a foot thick...WOW...How was the air in there, planty of oxygen in there?...Most Interesting....Thanks...
Pháo đài của Boden đôi khi được gọi là "Låset i norr" là một pháo đài hạng nặng được xây dựng trên và trên một số ngọn núi xung quanh thị trấn Boden ở Norrbotten ở Thụy Điển. Nó nằm cách bờ biển khoảng 35 km. Pháo đài đã phục vụ như một vị trí phòng thủ chiến lược và địa điểm lưu trữ được bảo vệ. Mục đích chính là để ngăn chặn Nga và Liên Xô xâm lược đất liền từ đất liền Phần Lan và ở một mức độ nào đó chống lại các cuộc tấn công qua Vịnh Bothnia và sau đó phối hợp với pháo binh ven biển ở Luleå và Töre. Kích thước, độ phức tạp và sức mạnh tác động của pháo đài Boden có nghĩa là nó không có tương đương ở các nước Bắc Âu. Pháo đài bị nổ tung khỏi nền đá trên một ngọn núi đồi. Trên đỉnh núi, một hố bão rộng từ 10 đến 12 mét đã được cho nổ bao quanh lõi của pháo đài. Ngôi mộ rộng khoảng 100 đến 200 mét vuông và sẽ có độ sâu ít nhất là 6 mét, nhưng thường thì nó trở nên sâu hơn. Đỉnh của pháo đài được gọi là đỉnh, từ đó các giếng thẳng đứng được cho nổ để tạo ra các tháp bọc thép xoay của các mảnh. Các giếng chơi sau đó được kết nối với phần còn lại của pháo đài thông qua cầu thang và thang máy chở đạn. Các chốt quan sát có mái vòm bọc thép (một nửa hoặc toàn bộ), vị trí đặt súng phóng lựu để bảo vệ chặt chẽ cũng như giao thông hào và súng bắn tỉa cho kíp pháo đài cũng được thiết lập trên trán. Vị trí của kíp pháo binh trong nòng cốt pháo đài và kíp bộ binh được bố trí bên ngoài chiến hào bão (thông tin Wikipedia).....;)
World wide all r using u English is common to all...y can't u put in English....I don't know what d language it is....if known language ly...all can understand what it is
I'm from Sweden and this place are in Sweden, and I can no other languages. Takes too long time for me to translate everything into English, sorry about that. Have a nice day ;)
A fortaleza de Boden às vezes chamada de "Låset i norr" é uma fortaleza pesada construída sobre e em várias montanhas ao redor da cidade de Boden em Norrbotten, na Suécia. Ele está localizado a cerca de 35 quilômetros da costa. A fortaleza serviu como uma posição defensiva estratégica e local de armazenamento protegido. O objetivo principal era dissuadir a Rússia e a União Soviética de invadir por terra a partir do continente finlandês e, em certa medida, contra ataques através do Golfo de Bótnia e, em seguida, em colaboração com a artilharia costeira em Luleå e Töre. O tamanho, a complexidade e a resistência ao impacto da fortaleza de Boden significam que ela não tem equivalente nos países nórdicos. O forte foi arrancado da rocha em uma montanha montanhosa. No topo da montanha, um poço de tempestade de 10 a 12 metros de largura foi aberto e cercou o núcleo da fortaleza. A sepultura tem cerca de 100 a 200 metros quadrados e teria uma profundidade de pelo menos 6 metros, mas geralmente ficava mais profunda. O topo do forte é chamado de topo, de onde poços verticais foram abertos para as torres blindadas giratórias das peças. Os poços de jogo foram então conectados ao resto do forte por meio de escadas e elevadores de munição. Postos de observação com cúpulas blindadas (meio ou cheias), posições para lançadores de granadas para proteção próxima, bem como trincheiras e atiradores para a tripulação da fortaleza também foram montados no posto avançado. A colocação da tripulação de artilharia no núcleo e a tripulação de infantaria estavam localizadas fora das trincheiras de tempestade (info Wikipedia) :)
Nice to see a location that has not been vandalized, Even the original gunbarrels and lampshades are still in place. What a time capsule. Many thanks for sharing.
Thanks! Normally this place is sealed and closed, therefore so little vandalized. But we have lucky and could visit the inside, when we was there.
Snyggt Micke! Du levererar professionellt som vanligt :) Tack.
Tack Lars! Trevligt att få höra, även om jag inte lagt ner så mycket tid på min redigering och kvalitet :)
Hello Micke, i've watched a few of your videos now and they are all great but this place is absolutely amazing, it is so vast ! There seems to be a lot of such places in Sweden, i guess the cold war was very strong there ! looking at your replies i think your English is pretty good. It would be great to just have a small description of what the place was, its purpose etc as I think a lot more people would get a lot out of them ! Anyway, again many thanks for all your dedication and hard work that stops history being forgotten. Your videos are important documentary material !!
Hi Neil! First, I want to thank you for the comment, and I'm glad you like my videos. One problem with describing what we see is that it also attracts lot of "trashers" and "graffiti painters" to the place. Therefore, I keep it little secret, even if other interested people miss information about the place, sorry for that.
