CROP DUSTING Grumman Ag Cat 600 HP short field take off. Seeing is believing ...

  • Опубліковано 11 гру 2021
  • This Ag Cat is powered by a 1340 cubic inch 9 cylinder radial Pratt & Whitney engine producing 600 HP. It is used exclusively for aerial application of agricultural fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. Where most planes take a couple thousand feet or more to take off, this aircraft (flown by a 20,000 hr. professional pilot) is airborne in 200 ft.
    When you hear this engine typically called a "round pounder" go from a thumping farting cold start to the powerful hum of a Swiss watch you will never forget it. I recall the feeling of the power going thru my body as it flew a few feet past me. The good old days Jerry
    Cet Ag Cat est propulsé par un moteur radial Pratt & Whitney à 9 cylindres de 1340 pouces cubes produisant 600 CV. Il est utilisé exclusivement pour l'épandage aérien d'engrais agricoles, d'herbicides et de pesticides. Là où la plupart des avions prennent quelques milliers de pieds ou plus pour décoller, cet avion (piloté par un pilote professionnel de 20 000 heures) est en vol à 200 pieds.
    Lorsque vous entendez ce moteur généralement appelé "rond pounder" passer d'un démarrage à froid pétillant au puissant bourdonnement d'une montre suisse, vous ne l'oublierez jamais. Je me souviens de la sensation de la puissance traversant mon corps alors qu'elle volait à quelques mètres de moi. Le bon vieux Jerry
    Dieser Ag Cat wird von einem Pratt & Whitney-Sternmotor mit 1340 Kubikzoll und 9 Zylindern angetrieben, der 600 PS leistet. Es wird ausschließlich für die Ausbringung von landwirtschaftlichen Düngemitteln, Herbiziden und Pestiziden aus der Luft verwendet. Wo die meisten Flugzeuge ein paar tausend Fuß oder mehr zum Abheben brauchen, fliegt dieses Flugzeug (geflogen von einem 20.000-Stunden-Profipiloten) in 200 Fuß.
    Wenn Sie hören, wie dieser Motor, der normalerweise als "runder Stampfer" bezeichnet wird, von einem pochenden furzenden Kaltstart zum kraftvollen Brummen einer Schweizer Uhr übergeht, werden Sie es nie vergessen. Ich erinnere mich an das Gefühl der Kraft, die durch meinen Körper ging, als er ein paar Meter an mir vorbeiflog. Die gute alte Zeit ... eh Jerry
    Este Ag Cat está propulsado por un motor Pratt & Whitney radial de 9 cilindros y 1340 pulgadas cúbicas que produce 600 HP. Se utiliza exclusivamente para la aplicación aérea de fertilizantes, herbicidas y pesticidas agrícolas. Donde la mayoría de los aviones tardan un par de miles de pies o más para despegar, este avión (volado por un piloto profesional de 20,000 horas) está en el aire en 200 pies.
    Cuando escuche que este motor generalmente se llama "triturador redondo" pasa de un arranque en frío con pedos fuertes al potente zumbido de un reloj suizo, nunca lo olvidará. Recuerdo la sensación del poder atravesando mi cuerpo mientras volaba unos metros más allá de mí. Los buenos viejos tiempos ... eh Jerry
    Deze Ag Cat wordt aangedreven door een 1340 cubic inch 9 cilinder radiale Pratt & Whitney motor die 600 pk produceert. Het wordt uitsluitend gebruikt voor het vanuit de lucht aanbrengen van landbouwmeststoffen, herbiciden en pesticiden. Waar de meeste vliegtuigen een paar duizend voet of meer nodig hebben om op te stijgen, vliegt dit vliegtuig (gevlogen door een professionele piloot van 20.000 uur) in de lucht op 200 ft.
    Als je deze motor, die gewoonlijk een "ronde ponder" wordt genoemd, van een bonzende koude start naar het krachtige gezoem van een Zwitsers horloge hoort gaan, zul je het nooit vergeten. Ik herinner me het gevoel van de kracht die door mijn lichaam ging toen het een paar meter langs me heen vloog. De goede oude Jerry
    Questo Ag Cat è alimentato da un motore Pratt & Whitney radiale a 9 cilindri da 1340 pollici cubi che produce 600 CV. Viene utilizzato esclusivamente per l'applicazione aerea di fertilizzanti agricoli, erbicidi e pesticidi. Laddove la maggior parte degli aerei impiega un paio di migliaia di piedi o più per decollare, questo aereo (pilotato da un pilota professionista di 20.000 ore) è in volo a 200 piedi.
    Quando senti questo motore tipicamente chiamato "round pounder" passare da un martellante avviamento a freddo al potente ronzio di un orologio svizzero, non lo dimenticherai mai. Ricordo la sensazione del potere che mi attraversava il corpo mentre volava a pochi metri da me. I bei vecchi tempi... eh Jerry
    Ag Cat jest napędzany 9-cylindrowym, radialnym silnikiem Pratt & Whitney o przekątnej 1340 cali sześciennych i mocy 600 KM. Służy wyłącznie do stosowania z powietrza nawozów rolniczych, herbicydów i pestycydów. Tam, gdzie większość samolotów startuje kilka tysięcy stóp lub więcej, ten samolot (kierowany przez 20 000 godzin zawodowego pilota) jest w powietrzu na głębokości 200 stóp.
    Kiedy usłyszysz, że ten silnik, zwykle nazywany „okrągłym młotem”, przechodzi od dudniącego, pierdzącego zimnego startu do potężnego szumu szwajcarskiego zegarka, nigdy tego nie zapomnisz. Przypominam sobie uczucie mocy przepływającej przez moje ciało, gdy przeleciało kilka stóp obok mnie.


