I’m from Wicklow Town, where she filmed in Ireland and it makes me very sad to see our beautiful town and kind people so blatantly misrepresented. Most people here would not support her views. We were mainly upset about the refugee centre being put here because the government basically turned it into a prison for migrants where they weren’t allowed to work and were given nothing in terms of living money. No one was upset because we were afraid of refugees, we were upset because they were being treated so awfully. Shame on Lauren southern for making our town look so horrible when we’re the complete opposite!
You know, a person who has ambitions to become a rapper or futball player can also be a refugee fleeing for their life. You dont leave your ambitions on the other side of the border.
Don't be daft. People cross the border and forget all their dreams and ambitions. I guess they proceed to do nothing. Actually, that sounds even more alt-right. Seriously though, refugee fears seem irrational. The refugees seem like ordinary people.
I’d argue it’s even more important to have ambitions once you get over the border, if not because having a plan of action for a huge life change is important, just because having aspirations of experiencing the culture and having a life once you leave your old one gives people *hope*. I guess she just expected everyone on the border to just be super pessimistic and sure their lives were over? Even if people feel hopeless they don’t usually advertise that openly to strangers hoping to get a sob story to make fun of on their circlejerk conservative sites.
@@paravoina534 ... and it's not like people with dreams of rapping or playing professional football don't also prepare for "normal" jobs, too. I work in tech, and good number of the people I work with have been former athletes, jockeys, models, and musicians. The bassist from Dramarama used to work in my office! And when I worked at a really famous website back in the aughts, you would be surprised to learn how many bands, with top brass in 'em, we could pack onto the same bill. Many of us also once worked hard in our young lives at getting into pro cycling, pro skating, pro BMX bikes back in the 80s, etc. I've known TWO former jockeys, one of whom WAS a jockey while at the same time working for my company... which ended pretty quick, since the turnover for jockeys is like age 22, and so he then transitioned into being a sports mascot. As for rappers, there have been just too many rappers and would-be rappers in tech to count. And can you blame us, when rappers in the late 90s and early aughts had names like "Dr. Octagon?"
I still can’t get over her saying many of these refugees who are Muslim are perfectly safe in many middle eastern countries. Does she think that simply being Muslim in a majority Muslim country makes you safe? Does she know people are persecuted for things other than religion? I’m so confused by her conclusion there
Not only that, but people are persecuted for not following certain interpretations of Islam. I don't remember if jihadists are Sunni or Shia, but they basically persecute the hell out of whatever the other one is. People like to see Islam as a monolith (it makes it easier to say all average people are jihadists) but it's so separated based on belief that it even has two different lines of succession from the prophet with both groups thinking the other is completely illegitimate. It's probably more accurate to say that there is two entirely separated branches of Islam with hundreds of variations under each of those. It's almost like religion is complicated and boiling it down to whatever the state sanctioned religion is or the most extreme form of it is disingenuous.
I refuse to white knight for Southern re her most famous quote. But she's not 100% wrong; she's about 99% wrong. Now you have to do some work... Good. If you have A FEW anecdotes that all seem to head the same direction, THEN you, the experimenter, can go on to FORMULATE A HYPOTHESIS. After that and while using the scientific method you might come up with a theory. So Southern gives us a starting point, BUT THAT'S ABOUT IT.
Lauren's entire career kinda proves this old Walter Benjamin quote correct, "fascism is the aestheticization of politics." Lots of the aesthetics of urgency and fear, absolutely no substance.
@Mr Olonzo "lots of brown people" ... mate, around one percent of the European population comes to Europe every year. that ain't "lots" if you put it into the proper comparison. and for your "no good reason": maybe read up on how western nations create poverty and violence throughout Africa and the middle east through the means of economic pressure/terrorism. Not making enough to live, or being in fear of being killed or drafted as a child soldier, or just starve to death, these are all pretty good reasons to seek refuge in a safer environment. also: care to enlighten us as of what "we all know ... happened"? is that one of these "last night in Sweden" things?
@Mr Olonzo I'm very curious to know as to what is that which we all apparently know. Feels like I'm left out on some important information which great many people are onto.
@Mr Olonzo good job proving your ideology isn't purely outrage aesthetics by... Not giving any evidence for your claims and simply stating something that makes you uncomfortable. Congrats, you've shown your hand, racist
You know, if that refugee actually managed to become a star pro soccer player he would have his story gutted & altered to a story of someone pulling themselves up by their bootstraps by Southern & her ilk... 😒
@Mr Olonzo gonna go out on a limb and bet you're just one of those guys who gets mad when he overhears Latino maintenance guys talking in Spanish around him and that you've never been in any kind of danger you really should watch Beau of the Fifth Column's channel. you'll be happier.
The bit about being coached for the interviews: I went through a relatively uncomplicated divorce in the US. My lawyer coached me on which questions the judge would ask me on my court date, and which answers would ensure that it would go smoothly. I wasn't advised to lie, but I was advised to answer questions quickly and confidently so as not to appear to be dishonest or unsure, even though my nature is to hesitate before answering ANY important question because I don't want to unintentionally lie. And this was just for a relatively friendly divorce without any major disputes over terms. So to assume that such coaching necessarily means that you're lying is kind of fucked up.
@@rolf8064 Uh, this is the first I've heard of that? And if all I ever hear of it is a youtube comment with no explanation or evidence, I'm not gonna worry too much about it.
Focusing on refugees into Ireland is rather weird since it's an underpopulated country. It's population is still far lower than it was in 1840 before the famine.
It's because that low population makes letting in a reasonable amount of refugee seem extreme by comparison. It means even if you let in a comparatively small amount of refugees, it still seems disproportionately large to the native population, which allows them to fear Monger about being replaced. Of course, this is forgetting the UK's long history of trying to erase Irish culture, but I guess it's only a bad thing when brown people do it?
Ireland has a very unbalanced economy with an extremely wealthy upper class and a quite struggling lower class. They also have a big mismatch between the powerful international megacorps and the weak domestic economy. This creates tension which is easily directed towards migrants. This is also the case in most of the rest of Europe and in the US as well. Hatred towards refugees has nothing to do with demographics or the refugees. It's social tensions being misdirected at them.
I'm surprised Lauren didn't recognise that the "isis" gang in Greece was just co-opting signifiers to gain power and notoriety, since that's exactly what she's doing by pretending to be a "Journalist". Perhaps that shared ground would help her relate to their situation, but clearly empathy is something she's severely lacking.
Yeah let's just ignore that by opening the doors and letting in anyone we are letting in radicals from the middle east or just vastly different people from different cultures. My daughters friend was raped by a criminal gang made up of refugees, women in our area can't go out at night at fear of being harassed since our town was made into a refuee centre. But you keep pretending like it's nor a thibk or an issue because you live your privileged little life elsewhere
32:00 It strikes me to point out at this section on coaching refugees, the interviews have trap-questions. This is a stereotypical example: the applicant is coming from a violent country where people are indiscriminately killed/disappear. The applicant is explaining this during the interview. The interviewer asks, "These killings you're talking about... couldn't that happen to _anyone_ in your country?" The applicant says, "well, yeah, I guess..." not realizing they've just answered a question indicating the violence they're fleeing targets everyone, not just a specific population. Thus, not being part of a targeted population, they don't qualify for asylum.
that's like saying "so you were the most dangerous game, that means there were more people there as game. how can you say the hunter was doing anything wrong to you?"
I have been on both sides of these kinds of interviews, and I would say say most people in their lives have had to do something similar for access to some kind of government assistance. The system cant must apply some limit to access to any assistance, otherwise the system is overwhelmed. This kind of question is a catchall added because the authorities understand there is a need for some kind of filter to slow numbers, but they can't think of a good way to do it, so they lazily design a question will a very wide interpretation to act as broadly as possible. Given the vast numbers we are talking about if we look at the numbers on a year by year basis, if we say that some like threat of violence alone is enough to admit people, then the whole system fails to even function, as the system can't reasonably check the veracity of th3 claim (and wont), and there for will admit the claim, and if the claim is admitted without any checks (because it isn't feasible to do so) you're created a loop by which the entire system is unless, and anyone can be admitted. I know it's frustrating, but that is the reality of the issue, and is why these kinds of questions are asked; the same system also exists in for example mental health services, and suicide prevention, because the demand would out strip the ability to make provision so much the system would collapse. There are only two resolutions, increase capacity for those services, at the cost of other services, or reduce demand. In this case its too politically damaging to increase provision, so demand is reduced, and questions like this one are how.
@@jgomo3877This is years old. But often a lot of first world governments have the resources for these refugees and citizens and simply refuse to give them. Questions like these help them to avoid the reasonability. Considering I don’t think food stamps being limited from baby formula helps anyone but the office. Much like limiting asylum seekers doesn’t help anyone at all. But certainly causes death.
@Waspinmymind Yes, this is old; and I have changed my mind on this issue considerably. "First World" nations don't have the resources; or if they do, why aren't they using them to help their own citizens? A hell of a lot of poverty and need among their own citizens, and yet they prioritise non citizens over their own; and what is more rhey expect the tax payers to simply pay for it without any question or protest; as that would be racist and probably illegal. You say limiting asylum seekers helps no one, yet not limiting them actively advantages the citizens as the megre resources are stretched even thinner. I agree; the governments and corporations of the West have the resources, but they are not the ones how are asked to pay the price of the provision of the services and access to resources the needy require; it is instead the struggling working class families just getting by who are expected to pay. It is sad the world has come to this; but place the blame where it is deserved; not on the "right wing" or the ordinary man, by on the incompetent, greedy, authoritarian, anti democratic governments of the west, who have been incumbent for 50 years.