@@MickeSamurai hello Mickie, many thanks for the reply, I completely understand. All the best and thanks for the external video, it really adds to the grandeur of the place !
Love your videos!! Looks like a lot of fun exploring. Keep up the Great work!!
Thanks a lot! 👍
@@MickeSamurai Excuse me but what exactly is this place .? Thanks .
@@alaaeldinfakharani856 This place are exactly Boden in Sweden.
@@MickeSamurai Thanks Micke. I thought it's is Hitler,s shelter .
@@alaaeldinfakharani856 This is a Fortress in north Sweden, and here is a link to a video there you can see the outside of this fortress....
How many miles of tunnel is this.
Not so far, In this fort maybe a total of 400-500 meters of tunnel.
@@MickeSamurai thanks for sharing. Really cool stuff
@@rogerleckington3908 Thanks
Very good movie! Best regards from Brazil!😃
Explique o vídeo pf. Há muitos desses que chega a dar arrepios. Onde ficam esses túneis?
Fantastisk film! Tänk om man hade en tidsmaskin och kunde få se hur det såg ut när det var aktivt!
Tackar! Det finns några liknande bevarade anläggningar kvar idag :)
@@MickeSamurai jag fick min tidsmaskin:-)
Hehe...varsågod , det var så lite så ;)
One of the best explores I have seen so far, that place is amazing, the canon barrels and the gun turret still in place = wow!!! Shame mindless people have to trash places like this rather than leave it for others to enjoy.
Thanks my friend! Yes, this became a really good exploring, and some stuff have been left alone. I hope the place will be untouched from damage in the future.
Cold war bunker?
Das ist die bis dahin collste bunkeranlage die ich bis jetzt gesehen habe.ich kann mir vorstellen das es ein tolles abenteuer war.nur schade das es nun verrottet.was mir gut gefällt das du wortlos da durchwanderst und man seine eigenen gedanken und gefühle erleben kann.ich bin total beeindruckt. Danke
@@MickeSamurai hi there! is ist from cold war ? what language is this? Finnish? Swedish? thx!
Hi Joachim! Yes, it is from the Cold war time, and it is in Sweden ;)
Som alltid, mycket intressant Micke =)
Tackar! Kul att det uppskattas :)
Nice work, Samurai.
Thanks David! :)
Iam from India bro, you did a great job thanks you for sharing this video with us.
Hi lam, and Thanks a lot :)
Where is this place...
In Sweden
This bunker is incredible. Someone spent alot of money building and engineering it. Looks like it was still operational up until not that long ago. Must have been incredible when the facility was still operational. Surprising that it hasn't been repurposed and still being used after all the money spent.
Here you can see the outside of this place….
Y now not using that plant/place, what works doing this place...
Lika fint än. Var in här om dagen. 👍
Jaha se där, kul 👍
Where is this video from
Boden's fortress sometimes called "Låset i norr" is a heavy fortress built on and in several mountains around the town of Boden in Norrbotten in Sweden. It is located about 35 kilometers from the coast. The fortress has served as a strategic defensive position and protected storage site. The main purpose was to deter Russia and the Soviet Union from invading overland from the Finnish mainland and to some extent against attacks across the Gulf of Bothnia and then in collaboration with the coastal artillery in Luleå and Töre. Boden's fortress size, complexity and impact strength mean that it has no equivalent in the Nordic countries.
The fort is blasted out of the bedrock on a hilly mountain. At the top of the mountain, a 10 to 12 meter wide storm pit was blasted that surrounded the core of the fortress. The grave is about 100 to 200 meters square and would have a depth of at least 6 meters, but usually it became deeper. The top of the fort is called the top, from which vertical wells were blasted for the rotating armored towers of the pieces. The play wells were then connected to the rest of the fort via stairs and ammunition lifts. Observation posts with armored domes (half or full), positions for grenade launchers for close protection as well as trenches and snipers for the fortress' crew were also set up on the outpost. The artillery crew's placement in the fort core and infantry crew were placed outside the storm trenches :) :)
Tremendo video con música perfecta para la ocasion,
Mil gracias,
Muchas gracias! Agradable escuchar :)
@@MickeSamurai Disculpa en que lugar está en que ciudad?
@@pattyR90602 Está en el norte de Suecia ;)
Jäklar vad häftigt ! Bra filmat som vanligt ! Tummen upp
Tackar, kul att du gilla filmen! Ja det var ett intressant och spännande besök.
How will you get out If your flashlight bateries stop working or If it breaks .Also who will hear you acera. I hope you can get out of there.
Hi Maria! I have four lamps with me on this visit and I was not alone. And I think I can get out even if it's dark, so this is no problem for me ;)
Old versions people why using this place. What is this ❓features
Boden's fortress sometimes called "Låset i norr" is a heavy fortress built on and in several mountains around the town of Boden in Norrbotten in Sweden. It is located about 35 kilometers from the coast. The fortress has served as a strategic defensive position and protected storage site. The main purpose was to deter Russia and the Soviet Union from invading overland from the Finnish mainland and to some extent against attacks across the Gulf of Bothnia and then in collaboration with the coastal artillery in Luleå and Töre. Boden's fortress size, complexity and impact strength mean that it has no equivalent in the Nordic countries.
