Glad to help. Join this channel to get access to perks which focus on garden mentoring and member influenced videos: You can find items I use or discuss in videos, by checking out my Amazon Storefront for fertilizer, pest management, shade cloth, seed starting supplies, books and more! at As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualified purchases. Please visit The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop (My Shop) for your fabric pots, fall & spring seeds, seed starting supplies, peppermint oil, neem oil, TRG merchandise, and more at Please subscribe if you have a chance (Thanks!)
Thank you: I'm new at gardening having started up my garden here this year. I've been doing the research, but appreciate you doing some in-depth on such fundamentals.
Lots of choices to make when growing food. Thanks! Over 1500 gardening videos on my YT channel. Here is how you can support me, & The Rusted Garden... Please Subscribe & The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop:
Thanks. The reason I like your videos is you explain the science behind it.once I understand the principle, I will not be overwhelmed by their marketing stratigies
Through My Eyes I want people to understand the background because I think it helps them make a choice that works for them. I agree with marketing strategies. Their goal is more more more and buy buy buy our product.
Thanks Gary, I watch your videos all the time , I especially like those on amending and preparing soil . I also like that you don't stress one way of gardening , I just start gardening about six month now and I live in a very dry hot and remote area and I will have to use what is available in my area or improvise . so thank you so much for shearing your experiences they help me a lot.
Huden Cox Thanks so much. Very glad to help. And I agree that we have to realize we have to use what is available. So much comes into play, I just dont want people to forget to have fun and the goal is vegetables. Good luck.
I just started into the never ending world of growing fruits and vegetables at home and I'm a complete rookie, I'm glad I stumbled on your channel as you have exactly all the information I'm looking for. Great channel with awesome information, thanks so much for making these videos. :)
Thanks Gary, highly appreciation for your presentation. Its clearly contains valuable information that I didn't know before & I learned a lot from all your videos.
Gary, thank you for such an informative, well done video. Your preparation before filming is obvious, your fluent presentation is outstanding. Beginners information in one of the most effective formats I have seen.
More to come! THanks Please visit my seed shop for Neem Oil, Peppermint & Rosemary Oil for pest and disease management. Calcium Nitrate for Blossom End Rot and for Seeds and Seed Starting Supplies. Thanks so much!
Glad to share Thanks for your support and please visit.. The Rusted Garden Vegetable Seeds & Home Garden Supplies: Earn 15% and become a TRG Affiliate for our seed & garden shop Sign Up Here:
This is some of the most useful information I have gotten for my garden thus far. My lettuces need nitrogen. I am going out to get what is needed today!! Thank you ever so much. I am planting my first ever garden and this will really help. bjr In CT
You need to pick one way or the other ! If you go organic then you Must stay organic if you use synthetic after then you KILL OFF THE ORGANICS ( MICROBES & FUNGI)! One or the other!
Great video Gary. If people can better understand the role of nitrogen in their gardens and how the plants use it they can make better choices for what they add to their soil.
Great information, thanks. I'm trying to use my own compost and avoid fertilizing especially ones with animal products (bone meal, blood meal and animal manures). Beans, peas, clover sounds great!
Yep Please Ring the Bell (next to subscribe) to get immediate real-time video notifications & Please check out The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop for all your gardening needs:
very well said, I am not a gardener, I grow exotic plants but I am looking into the fertilizer issues. Yours is the first video that has the logic and information correctly put together :) props on the 'plants cannot tell the difference between synthetic or biological nitrogen' couldn't have said it better ;)
thank you so much for this. Now I know to use the microbial granular fertilizer in the Fall before I start my growing season. This is good because most everything dies during the summer heat. Plus I use compost (two piles going all the time) and Fish fertilizer.
I'm not trying to FRONT on you Gary, but I used to actually LIKE these kind of videos that you did; it reminds me of my Seminars in LIfe Science and Biology while I was in High School. I think its educational and very FUNNY with the Index Card Notes. You already COVER the subject, but the NOTES are just hilariously educational to ME. Just a flashback on nostalgia. You should bring these videos BACK for 202; just for an old school flashback in your resume.'