It's called human history in case you've never read. Humanity has been moving and changing since time in memorial. The only sure thing is change. As soon as you accept this you will be at peace.
How does someone watch Borderless and not come away with “oh my god these poor refugees we need to help them”. That’s what I was thinking during all those clips
@Mr Olonzo wow you copy and paste your bullshit?! That's sad, lazy trolling is so sad, people like you are the reason why more and more honest, hard working trolls are being replaced by bots, you should be ashamed for destroying the livelihoods of those people
I've never realized how similar Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux's facial structures are before. Do you think they're from the same nefarious alt-right cloning facility?
When looking at the clip I get the impression Molyneux is thinking "why is this woman talking to me like she matters? I am man, I don't dignify her with a response". Might just be bias :p
@@brendanmccabe8373 you make a good point. OP you just might be a philosopher. I mean shit, Lauren can call herself a journalist. You might aswell twist a sheet of tinfoil into a hat and call yourself the king of Hershey kisses.
This faux sympathy for homeless people living in Europe is pretty disgusting. These are the same people that want to dismantle the welfare system that helps poor and homeless people.
@@seanmcmanus2777 Most of them are either self described libertarians or are actually fascists which means brown people aren't going to be getting any government assistance; Quite the opposite actually.
Her scenes inbetween where she's in her proto bat cave are so cringy how can her fans watch someone fumble about to point at Morocco on a map and call that journalism.
My roommate was Canadian. He loved listening to Ben Shapiro and always bragged about how smart he was. He also made his ex girlfriend cry for thr amusement of his friends. So not exactly leaving a good impression.
L0LWTF1337 well she is a white nationalist it’s in her policy to dehumanize anyone that doesn’t fit her definition of “white”, it’s honestly disturbing
Oh, I can tell you why she didn't go to Germany: Because she would have had a hard time to find Refugees living on the streets in Germany. Even the so called "Geduldeten" (Failed Asylumseekers, who can't be send back to their home country, usually because said home country refuses to take them back but sometimes because of medical reasons) get some basic stipend to get by. Also, it is hard to pretend that Germany is falling apart under the pressure of the oh so dangerous refugees if you actually show people happily walking the streets with no fear at all.
I might add that most of the refugees that arrived in 2015 already integrated so well it blows my mind. German is not easy and neither is German culture and society but these peopleare working so hard. Also every other refugee that gets deported kicks off a story of his/her employer going public with how insane depotation is because they cant find employees.
Ironically the area in Germany with is the most anti-Refugee would profiteer the most of them. There are a number of companies which need to reach out far just to find people ready to learn a job, especially in the more rural areas. Sometimes it makes me a little bit sad, because the refugees are prime material for getting exploited. There is a reason why nearly every package deliverer which turns up at my door step has an immigration background (no complaining, they actually tend to be way more polite and helpful), they are doing all the jobs Germans don't want to do either because of wage, location or working hours.
@@swanpride @@swanpride yes, but if history is any indicator they will work their way up, share their assets with their family and invest in their futur, look at Germany's Thrkish community they are doing pretty well, 2. Generation refugees hopefully wont deliver parcels anymore. Well about the strong anti immigrant areas, I think its ok to say East Germany, I kind of sympathise with them, they are struggeling and feel left alone by the government, they have been bled dry twice, first by the Russians and then by West Germany. Now they are always looked down upon by West Germans and feel politically and economically underrepresented so they fantasised about a cruel central state trying to replace them by commanding them to take in refugees from countries they, until recently havent even been allowed to travel to. So I see why they think how they think. Makes your point none the less true though they would profit in many ways, from opening up.
@@altrocks On the bright side we have folks like David Doel, Thought Slime, and Mexie, who are also Canadian. But, on behalf of Canada, I'm very sincerely sorry to the world for the likes of Lauren Southern, Stephan Molyneux, and Jordan Peterson. Hecking Yuck. :(
That doesn't change the fact that Canada is a white supremacist settler colony country that has committed genocides towards Indigenous peoples. Those people are a feature not a bug.
I really appreciate the depth in these videos. The problem with a lot of right-wing propaganda is that I know it's bad so I ignore it, but ignoring it means I don't always understand why people buy it in the first place. With this video, you can clearly see the tricks she uses to seem like a grassroots journalists as well as all the misinformation, lies, cherrypicking, anecdotes, and omissions she uses to make her racist talking points seem legitimate. Here's hoping wide-eyes viewers of the future will see this video next to hers and understand her propaganda for what it is.
wmonohon But here's the real problem - how do you get other people to understand how they're being manipulated with? They will claim it is us who's getting manipulated! They will claim MSM is on our side, (which it clearly isn't).... How do you get them to understand that someone like Lauren Southern is lying to them! They have been filled with fear - and it is taking over their ability to think rationally....
@lost marble Thank you for putting this into words. I've struggled for a long time with expressing why it's important to watch things like this despite knowing they're incorrect. This helps us to be better able to speak about it.
@@patavinity1262 Idk man when someone says "pitbulls are genetically more aggressive compared to other breeds of dogs", they are obviously dog whistling white supremacists rhetoric.
If I remember film class right, you don't have to do that in Europe for "educational or reporting" content. So in order to do that, someone would have to prove that Lauren's documentary has no content.
Lauren Southern was in Ireland spreading her nonsense?! To know she was within a hundred Miles of me sends shivers down my neck. For the record there are some people with "concerns" but compared to America and many other European country it isn't very extreme or have much traction. None of the major parties here use immigration or racial issues as talking points. During the most recent European parliamentary elections I made sure to research and follow all the candidates who had any alt-right stance or would like a Brexit for Ireland. They only got about 300 votes combined. To me that says a lot. Ireland had rapidly transition from a conservative, traditionalist country to one that is very pro-European and votes for abortion rights and gay marriage in the span of just over 20 years. The push back against this from any reactionary movement has been minimal in scale or given much attention. I count my lucky stars that Ireland seems set on the right path. Lauren's section in Ireland could really give the wrong impression. But then again that's the point isn't it?
@TheMagnificentPony Wat? I barely understood that comment I assume it's a joke at Ireland? Okay.... Also what was that bit about pollution? As far as I know ireland wouldn't qualify as a major polluter compared to other countries. We actually tend to be fairly environmentally conscious. We could be doing better sure, but environmental programs have a lot of public support. Is there something specific your referring to? If so then please let me know. I'm not always as up to date on Irish news as I should be. So if there's something I missed then I'd like to know so I can go educate myself on it
@TheMagnificentPony Very happy I can help. =3 I mean, we all have a lot of spare time atm. Gotta squander that somewhere. Cheers for that. 4 stars on Yelp.
Also: there was this hilarious joke in Due South that displayed a dramatisation of a murder that was being investigated. It was shot like a French arthouse film, and the American cop was like, "Why is it like this?" And the Canadian cop said, "Well, Canada doesn't get much in terms of arts support, so things like commercials tend to be filmed like an arthouse film." He is literally saying that our arts programmes are so bankrupt that we can only express ourselves through government-requested reenactment. That is what Southern is doing with her "film", and it's hilarious.
lol finds some random dude on the streets of Morocco that says if you pay him, he can smuggle you into Europe? Sounds legit Lauren, he’s no doubt telling the truth.
@King Kyle Kulinski is a lefty youtuber who makes awesome content on the political scene. Fun fact: he’s one of the co-founders of Justice Democrats who are responsible for electing the progressive “Squad,” in Congress. He’s cool
Down in Aberystwyth a restrauant had a Syrian food day where Syrian refugee cooked traditional food. It was very popular and there is going to be another one in a few months
It's funny because studies show that Islamophobes don't actually personally know any muslim people and meeting a muslim person actually changes their attitudes towards them. Days like the one you described can only be a positive.
@Mr Olonzo Well I think bombing middle eastern countries and then denying the people fleeing asylum is immoral but that's just me. Try justify your racism however you want but immigration has a net positive effect on the economy and the people who integrate better are the one's who are actually welcomed rather than shunned.
@@AlfonsJQuack I think she means she's finally going to learn the alphabet. At this rate she just might know the basics of upper and lower case letters by the time she's 65.
Fine Gael is pronounced "Fin Gale". Also Gemma O'Doherty is pronounced "Scum from the septic tank". Great vid! I could never put up with enough of Lauren's shite to make a response video to it. (seriously though Doherty is pronounced "Doch-her-ty" or "Dok-her-ty" if you say it quickly it makes sense)
all the Irish families I know of in the US say do-er-ty, even if it's Dougherty instead they also make a lot of jokes about how they wouldn't be considered "real irish" because of all the US stuff
@@QuikVidGuy I mean yea cause they're americans they aren't Irish. Most of the names pronunciations would have been changed after immigrating due to other people pronouncing it wrong or otherwise. Like the anglisation of Caoimhe or Eoin.
yup it's timestamp time Introduction | 0:00 Part 1: Tell Us a Story Lauren! | 2:21 Part 2: How Asylum-Seekers and Migrants Travel to Europe | 5:36 Part 3: Arriving in Europe | 19:08 Part 4: What’s to be Done With All These People? | 39:25 Part 5: Refugees Living in Europe | 46:57 Part 6: Good Riddance to Lauren Southern | 1:02:56
I guess Lauren's message is, "If you can afford to smuggle yourself into a country, you don't need asylum. If you can't afford it, um, oh well, I guess?"