  • @VVK5W
    @VVK5W Рік тому +10

    My god radials sound so beautiful.

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому +6

      So true. Especially on a real cold start. Fuel dripping from the exhaust from lots of priming, a single fart as the first cylinder trys to lite....flames and smoke start belting out.... you seem to cheer it on as each cylinder does its best to fire up. The flop flop flop sound since the last couple cylinders haven't lite yet... then just listen as all 9 warm up to produce the sound you'll never forget. Man... goosebumps just righting this....

    • @shanedog007
      @shanedog007 Рік тому +1

      @@farmerdrone I am blessed having grown up with Radials (on the tail end) and known their unique sound and beauty, I was regularly awoken at 4-5am by our local Ag-Cat Radial buzzing through the valley on many a Summer morning, best memories of my life. If I found out he was servicing OUR field (a RARE treat), I would jump up in my pajamas, and climb the nearest haystack at the end of his run with my Father's old camera and click away. To see and hear that biplane with a warbird engine buzz me at 20 feet, I will never be able to replicate in my life. Later on I had access to cheap video footage, and when the turboprop air tractor pilot did his final turn, he buzzed me and saluted me. . . I will never forget that moment.

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому

      Well said. I have the very same memories. When I shot this video 📹, the vibrations of the passing aircraft is a memory I'll always remember. I did work with them for a couple summers as ground crew and sales. I had a commercial pilots license but never given the chance to fly this model.

  • @lauriejones3198
    @lauriejones3198 Рік тому +10

    I was lucky enough to work a 600hp Cat early in my ag flying.
    A joy to fly and lots of fun, especially as the load was nearly gone.
    I do wish someone had told me the engine would quit if you pushed over a tree on a spray run. But it always roared back into life once positive g came on
    About the only downside for me was the upper wing/centre section would often hide the start point as you dived in on the run.
    Awesome design. I bet the turbine conversion is popular with pilots.
    Thanks for putting this vid up.
    Cheers from Australia.

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому +1

      Nice to see your reply. I didn't fly the turbine but I always wondered about spool up time when you really need the instant power. I managed to always keep the dirty side down.

    • @lauriejones3198
      @lauriejones3198 Рік тому +3

      @@farmerdrone Hi Les, yes spool up time is a real issue with Pratt turbines, but not with the Garretts which are instant since rpm is constant.
      I also liked that the Cat did not require constant trimming.
      The ones I flew had the wingtip extensions.

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому +1

      Ahh... didn't know that. No experience. Thanks for touching base Laurie.

  • @adamaskew8751
    @adamaskew8751 9 місяців тому +3

    I miss the sound of these old radial crop dusters

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  9 місяців тому

      Couldn't agree more... at 74... still watching radials fire up on UA-cam...

  • @charlieroloff7545
    @charlieroloff7545 Рік тому +4

    I worked on P&W R1340 powered Ag Cats when I was younger, very good planes and great engines! The R1340 was a robust dependable powerplant just as the little brother R985 was as well! Actually they still are as a lot of each are still in use in a variety of aircraft.

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому

      We used a 985 as well but the load was considerably less and it became obsolete... Jerry still has it. Engine in the hanger and plane outside since the mid 80's ..... anyone interested?

  • @shanedog007
    @shanedog007 Рік тому +2

    Alas. . . something our future generation will never experience, or even worse no Air Tractors. I moved to MN about 10 years ago, and I RARELY if ever seen an aerial applicator, soo much so, I half forgot about them, and their consistent presence in my growing up out West.

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому +2

      I'm afraid you are correct. I've been out of it for many years now and I don't know how the industry is surviving. I am involved with drones now as my channel shows. I filmed all the posts with my fleet. Drones in agriculture are evolving big time. I can see much larger drones evolving with pin head accuracy. My aging memory now includes Dodo Birds and AgCats.

    • @shanedog007
      @shanedog007 Рік тому +2

      @@farmerdrone Hey regardless SICK footage and props too you for capturing that, I would have never know it was not a firsthand takeoff! Drones ehh? I used to be a drone at, (tehe) 14 standing on top of our haystack on final approach for a biplane pass, he even gave me a wing nod, best moment of my childhood :)

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому

      You have great memories... thanks for commenting

  • @miguelangelalvarez7889
    @miguelangelalvarez7889 2 роки тому +1

    Esta chingon tu avion

  • @kevincoverstone6479
    @kevincoverstone6479 Рік тому +4

    We have an old Marine Corps pilot that is a crop duster in Oregon where I live.