Yep just an old school flashback. Thanks Please visit, The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop: - Seeds, Starting Supplies, Neem Oil, Peppermint & Other Oils, Calcium Nitrate & More
Thank you for the great videos this year. I have little tomatoes from your seed shop. They are doing well but I am getting either sun scorch or a leaf miner. I applied the soap spray , but I wondered how I could send in a photo to show what is troubling my tomato plants. Thanks for you help.
would you recommend putting a cover crop in your garden over the winter? I planted winter rye grass as a cover crop last year and was a pain to get out. I'm in southeastern Pennsylvania Grow Zone 6
Sorry I dont use them. Please visit my seed shop for Neem Oil, Peppermint & Rosemary Oil for pest and disease management. Calcium Nitrate for Blossom End Rot and for Seeds and Seed Starting Supplies. Thanks so much!
Alyssa Younan Just that it is more a compost suppliment than a slow release fertilizer. It gives up nitrogen over time true but I wouldnt count on it for help right away. Year after year it is great to put in your garden or compost pile.
Gary. Fantastic video as always. The only think I would ad is not falling into the "if one is good then three is better" philosophy. Generally speaking, plants only need N-P-K's of 5-2-3, or around there. A soil sample will tell you exactly what you need. Anything more than this is contributing to watershed pollution and harming the soil structure i.e. worms, beneficial bacteria/organic materials. The issue I have with salt fertilizers (Miracle Grow) is the fact that people tend to not read the labels or think more is better and over fertilize. Obviously there are heavy feeders such as grass, asparagus, corn that are exceptions to the rule but for the most part all I use is compost/manures, vegetable tone, fish emulsion, kelp and MgSo4. If you feed the soil and not the plant, things will usually work out great. I do appreciate your approach to this as not everyone has access to these things. Thank you again for sharing.
Perfect. The Rusted Garden Vegetable Seeds & Home Garden Supplies: Earn 15% and become a TRG Affiliate for our seed & garden shop Sign Up Here:
Hi Gary, Very informative Video. Thanks for sharing the same. Is there any method or test kit that we can use to check the soil mix like what percentage of N, P, K and other sub-materials like calciam, Mg and so on in the soil. So that we can add the lacking minerals with available fertilizer ? Kind Regards, Suresh Melbourne, Australia.
Yes you can test the soil but I only recommend that for new garden so you can see what you have to work with. If you have been using fertilizers and compost and other things sometimes your garden doesnt evenly represent what is going on with the test kit. One side could score high and the other be lacking. A look at the micro nutrients isnt a bad idea but im not sure there are tests you can do at home. You usually have to send soil out for that.
I really liked your video and how informative it was! I do however have a question, as my garden is already growing and I really need help! My soil is very clay-y. So I have raised garden beds and pots, in which I have added raised bed fertilized soil, veg- tomato organic fertilizer, some clay, top soil, bovine manure compost, and a previous combination of Al of those last year. My plants are stunted, turning yellow, all the tale tale signs of N deficiency. I previously (this season added garden lime for very low PH also), and now I’ve done the at home soil sample test you can purchase at any garden or hardware store, to find I have virtually no Nitrogen in most all of my beds. I have purchased a water soluble RAW brand ammonium Nitrogen 20-0-0 to add, but have no idea how much to add per square foot of garden space or per plant? I use square foot gardening to maximize my space and really have only 2- 4’x5’ raised planter boxes, several 15 gallon pots, several 8-10 gallon pots, a few 10 gallon buckets and several 7 gallon grow buckets. I wouldn’t even know how to calculate this? Can you point me in the right direction? I don’t want to burn my plants as I’ve lost some already, and started from seeds, so I’m afraid to lose any more. I have searched all over, including the company’s website, you tube, the internet, and you are the closest I’ve found, ( was already subscribed lol) to any good information on this subject and how to correct it. I will be using other means next spring, but need to get my soil help fast! Thank you so much for any guidance you can give!