The 1951 Convention protects refugees. It defines a refugee as a person who is outside his or her country of nationality or habitual residence; has a well-founded fear of being persecuted because of his or her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion. NOT "For a Better Life," "a profession" "a house," or to join family. www.unhcr.org/en-us/about-us/background/4ec262df9/1951-convention-relating-status-refugees-its-1967-protocol.html
@@anonymousdontbotheraboutit2895 People like you have this funny idea that criminals want to hide amongst the refugees so they can sneak into countries with _much_ better policing to commit crimes. Derpa derp.
@Mr Olonzo Lauren has not once in her life produced a good video. for that she'd have to do research and provide some sources and facts. alas all that is anathema to her and we're stuck with her spewing hateful nonsense. but I guess if one is a hateful and fear-driven person themself that Lauren indeed makes "good videos". pot meets kettle, a tale as ancient as time itself
@Mr Olonzo are you googeling Laurence Southern regularly to find videos that criticise or debunk her videos so you can go to that videos comment section to troll?
@Mr Olonzo You finally made a disputable argument, great so they were refugees until they reached Turkey. Lets have a debate. You acknowledge that thier lives where in danger and that they had to flee to protect themselves and their families. They are not out to destroy Europe and they are not ISIS. But as soon as they where out of danger (in Turkey, Libanon, Jordan) they should have stopped and stayed where they are. You assume that they had a choice, first of, most Syrian refugees did exactely that. Second Turkey for example just lets them in when they know many will continue on to Europe, since Merkel negotiated a refugee deal with Turkey that requires them to take back refugees that arrive in Greece and Bulgaria from Turkey they have fortified their own southern border. Third, I have spent 6 month in Turkey in 2016 and I can assure you that the conditions many Syrians were facing there in that time were not exactely safe. They were not provided aid, they were and are exploited, children working in underground sweatshops, unaccompanied minors bagging in the streets, hostile locals beating them. Sure, no barrel bombs but still live threatening. And finally there is a moral responsibilty embedded in our western liberal democracies that has been developed from or christo judean values, that compell us to uphold Human Rights when nobody else will.
She will fail in her academic career, tries something like modelling fails too and then comes back writing for Radix journal and other rightwing pseudo-scientific journals.
man, you turned up on my suggestions a good while ago (when I started to follow Shaun and HBomberguy) and I do not regret watching and subscribing. keep up the great work.
This is an excellent video explaining the issues with Lauren's video. Funny how this video or your channel has NEVER been recommended to me despite searching for criticism of her videos, and watching similar content for years. That's the algorithm I guess
What is she doing these days? Does she still work as right wing propagandist behind the scenes, or is she looking for a more normal life? Either way I hope her horrific past catches up to her.
@Mr Olonzo You know Caleb isn't the only one who got out of the alt-right pipeline? David Pakman, a lefty youtuber, did two or three segments recently where the caller told David that they got out of the alt-right hellhole by listening to David and other lefties.
MJPK Oh, you mean, like the asylum seekers who was denied asylum by the former government, that was killed less than a week after being returned to Afghanistan? Yeah, "great job" violating basic human rights! At least the Danes got enough of the right-wing government and elected a more left-leaning one! The party that pushed for all the worst legislation suffered a major public humiliation losing more than half of their mandates! It really seems like more Danes is waking up and saying enough is enough, with all of this right-wing bullshit.....
I always find it strange when people demonize adult male refugees, like their not in any more danger than anyone else, like people like Lauren assume this demographic can survive warzones and horrid conditions to the point they're more of a threat than the people they flee from
This is gonna take multiple days to get through, even though your voice is soothing and your content is always at the highest level, that thing that this video is on is just soul crushing at how the depths of propaganda and stupidity have reached in the digital age
I found that funny. Spain is in no way any greener than Morocco's coast and a completely different color from France. The peninsula hasn't been that green since before the Roman empire.
Foudilain Then what is White? Are Russians and other Slavic groups white? Are Spaniards white, despite having the Iberian Peninsula conquered by Arabs and spreading their genes? Southern Europeans like the Italians don’t really consider themselves European/white. Not to mention how many people we call “black” have significant white admixture, sometimes being almost completely white. Similar issue with Mexicans and other Latinos, who often have high percentage white admixture. If that’s the line, you have to have a solid base for what is white.
@@dakevinmg Since white for individuals stands as an category of "you are not something else from "pure"", that is used exclusively as an excuse to persecute people means you wont ever get a conclusive answer for this. Its not based on statistically sound empirical fact besides collective individual identification and seld-identification of melanin levels and cultures- often by people that never met those populations before, and the fallout of racialised pseudo-science being regarded as fact in centuries due to political reasons, a purely two-dimensional individual and normative categorisation for a complex and fluid system of populations. That whiteness is an exclusion factor is easily provable in an self-experiment. The old "is Obama white or black because he has mixed-race parents"- problem comes to mind. If he was stopped by a police officer in the US before his presidency, which kind of experience would he have? The "black" or the "white" experience? In fact, these lines are totally arbitrary. I define "western" as an nearly utopian category that counts for societies, not individuals, as any society living under a system which strives to be an roman-style secular legal order with an working division of powers under a stable democratic system wherein nobody, no exceptions in money, political power and ressources, stands above the law, and where anyone, given the same chances in life, achieves his place in society through will and ability and that recognises and FOLLOWS international human rights law- where believes, ancestry and skin colour shouldnt matter. Where the system works. Where live and let live is the basis of human understandning and value, where your value shouldnt be determined where you are from, but what you do with that considering your circumstances. People like Lauen Southern are expressively anti-western under this model, striking exactly at what made the "West" stable, rich and great besides brutal exploitation- namely its theoretical ability to promote a lifestyle of stability because everyone is considered equal in humanity and you are not from the get-go- factors beyond your individual control- forever excluded from participating in society, since they totally disregared the legal basis of international human rights law and the Geneva convention like every fucking second-rate dictatorship would do only because it serves their "white" egos.
45:14 The correct translation is "After all, the Jews admitted that there was no Holocaust". Whatever you used for a translator delivered the point right, but it does sound kinda unnatural. Guess this is just my nitpicky side.
Anyways, ISIS fighters posing as refugees contradicts their own orders to their troops and supporters, which is to immigrate to territory controlled by them. To my knowledge, the only risk would be westerners who went to ISIS territory and came back, which has happened before.
‘Orders to their troops’ I don’t even know where to begin with this, but, in the interest of keeping an open mind - cite where exactly your claim about ‘their own orders’ comes from. You wouldn’t have said it if you didn’t have evidence right?
In Brussels, 40.000 volunteers have been working together for years now to take rejected refugees in their homes every night so that none of them have to sleep in the streets. So yeah, the people that want refugees here do actually provide for them as well. It's not they who are at fault, it's this inhumane system
Her core argument here is the same thing people say to justify not treating unhoused people with humanity. "Oh, they have a phone? Then they're not really homeless". Not that they show decency to even the people they can't disqualify, but they feel like this gives them at least some cover.
Isn't Lauren Canadian? Isn't Lauren the type of person who would shut down left-wing discourse on the grounds that activists are getting offended on behalf of other people unnecessarily? What I'm saying is, as someone who actually lives in Europe I'm quite fine with the refugees being here thanks
I think it's kind of unfair that people either love premieres across the board or complain every single time they're used - this is an hour long video, and stuff that requires that much work and time spent NOT posting deserves a premiere. Someone like Jose can't post every day so the premiere helps keep his fans aware that he's still making videos. Like you said, that's how he ended up on your recommended. That's how it works!
17:30 Large part of the reason why Syrians (as well as Afghans and Iraqis) have far better chances of being accepted as refugees in Europe is that especially Germany, by virtue of the constitution, grants unlimited asylum to *political and war refugees*. As the German government acknowledges civil war situations in those three countries, they get preferential treatment by the immigration service, while African immigrants (who are by far the majority, as Lebanon, Kuweit etc. take in most Syrian/Iraqi refugees) are classified as economic migrants fleeing poverty, which is the position anti-immigration parties in Europe withdraw to, if they're not outright racist or anti-Muslim. This led, of course, to lots of North African immigrants destroying their IDs and claiming to be from a civil war region, which clogged up the process. That being said, as a German I find our legal framework to be kind of stupid. Economic decline in Africa is inextricably linked to decades of war, and a lot of ethnic minorities are being depressed in places like Rwanda, Uganda, Libya etc. While obviously taking in everyone unvetted and unlimited is not a viable solution, this legal distinction is a very comfortable wall for Europeans to hide from the consequences of their past and current racism and exploitation.
5:09 "... obviously just her phone ... these icons and the timer aren't on the screen ... these were effects added in post-production as though Lauren were holding a camcorder from the 1990s." Though, the icons are phone icons, right? Those are pretending to be the on-screen buttons from a smart phone. A camcorder from the 90s would not have touch-screen buttons. But a smart phone would also not typically embed the on-screen controls into the video while recording, so it is absolutely added in post, done to specifically emphasize this was recorded on a phone.
on second thought it looks like one of those neural networks designed to do stylizations, but they didnt do enough training so it bugs the hecc out at the slightest change, which is an appropriate metaphor for lauren southern et al
The music during the clip where lauren and her team meet the refugees in the night is so manipulative and overly dramatic you would actually think it’s a parody of racist docummentaries.
10:04 You forgot the Islamic Republic of Iran on that list as well. These relatively Eastern EU countries can't deal with a few REFUGEES, whilst a nation battling harsh economic sanctions finds a place in their hearts to welcome, and accommodate them.