The fort is blasted out of the bedrock on a hilly mountain. At the top of the mountain, a 10 to 12 meter wide storm pit was blasted that surrounded the core of the fortress. The grave is about 100 to 200 meters square and would have a depth of at least 6 meters, but usually it became deeper. The top of the fort is called the top, from which vertical wells were blasted for the rotating armored towers of the pieces. The play wells were then connected to the rest of the fort via stairs and ammunition lifts. Observation posts with armored domes (half or full), positions for grenade launchers for close protection as well as trenches and snipers for the fortress' crew were also set up on the outpost. The artillery crew's placement in the fort core and infantry crew were placed outside the storm trenches :)
@@MickeSamurai it's too interesting ☺
I saw some rooms where some missile/bombs were dropped. I didn't see as many rooms where I thought the men sleep as I did in the Swedes.
On this one and the other, all the steps going up/down to get men to their place and I guess if they were hit, I it would be an escape route. Think about when this was built, all the dust/dirt, it had to be awesome. All the water lines cold/hot, sewer, the air/ventilation system that had to be installed. This was a massive undertaking, all of them took years. Again Thanks, stay safe
Thanks for the long comment ;)
What are you searching
We are not searching for anything, we only exploring the place.
What is this bro
Hi! Boden's fortress sometimes called "Låset i norr" is a heavy fortress built on and in several mountains around the town of Boden in Norrbotten in Sweden. It is located about 35 kilometers from the coast. The fortress has served as a strategic defensive position and protected storage site. The main purpose was to deter Russia and the Soviet Union from invading overland from the Finnish mainland and to some extent against attacks across the Gulf of Bothnia and then in collaboration with the coastal artillery in Luleå and Töre. Boden's fortress size, complexity and impact strength mean that it has no equivalent in the Nordic countries.
The fort is blasted out of the bedrock on a hilly mountain. At the top of the mountain, a 10 to 12 meter wide storm pit was blasted that surrounded the core of the fortress. The grave is about 100 to 200 meters square and would have a depth of at least 6 meters, but usually it became deeper. The top of the fort is called the top, from which vertical wells were blasted for the rotating armored towers of the pieces. The play wells were then connected to the rest of the fort via stairs and ammunition lifts. Observation posts with armored domes (half or full), positions for grenade launchers for close protection as well as trenches and snipers for the fortress' crew were also set up on the outpost. The artillery crew's placement in the fort core and infantry crew were placed outside the storm trenches ;)
@@MickeSamurai amazing bro
Did anyone else see the shadow person at 25:23 ish ? At the end of the hall comes out and goes left to dead end room. Or am I seeing things
Quite right, it was my mate ;)
I did not see your mates light but still a cool place . I thought it was a prison at first then I seen the guns and the loading chain. Very cool thanks for sharing this with us.. where is this at? Have you explored the lower sections at all? Or is it too flooded? Thanks for taking the time to reply good sir.....
Thanks! Its an old fortress from the Cold War era.
The lower section is only a tunnel to the outside defense
Very cool my friend keep doing what you do and stay safe out there .... danka mann
Wow that was stunning very big like
Yes, it was a nice and interesting place to visit.
Best music aded to yor video . Combine with real sound . Super video.
Thanks so much, nice to hear! :)
Great video and adventure
Thanks a lot Rajesh! :)
I love this video and music ⭐
Thanks a lot! Nice you like the video :) :)
What the purpose of this bunker ?? Interesting.
If you watch this movie too and then read all the text, you will understand the purpose of this bunker ..... Boden's fortress sometimes called "Låset i norr" is a heavy fortress built on and in several mountains around the town of Boden in Norrbotten in Sweden. It is located about 35 kilometers from the coast. The fortress has served as a strategic defensive position and protected storage site. The main purpose was to deter Russia and the Soviet Union from invading overland from the Finnish mainland and to some extent against attacks across the Gulf of Bothnia and then in collaboration with the coastal artillery in Luleå and Töre. Boden's fortress size, complexity and impact strength mean that it has no equivalent in the Nordic countries.
The fort is blasted out of the bedrock on a hilly mountain. At the top of the mountain, a 10 to 12 meter wide storm pit was blasted that surrounded the core of the fortress. The grave is about 100 to 200 meters square and would have a depth of at least 6 meters, but usually it became deeper. The top of the fort is called the top, from which vertical wells were blasted for the rotating armored towers of the pieces. The play wells were then connected to the rest of the fort via stairs and ammunition lifts. Observation posts with armored domes (half or full), positions for grenade launchers for close protection as well as trenches and shooting guards for the fortress crew were also set up on the outpost. The artillery crew's placement in the fort core and infantry crew were located outside the storm trenches (info Wikipedia).