So I dont know how to calculate using 20-0-0. Usually they say by square feet. I just estimate... a 4x8 is 32 square feet. a 4x5 is 20 square feet. Pots are like 1 or 2 square feet. I would recommend water soluble fertilizer. Miracle Gro or fish emulsion or AgroThrive. I am affiliated with AT and you can get a discount. Its in my last few recent videos. Anyway. Follow any water soluble directions and soak the plants 4 or 5 seconds to get them growing. Does this again in a week and every week till you see progress. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualified purchases. Check out my Amazon Storefront for garden lights, seed starting supplies, fertilizer, pest management, books and more! Check out my new gardening PODCAST Gardening Coast2Coast at with CaliKim. Please subscribe as it really helps me & please visit The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop for your fabric pots, fall & spring seeds, seed starting supplies, peppermint oil, neem oil, TRG merchandise, and more at
I would say it has to go through the composting cycle. Toss into your compost and let it breakdown. All the good stuff will be there is a form the plants can use.
Great explanation on nitrogen in the garden! One source of nitrogen that almost everyone has access to is urine. This is a much-neglected fertilizer for farmers in impoverished nations who otherwise have to spend a lot of money on chemical fertilizers. Lots of people are squeamish about it of course, and you might think twice about using it on vegetables you intend to sell/give to friends or neighbors, but well-diluted urine is an excellent source of nitrogen. One drawback is that it is actually over-rich in nitrogen relative to the other nutrients: I understand that this can be offset somewhat by aging it at least a month. Foliar-feeding very dilute urine (1 to 10 or more) also seems to have a beneficial effect on plants that are getting attacked by bugs. I don't know if that is through the nitrogen strengthening the plant or the bugs disliking the urine generally or some combination, but I have noticed that it seems to deter bugs without toxins. You obviously don't want to use the urine of someone who has blood-transmissible diseases or is taking very toxic medication like those used in chemotherapy. I find it a very useful fertilizer, I have used it diluted 1/3 for direct feeding and 1/12 for foliar feeding, but I have switched almost entirely to foliar feeding for it because it really does deter bugs. I guess it would deter anyone really, doesn't smell great. ;)
It works as well as any other form. Another way people use it is in the compost. As it will feed bacteria to chew up the carbon and leave your pile with a nice nitrogen boost.
I saw a video showing a gardner using a soluble calcium nitrate mixed with water and he said to spray on the tomato leaves just as you showed with the epsom salts. This is supposed to prevent BER, is this a good thing to do or do the plants only take calcium from the root system?
This is a great video for beginners like me. Thank you for sharing your knowledge Gary. Can you also have red clover together with your tomatoes and peppers at the same time without killing the clover plants? will it give that nitrogen the plants need?
Just a question: where did you learn all this chemical reactions related to plants' needs? Can you advise some resource? I'm learning a lot with your channel. Thank you so much.
No only because it makes a smell mess. The soil is fine and used really quickly. Please check out my seed shop for neem oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil, sprayers, calcium nitrate for blossom end rot, seeds, seed starting supplies and more.