Technically Poland is taking in lots of refugees from Eastern Ukraine where the trench war- at this point it can be considered to be directly with Russia- is to this day ongoing, and that, outside the context of PiS tolerating xenophobia in its lines deserves some recognition, but I agree that states like Hungary like to play the drama queen, and technically its not helping that both right wing governments use their European Council Veto powers to prevent any progress in this matter because they know it will inflate their voter base. Given that Merkels 2014/15 descision was based on alleviating the pressure the eastern refugee route put on Hungary based on a documented call for help by Orban his later posturing in boosting population replacement conspiracy theories seems particularily deplorable.
It's like they watched Cloverfield, thought it was a real "documentary" and then decided to copy the cinematography. Why the black bars as well? It doesn't make it look better, it makes it look even more budget when you go widescreen with zero production value.
There's two explicit points I would add, one is on the 'there is way more investigating that needs to be done here' - which is a clear call to action to the viewer, continue to fund this project. It is at least in part about making sure that the people involved continue to make money. The other is the point about getting absolution from the refugees in Ireland. Which is explicitly about soothing the conscience of at least a part of the audience, 'this refugee says that he understands why people hate refugees', is to this discussion what 'my black friend says this isn't racist' is to race relations.
You should read The Ungreatful Refugee by Dina Nayeri. It addresses a lot of Lauren's "are they *real* refugees tho?" type bullshit. She also makes a good argument for coaching asylum seekers applying for refugee status. The officials checking the boxes often have no understanding of the nuances of the politics in countries asylum seekers are fleeing from, which generally results in underestimations of the danger those asylum seekers are really in.
49:25 Of course she can't come to Germany, just like Molineux didn't come over the border when he was in Poland, they can't. After all their prophecies in 2015/16 how our country is completely doomed with millions of radical Islamists hellbent on destroying our civilisation, it would be kinda embarassing to show the reality. Besides some difficulties we actually had and have after Hungary caused the "refugee crisis", in general we're still doing pretty fine...
She would also have a hard time finding "Geduldete" living on the streets...plus, I am not sure if she is even allowed to enter Germany. She might have already been blacklisted after she was photographed in a shirt of the Identitären Bewegung during the G20 meet in Hamburg.
The idea that you can't be an asylum-seeker if you have money in your native country is absolutely ludicrous. A lot of people are asylum-seekers specifically BECAUSE they made good money in countries like Honduras or Colombia. There are many places in this world where the police and/or the military pad their pockets by extorting middle-class citizens. Being so glibly unaware or dismissive of this group of refugees is absolutely mind-boggling to me.
I’m from Wicklow Town, where she filmed in Ireland and it makes me very sad to see our beautiful town and kind people so blatantly misrepresented. Most people here would not support her views. We were mainly upset about the refugee centre being put here because the government basically turned it into a prison for migrants where they weren’t allowed to work and were given nothing in terms of living money. No one was upset because we were afraid of refugees, we were upset because they were being treated so awfully. Shame on Lauren southern for making our town look so horrible when we’re the complete opposite!
You know, a person who has ambitions to become a rapper or futball player can also be a refugee fleeing for their life. You dont leave your ambitions on the other side of the border.
Don't be daft. People cross the border and forget all their dreams and ambitions. I guess they proceed to do nothing. Actually, that sounds even more alt-right.
Seriously though, refugee fears seem irrational. The refugees seem like ordinary people.
Even Lauren when trying to dehumanize her subjects can't help but accidentally humanize them. Because they're humans.
I’d argue it’s even more important to have ambitions once you get over the border, if not because having a plan of action for a huge life change is important, just because having aspirations of experiencing the culture and having a life once you leave your old one gives people *hope*.
I guess she just expected everyone on the border to just be super pessimistic and sure their lives were over? Even if people feel hopeless they don’t usually advertise that openly to strangers hoping to get a sob story to make fun of on their circlejerk conservative sites.
@@paravoina534 ... and it's not like people with dreams of rapping or playing professional football don't also prepare for "normal" jobs, too. I work in tech, and good number of the people I work with have been former athletes, jockeys, models, and musicians. The bassist from Dramarama used to work in my office! And when I worked at a really famous website back in the aughts, you would be surprised to learn how many bands, with top brass in 'em, we could pack onto the same bill.
Many of us also once worked hard in our young lives at getting into pro cycling, pro skating, pro BMX bikes back in the 80s, etc. I've known TWO former jockeys, one of whom WAS a jockey while at the same time working for my company... which ended pretty quick, since the turnover for jockeys is like age 22, and so he then transitioned into being a sports mascot.
As for rappers, there have been just too many rappers and would-be rappers in tech to count. And can you blame us, when rappers in the late 90s and early aughts had names like "Dr. Octagon?"
we don't need or want rappers
I still can’t get over her saying many of these refugees who are Muslim are perfectly safe in many middle eastern countries. Does she think that simply being Muslim in a majority Muslim country makes you safe? Does she know people are persecuted for things other than religion? I’m so confused by her conclusion there
This whole video is one big lie. Jose is a liar and a fraud
Nice argument. I especially like your third premise.
This aged like fine wine after the pull out from Afghanistan. Now its more dangerous than ever to live in the middle east.
Not only that, but people are persecuted for not following certain interpretations of Islam. I don't remember if jihadists are Sunni or Shia, but they basically persecute the hell out of whatever the other one is.
People like to see Islam as a monolith (it makes it easier to say all average people are jihadists) but it's so separated based on belief that it even has two different lines of succession from the prophet with both groups thinking the other is completely illegitimate. It's probably more accurate to say that there is two entirely separated branches of Islam with hundreds of variations under each of those.
It's almost like religion is complicated and boiling it down to whatever the state sanctioned religion is or the most extreme form of it is disingenuous.
I guess she missed how the "isis" guys she was chasing were actually trying to kill Kurdish Muslims.
inb4 she becomes a "Professor" at Prager "University".
Of course it’s a university, it has university in its name! Just like the Nazis were socialists and North Korea is a democracy!
I wonder how many courses will be offered on “race science”.
@@Rebel_71123 Can you fuck off with the needless, insecure misogyny? Thanks.
@@shadowsableyexd2660 Nazis were socialists though?
Croonaw ah yes, because it has “socialist” in the name it must be socialist.
Remember guys that Lauren was the one who said "Data is the plural of anecdote"
Beast Master yup in her debate with destiny all she would do is fear monger about scary brown people coming to our country with random anecdotes
Lol. That's a great meme. It's not like data have other shit like t-tests or other alternative tests to show validity of what was collected LUL
Don't forget that she also reads history books and is good at comparing unquestionable facts in them to real life events
I refuse to white knight for Southern re her most famous quote. But she's not 100% wrong; she's about 99% wrong. Now you have to do some work...
Good. If you have A FEW anecdotes that all seem to head the same direction, THEN you, the experimenter, can go on to FORMULATE A HYPOTHESIS. After that and while using the scientific method you might come up with a theory. So Southern gives us a starting point, BUT THAT'S ABOUT IT.
@@tarico4436 I'd argue that anecdotes *can* be data, but it's only relevant if it's *significant* data in the scope of *all* data.
Lauren's entire career kinda proves this old Walter Benjamin quote correct, "fascism is the aestheticization of politics." Lots of the aesthetics of urgency and fear, absolutely no substance.
@Mr Olonzo "lots of brown people" ... mate, around one percent of the European population comes to Europe every year. that ain't "lots" if you put it into the proper comparison.
and for your "no good reason": maybe read up on how western nations create poverty and violence throughout Africa and the middle east through the means of economic pressure/terrorism. Not making enough to live, or being in fear of being killed or drafted as a child soldier, or just starve to death, these are all pretty good reasons to seek refuge in a safer environment.
also: care to enlighten us as of what "we all know ... happened"? is that one of these "last night in Sweden" things?
Hey I've seen this Mr Olonzo on a lot of videos lately, writing dumb shit
@Mr Olonzo
I'm very curious to know as to what is that which we all apparently know. Feels like I'm left out on some important information which great many people are onto.
@Mr Olonzo good job proving your ideology isn't purely outrage aesthetics by... Not giving any evidence for your claims and simply stating something that makes you uncomfortable. Congrats, you've shown your hand, racist
@Mr Olonzo Why would they risk arrest and go for no good reason? Think before you type.
You know, if that refugee actually managed to become a star pro soccer player he would have his story gutted & altered to a story of someone pulling themselves up by their bootstraps by Southern & her ilk... 😒
@Mr Olonzo *Me. You want him gone.
@Mr Olonzo gonna go out on a limb and bet you're just one of those guys who gets mad when he overhears Latino maintenance guys talking in Spanish around him and that you've never been in any kind of danger
you really should watch Beau of the Fifth Column's channel. you'll be happier.
@Mr Olonzo fortunately, the free world wants fascist whiny babies like you gone, pisspants.
@@Xondar11223344 Fuck shipping them to Mars. They should be shot to space, then shoved out into the cold vacuum of space, with no space suit.
@Venraef she demonized every refugee & migrant in her little movie. She doesn't have to call them out by name to get her point across..
The bit about being coached for the interviews:
I went through a relatively uncomplicated divorce in the US. My lawyer coached me on which questions the judge would ask me on my court date, and which answers would ensure that it would go smoothly. I wasn't advised to lie, but I was advised to answer questions quickly and confidently so as not to appear to be dishonest or unsure, even though my nature is to hesitate before answering ANY important question because I don't want to unintentionally lie. And this was just for a relatively friendly divorce without any major disputes over terms.
So to assume that such coaching necessarily means that you're lying is kind of fucked up.
And what about the "doctors" that would write false illness to let them in? That looks like theater to me.
@@rolf8064 Uh, this is the first I've heard of that? And if all I ever hear of it is a youtube comment with no explanation or evidence, I'm not gonna worry too much about it.
@@sycastells1212 It's in the video!