Jag fattar också att det du var med om i Mjösjöfortet var bland det häftigaste du varit med om. Det var det för mig med, i särklass.
Ja de är intressant och spännande att besöka dessa Fort i Boden :)
Wow, what an amazing place! I hope it stays this way!
Thanks! I hope so too ;)
Amazing place!!
Yes ;)
Aonde que é essa Caverna
A fortaleza de Boden às vezes chamada de "Låset i norr" é uma fortaleza pesada construída sobre e em várias montanhas ao redor da cidade de Boden em Norrbotten, na Suécia. Ele está localizado a cerca de 35 quilômetros da costa. A fortaleza serviu como uma posição defensiva estratégica e local de armazenamento protegido. O objetivo principal era dissuadir a Rússia e a União Soviética de invadir por terra a partir do continente finlandês e, em certa medida, contra ataques através do Golfo de Bótnia e, em seguida, em colaboração com a artilharia costeira em Luleå e Töre. O tamanho, a complexidade e a resistência ao impacto da fortaleza de Boden significam que ela não tem equivalente nos países nórdicos.
O forte foi arrancado da rocha em uma montanha montanhosa. No topo da montanha, um poço de tempestade de 10 a 12 metros de largura foi aberto e cercou o núcleo da fortaleza. A sepultura tem cerca de 100 a 200 metros quadrados e teria uma profundidade de pelo menos 6 metros, mas geralmente ficava mais profunda. O topo do forte é chamado de topo, de onde poços verticais foram abertos para as torres blindadas giratórias das peças. Os poços de jogo foram então conectados ao resto do forte por meio de escadas e elevadores de munição. Postos de observação com cúpulas blindadas (meio ou cheias), posições para lançadores de granadas para proteção próxima, bem como trincheiras e atiradores para a tripulação da fortaleza também foram montados no posto avançado. A colocação da tripulação de artilharia no núcleo do forte e a tripulação de infantaria foram colocadas fora das trincheiras de tempestade :)
Cette endroits est incroyable
Très bonne vidéo 👍🏻👍🏻🇨🇵💖
Thanks a lot! Nice that you enjoy my video :):)
Hur många av forten är inte igenmplomberade än?
Amazing how can they curve
Where is it? Awesome 👏
This is an old fortress in Sweden ;)
Muy buen video , que es ese lugar? saludos de Argentina
Hi Argentina, Thanks a lot! The place is in Sweden ;)
Masssssscara para esos lugares plissssss .aparte son como un laberinto.....como salen ahora
Aisa Lagta Hai Jaise alag Duniya Mein Aaye thank you video
Ke lugar más loco - - era un bunker? Para desguardarsr de la guerra? o una prisión? Saludos desde Argentina
Hi Argentina! This is a old fortress and was active between 1908 - 1992 :)
Where is it ??? Is it used in ww1-2
Super sir.
Thanks a lot! :)
Satan vilken jäkla anläggning! En eloge att du hittar allt detta,skulle gärna haka på..😀
hej från Ukraina. Vet någon namnet på den svenska fästningen, som nu kallas Solovetsky -klostret, Solovki.? Colo beck ???
C ' est quoi cette endroit ?? Incroyable
Voici l'extérieur : La forteresse de Boden parfois appelée "Låset i norr" est une lourde forteresse construite sur et dans plusieurs montagnes autour de la ville de Boden à Norrbotten en Suède. Il est situé à environ 35 kilomètres de la côte. La forteresse a servi de position défensive stratégique et de site de stockage protégé. L'objectif principal était de dissuader la Russie et l'Union soviétique d'envahir par voie terrestre depuis le continent finlandais et dans une certaine mesure contre les attaques à travers le golfe de Botnie, puis en collaboration avec l'artillerie côtière à Luleå et Töre. La taille, la complexité et la résistance aux chocs de la forteresse de Boden font qu'il n'a pas d'équivalent dans les pays nordiques.
Le fort est soufflé hors du substratum rocheux sur une montagne vallonnée. Au sommet de la montagne, une fosse d'orage de 10 à 12 mètres de large a été dynamitée qui entourait le cœur de la forteresse. La tombe mesure environ 100 à 200 mètres carrés et aurait une profondeur d'au moins 6 mètres, mais elle devenait généralement plus profonde. Le sommet du fort s'appelle le sommet, à partir duquel des puits verticaux ont été creusés pour les tours blindées rotatives des pièces. Les puits de jeu étaient ensuite reliés au reste du fort par des escaliers et des ascenseurs à munitions. Des postes d'observation avec des dômes blindés (demi ou plein), des emplacements pour lance-grenades pour la protection rapprochée ainsi que des tranchées et des tireurs d'élite pour l'équipage de la forteresse ont également été installés sur l'avant-poste. Le placement de l'équipage d'artillerie dans le noyau du fort et l'équipage d'infanterie ont été placés à l'extérieur des tranchées de tempête :)
What's that place??? Where???