Its the big 3 The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop: Thanks... Here is how you can support me, more videos, and The Rusted Garden... My new Podcast: The Rusted Garden Homestead My Blog: The Rusted Garden Journal
continuation of previous post. I have acclimated them. I also put them in afternoon sun on the porch which is covered so they wouldn"t drown them in the rain and wind last week. Now I am trying to give them more afternoon sun gradually on a sunny location. I have placed them in afternoon sun, not noon time sun. I have pics via email or message in text.:
Is there a way to amend soil that has too much nitrogen? Would adding more P & K work as to raise those levels to over power N? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Hi! Very informative video! One thing that puzzles me is that in the beginning you say NPK stands for (N) Nitrogen (P) Potassium (K) Phosphorus. But isn't the middle letter (P) stand for phosphorous??? I looked it up and now I am not sure. Could you please clarify..... Thanks! Keep up the good work ;-)
I read all of the text boxes. Though you should know, Gary, that I Chomecasted your vids onto my television to watch and after a few of them, I realized there were no text boxes to read. Your text boxes are important so I quit watching on my tv. - Sheryl
Does synthetic chemicals when applied to your garden destroy the beneficial bacteria and fungi in the soil? I am a first year grower myself, however I am a landscaper and understand the basics. I've decided to go full organic when growing. I made my first compost tea last weekend to add those beneficial bacteria and fungi to the soil composition which I also create myself. Thank you for your contribution to the gardening community.
The990990990 NO! and that is the bad info out there. I will be doing a full video on how using both chemcal and organic fertilizer is fine. If you were to only use chemical feeds, day after day, year after year without adding compost to your soil... yes the organic life would die out. If you use it mixed with caring for your garden, your soil will be perfectly fine and full of life. My garden gets both and has been kicking for 12+ years.
I would consider it if my stance on the bio-tech corporations wasn't so harsh. I want to duplicate nature as best as I can. Thanks for the information. Keep up the good work!
I use organic seaweed emulsion and plant based compost, great stuff. I try to stay away from animal based proucts unless I know where they come from and how they were made (animal welfare, hormons, antibotics etc.)
So you think the fish is the safest form of nitrogen other then the nitrogen fixing crops? Whether it be chemicals, gmo, hormones etc to me the fish seems best, safest and what I use.
Kyle Lester Ah.. they are all the same. MG is knocked only because Monsato deals with GMO's which are modified seeds. As for the product of Miracle Gro the substances are safe for guarden use. Risks vary for any product but not because of the chemicals in them. People say Bone Meal might have mad cow disease. Blood meal shouldnt be breathed in. Some stuff might have hormones. And so on. Organic fertilizers have the benefit in that they feed soil micro organisms. Synthetics just feed the plants. Hope that helps.
This playlist is a dream come true.
Glad to help.
Join this channel to get access to perks which focus on garden mentoring and member influenced videos: You can find items I use or discuss in videos, by checking out my Amazon Storefront for fertilizer, pest management, shade cloth, seed starting supplies, books and more! at As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualified purchases. Please visit The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop (My Shop) for your fabric pots, fall & spring seeds, seed starting supplies, peppermint oil, neem oil, TRG merchandise, and more at Please subscribe if you have a chance (Thanks!)
I think your help is one of my favorite places to find good information. thanks !
Nina Nina Im so glad. If you have questions. I would be glad to help.
Thank you for taking the time to produce and post this video. Take care, be safe!
Thank you:
I'm new at gardening having started up my garden here this year. I've been doing the research, but appreciate you doing some in-depth on such fundamentals.
Your comments on blood meal were very eye opening.
Lots of choices to make when growing food.
Thanks! Over 1500 gardening videos on my YT channel. Here is how you can support me, & The Rusted Garden...
Please Subscribe & The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop:
Thanks. The reason I like your videos is you explain the science behind it.once I understand the principle, I will not be overwhelmed by their marketing stratigies
Through My Eyes I want people to understand the background because I think it helps them make a choice that works for them. I agree with marketing strategies. Their goal is more more more and buy buy buy our product.
Thanks Gary, I watch your videos all the time , I especially like those on amending and preparing soil . I also like that you don't stress one way of gardening , I just start gardening about six month now and I live in a very dry hot and remote area and I will have to use what is available in my area or improvise . so thank you so much for shearing your experiences they help me a lot.
Huden Cox Thanks so much. Very glad to help. And I agree that we have to realize we have to use what is available. So much comes into play, I just dont want people to forget to have fun and the goal is vegetables. Good luck.