@@rolf8064 Timestamp? It's been a lot of months since I watched this one.
@@sycastells1212 You want 100 bucks by the way? I'm not your search engine, nor your slave. You have a problem, you solve it.
Focusing on refugees into Ireland is rather weird since it's an underpopulated country.
It's population is still far lower than it was in 1840 before the famine.
It's because that low population makes letting in a reasonable amount of refugee seem extreme by comparison. It means even if you let in a comparatively small amount of refugees, it still seems disproportionately large to the native population, which allows them to fear Monger about being replaced.
Of course, this is forgetting the UK's long history of trying to erase Irish culture, but I guess it's only a bad thing when brown people do it?
Yeah then give the welfare to immigrants and make not policies that support young families with more children.
Ireland has a very unbalanced economy with an extremely wealthy upper class and a quite struggling lower class. They also have a big mismatch between the powerful international megacorps and the weak domestic economy.
This creates tension which is easily directed towards migrants. This is also the case in most of the rest of Europe and in the US as well. Hatred towards refugees has nothing to do with demographics or the refugees. It's social tensions being misdirected at them.
I'm surprised Lauren didn't recognise that the "isis" gang in Greece was just co-opting signifiers to gain power and notoriety, since that's exactly what she's doing by pretending to be a "Journalist".
Perhaps that shared ground would help her relate to their situation, but clearly empathy is something she's severely lacking.
Yeah let's just ignore that by opening the doors and letting in anyone we are letting in radicals from the middle east or just vastly different people from different cultures. My daughters friend was raped by a criminal gang made up of refugees, women in our area can't go out at night at fear of being harassed since our town was made into a refuee centre. But you keep pretending like it's nor a thibk or an issue because you live your privileged little life elsewhere
32:00 It strikes me to point out at this section on coaching refugees, the interviews have trap-questions. This is a stereotypical example: the applicant is coming from a violent country where people are indiscriminately killed/disappear. The applicant is explaining this during the interview. The interviewer asks, "These killings you're talking about... couldn't that happen to _anyone_ in your country?" The applicant says, "well, yeah, I guess..." not realizing they've just answered a question indicating the violence they're fleeing targets everyone, not just a specific population. Thus, not being part of a targeted population, they don't qualify for asylum.
that's like saying "so you were the most dangerous game, that means there were more people there as game. how can you say the hunter was doing anything wrong to you?"
I have been on both sides of these kinds of interviews, and I would say say most people in their lives have had to do something similar for access to some kind of government assistance. The system cant must apply some limit to access to any assistance, otherwise the system is overwhelmed.
This kind of question is a catchall added because the authorities understand there is a need for some kind of filter to slow numbers, but they can't think of a good way to do it, so they lazily design a question will a very wide interpretation to act as broadly as possible.
Given the vast numbers we are talking about if we look at the numbers on a year by year basis, if we say that some like threat of violence alone is enough to admit people, then the whole system fails to even function, as the system can't reasonably check the veracity of th3 claim (and wont), and there for will admit the claim, and if the claim is admitted without any checks (because it isn't feasible to do so) you're created a loop by which the entire system is unless, and anyone can be admitted.
I know it's frustrating, but that is the reality of the issue, and is why these kinds of questions are asked; the same system also exists in for example mental health services, and suicide prevention, because the demand would out strip the ability to make provision so much the system would collapse. There are only two resolutions, increase capacity for those services, at the cost of other services, or reduce demand.
In this case its too politically damaging to increase provision, so demand is reduced, and questions like this one are how.
@@jgomo3877This is years old. But often a lot of first world governments have the resources for these refugees and citizens and simply refuse to give them.
Questions like these help them to avoid the reasonability.
Considering I don’t think food stamps being limited from baby formula helps anyone but the office. Much like limiting asylum seekers doesn’t help anyone at all. But certainly causes death.
@Waspinmymind Yes, this is old; and I have changed my mind on this issue considerably.
"First World" nations don't have the resources; or if they do, why aren't they using them to help their own citizens? A hell of a lot of poverty and need among their own citizens, and yet they prioritise non citizens over their own; and what is more rhey expect the tax payers to simply pay for it without any question or protest; as that would be racist and probably illegal.
You say limiting asylum seekers helps no one, yet not limiting them actively advantages the citizens as the megre resources are stretched even thinner.
I agree; the governments and corporations of the West have the resources, but they are not the ones how are asked to pay the price of the provision of the services and access to resources the needy require; it is instead the struggling working class families just getting by who are expected to pay.
It is sad the world has come to this; but place the blame where it is deserved; not on the "right wing" or the ordinary man, by on the incompetent, greedy, authoritarian, anti democratic governments of the west, who have been incumbent for 50 years.
Nothing says rugged & high-stakes journalism like a perfect blow out 💇🏼♀️
The Tofu Goddess I love your channel
Abigail Knowles thank you! 💚🌱✌🏻🐷
2:38AM EDT: tired, up most of LAST night, reading slowly, comprehension is a challenge... "...a perfect blow..." WHAT?
@@TheRealJamesKirk she means hair, like a blow dry
Isn't Borderless that horrible documentary Lauren Southern made? This will be wild
Illustrating that the southern strategy is disgusting in journalism as well!
@@maximeteppe7627 lol good one
"Demographic changes" isn't a dog whistle. It's a bullhorn.
God could you be anymore xenophobic ???? And on this channel above all others?
It's called human history in case you've never read. Humanity has been moving and changing since time in memorial. The only sure thing is change. As soon as you accept this you will be at peace.
@@anonymousdontbotheraboutit2895 this means nothing.
Yeh when you hear demographic changes said in such a negative tone it's hard not to immediately interpret it as "I am racist and POC make me VERY sad"
wtf is this the blaire witch project or a documentary???
"i'm so scared" lol. glad we didn't have to look at lauren's snot tho
Tom Phelps they’re just saying it’s obviously fake
Southern probably thinks bwp is true journalism
I wish it were the Blair Witch Project ...
How does someone watch Borderless and not come away with “oh my god these poor refugees we need to help them”. That’s what I was thinking during all those clips
Mr Olonzo there’s more than one way to help a refugee
@Mr Olonzo wow you copy and paste your bullshit?! That's sad, lazy trolling is so sad, people like you are the reason why more and more honest, hard working trolls are being replaced by bots, you should be ashamed for destroying the livelihoods of those people
@OMEGA LOL No, that's Conservatism you're thinking of.
@OMEGA LOL No, just being helpful. You made a mistake, so I chimed in to let you know where you were incorrect. You're welcome :
@OMEGA LOL Yes, well, what can I say, you have to keep being positive and helpful, even in this disturbingly Nazified modern world we live in.
I've never realized how similar Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux's facial structures are before. Do you think they're from the same nefarious alt-right cloning facility?
They use the same faces to make it seem like they actually made a point.
They’re related
When looking at the clip I get the impression Molyneux is thinking "why is this woman talking to me like she matters? I am man, I don't dignify her with a response". Might just be bias :p
Well they are both Canadians
@@Lunarcommie *Jewish
If Lauren is a journalist then I am a renowned philosopher lol
Pedro Cordeiro you’re closer to a philosopher than she is a journalist
Give me your wisdom
@@brendanmccabe8373 you make a good point. OP you just might be a philosopher. I mean shit, Lauren can call herself a journalist. You might aswell twist a sheet of tinfoil into a hat and call yourself the king of Hershey kisses.
No, that would be Stefan Molyneux ;)
Lol yes does that mean I can be a psychologist?
This faux sympathy for homeless people living in Europe is pretty disgusting. These are the same people that want to dismantle the welfare system that helps poor and homeless people.
Em slow down. The alt righters are less free market than run of the mill conservatives.
@@seanmcmanus2777 Most of them are either self described libertarians or are actually fascists which means brown people aren't going to be getting any government assistance; Quite the opposite actually.
@@unknown-hf3jg Indeed but you said poor and homeless people and their false sympathy. They will attempt to aid native homeless.
unknown 1 welfare system doesn’t help the poor, it keeps you poor and encourages more poverty.
@@seanmcmanus2777 1) no they won't
2) "native"
Those War Room scenes are all about her cosplaying as Laura Linney's character in the Bourne movies. Prove me wrong.
she will not ruin laura linney for me, I refuse to let it happen
Don't you mean Joan Allen? 😅 No matter, Lauren WISHES she was Joan or Laura
@@karolineCPH Good call, a bunch of people actually liked my post but the actress was Joan Allen, not Laura Linney! Oops
@@sweetpete314 Yeah, and I originally wrote the character's name instead of the actor's name, so I guess it's a great time for general confusion 😬
Her scenes inbetween where she's in her proto bat cave are so cringy how can her fans watch someone fumble about to point at Morocco on a map and call that journalism.
cause she is way better at it than the morons that follow her :D it's sad, but also sadly true
And some Canadian Laurens, I assume, are good people.
They're not sending us their best, that's for sure.
They’re bringing hatred, they bringing bigotry
How many Canadians have been right wing thought-leaders already? What's the count?
There's something wrong with that country.
Mickey Smythe when they come they’re not sending their best. They’re liars, they’re nazis, and some I assume, some, are good people
My roommate was Canadian. He loved listening to Ben Shapiro and always bragged about how smart he was. He also made his ex girlfriend cry for thr amusement of his friends. So not exactly leaving a good impression.
Lauren: refugees will all end up homeless!
So you want them to get government help or...
Lauren: that's why we need to kick them all out!
L0LWTF1337 well she is a white nationalist it’s in her policy to dehumanize anyone that doesn’t fit her definition of “white”, it’s honestly disturbing
@Mr Olonzo Oh god, not again...