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому +1

      We had old Ray in the 80's. 76 yrs old and had a log book that looked like the NYC phone book. So much knowledge left with him...

  • @flyingdutchman2918
    @flyingdutchman2918 Рік тому +1


  • @easttexan2933
    @easttexan2933 Рік тому +5

    nothing quite like the sound of round. awesome man. be safe.

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому +2

      You got that right. On cold mornings here in Canada, we would wrap the engine in blankets and pour the propane heat to the oil pan. When the engine fired on one cylinder ... then another .. then another ... you'll never forget it. Smoke pouring out. 10 minutes later you had all 600 horses raring to go. It was great times.

    • @easttexan2933
      @easttexan2933 Рік тому +1

      @A-Plus Computer Services I'm with ya on that. My first intro to round sound was about when I was 6 or 7 years old (1952). My uncle farmed rice and soy beans (600acres) in a little town called Daisetta, Tx. He had a 2000' airstrip on the property and I remember sitting on top of the fertilizer bags on the flat bed and those Stearmans coming in right over the top of the truck to land. It was glorious. Fell in love with 'em and that continues to this day.
      I would speed my summers with my aunt and uncle on the farm and when I was 16 I got my first job flagging for Nome Air Service and then my Sr. year with M&M Air Service in Liberty. That area of SE TX was a hot bed of ag planes in the 60's and 70's and then, as Forrest Gump would say, "it all just went away". I doubt one could find a planted rice field now. They are there, but nobody growing nothing but crawfish on them.😀

    • @Skinflaps_Meatslapper
      @Skinflaps_Meatslapper Рік тому +2

      @@easttexan2933 Oh, you're just in the wrong area my dude. South of Columbus to El Campo you'll still find a lot of rice, and up until maybe 5 years ago a friend of mine still flew nothing but cats in Garwood.

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому +1

      Your right on. We had 4 Cats, 3 @600HP and a short wing with the 450HP as well as 3 Piper Pawnee's. Built a hanger in Jerrys yard. 250 ft. in from a lake. Flew the planes to the hanger after the lake froze and flew them out in the spring either before the lake thawed or by the seat of our pants as you see in the video. Our #1 pilot was 76 yrs old (Old Ray) and he logged more hours than Big Ben. They were great days.....

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому

      I envy your youth years.....

  • @ericg4x4
    @ericg4x4 2 роки тому +4

    Love flying a short wing Cat!

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  2 роки тому +1

      I was a bird dog.... never got into the Cat but worked around them all at 5am..... did a lot of sales for Gypsy moth....

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  2 роки тому

      That's my PA-12 (other video) going out the back yard on wheels. Had it on floats and skies in winter

    • @garyfischer4357
      @garyfischer4357 Рік тому

      Me too! My favorite is the extended A 600. I think I flew that Cat. The registration looks familiar.

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому

      Hi Gary... where do you think you flew this Cat?

    • @garyfischer4357
      @garyfischer4357 Рік тому

      @@farmerdrone 1987 budworm in Kenora.

  • @bigroy38
    @bigroy38 8 місяців тому +1

    Makes me miss Gene Soucy.

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  8 місяців тому

      Never did see one of his shows...

  • @williamnovas9491
    @williamnovas9491 Рік тому +4


  • @kevinlittle9869
    @kevinlittle9869 11 місяців тому

    Damn 😂 I miss moving handmove pipe. And. We had lots of. Irrigation. Crop-dusting everywhere that looks like a. A. Model. My brother had a. B. Now. Air tractors. It's. Cool ✌️. Change. ✅💯👍. Turbines.

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  11 місяців тому

      Yes. things are changing. Getting harder to get some old P&W parts. Turbines now ..

  • @farmboy694
    @farmboy694 Рік тому +2

    when empty she will get up and go

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому +1

      For sure.. it was cool, no load and just enough fuel to fly a couple miles. Quite a difference in video quality from this old 8mm and the 5.4K I shoot now...

  • @BKrystall
    @BKrystall Рік тому +2

    It has the same engine like the T-6 Texan

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому +3

      True story. P&W made about 35,000 of them in a couple dozen configurations. One of the great engines.

  • @rollingupmysleeves
    @rollingupmysleeves 8 місяців тому +1

    Jerry L, out of M Lake?

  • @agcatdriver
    @agcatdriver Рік тому +1

    That’s no big deal… an empty Cat with no load will get off the ground quickly. Now put a load in it and try that.

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому +2

      This old video was posted solely for the entertainment of the viewing public, not for high time pilots to dissect it. Discussing fuel loads, density altitude and payloads was not the intent. But, of course, you are correct.

    • @clutchpedalreturnsprg7710
      @clutchpedalreturnsprg7710 Рік тому +2

      @@farmerdrone Hi, that was a fun video. Thank you for posting. I liked the planes' exit down the driveway like a pickup truck would do.

    • @farmerdrone
      @farmerdrone  Рік тому +1

      One of my favorite memories of flying was just standing next to a radial engine and listening during a cold startup

    • @garyfischer4357
      @garyfischer4357 2 місяці тому +1

      600 still hauls azz. 450 works hard.