Thanks for the video. Very helpful for a beginner like me
I just started into the never ending world of growing fruits and vegetables at home and I'm a complete rookie, I'm glad I stumbled on your channel as you have exactly all the information I'm looking for. Great channel with awesome information, thanks so much for making these videos. :)
SonicRising Welcome! You will enjoy it. Let me know if you have questions.
Thanks Gary, highly appreciation for your presentation. Its clearly contains valuable information that I didn't know before & I learned a lot from all your videos.
Gary, thank you for such an informative, well done video. Your preparation before filming is obvious, your fluent presentation is outstanding. Beginners information in one of the most effective formats I have seen.
I really appreciate that. I try and get to the facts so people can spend more time in the garden and get the info they might need.
I think I may have double posted this comment. If so just know I like your work
I love your videos! Thank you, please keep making videos. So helpful for a beginner gardener.
More to come! THanks
Please visit my seed shop for Neem Oil, Peppermint & Rosemary Oil for pest and disease management. Calcium Nitrate for Blossom End Rot and for Seeds and Seed Starting Supplies. Thanks so much!
Great content. Essential information about nitrogen and your garden.
Thank you .. this was very informative!
Glad to share
Thanks for your support and please visit..
The Rusted Garden Vegetable Seeds & Home Garden Supplies:
Earn 15% and become a TRG Affiliate for our seed & garden shop
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This is some of the most useful information I have gotten for my garden thus far. My lettuces need nitrogen. I am going out to get what is needed today!! Thank you ever so much. I am planting my first ever garden and this will really help.
Barbara Rickman Excellent. Let me know if you have questions.
Hello from New Jersey! Your videos are great. My tomato plants were lacking nitrogen and now I know how to fix it. Thanks!
very informative......thanks
Youre Welcome
Excellent info!
great video
the best talk about NPK i´ve heard about`...i preffer organic,yes,it was simple and easy, thanks
Horta em Baldes Thanks. I want people to understand so they can make choices that best help them.
Incredibly good video..! Your cards are low-tech but very effective!
Not enough people wonder about this stuff, well done.
Thanks. Low tech but effective
You need to pick one way or the other ! If you go organic then you Must stay organic if you use synthetic after then you KILL OFF THE ORGANICS ( MICROBES & FUNGI)! One or the other!
Great video Gary. If people can better understand the role of nitrogen in their gardens and how the plants use it they can make better choices for what they add to their soil.
Great information, thanks. I'm trying to use my own compost and avoid fertilizing especially ones with animal products (bone meal, blood meal and animal manures). Beans, peas, clover sounds great!
Excellent video! Thank you!
thank you!
Please Ring the Bell (next to subscribe) to get immediate real-time video notifications & Please check out The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop for all your gardening needs:
Wow. Is there a better classroom than this for us beginners? Thank you for continuing gardening education. (CGE)
love your videos. you do a great job
very well said, I am not a gardener, I grow exotic plants but I am looking into the fertilizer issues. Yours is the first video that has the logic and information correctly put together :) props on the 'plants cannot tell the difference between synthetic or biological nitrogen' couldn't have said it better ;)
thank you so much for this. Now I know to use the microbial granular fertilizer in the Fall before I start my growing season. This is good because most everything dies during the summer heat. Plus I use compost (two piles going all the time) and Fish fertilizer.
This video explained soooooooo much!!!
Glad to help.
nice 1 thanks
SAABIR Duda Youre welcome
I'm not trying to FRONT on you Gary, but I used to actually LIKE these kind of videos that you did; it reminds me of my Seminars in LIfe Science and Biology while I was in High School. I think its educational and very FUNNY with the Index Card Notes. You already COVER the subject, but the NOTES are just hilariously educational to ME. Just a flashback on nostalgia. You should bring these videos BACK for 202; just for an old school flashback in your resume.'