Normalizing hate and dogwhistling, all in one comment. good going.
@Mr Olonzo cause theres a reason the jim crow era is over
Also mask off
@Mr Olonzo yes and i dont hate white people. I hate white people and really ANY person that tries to push the idea that their race/culture is superior
@Mr Olonzo america was never and will never be a whites only ethnostate
Oh, I can tell you why she didn't go to Germany: Because she would have had a hard time to find Refugees living on the streets in Germany. Even the so called "Geduldeten" (Failed Asylumseekers, who can't be send back to their home country, usually because said home country refuses to take them back but sometimes because of medical reasons) get some basic stipend to get by. Also, it is hard to pretend that Germany is falling apart under the pressure of the oh so dangerous refugees if you actually show people happily walking the streets with no fear at all.
I am not justifying anything. I am pointing out reality.
@Mr Olonzo hey Olonzo, its me your counter troll, ... this guy has a list of phrases on his laptop which he copy/pastes into comment sections
I might add that most of the refugees that arrived in 2015 already integrated so well it blows my mind. German is not easy and neither is German culture and society but these peopleare working so hard. Also every other refugee that gets deported kicks off a story of his/her employer going public with how insane depotation is because they cant find employees.
Ironically the area in Germany with is the most anti-Refugee would profiteer the most of them. There are a number of companies which need to reach out far just to find people ready to learn a job, especially in the more rural areas.
Sometimes it makes me a little bit sad, because the refugees are prime material for getting exploited. There is a reason why nearly every package deliverer which turns up at my door step has an immigration background (no complaining, they actually tend to be way more polite and helpful), they are doing all the jobs Germans don't want to do either because of wage, location or working hours.
@@swanpride @@swanpride yes, but if history is any indicator they will work their way up, share their assets with their family and invest in their futur, look at Germany's Thrkish community they are doing pretty well, 2. Generation refugees hopefully wont deliver parcels anymore. Well about the strong anti immigrant areas, I think its ok to say East Germany, I kind of sympathise with them, they are struggeling and feel left alone by the government, they have been bled dry twice, first by the Russians and then by West Germany. Now they are always looked down upon by West Germans and feel politically and economically underrepresented so they fantasised about a cruel central state trying to replace them by commanding them to take in refugees from countries they, until recently havent even been allowed to travel to. So I see why they think how they think. Makes your point none the less true though they would profit in many ways, from opening up.
“Luckily for Lauren she’s not an actual journalist so she doesn’t need to bother with things that are true” lol 19:35
Remember everyone, not all Canadians are Lauren. Spread the message.
Yeah, some are Jordan Petersen!
altrocks DAMMIT THATS RIGHT! Ahhhh!
@@altrocks On the bright side we have folks like David Doel, Thought Slime, and Mexie, who are also Canadian.
But, on behalf of Canada, I'm very sincerely sorry to the world for the likes of Lauren Southern, Stephan Molyneux, and Jordan Peterson. Hecking Yuck. :(
That doesn't change the fact that Canada is a white supremacist settler colony country that has committed genocides towards Indigenous peoples.
Those people are a feature not a bug.
But Jose, didn't you know, anecdotes are data?
bh5496 didn’t you know that statistics are just the plurality of anecdote
@@frenchguitarguy1091 three comments, I made this data.
nope they're not *just* that
N R sorry before I look like an idiot this was a quote from Lauren Southern during a debate with destiny, she’s such an idiot
@@frenchguitarguy1091 Hey don't smear the idiots, she's just a shitstain
Damn you. Four in the morning is too early to be healthy but just late enough for me to realistically catch it before heading to work...
It's too hot to sleep anyway. May as well watch!
Middle european time zone huh. I had the same issue and admittedly, I was torn. But it's just not enough sleep, and I'm glad I caught up asap.
You make good videos
What kind of journalist wears hoop-earrings when “patrolling” a forest?
Meh I probably would, were I a journalist. Hoop earrings are like a uniform to me. 🥰
"Anyone can walk around a beach and talk to a farmer" 🤣
I really appreciate the depth in these videos. The problem with a lot of right-wing propaganda is that I know it's bad so I ignore it, but ignoring it means I don't always understand why people buy it in the first place. With this video, you can clearly see the tricks she uses to seem like a grassroots journalists as well as all the misinformation, lies, cherrypicking, anecdotes, and omissions she uses to make her racist talking points seem legitimate. Here's hoping wide-eyes viewers of the future will see this video next to hers and understand her propaganda for what it is.
But here's the real problem - how do you get other people to understand how they're being manipulated with?
They will claim it is us who's getting manipulated!
They will claim MSM is on our side, (which it clearly isn't)....
How do you get them to understand that someone like Lauren Southern is lying to them!
They have been filled with fear - and it is taking over their ability to think rationally....
@lost marble Thank you for putting this into words. I've struggled for a long time with expressing why it's important to watch things like this despite knowing they're incorrect. This helps us to be better able to speak about it.
lauren is so used to using and hearing dog whistles all the time she's become deaf to them
she is just a nazi dog trainer. german shepherds are really cool dogs specially when attacking neo nazis
"Dog whistle" is just a term used by morons to claim someone has said something they haven't. You only make yourself look stupid(er) by using it.
Idk man when someone says "pitbulls are genetically more aggressive compared to other breeds of dogs", they are obviously dog whistling white supremacists rhetoric.
@@patavinity1262 Or maybe, you have hearing problems. Or maybe, if you are a dog, it's just regular whistling to you. So, deaf or dog? Which is it?
@@Nina-cd2eh Neither I'm afraid - it's just an unfailingly accurate sign of stupidity.
Idk why I read borderless as borderlands
No that's fun. Lauren's mind abortions aren't
There's a Chapo Trap House reference in the new Borderlands dlc
Because they are similar...???
Karma Kameleon because you'd rather think about something enjoyable instead of conservatard propaganda trash?
@@nicholasfarrell5981 hahahaha
I hope she gets sued for not blurring the faces.
If I remember film class right, you don't have to do that in Europe for "educational or reporting" content. So in order to do that, someone would have to prove that Lauren's documentary has no content.
@@medes5597 lol
José just did that.
@@alexn.2901 LMAO good point
I bet she’ll cry foul for claiming she’s been censored by the EVIL LEFTIST UA-cam!
@@medes5597 not correct, she needs consent and a journalist accreditation
Lauren Southern was in Ireland spreading her nonsense?! To know she was within a hundred Miles of me sends shivers down my neck.
For the record there are some people with "concerns" but compared to America and many other European country it isn't very extreme or have much traction. None of the major parties here use immigration or racial issues as talking points. During the most recent European parliamentary elections I made sure to research and follow all the candidates who had any alt-right stance or would like a Brexit for Ireland. They only got about 300 votes combined. To me that says a lot.
Ireland had rapidly transition from a conservative, traditionalist country to one that is very pro-European and votes for abortion rights and gay marriage in the span of just over 20 years.
The push back against this from any reactionary movement has been minimal in scale or given much attention. I count my lucky stars that Ireland seems set on the right path.
Lauren's section in Ireland could really give the wrong impression. But then again that's the point isn't it?
Stern Fatherly Disaproval Fellow Irish here I feel ya
@TheMagnificentPony Wat?
I barely understood that comment I assume it's a joke at Ireland? Okay....
Also what was that bit about pollution? As far as I know ireland wouldn't qualify as a major polluter compared to other countries. We actually tend to be fairly environmentally conscious. We could be doing better sure, but environmental programs have a lot of public support.
Is there something specific your referring to? If so then please let me know. I'm not always as up to date on Irish news as I should be. So if there's something I missed then I'd like to know so I can go educate myself on it
Very happy I can help. =3
I mean, we all have a lot of spare time atm. Gotta squander that somewhere.
Cheers for that.
4 stars on Yelp.
Which is why as an Englishman I'm so pleased we in the UK refused Lauren entry due to her being a security risk. I'd advise the Irish to do the same.
Thank God for content creators like you that make these well researched videos. Really helped many like me get out of this far-right echo chamber.
Also: there was this hilarious joke in Due South that displayed a dramatisation of a murder that was being investigated. It was shot like a French arthouse film, and the American cop was like, "Why is it like this?" And the Canadian cop said, "Well, Canada doesn't get much in terms of arts support, so things like commercials tend to be filmed like an arthouse film." He is literally saying that our arts programmes are so bankrupt that we can only express ourselves through government-requested reenactment.
That is what Southern is doing with her "film", and it's hilarious.
lol finds some random dude on the streets of Morocco that says if you pay him, he can smuggle you into Europe? Sounds legit Lauren, he’s no doubt telling the truth.
Thank god southern retired. At least Kyle is close to surpassing her in subscriber count
Now if only Molyneux, Chen, McGinnis, and the rest of the alt-right clowns would follow her to Hell.
Kyle Kulinski?
@King Kyle Kulinski is a lefty youtuber who makes awesome content on the political scene. Fun fact: he’s one of the co-founders of Justice Democrats who are responsible for electing the progressive “Squad,” in Congress. He’s cool
too bad she's still breathing
We👏🏼need👏🏼to👏🏼protect👏🏼José👏🏼at all👏🏼cost
Free tacos for everyone!!!!
Gordon Way he’s not Mexican
@@gordonway1776 sure, why not? Tacos rule.
@Gordon Way Just because his name is José, doesn't make him Mexican. He might be Salvadorian, Costa Rican, or whatever nationality he’s descended from
Ruben Espinoza his family is from Spain
Down in Aberystwyth a restrauant had a Syrian food day where Syrian refugee cooked traditional food. It was very popular and there is going to be another one in a few months
That sounds so nice, I would love something like that in my area!