This is in Sweden! Boden's fortress sometimes called "Låset i norr" is a heavy fortress built on and in several mountains around the town of Boden in Norrbotten in Sweden. It is located about 35 kilometers from the coast. The fortress has served as a strategic defensive position and protected storage site. The main purpose was to deter Russia and the Soviet Union from invading overland from the Finnish mainland and to some extent against attacks across the Gulf of Bothnia and then in collaboration with the coastal artillery in Luleå and Töre. Boden's fortress size, complexity and impact strength mean that it has no equivalent in the Nordic countries.
The fort is blasted out of the bedrock on a hilly mountain. At the top of the mountain, a 10 to 12 meter wide storm pit was blasted that surrounded the core of the fortress. The grave is about 100 to 200 meters square and would have a depth of at least 6 meters, but usually it became deeper. The top of the fort is called the top, from which vertical wells were blasted for the rotating armored towers of the pieces. The play wells were then connected to the rest of the fort via stairs and ammunition lifts. Observation posts with armored domes (half or full), positions for grenade launchers for close protection, as well as trenches and shooting guards for the fortress crew were also set up on the outpost. The artillery crew's placement in the fort core and infantry crew were located outside the storm trenches (info Wikipedia).
Riktigt jäkla stort ställe.
Det ser ju onekligen ut som att det har sanerats ut rätt ordentligt.
Synd att nedre? plan verkar vara vattenfylld.
Man blir lite ledsen över hur mycket pengar som en gång vart nerlagt på dessa ställen och som sedan bara har lämnats.
Ja det var bra sanerat, fanns bara lampkupor och lite aspesmaterial kvar, några kvarlämnade eldrör och kanoner :)
Thanks 👍
@@MickeSamurai thank you for sharing.
Alls your reportages are intresting, but could you write the titles in English or French?
Thanks so much! I've started with that but unfortunately I am very bad in other languages, so it is mostly in Swedish
MickeSamurai It's OK bro take your time, I'm new watching your video first time 👍
@@MickeSamurai q bien video
This place was still in use till the 60s or 70s if its the place I know in Sweden .Not sure if its still under military control.
This film is from the outside, with some information......
@@ashaarraleharraleh7342 Depending how long you stay in the place.
Bonjour désolé mais c'est quoi ce bunker ??? Merci de me dire
Hi! The Bunker is located in Sweden, but it's closed now for visits :)
OMG ! What a place....
It's scary yet outstanding and amazingly huge, it's like a maze...
worth exploring :)
Yes really nice and exciting place, and I like this a lot ;)
Where is ghost
There are no ghosts there ;)
Doamne, ce a fost aici???
Cetatea Boden numită uneori „Låset i norr” este o fortăreață grea construită pe și în mai mulți munți din jurul orașului Boden din Norrbotten din Suedia. Se află la aproximativ 35 de kilometri de coastă. Cetatea a servit drept o poziție defensivă strategică și un loc de depozitare protejat. Scopul principal a fost descurajarea Rusiei și a Uniunii Sovietice de a invada pe uscat din continentul finlandez și într-o oarecare măsură împotriva atacurilor peste Golful Botniei și apoi în colaborare cu artileria de coastă din Luleå și Töre. Dimensiunea cetății Boden, complexitatea și puterea de impact înseamnă că nu are echivalent în țările nordice.
Fortul este aruncat din roca de bază pe un munte deluros. În vârful muntelui, a fost aruncată o groapă de furtună cu lățimea de 10 până la 12 metri care a înconjurat miezul cetății. Mormântul are aproximativ 100 până la 200 de metri pătrați și ar avea o adâncime de cel puțin 6 metri, dar, de obicei, a devenit mai adânc. Vârful fortului se numește vârf, din care au fost aruncate puțuri verticale pentru turnurile blindate rotative ale pieselor. Puțurile de joc au fost apoi conectate la restul fortului prin scări și ascensoare de muniție. Posturi de observație cu cupole blindate (pe jumătate sau pline), poziții pentru lansatoare de grenade pentru protecție apropiată, precum și tranșee și gărzi de tragere pentru echipajul cetății au fost, de asemenea, amenajate în avanpost. Plasarea echipajului de artilerie în nucleul fortului și echipajul de infanterie au fost plasate în afara tranșeelor de furtună.
Va multumesc din inima pt mesaj. Interesant de știut!
Bekas tempat apa ya..?
This is an old fortress was active between 1908 - 1992 / Ini adalah kubu lama yang aktif antara tahun 1908 - 1992 :)
Wow. Lest we forget...
But why the music?
Yes, this place was mighty. Sad you don't like the background music ;)
MickeSamurai music too much
Amazing place
It sure is ;)
Thrilling adventure fantastic
Thanks a lot :) :)
Que se supone que son???
It's been a big Fort...Fortess, built in the early 1900s and shut down around the year 1997-1998.
@@MickeSamurai supongo que al comentario en español lo traduciste 🤷
Igual acá va mí pregunta
¿No tenes miedo que te aparezca algo o que sientas alguna presencia maligna o que te observan?