Yep just an old school flashback. Thanks
Please visit, The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop: - Seeds, Starting Supplies, Neem Oil, Peppermint & Other Oils, Calcium Nitrate & More
Thank you for the great videos this year. I have little tomatoes from your seed shop. They are doing well but I am getting either sun scorch or a leaf miner. I applied the soap spray , but I wondered how I could send in a photo to show what is troubling my tomato plants. Thanks for you help.
would you recommend putting a cover crop in your garden over the winter? I planted winter rye grass as a cover crop last year and was a pain to get out. I'm in southeastern Pennsylvania Grow Zone 6
very informative, thanks so much Gary =)
Youre welcome.
There actually are farms that use a gaseous form of fixed nitrogen as a fertilizer.
Check out my seed shop for fall sales at
Chia se thong tin gieo hat giong hay lam ban oi like 5 nhe 👍😊💕🔔
Thanks. Could you create a video about Amino acid? When should we use it?
Sorry I dont use them.
Please visit my seed shop for Neem Oil, Peppermint & Rosemary Oil for pest and disease management. Calcium Nitrate for Blossom End Rot and for Seeds and Seed Starting Supplies. Thanks so much!
Hi there, great videos. I watch them all. Loved them. But i was wondering why you didnt talk at all about coffee grounds.
Alyssa Younan Just that it is more a compost suppliment than a slow release fertilizer. It gives up nitrogen over time true but I wouldnt count on it for help right away. Year after year it is great to put in your garden or compost pile.
Gary. Fantastic video as always. The only think I would ad is not falling into the "if one is good then three is better" philosophy. Generally speaking, plants only need N-P-K's of 5-2-3, or around there. A soil sample will tell you exactly what you need. Anything more than this is contributing to watershed pollution and harming the soil structure i.e. worms, beneficial bacteria/organic materials. The issue I have with salt fertilizers (Miracle Grow) is the fact that people tend to not read the labels or think more is better and over fertilize. Obviously there are heavy feeders such as grass, asparagus, corn that are exceptions to the rule but for the most part all I use is compost/manures, vegetable tone, fish emulsion, kelp and MgSo4. If you feed the soil and not the plant, things will usually work out great. I do appreciate your approach to this as not everyone has access to these things. Thank you again for sharing.
Thanks. I agree a small extra scoop is often thought as a bit more must be better. I go the other way with MG. Less and you have all you need.
Worm castings, humus or vermicomporst are great onrganic fertilizer that have Nitrogen
I use blood meal the most because its cost effective and my soils tend to need iron and its a great way to solve 2 problems.
The Rusted Garden Vegetable Seeds & Home Garden Supplies:
Earn 15% and become a TRG Affiliate for our seed & garden shop
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Hi Gary,
Very informative Video. Thanks for sharing the same.
Is there any method or test kit that we can use to check the soil mix like what percentage of N, P, K and other sub-materials like calciam, Mg and so on in the soil. So that we can add the lacking minerals with available fertilizer ?
Kind Regards,
Melbourne, Australia.
Yes you can test the soil but I only recommend that for new garden so you can see what you have to work with. If you have been using fertilizers and compost and other things sometimes your garden doesnt evenly represent what is going on with the test kit. One side could score high and the other be lacking.
A look at the micro nutrients isnt a bad idea but im not sure there are tests you can do at home. You usually have to send soil out for that.
I really liked your video and how informative it was! I do however have a question, as my garden is already growing and I really need help! My soil is very clay-y. So I have raised garden beds and pots, in which I have added raised bed fertilized soil, veg- tomato organic fertilizer, some clay, top soil, bovine manure compost, and a previous combination of Al of those last year. My plants are stunted, turning yellow, all the tale tale signs of N deficiency. I previously (this season added garden lime for very low PH also), and now I’ve done the at home soil sample test you can purchase at any garden or hardware store, to find I have virtually no Nitrogen in most all of my beds. I have purchased a water soluble RAW brand ammonium Nitrogen 20-0-0 to add, but have no idea how much to add per square foot of garden space or per plant? I use square foot gardening to maximize my space and really have only 2- 4’x5’ raised planter boxes, several 15 gallon pots, several 8-10 gallon pots, a few 10 gallon buckets and several 7 gallon grow buckets. I wouldn’t even know how to calculate this? Can you point me in the right direction? I don’t want to burn my plants as I’ve lost some already, and started from seeds, so I’m afraid to lose any more. I have searched all over, including the company’s website, you tube, the internet, and you are the closest I’ve found, ( was already subscribed lol) to any good information on this subject and how to correct it. I will be using other means next spring, but need to get my soil help fast! Thank you so much for any guidance you can give!