It's funny because studies show that Islamophobes don't actually personally know any muslim people and meeting a muslim person actually changes their attitudes towards them. Days like the one you described can only be a positive.
Arab food is really good.
@Mr Olonzo Well I think bombing middle eastern countries and then denying the people fleeing asylum is immoral but that's just me. Try justify your racism however you want but immigration has a net positive effect on the economy and the people who integrate better are the one's who are actually welcomed rather than shunned.
@Mr Olonzo oh so you live in Bangladesh, thats why you are talking of mass migration, I'm so sorry, you should have started whith that.
By Lauren saying she is entering academia, I assume that means she is going to take the GED and finally get her high school diploma.
Don't be classist
mypartyisprivate I don’t think her lack of education has anything to do with her class.
I think she means shes finally trying to read a book
Alfons J. Quack audiobook.
@@AlfonsJQuack I think she means she's finally going to learn the alphabet. At this rate she just might know the basics of upper and lower case letters by the time she's 65.
if we assume that was a real trafficker, the 4k euro prices could have just been what they thought they could get for trafficking lauren lol
Fine Gael is pronounced "Fin Gale". Also Gemma O'Doherty is pronounced "Scum from the septic tank".
Great vid! I could never put up with enough of Lauren's shite to make a response video to it.
(seriously though Doherty is pronounced "Doch-her-ty" or "Dok-her-ty" if you say it quickly it makes sense)
No it's pronounced like Fin-a Gale
Maybe it's my Donegal Irish but most people I know just use "Fin" in it's pronunciation.
In cork I've only heard fin-a
all the Irish families I know of in the US say do-er-ty, even if it's Dougherty instead
they also make a lot of jokes about how they wouldn't be considered "real irish" because of all the US stuff
@@QuikVidGuy I mean yea cause they're americans they aren't Irish.
Most of the names pronunciations would have been changed after immigrating due to other people pronouncing it wrong or otherwise.
Like the anglisation of Caoimhe or Eoin.
yup it's timestamp time
Introduction | 0:00
Part 1: Tell Us a Story Lauren! | 2:21
Part 2: How Asylum-Seekers and Migrants Travel to Europe | 5:36
Part 3: Arriving in Europe | 19:08
Part 4: What’s to be Done With All These People? | 39:25
Part 5: Refugees Living in Europe | 46:57
Part 6: Good Riddance to Lauren Southern | 1:02:56
That room though. It's like it's from a cheap spy movie. I had to pause it so I could finish laughing.
I guess Lauren's message is, "If you can afford to smuggle yourself into a country, you don't need asylum. If you can't afford it, um, oh well, I guess?"
The 1951 Convention protects refugees.
It defines a refugee as a person who
is outside his or her country of nationality or habitual residence; has a
well-founded fear of being persecuted
because of his or her race, religion,
nationality, membership of a particular
social group or political opinion.
NOT "For a Better Life," "a profession" "a house," or to join family.
@@anonymousdontbotheraboutit2895 Nobody says that.
@@anonymousdontbotheraboutit2895 No, they're calling the _refugees_ refugees.
@@anonymousdontbotheraboutit2895 BTW lookout behind you, a brown person!
@@anonymousdontbotheraboutit2895 People like you have this funny idea that criminals want to hide amongst the refugees so they can sneak into countries with _much_ better policing to commit crimes. Derpa derp.
god this is good. so much more nuanced and compassionate and intelligent than anything lauren has ever made
@Mr Olonzo Lauren has not once in her life produced a good video. for that she'd have to do research and provide some sources and facts. alas all that is anathema to her and we're stuck with her spewing hateful nonsense.
but I guess if one is a hateful and fear-driven person themself that Lauren indeed makes "good videos". pot meets kettle, a tale as ancient as time itself
@Mr Olonzo only a racist would think that. Enjoying living in a world devoid of facts where desperate war refugees make you piss in your diapers?
@Mr Olonzo Lauren wouldn't know a good film if it was thrown at her head
@Mr Olonzo are you googeling Laurence Southern regularly to find videos that criticise or debunk her videos so you can go to that videos comment section to troll?
@Mr Olonzo You finally made a disputable argument, great so they were refugees until they reached Turkey. Lets have a debate.
You acknowledge that thier lives where in danger and that they had to flee to protect themselves and their families. They are not out to destroy Europe and they are not ISIS. But as soon as they where out of danger (in Turkey, Libanon, Jordan) they should have stopped and stayed where they are.
You assume that they had a choice, first of, most Syrian refugees did exactely that.
Second Turkey for example just lets them in when they know many will continue on to Europe, since Merkel negotiated a refugee deal with Turkey that requires them to take back refugees that arrive in Greece and Bulgaria from Turkey they have fortified their own southern border.
Third, I have spent 6 month in Turkey in 2016 and I can assure you that the conditions many Syrians were facing there in that time were not exactely safe. They were not provided aid, they were and are exploited, children working in underground sweatshops, unaccompanied minors bagging in the streets, hostile locals beating them. Sure, no barrel bombs but still live threatening.
And finally there is a moral responsibilty embedded in our western liberal democracies that has been developed from or christo judean values, that compell us to uphold Human Rights when nobody else will.
Seeking refuge in Greece is like fleeing the domestic violence in your house and running to your neighbor's house .. except it's on fire.
When you're desperate anything looks nice 😂
She will fail in her academic career, tries something like modelling fails too and then comes back writing for Radix journal and other rightwing pseudo-scientific journals.
Cathal O'connell
Ah yes, a right wing intellectual. Please enlighten us more with your words, for they are the wisest among your kind.
Radix journal was pretty spot on with their predictions for the 2018 and 2020 election results.
man, you turned up on my suggestions a good while ago (when I started to follow Shaun and HBomberguy) and I do not regret watching and subscribing.
keep up the great work.
This is an excellent video explaining the issues with Lauren's video. Funny how this video or your channel has NEVER been recommended to me despite searching for criticism of her videos, and watching similar content for years. That's the algorithm I guess
What is she doing these days? Does she still work as right wing propagandist behind the scenes, or is she looking for a more normal life? Either way I hope her horrific past catches up to her.
she has quit, she's now busy saving the west, by that i mean marrying a white guy and pumping white babies obviously
Meanwhile, lefty UA-camrs are doing God’s work by taking people out of the alt-right hellhole
@Mr Olonzo You know Caleb isn't the only one who got out of the alt-right pipeline? David Pakman, a lefty youtuber, did two or three segments recently where the caller told David that they got out of the alt-right hellhole by listening to David and other lefties.
@Mr Olonzo good news Olonzo, its not too late for you 🤣
@@idkdk569 I think she married a minority but is keeping it quiet.
Not all Canadian Lauren's 😂 that had me dead!
Great work on this!
The beginning when she's in that command center or whatever looks like a cutscene from Command and Conquer.
Bwahaha!! That’s so spot on! Also looks as cheesy as those cutscenes!
Perfect timing, just cracked open a beer and saw this in my feed. Bless you José!
José, this is really good. Thank you.
Much love from Denmark.
PS: you need to learn to say Deutsche Bahn :)
Oh, you mean, like the asylum seekers who was denied asylum by the former government, that was killed less than a week after being returned to Afghanistan?
Yeah, "great job" violating basic human rights!
At least the Danes got enough of the right-wing government and elected a more left-leaning one!
The party that pushed for all the worst legislation suffered a major public humiliation losing more than half of their mandates!
It really seems like more Danes is waking up and saying enough is enough, with all of this right-wing bullshit.....
@MJPK do you want a conversation about that and do you read danish?
Now he should do one on that HACK Jimmy Dore.
Is it “doycha bawn” ?
43:42 "do you hear something?"
Me: it sounds like the cameraman eatting a bag of chips
I always find it strange when people demonize adult male refugees, like their not in any more danger than anyone else, like people like Lauren assume this demographic can survive warzones and horrid conditions to the point they're more of a threat than the people they flee from
This is gonna take multiple days to get through, even though your voice is soothing and your content is always at the highest level, that thing that this video is on is just soul crushing at how the depths of propaganda and stupidity have reached in the digital age
It’s been 2 weeks, where’s the rebuttal then?
If you were a building you would be a cinema because of al this projection you’re doing.
7:35 - Something dangerous IS happening. Lauren Southern is making a movie.
"We shouldnt let the easterners come to the west!"
What's the west?
"Its where the ground is green!"
I found that funny. Spain is in no way any greener than Morocco's coast and a completely different color from France. The peninsula hasn't been that green since before the Roman empire.
The West is majority-White countries.
Foudilain Then what is White? Are Russians and other Slavic groups white? Are Spaniards white, despite having the Iberian Peninsula conquered by Arabs and spreading their genes? Southern Europeans like the Italians don’t really consider themselves European/white. Not to mention how many people we call “black” have significant white admixture, sometimes being almost completely white. Similar issue with Mexicans and other Latinos, who often have high percentage white admixture. If that’s the line, you have to have a solid base for what is white.
@@dakevinmg Since white for individuals stands as an category of "you are not something else from "pure"", that is used exclusively as an excuse to persecute people means you wont ever get a conclusive answer for this.
Its not based on statistically sound empirical fact besides collective individual identification and seld-identification of melanin levels and cultures- often by people that never met those populations before, and the fallout of racialised pseudo-science being regarded as fact in centuries due to political reasons, a purely two-dimensional individual and normative categorisation for a complex and fluid system of populations.
That whiteness is an exclusion factor is easily provable in an self-experiment.