Si me respondes mejor!
Yes, I use Google translate ;) No, no problem for me, I like to be in dark exciting places, alone.
@@MickeSamurai I don't, I don't like being in places like that 😂 It makes me panic dread fear despair 😂 I wrote it in English so you can read it well haha
Okay thanks! Yes English is more easier to understand for me, hehe ;)
Can I upload your videos to my channel, my people love these places?
No, I think that is not a good idea!
If they want to see my videos they can visit my channel. There are already so many here on youtube who copy my videos and post them on their channels, as if they made them themselves. Sorry, hope you understand me, but Im glad you like my videos. Regards Micke
@@MickeSamurai Thank you, have a good day
What about oxygen ????🏥
Var är det?
Se te cierra una puerta yyyyyyy fuiste....muerte segura.....qq corajeee
o que é isso? é uma fábrica?
A fortaleza de Boden às vezes chamada de "Låset i norr" é uma fortaleza pesada construída sobre e em várias montanhas ao redor da cidade de Boden em Norrbotten, na Suécia. Ele está localizado a cerca de 35 quilômetros da costa. A fortaleza serviu como posição defensiva estratégica e local de armazenamento protegido. O objetivo principal era dissuadir a Rússia e a União Soviética de invadir por terra a partir do continente finlandês e, em certa medida, contra ataques através do Golfo de Bótnia e, em seguida, em colaboração com a artilharia costeira em Luleå e Töre. O tamanho, a complexidade e a resistência ao impacto da fortaleza de Boden significam que ela não tem equivalente nos países nórdicos.
O forte foi arrancado da rocha em uma montanha montanhosa. No topo da montanha, um poço de tempestade de 10 a 12 metros de largura foi aberto e cercou o núcleo da fortaleza. A sepultura tem cerca de 100 a 200 metros quadrados e teria uma profundidade de pelo menos 6 metros, mas geralmente ficava mais profunda. O topo do forte é chamado de topo, de onde poços verticais foram abertos para as torres blindadas giratórias das peças. Os poços de jogo foram então conectados ao resto do forte por meio de escadas e elevadores de munição. Postos de observação com cúpulas blindadas (meio ou cheias), posições para lançadores de granadas para proteção próxima, bem como trincheiras e atiradores para a tripulação da fortaleza também foram montados no posto avançado. A colocação da tripulação de artilharia no núcleo do forte e a tripulação de infantaria estavam localizadas fora das trincheiras de tempestade (info Wikipedia)
Tempat apa ini????
Itu di Swedia utara, bentuk pertahanan ;)
@@MickeSamurai _ternyata yang ngevlog orang Indonesia 😊😊 jauh sekali ngevlognya sampai ke sana?_
Horrible bro.... what an adventure...salute to you... really horrible when the door opens automatically....
Thanks a lot, nice that you like it ;)
Quienes eran que escondieron esto a la huma unidad favor de decir en español
La fortaleza de Boden a veces llamada "Låset i norr" es una fortaleza pesada construida en varias montañas alrededor de la ciudad de Boden en Norrbotten en Suecia. Se encuentra a unos 35 kilómetros de la costa. La fortaleza ha servido como una posición defensiva estratégica y un lugar de almacenamiento protegido. El objetivo principal era disuadir a Rusia y la Unión Soviética de invadir por tierra desde el continente finlandés y, hasta cierto punto, contra los ataques a través del Golfo de Botnia y luego en colaboración con la artillería costera en Luleå y Töre. El tamaño, la complejidad y la fuerza del impacto de la fortaleza de Boden significan que no tiene equivalente en los países nórdicos.
El fuerte es derribado del lecho de roca en una montaña montañosa. En la cima de la montaña, se hizo estallar un pozo de tormenta de 10 a 12 metros de ancho que rodeaba el núcleo de la fortaleza. La tumba mide entre 100 y 200 metros cuadrados y tendría una profundidad de al menos 6 metros, pero por lo general se hizo más profunda. La parte superior del fuerte se llama parte superior, desde la cual se volaron pozos verticales para las torres blindadas giratorias de las piezas. Luego, los pozos de juego se conectaron con el resto del fuerte a través de escaleras y elevadores de municiones. En el puesto de avanzada también se instalaron puestos de observación con cúpulas blindadas (medias o completas), posiciones para lanzagranadas para una protección cercana, así como trincheras y francotiradores para la tripulación de la fortaleza. La ubicación de la tripulación de artillería en el núcleo y la tripulación de infantería estaban ubicadas fuera de las trincheras de tormenta (información en Wikipedia) :)
riktigt najs!
Tack! :)
Que horribke lugar ..
Era una xarcel , un hospital ...❓❓❓
Muy terrrorifico ..
Dios nos libre de estis lugares tan horribles...y de mucho miedo❗❗
Que lugar del mundo es❓❓
Hay que tener muchisimo coraje ❗❗
Cuídense de esos lugares. ..
Saludo desde Argentina❗❗
Hola Argentina! Este es un antiguo fuerte militar en Suecia. Aquí hay una película desde el exterior del Fuerte ...