So I dont know how to calculate using 20-0-0. Usually they say by square feet. I just estimate... a 4x8 is 32 square feet. a 4x5 is 20 square feet. Pots are like 1 or 2 square feet. I would recommend water soluble fertilizer. Miracle Gro or fish emulsion or AgroThrive. I am affiliated with AT and you can get a discount. Its in my last few recent videos. Anyway. Follow any water soluble directions and soak the plants 4 or 5 seconds to get them growing. Does this again in a week and every week till you see progress.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualified purchases. Check out my Amazon Storefront for garden lights, seed starting supplies, fertilizer, pest management, books and more! Check out my new gardening PODCAST Gardening Coast2Coast at with CaliKim. Please subscribe as it really helps me & please visit The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop for your fabric pots, fall & spring seeds, seed starting supplies, peppermint oil, neem oil, TRG merchandise, and more at
Thanks for this video. We have chickens and rabbits and they produce lots of manure. How do I use it and not burn our plants.
I would say it has to go through the composting cycle. Toss into your compost and let it breakdown. All the good stuff will be there is a form the plants can use.
Great explanation on nitrogen in the garden! One source of nitrogen that almost everyone has access to is urine. This is a much-neglected fertilizer for farmers in impoverished nations who otherwise have to spend a lot of money on chemical fertilizers. Lots of people are squeamish about it of course, and you might think twice about using it on vegetables you intend to sell/give to friends or neighbors, but well-diluted urine is an excellent source of nitrogen. One drawback is that it is actually over-rich in nitrogen relative to the other nutrients: I understand that this can be offset somewhat by aging it at least a month.
Foliar-feeding very dilute urine (1 to 10 or more) also seems to have a beneficial effect on plants that are getting attacked by bugs. I don't know if that is through the nitrogen strengthening the plant or the bugs disliking the urine generally or some combination, but I have noticed that it seems to deter bugs without toxins.
You obviously don't want to use the urine of someone who has blood-transmissible diseases or is taking very toxic medication like those used in chemotherapy.
I find it a very useful fertilizer, I have used it diluted 1/3 for direct feeding and 1/12 for foliar feeding, but I have switched almost entirely to foliar feeding for it because it really does deter bugs. I guess it would deter anyone really, doesn't smell great. ;)
It works as well as any other form. Another way people use it is in the compost. As it will feed bacteria to chew up the carbon and leave your pile with a nice nitrogen boost.
Gary Pilarchik Yes I have a friend on a homestead in the Ozarks who does that. The gardener's little secret. ;)
I saw a video showing a gardner using a soluble calcium nitrate mixed with water and he said to spray on the tomato leaves just as you showed with the epsom salts. This is supposed to prevent BER, is this a good thing to do or do the plants only take calcium from the root system?
This is a great video for beginners like me. Thank you for sharing your knowledge Gary. Can you also have red clover together with your tomatoes and peppers at the same time without killing the clover plants? will it give that nitrogen the plants need?
Just a question: where did you learn all this chemical reactions related to plants' needs? Can you advise some resource? I'm learning a lot with your channel. Thank you so much.
Valentina Papa Just from reading. If you put in the reaction on a web search you can find all kinds of stuff. Thats what I typically do.
would you recommend putting blood meal in water and letting my veggies take N intravenously.
No only because it makes a smell mess. The soil is fine and used really quickly.
Please check out my seed shop for neem oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil, sprayers, calcium nitrate for blossom end rot, seeds, seed starting supplies and more.