The old "is Obama white or black because he has mixed-race parents"- problem comes to mind. If he was stopped by a police officer in the US before his presidency, which kind of experience would he have? The "black" or the "white" experience? In fact, these lines are totally arbitrary.
I define "western" as an nearly utopian category that counts for societies, not individuals, as any society living under a system which strives to be an roman-style secular legal order with an working division of powers under a stable democratic system wherein nobody, no exceptions in money, political power and ressources, stands above the law, and where anyone, given the same chances in life, achieves his place in society through will and ability and that recognises and FOLLOWS international human rights law- where believes, ancestry and skin colour shouldnt matter. Where the system works. Where live and let live is the basis of human understandning and value, where your value shouldnt be determined where you are from, but what you do with that considering your circumstances.
People like Lauen Southern are expressively anti-western under this model, striking exactly at what made the "West" stable, rich and great besides brutal exploitation- namely its theoretical ability to promote a lifestyle of stability because everyone is considered equal in humanity and you are not from the get-go- factors beyond your individual control- forever excluded from participating in society, since they totally disregared the legal basis of international human rights law and the Geneva convention like every fucking second-rate dictatorship would do only because it serves their "white" egos.
As an economic migrant in Ireland, I've gotta say, people here are pretty much stoked about migrants and very welcoming
Also omg imagine being so off the wall the conservative Irish independent lets you go
We could still do better imo
45:14 The correct translation is "After all, the Jews admitted that there was no Holocaust". Whatever you used for a translator delivered the point right, but it does sound kinda unnatural.
Guess this is just my nitpicky side.
I think it was bold of lauren to hire a camera man who has to constantly do the pee dance.
Thats hilarious wtf
Anyways, ISIS fighters posing as refugees contradicts their own orders to their troops and supporters, which is to immigrate to territory controlled by them. To my knowledge, the only risk would be westerners who went to ISIS territory and came back, which has happened before.
‘Orders to their troops’
I don’t even know where to begin with this, but, in the interest of keeping an open mind - cite where exactly your claim about ‘their own orders’ comes from. You wouldn’t have said it if you didn’t have evidence right?
In Brussels, 40.000 volunteers have been working together for years now to take rejected refugees in their homes every night so that none of them have to sleep in the streets. So yeah, the people that want refugees here do actually provide for them as well. It's not they who are at fault, it's this inhumane system
Her core argument here is the same thing people say to justify not treating unhoused people with humanity. "Oh, they have a phone? Then they're not really homeless". Not that they show decency to even the people they can't disqualify, but they feel like this gives them at least some cover.
Lauren Southern: Tell me about your dad.
Isn't Lauren Canadian? Isn't Lauren the type of person who would shut down left-wing discourse on the grounds that activists are getting offended on behalf of other people unnecessarily?
What I'm saying is, as someone who actually lives in Europe I'm quite fine with the refugees being here thanks
@Jozo Kulis I think that says more about you than about sentiments of Europeans
@@amysteriousstranger1221 What a giant lolcow you are, just like the ones on the KiwiFarms!
43:35- That hair flip says so much about how little danger she's in
Right wing documentarians are on journalistic par with ghost hunters
note: some ghost hunters are doing more rigorous work
40:39 i like how jesus is extreme left and satan is extreme right
I commend your strength for surviving this whole "documentary" and having to listen to those constant whistley consonants, my misophonia could Never
I find the premier to be annoying that being said you did appear on my recommended for the first time in a while
I think it's kind of unfair that people either love premieres across the board or complain every single time they're used - this is an hour long video, and stuff that requires that much work and time spent NOT posting deserves a premiere. Someone like Jose can't post every day so the premiere helps keep his fans aware that he's still making videos. Like you said, that's how he ended up on your recommended. That's how it works!
Gotta love how News Thing put Jeremy Corbyn as more left-wing than Che Guevara.
1:05:49 the cringiest soliloquy I have ever witnessed I literally have second hand embarrassment for her.
" Europe is a continent in crisis " The theatrics ! I caaaaan't !
Thank you so much for that video.
That "me neither" at 38 mins is Golden.
I can't help but gag everytime I hear bullshit about Europe getting overrun when I live literally in the middle of Europe.
17:30 Large part of the reason why Syrians (as well as Afghans and Iraqis) have far better chances of being accepted as refugees in Europe is that especially Germany, by virtue of the constitution, grants unlimited asylum to *political and war refugees*. As the German government acknowledges civil war situations in those three countries, they get preferential treatment by the immigration service, while African immigrants (who are by far the majority, as Lebanon, Kuweit etc. take in most Syrian/Iraqi refugees) are classified as economic migrants fleeing poverty, which is the position anti-immigration parties in Europe withdraw to, if they're not outright racist or anti-Muslim.
This led, of course, to lots of North African immigrants destroying their IDs and claiming to be from a civil war region, which clogged up the process.
That being said, as a German I find our legal framework to be kind of stupid. Economic decline in Africa is inextricably linked to decades of war, and a lot of ethnic minorities are being depressed in places like Rwanda, Uganda, Libya etc. While obviously taking in everyone unvetted and unlimited is not a viable solution, this legal distinction is a very comfortable wall for Europeans to hide from the consequences of their past and current racism and exploitation.
What about the growing salafism in Germany? How bad is it?
Just found your channel, José, it was love at the first sight, SUBSCRIBED!
Her "doing journalism" room looks like it's from Stranger Things season 4. X-D
5:09 "... obviously just her phone ... these icons and the timer aren't on the screen ... these were effects added in post-production as though Lauren were holding a camcorder from the 1990s." Though, the icons are phone icons, right? Those are pretending to be the on-screen buttons from a smart phone. A camcorder from the 90s would not have touch-screen buttons. But a smart phone would also not typically embed the on-screen controls into the video while recording, so it is absolutely added in post, done to specifically emphasize this was recorded on a phone.
3:52 when the shader you stole from shadertoy starts freaking out but you put it in your ''''professional''' movie anyway
on second thought it looks like one of those neural networks designed to do stylizations, but they didnt do enough training so it bugs the hecc out at the slightest change, which is an appropriate metaphor for lauren southern et al
I like the way the people from Ireland reacted. American should be the same we mostly all came from Europe and had been immigrants
Lauren Southern was a "journalist," just like Donald Trump was a "president."
@UCy_c9OTPWeC-xR5pag_3_Ww he is human you fucking ass
There big deference biteen calling someone dum and to not consider him a human
People like Josè are doing a really service for the online community. I can't thank ya enough good sir!!
Was Wolfe thrown out of UKIP for repeated failures to properly wear a tie?
The music during the clip where lauren and her team meet the refugees in the night is so manipulative and overly dramatic you would actually think it’s a parody of racist docummentaries.
Feel fucking terrible for that lovely woman with Advocates Abroad. Fucking disgusting the way she has been treated.
You forgot the Islamic Republic of Iran on that list as well.
These relatively Eastern EU countries can't deal with a few REFUGEES, whilst a nation battling harsh economic sanctions finds a place in their hearts to welcome, and accommodate them.
Technically Poland is taking in lots of refugees from Eastern Ukraine where the trench war- at this point it can be considered to be directly with Russia- is to this day ongoing, and that, outside the context of PiS tolerating xenophobia in its lines deserves some recognition, but I agree that states like Hungary like to play the drama queen, and technically its not helping that both right wing governments use their European Council Veto powers to prevent any progress in this matter because they know it will inflate their voter base.
Given that Merkels 2014/15 descision was based on alleviating the pressure the eastern refugee route put on Hungary based on a documented call for help by Orban his later posturing in boosting population replacement conspiracy theories seems particularily deplorable.
It's like they watched Cloverfield, thought it was a real "documentary" and then decided to copy the cinematography. Why the black bars as well? It doesn't make it look better, it makes it look even more budget when you go widescreen with zero production value.
What's up with all these "libertarians" wanting to clamp down on people wanting to move for economic reasons?
"economic reasons"
There's two explicit points I would add, one is on the 'there is way more investigating that needs to be done here' - which is a clear call to action to the viewer, continue to fund this project. It is at least in part about making sure that the people involved continue to make money.
The other is the point about getting absolution from the refugees in Ireland. Which is explicitly about soothing the conscience of at least a part of the audience, 'this refugee says that he understands why people hate refugees', is to this discussion what 'my black friend says this isn't racist' is to race relations.
You should read The Ungreatful Refugee by Dina Nayeri. It addresses a lot of Lauren's "are they *real* refugees tho?" type bullshit. She also makes a good argument for coaching asylum seekers applying for refugee status. The officials checking the boxes often have no understanding of the nuances of the politics in countries asylum seekers are fleeing from, which generally results in underestimations of the danger those asylum seekers are really in.
The Serfs brought me here :) Liked, Subbed, Notified, and Shared.
49:25 Of course she can't come to Germany, just like Molineux didn't come over the border when he was in Poland, they can't. After all their prophecies in 2015/16 how our country is completely doomed with millions of radical Islamists hellbent on destroying our civilisation, it would be kinda embarassing to show the reality. Besides some difficulties we actually had and have after Hungary caused the "refugee crisis", in general we're still doing pretty fine...
She would also have a hard time finding "Geduldete" living on the streets...plus, I am not sure if she is even allowed to enter Germany. She might have already been blacklisted after she was photographed in a shirt of the Identitären Bewegung during the G20 meet in Hamburg.
The idea that you can't be an asylum-seeker if you have money in your native country is absolutely ludicrous. A lot of people are asylum-seekers specifically BECAUSE they made good money in countries like Honduras or Colombia. There are many places in this world where the police and/or the military pad their pockets by extorting middle-class citizens. Being so glibly unaware or dismissive of this group of refugees is absolutely mind-boggling to me.