@@MickeSamurai con mirar ya palpitaba mi corazon de miedo chucho ...❗❗😜😝.un abrazo ...
Hay que ser muy corajudos para mostrar ese lugar...❗
Bendiciones ❗
This place is freaking awesome I want to go there and check it out.Plus where are the guns pointing and how many are there this place is a major installation..thank you so very much for sharing..any more information would be really cool.
Thanks a lot! :)
Med tanke på kanonrören lär detta väl varit ett kustartilleri? Eller förekom det sådan beväpning även på anläggningar inåt landet? Inte för att försöka avslöja plats osv, är genuint intresserad :)
Det fanns andra ställen med kanoner. Tror detta är ett fort som rymmer ganska många pjäser och är rätt gammal. Synd att sånt här skall stå och rosta bara. Men jag är rädd för att det skulle kosta rätt mycket att bevara hela.. I alla fall om det är den jag tror att det är.
Med tanke på längden på eldrören och att pansarkupolerna är kvar är detta en mycket tidig anläggning, ett gammalt stort artellerifort alltså Kalixlinjen eller Boden, men en sabla snygg film!
Who live in this place
Nobody lives there now ;)
Are you still in there ?
No, I'm out now ;)
Va häftigt !
Ja det var ett trevligt och intressant besök.
Ich kann leider die Sprache nicht. Um welchen Bunker geht es hier?
Hallo! Ich versuche jetzt ein bisschen Deutsch verwendet Google Übersetzung ;) Leider kann ich nicht sagen welcher Bunker oder wo befindet sich der Ort? Sorry for that :/
@@MickeSamurai ich meinte welche Funktion/Typ/Aufgabe :-)
Aldrig någon som pratar om dom här platserna jag tycker det är ett resursslöseri att bara låta dessa dyrbara konstruktionerna stå och förfalla /Jonny
Njae, jag tycker nog att det pratas och finns rätt mycket information om "Låset i Norr", det kanske beror lite på vilket intresse man har. Rödbergsfortet är ett välbesökt fort (museum) och är nästan i det skick som det var i när det var i bruk. Rödbergsfortet ingår i nätverket Sveriges militärhistoriska arv. De andra forten, ja de står tyvärr och förfaller.
Vi har ju några här som verkar vara igenmurade bor Hässleholm lunnhöja Tormestorp vet du några ställe här? MvhJonny
Hur många Kvm? Bra video!😉
Tack Emil! Jag har ingen exakt siffra på hur många kvm denna anläggning var på, men jag gissar ett par tusen kvm fördelat på tre våningar ;)
Friend, very interesting your video. Fantastic research work. Congratulations!
I realize that the location is secret, but could I just tell you what kind of facility it was, what was it for and when was it built? Thank you very much.
Hi! This fortress was active between 1908 - 1992.
ehhfhfjk vdjrp1345o9.
Very good
Thanks 👍👍
Wow fho os thad? Very nice
Thanks! :)
felicitaciones muy buenas exploraciones saludos.
Thanks a lot! :)
Ye kya he kuch tho nam batao bs dekhaye hi ja rhe ho
Boden's fortress sometimes called "Låset i norr" is a heavy fortress built on and in several mountains around the town of Boden in Norrbotten in Sweden. It is located about 35 kilometers from the coast. The fortress has served as a strategic defensive position and protected storage site. The main purpose was to deter Russia and the Soviet Union from invading overland from the Finnish mainland and to some extent against attacks across the Gulf of Bothnia and then in collaboration with the coastal artillery in Luleå and Töre. Boden's fortress size, complexity and impact strength mean that it has no equivalent in the Nordic countries.
The fort is blasted out of the bedrock on a hilly mountain. At the top of the mountain, a 10 to 12 meter wide storm pit was blasted that surrounded the core of the fortress. The grave is about 100 to 200 meters square and would have a depth of at least 6 meters, but usually it became deeper. The top of the fort is called the top, from which vertical wells were blasted for the rotating armored towers of the pieces. The play wells were then connected to the rest of the fort via stairs and ammunition lifts. Observation posts with armored domes (half or full), positions for grenade launchers for close protection as well as trenches and snipers for the fortress' crew were also set up on the outpost. The artillery crew's placement in the fort core and infantry crew were located outside the storm trenches (info Wikipedia).
Wonder if this military installation saw any Action? Is this in Germany?..Some of those blast doors are a foot thick...WOW...How was the air in there, planty of oxygen in there?...Most Interesting....Thanks...
Thanks! Not so much action, and this place are in Sweden. The air was ok in there :)
где это место?
Судя по табличкам в других видео,все это находится в Швеции
Núi đã mà sao đào được như này nhỉ? Và không biết họ đào làm gì mà nhiều ngách, nhiều phòng thế...lại tối tăm dễ sợ nữa... cứ như ma trận ý.