NPK is the line up in fertilizer
Its the big 3
The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop:
Thanks... Here is how you can support me, more videos, and The Rusted Garden...
My new Podcast: The Rusted Garden Homestead
My Blog: The Rusted Garden Journal
So we could add these things in to a compost bin ?
OC_VILLAIN You could. You might not want to over due it but the compost bin will break a lot of stuff down.
continuation of previous post. I have acclimated them. I also put them in afternoon sun on the porch which is covered so they wouldn"t drown them in the rain and wind last week. Now I am trying to give them more afternoon sun gradually on a sunny location. I have placed them in afternoon sun, not noon time sun. I have pics via email or message in text.:
You can send them to but sometimes the damage comes. You are going slow enough the plant should recover and take off soon.
Is there a way to amend soil that has too much nitrogen? Would adding more P & K work as to raise those levels to over power N? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Nope. You cant over power it. Just done add anymore. It will get used up.Please visit my seed and garden shop at
Hi! Very informative video! One thing that puzzles me is that in the beginning you say NPK stands for (N) Nitrogen (P) Potassium (K) Phosphorus. But isn't the middle letter (P) stand for phosphorous??? I looked it up and now I am not sure. Could you please clarify..... Thanks! Keep up the good work ;-)
I think Gary corrected himself. NPK is nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium.
I did say it out of order. I popped a little box up stating the right order. I will do that often with things. K is potassium
I read all of the text boxes. Though you should know, Gary, that I Chomecasted your vids onto my television to watch and after a few of them, I realized there were no text boxes to read. Your text boxes are important so I quit watching on my tv. - Sheryl
Does synthetic chemicals when applied to your garden destroy the beneficial bacteria and fungi in the soil? I am a first year grower myself, however I am a landscaper and understand the basics. I've decided to go full organic when growing. I made my first compost tea last weekend to add those beneficial bacteria and fungi to the soil composition which I also create myself. Thank you for your contribution to the gardening community.
The990990990 NO! and that is the bad info out there. I will be doing a full video on how using both chemcal and organic fertilizer is fine. If you were to only use chemical feeds, day after day, year after year without adding compost to your soil... yes the organic life would die out. If you use it mixed with caring for your garden, your soil will be perfectly fine and full of life. My garden gets both and has been kicking for 12+ years.
I would consider it if my stance on the bio-tech corporations wasn't so harsh. I want to duplicate nature as best as I can. Thanks for the information. Keep up the good work!
Good point about the blood meal, I hadn't thought about it before. I don't use it, but now I definitely won't buy it.
Is it possible to copies of your notes?
I dont have copies. I jot some things down, get them on cards and toss it when I am done. Sorry.
I use organic seaweed emulsion and plant based compost, great stuff. I try to stay away from animal based proucts unless I know where they come from and how they were made (animal welfare, hormons, antibotics etc.)
It is a lot to take into account. I agree you have to look at what it took to get the product to market.
Gary Pilarchik gb I I9 N8 I j 8p
So you think the fish is the safest form of nitrogen other then the nitrogen fixing crops? Whether it be chemicals, gmo, hormones etc to me the fish seems best, safest and what I use.
Safest in which way? As for like burning or damaging the plants?
Safest in terms of human health. I know its quite controversial with miracle grow.
Kyle Lester Ah.. they are all the same. MG is knocked only because Monsato deals with GMO's which are modified seeds. As for the product of Miracle Gro the substances are safe for guarden use. Risks vary for any product but not because of the chemicals in them. People say Bone Meal might have mad cow disease. Blood meal shouldnt be breathed in. Some stuff might have hormones. And so on.
Organic fertilizers have the benefit in that they feed soil micro organisms. Synthetics just feed the plants.
Hope that helps.
thank you...your video let me understand a lot about plant ...haha ..
+neoh kee weng Glad it helped.
6 grumpy senile grampas reached here and disliked by accident