Pháo đài của Boden đôi khi được gọi là "Låset i norr" là một pháo đài hạng nặng được xây dựng trên và trên một số ngọn núi xung quanh thị trấn Boden ở Norrbotten ở Thụy Điển. Nó nằm cách bờ biển khoảng 35 km. Pháo đài đã phục vụ như một vị trí phòng thủ chiến lược và địa điểm lưu trữ được bảo vệ. Mục đích chính là để ngăn chặn Nga và Liên Xô xâm lược đất liền từ đất liền Phần Lan và ở một mức độ nào đó chống lại các cuộc tấn công qua Vịnh Bothnia và sau đó phối hợp với pháo binh ven biển ở Luleå và Töre. Kích thước, độ phức tạp và sức mạnh tác động của pháo đài Boden có nghĩa là nó không có tương đương ở các nước Bắc Âu.
Pháo đài bị nổ tung khỏi nền đá trên một ngọn núi đồi. Trên đỉnh núi, một hố bão rộng từ 10 đến 12 mét đã được cho nổ bao quanh lõi của pháo đài. Ngôi mộ rộng khoảng 100 đến 200 mét vuông và sẽ có độ sâu ít nhất là 6 mét, nhưng thường thì nó trở nên sâu hơn. Đỉnh của pháo đài được gọi là đỉnh, từ đó các giếng thẳng đứng được cho nổ để tạo ra các tháp bọc thép xoay của các mảnh. Các giếng chơi sau đó được kết nối với phần còn lại của pháo đài thông qua cầu thang và thang máy chở đạn. Các chốt quan sát có mái vòm bọc thép (một nửa hoặc toàn bộ), vị trí đặt súng phóng lựu để bảo vệ chặt chẽ cũng như giao thông hào và súng bắn tỉa cho kíp pháo đài cũng được thiết lập trên trán. Vị trí của kíp pháo binh trong nòng cốt pháo đài và kíp bộ binh được bố trí bên ngoài chiến hào bão (thông tin Wikipedia).....;)
o é o que mesmo ?
Thanks 👍👍
Triste e fantástico
Thanks a lot :) :)
This place is freeking me out! where is it located ?
This place is in Sweden!
what are the gold looking minerals on the walls of most caves ?
I don't think it's gold minerals as you see every time, it's just some glitter from water and other minerals ;)
World wide all r using u English is common to all...y can't u put in English....I don't know what d language it is....if known language ly...all can understand what it is
I'm from Sweden and this place are in Sweden, and I can no other languages. Takes too long time for me to translate everything into English, sorry about that. Have a nice day ;)
Where is this plaze ??
In Sweden ;)
@@MickeSamurai tanks )
No problem ;)
lite nyfiken på den mystiska musiken i dinna klipp och just i detta :p. gillar dina äventyrsvideos
Tackar, kul att du gillar mina videos! :) Musiken kommer från
احلى بصمه فديو روعه
شكرا جزيلا
Adventurous Video games should get inspiration from your Videos.
Thanks it sounds nice, and I've heard it before. Fun to be able to give inspiration to others, even if it's just a videogame :)
I Love it...
Nice! Thanks a lot :)
Da miedo ese lugar.
Wow.. so big place! 😲
Yes, an amazing exploration ;)
Isto parece uma prisão
A fortaleza de Boden às vezes chamada de "Låset i norr" é uma fortaleza pesada construída sobre e em várias montanhas ao redor da cidade de Boden em Norrbotten, na Suécia. Ele está localizado a cerca de 35 quilômetros da costa. A fortaleza serviu como uma posição defensiva estratégica e local de armazenamento protegido. O objetivo principal era dissuadir a Rússia e a União Soviética de invadir por terra a partir do continente finlandês e, em certa medida, contra ataques através do Golfo de Bótnia e, em seguida, em colaboração com a artilharia costeira em Luleå e Töre. O tamanho, a complexidade e a resistência ao impacto da fortaleza de Boden significam que ela não tem equivalente nos países nórdicos.
O forte foi arrancado da rocha em uma montanha montanhosa. No topo da montanha, um poço de tempestade de 10 a 12 metros de largura foi aberto e cercou o núcleo da fortaleza. A sepultura tem cerca de 100 a 200 metros quadrados e teria uma profundidade de pelo menos 6 metros, mas geralmente ficava mais profunda. O topo do forte é chamado de topo, de onde poços verticais foram abertos para as torres blindadas giratórias das peças. Os poços de jogo foram então conectados ao resto do forte por meio de escadas e elevadores de munição. Postos de observação com cúpulas blindadas (meio ou cheias), posições para lançadores de granadas para proteção próxima, bem como trincheiras e atiradores para a tripulação da fortaleza também foram montados no posto avançado. A colocação da tripulação de artilharia no núcleo e a tripulação de infantaria estavam localizadas fora das trincheiras de tempestade (info Wikipedia) :)
Där har man ju varit många gånger
Trevligt, jag också 👍
Thanks a lot! :) :)
É uma cidade subterrânea o que é isso serviço escravo quem fez isso sofreu muito gostaria de saber o que é isso.
E uma área militar subterrânea